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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1912)
"V (ME PUBLICATIONS jjgJS ARE NOTHING Of THE KIND, THEY ARE A CRIME .TTnVBIt-WlNa In Tlio TIMES 'gStVour lied . "h. (Ham 2tatflB WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIME! 1 Will Keep your Income from ( Furnished Rooms Steady. YOU can really holp tho famlVr rovonues by renting a fow furnished ' WU1 HfTcctlvcIrt (lie ,,1 tint tho fncta about your ' Ll 1Q 0yc3 of all "hob- jmr" --- . - . It "'". .... .. 1 1m nVi ....u DC1U' ' ,.. ,. ,. prop-",.... n town. Aim " . miJm who ought to own rooms and, If you Know how ana when to uso tho classified columns, I. Alt 01 "v". you may keep that llttlo oitra In- J rt;ou'H80ll como ns "steady ns a clock." j member or the associated pres mxsssssr, r.inlillslicil In 1B78 ;.AI YXXVI.M Tho Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1912. EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 98. .?'" A if CULL SPECIAL SESSION OF CONGRESS SOON U "5 MB' ' Hevi&iuii - Laws. ACTION I Hay Make an Announco r Mant Snnn as to the Date. ' 1 Aoc.atoa Press to Tho Coos 1)11 '"vi; PBISXETON, N. J., nov. ii'- 'rXii.t Wllantl (llllleiltml tO- Jttat ho mlEht want to mnko an 1,u" t .vitli ti n fnw dnVB lUOonceiuKiii n :,"--' tletber or not no woum t.. .. - '" :.i. rVini'ra to raVlBO tllO frtl He hail Intended delaying tho im' " ... -Inn.. lilo 1 tin nnMI laonnccmcHi muni. ...... ..- iSirwi return irom mo nuiuuu -titlon about Dcccmhor 1C. It was rrreited to urn tonny, iiowuvcr, mm. Www" , , ..,,ii. j.v nn ...i. ..nniinrnninllt 111 Hint 11101 . ....... tnr nppnmnilntlnn nt iTuUncton for a ilcflnlto period. flGIALIST IS AS HOI E BILL IS LOST Returns Show Passage of Measure Limiting Bond Indebtedness CARRIER IX OREGON. LOG CRUSHES OUT A MAN'S LIFE AUSTRIA EXPECTEO 10 TI Albert Layton Dies of Injuries Roscoe Bolsintjer Loses His Life. DIMS THIS AFTERNOON. I HohoIo IJolslngor died of his Injuries this afternoon. Albert I.nyton, employed nt Cnmp 1 of tho Smith-Powers Logging com pany on the south fork of Coos Itlvcr, died today ns tho result of nn ncclilont whllo at work. Lnyton was caught under a log whUh rolled on him and badly crushed his body. Ho was conscious after tho accident and was hurried to North Demi niitl taken to Mercy hospital but died u few min utes after nrrlvlng there. Ho wns so badly crushed thnt ho was beyond medlcnl nld. I.nyton wns about 32 years of ago and wns mnrrled and had two child ren. Ills wlfo enmo to tho hospltnl with him. Ho enmo from Pnlsley, Or., and had been with tho Smlth-Powors company for nbout eight months. No arrangements hnvo yet been ninuo ror tno funeral Editor of The Appeal to Rea son Shoots Himself at His Home. I IB; Associated Press to Tho Coos uny i nuns j fill? inn K'nn Xnv. 1 1 J. A. fniin.lfi.. nlwl muiini. It U Appeal to Itcnson, tho Soclnl '4 veekly nowspnpor published ten, that and killed himself in I'l homo early today. Ilotwcen tit leaves of it book lying on tho Ud m tho following noto: The itrugglo under tho compo Wre lyitem Is not worth tho ef fort; let It pass." mends attribute tho act to doa- ,':1CI1CV over tlin ilonlli nf liln ?!! Vhn wns 1:1 Mini In nn nnlri wlJent a year ngo. Slnco hor a bo was periodically luolnn wlr. Wayland wns to havo np wred leforo tho federal court at F.ft Scott. Ivlltl fmlm. in niiou'ni . , w....j, w ...... ..u. Mirge of tlio govcriunout against trai editors and ownora thnt tho lCMll In Trnno.... ....... .. t ...... !.,.. .. . .- ..vuawii nun i;u umiiiiiiti rcnjh tho mails defniuatory mat- Jtt tOnrpnlnw n.. ..fill. n ... 'J I "v"""h ' UHIUIIII Ul UlU 1 prison nt I.envonworth. IN WRECK KILLS MANY Ny Meet Death and Fifty nun wnen Trains Dash Together. pX Aisoclated Press to Tho Coos r,v , ynnna, iuv, II. A ud ,.i w,,lch 30 wero klllod a ,. v8t D0 Injured occurred lAn'a?00 nnd Mississippi Vnl torih ofS near Montf 27 mlloa A through freight crlihed Into tea V,?r.i.ot nn oxcursloir train of ' coaches. piv .. i. BJrnM -V - v,uuti4on noil) lie . 1? man' victims nro bo boile ' havo "eon cromatod. Nino Thlrt.. ,lec?v; Hoilles. ti n,"." "ouies navo beon recovor cilontJ Lvurtod number sovonty, tho '7 of whom nro whlto peoplo. Of if. , . sroes. Ust .. ,uurien uodlea rocovorod, tfiln fV,i.ilegroes- Tho excursion tin i.Viea several hundred persons leui "a? pe Sunday in New Or- iij a Jr B"wed down on npproach- 1e fraTk. -ure near Montz wnon ichea. crasned 'nto tho irear A5'nAssAi)on nEsiGNs. I "wles Paeo Iti-vn,. t.i.. m. (Br A. i .0st nt Japan. ' Associated Press to Tho coos W'AqIx. Day Times.) bissartoDryan, United States hlre8lCT?fito fanan- toaay tendered 'ctami? n t0 President Taft who JU bealtt Mailcepted U- Bryan Bavo home Vt ,e cauB0' Ho Ja now at slcal trat urst 1,, recelv,ng n in ..; : -SHERT stOTAL WORK, KTK HDW?IE CO., . --X' UB 5 is aone rlgll Womnn'H Suffrngo. Amendment (07-307) per mitting tnx classification. Heponl of county tax option. Amendment doubling liabil ity of bnnk stockholders. Stntc-wldo public utilities act. Klght-honr law ntTcctlng public works. Act pormlttlng employment of convicts on roads. Act pormlttlng employment of city and county prisoners on roads. Llmltntlou on stnto rond bond Indebtedness. Limitation on county road bond ludobtcdnoss. I Tnx exemption on household J effects. I Hnllrond rnto bill. ' I In Doubt. I I n range road monsuro. ' Apparently the. Homo Itnlo good roads bill has not passed In tho stnto. This Is tho nienBuro which wns desired by tho Coos County Good Itoniln association nnd which would havo allowed tlio bonding of tho county for $2,000,000 for tlio purpose of making a pormnnont highway. Tho votors havo passed tho bill limiting tho amount of Indebted ness for roads In tho stato nnd al so tho bill limiting tho Indebted ness to which tho county enn bond for good roads. If tho Homo Uulo pnflscd it Is said by some good lo cal legal nuthoritlofl that it would probnbly roneal the other limiting measures, oui accoruing 10 rotuniB ho far It seems thnt tho flood Itoads hill is lost nnd thnt tho bills limiting tho bonding hnvo pnssod. Tlio Portlnnd Telegram says: Gnvornor West todny nnnounced thnt election returns so far lndl cnto thnt four out of tho six har mony bills mny carry nnd nlso one of tho Grnngo bills. Thoy nro: Tho bill providing for working of convicts on county roads; tho bill providing for working countv nud city nrlsonors on county roads; tho cniiBtitutlonnl nmondmonl limiting tho stnto Indebtedness for rond construction to 2 por cent of tho tnxablo proporty in tho stnto; tho constitutional amendment limiting county Indebtedness to 2 per cent of tho tnxablo proporty; the. bill authorizing counties to lssuo bonds for construction of permanent ronds. Fnvois Xeiv Uond. Judgo John F. Hall, chnlrmnn of tho Coos County commissioners, is In favor of a new hard surfneo road similar to tho streets thnt nro holng put In tho rosldonco district of Oakland, California. Tho plan Is to put tho road on a good grndo and then roll It thoroughly. Crushed rock is thon rolled in and n Binnll coat of hot nsphnltum s thon placed on it, and as It is hnrdonlng sprinkle It with fine crushed rock. This gives a wator proof surfaco. This kind of n road enn bo put in for botweon ?8,000 and $10,000 a mllo, whereas tho pormnnont rond that somo havo been advocat ing would cost nbout $20,000. Coos County Limit. Tho 2 per cont bond limit Dili on counties for good roads pur poses will limit Coos county to nbout $400,000, according to Judge Hall, tho assessed valuation or Coos County being In round I K ures $20,000,000. This would build between 20 and 40 miles of rajudgoaiiall saysthe Qood I Heads bill failed to provide for ca lllng a special election to vote bonds, hut ho expects that tho eglslaturo this winter will remedy this defect. VOTE OP OltEOOX. Tuio Still Ahead of Selling Tav Acts Killed. (By Associated Press to The Coos (sauiii a PORTLAND. Nov. 9. The vote on Oregon today stood as follows Single tax In state Yes, 24,300; ""suttwJi-Yes. 49,483; no, 47.- Capltal punishment Yes, 31,- 168; no, 47.143. ... eoiintr Senator Lano, 37,442; Selling, 36.077; Bourne far in rear erv county In tho State but many cannot tumiso " ",;,,..H The tax acts were killed. MEMBERSHIP CURRY MAKES IS INCREASED OFFICIAL COUNT Officers of American Federa tion of Labor Show Some Interesting Facts. (Dy Associated Press to Tbo Coot Ilay Times.) KOCIII3STBU, N. Y Nov. 11. Tho annual reports of tho pretd dont, secretary and tronsuror of tho American Federation of Labor wero presented to tho 32ud annual con vention of tho organization In ses sion horo todny. Tho roport of President Samuel ComporB sot forth thnt during tho year ending Soptomhor 30, 1912, 260 charters wore Issued to labor organizations nflllli.tlng with tho Federation. "Tlio avorngo membership ro- portcd, nnd upon whom por capi ta tnx was paid uy tno ntiiiintod orgnnlzntlonj. to tho American Fod orntlon of Labor during tho past year," said tho roport, "wnB 1, 770,1 4n. nn IncronBo over tho num ber reported for 1911, which wns 1.701,835. On Soptomhor 30, 1912, tho membership of tho ntilllntcd or gaulzntloiiH wns 1, SI 1,268." Prcsldont Gompcrs roported pro gross in tho organization of tho International labor movement In Cnnndn nnd in Porto Htco. In Cnnndn ho reported a total mom borshlp of from 60,000 to 70,000 In tho Trades nnd Labor Congress and In Porto Itlco ho declared 160 unions had been organized with 9000 mombcrs. Improved working conditions woro roported In both Cnnnd nnd Porto Itlco. Tho roport of Sccrotnry Frnnk Morrison snld: "Reports from 64 national and Inrornntlonnl organ izations nnd from locnl unions di rectly nlllllntcd with tho American Federation of Labor Miow thnt thoro woro 716 strikes, In which thoro woro 74,009 nvolvod. Of tho number 66,892 woro bonofltcd nnd 6177 not bonoflted. Tho totnl cost of tho strikes roported on wns $1, 986,263. Adding to thnt nmoiint $156,889, donations mndo by locnl unions to other unions, wo hnvo a totnl or $2,143,103 oxponded to sustain membora on striko during tho past yonr." Similar figures woro set forth In tlio roport of Treasurer John II. Lennon. TELLS ABOUT STEP III THE BAL r EASTS! GETS Favors Woman Suffrage and Also Carries the State Single Tax. (Special to Tho Times.) GOLD DEACH, Nov. 11. OIT1 clnl nud comploto roturns for Cur ry county nro na follows: Proaldonb WIIboii (Dom.) 215; Hoosovolt (Prog.) 101; Taft (Hop.) 100; Dobs (Soc.) 91; Clinfln (Pro.) 4. U. S. Scnntor Lano (Dom.) 190; Uourno (Ind.) 1G2; Soiling (Hop.) 120; Clnrk (Prog.) 38. Congressman Smith (Dom.) 118; Hnwloy (Hop.) 256; Campbell (Prog.) SO. Secrotary of State Olcott (Hop.) 287; Ityau (Dcm.) 110; Kennedy (Prog.) OS. Justice Supremo Court Enkln (Hop.) 2S5; Slater (Dom) 151. Dairy Commissioner Mlckla (Hop.-Prog.) 23Q; Lcn (Dom.) 166. District Attorney Drown (Hop.) .195; Cnrdwcll (Ind.) 88; Long (Dom.) 75. Stnto Scnntor Stommlor (Ind.) 252; Smith (Hop.) 237. Joint Representatives Polrco (Hop.) 228; Meredith (Dom.) 211; Schllemnuu (Prog.) 75. Kciunl Suffrngo For 353; ngnlust 195. Graduated Slnglo Tax For 350; against 308. Peterson Leads for P.irt Place. FLORENCE, Or., Nov. 11. Elec tion returns from Acme, Mnplotnn nnd Florence precincts, with sov ornl romoto precincts yot to hoar from, show thnt for commissioners of tho Port of SltiBlnw. H. M. Pot orson is In tho lead, whllo it scorns prohnblo that tho othor two suc cessful candidates will bo L. I). CuBhmnn, Republican, ro-olcctod, nnd L. M. Chrlstonsen, Soclnllst. Tho Soclnllst cnndldnto for presi dent lends horo, whllo tho Repub lican, Progressive nnd Democratic votes wero nbout ovon. HARBOR STREET Port Commission Allows Sixty Foot Roadway Along Bay Water Line. Tho matter of tho hnrbor lines of Coos Uny enmo up nt n meeting of tho Port of Coos Uny commis sion help tills morning nt tho Chamber of Commerco rooms. Tho committee on hnrbor lines recom mended tho adoption of tho hnr bor lines ns mado by tho survey of Copt. PolhemtiB. Several resi dents of Enstsldo, Including Mcss.s. Jordan, Cnvnnnugh, and Montgom ery, npponrcd boforo tho commis sion nud nsked that tho hnrbor linos bo changed in such a wny thnt Enstsldo lo given a wntor front street nlong tho hnrbor. Tho cotumltteo nmonded tho roport to conform with tho wishes of tho Enstsldo people. This will glvo Ensrslda a Btrcot 00 feet wldo along tho waterfront of that city. Tho commissioners ndopted tho ro port of tho commlttco nnd do elded to ndvortlBo for bids for making tho mirvoy of tho hnrbor lines. When tho survey la mndo piling will bo drlvon nt ovory nn glo of tho hnrbor lino on tho enst sldo of tho bay bo It enn bo dis tinguished Just how tho lino num. Tho nlnn of tho now hnrbor lines cannot ho ndopted in tho shnpo of nn ordlunnco until tlio survoy made. Levy Tlnro Mill Tnv. Tho port plnced upon Ub first rending nn ordlunnco levying Minister of War Conferring With Emperor Regard ing Settlement. WILL LIKElTeXACT CERTAIN CONDITIONS Position of the Country Sum med Up by the Vienna ' Newspapers. (Dy Assoclntcd Prcsq to Coos Day Times.) VIENNA, Nov. 11. Audiences be tween Emperor Fnncls Joseph nnfl tho Austria-Hungary minister of war nnd general of the staff of tho nrmy nro believed to portend n definite stop soon by Austria in regard to tho Ilalknn sltun'ion. Dr. S. DnnoIT, president of tho Ilulgnrlan chnmbcvr of deputies Is hero for tho honrlng. It la nalil, thnt proposals from Kin Fordlnnnd nnd King Peter connectttt with Sorvln'n deslro for n port on tho Adrintle hcii hnvo beon mndo. To tlieno slgnlllcnnt occurrences nro add ed tho nrrlvul nt Iludupest of Arch Duko Frnnela Fordlnnnd. tho heir to tho Aufltro-IIungnrlau throno nnd hlr. forthcoming to tho Gormnn empire. A lornl nowspnpor buiub up tho posi tion of tho Autro-lluugnrlun Empire In tho llnlknu question In tho follow ing four points: 1. Assured nnd un restricted access to enstern mnrkon nnd free commercial transit to Snlon cia. 2. Integrity of Albania. 3 Pro tection of Austrn-Hungnry'H polltlcnl lutorostn by tho creation of locnl rela tions with tho Sorvin nnd tho exclu sion of polltlcnl antagonism. I. Com pensation for Romanln. 11 I Testimony Given in Detail Regarding Blowing Up of Buildings and Bridges. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmea.) INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Nov. 11 "Going deeper Into his ndventures as a paid dynamiter, McManlgal told at tho "dynnmito consplraisy" trial to .inv of tbo wrecked bridges, viaducts and buildings ho left behind In caus ing explosions In various cities. His Btory went Into detnlls ns to tho num ber of explosions-nnd told about tho approplatlons of J. D. nnd J. J. Mc Knmnra and stated that Secrotary Hockln had manipulated various fin- anclal somemeius io inn, vimb loss. Ho also stated ho compared notes with the McNamarn brothers, who nlso suspected Hocklns of being a "double crosser." E WINS Br S VOTES MUST ANSWER CHARGE. (Dy Associated Press) MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 11. John Schrank wllPbo brought to trial In the municipal court for attempting to kill Col. Roosevelt. Lead in Curry County Gives Him Victory Over W. H. Meredith. S. P. Polrco Is oloctod Joint Roprosontatlvo from Coos and Cur ry county by only flvo votea over W. H. Meredith. Tho latter wns 12 votea ahead of Polrco In Coos county, but Polrco took tho load by 17 votes In Curry. Tho offi cial count follows: Morodlth Polrco Cooa 1038 1036 Curry 211 228 Total 1249 1354 Polrco's nluralltv. 5. Tho contest was tho closest of tho election In this part of tho state. Tho figures glvon nro ac cording to tho ofllclal count In both counties. State Senator. Tho official voto on stato Bona tor for tho two counties follows: Smith. Stemmlor Coos 1319 1131 Curry 237 252 Total 1556 1383 Smith's plurality, 173. tnx of three iuIIIb on nil proporty within tho district. Tho mnttor or printing for tho port wiib discussed nnd It vns do cldnd thnt tho commission should recolvo hlda from tho vnrlous uowspnpors for tho printing. A sot of ruleB which will govorn tho mnttor of advertising nnd Roll ing bonds for tho port which woro compiled by Attornoy J. W. Ilon nott woro rond nnd ndoptod. Letter From Hnwloy. A lottor from CongrosBinnn Hnw loy wna rond. It referred to tho jotty Improvement. Tlio lottor wns Bent to D. C. lireono, prosldont of tho Chnmbor of Commorro nnd nlso to Henry Songstnckon nnd L. J. Simpson of tho port commission. LETTER FROM H.UVLEY. telegram to you given above From rending It It would npponr thnt the reason of rofiiBnl to nuthnrlzo Ilin miri'm. lu ilmi In nni'llllinrfl All '8j boring to tlio position thoy htm horotororo inKvn Unit drodglng Bhnuld bo glvon n thorough trial lioforn niithnrlzlnir nnnthor nrolcct n for Jotty roconstructlon nnd oxton- IIOHX. rovo Shlnglo Mill. The C. A. Smith company Is arranging for 'the removal of their shingle m 111 from Day City to near the big mill on tho awlVbe18 Eased to between' Xurser, Stock. See A. E. Seaman, 75,000 ond 80,000 per day. 3' WARNER To Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Warner, at their homo In Dorke loy, Calif., November 1, a son. Mrs. "Warner waa formerly Miss Nann Smith, daughter of C, A. Smith. "Grandpa" Smith Is highly elated over tho advent of a first grandson. FRESH barrel of GUARANTEED BATTERIES nt TnE GUNNERY. CoiigmiMium Writes About Cook Uny Jetty Improvement. Tho following lottor wns rocolved from Congressmnn Hnwloy: Hon. L. J. Simpson, North Tlond, Hon. D. O. Greono, Mnrshflold, Hon. Henry Songstnckon, Mnrsh flold. Mv Donr PrlondS! Ronlylng to your communica tions of recent dato, I wired you llitn mnrnlnir na follows: "Substnnco of your dolnyod wlro toIophoniHl mo Inst nlglit. wo nc tlon tnkon bv mo hna dolnyod Im' medlnto favorablo nctlon ror survey and reconfltructlon nnd extension of North Jotty. Wlrod Hoard of Euglnoors sovoral days ngo nnd nnw ncnln to thnt effect. Engln- cora wlrod mo nfter Monday meot ing, whoro I urged Immcdlnto nnd favorablo action on proposed survoy Hint mnnrd considers dredging pro- joct nlready adopted Bhould bo glv on trlnl nnd states that data boforo it nro not sufllciont to wnrrnnt roc ommendattona or survoy for rovl Rtnn nf drodcink' project at thlB Htnirn nf work.' I osked for per Honal hearlnc to keop nllvo our fight nnd to provont permanent un- ravorauio action, bo inr i "" lind Insorted nrlRlnnlly In tho house nil that has beon secured for Coos Dny In last bIx years and navo ev erything up to dato recommonded by onglncera. I aocured present survoy nnd havo dono ovorythlng possible to securo Its adoption. If wo lose out through misrepresenta tion nnd bad ndvlco. I want It clearly understood that I tried to provont It." . , .. Early last Monday morning, tho ,inw !. innetlnir waa hold In Wash ington, D. C, I sent tho following telegram supplementing my formor nnrnnt rnnllRRlR IO ti O llUUni Ul vntnonra for Itlvors and Harbors "Tho necessity for a survoy of bar at Coos Day with a viow to tho reconstruction of tho north Jot- v in vnrv crent and I earnestly urgo that It bo authorized. ProjiB reporta one vessel has been wreck ed on Bunuen enn ui mum "; Parnnnni Invostlcatlon by mi'solf for past sovoral years makes me believe tho survey of tho utmost . tiIahha tnl.A vanlr " imporinncu. j-iuudo w.. w... My wlro wns received by tho Board nnd that night I received tbo wlro I have quoted In my Blon which wo hnvo urged. My ronson for asking for n henrlnc when I returned to Wnahlngton waa thnt I felt thnt It would lx posslblo for mo to ronvluco tho on glurora thnt It wna Imporntlvo Unix tho north Jetty ho reconstructed nnd extended. Tills wna tho posi tion I took on October 22, 1912, upon learning of tho unfnvornbla nctlon of tho board, nud thnt dnto I wroto you a lottor ndvlslng onJ my ronsah for tho nctlon. Lnlor I rocolved n lottor mating thnt tho Port of Coos Dny would benr the expense of tho survoy If mndo nt once, nud I at ouco .took tho mat ter up with tho Ronrd nnd urged Immcdlnto nnd favorablo nctlon au thorizing tho survey. My lottor making this later roquoBt rnuchcC Washington boforo tho mooting oT tho Ronrd last Monday nud ysm considered by thoui. My wlro sent enrly Monday wns to put tho mnt tor In n inoro omphatlo manptir boforo tho Ronrd nnd I cnllod uV tontlon to tho shonllng of tho bnr nnd tho nttondlug danger, urglmr tho nocnsBlty of prompt nctlon. I wish to eo-opornto with you lit ovory wny for tho benefit of Coc Dny nnd I think whnt I hnvo done In your bohnlf nnd my porsonnl In torost nud Investigation of condi tions on the Dny demonstrates my good fnlth bettor thnn a tolegrnra from nnolhor Bourco mlsroprcBont Ing my position for polltlcnl ad vantage I will npprcclnto advlco and auggoBtlon from you nt nnr tlmo, Truly youra, W. C. HAWLEY. From Ronnie. Tho following from Senator Ilourno wna nlso rocolved by Mc. Songstnckon: Mr. Honry Songstnckon, Sccrotnry Port of Cooa Ray, Mnrahflold. Oregon. Denr Mr. Songstackon: Your lottor of Nov. 2d enclosing copy of a letter from tho Slmpsoc Lumbor Compnny, rognrdlng condi tions nt tho Coob Rny Harbor eu trnnco hnn boon duly received nn'd tho Information contnluod thoroln will bo utilized whonovor practlca blo In connection with tho Coos Ray Improvement. With best wishes, Youra very truly, JONATHAN DOURNE. OAUI.VET DEFEATED. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Nov. 11. Tho cabinet waa defeated today by a voto o 288 ngalnst 206 In tho committed on tho homo rulo bill. A motion by Promlor Asqultu for considera tion of tbo bill was adjourned. WINS HY 81)0. (By Associated Press) SEATTLE, Nov. 11. The plurality of Lister, Democrat, for Governor over Hay, Re publican, with 17 small pre cincts missing, Is exactly 800. DANCE at EAGLES' HALL Sutur diiy night. KEYZER'S ORCHESTRA.