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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1912)
LffllNG IS MORE PimCULT TOINSPIRF THAN SSi IS AS EASILY LOST PSING In Tho TIMES "xfrkct" Effectively I ,l,o irK" ,. nbout your It ' p,"'fl tho eyes of all "pos- frtPrtr';, In town. Ami If tnoro t buyers ht to own rflnorM,""- ijsrt"1" (Hum Qmt& MEMBER OP TIII3 ASSOCIATE!) PRESS) WANT ADVERTISING in Tlio TIMES Will Keep your Income from Furnished Rooms Stciuly. YOU enn really holp tlio family 1 revenues by renting n few furnishod J rooms and, If you know how and whon to uso tho classified columns, you may kcop that littlo extra Income- as "Btoady as a clock." frtkffjS&MS? MARSHFIELD. 0REG0M, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1912-EVENING EDITIoI -6 PAGES." E m STATIOK WILL BE MOVED TO S 0 0 11-...I.0 Alrno tsvs General rimu.i. "$&$ RESERVE d, Male a Strong Cam- "F .. fnr P. hnnnn After PNrth Star Disaster. , Coos Day Ltfo Saving station I'JX nged from Its present lo- J " '.l..' n II, .Ma of tho .jHMd " '"" " n, following telegram from Con- t1j3in iisuv "" jiBtf Times. taMl Klmba". general suporln- ; '. dc 01 follows: "Now Blto .baring station solertod on 1 . . nil. fnunivnlwill. ,. na mnuuu """ -. Hide bar. War Dcpnrtmont 1ms . 1. I. fK'KlW- ,., .IAWI.1.W irir the wrecking of tho launch 1 hit. the natter of changing tho, ilKHOI UIO Biuiii.ii "" " "i-i ... . tAiA ...inltin lit rnnel, 1 e N'crtb Star on the bnr In tlmo to mi. - .., ..In, In. I(. UfKd. t no prt'Bi-ni muiiwu m " tb bay two miles or moro ... ... flAlllln..a llV 11 IS lr. luilliwiin n.ri..i -j Mi of persons asking thnt tho !JMtD"Rl" IU II I'l'lll'. niiviu Ktldbeof more service woro clr- . f.L .1.. II ,!... .... ..III I'M win. me rt'suii uiin " .(.. .nl Imrn cnvnrnl iiiniilliu nun U " .iv. v .. n-- tol er tlio situation. Tho ro- Jtutnecnanging 01 mo sioiion 205 MEN DIE A Consolidation of Times, Const Moll nml Coos liny Advertiser. No. 64. BALKAN STATES READY IFOO 10 IN BIG BATTLE Mexican Federals and Rebels Have Engagement Mon day at Aura Pass. ,Vy Asuoclntcd Press to Tho Cooa Uny Tlmos.) EACJL.H PASS, Texas, Oct. 2. Two hundred and five men woro killed In a battle between tho rebels and fodornlH at Aura Pubs, .Mexico, Monday uvoiiIiik, nccortling to reports horo today. About TiOO men woro on onch sldo. Tho rohols rotrontod In tho fnco of tho foderal'H rolnforce-inonts. 4 COmtETT Iljli. (Ily Associated Press) PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 2. James .1. Corbott, former pugil ist, was operntcd on for nppon dlcltts at n hospital horo. Ho had a fairly j;ood night. It was roportod Inst night thnt ho might dlo. LEADERT1 All Available Soldiers Are Beinci Mobilized to Marsh Against Turkey. (By Associatod Pross to Tho Coos Bav Tlmpfl. I LONDON. Oct. 2. Tho wholo Bal kan peninsula Is being rapidly trans ferred Into on armed ramp. Accord ing to dlBpntehcs from tho capitals of tho various states, upward of a mil lion men hnvo been obtained to do eldo onco for nil In n trial by com bnt tho question of changing tho con ditions of tho Inhabitants of tho Eu ropean provinces of Turkey. An ef fort nt a demonstration of tho mili tary foreo of tho Ilnlknn states Is REBELS KILL AN AMERICAN Manager of Ranch Near Du- rango, Mexico, Reported to Be Murdered. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) MEXICO CITY, Mexico, Oct. 2. Ilubort L. Russell, innungcr of tho San Junn Miches ranch nt Durango, tho property of Allen C. CcCnughan. American vlco consul to that plnco, was murdered Sunday night by ro bols. first to bo tried and for this pur poso Bulgaria, Sorvla, Grccco and Montenegro have ordered a mobili zation of their entire nvnllablo arm ies and If this open threat docs not sccuro what they demand from tho Ottoman government, tho next fow hours may soo further stops taken. (By Associated tress to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Oct. 2. Fifty Turkish soldiers tired sovcral times toilny In tho direction of tho Servian town of Hashkii, according to n Bpcclal dis patch from Belgrade. Tho United States Servian minister hns received roports that tho Inhabitants nro lcav- higUiotmvntclght, PRESS CLAIMS SE E HEARS OF CONTRIBUTIONS BIG CA1PAI6N WOMEN RAVE NARROW ESCAPE PLYNCRED F CONVICTS TO TESTIFY tod Bars for Safe Keep- my ami is rumsiieu uy Prisoners. FT liscc'at"!! I'rcs to Tho Coos TllV Tim net WTUNS, Wyo., Oct. 2. Tho : i la tho Wyoming stnto ponl- .7 rjjv ii-nrivi I'rnnV ri., 'l nctro and cx-convlct, who w in mo Etitr. institution Inst .'' I r flfo lo-nlnir U'lt.nnll Jeretejyfsterlny on tho rhnrgo - "S r i -tiicr HlggluB. 78 r.i, last SumlDv. 1 r - iIt.. i i ... .. .. .u. ., ' ' " 'Pii on ino coor.Thls morning ns tho othor ' I r 1 . I 'fill U ll .. 11. n !!!';;l';,,i the negro lnughod V 1 about his deed. hil'-. ti- )rIsonGr8 nn(l nf- t1i-.t.i . '"iniviH III 1110 I 1 ?! th0 ccl1 ,loso. Thoy f honero, and locked tho Irr?,?"- ?no.r .. - ,,. ." " "i""' a nnir niton iii,i "'";" -rum ino con "'J1 DDT. n .!!.. . . . srthrtlik.c.n' " tlmo con- tctaotf. .; T '""K wns ICBa tlinn '"l il 0 h.Ba n I1""""5' ,l0 tllnt V W.M. .. ""nl "n(l llnP" n?...ent y iwltlvely any ono mZL. urany,' "iRSlns Is 'Mn to il, i,ncrB "oro for WerlB, -"""an is said to be Details of Progressive Party Funds Are Given Before the Committee. (By Associated Pross to th Coos Bay Timoa). WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. When tlio Clapp committee on tho Invostl gatlon of campaign funds mot today tn oxniiiluo .Senator Joseph M. Dixon of Montana, Iloosovolt's political mntWKor. Its members woro discuss lug tho Hountor'H announcement last night that ho would ask tho com mltoo to call Chairman IIIIIos of tho Ilopubllcn'u unttonnl commUtoo nud Chnlrmnu McCombs of tho Democrat ic national committee. Tho senators pointed out today that thoy alrondy Had minouncod that thoy will call tlioso two men ns woll ns financial manngors of Undorwnod nud Clark. i 1Y 00 ON EG Li UN "i4tSiST5 R, -"'. S, 8'AlWcd ress') &mEE' Oct. 2. f.:ma' giving a Mer- ! 1 p rice Z;, Ul vandorbllt l.'"te, raaklncr 2nn mn 1 1 :.WUt ;T'tf"ffn?uAe,bcc'oct'2'-- :"'r2C7A,cxan,,orGra- . mii.. .! lr ago from is a !tod.MK . ea.r' woro burn- .T! the hI lro ?'h,cl lo- of th5 T 'lurlnB u, lefar Sj;S XTICE. . 0etofc.?tln8 Wednesdnv vn. BHthl t 'n8dolnff. Don't miss being "vr or M'J.osTnow, 7Ti,Tlmer7:. ... Steamer Aberdeen Here for Lumber May Prepare for Passengers. Tho steajn schoonor Abordeon, Cnptnln Mnloney, Is In port to tnko n enrgo of lumber from tho Coqulllo Mill and Morcnntllo Co. Capt. Ma lonoy says that thoro appoars to bo bo much business horo that tho own ors of tho vossol, Curtis & Llndor man, may put tho Abordeon on a regular run from Coos Bay to Cali fornia points. Tho vessel has accom modations for carrying 30 passengers sho sho does not now carry a passon gor Hconso. If sho Is put on this run sho will also go Into tho passen ger business. Cnpt. Moloney was In Coos Bay four years ago on tho steamer Ful- EAGLES NOTICE. Regular meotlng Wednesday oven lng, October 2. Somothing doing. Don't miss bolng present. By order of M. J. OSTROW, Worthy president. FEMININE PHILOSOPHY Tho wild oats crop Is never a falluro. , A , A conceited chap thrives best In tho limelight. Many a man's shoulders nro not as' broad as thoy nro padded. A bookkeeper out of a Job Is naturally a man of no account-. Occasionally tho sense of humor can bo exchanged for dollars. When the modorn bride promises to "obey" she has her fingers crossdd. l i'"1 ' IN TRE FIELD Hugh McLain Will Run for Elector Instead of State Senator. Hugh McLnln, who was nomlnntcd on tho Domocrntlc ticket for stato senator from this district, will run for prosldontlnl doctor, for which olllcc ho was also named. Whllo Mr. McLnln would prefer to run for son i.tor, tho decision of tho socrotnry of stnto Is that Mr. McLnln must run foi elector, ho hnvlug petitioned for that nomination whllo for stato son ntor his nnmo was written on tho ballot. Thoro was talk on tho part of the Democrats of having tho county cen tral commltteo nnmo no nndldnto for b?ate senator, but tho commltteo hns found that this cannot bo dono, io tho only opposition Hint tho Demo crats might put in tho Hold against I. S. Smith, tho Republican cnndl dato, would bo sonioono who would run as an indopondout candidate Powers Plan of Pushing Fifty Million Dollar Boxer Indemnity. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. Tho six powors which havo failed In tho pro posed International lonu to China, havo upon tho Invitation of Russia Joined n conference to prois tho pny mont of tho $50,000,000 Boxor In demnities. Tho courso tho United Stntcs will tako Is not Indicated, Thrown Out of Vehicle in a Col lision on Front Street This Afternoon. Two ladles and thrco children had a narrow cscapo from bolng hurt this afternoon when two buggies collid ed at tho corner of Broadway and Ccntrnl. Mrs. James Forty was In ono buggy and In tho othor was Mrs. Georgo Richardson, her thrco littlo children, nnd Mrs. Mngglo llaydon. Mrs. RIchnrdson was driving tow ml a hitching post when sho was caughi between a wagon nnd tho othor bug gy. Mrs. Forty's vohlclo struck Mrs. Rlchnrdson's buggy nnd the lnttor wob turned ovor nnd nil flvo of tho occupants dumped out. Thoy oscnp cd injury nnd tho buggy was not badly hurt. , 3. M CAIVASS VOTE FOR ELECTION City Council Goes Through the Formality and Transacts Other Business. At tho mooting of tho city council Inst night tho returns of tho special olectlon woro canvassed. Tho fig ures as already printed jvoro con firmed. Lyman Noblo appeared before tho council and naked permission to build a prlvato sowor from his prop erty near tho corner of First and Front. Tho city hnd taken steps for tho building of n sowor for that dis trict and there woro protests from tho Balnes estnto and from tho South ern Pacific. Theso property owners havo proporty which Is not improvod and they would not bo benefitted by tho sowor. Theso thrco proporty owners togother with Al Hall are tho only ones effected In tho district. Mr. Noblo had started to build a sowor hlmsolf, from his houses to tho bay, but ho was mado to stop tinnmian im limi no normlsslon for building ncross the street. Last night ho nskod for permission to go on with tho work. Tho whole matter rAfnrrnii to tho city engineer and the city attorney with power to act. . .Pavements laid iy J. a. uownng -fn,-Uof nvomio between Second and Fourth, on Third street between Commercial and Highland and on pnnrfh lifitwcon Commercial and Market were accepted by the council. Current bills and tho band and li brary were ordered paid by tho coun- 'i Two ordinances were passed for FOR TRIAL Government Will Have Large Number of Witnesses in Dynamite Case. (By Associated Probs to tho Coos Bay Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, Im!., Oct. 2. Staff agents scattered In Boston nnd Los Angolos, It was learned today, aro nt work securing wltuossos to tip poar In tho prosecution of tho trial of tho mon nccusod of complicity In oht dynamiting conspiracy. Frag mentary ovldcnro from nil of theso peoplo, tho govornmont contends, will fit In a comploto story nud tho govornmont oxpocts to prove conspir acy In which at least 4G mon other thnn tho McNnmnra's nro oqunlly guilty. ' It is understood that tho witnesses from tho most remoto sections nro to bo called first. Many nro to come from tho Pacific coast. DNITED STATES CONSUL KILLED (By Assoclntod Press to The Coos Bay Times) MEXICO CITY, Oct. 2. Sloxlcan robols Sunday murdored the Ameri can vlco consul nt Durango, Allon MncCnglin, as woll as Horbort L. Rus soll and Mr. Cliff, managor nnd own er of tho San Juan Taylchranch. tho snlo of improvement bonds. Ono ordinnnco provided for tho snlo of bonds aggregating $2,527.27 for tho west end of Markot and tho north end of Fourth. Tho other ordinnnco provided for tho snlo of bonds aggre gating ?17, 041,59 for Mnrkot, Third, Fourth nnd Front stroets paving nnd tho Front streot sowor. Tho council passod an ordinance granting a robato of $405.35 on tho Anderson avenuo pavoment. MINERS STRIKE Recognition of Miners' Union Is Chief Object of the Movement. . (By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coo? Bay Times.) ELY, Novnda, Oct. 2. Thrco thousand employes of tho mines of tho Novnda Consolidated Coppor Co. wont on Btrlko today executing as comploto n tio up as that of Bing ham, Utah. Tho Ely minors nro striking for nn Increase of 50 cents n day for shovolmon. Tho machinists snld thoy had no grlovnnro, but aro moroly supporting tho ilomnudH of tlio minors. Recognition of tlio Mln era' Union, howovor, Is tho chief ob Jcet. Tho strike may sproud to Santa Rita, N. M and Rny, Arlxoun. Nonrly all tho forolscnors are armoil nnd somo stray shots were fired to ilny. FAVOR GOVERNOR WEST. Socialists of Biiiidon Pass Resolution Endorsing Ills Work. The Socialists of Bandon have ta ken a stand favoring tho vlco cru sado work which has boon dono by Governor West. At a recent meot lng tho following resolution was passed: "Bq It resolved that tho Bandon Local Socialist party of Amorlca ex press to Govornor West and to tho citizens of tho Stato of Oregon, thnt wo heartily endorse his stand with reference to tho criminal element. Especially do wo Indorse the Gov ernor's determination to punish 'of ficials' and 'Interests' responsible for, WILL WROVE IN CURRY CO. Brookings Lumber Co. to Make Extensive Improvements in Curry County. J. E. Brookings, prosldont of tho Brookings Lumbor nnd Box Co., of Highland, Cat., Is quntod by tho Del Norto Trlpllcato as follows: "After n continuous run of 13 yonrs, our saw mill at Highland has closed down pormnnontly, wo Having exhausted our timber holdings In tho San Bornardlno mountains. Wo aro now planning to commonco nt onco our Installation of n lumborlng plant on tho Coast, about two mllos north wost of Harbor, In Curry county, Oro gon. This means n dock In doop wa ter, In a thoroughly protoctod har bor, whoro vossols will load direct from tho cars, an up-to-dnto oloctrlo two-elded saw mill with olcctrlc cranes nnd mono-rail for handling tho lumbor, a C0-foot dam providing a 50-acro log pond, a modorn town, to bo called Brookings, locatod on tho most plcturosquo slto along tho const and a logging railroad will bo con structod Into our oxtonslvo tlmbor holdings. "With theso Initial Installations thoro will como nil tho Industries thnt Inovltably follow lumborlng In a fertllo country nnd In nil my travels I havo novor soon n moro for tllo country than that of Curry coun ty. I nm greatly plonsod ovor tho fact that a largo numbor of our old omployes will follow us Into Orogon." crlmo, rather than tho victims thoro of, and wo hopo his futuro years may reserve to him tho unwavorlng confldenco of tho citizens of tho Stnto of Orogon, and that his Indo fatlgablo labors shall not conso, to tho Intent that his futuro years shall be tho unfolding of tho eternal pur poses, which by dlvlno appointment shall sorve to bless his ago and generation. Enormous Amounts Were Giv en by Prominent Men, Ac cording to Testimony. DIXON AND P0MERENE NEARLY HAVE FIGHT Former Is Invited Outside But Affair Passes Off Without Conflict. (By Associatod Pross to tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. Tho fl nonclnl opcrotlons of tho Rootovolt forces In pro-con vont Ion campaign tills year, and tho flnnncos of tlio Progresslvo party, woro subjects ot Inquiry by tho Sonnto campaign con tributions commltteo yestorday. Fiynn of Pittsburg tostlflod he per sonally contributed 90 per cont of th money for tho Rnosovolt primary campaign In Pennsylvania. Ho gavo $102,000 to the fund, or which $2S, 000 was spent In Pittsburg. Elen B. Hooker, nntlonal treasurer ot the Progresslvo party, placed In ovldcnro a Btatomont of all or tho receipts nnd expenditures of tho Roosovolt pri mary campaign in now York illy. It Bhowod $50,120 hnd been tonlrlhuted nnd $52, GOG spent In tho prlmnry cnmpnlgn In Now York. Tho bal nnco wob lurnod ovor to tho national campaign fund. Hooker also flM iv statement of rccolpls and expendi tures of tho natlonnl prlmnry cam paign conductod by Fen'itor Ohnn. Tho statement showod that George W. Perkins contrlbutod tlii.nnn foi tho Now York campaign and $2,500 for tho national campaign and Prank A. Munsoy nbout tho same. Pomor cno obsorvod thnt the primary ex penditure was at tho rate of "nbout $2 a voto" In Now York. In tho na tional campaign prior to the Cbbago convention $113,999 j sixmo, ot which $52,000 wns sr-i.t In M mtm chusotts. Ilookor said Cluulos It, Crano had contrlbutod $"0,noft to tho LaFollotto campaign fund and that ho gavo tho sumo amount to Wilson's fund. Clapp oillml Hvnn'e nttontlou to Penrose's cliurgo In tho Sonnto thnt Flynn offoiod on u two millions to Ponroso nnd IhinoI Dun ham to Hocure n sent for f miner Sonntor Quay. "Undbi malt l will say if Ponroso mado bmh u : 'ato mont ho lied," snapped Plyun. Dixon told tho ton,- i'l.u I" rr boon rollnbly Infoi-nuH that Th "nns F. Ryan and A. II. Pl-uil, nu in. r of tho Southern Railroad, icui i'nlod hoavlly to Undfrwoo 1'h mum ,lnn, that Joseph K, DsvU upont $:; ,oi0 In Wilson's prucnnventlsiu on iRn, that Charlos P. Tnft Huont ff'i .of for his urolliur for pr-hUein un that loading financiers of Nt ,v York spent large sums for Km men. J. (!. Cannon testlftot Unit 1 . mi dltod tho only ocrounih of t!... . ,. -n-dltures of tho lute OmuuHiig nilxs, nnd had no knowledge of the mtrl butloug to tho fund. Sno'v ho said ho knew nothlnu of tho lioo.noo contribution John 1). ,-. li'i'l' b.m snld was mado by tho St'in 'i ' O'l Co. to Iloosovolt's 1904 cnn' l-,n Dixon's domaiid that the icnn trs of tho campaign for nil otlu-r incsi dontlul condldntes bo ffltwt, tn.iiiglit forth a sharp roprlmnnd from (M ipp, who stntnd that nil th mon n ,r, od had boon summoned nnd lie '",. aid ed Dixon to answer tho questions. Wants I'nlr l'luy. "Tho country wants tnir piny," ro turnod Dixon. "It wints thosn otbor mon oxnmlnod within th nxt fevr days hoforo tho election." "Sonntor Dixon," ox)nme'i Clapp, "tho suggostlou thnt tbe' b s not boon fair play horo Is a reflation on tho ono mon of this rnmmltlou who Is frlondly to Roosovelt." Dixon hnd intlmattvi Rtronu'lv thnt Roosovolt was tho onlv rtn'M'e to bo oxnmlnod. Clapp toM Dlv n h could toll whnt ho knew nbmit '.iber candldntos Inter. "I would send him J !'," de clared Pomorono, as Pixn 1'm ' Ms remarks. Dixon test.T'cl th it Wlll lam Eno, a rolatlvo of Glfford Pin chot, Frnnk Munsoy reo. w. Per kins, Mrs. Antonotte Wool ti mint of Plnchot's, nnd Dnn U. HTim rnn trlbutod hoavlly to ''' Ro "-cvolt campaign. In all Dlxn . nully spont $95,000 or ?9C."o. "I Rdn't keop nny books," he ''i ' T n.nt tho monay as fast as I mt It." nixon said ho know nothing nt lfrsay about offorts to phante ti o votes of tho southom delogote Used Less Tluin OMier. Later thoro was a ' s'i i ten Sonator Ollvor and D'xoii. The lat ter snld tho Roosovol xoontp had less money In pronor" n to tlio re sults accomplished C pro-convention enne" clnrcd moro monoy Tnft,' TTmlerwooil, Clr ' Ho chnrgod thut tho commlttcq voto opjio' and that tho entire I" peared to bo- dlrocto Colonol. He sald h (Continued on " ,,tbor 4 e ta- jnont for ""Non. ' ' Hv of tho .evglt M ..n np. .tulnat Uyt ' Ollvor i