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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1912)
MAN MAY BE & RETIRING NATURE gsa?g TIRE TROUBLE TROUBLES HIM WANT ADVERTISING In TIo XIMW Will Keep tho Inconio from low Furnished Rooms from Lapel! YOU can really holp tlw family revenues by renting a few furnished rooms and, it you know how and when to use tho classified columru, you may keep that Httlo oxtra income ANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES if ANT A" n..l icuLr- "In (Etuis Smj tm Will rut x" - the Market" Effectively! .u- !. ntwiiif vnnr LroJon 'boCo 'So ore- of all "W triUa" to- And I, there m -;---- as "steady as a cIock. own U. 7u " DU MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1912 EVENING EDITION, EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll tuul Coos Itny Advertiser. No. 315 IL AaAV T,0 const Mnll PEnOR OF JAPAN VERY ILL, TERS OF 5TAIE ASSEMBLE is M Reported to Be binKinj and rrooauiy wimw Recover. S CAUSES DROP ' ON STOCK EXCHANGE Serial Princes Called to i Capital Prom aummu. Residences. Associated Press to The Coua Hay Times) JKiq. J!'. ,':" mV ..' rtftiimi iiiii in n -- --- liters of stnto were nsBemWcfl at 1 l'n are am nunum"-"""-'; I1".', i.l Inalv ivnn H Ink I1Z. c mm '"'"-":' "".",,, ,,,, Icourt piiysicmnB nt -"; hlni? u agnoscu inu co .. Kills. A Jbiillctln was Issued the palnco as iiMin. " .' i ...ffttnelll,' frlllll bcror nas m-cn """" v Mai unco 1UU4. iniH uuvuiw.-. GETTINM 0 IT D Railroad Contractor Making Preparations Apparently for Immediate Activities. (Spoclnl to TImj Times) OARD1NER, Ore., July 20 Ac tivities along tho lino of rnllrond construction work hone aro beginning to becotuo uvldont. A Biirvoylng gang Ib at work at Schoflold crook nnd at that plnco wliarvcs aro being built for tho uso of tho railroad con trnctorn In unlondlnir material nnd chronic kidney trouhlo In lOOfi." ( mnchlnory. Tlioso whnrves It 1h undor- ns nnnoiinccd inter mm. iuiin moon nro m no uhou iiy i-orior uros. developed, tiio r. .i nt Hip lied slno The Imperial princes hnvo 1con no of tho Southern I'aclllc Including toned from Uioir summer icw tiio Dig tunnel bouui or unnuncr. eg, a. unuga cxpuri ui mu nmmiuni e news of his mnjosiy s ninesn pneine ims lieon going over tiio . n mirnrlsc nnd Its unlookod , r,,i,i nf wnv In -this lonnlllv mnk- nnniinrnment rosillted In ll cilllnk' inif nrrnncniiifmli fur tho brill en p?c of prices In tho locnl stock building. Purler iiroB. nro opening oiuccs in tills city and also In Floroneo and It le announced that they soon will be gin establishing tholr construction nunps. Apparently tho propnrntlmiH for construction work nro holng pushed ns rapidly as possible Expect to Uetfln Soon Tho Eugene Guard says: Johnson I'ortor, It. 11. Porter nnd C. C. Tinkler, of tho firm of Porter CURRY COUNTY TO GET BIG MILL TWO MILLION DOLLARS DAMAGE DONE BY VANCOUVER. 6. C. FIRE Lnnpn. I 10 o clock loniRiii u was n-iini-Eils majesty's condition romnlna innRed. Ho Is ppiiiI-coiiscioiib nhn niivsicinns in niiununncu I "" ... M - I nnt elvpn mi nil Wipes, iok.. m i silent. A theatrical pro- Ions playing niupslr hnvo boon hnii. Snerlal rpllnlniiB porvlces being held nt lliidhlsl temples nnd n other c tics lor ins re- . ... i.i v. j. lliliwci. ui mu in "i ikiivi v, services nre nisii 'B,-iir,ilnrq onmn i inH. nvnnlnc nftor In tl.o Uusslnn cnthedrai t , tr, ovor 10 Hlrolch of .,0 ,cs of :e for tie wi. o nm sudden i oofl rMronA ,)(,tW0Cn the 5' Tn,n.5...'V.. .,I0W. .1-m. Noll tunnel and They expect I ..., i . Ii, rnilnnw begin work in a vory short tlmo ro,r ",,l,fcirl L lLmn on the plero of grading mentioned. 'f The" mnrcsfl roinn Inert " W rto'n "" wIlh B,,b-C0,n; i'i r .i fV.rnmMiit t h niclit Implorn and getting ready. Material Wr ?t nZ a o w tl'her: will ho forwarded both by tho Slus- e r to lie throne. Prlnco YoshI-Mw nml from 1 ugeno. BY SOLO 1 TALLftHT CO i K.I. " ... I. .....!.. ...III. -I.l1,., nn-r' I'.SIIIIIIIKII UIIIHII. Il.ns not yet men able to go to! KBlnbllHJilnB ' Iib'h" S ithcr. Tiio wife, liowovor, is nt i ""'" " ''"""" "" "l." ". Lance 01 KllgPllO, nild Al'lllO, "II IIIU CIIHBI, I Will IIO UOgllll Wlllllll II WITH, liri'iilll- k'Ol'1,1) MAUI'. IT l'KKU ' lug to Jolinsoii rortor or me urni or ' ' Porter llrothors, contractors for tho list Ion . to Matter of Pinianm .N'otl-Gnrdlner section of tho Kugone- iCiimil Toll. I Coos liny line. air. rorior. ins Associated Press to Coos lh l his brother. It. I). Porter, nnd C. C. TlmeO I Tinkler, returnml lust evoning rroni bxnON. .inlv 20 John nnrrett.'n two-day trip to tho const, going tor Kcneral of tho Pan Amorl-i ovor tho lino of nurvoy west of Notl, linlon. referring to tho Pnnamal wlioro Tvvoiiy nroinors iinvo worn ilnnnnldress lit tho ciinninor won along on a j.wu-iooi uinnei. immcrco today snld "If I had my Thoy wont through to Klorenro. I would make the Pannnia cnnnl Tho trip was for tho purpose- of tlally froo to vcssols of all na- selecting tho portions or tiio wont . that Is. to hnvo tolls based ah- that aro to ho begun first, and for tiio ely on tho cost of oporatlon nnd soloctlon of locations for tho con- amo to every ting. I bollvo tiio structlon camps. .Mr. rorior wouiu me In commerco to tho Unltod not venturo lo sny how ninny men a rcsultlnir from such a nollcv would bo nut to work, saying tnat no moro than offset any advantage had not Unci nn opportunity to talk might result to anothor coun- with tiio sulMontrnctora. tho groni- or portion of ' r work Is to no bud lot. Constrmtlf n mntorlal Is to bo tnkon In by wpv of tho Sluslaw nnd nlso ovorland from Eugono . It Is llkoly that tho Porters will roninln In Kugono n fow dn'8 closing up dotnlls of starting tho work on tho 10 mllo strotch between Notl nnd. Acmo. Mr. Porlor, who owns tho Tlde wntor Lumbor company, hnd nothing to say rogardlng tho mill prospects furthor than that tho lumbor busi ness Is not vory oncournglng Just now for construction of now mills, llecelvo Fans Tho Kugono Register says: Tho air In tho Notl tunnol could not bo cleared fast enough for rapid work ns thoy nro getting In qtilto a distance and Twoby brothers ro celvod, yesterday a big fan which will bo operated by steam power for supply fresh air for tho workiuep. It will bo Instnllod at onco. CHICAGO PUTS MV'A.IM OX "CHICKEN" AND "OH, YOC llK.U'TllTT, DOM." a. nuio.vnn iniv 50. Follow- In? tho fining of a rash youth , $r.O for addressJng a young wnin-Mi ns "Chicken," CUKngo r bns ttidny s'ut tho lid down O M.rliHv nn MlO I1SO of all SUC1! oxpressloiis as "Oh, you kid," Reported Brookings Lumber Company Will Build at Chet co River. It Ib reported that tho Drooklngs Lumber, company of California Is planning to build a largo saw mill and logging rond In Curry county. Tho mill Ib to located nt tho mouth of tho Chctco river nnd tho road will extend back Into tho timber. Just how soon tho company expects to stnrt building Is not known but when they do build tho plant will probably bo ono of tho Inrgcst on tho coast. Tho Urooklngs company is a wealthy ono nnd owns nliout 2fi,000 acres of timber In Curry county. Thoy nro tho largest Indhidunl holders of tim ber In that county. Last year the company hnd ongl THREE HURT IN noers nt work at tho Chctco river, which Is In tho southern part of Curry county. Soundings wore taken and It was said that tho company was investigating tho possibility of mnklng a harbor thcro. Tiio com- .pnny owns almost all of tho land In tnnt locality, it lias been Bam at different times that tho company r would not build until a railroad was built into Curry county but It Is re ported now on good authority that tho compnny will start building oper ations within a year or olghtcon months. Tho establishment of tho ,min In that locality will mean tho building of a town and tho bringing about of grent development in south ern Curry county. Tho elder Mr. Drooklngs Is a St Louis man and Is ImmcnBoly wenlth- ly. Ho gave eight million dollars to n university recently. LOG M Workmen Injured in Accidents at Smith-Powers and Mc Donald & Vaughn Camps. Yesterday was a hnd day at tho logging camps, throo men being In jured and tnken to Mory hospital in North Ilcnd. N. McAlIster, nt tho McDonald Vaughan camp on Danlols creek, had his leg badly crushed by a log which rolled upon him. Ills foot was torn and disarticulated and ho was hur ried to tho hospltnl. His condition Is serious. I). Pnpadnlop, a Greek from Camp' No. 1 of tho Smith-rowors compnny, on Coos Itlvor was also sovoroly In jured, Ills right arm being almost severed by a main lino. Ho lost a largo amount of blond nnd was In n bad condition this morning. Ho got tnngled in tho cnblo whllo bucking a a log, ho mlstindor8(nndIng Instruc tions. Another Greek workman wns also Injured In ono of tho camps yester day hut his namo could not bo obtained. 1 M M ina Firm Buvs L onal ant Owned by Capt. J. J. iieynoids. e Taliant compnny of Astoria I'ureaasen tiio Reynolds snlnion ejy In Marslineld and will opor i this year. Last soason tho coin was associated with tho South- "regon Co. In tho oporatlon of empire plant but this year tho companies will oporato sopar- iio com storago packing w Marshflolii win nin ia ,.,..- Nyflsh U'rC0 comnnn,os wl,,t"h VISIT WILSON 0frt of lio Mko n Com nl Inn..!. ...... I-...H i.. , j u Associate! prt.SB to Tho CoOB HfW Tlmft0 IS'!!05?- J'y 20-Hended rvnc ViariC ntlil Plnnii TAln CrUnwl . "-... wwi Kuuuci Ik Z " .ro ,,inn Ua,f tho dom 0,Hviorlty of th0 IIos ft 'UUaj for n Mmnllmnnt. i.u l6Vlr"0r iN:0,,row Wilson, The " "'journea until Monday a i-. . . lot" " Vav,s- the "Lumber Lv oxpresslous as "OH, you Km, r or "Oh, you uoauiuui hum. v It's n capo of 0 days or a stiff flue to all offenders, ngreo the Chlcngn judges. Anothor man wns henvllv 4 fined bv a judge and thrashed A Into th bargain by the husbnnd ol n womfM he affectionately greeted as "baby." IlarM-Cth"r ,W,U ,rench nt 1 , chiireh Sunday bv n clci- Snocla "wwrv;;;i rplng usie bv KW ' Sl'OMl PICNIC. SUNDAY, Aug. I. (I DOilON MASON Jar rubbers for tiTSc at COOS HAY CASH STOKE. .. Your, Portrait Iri colors, Studio. Walker, IS IN PORT TODAY Arrives This Morning With! Large Number of Passen gers From Portland. Tho nreakwater arrived In this' morning from Portland with 08 pavl sengers and a good cargo of frolght,' and Is duo to Ball tomorrow at 1 p. I m. Following Is her Incoming pas-1 songor list: Mrs. Gllllsplo, Mrs. M. Post, J. C. Swlnford, Mrs. Goo. Lorentz. Mr. Ollllsjile. Hownrd Evans, F. W. Dnvis, J. S. Patterson. F. II. Pru dent, Mrs. K. Stoltz. W. D. Curtis, E. A. Anderson, S. W. Johnson, Mrs. A. II. Flckort. Mrs. A. Llndloom, Wetevln Wakefield, Mrs. S. W. John sou, Mrs, Hancock, Mrs. M. Hnncock, Master Chas. Hancock, Mr. Ilyer, Mrs. W. C. nalley, Miss Anna Hurg, Mr. nurerk. J. Itonsdnhl, N. C. Mor ris, L. Hoberts, C. Hohn, A. S. Hnm niond, Olive Aiidersan, A. T, Hnlncs, .1, E. Hnrbaur, Mrs. J. E. Harbaur. Mrs. J. Castell, Paul Hoyd, Fr"d Traverso. J. n. Wagner, W. F. Wells, 11. A. Wells. C. D. Wells. Miss I.ll llnn Cook. Mrs. Ella Cook, Mrs. E. L. Farlan. Miss D. Martinson, Alrrn Jackson, Mrs. L. A. Wilson. W. r. naugherty, Mrs. Chns. Sefuso. Clyde SiiUinniid, K. Selzer. Mnblo FIske, Mrs. I. Lando, II. H. Hnll, C. D. No; fon. H. II. Cnroy, Jas. Watson, E. E O'Knne, Dan O'Knno. Fnye O'Knn, L. 13. Larson, F. Ha radon, Edwin Woods, Mrs. E. Woods, Edwin Woods, Jr., Emmett Smith, Cecil Smith. Mrs. Emll Smith. Con "p" ultz, Mr. J. E. Vnndernool, Miss Yanderponl. S. L. Wakefield, Mrs. S. L. Wakefield. Hazel Wakoflold. Mrs. Ounsnii, Mrs. J. Dunson, F. H. Phelps. Ami Soner, J. C. Slnughtor, A. G. Mychell, L. Lngotz, S. Sovrg'ou, J. 0. Mablev, W. Conrad. P. Pnrrls, A, Denzer, John Anpst, Oscar Salon, R. LIdberg, W. E. NIHeson. IT. Grnnstson. A. Olson, Carl Johnson, A. G'nnstson. John Ernnsknln, X. Frlckson, Alfred Strandnhl, A. F. Placke. A. Nelson. TOE LOGGERS F. W. Davis Here Again to Carry On Evangelistic Work. F. W. Davis, the evnngollBt who conducted missionary work In tho logging camps of Coos county, has again returned to this locality to ro sumo his efforts in that line. Mr. Dnvls hnR brought with him to as sist him In tho work Hoy A. Prudden, an evangelistic singer. Mr. Prudden Is irom tho Dlblo Teachers' Tralnlns School of New York. Mr. Dnvls says that tho loggors hnvo taken much Interest In tho ovnngollstlo work ho has conducted here, lie says that at nil the camps ho Is cordially received by tho .log gers and that he finds them n flno class of mon to mcot. Whllo ho has been In tho evangelistic Hold for tho past seven years In Oregon, Cnllfor nln and other western stntos, Mr. Davis, and Mr. Prudden nlso, have themselves worked ns loggers, a fact which makes It easier for them fo understand conditions In the cam ph. ALLIANCE IN CHARGE $2,000 TO KILL MAN Such Is Said to Be the Price of Murder in New York. (By Associated PrcBs to Tho Cooa Bay Times) . NEW YOItlC, July 20. Tho gang of gun men nnd blnck Jackers who riddled Rosenthal the gambler wlMi bullets, are believed by tho dote'e tlvcs to have been procured by "Dald Jack" Itosc, under pressuro of the "Police System" which was seek ing cffcctunlly to closo tho moutn of Rosenthal. It is further charged that tho gamblers had to dlvldo tho gains with tho police. Roeo Is a closo friend of Pollco Lieut. Decker ( wno wns ycHicruuy ruiuuviti ns ncuu of tho "Strong Arm" squad which handles tho gambling sltuntlon In tho city. District Attorney Whitman glenncd enough to convince him that Roso nt tho suggestion or knowledge of tho pollco hired somo gang of gun fighters to make away with Rosen thal. Tho market rate for killing mon by somo Enst Side gunmen s said to bo $2000. Three Big Warehouses and Smaller Buildings Are Destroyed. $225,000 WORTH OF AUTOS ARE BURNED Fire Breaks Out at Midnight In Warehouse District of City. (Dy Associated Press to tho Cooa Day Times.) VANCOUVER, D. C, July 20 Today's estimates of losses on ac count of tho flro which broko out at midnight on tho main stroot of tho warohouso district, placo tho loss nt nearly two million dollars. Throo big warehouses, each worth a quar ter of a million dollars, woro destroy ed as well as n numbor of smnllor blocks. Tho loss on contents Is vory heavy. A. U. C. Motor Co. estlmatos Its loss on nutos nt 1225,000. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, July 20. District Attorney Whitman who wont out of town last night on an "important mission" did not return to his offlco todny and It wns said he would nnt be back until Monday. Reports woro TELLS ABOUT m SPENT Herman Ridder Says He Was Largest Contributor to Democrats in 1904. (Dy Associated Pross In Cooa Bar Times). WASHINGTON, D. O., July 20. Herman Rlddor, treasurer of tho T)nmnrrnfln Mntlntinl PnmmlHnn In ne nau gone to nave a secret conrer- 1908, producod today for tho Inspoc- enco with tho head of n prlvato 1e- tlon of tho sonato commlttoo Invoa- tectlve agency which ho has employ- tlgntlng tho expenditures of tho ofll- cd In tho enso could not bo con- clal roporta of tho National Comrait- flrillCd. Tlint most Of tho IllOmbJrS tops rornlnlR nn.l nrnnn.mnma l.n ,nA of tho party In tho gray auto hnvo mod with tho Secretary of Stato of fled to otlcr cities was reported nt k0w York In 1908 pollco hendnuartors. It was said do- ThCso ahowod tho total receipts i'vimvi unill uuv.i liuoimiuiii'u Ml worn J.l.!'n 1.4.1 77 nml many points on clues. WOULD HELP TRAVELERS 1 TIIH MARKETS. PORTLAND, Ore.. July 20. The loppl wheat market' was unchanged. Toennin market unchanged. Chl p"o, July, 97c; Sept., '93Mc; Doe., 9Cc. ', '-.., ' " ': a-s a Sewing machines REPAIRED by nn Pxnert. Mni-shlleld.CYCLERV. I SUOMI PICNIC. SUNDAY, Aug. . Most of the Passengers Are On Their Way to Portland. Tho Alliance crossed In this mon. lug from Eurekn with almost a ca pacity load of tliroiiKli passengers nnd a large cargo of freight. Sho sailed at 3 p. m. for Portland. Tliotu arriving on lior wero ns follows: J. Steamberg, A. Hegdale, R. I.. Wyntr, Wm. Burns, L. Engeny, O. Stowers, Miss B. Stowors, Mrs. -. Cogno, A. Cogno, Mrs. E. H. nobl deau, A. II. Lnne, Mrs, E. Lohr. Mrs, Skelly, Wm. Skelly, W. C. Giilcen, F. Ward. Sailing on tho Alllnnco wero tho. following: V. Hartley, Mary Evorsol, Miss E, Knowlcs, R, G. Butler, Louis Oster Icho, II. Gllllsplo, Wm. Hoffman, Ot to NIohaus, Mrs. Otto Nelhaus, Geo, Meyers, and O. Carlson. TEACHERS W Many Successful Candidates for State Papers ih Reg ular Examination. SALEM, Ore., July 20. Following Is the list of successful applicants fo; stato teachers' certificates, whlci wero Issued In June, each being n one-year certificate, unless otherwise specified: Coos County. Zottlo Gibson, Amelia B. Chaneny, Dorothy Gibson, Mrs. Essie L. Cox, W. A, Arnold, Margaret Curry, Ida E. Gamble, Delia Bryant, Lohnherr, Ruth Mary Wade, Bertha Conloguo, Jessie Huntley, Edith Lusk, Beatrice McLeod, Eva A. HIcklng. R. It. Bennett, Earle . UrownMlve year paper. . Curry County. Francis Robinson, J. Jay Weer Blng. Lola Tolman, Raymond D. ,HowJtti .Geo;aW,amJtli, PInii ProiKied for Use of Interna tional Paper Money. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 20. Representntlvo Loyy of Now York In-" anything In 1908," nskod Chairman troduced n bill which If passed would establish an international noto syn torn In tho United States. Ills Idon Is to expedlto tho international busi ness by additional convenience to travelers. Undor tho proposed bill tho secretary of tho treasury would hnvo tho engraved International notes indorsod with their monotnry valuo in tho unit of Austria, Hun gary, Belgium, Denmark, Flnlnwt, France, Gorman empire, Grent Brlt nln, Greeco, Netherlands, Itnly, Poi tugal, Russia, Spain, Norway, Sw don and Switzerland. Tho interna tional notes would bo rodeomablo In gold. Ndt LITTLE DAMAGE DONE Italy Claims Her Boats Aro Much Hurt. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) ROME, July 20. Tho Italian gov ernment admitted in nu official uoto Issued todny that the flotilla of Ital ian torpedo boat destroyers attempt ed yesterday to onter tho Dardan elles. Tho destroyers succeeded In ndvnnclng to Chnnnk Knlesl when It wns decided to withdraw bocauso of the sevore bonmbnrdment directed at thorn from tho Turkish forts nnd ships. The Italian vessols, the noto adds, did not hnvo much damago dono. total oxnen- dlturcs ?C19,'I10.0C. Rlddor snld ho was tho largost contributor to tho fund. Drynn mndo rulo that no ono should contrlbuto moro than $10,000, so Rlddor gavo $10,000 and had each of his sons glvo $9,000, thus making his totnl contribution '$37,000. Did August Bolmont contrlbuto Clnpp. "No, ho did not," said Rlddor. Bolmont hnd told tho committeo re cently that ho contributed nbout $250,000 to tho Domocrntlc National Committeo in 1904. "Did Mr. Rynn contrlbuto In 1908?" wns nskod. "No, bo did not. Tniumnny hnll contributed $10,000." Rlddor told tho committeo, nnd Robert Ewlng of Now Orlenns rolloctod $37,000, mostly in live nnd ten cent pieces. Twonty-flvo thousand nnmos woro on rollod on tho contribution list. MAJOR KINNEY LOSING PATIENCE may mean tuouiil:: Thought That Mexican Rebels Hnvo Further Plans. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 20. Rebel forces nlong tho Mexican bor der are bolng disintegrated, accord ing to the War Department reports. Howovor. tho shipment of several tl'ousand rifles and npproxlnintoly 100,000 rounds of ammunition luivo gone Into El Pnso recently and that has caused tho belief that further troublo may be brewing. LAUNCH JIM I ISE VENING Steamer Speedwell Is Ready to Go Into (lie Water The launching of tho stcamor Speodwell will tnko placo this evon ing at 6 o'clock as previously nn nounced. A. F. Estnbrook, for whom tho vessol was built, will bo hero from San Francisco to nttond tho .launching. Miss Gladys Galller, daughter of FStovo Galller, will christen tho boat. Accompanying A. L. Estnbrook from 'Bando nto attend tho launching woro Mr. nnd Mrs. Galller and Miss Edna Galller. Says Southern Pacific Must Accept Land Offer In Two Weeks. r That tho Southern Pacific company must accept tho offer of freo tormina! grounds In North Bond boforo Aug. 2 or nevor again got tho land freo Is tho statement mndo by Major L. D. Kinney who mndo tho offer of largo tracts to tho railroad compnny. Tho proposition of Mnjor Kinney wns to glvo tho Southorn Pacific 120 acros of land on Pony Slough nnd nlso ovor ono hundred ncro3 of land on South slough with two miles of waterfront. Tho land wns to bo giv en to tho railroad outright provided that tho compnny would establish thoreon freight dopot, tormlnnl grounds and railroad shops, "I mndo tho offor to tho Southorn Pacltlc somotlmo ngo," snld Major Kinney In spoaklng of his proposi tion, "and It Is time for tho railroad to tako It up. I will wait for two weoks and If tho offer Is not accopted at that tlmo I will withdraw. More over tho offor of tho land will bo pindo to another railroad, If the Southorn Pacific ovor wants tho land which I hnvo offered thoy must tnko It within the next two weoks. I will thon withdraw my c-ffcY for good ns far as the Southorn Pacific Is con cerned." Mnjor Klnnoy Intimates that thore are other railroad Interests which would be glad to havo tho terminal grounds offered. i t I H -