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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1912)
,J -t SOME COOS BAY MEN WHO KNOW VERY LITTLE ARE NOT SURE OF THAT u'ANT ADVERTISING hi Tlie TIMES (HauB Wxm& WANT ADVERTISING in The TU& Will Keep Uio Income front Voir Furnished Rooms from Lanftxgt YOU enn really holp tlw fxinlly revenues by renting a fow furnlahd rooms and, If you tyiow how and when to uso tho classified column, you may koop that Httlo extra Income ns "stoady as a clock." Will rot xour iwai iww " the Market" Effectively! it will put the IftClB HU0,lt yur nrooorty bofore lio oyes of all "pob K buyers" lu town. And If there's one, of thorn who ought to own ". Juu " "" MEMUER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS mm VOL XXXV Established In 1878 tut Tho Comrt Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON MONDAY, JULY 22, 1912 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull Mn Q1 g uid Coon liny Advertiser. ""' wl jIGFJANFORD RESIGNS AT " II let us talk rravraT HEW TDBK MURDER GANG MONEY GIVEN . TO CAMPAIGN SEATTLE DURING INVESTIGATION Federal Jurist Telegraphs Res- ignation 10 nuoiuwu Taft Today. IMPEACHMENT ORDERED AS RcbULl ur unanuLj) judge Whose Decision in the Olson Naturalization oasu Caused Stir Retires. ((Ily Associated Press to Tho Coos Jill- iiiiivb.; qkatti.E. Wash.. July 22 Unl- itA smtoH DlBtrlct Judgo Cornelius jl, Hnnford wIiobo conduct on tho bench hns boon under Investigation for nonrly a month by n sub-commlt-oa nf tho IIouso Judiciary Com mittee, today telegraphed his resig nation to President -rnn. limuoru rUcs 111 health as n roason for his rmicnntion. Members or mo nouso ommmco ntonH i,omctl by Honry Hnvomcyar, usEcmblcd at an early hour prepared Who sugar king, or by nny roprcflon- to continue mo huuhuk uui. mu tntivcs or tno iniornationai iinrvcsi commlttco was not called to order. ' or company so far ns ho could recall. In a short time, tho committee and , Scott testified that tho largest con Juilco linnford's counsol adjourned trlliutlon of which ho hnd knowlodca Eo nn nnto-room and tho general lm-,0f being made to tho National com IprcHlon was that thcro was some- mlttro wnH his own, amounting .o tiling in tno nir. tmny or torty uiouRnmi aoiinrn. i Mcnnwhllo Hnnford wns Hentod on Qcorgo W. Porklns, ho said, hnd glv tlio bench In tho ndjournlng court en fifteen thouHnnd but not to tho room listening to n motion. IIo National committee. Doth contribu kemeil under r.o grcator strain than tlona wore used in tho West Virginia tor weeks. About ton llf teen, Chnlr- stnto campaign. Scott said PorklnR mnn Ornham of tho rommlttco Icftjrnntrlbutcd not ns n representative llio liulldlng anil told reporters that nf tho Harvester Trust hut "hecaiifio nrhcn tho rommlttco reassembled It i of tho personal rolatlonH that cxlBtcd mmedlntoly would take n recess. Uyi between him and I'rcsldont Roorc- llilg time, n rumor wns circulated. veil raimoil by overhearing of tho word W. B. Scott of West Virginia Tells of Big Contributions In Former Times. (Dy Associated Press to Cooe Day Tlmos.) WASHINGTON. D. C, July 22. Former Scnntor Nathan D. Scott, of West Virginia, today told tho Senate commlttoo Investigating tho cam paign funds of 1904 nnd 1908 that no contributions woro mndo to Roosevelt's campaign by tho corpor 'rcslcnntlon" spoken In tho nnto room Hint Hnnford had reslgnol. At linnford's chnmbcrs, tho Judgo'n son, S'c.I, told tho newspapermen that his lather hnd rcKlgncd and was propnr- ng n Htntcnient of Ills' reasons, Tho ommltteo will meet this nrtcrnnon DENEEN FOR TAFT S Pit INC FIELD. hnlrmnn Graham wild to tho nows- The rommlttoo of nperincii: "The rommlttco hns not n Illinois Governor Will Not Support Roosevelt Now. (Dy Assoclntod' PrcsH to Tho Coos Hay Tlmos.) III., July 2.--flvo progressive llopuhllcnnR nppnlutod by Modlll ronl to sny. It has no olllclnl In-1 MrCormlck to wnlt on Governor De formation concerning what mny linvo neon to nFeertnln whothor ho would laken plnce," I support Taft or ItooBovolt for Presl- Jwlgo linnford's derision In the oni wero inmrmeu ny tno uovernor ilsson naturalization rnBO cnimod u Hint ho ronsldorod Taft tho rogulnr irent ittlr a few months nco. ho re- nominee, of tho Republican party for fuslns to grant Olsson, a Soclalta!,1 resident nnu inni ob mucii no re: bis final papers becnuso of nn alleged . oniignico to support ins cnmntiacy. Intuit to tho American ling by Olsson. impeachment proceedings wero Inter Begun, FcrlmiB (hnrges helng prefer red against Hnnford by Victor Dor ter, tho Socialist congrossmnn from Msronsln, Statement by Huiifnrri .Iltflpn I lllllfnr.l'u olnlntkinlil in I1 public Is ns follows: "Tho moat con- Itant strnln under wMilch I havo worU- lu for more than twenty-two yenrsi rndrcT ?r "St iikoi'y to' Progressive Party Determines ao n vncntlon or rest but n rhnngo f occupation will bo a wolcomo ro- ".: I Intend to nrnctlco law In So. ttle. In tho InvoBtlcntlnnR wlilrli ve been ronductod by tho sub- ommlttco of tho IIouso of Ropro- "In politics it Is nlmoBt a trlvnllty to say that public opin ion now rules tho world. Tho only power deserving tho nnmo is that of ninsBCfl and of governments whiles they mako them selves tho organ of tho tendencies nnd Instincts of masses.. JOHN STUART MILL. Tf HIS political truth, like othor truths has oxcoptlons. Ono of theso ox- ceptlons is tho "good roads" movement In Coos County. Good ronua aro not and should not bo a mnttor f politics, but a matter of business. Tho overwhelming public opinion of Coos County is for good roads. Thcro Ih almost an equnlly overwhelming opinion that wo aro not recoil ing ndnqiintc returns for tho amount of money that is being expended. Yot nothing Is being dono to Improve conditions. Coos County Is spending $1CO,0000 to $200,000 per year on build ing good rontlR. Thcro has boon no improvement in method or mnnnor of handling this vnBt sum of money over tho tlmo when tho county was spending only ns many hundreds tR It Is now spending thousands. Tho result 1b that thoro Is a tromondous economic wnsto wasto in energy, wnuto In monoy, wnsto In labor becnuso of lack of systematic method In construction and lack of modern methodH in doing tho work. Tho first thing thnt should bo dono Is tho employment of a compe tent export rond engineer to prcpaio n plan of hlghwnyR nnd outlino specifications for their construction. Such a man will, cost $3000 to $r000 per year, hut if ho is competent ho will save five to ten times his Rnlary every year In Improved mothods of construction nnd tho economy thnt mny ho offoctod thoroby. A' certain sum should bo set aside for tho construction of perman ent road building and n cortnin sum for ropnlrs nnd up-kcop. This re quires systematic mothods that can only bo secured by having a man who will devote his time- to this work. This Is a matter that so vltallj concerns every citizen nnd communal prosperity that thcro should bo prompt and offoctivo nctlon by tho vari ous Chnmhors of Commerco of tho county to socuro unity of effort to got rcRiilts. HANFORD'S ACT SURPRISES MANY Officials Refuse to Say Wheth er Resignation Will End Im peachmentMay Appoint Humphrey. (Dy Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 22. Word of tho resignation of Judgo Hanford enmo no n surpriso to mem bers of tho House Judiciary commit tee nnd thoy docllnod to any whothor his voluntary rotlromnt would ro sult in dropping tho cnao. Roprcson tatlvo Dorgor who introduced tho re solution thnt began tho "lmponch ment" of linnford's conduct, announ ced thnt ho would drop tho matter, "It closos tho capo so far ns I am concornod," ho Bald. "I tnko Judgo linnford's resignation ns nn admis sion of guilt. It cannot bo construed othorwlso. I was flchtlnir porrnntlnn on tho bench cennrnllv. not .Inilim Hnnford norsonnnlv nn I nnvnr tenntv tho mnn." linnford's tolcgrnm tc- rrosidcnt Tnrt says, "I hereby ro Rlgn my ofllco as United Stntcs Dis trict Judgo. Lettor will conurm." President Tnft will tnko no action until tho lettor roaches Washington. Fronuont conferences Imttrnnn Taft, Sonntor Jones and Roprcsontn- uvo iiumpnroy or Washington tho Inst fow wooks cnusod a roport today mat iiumpnroy might bo considered or unnionrs pinco WILL POT OP FOLL TICKET to Make Straight Fight In Illinois. (Dy Associated Press,, to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, July 22 "Thoro must tlckot in Illinois govornor nnd a. n u It l fnr , :,'.". ,. "" otnor o urors iiiv"i""i'o io uoobovoji. I lor tile COinniniiilntlnn nt Hinnn .... . .. ........ .... n - hn him i, ' i 1. I i nai was mo minimum wim oexuuur Si of wv .if1. rUt?n nJVro nixon, Roosoclfa campaign manager .ue or my efforts: ns for thoso .i..,,.. ' ., .A .. . i. tiu..i i.i Ifntatlvcs, much testimony hns boon l)0 n ru)j pnr(y Btuto"tlckc ? onihLWI!l!eMiOB wh. k?ow ",0 ",n(l I w' roiMlWiUcs for go i fni1 "..' " ,..1 nm. BP,1 other olllrors fvr-'i'o to homnficrn T" i i . . ' U'llvoroil today to tho Illinois load- S ffialiSS ol'SAre , c f to third party movoment. SEAMEN'S IIIIJj UP U not lliriirrnil lin nnmlh nf uch peoplo ns tlioy nro. A JuIko Is -. pu diiiu ui ueinc ricm ns wiinn ,. .. i i.irt..i.. nt RwrkhMbeon critlcliod unfairly 1 " EL Z MhasiZn nn, nB " v ,Y "'I1 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 22. K "nn' .n,n' ',08nll of nncliTh0 ii0bo convened nt noon nnd ro- ..,'"? "',"m. """ m worK- l sinned tho consldorntlon of tho son- Slart my record is what it is." WtOPEHTY IS SOLD I'frlff fi,,so hNposes of Two Parcels rV J rrutloii nt Coqul le. The T. u m.n... . -. Innh ii V '""I"""" l"J'uriy iu w,,i. en' wns disposed of at a 'erllls sale in Coqulllo Saturday. L2rlf w" I" by J. D. r--.,.v.iru tno nlalnt ff for U.l " rni8l8s of two lots vi,i.0lJ,se ,n tho residence district K .M0.ra?.th,nB closo t0 tho amount ".inn ii Wns bid In. Unmn !)0r,y l'n0Wn ns tho Snrnh Isn mi ;'""' "-! niiiuner, was la iii.i i .v J,,"i which amount Ion rim " E LcwIs' tbe oxecu l creditor Tho r!o onntna Hl to acres. wcisi: him; to pass Micro Inromo n-,.,. r ,... .... . ,,x .Mi-jisuru nm Bv a.. . Ko ' ass Sennte. Associated Press to the Coos Day hVASHlNT.r''. ...... .. xebin??5 f th' Dl"crat1c excise laders k' i' uc,e" ,fllla' by the le s?n?.- hn.y n,n,, canvass of biiA i.i7. r' . '" ulll nassed tho a to i imIBe mnJorlty and comes kv ii6 '"the upper chamber Frl- I vlslons kt il 0XU(X ex the l Personal', eroratl?n tux to K.n ann,m 1,:1la"nr8n,n8 "- puoo." """-oa oi more man mon's efficiency bill. MY LEAVE ON BREAKWATER i THY a CIDER Pup at SARTERS' Steamer Sails Sunday for Portland Big Shipment of Butter and Cheese. The Drenkwater sailed yesterday for Portland with n good cargo of freight and a fair passenger list. Sho carried about 45 sacks of wo'l and a largo shlpmont of butter and cheese. Thoso sailing on her wero ns follows: .' Miss S. Davis, C. D. Stanley. I.ouls Ostorlcher. Miss E. Erlckson, Miss J( Magnus, Miss A. Magnus, J. W. GaI- Mrs. J. V. Gale. Mrs. E. Ellerby, F. 11. Dutlcr, K. M. Kepner, J. F. To lnndor. P. W. Dndson, Mr. Lnwrence. Julia Holmes. J. A. Ward U. O. Guss. II. D. Dudworth, Mrs. D. D. Dudworth. E. R. Colgan, Mrs. FuU jner. F. E. Grove, C. L. Huhn, S. Roberts, E. Thompson, J. Cummlngs, Mrs. L. Clark. Ira Clark, Madgo Clark, E. IC. Jones, Fred Marks, S. W. Turnbull. R. Hnlverson, C. Mn dlnstor, Mr. Rodman. Gus Anderson, O. Forsman, N. D. Field. RAILROAD NEWS Or COOS BAY SPROOLE TALKS OF LINE HERE S. P. President Says Coos Bay Extension Is B3ing Rushed to Completion. EUGENE, Ore, July 22 Presi dent Sproulo of tho Southern Pacific nnd Mr. Strnhorn havo loft horo af ter nn Inspection of tno projects horo. While in Eugono President Sproulo wns emphatic in stating that tho rumors thnt work on tho Eugono Coos Dny lino havo boon stopped havo no foundation whatovor. "Thoro is nothing whntovor to tho storlos," ho said. "Tho clrcuuiBtnnco from which thoy probably nroso Is n very trlval ono. A sub-contractor who had a drodgo and soma othor equipment in Arizona, wantod to send It over to San Podro and ship it from thoro up to Marshflold and begin work nt thnt end. Thoro Is no ocnBsIon why wo should construct a grndo down thoro that would doter-lorato-nnd possibly wash out in many places whllo wo nro waiting for tho completion of tho Gnrdlnor tunnel, and wo told him so. That Is unques tionably whoro tho story about stop ping work originated. Our intention Is to push tho lino through as rapid ly ns posslblo, and stories that work Is to bo stopped aro idlo rumors," "Tho Southern Pacific is doing a very largo amount of construction work In Oregon," snld Mr, Sproulo, "nnd tho reason for it Is that tho state offers great opportunities. Peo ple must realizo that railroading is n business that Is conducted for pro lit tho same ns any othor line of bus iness and before we can get monoy for extension wo must convlnco tho bankors that wo have a good invest ment to offer. Tho bankers are but brokers for tho men all over tho world who havo saved their monoy nnd put, It In tho banks, and they In their turn must convlnco their de positors that our Investments aro good," LIKENS TAFT GIFT TO HEAVENLY ONE (Dy Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 22 At the White House today, a fifty dollar bill for Toft's campaign fund wns received from a preacher at Galveston, Tex, w,ho wrote "I And things given in secret reach Heaven, therefore I prefer my ' name to remain 4 obscure." M 01 S OF 0 I NOTED MURDER CASE SOLVED? Six Under Arrest in New York Scandal and Crime After Others. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) NEW YORK, July 22 Tho Rosen thal caso ncars its solution. This was tho bollof of Doputy Pollco Com missioner Dougherty who expects to day to arrest two or thrco gunman and ganstors who wero hired to kill Rosenthal so that tho gamblor could not dlscloso moro secrets of tho rela tions of tho gnmblors nnd pollco. Sweated and grilled Jack Sullivan, n formor newsboy, Is hold as material witness, nnd Sam Paul, nn castsldo gang loader, nullcnly mndo state ments onriy today rrom wnicn mo nollco commissioner gained horoto- foro missing evidence Thoso two mon. Sullivan and Paul, wero tnkon Into custody Inst night with Drldgcs and Webber, tho gambiors. Six mon nro now in custody in tho Rosenthal case, ono of whom, hold ns matorial witness, and tho flvo others nro charged with being Implicated in tho crimo. Commissioner Doughtory, howev er, says that not ono of tho mon who killed tho gambler is undor ar rest. District Attorney Whitman ro- turnod to tho city today to tako up tho grand Jury Investigation of tho caso. Lieut. Decker will bo pormittod to testify If ho agrees to wavo all im munity. Tho pollco prosecutor makes no effort to hldo tho bollof that tho shadow of Dcckor rests on tho Rosenthal caso and In conse quence, ho will not subpoena him. Whitman takes tho position if Doc ker Is Innocent, ns ho says ho Is, ho will seok to appear boforo the grand Jury, wnivlng Immunity. MIKADO STILL Reported That Calvin May Change Route Again Other Railway Gossip. Thnt thero is n possibility of tho Drain-Coos Day line being built nor? lustend of the Coos Dny-Eugcno line Ig tho gist of a rumor nfloat hero today. Tho rumor Is based on two ronsons, ono tho fnct that Vlco-Presl-dont Calvin Is again In chargo of construction and tho other tho fact thnt tho immediate plans for work by Porter Drothors and tho MncArthur, Porks company, which nro apparent ly working closely togothor, al though tho Porters aro supposed o havo takon tho sub-contract for SO miles of it, provide apparently only for construction along tho Sluslaw and betweon tho Umpqun and North Lako. No plans havo yet been made by tho contractors, it Is understood on good authority, for work be tween tho Sluslaw and Gnrdiner. Vlco-Presldont Calvin wns tho original sponsor of tho Coos Dny Draln lino nnd nftor work stoppod on tho first project, tho construction work and tho charge of tho Oregon llnee generally went to Vlce-Pros.-dont J. P. O'Drlen, of Portland, who favored tho Eugene route. After considerable discussion, tho Eugeno lino was ordered built. During Mr. Cnlvln's visit to Coos Day a couplo of years ago, ho informed Marshfleld men nt n Httlo conference thnt ho was suro that tho Drain lino would bo better for tho Southern Pacific and bettor for Coos Day becauso it would open a bigger territory for this point ns a Jobbing center. Now that Mr. Calvin Is, as a re suit of the reorganization announced by President Sproulo n week ago last Friday, In charge of tho construction of te now lines, it would not bo su -prising to some to see him try and change back to tho Drnln lino. Of course, It Is believed thnt the const lino up to the Sluslaw will be buHt oventunlly anyhow. It Is Btnted on excellent authority that Pprtors and MncArthur Perks hnvo arranged for immediately put ting In ten construction camps along the Sluslaw besides the one for tho tunnpl work between North Lake and tho Umnqna, 1 aonoral Mnnnger Hitchcock of tho MncArthur Perks company is expect ed lore (soon. It Is now stated hnt tbfi.nlgn tg hnve SJJln-OnJJ (Continued on Pago Six.) S ER G Emperor of Japan Somewhat Improved Today But Has Not Passed Danger. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Times.) TOKIO. July 22 Tho improve ment In tho condition of tho Emperor which sot in this morning continuod throughout tho dny. Ono of tho specialists attending tho Emperor, issued a noto of warn Ing. Ho Is quoted ns saying that this Is only tho first stngo of tho Empor or's malady and advising against ov er hopefulness becauso tho second nnd third solgcs must bo passod through beforo full confidence that his majesty's recovery can bo re stored. M 19 GETS RIDE IN AUTO Samuel L. Johnson, Coquille Resident 44 Years, Takes His First Auto Trip. Samuel L. Johnson of tho Coquille Valley visited Coos Day Saturday and Sunday. This was tho first visit ho has made to this section of tho county for moro than 30 years past, although ho has been a resi dent of the Coquille Valley for 44 years past. Mr. Johnson is 79 years old. When ho first rnme to Marsh flold tl ere was ono store horo and to mnko tho trip hp had to come on tho Coquille river nnd down Isthmus Inlet. It wns neressnry to go to Em pire to get mnll nnd provision?. Mr. Johnson camo to Marshflold to visit his nephew, Joseph Conte-s, a millwright at tho Eastsldo mill of the C. A. Smith company, who is now quite sick. Mr. Johnson Sunday took his first ride In. nn nutomobllp, visiting North Dend, Empire nnd th surrounding country. Ho was as tonished at the growth of the com- Picked Bunch of Gunmen Al leged to Have Slain Her man Rosenthal. CAREFUL PLOT MADE TO ESTABLISH ALIBIS Street Cleared for Getaway of "Murder Car" Many Involved in Deed. NEW YORK, July 22 A plckoi gang of gunmen wns soloctod to shoot down Hcrmnn Rosenthal and had had rehearsals for tho killing, is was said by officials of tho prose cutor's ofllco today. An investiga tion showed thero was not n slip In tho plans nnd that tho principals wore most careful to establish ttlibiu. William Shapiro, hold in connection with tho killing, in a supplomcntntr statement, rovonlod how tho gang men kopt tho street in front of tho Motropolo practically cloar of taxi cabs for thirty minutes boforo tho murder, apparently that tho "mur der car" might havo a "cloar get away." Shapiro said at loast slxteon mon must havo known of tho "croak" to bo pulled off as thoy woro in front ol tho Motropolo ready to "blackjack" or kill if necessary anyono who Inter fered with tho Job, or tried to block tho gotnwny of tho gun flghtors. Re ports today had it that "Dald Jack" Roso had nlso "squonlod" and that Commissioner Dougherty wns In pos session of nil tho names of mon who wero in tho murder car. Doughorty has promised important nrrosts but further than thnt will not discuss the case. A country-wldo senrch for Roson thai slayers Is on. Somo of tho Enst sldo chnractorH whom dotoctlvos aro searching for nro "Lofty" Leeds, a gun man, John Whltoy, Harry Val lon, a gambler, Sam Schopps, a gang sler, nnd Itsky, nnothor gnnstor. Details of Plot District Attorney Whitman's in formation is thnt tho plotters plan ned to hnvo tho killing apponr to be tho outcomo of n light botween the gambiors. Ho received a tolophone messngo Immediately after tho shoot ing saying, "You nnd bottor got down to tho Motropolo ahead of tho pollco or a pistol will ho found on Rosen thal's body." Tho prosecutor hur ried to tho sceno of tho murder and satisfied himself thnt thoro was no weapon on tho body. Whitman haB rcrolvod n communication slgnod "Woman who knows," giving tho nnmo of tho gun mnn who flrod tho first shot nt Rosonthnl. This man tho writor said, came originally from Cincinnati and mny hnvo roturnod thcro. FAIL TO AGREE House nnd Senate Conferees Consider Itiittlesliip Question. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 22. No ngreement over tho bnttlcshly progrnm for this year wna renchol when tho Houbo nnd Sonnto con ferees on tho nnval appropriation bill held another meeting today. All othor points of difference on tho bill hnvo been reconciled. Tho Sonnto refused to recede from its demand for two bnttleshlpB, whllo tho IIouso demands that none shall bo provided. Another meotlng of tho conforeos will bo held omorrow. Tho Senate conferees bollovo thoy can forco the House into ngreement for ono ship. AFTER DELINQUENTS TODAT Difficulty In Securing Quorums In Senate nnd House. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, July 22. Armed with official warrants to ar rest trnnnt membors of tho House, tho sergeant-nt-arms and his assist ants wero sent about tho Capital to day to seize the absentees and hn!e them boforo tho bar of tho House which meanwhile was forced to sus pend. The Senato had two roll calls and n longthy suspension beforo suf ficient Senators appeared to constl tl'to J1. QUQfJ'Pl1 munity. Ho said ho did not expect to over see such wundorful develop ment. Mr. Johnson roturnod on tho morning trnln today to tho valley. His ranch is located on the Coqulllo river. MOW! DRY STATES TO RE MADE DRYER (Speclnl to Tho Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July , 22, The Judiciary committee 4 of the Semite hns ordorod a favorable report on tho bill to prevent tie thlpmont of liquor from "Wet" Into "Dry" stntos. TRY a CIDER FLIP nt SARTERS Times' Want Ads bring results.