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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912 EVENING EOtflOK, ,' GREAT POSSIBILITIES OF THE COAT 1 KAMMERER says," he's after you and will get you if you don't watch out 44 fOR MEN Corroctly moulded lasts ensure absolute) comfort in PACKARD SHOES. Every stylo io mado -with strict regard for proper fitting. You -will bo surprised how easily and snugly they conform to tho foot. KjyJILiX ILlXlf OUJ.JUW WUU OUXJLJI& iiw vv To get the habit of wearing The right kind of Haberdashery . The right kind of quality at The right kind of prices Today, tomorrow, and the day after, you will find here , something different something newsomething the other fellow hasn't got. Yours, anxious to please, The Toggery The Fragrance of the Roast ns it comos Btoaming hot from tho kitchen Is only a forotasto of tho big ger onjoymont of tasting it. That is if It has como from this markot. For our moats nro tho choicost and toudorost to bo had. A tasto of thorn means a doslro for nioro, especially n h our prices nro ns low ns any. MARSHPIELD OASn UARXKT. FOURIER BROS.4 -Telephones North Bond Two Mnrkcta 51 O'Kelly's Auto Line Running botweon North Bond nnd Marahllold as por schodulo. Mnrshflcltl-221-J KQUIl'l'tiD WITH WIIIELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TLME. SAILS I'ltOM A1NSWOUTII DOCIC, I'OUTLAXl), AT A. M., JUNK IIihI, 7th., mill., 17th., UUnd null 127th. THOM MA US 1 1 KI KM) AT Tin; hkuvici: oi1 Tin: tide junk nil, uih, nth, iuth, 21th ami 2Dlh. L. A. PAIIKHUIIST, Agent. Phono Main 321-L. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUI1MAUINE HELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR. COOS BAY Thursday, June 13, At, 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44. O. F. McGEOItGB, Agents Leave North. Rend Lcnvo Marshflold G:5Ga. m. 7:10 a.m. 7:40 " 7:C5 " 8:25 ' 8:40 " 9:10 " 0:2G " 9:GG " 10:10 " 10:40 " 10:GG " 11:26 " "11:40 " 12:10 p.m. 12:25 p.m. 12:GG " i:io " 1:40 " i:GG " 2:26 " 2:40 " 3:10 " . 3:25 " 3:GG " 4:10 " 4:40 " 4:GG " G:2G " 6:40 " c:io " .c:2G " C:GG " 7:26 " 7:6G " 8:26 " 8:GG " 0:26 " 0:65 " 10:25 " 10:55 " 11:25 " 11:55 " 12:26 a. ro. A NIGHT AT THE MOVING PIC TURE SHOW Lv. North Bend Alton's Nowb Stand Lv. Mnrshflold Cliandlor and Blan co Ilotols. City Auto Service Good Cars, Caroful Drivers and roasonnblo chargos. Oyr motto: "Will go anywhoro at riiy time." Stands Dlanco Hotol and Dlanco Cigar Storo. Day Phonos 78 and 4 0 Night Phono 40. DARKER -A OOODALE. proprietor. THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSWFIELD FOR, EUREKA AT 2 A. M., FRIDAY, JUNE 7 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH nANK ROAD AT PORTLAND MMtTll I'ACIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44. a. F. McGEORGE, Agent. Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Monday, June 3 F. 8. DOW, Agent. Occam Dock. SEE WHAT EASY TERMS RANCH BARGAIN ' 120 Aero fruit nnd dairy 1n culti vation Of tho host oIobb All stock, tools nnd Implomonts. $2000 handles Dalanco easy, $12,000. I. S. KAUPMAN & CO. 177 Frost St. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE TTIEY nUY SHOES FROM 91 PER PAIR UP. THE ELEOTRIO SHOE PIIOF 180 So. Broadway Marshflald T. J. BCAIFE A. H. HODGDXI $ Marshfield Paint (Sb Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phone 14 0L Oregon COOS IhiY-ROSEBTJRG STAGE LINE. Stago lonvea Mnrshflold every morning at 6 nnd roaches Rosoburg in timo to connoct with ovening train for Portland. Stage also leaves Rosoburg every morning nt 6 o'clock and roaches Marshfield same evening. FARE $0.00, Round trip $11.00. . Good menls en route. C. P. Barnard, ngont, Rosoburg. J J ' ' Otto Schotter, agent, 120 Market Avenue, Mnrshflold, Tlckota can ho obtaluod nt Hlllyer'a Cigar Store. Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, RUT FIRST COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES ON SinNGLES AND ROOFINO PAPER. SHINGLES Sl.rtO AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.28 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS. PRESSKRS and nAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward E. Strauss & Co. tine Tailoring Let us xnaka your next Suit. 2fl5 CommorclnJ. Phono 250-X. (liy Lillian Seaman of tho Fourth Qrndo) . Ono night Vlrglulu Clnrke stuyed till night with mo nnd mnmmn said wo could go to thu show. Wo went uiirly ns mnnima was going to meet us nftorwnrd. Wo went to tho Royal im they wcro going to havo good pictures thoro that night. Tho nrst picture was Interesting Tho namo of It wns "Romeo nnd Juliet." Thoro woro two royal fnm IIIoh named Cnpulot nnd Montaguo. Long ngo thoy had n qunrrol. It hnd grown so had that not oven a 'servant could sponk to ono of tho other house Ono tlmo Lord Capulot hnd a great hall nnd ovorybody wns Invited oxcopt tho Montaguo family. Romeo, tho son of Lord Montague, wanted vory much to go to tho bnll. So ho put on n dlsgulso nnd wont. At tho dnnco, Romeo saw a vory beautiful lndy with whom ho fell In lovo nt tho first glanco. Ho Inquired who alio wns and thoy told him alio wns tho daughter of Lord Capulot, his deadly ononiy. Aftor tho danco, Romeo wont homo but could not forgot Juliet. For somo tlmo aftor this ball, thoy mot socrotly Jn nn orchard. At last thoy docldod to bo marrlod. Thoy got nn old prlost of tho family to marry thorn. Now tho father of Jullot wished her to mnrry Lord Parish, hor cous in. Juliet went to tho prlost who gnvo hor n drug that would mako hor sloep sovornl days. Then Jullot Rent a latter to hor husband, who wno nwny In n distant town, tolling him about tho secret of tho drug. But Romoo failed to recolvo tho mes sngo but hnd hoard of his bride's death. Ho had loft at onco for hor tomb. On his way thoro ho had mot Lord Parish who was also on tho wny to tho tomb. A duol followed their mooting In which Romoo killed Lord Parish. On his way Romoo had stoppod and bought somo poison which ho wob going to tako at Jul iet's tomb. Taking a last look at his holovcd wlfo, ho tok tho poison nnd fell ovor dond, Whon Jullot nwnkoned sho discov ered Romeo, took n dagger and plunged It In hor heart. Just then the priest cainu In nnd called both tho families togethor to seo their dead ones. Tho families mado up and wept togothor for their children, Romeo nnd Jullot. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTICE A mooting will bo hold at tho Marshflold Cbambor of CommorcoFri- day ovonlng, Juno 7, to discuss tho closing of Mill Slough. All infor- ostod parties aro urged to bo in at tendance. J. T. McCORMAC. Pres. HELPED TO KEEP DOWN EXPENSES Mrs. J. E. Henry, Akron, Mich., tells how sho did so: "I was both orod with my kldnoys and had to go nearly doublo. I trrod a sample v. Foley Kidney Pills and they did me so much good that I bought a bottle, and' feel that thoy saved me a hie doctor's bill." Red Cross Drug Storo. Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DO NE AT THE TIMES' 0FRICE Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract' Co. HENitY SKNGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offko Phone 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal aadenU "BASTSIDBT QMtral Ag Marshfleld OHea 14-J. MUCH INTEREST MANIFESTED IN THIS RRANCH OF STOCK RAIB. ING COOS COUNT A GOOD FIELD FOR ITS DEVELOPMENT. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 7 Hundreds of inquiries regarding the possibilities in tho Uuitad States of a groat goat industry nro now reach ing tho Dopartmont of Commerce ami Labor. Tlicso Inquiries nro tho ro suit of a recent statement by tho Bu reau of Statistics of that dopartmont, that 1250,000,000 had boon sent out of tho country In tho last docado to purclniBo gont skins for ubo in this country, nnd thnt tho commercial value of tho COO, 000, 000 goats which these skins represented would, had thoy been grown In tho United States, have approximated $1,000,000,000. Those suggestions couplod with the further fact that goats of tho class supplying the skliiB in question could bo grown upon soml-nrld and soml- mountainous lands In tho Unltod States now practically unutilized. I havo nddod to tho Interest Indicated uy uiu luuuirius nuw uohik maue. Tho stntoment of tho Durcnu of Statistics ns to tho mimbur nnd valuo of goat skltiB now being Im ported, wns coupled with extracts from n statemont by tho United Stntce Consul Cnnnda nt Vorn Cruz, Mexico, originally publlBhod by tho Durcnu of Manufactures of the De partment of Commerce mid I.ubo. . In this report Consul Canada says: "Goats aro raised lu overy state of tho Republic of Mexico. . . . Tho Industry Is largely confined to tho central table lands . , . though tho nntmals thrive ovorywhoro and can ho raised at a good profit ovor a wider rango of territory than that on which cattle- mny bo successfully raised. . . . Thp dry plalnB u. Nuovo Leon, with scant growth of brush, nro ublo tq support large flocks of goats, though theso namo plalnB will not produco corn, cano or grans, unless water Is supplied tor Irrigation. . . . Tho oxtont of torrltory which could bo given to the raising of' goats, without in any wny interfering with agriculture, Is very largo. Vera Cruz litis tens of thoub nnds of acres of laud so steep and rugged that It cannot bo farmed profitably, but theso ruituod moun tain sides furnish Ideal feeding grounds for goatB. . . . Tho value of tho goat doponda upon thrio things, mont, (allow, and tho skin. . . . Tho matter of fresh moat In tho farming districts of tho hot coun try Ib greatly simplified by tho breed ing of goats. In small, Isolated com munities It Is risky to slaughter nn ox or cow, as the flesh Is llahlq to spoil before It Is consumod. The small carcass of n goat makes It en tirely practicable to kill frenuontir without risk or loss. In tho Stnto of Tobasco tho Inhabitants nro novor nt n Iobb for fresh moat on planta tions whero goatB nro raised, nnd whero formerly meat wns almost un known. . . . Tho flesh nlono would mako It n profltablo Industry, for the enrcass of onch animal will bring f,rom f 1 to fl.GO. Fats of all kinds aro high prlcod In nil parts of tho country. ... At two yonrs n fnt goat will yield C to 10 pouncs or clear tallow, which will bo wortn from 76c to l,C0. . . . Tho 11109; valuable part of tho goat Is tho Bkln, worth 11.25 to 11.60, and tho co.. stnnt trend of prices Is upward." (Theso figured of values nro presum ably In Moxlcau currency, In which tho dollar Is equlvnlont to about half n dollar In tho United Statoa cur rency). Tho Consul adds that tho Increase In tho number of goats Is vory rapl , slnco thoy bogln breeding at from a to 8 months of ngo, nnd brood twice a year, bringing forth two nnd not Infrequently thrco kids nt each brood ing season. A slnclo ahonhord it is said will look after at least 1000 goats. Ho adds: "A caroful Invosi- mont of flOOO woll looked nftor can cortalnly bo counted upon to doublo Itself Insldo of two and ono-half yoars, and to glvo at loaBt a GO por com profit por annum from tho ond of tho second year," Tho roport of Consul Canada closes by presenting tho result of n throo years' experi ment In goat raising on a farm in tho Stnto of Guorroro, Mexico, as fol lows: "In 1904 tho manngor of tho farm received CG.000 goats, Including largo and small, at n valuation of fl.GO ench, oqual to f99,000. From uiu prouueo or theso ho sold during nlno monthB of 1904 nnd tho years 1905 and 1900. 50,000 head at fS eacn, equal to 25(J,000, and had, at tho close of 190C, 88,000 head on tho farm, being 22,000 moro than ho started with. The result was, count ing tho valuo of tho 22,000 Increase at fl.60 each with tho foregoing snles, tho Investment of f99,000 pro duced in less than throo years $283, 000, besides tho original stock of 06,000 goats was Intact" (Figures In Mexican currency). Tho above facts as to tho possibili ties in tho Increase of tho moat sup ply of tho United Stntes, while re taining at home tho hundreds of mil lions of dollars now sent abroad far tho purchaso of goat skins, and pro ducing this supply of valuable ma terial on lands now practically un utilized, aro cited ns tho cause of tho numorous Inquiries upon this sub ject now reaching tho Department gf Commerce and Labor. Tho 'number of coats now producod In the United fortiaad, Ontoa S i Stria IJv (Epteoopalil ipulouti, I . I JFEIUOR lUtldtnt and Dar Sehanl tnr fltrla chart of Elitara of fit. Joha SUctl.t lEnia. OoUuUW.AtUealt u4 SltauUry DtparUwaU.I IfuU, JUt, SImiUm, OiuuIu. I for oatalo aditaw TUB SISTER SUPERIOR I orno2i. Si. Helena Hall Statoa Is .mall cr,m nany other counw.PUea' "alnthoS.n t id tii.mi... . -orRiu 1910 Marabout iZM .r.oo,ooo . T,,t000'0oll ???. nritishTRu,?nAJ ""OS nnd nnii.";.rtJ Tin Importation '" tho United S K.H la values. frn"c,la la 1 000 worth; from rW S.i.nnn dun1'""? Chlni.. 000.000 w.ffi. M (Ififi r.r.r. :... ria! from! 000:006 3. ' mr n I.'??' el will lmn0rt,o5ulS,?'-iol 000, tl,e n ibTrT?',1 Bonted hv ih..:?' Ml: about 45,000,000. H Ul. '"""""OlgOltll, States according W 1910. lncri....ig.i? " tho la.t di. "". tlllll nf th in,!,." '"Ill tk 'V southwestern state.. WASTE UASKBrTJl Uy Ucrt M. M7. h-.., Hon of Aiw.IL.. .? The other day I ,,,' :uJL.Iwlt B,or! o b "Showmcatlgonj,"! clerk, nmi im M,ii:r ' Eyorybody Is ulD baskets now. t ..1'' rl,.MU,,.th0n the ""OS right thoro. other pw, O...IIU iiuiiuio as mine Their mnii .. '.. form lotteri. nnmnM.i. mnttor of nn mm vi.i. f ....... ., a'UUI i iiiiuiiracuvcnesi that itio 10 ingg tnem Into I think tho genera inrgor wnBto batketaln mont hppiIpiI tn .1..- . largo part of what It u! vorusing is really ut vcrtlslnir. Tho onca who set tbt 11 nro uncio uamandtii Kvory namo la tli books, mauv in th Hi, anu iiBis supplied (rone aro used bv butlnMi m.- rcallzo that dozeni of ct luc the snnio Urn mil pooiue with 10 much prl mat 11 pans instead ot "i Thoro Is nnn fnrm tt I tor thnt doesn't get Isu oasKot until It Is read, asi ovening nowspaper. You don't hart ta kn onvolopcg or hire glrli ti or less nccurnto addreu ndvortlso In tho paper. Tho pooplo buy your 1 nun tnko it home. You reach not only tt havo telephones, but th wlin hnvnn't. If von have somethlsa tlm iwmnlii wnnt nr srcdl havo to giro them eomio meat or happiness, tut 1 tho first place to (Ire Ul It is not only tne w Itin Innol nvnonalrA n!lf You can write the idl morning, and before ti down bohlnd tho wtsttn ni will hn In IhouiindH Tho nowspaper will I messago, but thf ret) unnri in malm th IT1MI attractive and conrlnclt Duylng space Is the ei tno proposition, out " to bo fliea wnn woroi story of Interest a itoi nnn nnd woman WOUld I Pooplo are alj whero thoy can got the : best tor their money, im IUII iiiviii - somobody will get the 1 Tho merchant who 0 tlso In tho newiw doesn't do much of ann uo gots a wno "" fnllro nhn 1IVA In hit tl0 .,... .rnHn thnt Sloa family ovor till tho nertl tu iihIa iitorefl Is U 1a'I hnrvest moon on a t'i Thoy don't advertise. t ,,,. nn,iM flrure j " -, ., thing of staying oui nnd staying obscure, i with a little guniv tho newspapers ana s worm. . ty Tho people go w " .." -4 ihav DDT naverusp, u rr',y. n they read about In t"P nt nnnrso. what I " ten has. been laWjng foro, but iruia i er gets old, and will Wi Ing ns innBUB6w,":i. It Is better to go W than to gojntojthej!! I1IG imiDGE IS .. .. n..lfl COBl tjoiitncrn 1 .- - . - Concrete Strnciu.- SACRAMENTO, Cl Sufficient concrete cover on a v -- - 1S contained In JnJ w StrnS completed and paced lr ss 000 CUD1C J"'"" V-taJ 200,000 pounds of heaviest swing ; - ,-! turo yet erected, W pounas. . v. wagon roBu "-.- ,. on each .we. -i be used for th .do uI Southern r; which me .""" .haali feet In helgn . r-i eight-story w , jai occupies a space as J ainary uw