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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. WQgK &P"1J. Corytljlit Hit; S!u( & M YOU probably know a lot of just such young fellows as we show here; smartly dressed, keen for sports, full of life and ginger. We've got the clothes here for just such men. Hart Schaffner & Marx new models; young in design, in weave, in colors. "Young looking prices, 'too; $18, $20, $25; big values. Woolen Mill Store This itora is the homo of Hart Schaffner fc Marx clothes Depend On Us For Yom- 'fledlchaj Your Coctcr will n;vcr have the Brightest cause for complaint about the wcy v3 f.11 ht3 prescrip tions. He will pra:23 Cw fcldtty nnd eactnesa with which wc follow hb directions, and the Pure, fresh quality of the drugrAvc use. But our medicines are not more satisfactory than our prices. It is this combination of high quality and low prices that ha3 built up our busine:s. We sell many very good, ready-prepared remedies for different ailments. Arc you troubled with corns? We can cvc you a positive remedy for their painlesa removal crJ cure -REXALL CORN CURE. It relieves and cures the aost stubborn and painful corns and bunions. It is absolutely painless and sure in results. Sold with the Rexall guarantee. Lockharfc- Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER" MAIN 298 -US SOCIAL CALENDAR ' TODAY Class Piny nnd Alumni Dan- quot, North nontl. PERSONAL NOTES i . K. ALLEN loft yestordny for Co qulllo vnlloy points. COOS I1Y TIDES. Rol w Is Riven ths ttmo nnd height of high nnd low wntor nt Marshflcld. ly n yonr ngo. Tho fob wns picked 131) WIEDER enmo In todny from Ten up by tho llttlo son of Mrs. McLaugh- Mllo for n few dnys stny. lut of South Marshflcld nnd Is In good condition. NEIL WATSON of Coos City wns n , , Mitrshflold business visitor todny. Th tides nro nlacod In tho nnlor today naylnc un bills against tho old of occurrence, with tholr times on lommlsslon nnd bringing Hb nftnlrs Puvs 11IIU Hnrolvnr (loan of tho Coos liny Port Commission Is busy EUGENE CROST11WAIT Is making a trip to Coqulllo vnlloy towns. tho first lino nnd holchts on tho soc ond lino of each day; a comparison of consccutlvo holghta will Indicate whothor It Is high or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 2 hours 31 minutes. Unto. Tides for Jiinr. Hrs. .1.00 root .3.4 Hrs. .1.59 Feot .3.0 Hrs. .3.00 Foot .2.4 7.05 4.3 8.11 4.0 0.24 3.8 1.05 0.9 1.51 1.4 2.4G 1.9 8.21 5.3 9.05 3.3 9.52 5.G The Sign of Good Candy Always Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Gyclery BICYCLES FOR RENT Till: WEATHER (l)y Associated Proas.) OREGON. Showers tonight or Saturday. Cooler tonight. Southerly winds. hi:- LOCAL THMPniLVrUHE PORT. For twenty-four hours ondlng at -I 1 3 a. m., Juno 7, by BonJ. Ostllnd, special govornmont mo toorologlcal observer: Maximum 74 Minimum 42 At 4:43 n. m 52 Precipitation nono o Wind northwest: cloar. HiilliN Cottage. Mrs. Mlnnlo Tow er Ib arranging to erect n cottago on Curtis uvetiuo, Just west of tho Wil liams building. Build Hummer Home. Arthur Mv. Kcown Ih arranging to build n bunga low at tho Mnzo which will bo usod ns u summer homo for himself nnd family nnd J. W. Dennett and family. Piny nt Sumner Capt. Leonard Masters of tho Sumner basoball team stated today that ho had arrangod for a gamo with tho North Dond Flro Dopartmont toam to bo playod nt Sumner noxt Sunday. May Sell Horso It was roportod horo today that F. P. Norton had practically closod negotiations for tho oalo of his pacer Marin, which ho took to San Francisco on tho Rcdon do yestordny, to parties at tho Goldon Gato. Find Lost Fob Goo. N. Bolt to day recovered a watch fob and charm which his son, Erie P. Dolt, lost noar- COSTELLO nnd GILHERT Present now songs and dances AT The Royal TONIGHT THREE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD MOVING PICTURES "Two Old Mon." "A Musician's Daughter." 'Cupid's Hlg SNtcr," and on tho samo reel "Touring HrusselH." The Old Reliable Vaudeville 10 CENTS. WANT ADS. up to dato. Got Fourth Auto Mossrs. Gorst nnd King who are operating nn auto line between North Rend nnd Marsh Hold hnvo received word that another nuto which they had nt Medford will urrlvo on tho liny within n fow dnys. MRS. ANNIE HOLLAND hns jiiBt re turned from a business trip to Bnndou. Gets Now Auto Gcorgo Goodrum received word today that n now flvo pnssougor auto would arrlvo on tho Rrcnkwator tomorrow for hlni. Ho nlso expects Mr. Stcolo horo to tako chargo of his nuto repair shop. Wed Todny Gcorgo Jonson, ro contly of Elma, Wash., nnd Miss An na Colobrook of Coqulllo woro mar ried hero today, tho Rov. Fnthor Munroo olllclntlng. Mr. Jensen for merly resided In Mnrshflold. Thoy expect to make their homo horo. MRS. DAN McDONALD. of North Rend, is tho guest of Mrs. II. 1. McKcown hero today. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE camo ovo from Coqulllo todny nnd went to North Bend on business. ALBERT MATSON and wlfo nnd son, Julius, nro spending n fow dnys nt tho Nook. on business. Ho hns Just roturnod from n trip to Curry county and reports that Gold Bench is plan ning for tho biggest Fourth of July colobrntlon over hold In Curry, county. MRS. ROSS SMITH will lonvo Sunday for Portland whero sho will visit nt tho homo of hor husband's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith. Sho nlso expects to visit nt Wash ington points boforo her return w tho Bny. . F. McOEOROE. C. IC. Perry and Henry HIgglns started on a fishing expedition today In Mr. McGcorgo'a boaL If thoy bring back all tho fish thoy havo promised troy will hnvo to charter tho Alllanco to get them to Mnrshileld. RAY CAMPBELL hns roturnod to tho Bay nftor spending a fow monthB In California. WILL HORTON expects to loav Sunday for Portland whero ho will tako In tho Roso Festival. Get Musical Comedy Manngor VInco Prntt of tho Mnsonlc Oporn Houso Is endeavoring to bring tho Frank Rich Musical Comedy com pany hero for a throo or four days'! engngomont tho Fourth of July. Tho compnny consists of twonty-flVo poo plu nnd thoy hnvo boon making a groat lilt nt Tho Onkcs In Portland. ERIC BOLT, who Is attending Wll lamotto Unlvoralty at Saloni, is ex pected homo about Juno 15. ..Count Court Monday An ad- Journod mooting of tho Coos County MISS MARGARET FOX loft todny for Maxwell to visit hor fathor, W. P. Fox, tho mayor of Maxwoll. MISS LAURA DIMMICK of Coqulllo has boon spondlng a fow dnys horo as tho guest of hor brother, Victor Dltnmick. Commissioners will bo hold at Co- w w DUGGAN, formerly city mar nllllln nnrl Mntiilnv in rnnnlilnr rnnil ' . . . . ' ... " . . . qulllo noxt Monday to consider road and brldgo tnattors. Tho commls Blonors following tho potltlonB for improvomontB expect to start on a thrco or four days' inspection trip to ascertain what work Is necessary on tho roads. Special for Roys Prof. Doggs who has chargo of tho Human Roso bud Parado for tho Fourth of July Colobrntlon has calted a special moot ing of tho boys of Coos Bny and vic inity to bo hold nt tho Tabornaclo next Tuesday morning' nt 10 o'clock. Ho expects to organlzo a special drill company of boys botwoon eight nnd fourteon yoars of ago. Start Allegany Stngo Messrs. Mc Donald and Bolslngor who will opor nto tho auto lino botwoon Allegany nnd Scottsburg this yonr expect to start-tho sorvlco Sunday. Tho pas nongors botwoon Scottsburg and Drain will bo handled by tho Gardl-nor-Drnln Stago company's autos. Capt. Edwards will put on his now fast boat, tho Rainbow, to connoct with tho autos. Mr. Bolslngor wont out ovor tho road today to boo whoth or It was In condition to stnrt tho sorvlco. Excursion Sunday Tio basoball oxcurslon to Coqulllo Sunday prom ises to draw a largo crowd. Tho train will loavo about 8 o'clock and should roach horo on tho roturn trip oarly Sunday ovonlng. Capt. Mc Cutchoon had tho Mnrshflold toam out for practlco last night and will havo thorn out again this ovonlng. Stnnloy Brlggs Is allowing up woll nt second baso and Sutton, tho now south-paw, and Woods In tho Hold nro showing up In good form. slinl but now residing nt Charles ton Bay, was In Mnrshflold today on business. MISS AGNES HUTCHESON loft to dny for a fow weoka' visit at tho homo of her brothor, Jas. Hutchc--8on, nt Eurckn. MR8. S. LANDO loft today for Port land whoro sho will attend tho an nual mooting of tho Oregon Grand Chaptor of tho Eastern Star. W. F. MILLER will loavo Sunday ror Portland on business and ploasuro. Mrs. Mlllor will accompany him for n short visit with frlondn thoro. MUX) PIERSON Is In from Ton Mllo todny. Ho roports that tho flat near tho PIcrson utoro is being graded for a ball park at Ton Mllo. MRS. A. Z. DOWNS, Mrs. G. L. Hnll nnd Mrs. Henry Bishop wont to North Bond yestordny to nttond a mooting of tho Coos County W. C. T. U. Institute. A. E. ADELSPERGER and family and E. M. Barry and family ro turnod yesterday from a most do llghtful outing In tho mountains boyond Myrtlo Point. W. S. TURPEN was In North Bond yostordny on business and roport.i that tho nrrangomontB for tho pro posed now hotel thoro havo not reached a dofinlto stago yot. MRS. A. II. POWERS and llttlo daughtor, Margnrot, loft Minneap olis last ovonlng for homo nftcr n ahort visit with rolatlvos there. Thoy will roach horo noxt week. In San Francisco Troublo A. II. Moss who was ono of tho promotors of tho Glasgow Townslto horo twonty odd years ago and who wna woll known on tho Bay has again Jumped , Into tho llmo-llght In San Francisco. A frtu tnrntlio nrrn Ilia "hiinlf nf.alinn" wns pulled nnd last weok, tho build-1 WM 0ANDlin j8 i,oro from Coqulllo lllg HI which iiih uiiicuh wuru iiiuuiuu was dynamited In tho pool room out rages. Tho pollco thought nt first that Moss ofllcos woro the object of MRS. ROY ROZELLE of Bandon is horo for a short visit at tho homo of hor parents, Capt. and Mrs. Davo Holdon. Anothor daughtor, Mrs. Georgo Kimball, Ih horo from Tho Dnlles to visit Capt. and Mrs. Holdon. FOR SALE CHEAP Furniture, nl-jtho attack but Inter lonrnod Hint tho most now. Room No. I, 130 Broad way, Sengstackon bldg. WINROW-Clcanlng, Floor polishing, etc., call up A. Landlos. Phono 8-J. ROOFING Metal Boating, .Roof painting. All work guaranteou. J. L. BRICK. Phono 89-J. WANTED Four millwrights nt $3.50 per day; ono stationary en gineer, $100 por month; ono ma chinist, $100 por month; ono ma chlnlst, 40c per hour. Phone 2G9-L. LOST Tun crope-de-chlno scarf with frlngo and Initial. Plenso roturn to Times office. dyuamlto was directed against n pool room In tho snmo building. Men's Underwear LOST Decoration Day, u UcImwii pin, D. of II., star-shaped. Re ward for return' to Times office FOR SALE Ono good heavy work ing toam, a new set of heavy har ness and wagon. Price $275. Ad dross Box 598, Mnrshflold, Oro. Outsldo Rulklirud Tho Drodgo Orogon today Is pumping In on tho shoro botwoon tho old atnvo mill nnd Klnnoy dock whoro no bulkhead wns built. It Is claimed that a rocky shoal along tho bank mndo It dim cult or ImpoBalblo to put In a bulk- lioau uui muiiy uru uuiiiimiiiiiiK uu-i ,.i ,. caiiBO tho plpollno is not turned toip"""" onolsldo of this spaco so that it wlHU me Siiiiimci--wtlKlit i-lidx-d C(r pump In behind tho bulkhonds that h'n dor wear, nor garment JUL m . . -.. T I "" uavo oeon cunturuuiuu.. jueiiiuur Lcofo who has charge of tho drodgo liaa ropoatodly urged that hasto bo houil so that It would not ho nocos-iA lino lloihy illibed &4 OC sarv for tho droduo to numn on thoi I'mU'rwoar, por ganiicnt. . . I . tldo flats. Receiver Gobs of tho Port Commission thinks that tho Drodgo should pump In bohlnd tho bulkheads that havo already boon built, saying that It would not roqulro much more plpollno to do this. Wo carry a largo and lino lino cu Moil's Su minor l mlorweiir nt inonoy. A Doihy ilbliod Fuller- 7C wear nt, ior garment I Jt. WANTED Glil nt Stafford. WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. II. S. Tow er. Phono 252-J. WDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE FOR SALE 80-acro ranch on river: crops In; $1200 cash handles It. Address owner, C. W. Doutt, Alio gany, Ore. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC- WANTED- wool and cas- In compliance with tho now ordin ance, notice Is horoby glvon that tho Marshfield building Inspector, electri cal Inspector and plumbing Inspector will havo an ofllco on tho socond floor of tho city hall. Tho Inspector will be found at his ofllco between the hours of 8 o'clock a, m. and 11 o'clock a. m. Tho city ordinance governing these matters will bo rigidly onforcod and anyone having any work In connec tion with tnom is urged 10 can mo -.Nl Oil JUL v ' i i.n.,ini. nnd nsrnrtnln rntrnrillnir carabark. Apply to Henry r '" ' pho 9v stackon, at offlco or imo uuui nntee & Abstract Co. nermits. otc, All feos now go to ino cny, mo in spector bolng placed on a flat salary. GEO. W. TRIBBEY, Inspoctor. Somo very lino Mercerized M HE L'ndonvonr, por garment. . . P J ...$1.50 A ulcu Viilou Suit Siiiiimor weight, for The Bazar ' Phone 32. The Ilottse of Quality. F. M. PARSONS nnd wlfo loft toiln with E. S. Bargolt nnd wlfo la their nuto for Portlnnd. Thoy wont to Allegany' this nftornoon nnd will loavo thoro tomorrow morning. During Mr. Parson's nb uoneo, Harry Wlnklor Is In chnrgo at tho Busy Corner. SUPT. A. G. RAAR of North Dond was In Mnrshflold today en routo to Coqulllo to hnvo Supt. Bunch sign tho diplomas of tho North Bend graduates, Tho North Bond schools closo today for tho yoar, tho final grado oxorclsos bolng hold this nftornoon nnd tho final high school oxorclsos being hold this ovonlng. North Bend News Geo. W. Artls Is expected to ro turn noxt weok from Simon, Ariz. E. P. Mnthor and wlfo will loavo soon for a short visit In Portlnnd. Miss Anna Ward, of Portland, la tho guest of MIbs Ellen Anderson horo. Chas. Thorn hns bought n big nuto delivery truck for tho North Bond Browory. Mrs. Harry Huntloy vlsltod hor un do, Goo. W. Cnrloton, at Marshflold yostordny. Wnrron Palntor of North Dond was In Mnrshflold yesterday on biiBlnoso nnd ploasuro. Louis St. Donnls nnd wlfo, of North Lnkc, Ton Mllo, uro rojolclng ovor tho birth of n ton-pound son. Tho Coos Bay Motor Boat Club and tho North Bond Band will enjoy a picnic and outing at Mlrao Cove on South Coos Rlvor noxt Sunday. Miss Ruth GtlbcrtHon, who recently camo horo from Glondalo, Oro., with hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, Gilbert Gllbortson, linn takon a position In Hammond & Holllstors' offlco. Jack McDonnld wan In North Bond yostordny closing up with tho Kruso and Banks shipyards on a contract for tho delivery of about 4,000,000 foot of ship lumbor nnd tlmbors In tho near future Ho loft In tho after noon for his mill at Loon Lako, Georgo D. Mnndlgo and wlfo and daughtor, Miss Gortrudo, loft today via auto for Portland whoro thoy will spond a fow weoka at tho homo of Mrs. Mandlgo's filstor, Mrs. F. A. Krlbo. Mrs. W. O. Bailey and llttlo dnughtor will accompany thorn on tho trip. G. J. Mlllls hns wlrod tho North Bond city ofllclnls consontlng to tho chango In tho grado of tho lino thru North Bond to tho grado suggostod by tho city which will mnko bottor streots. Tho lino will hnvo two-tenth of ono por cent grado through North Rend and this will onnblo tho fixing of tho cross grndos at about 'vo por cont up to Sherman nvonuo. A mooting of those IntorcBted In tho oponlng of tho now county road from Cooston to Allegany and from Cooston to Peterson's Landing will bo hold nt tho Commorclnl Club a wook from todny, Tho mooting will bo for tho purposo of dovlslng moans of financing tho project, It bolng un doratood that ono halt tho cost of tho proposed road will have to bo rnlsod by subscription nnd tho othor half will bo paid by tho county. SPECIAL candy SALE nt STAF FORD'S SATURDAY nnd SUNDAY CARAMELS .15 CENTS per POUND. REDUCTION SALE Ladlo' Tnll orod SUITS and COATS. Four days only boglnnlng Wednesday. LADIES' EMPORIUM. Special Offer WHILE THEY LAST WE WILL GIVI A DURHAM DUPLEX SAFETY RAZOR FOR 35 Coats. 3 tPAYJ w J H Blm6W RVRGA1N SALE; 40 horsepower auto for $500; first-class condi tion: fully equipped: cost uow $3000; will sell for $500 on easy !",S- vr... Front street. Phone .you can find right now at GOING 180-J. When tho RAILWAY comeA It will not bring any bettor PIANOS than HARVEY'S. V -- IW.V"'3-' fan .n V-i Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality