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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1911)
f TvtjTj THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 4 m I ' ME pleaseb WITHJUTLODK (Continued from page 1.) w th It nml OREGON'S NEW ItAIIjIlOAD ERA. wns Betting nlong flno About n yenr ngo It wns announced on high authority thnt Oregon would see mora fnllrond construction dur ing the Succeeding llve-yenr period than any other state In the Union, bios the Portland Journal. The present status Justllles the pre diction. Twenty-three million dol lars wns spent on rnllroud construc tion in eastern Oregon' nlouo In the past two years. The other millions represented In other lines Just built, I building or projected are a huge North Bend News Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hanson of North' inlet nre rejoicing over the birth ,of n daughter. v Mrs. C. A. Ackermnn leaves this week for Portland to Join Mr. Ack erman, they having decided to make their home there. nlso that their right-of-way man, Mr. Eddy, hnd been very successful on the Coos Day end of the line. Ho pnrtly confirmed the report thnt Mr. Eddy hnd arranged for the grent bulk of the rlght-of-wny from Gardiner to Coos Bay with the exception of the stretch ncross the property of tho Simpson Lumber company and L. J. Simpson. Relative to the progress on the right-of-way between Gnrdl ner and tho Sluslaw, Mr. Sumner said that the land between those points wns held by n comparatively few In terests nnd consequently it wns ensier to arrange right-of-way matters than when It wns necessary to deal with ft grent many small land owners. Mr. Sumner stated thnt It wns tho Intention to concentrnte their efforts on building the line from Coos Day to Oregon Electric to Eugene. The ex Eugene nnd thnt when this section tension of the Southern Pacific from wns completed, the balance of tho Eugene In the direction of Coos Day project would be taken up. He did in announced. Coos Ray nir Is thick not core to talk about plans for tho with rumors of another line, report balance of It. ed ns bncked by English and French "Wo will be able to push the con- capital, structlon very rapidly when wo There Is promise- thnt tho Natron stnrt," remnrked Mr. Sumner. "The cut-off will be pushed to completion, road Is not difficult to build, in fact, Mr. Hill said nt Ucnd thnt his Oregon sum. It Is n trnnsition irom uuu m nctlvlty with no construction to wide spread activity over tho stato with very extensive construction, it Is our passage Into n new Oregon In which tho new tracknge will crente new trnfllc, the new trnllle be yielded by new production, nnd tho new pro duction bo new wealth created by new people In new homes nnd reflect ing an expanded nnd a greater stnte. Ninety-one miles of new rnllrond is n,dded today to the available mile age of the stnte. The Inst splko was driven the other dny at Rend. It emphasized the nddltlon of 2C2 miles of Hnrrlmnn nnd Hill lines to tho ag gregate trackage. Crews and camps nlong tho rlght-of-wny evidence the extension of tho It Is ensy In comparison with the Moffatt lino we built out of Denver." As to the exact route, Mr. Sumner did not give out any Information, say ing they hnd several surveys up nnd down the coast. Ho said It wns tho Intention to keep free of the snnd so fnr as posslblo. Ho snld thnt hlB son, trunk wns built with tho Harney country ns pnrt of projected system. The extension of the Corvnllls & Alsen lino from Monroe to Eugene Is nlready provided for, with work to be prosecuted ns soon ns the remain der of the rlght-of-wny enn bo secur ed. The Mount Hood line, the Unit Engineer L. A. Sumner, who hns ed Railways and other projects build- been working on the survey at this end, wns now completing the location of tho survey. , Rclnttve to the contractors who hnvo been on the Dny, the possibil ities of connections with the Hill lines, etc., Mr. Sumner wns not very communlcntlve. He nppenred mora Ing or programmed complete n list of activities on bigger plans than Ore gon hus ever seen. MEN WHO KNOW WON'T TEW. (From Eugene Register.) Well, thev nro no bettor at Elies- cnthuslustlc over this soctlon nnd its BK ,own 0 rj00B nny thnn wo nro resources, tho vnBt volume of IhibI- ,, nero ti10 ynlley ns to who Is ness that would come from the Willn- actually behind somo of the big rnll mette valley to tho const in nddltlon ronil propositions busy nlong the to thnt picked up nlong the lino Itself routc between Eugene nnd Mnrsh and the business the mills nround nchl, but there Is nn apparent cer hero would furnish for tho Interior tnnty tnnt( besides tho Southern Pn tlinn he hnd hitherto Indicated. Ho clflc, Whlch Is sure to build Its rond and Mr. Volcknmn drove from En- , .i1(S ... Micro Is to bo n corn- gene to Florence with one tenm nnd mndo tho trip to Coos Dny from Eu gene In a little more thnn two dnys. He snld thnt he expected to return hero ngnln In tho nenr future, nnd Mr. Volckmnn lnughlngly remnrked petlng line, nnd whether or not it Is nu allied Hill project, It Is of suf ficient Importance to wnrrnnt tho be lief thnt It Is transcontinental in nature and Its Intent nnd purpose will not long rcmnln under cover tnnt tno inuors nere would uo leit en- wilsey, who is promoting tho big tirely in Mr. Sumner's hands. conflt enterprise, could probably glvo Mr. Sumner expressed grntlllcation tno pubic gnme interesting Informn- ovcr tho friendly feeling shown his tlon nniJ wnii no Joubt, ,1,, f.0 when project by tho people of this section. tnc ,)ropor time comes. Mo is not This afternoon, It Is understood tnlklng for publication nt the present thnt Vice-president Sumner nnd Mr. tIUCi Volckmnn will hnvo nnothor confe rence with L. J. Simpson relutlvo to i uiu riKiiiui-ii utvr UIU oiiiijihuii WHY NOT DO IT NOW? properties. Coqullle- Humor. Another report nllont here Is thnt plans nro being mndo for building n I Good evening. Hnvo you pnld 1 I... I .1.1- - ... T1....I... .... your BiiiiDiTipwiin hub jvhi .' i eiiuii you owe for Inst year or It may bo that you have been borrowing your lelghbor's paper. Now, you under .T. Virgil Pttgh nnd wife, who hnvo bt.en hero from California on mat ters connected with Mr. Pugh's bank ruptcy proceedings, will leave today for Portland en route to California where they arc now lesldlng. North Dend people hnvo been pro-; mlsed by Manager Otto Schettcr 'of; the Western Union nt Mnrshllcld thnt j he will do everything in his power to have the comply extend Its line to j North Rend nnd establish nn office! here. M. E. Evcrltt tins purchnscd tho North Dend Drug company's business nnd hns plnccd Harry Winkler,, for merly of Mnrshfleld, In charge oftthat store ns It Is his Intention to main tain both stores. Jny Gray hns been conducting tho North Dend Drug store. Mr. Winkler's ninny Coos Day friends will unite In wishing him success In his new position. SENDS FORMAL REFUSAL TO MERGE BOOSTERS North Demi Commercial Club in structs Oltlclut to Notify Mnrshfleld of Decision Cot .Mote Member. The North Dend Commercial club nt n meeting Wednesday night In structed the secretary to notify the Mnrshllcld Chamber of Commerce thnt the body did not think the time wns opportune for the merger of the two organizations but thnt on any matters nrrcctmg tno community ns a whole they would be glnd to co opernte. This was the uuolllclnl de cision renched n week ngo when tho mutter was discussed nt n meeting with representatives of tho .Mnrshfleld Chamber of Commerce. Sixteen new members were nddod to the North Dend Commercial club Wednesday night nnd It is hoped to Increase the membership to eighty or one hundred before the first of tho yenr. President Wernlch wns Instructed to appoint n special committee to con fer with Mother Agues of Mercy hos pl'nl to see If It would not be pos sible to retain Mercy hospltnl nt North Dend Instend of moving It to Mnrshfleld nnd having tho North Rend property used ns a school, ns has been proposed. CHICKENS, FRYERS nnd STEWS for your SUNDAY DINNER nt STAVFF'S GROCERY. After tho sbow try a Turkish Bstl Phono 214-J. don ,,7VSon1,who"u?iiVye": B,n"'1' wo 'U, W mm we havn ion. K I). Liton, who nrrlved es- n,.i,0,,t0 Bt, nt lt jfl lm. terday from Portland hud henrd tho , , ,," ,,, . ,. roport nnd so hnd others. One hnd It thnt the logging rond which Is now being built on the lower Coqullle Is to be n link In the Hue. ALUMINUM WARE at MILNER'S. PHEl'SS DRl'G CO. A medicine that gives confidence Is Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound Mrs. T. J. Adams. 522 No. Kansas Ave, Columbus. Ens., writes: "Foi : n number of years my chlldieu hnve been subject to coughs nnd colds. I used Foley's Honey and Tnr Com pound nnd found thnt It cured their coughs nnd colds, so I keep It In the house nil tho time." Refuse sub stitutes. PREISS ItltVd CO. position to let other people go on carrying our money when wo nre so strong nnd healthy nnd so abundant ly nble to benr tho burden ourselves. For this reason we nsk anybody who hns" any money In his possession to lenvo it at the nftlce or send It by post, freight train, express or nuy other way. Just so It gets hero. Silver nnd gold nre heavy, nnd lt would be a matter of life-long regret If any body should get bow-legged carrying it about for us. Exchange. NOTICE TO TRAVELING PfULIC. The O'Kol'y Roat Line will opernto on the Sunday schedule from now un til tprlng, J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. This means Sundny on'y HAVE YOU READ IT? Tho Adler-I-ka book telling how you can EASILY guard ngalnst np pendlcltls, nnd gut Instant relief from stomach nnd bowel trouble, is being rend with much Interest b; Marsh flold people. It Is given nwny freo by Loekhnrt ft Pnrsons Drug Co. New Ideas in Overcoats 10 ixPm If Mill I I 1B2wkS,a Jww .tfJll fUll' I IM I MslvaHwi 111 J fiiM III till 111 Iff (itriV ( iTilinii'i1! iSitf.mV JPftll (lbT4tffTrr'l 111 IHfif (pvJL1 , ':SJff(nillfP I 111 iatacaa mm Wu III ILM i ill I JiiraKliiiP' .. 'l v ftcnjarnjn C'othcs Tlic reasons why wo nro soiling so many Ovemmis-. .Raincoats and Gabardine.. Wo have the largest assort niont. 11 dift'oront stylos in Gabardines alone. The only store on flooa Bay that is showing the new 3-4-length rain proof Over coats. AVc have every size from 33 to dS including extra length coats made 56 inches long at $ 1 8;n.d $20 NOW last hilt .ot lonsf. mn strongest argument is what we can save you on any coat costing from $10.00 to $-15.00 YOU KNOW WHY "MoneyTalks" AVe are waiting to prove this to you. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Coos Bay Bandon Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash theso garments elenner' nnd better thnn the work can be dono olsowhcrc. nnd they nro not worn so much. We do not shrink them, oven woolen garments nro returned tho same size ns when sent us. Wo Iron tho garments nicely, mnkc ' ordinary ropnlrs free of charge nnd you hnvo fresh clenn, sweot under-' wear ready for ench week's chnngo. ' Ilundlo yours up with next week's I Irtundry bundle. ' Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry IMION. 220-J "THE FRIEND OF COOS DAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Buy for Portland Friday, Ocl.13, at service of lidc. CONNECTl.NO WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT POHTIjAXD NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE U O, F. McOEOROE, Agent They're Here Just arrived from t'ie east the swellest line of Clothing ever shown in Marshfield, We especially want the young men to come in and look at thorn, for they have CLASS, and tho price, $20.00 to $25.00, AYTCLL, wo just ask you to judge. Our wet-weather goods are hero too, Swell Eng lish Slip-Ons, and Light Rubber Tourists Coats for street wear, Slickers and Rubber Boots for work; so, get ready NOW for that rain. The R.oyal TONIGHT -PIUXJRAM FOR FRIDAY "CALLED HACK" (The truth dawns on her.) "(JET RICH Ql'ICK" (Tho lunchmnn's henrt Is touched) "THE I'ORTl'NE TELLER" Song "KENTUCKY HOME" PHOCItAM FOR SAT CH RAY '$.1000 ISEWAHI) DEAD OR ALIVE" ( The Hlg Western Feature) (A touching story of lovo's inter ference with the plans of two desperadoes.) "ON THE DRINK" (Tho beautiful llshlng picture) "A XKillT OF ENCHANTMENT" (The Egyptian picture) Song "FRAIDY CAT" DEARY'S GUN SHOP Complete lino of Dlcyclo supplies, second-hand bicycles for snlo. Guns, olcyclos, etc., repaired. Umbrellas covered nnd ropnlrcd. E. HANDEL, Prop. Vn. (107 No. Front St. Phone 180-11 V Modern Ilrlck Building, Electric! Lights, Stenin llont. Elognntly Furnished Rooms with Hot nnd Cold Wntcr. II O T E L .C O OS , C. A. METLIN, Prop, rtntes: 50 cents a Dny nnd Upwards Cor. nrondwny nnd Market Mnrshfleld. Oregon. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from San Francisco fo' Marshfield Sunday morniiKj Oclohcr 15. 1NTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. F. McGEORQB, Agent. T. J. SCAIFE $$ A II. HODGINS Marshfield Paint Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished MARSHFIELD, Phono 140L Oregon EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON OCTOREH ! 10. ? 2t AND :M. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD (AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON OCTOHER 7, II, 21 AND 2H. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PnONE MAIN S5.L THE TOGGERY TIMBER LAND 240 Acres of flno timber 40 per cent Cednr. About 10 million feet $8,000 100 millions feet in one body. $1.00 per M. Call or Write AUG. FltlZEEN Mni-Miflelri, Oregon, tflE?U nfMnu. who hatonomelnvontlvo ability lnCllp!,"wrltoHi:i:u:V .1 UrlMlllt', I 'meiil Mlunii).. u.Uluuluu. II, V, MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c nnd $1.00; weok ?2.00 to $5.00. House keeping npnrtments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE PATHS--E. W. SULLIVAN. Prop We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J $ 1 00 Reward For nny sewing machine I can't plnco In first class order. Supplies for all machines furnished. Leave orders, drop n postal card or phone Rogers hotel. C. S. Leibendorfer Expert -"Machinist. Phone lll-L Referenco O. O. Lund, leather butcher Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAULO ND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. PUiter, Lima, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH RROADWAY. PHONE 201 Blanchard's Livery Wo have secured the livery husl loss of L. H, Helsner and are pre pared to render excellent service to the people of Coos Day. Cireful dilvers, gooa rigs and everything hat will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phone us for a driving horso, n rig or anything needed in the livery line. Wo also do truck g business of all kinds. MjANCHARR RROTIIERS Livery, Feed nnd Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets Phone 138-J Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl.e Phono 191 Marshfield Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Genaral Agents "EASTSIDE" every Pacific FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our stages leave Marshfield for Roseburg at 7 o'clock evening and afford quickest connections with Southern Hallway. Fare $6.00. COOS DAY ROSERURG STAGE LINE. . OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, . 120 .MARKET AV Mar-WM 0. P. BARNARD, Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. ! PHONE 11 .nuiu