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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1911)
If YOU CAN SIDESTEP SUFFERING THEN YOU MUST CERTAINLY BE HAPPY YOUR. ADS CARRYING Vour store-news, should nppcnr as Coos Gltmra SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising Hpaoe in t newspaper, compared with thj sptteo used by oher stores, should dottsn It-, eomparatlvo iiuportuuco 1a ttw eoininuultyl Does your store'o ? vcrtlslng space do that? regularly ns docs (his norsitiiicr. If newspaper omitted mi Issue now mill then even for so y n rc Bon as fearing Hint 11 inlht rain- U would not bo n good newspaper. member op associated press Established In 1878 ns The Coast Mnlt VOL XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Tlnuvt. Coast Mail and Coos Day Advertiser. No. 49? mn ffllCIS H- CLARKE PASSES STARTS TO FLY ACROSS CHIMB AIT Sti N PORTLAND Prominent Coos Bay Citizen and Head of Coos Bay and Boise Railway Dies. M I E OU PROSIT TYPHOID PNEUMONIA IS QUICKLY FATAL j State-Wide Election Today to All Coos Bay Mourns Death of 1 Determine Fate of Liquor Business There. (lly Associated Press to tlio Coos Hay Times. PORTLAND. Me., Sept. 1 1. Maine Is votliiK today to decide whether the pi'ohlhltory amendments shall lie r tallied In'the constitution. It is ideal woKthor. If the license advocates are Leading Advocate Body to Be Brought Here. Francis II. Clurko, president of the Coos liny and Ilolse railway, and one of the most promlnont cltlzoiiB q Coos liny died suddenly this morning ii..uii...l ..f iiiniinwtnln fitiil itlint in l orimnii ' !"" " - , Hllmwif t w,,j ti1(),.0 H UV(J.V conipllcntloiis. poslblllty that (lovornor Plnlstod Monger detail hnvo boon rocolv-imny ho prevailed upon to call a "me ed. It wnn known by n fow Intliualo clal session of the legislature to take fiii'iidx t'lid associates that ho had action on the repent of the statute been 111 In the hospital thore. but the, law, which is In effort the same as he news sax not given general clreulit-! constitutional amendment, and the tlon h-t It cause undue worry to his enactment of another law for the re faml La-t Thursday, the first Intimation (lint lit condition was sorlmu came. .Mis. Clarl i' wns preparing to no to Portland but Saturday night word win rortUcil that his condition was IniN'owl. This whs the Inst heard im'll word came of his death. It Is presumed that tho complica tion which resultod fntnlly so soon was typhoid pneumonia. Dr. A. C. Burroughs nnd Clnude Xaiburg of Mnrshlleld were- with him during hit Illness. Seldom has news been received that litis cmr-rd more genuine expressions ot sympathy on Cons Hay than that of the tlfiith of Francis II. Clarke. Aviator Fowler Leaves San Francisco For New York To day In Biplane Twenty-Six Days For Trip. IJ AfhouIuumI Press to Coos Bnj Times) SAX FRAXCISCO, Cnl., Sept. 'll. Knhprt Fowler, tho nvlntor, who will, attempt to lly a Wright biplane from San Francisco to New York, mado a preliminary night over por tions of tho city and ocenii this inorn- In a total of 2C dnys. The aviator will follow tho line of tho Southern Pacific, Union Pacific nnd Illinois Central. Ho will carry n message from Brigadier General Daniel Brush, commander of the Depart ment of California to Major General Frederick D. Grant, commanding tho division with headquarters at Gov ernors' Island, Now York. Fowler left tho ground here at 1:37 o'clock this afternoon. Ho will. attempt to reach Sacramento before nightfall. Vast throngs witnessed his panning over tho city and cheered him POLHEIS PLANS FOR HARBOR ADOPTED RT COMMISSIONERS 1 gulatlon of the Ileum' business I !CAPT. SIMPSON is in ill r tAHMfi V r MK E HE 1 HOLD HILT i FOR IB, Head of Simpson Lumber Com pany Suffers Attack of Pneumonia. Cant. A. M. Simpson, bond of the Few hnd been apprised of his UIno's, . , company. Is ropor:- anu it came ns an nDsniute shock wlilch they could scarcoly bollovo. Hero Five Years. cd critically ill of pnoumnnln nt .bin homo In San Francisco. His son, L. Francis II. Clarko wnB nliout fifty-J.Slmpson of North Ilond, nnd Mrs. four yearn old. Ho camo to Coos liny i Roy lMko, n daughter, and hor lius alout five years ngo from Mlnneii-jliand kft N-ortll I5om, yostorday for I'u'i and .-imaged In tho prnctlso of San KmMt.?r0. Capt. Edgar Slmpso-i law. a man of utiusual ability and ; who u j Portland will proceed south eloquence, vlth very lofty Idonls and froIU thore. rem..rkaWo interest In coninuinlty i cnptnln Simpson was takon ill last wcfaic h.. soon attaluod n plnco of-vm. lut ,,g Q0luut0U Wna not oon uniifnal iir.milnenco on Coos liny. gl,lerei l0rlous until Saturday. Owing T!-r.-. or four yenrs ago when thoto hlg mlVnnc8d nge. ho Is past Srt. Cos u-n mm Uoiw railroad project tliere ,g muc.h ,,,,,,r0henlmi over his was ().( tnken up. he became notlvoly condition. Identified with it and sine tlion had ,, F- iiuenBtelii yesterday reeelv devoted prnctlcally his ontlro tinio to 0(l won, that Mr. Simpson wiw slight It and had Just brought it to a suo-v ,pr0Ved. cewfiil culmination, it was nnnounc- ' ed. wlicn tin end came. I J r (l.'i'k. and tho six children1 aiv in Mai-.hflel,! and on ovory luind ' there are c-vresslons of sympathy J au fur thorn. Not only doos thempahy apply to tho family but to Coos Day In general ns nil rocog nlied him ns an onrnost and zoalous champion of this section. Aside from his work in promoting the Coos Uny and Ilolso railroad, ho a scholar of unusunl literary nbU " although ho had not had much lime to devoto to it. Ho rocontly pub lished hU first book, "Morgan Rocke- .er-i Will." which "lh nnich success. Thebody will ho brought here on he next Brenkwntor for burial. Re Jvm In Hood River, California and nneapoiis are being communicated lth. Ing nnd when ho landed nt the Btnrt-.on his way. His ascent wns tho signal Ing point expressed himself as nails-' for starting n special train which will (led with tho operation of the mnch-J accompany tho blrdmnn on the flight. Ine. Fowler started on his long flight j The train will carry extra partH nnd today nnd plans to reach Now York supplies. a At bo TITLE CASES Judge Hamilton Upholds Deeds of Railroad Addition Prop erty Barbour Loses. . .1. W. Ilonnett received word today thin .ludgo Hamilton had decided the rpse of the Merchant Kstate vs. J 11. Harbour of Ran Dleign In favor of the plaintiff. No pnrtlculnra of tho decision were glvon. Tho case Involved tho title to about 810 lots in Railroad Addition, Ilnr bour claiming a half Interost in them on Recount of some deal with It. A. (IrHhiun. tho builder of tho locnl rail way, who for a tlino had an option on tiie pi'oporty in uucstlon. Tho Mer chant ostato'brought sfiltTo quiet tltlo to tho property, most of which 1ms been sold to various Individuals liv ing In Railroad Addition nnd the de cision Is In this ensc. Mr. Uonnott who represents Mr. Ilnrhour nays tho caso will ho appeal ed. C. It. Pock represented tho Mer chant estate No Alterations Made In Engi neer's Recommendations For Improvements. BIDS ON BONDS TO BE ASKED AT ONCE Father of Madison, Wis., Girl Who Was Slain, Charged With Knowledge.' (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Tlmos) MADISON, Wis.. Sept. 11. Martin hemberger nnd wife, parents of sov-en-yenr-old Anna Lemberger, wh"" murdered body waa found in n lple n lnllo from tho home Saturday af'er iioon, wore brought to the police sta tion today upon their return from thi funornl of their little girl. They and n ton-yoar-old son were put throujr'i u rigid oxnmlnntlou by Chlof Slinugh nossy nnd several detectives. TJetectlvo Bpyer, of Chicago, blunt ly chargod Lomborgor with knowlodgo of the child's death. Leiuborgor ans wered Rtoutly that he did not lcnmv any more nbout It or tho circum stances than anybody olso. I.ombr ger nnd his wife tfnd son hnvo linen subpononed ns witnesses nt the Inquest. T HUBHES AS PRESIDENT Insurgent Republicans Plan to Concentrate on Him In Convention. Uy Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Sept. 11 Lenders of tho so-called progressive or Insur gent wing of tlto Republican party, have agreed to concentrate their for ces In un effort to bring nbout the nomination of Clinrlos K. Hughes, formerly governor of Now York and now Justice of tho supreme court, as tho republican candidate for presi dent, nccordiiiK to the Herald to dnv. LuFollotto. It In tlenlnrnd. will withdraw from the contest and ama-! cl and also because some thought Hope to Sell $300,000 Issue by January -and Start Work! Soon Afterwards. Tho Coos Bay Port Commission this morning adopted the report ot Captain PoIIioiuuh for tho futuru Im. provomont of Coos Bay. No nllorn tloiiH whales or were made In hla plans for the future development oC the harbor. Tho mutter wna loft ovor from tho Inst mooting, owing to some ot tltu owners of tho tide-Huts objecting to tho property they claim being em- port Hughes nt tho national convention. IT1E HTTEf IS UNSETTLE! RAILWAY IIS I DF GQ03 BAY was meeting Not Affect VrojeCt. Is stated that tho denth of Mr. Uarke, although n severe blow, will "ot affect the Coos Bay nnd Bolso ""road project beyond causing a "8ht delay, perhaps. Local paitles interested In it wore PPrlseo; today that soon after Mr. e was taken ill, he took the nIe matter up with associates nnd o i? arranBed 80 tbnt the work suir g ahad eveu thouBl he might er a long illness or the worst 08ht come. Have your Job printing don6 ai v"" of frBf Time Expires For Referendum on .Franchise Develop ments Elsewhere. Tho time for filing a referendum petition on tho frnnchiso granted the Terminal Railway for a waterfront line and electric system in Marshflehl has expired nnd no petition or objec tion has been filed with City Record er Butler. Whllo there nro rumors of opposition to tho frnnchiso, noth ing deflnito materialized. It Is understood tbnt tho holders are now arranging to start -active construction work on tho waterfront portion of the lino nnd Intend to pro secute It nil winter. Aside from this, there has been no deflnito railroad news, that Is strictly now. hero today. Some old rumors have been revived but that is nil. S. V. Gets Lnnd. Tho Eugene Register says: "Al ready the Southern Pacific has secur- (Contlnued on page 2.) . EARLY TODAY iSAIL SOSDAY OB BREAKWATER Steamer Arrives After Good 'Steamship Leaves For Port land With Capacity List of Passengers. Trip From , San Francisco With Many Passengers Tho Rodondo nrrlvod In this morn ing from San Francisco nftor n nice trip up tho const, tho fog and unfa vorable woathor which they hnvo on eountoml on previous trips not be ing in ovldouco this tlnio. Capt. Ma gee reports ho mot tho Nniin Smith boiow Capo Aronn with the Wnshtuc nn In tow. Sho wns malting nbout eight and a half miles nn hour nnd should have renchod San Francisco early yesterday. Tho Redondo will sail nt 1 o'clock Wednesday for Snn Francisco. Among those arriving on the Ro dondo were tho following: Mrs. M. J. Ashman, J. S. Barrett, 0. M. Anderson, W. S. Butler, Mrs. 1. Lowland, Selma .Holm, Mrs. R. Pollard, Violet Henderson, Inez Bald win. Mrs. Helen Baldwin, Mrs. A. G, Alkon, Miss Josephine Cordes, Geo. Tho Broakwator hailed Sundn) noon for Portland with n capacity list of passengers nnd n good cargo of gonornl freight. Among those sailing on hor wore tho following: Mrs. J. Duncan, Loan Kolstnd, El mn Kolstnd, Miss Ruth Aungo, Mrs. F. W. Fnundors, II. B. Donnhoy, L. O. Hyshnm, Mrs. L. O. Hyshnm, II. B. Hall, W. G. Thompson, Joo Tucker, Mrs. A. T. Ilnlnos, Mrs. Brownloo, Margaret Bfownleo, Miss Kntherlno Holm, II. P. Cnmpboll, A. Rumors, Mrs. Archnmboau, Orvlllo Dodgo, Dr. H. P. Collins, Roso Peterson. Miss Nellie. Tower, Wnltor Franklin. O. E. McCarthy, Maude Bowron, Mrs. L. Noble, Mamlo Gulovson, Miss Edna Larsen, Mrs. P. M. Slegol, Win. Hart man, A. F. Panter, W. E. Younkln, Mrs. W. E. Younkln. R. Meier, A G. Smith, Mrs. A. G. Smith, Mrs. Rus- S. Nowell, Mrs. Mao Mclntlre, Carl i soil, Vorno Russell, Rowonn Russell. John'son, W. A. MacLeod, Mr. Ger-,W. E. Trlbble, ,L. Nouston, M. W. sondorfer, ChasF. Smith, J. T. Camp. Gorman, W. A. Giloniour, E. H. Loo- A. McDonald, Will Chandler, John mis, Miss G. Sherwood, Letn Mast, that Capt. Polhemus was a llttlo too coiiKorvatlvo. Tho latter on atudylng tho report found that Capt. PoIIioiuuh provided or recommended Hint the Port Com mission should obtain control of thu "tidal prism" which ombraoeH all tha urea now covored by the high tldeu. The commission also took stops to expedite tho harbor ImprovomoiitH which hnvo been checked by tho liti gation. It Is believed that thu recent favorable decisions In some of t'to ' n.tu.ia ..111 n.inltllk .l.ft.i. i i . .& filOO.OOO bond Issue which wnu au thorized at tho gonornl election. Illdu 'on this bond Issiiu wore ordered ask ed to bo opened nbout January 1. next. As soon ad this Issue Is sold, the commissioners expect to hnvo ovorythlug In rendluess Jo begin work. Concerning the widening of tho channel 100 feet more in front oC Marshlleld, the Port C.ommhtslou did not take deflnito action. Tho com missioners feel that tho property owners In So nth Mnrshflold who ex pect to have their lowlnud lllloil shoilli contribute something for tho bauellt.' If they do not, tho couuufs slon can have the drodglugr. turned over on the lSastsldo of tho channel at a leaa expense, Commissioner Har ris explained. Ho also had It Intl- Machinists Have Not Determin- " eci What They Will Do to Aid Shop Employes. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Sept. 11. "Wo nro go ing to let tho minors Coutrnl Rnir road shop omployos know before the day Is over what tho machinists will do in relation to the proposed strike," doelnred P. .1. Conlon. first vice-president of tho International Association of Maeh'ulstH today. "I oxpoot a moasnge from our In ternational oxeoutlvo board which went into session nt Davenport. Wo j are not going to delay this mutter any longer. The hoard will decide whether tho lunohlulstH nro to sanc tion this str.ko." Conlon would express no conviction ! ""t0'1 l0 w,m- ,10 81(K tlmt KmUMo ns to what the action of tho maohln- j vmMouU were going to Insist thut Ufa executive board would bo. but a the drodglngs bo placed tliere booniuo porslstont report is tlmt It Is unfavoi- j ' w"' ' tho Eastsldo arua. At able to the shop omployos who nro ,nny into, the commission has not suf snld to bo eager to strike. j Hclout funds on hand to do nnythlui; It Is said tho second voto of the on tho project now. unions on the ndvlsablllty of strl'dim j hns not been comploted. No lnthnn tlon of how given out. tho veto Is going will h WILL STAND PAT. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny "'linos) LOS ANGELES, Sopt. 11 "We havo not yet considered tho question of a strike of tho shop omployos. Wo still hope for anothor conforenco with ICruttschnltt or with tho gonornl , Railways JIUUIHKUIB Ul II1U I lit I I 1IJ1I1K Illlt-S. ' iiowover wo hnvo not nnd win not Freight Charges Checked luuuii uiii iiuiiuuiiia mr rt'ciiKiiiiiuii i I RATE IICRBSE in in i is iu ill Plan to Advance of the fodorat'on." This stntoineiit wns made today by J. W. Kline, Inter national president of tho blacksmiths and helpors union of Chicago who ar rived here today. (By to Coos Bay Wolf, R. Davidson, W. Ward, P. Thornton, Geo King and Fred Mc-Gowan. Associated Press Times.) DAVENPORT, la., Sopt. 11. The question of tho proposed strlko of tho federation of shop employes on tho Illinois Central railroad, so far as tho .machinists are concerned, will probably bo submitted to tho Inter national convention of tho union to bo held hero next week. The execu- Dnisy Hansen, R. L. Thompson, Mrs. R. L. Thompson, E. C. Chnso, Mrs. E, C. Chnse, Mrs. Porter, Miss L, M. Porter, D. F. Hnsklns, N. Patterson, MRS. A. G. AIKEXS has Just RE- II. E. Judge. Mrs. Hamlin. Mrs, Ma- TURNED from SAN FRANCISCO her, Violet Mnher, Ben Nealy, John tlvo board did not consider tho mat with n COMPLETE STOCK of falf i Llnolr, Frank Hard, N. Pattorson, ter today and will probably not for and WINTER MILLINERY which Mrs. C. H. Marsh, Mr. Pike, Mrs. several days. will be open for Inspection of the Pike, Helen Breen, Earl Caskln, G ladles of Coos Bay on Thursday, Sep-"Grout', A. PInkerton and L. J. Simp-1 Just before you go homo tember 14. son. Order FLOUR from 1 LUXES'. by Commission. By Associated Tress to the Cona Buy Times) WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 11 The advance in tho freight rates on single pucknges and small lots filed with the Interstate commerco by tho railways generally were suspondod to day until April 28, 1012. Tho case in which this suspension order lu is sued is ono of tho most important nuw before the commieslou ns it effectu tho largo and small shippers In evory part ot the country. I A DAXCIXO CLASS will bo formed in tho I. O. O. F. hall on Tuesday j night, Scptombor 12. All those wish ing to learn to dauco will find thla Ian oxcollent opportunity. Hours 'from 7-30 until 9:. 10. THE iNWrlO HAS NEVER" MADE A FOOL Of HIMSELF HAS FISH'S BLOOD v' v. J -H