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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1911)
TJLigADHLWjIO TRIMS WILL SHAPE HIS COURSE TO SUIT HIS FOLLOWERS YOUR. ADS CARRYING your store-news, should appear us regularly ns does this ncusnuner. If ii new simper omitted nn issuo now nnd then even for so wclg.tty n rea son us fearing Hint II might rnln It would not ho n good newspaper. (Eons Tim Exmm MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A storc'H advertising pet lu newspaper, compaied with (ho hmm" used hy other btorcs, thuuld. duttro It, comparative linportmico io t&r counmiidtyt Does uur aloru'o mfl tcitlstng spucu do that? VOL XXXV Established In 1878 ns Tlio Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1911 EVENING EDITION." RA1NASIIS0N STEAMSHIP REEF OF SPANISH ISLANDS A Consolidation of Times. Const Mull nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 50 GOLD BRICK" ARTIST IS GAPTUfiEDiFRANK GARRISON GEIS NEW L Enrmnrlu Plvinri Inrnl VtJaoCI luiiiixiij 'j"y i' Coos Bay Sinks Off Cape Decision, Alaska. RAH PLIED TD COOS NY PASSENGERS AND CREW SAVED BY OTHER SHIPS j Vessel Lost on Alaska Coast Passengers Able to Save Only, Ran Between Here and Port land a Couple of Months Tin Rainoiia which wns wrecked off Cape Decision, Alnskn. Sunday, formerly piled Into Coos liny ami was one of the trimmest vessels Mint hns Hindu Mils port In n long time. The Hanionii was chartered hy tho S. A. Potter, Alias Geo W. Post, "Green Goods" and Confidence Operator Caught After Getting $1,500,000. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Day Times) ! CHICAGO, 111., Sept. 12. S. A. Hclnla declared nothing loss Minn n Potter, nllns Gcorgp W. Post, said' cm"' uona or ?luO-000 would he nc hy tho federal olllclnls to ho ono of world, wns arrested todny on the charge of operating a confidence game. Potter and two coinpniilons for whom the federal olllclnls nro searching, nro said to have netted $1,500,000 In the post few years from the operation 'of their schemes. Pot ter offered n cash bond of S50.000 for his relenso, hut tho fedoral of- I on peris nre tho host known "gold hrlck" nnd "green goods" conlldeiico men In tho cepted. A year ago, It wns said, Pot ter and Edward Stnrklcff forfeited a $23,000 bond In the United States court nt Philadelphia. Clothing They Wore Total Loss of $200,000. By Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times) SL'ATTLE, Wash., Sept. 12. Tho wooden steamship llamona belonging to the Paclllu Coast Steamship com pany, bound from Skagwuy for Seat- Southern Pacific to tako tho placo of tic with passengers and freight, went the Breakwater 011 tho Portlaud-CooH nshoro 011 onu of the Spanish Islands, 1 Pay run while tho Breakwater was opposite Capo Decision, Alaska, nil on dry-dock nt San Francisco being S:30 o'clock Sunday moriUiig. She overhauled and rebuilt. She came Is a total loss. Tho passengers and 1 In hero a year ago last February and crew were tnken off hy tho steamship ! was on tho run until tho following Northwestern nnd aro on their way to 'April, when tho Ilrookwntor return- ENROLLH IN BAD u'u n iionc n 1 uuBIUUL LriisLlL ! I WHHER FOWLER FALLS WITHBIPLAME Seattle. It Is supposed tho Ilnmoiin struck In a heavy fog. Tho Hainoun left Skngway September 8, and wns cull ing at various canneries to take pns senders and freight. She hnd n crew of twenty-four. The vessel wns valued at $200,000. The passengers on tho Hamonn tnved nothing but tho clothing they orc. The Ilnmonn sank rapidly. Thirty of the passengers nnd crow wcro picked up hy the fishing steamer Grant and the remainder landed on Spanish Island which Is timbered but uninhabited nnd remained Micro n day nnd n night. Tho freight steam er Delhi enmo nlong nnd tho ship wrecked peoplo rowed out to her nnd wcro taken nbourd. Subsequently the .Northwestern took tho peoplo from both tho Grant nnd Delhi nnd all aro on their wny to Seattle. cd, and then the Itamoiin returned to Puget Sound. Capt. II. C. Nelson, formerly mnstor of tho M. P. Plnnt and tho Nairn Smith, wns captain of tho Hnmonn while sha was on this run. SUGAR 1 HIGHER HOLD FDNERAL IF I y Costs Over $1 Per Hundred More Than It Did a Year Ago Flour Lower. Coos nay .Is not exempt from tho rapid fluctuations In tho provision innrkct that aro now attracting na tional attention nnd causing somo wonderment ns to whero tho advances in certain lines will stop or whether tho price will got hack down uear whoro It used to ho. Sugar hns Jumped to $0.35 por hundred nnd It Is forecasted that It will bo up to $0.50 In wholesnlo lots hero within nnothor ten days. Loss Minn Remains of Francis H. Clarke'" '" ro. u was soiling for about . $5.00 por hundred. It Is clnlmod 10 Be BrOligllt Here TlllirS- I Mint the sugar market Is now control- day on Breakwater. th0 COTOO bll8ln083 , tll0 UllUoa The fumial of tho Into Francis II. Stntos. Coffoo has also gono up by Clativo m i ,e i1C,j fron, ,S resldonco lonps and hounds during tho last fow In North Mnrshflold at 2 o'clock Prl- months. Owing to tho ndvnnco In oay afternoon. Thoro will probably sugar coining In tho fruit canning lo be mi Wee nt tho eomotory but sonson, more peoplo will bo nffocted " O Graves, who Is lu chorgo of the by It. arrangements, had not comploted To offset this, conios word that '' S ilft'l'MDlHI iliidllltoli' minimi. n l..n..n.l nnntu nni' lllll'iol. - ..w..t..kvij JIUIH lllUiHil .". ... ,-w -- Large Number of New Stu dents Enter In Marshfield and More Coming. A considerable lncrcaso over the enrollment in tho Mnrshllold public schools a year ago whb shown by tho enrollment tho first day. Additional pupils will bo entering tho greater part of this week, owing to somo be ing nwny from town nnd not nrrlvlng homo In time to attend tho llrbl day. Tho enrollmont by rooms tho first day, which possibly will chango somo owing to tho difficulty of grnding new pupils who hnvo entered from other schools, wns ns follows yesterday: Koutli Mnrshflcld School. High school CG Eighth grado G2 Sixth and seventh 31 Fourth and fifth 31 Third 21 Second 40 First 37 Total 277 Central School. Ill 37 2H 27 Second grado -14 Third grado -10 Fourth grado 41 Fifth grado 31 Sixth grado 33 Sovouth grade 31 iELAIS W Aviator Trying to Fly Acrass Continent Completely . Wrecks Machine. to Coos Bn (y Coos County Man Under Death Sentence Given Another Chance by Court. ALLEGED CONFESSION IS CAUSE OF DECISION Associated Pros Times.; ALTA, Cnllf., Sept. 12 Aviator Fowler's blplano met with nn acci dent nnd dropped to the ground near (Onrrlson convicted of murder In tho C.J. MilliS Leaves For Portland huro tll,s nfturilO0 demolishing the inr8t',osroo by tho Coos county circuit machine and slightly bruising Fow- court for the alleged killing of Roy- Claim That Is Was Made Un der Fear of Mob Violence and Intimidation. (Special to Tho Times.) Sept. 12. Frame SALEM, Ore. O'Brien Probably Can't Come This Week. C. J. Mlllls left Sunday for Port land whero ho will confer with vlco Presldent O'Urlon of tho Southern Pnclflc relative to tho Coos Uay ex tension of Mint road before going to Snn Francisco whero ho Is to look nfter somo special work for Vice-president Calvin. Just when Mr. Mlllls will bo back on tho Hay Is rather in definite. During his nbsenco, his du ties fnll on Superintendent W. P. Miller who beromes nctlng general mnungcr of tho Southern Pacific's Totnl 2S1 Grand totnl 5G1 All of tho teachers aro now In chnrgo of tho work nnd tho school year stnrtH off vory auspiciously Superintendent Tlcdgon Is pleased with tho outlook. to annotinco. , P. S. Dow recolvod word yesterday of The body Will bo. lll-miplit linri. nn n. .i.,..ll., Win. Mini- tlllu ilnclllin is the Breakwater from Portlnnd Thurs-' only temporary Is n problom Mint ' Dr-Burroughs nnd other friends ,' n,ny buyers aro nuxlous to doter oi the deceased nt Pm-n,,,,. ,..m ... . hM. " "" "- mine. -- "j uvconipnny t hero. 01 HE CLOSE Coos liny properties. I hfw1 ltAin rwtxetnA It n 1Mw presldont O'Urlon and Traffic Man ager Miller will bo nblo to visit Coos Hay Hhls ,weok. probably coming In over tho proposed routo. Owing to the Inclement weather which makes It practically Impossible to coino by auto this week, It is likely tholr visit will bo postponed ngaln. Whether Mr. Mlllls will bo nblo to como with them is uncertain. Asldo from tills, thoro wns no do volopmont In tho local railroad sltun' tlon. COAST LEAGUE HALL SCORES. m- Afsoelateil Pr'ss to Coos nnj Times) PORTLAND, Oro., Sopt. 12. Yes terday wns moving day in tho CoaBt League, a new sorles of games start ing today. This week, tho teams will piny ns follows: Vernon nt Portland. Oakland nt San Francisco. Sacramento nt Los Augolos. Anti-Prohibitionists Claim But Late Returns Cut Down Their Majority. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.; PORTLAND, Me., Sept. 12. The ofllclal returns up to 2:15 p. m. con tinued to decreaso the small unofll- Today n number of linuiiiosa mon undated Press at Portland, tho mess- '"Bgested that business should bo hgo nrrlvlng too lato for publication wpended either nt tho tlmo or tho. in yesterday's paper: "rival of tho body from Portland or "Francis II. CInrko, President of ung tho funeral. This will pro- tho CoW'Bay nnd Oregon Central Dfly be done as few men wore hold Railway, died hero this morning nt ' as bleb pet,., . ., '.t. t In F!nnt Portland. Coos Bay , i V Mrwa "" " u '" , ,,',' tho nst clal antl-prohlbltlon majority shown )nn. . s ,s 8,10wn u' the oxpress-, CInrko hnd been hero for tho past , ' 0n8 of sympathy and tributes since month and was sick over two weeks, bore this morning and at that hour it "e news of his death was received, with pnoumonin. Ho becamo worsoi looked ns if tho official margin one r. Clarke was n member of the Friday nnd n physician was called but way or tho other will bo slight. Tho modern Woodmen of America nnd he could not respond to medical treat- prohibitionists are very hopeful that H ned ,3-00 Hfo Insurance in It. ,ment and died today. Mr.Tribblo, nf 0dVvrmer'y wns a member of the Marshfield. who Is In Portland, de of p ,,lows nod nlso of the Knights clnres Clarke's plans for tho construe not h" b,lt ln recent 'enrs lin(1 t,on of th0 rnllrontl W,U "ot b0 ln,er" tLh act,ve ln tnso lodges, his ferred with on account of his death as elng taken up by -his work. he had already provided for that cm- . i ergency, ir. TO PNEUMONIA rtbfaLnn." am'Uo lrn1 ArraiiBert the fftii 7 w esterdny received . -- PRISONEBE) 10 WORK 01 ROAD It; Sheriff Gage Decides to Make Inmates of County Jail Earn 1 Their Board. lor. Tho accident wns attributed by Fowler to tho rudder falling to work. The motor did not appear to bo badly damaged but It Is not believed tho mnchlno enn bo repaired so that Fow ler can resume his flight across Mm continent in it. (By Associated Press to-tho Coos Day Tlraos., AUBURN, Cnl., Sept. 12 After spending tho night here, Robert a. Fowler, who left San Francisco yes terday afternoon In a Wright blplnno for n flight across tho country to Now York, resumed his Journoy nt 0:33 this morning. Today's trip, If buc- cossful, will tako him across the Sier ras. Powlor looks upon tho flight across tho Sierras as tho greatest ob 8tnclo in his Journey. Fowler passed ovor Colfax, 15.7 miles from Auburn, at 9:55 o'clock. Ho was flying nt an estlmnblo rnto of C5 miles an hour at an elevation of 1,000 feet. Powlor fell near Altn, Cal., but wns not Injured. PorkliiB nt Marshfield was grnntod a now trial by tho Oregon suprcmo court todny. Tho higher tribunal held that tho lower court orrod In ad mitting a confession nllogod'to havo been mndo by Gnrrlsou to tho officers of Coos county. In Soptombor, 1910, tho body of Roy Perkins was found In Coos liny nenr Mnrshfleld with a rock Med nround the neck nnd a gun shot wound In tho bond. Gorrlsoa' mado )a confession. His .attorney jnrgued tho objection which wns over ruled by tho lower court, to tho offect tnnt Harrison mndo tho confession, under grent aprelicnslon of mob vio lence nnd under intimidation calcul ated to Inspire tho hopo nnd fear ot both. . Garrison Is untlor death sentence- work on i;uui:ica Jirrrr. FINK PICNIC SUNDAY, Former Black Hills People I'tijoy an Outing. A delightful picnic wns onjoyod by tho Black Hills peoplo Sunday on tho bench. Following nro those who nttonded: rH ...i rH ii. to Tt t .hi. nun .ma. . r, iiuiiguuui aim i fninlly, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Connor nnd family, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Sul livan and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 13. Sullivan nnd family, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Blntt,.Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Hol lies, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. L. Ilnlnos, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Capps, A. II. Oldloy. Mr. CharloR and Mason Monrs, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Moars, Mr. nnd Mrs. J4 S. Olln, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Cos moy, Harold Hnlns. Harbor ImprovemeiitN There Under Morton Tower Progressing. EUREKA, Cnl., Sopt. 12. Engi neer Morton L. Tower, fedoral ofUcor In chnrgo of tho Humboldt Jetty work, received notification from Lfou- tonnnt Colonel Rccs nt San Fran cisco that tho Peterson Construction company of Oakland hud boon nwnnT ed tho contract for furnishing mntc rlal to ho used In tho construction of tho ferry landing slip on tho south B,plt. further figures In their favor. will turn tho result GOVERNORS TO MEET. Henceforth all prisoners undor sentence lntho Coos County Jail will bo put to work on the roads, Is tho edict Mint Sheriff W. W.,Gago has Is sued. Tho first prlsonor who will assist In building good roads nnd Inciden tally to earn his hoard during his stay in tho county bastllo will bo Dr. Porter, the Portland corn doctor who Is serving a three months sentenco for contributing to the delinquency of n minor. Sheriff Gage wanted to put him to work at once hut tho county road su pervisor of tho Coqullle district balk ed on bothering with prisoners, Shor Iff Gage then took tho matter up with Judge Hall and the latter informed DIMiriv OUT FOR CONGRESS Op- Senator Fiom Clackiiuiiix May pose W. l I law ley SALEM, OroSopt. 12. Wnltor L. DImIck, Stnto Senator from Clack amas County, will probably becomo n cadldnto for Ropresontatlvo In Con gress, according to Intlmntlons drop ped by him. Sennt'or DImIck resides In this district and in tho ovent of to I Clll'ltai lU'VK POOL HALL STOCK AND DESTROYS IT VINSON. Oklo., Sopt. 12. Cheering nnd dinging hymns, tho mouthers of the Christian church lioro applied tho torch to thu furnltuio and fixtures of tho only town pool hall nftor thoso articles had been piled In tho mntii street and satiiratod with oil. Iustoad of trying to closo up tho report, tho church people bought It. Iiiimodlatoly nftor tho conllHgrnMon tho town couu- ' ell mot nnd passed nn ordluuiino forbidding the operation of pool J halls In tho city limits. - PORTUGAL IS RECOtiNIED. ny Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) LONDON, Knglnnd, Sopt. II. his candidacy, would bo opposed W. C. Hawloy. tho Incumbent. In ovent Sonator DImIck decides Gront Britain, Germany. Austrlu uud not to bo n cnndldnto for Congress ho SmUn hnvo agreed simultaneously to stated openly that ho would bo a enn-, recognlzo tho republic of Portugal. dldato for tho presidency of tho Stnto ! Sennto. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Redondo will sail nt 1 o'clock tomorrow for Snn Francisco. NORTH BEND NEWS. C. M. Byler and family yesterday moved Into tho Dr. Galo rcjddoiicu. Tho Breakwater will sail for Coos Mrs. E. C. Mather nnd son, San ford, will leavo tomorrow to visit friends and relatives at Woddorhiini. By Associated Press to the Coos Hi.v Times.) SPRING LAKE. N. J., Sept. 11. REMINGTON Pump GUNS nt Tho Governor Marlon E. Hay of Washing-him that If the supervisor would not GUNNERY. ton was ono of tho first state execu- work tho prisoners, tho county com- ,tives to arrive here for tho third an-, mlssloners would get a supervisor WHATEVER you do buy your nual conference of governors, begin- whr will. i?rnrn find FEED of HAINES", nlng tomorrow. I iwhether the prisoners will bo Bay Ing. from Portlnnd tomorrow mom- L. P. Fnlkoiibteln, mnuagor of th Simpson Lunibor company of North Tho Alllanco is duo in early tomor- Bond, was able to bo out yesterday row from Eureka nnd will sail tho f("" tho first time In n wcok. lla hua same dny for Portlnnd. ,10t fully recuperated from the offocta ,vsvwwvvvsvvvsv,vvvs of tho operation which ho recently worked under a special guard or with underwent In Portland. a bnll and chain remains to bo de- tcrmlned. DANCE nt I. O. O. P Hall TONIGHT -? HE WHO MAKES COMMON CAUSE WITH CHEATERS CANNOT BRAG OE HONESTY H -"T s .1 -sl . i i ( M