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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1911)
mmmmmmm, u.jiays !y TjwSjJrM j If YOU PONT KNOW WHAT THE THING IS ABOUT DONT TRY TO INSTRUCT YOUR. ADS CARRYING Tour Btorc-ncws," should appear us rcgulnrly ns docs (Ids newspaper. If p newspaper omitted an Is.suo now and tlicn jvcm for so weighty n me ion iih feailiiK that It might ralu It would not lo ii good newspaper. SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising, space In m newspaper, compared with tho spaco used by other stores, should den no Its comparative Importnuco in tho community! Docs your storo's nd vertMne spaco do Hint? mmt MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PIIES3 VOL XXXIV Established In 1878 as The Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1911 -EVENING EDITION-EIGHT PAGES, A Consolidation or Times, timi .Mull and Com Hay Advcrllsor. NO. 144 v ' dkma Imj 11ITE ey police Extradition Papers Now Mak ing Out For David Caplan. SUSPECT IS TRAPPED BY AID OF BROTHER Detective Burns Now In Eng- land and Will Bring Man Back. (Dy Associated Press to Coos IJa Tlmn.) I.OS ANGELES,. Cal., Juno 30. A nmn bollcved to bo David Caplan, one of tho alleged McNnmnrn dyim mlto conspirators, Is under arrest In London, England. Papers nro being prepared for his extradition. District Attorney John I). Fred cricks Is In Washington conferring with Secretary or Stato Knox re garding tho enso, and It In expected he will Join Detectlvo William J. Burns who, went to London six weeks ago to bring back ,tho suspect. Thcso (acts wero 'confirmed today by olll dali of tho district attorney's olllco and by E. II. Mill, mnnngcr pf tho Burns' agency In this city. Mills was tiBkod If ho bcllovud Schmidt, tho third man suspected of hiving sot tho bombs which destroy ed tho Times' plnnt, was also In Eng land. "No," said Mills, "unless wo nro wry much mistaken. Schmidt Is iomowhoro In tho .Northwest." Tho ninn nlloged to ho Cnplnn was captured by Scotland Ynrd men. Ho was captured through tho Instrumen tality of n brother who lives In tho British capital. 10 GET PRIZE Providing It Can Attain Spead of 15 Miles Per Hour." I 1 LAUNCH In order to secure tho entrance Amnnn nfllPP Matters Into tho motor bont races to bo hold Among Ullier MdllUb horo on July 3rd nnd 4th of ns mnny Pending. launchos ns posslblo, tho committee In chnrgo- of tho races havo docldod Tho city council, which moots !n t) glvo ench and every boat ontored regular session nt tho city hnll to ll t'-o races which nttnlns.n speed ( nB,t, will taKo up, nmong other mat of 15 miles per hour n prize. Tho torf)( t))0 applications for tho renewal (eclslon tomes ns tho result of the 0f j,j,10r licenses oxplrlng today, refusal of sovqral owners to com- .nother mattor to bo taken undor Ieto tholr boats ngnlnst tho thrao consideration Is tho proposod passago Meed boats, tho Coos Day; Gonoral i of nu amendment to tho p'resont II .nnd Wolf, becnuso of tho fnct that ' m,n(iing ordlnnnco permitting tho they folt thnt they had no chance . orecton 0f buildings and repairs to against them. thoso already standing outsldo the Ab tho result of' tho now movo, It , jlro limit's to bo done without a per is hoped thnt tho owner of ovory bont j mtt ,)r0vldlng tho work shall not ex capnhlo of making fifteen miles, will ' Cf,0,, $ioo In vnlu. Present his nnme, and that of his yj, t0 no(m today, six applicants for craft, to tho people In chnrgo of tho'a)ewR,f 0f iiqUOr licenses had filed fegnttn arrangements. The races will start at Kelly's lock, turn at tho stako boat at tho Porter mill, then to tho stako beat at Shingle Houso slough on Isthmus In let and return to Kelly's Dock. The Coos Day, tho speed boat now building on tho east side and which ' guaranteed to develop n speed of forty miles per hour, will be floated tomorrow. She Is equipped with two engines of six cylinders each and has a rated horse-power of 180. The en Slaes aro of the aeroplanes pattern "built by the Elbridge company The course to be raced over Mou-jtno .day and Tuesday will be approxlnu lately 18 miles long. $ V WHEAT. , (Dy Associated Press.) CHICAGO. 111.. June 30. V July, 89c; September, 89 c; . - . December; 92 c. SUSPECT ARRESTED in lon . (M.MI1LH TO SPEAK AGAINST RECIPROCITY (Dy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 30. Opponents of tho Cana- 'dlnn pact wero prepared to re- sumo tho llKht on reciprocity In tho Senate today. Senator Gamble of South Dakota will tnko tho floor. Ex-President Scored by Wit ness Before Sugar Inves tigating Committee; (Dy Associated Press to Coob Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 30. An attack on former President Hoos ovclt, on tho ground that ho had not prosecuted tho so-called Sugar Trust mndo beforo tho House Sugar Com mlttco yestordny by Georgo II. Enrlo of Philadelphia, aroused a vigorous dofenso of Roosovolt by Roprosenfi tlvo Mndlson of Kansas, who snld Roosovolt had rolled on Attornoy Geuernl Bonnparto for ndvlco nnd that thero wns no ovldcnco boforo tho committee, to show that ho had acted with Improper motives. Enrlo claimed tho full facts had been placed beforo Roosovolt, but that no action wns taken and ho de clared: "You gontlomon will never prose cuto' anybody If you try to find ex cuses for olllccrs who neglect tliolr duty." Renewals of Liquor Licenses their deposits. OIL HAS GOLD JUBILEE (By Associated Press to Coos Daj Times.) DALTIMORE, Md June 30. In jjme chapel at his home where he 1b at present living and about fifty miles from Daltlmore, Cardinal Glb bona this morning offered up a mass of thanksgiving In honor of the most momentous event of his long career. Today he completes fifty years of suc cessful priesthood and 25 years as cardinal of the Roman Catholic church in tho United States. ROOSEVELT IS BUrTFflfi DiS'Hfl iCITT llCIL i MEETS TONIGHT AR 110, CRAZED, BECOMES FIEI Murders Three Children by Bl(, nml thls coming enmo upon I her body In the rear vacant house Cutting Their Throats With and tho children in tho woods near- Pieces of Broken GlassbyMr8 McCrnry wna vlBltlng hor Taken From Windows of motLer ,1C"C' , u ,' u Yesterday she left her mother's tmpty HOUSe KlIlS Self TOO house unobserved, took tho children (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny to n vacant houso nnd cut tholr Times.) throats In scpnrato rooms with LOCKNEY, Tox., Juno - 30. broken glass tnken from tho wln Senrchors todny found tho body of.t,0W8, ' Mrs. Mnud McCrnry of Los Angolcs Sho then tossod their bodies Into hanging from a wind mill nt the tho woods" outsldo. rear of a houso horo and tho bodies Tho children's ages aro threo nnd of her threo children, with tholr flvo yenra and threo mouths. Tho throats cut, In some woods near the .woman loft a noto saying no ono building. ' i W wns to blamo but herself, but Its Mrs,. McCrnry had evidently killed wording gives tho Impression that the children and herself whon ernzed showns temporarily Insane from tho with tho hent. Tho searching party j oxcesslvo heat which prevailed horo late yestorday scoured tho country yesterday. M 4" DEFEATS ISLE But "Old Eli" Freshmen Eight Evens Up Score. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW LONDON, Eng., Juno 30. Cheering thousands saw 'Yalo nnd Harvard break oven In two races on tho Thames rlvor today preliminary to tho great varsity eights strug gle. The Yalo oarsmon pulled out ti victory In- tho freshmen eights by n superb-spurt ovor tho last half mllo of tho courso, whllo tho Harvard substltuto vnrslty four leading from tho start, defeated ynio oy than four lengths. more Both, races woro woll rowed but was stated, had up to tho tlmo cf contrary wind and slack tide mado filing tho cable, destroyed ton bust tho tlmo slow, Incss houses and Innumorablo rosl- donees. I AN WILL Lit HUB: Railroad to Accommodate Vis itors Here on 3rd and 4th. For tho convenience of residents of Myrtlo Point and Coqulllo who, whllo nttondlng.tho festivities horo on Ju'y! S CIAL 3rd and 4th. will wish to roturn to' their homes to spend the night, .the ,thc P burning t0 f80' Coos Dny.osoburp & Eastern Rail- blirS th'8 mor,n; reported no trace road and Navigation Company will ,of tho "lon :vho hldl", tl10 nort,1 run n special Into trnltt each night. I b" So 0,iir" , Pndf, f l,ns8CnBflr The time of depnrturo has not yet tra Wednesday night. boon sot, but tho tntlu .11 InnvA Marshflold sufficiently late ut night to I'nublo persons living along tho lino to take In all tho entortulnmonts hero nnd yet reach 'homo boforo day light. TRDCElOS; FIGHT IS OH Supreme Court Orders Lower ' Court to Dissolve Trust. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, June 30. The Supreme Court of the United States yesterday issued an order to the Attorney General directing him to Instruct the lower courts to carry out tho Supremo Court's decision providing for the dissolution of tho American Tobacco Company. The thirty days allowed the com- Danv-ln which to ask a rehearing has I expired. - I - " . ... j alaskan cut bmed down Iditarod, Bonanza Gold Camp, In Flames Details Meager. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Juno 30. Cn blo dispatches received In this city today aro to tho effect that tho en tire city of Iditarod, Alaska, was des troyed by flro on Juno 25. Tho details accompanying tho nows of tho disaster nro meager, but It Is bellovod that tho conflagration wns' stnrfod by tho explosion of gnsollno lamp, i Ono cntlro husluoss block a is known ,to havo been razod In an at tempt to check tho flames which, it RANIIHF ilF Dogs Follow Trail to Where Scent Is Lost. Siding (Dy Associated Press to Coos D.o Times.) i nnsKiiimn. nro.. Juno 3U moiii- ""HD "" i" "' '" " ......,, In Cow 'Crook Canyon nnd stopped, T,ho Impression Is gaining ground horo that bandits boarded n frolght train at tho siding nnd got out of tho Cow Creole country. WOMAN FIEND SH0S NERVE Alleged Matricide Remains Ob durate Man Accomplice Weakens. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) OROVILLE, Cal., Juno 30. It was said today that under tho strain and rigid questioning, Arthur Lewis, ar- rested with Mrs. Emma Rumball on the nlloged murder of thlrteon-year- old Helen Rumball, is weakening, nnd thnt ho mado an important admission. The woman stm KeopB ner nerve up. The authorities are now Inves- tlgatlng the death of the girl's fath- er, William Rumball, last September. PRESIDENT TAFT DENIES STATE! NT OF RISES TWO HUNDRED HURT IN ELECTION HIOTS (Dy Associated Press.) VIENNA, Austria, Juno 30. Two hundred porsons aro re- ported to have been Injured In tho elections riots which occur- red nt Knluoz, In Eastern .Gnlln, today, Not Expected Till This Morning Redondo Steals a1 March. Carrying a full list of pnsscngors, among whom wero mnny local people roturnlng from visits south,' tho steamer Itcdondo arrived nt hor berth horo nt G o'clock 'last night. Do sides iiassongors, sho brought about threo hundred tons of gonornl cargo. Tho pnssongors arriving wero: Dr. W. A. Toyo, W. J. MoPhoo, L. M. Korslcr, Mrs. L. M. Korslor, Miss Jonnlo D. Nagloy, Dlaucho L. Dates, Alva I)oll, A. Wlckraan, Mrs. Freda Wlllach, Mrs. Hoso Walkup, S. Col ton, Fred Potoroon, Mrs. Frod Peter sou, A. II. Eddy, J. II. Von Huson, Guy Leo, Mrs. C. M. Eckland, Mrs. Gow Why, Lun Why, Georglo Why, Chnn Dana, .Mrs. Mary A. Soils, A. L. Gray, S. Hosaiu, S .Leo, Chnrles U.' Colomnn, J. J. rughe's, Btovo Stovons, Enrl E. Hondorsou, and Ilh F. Pago. Tho Rodondo will cross out Sunday. HEMWaOD if 10 FOUND GUILTY Denver Dual Murderer Con victed Testimony Very "Racy." (Dy Associated Press to Coos Du) Times.) DENVER, Colo., Juno 29. Tho jury In tho caso of Frank II. Hen wood, charged with killing Georgo Copolaud In u fray horo In which lis nlso klllod Tony Von Phtil, tho avia tor, rotuinod u vorcllot of guilty of murder In tho second dogroe. The trial was roploto with oxtromoly racy tostlmony, Involving tho allugml con duct of Mrs. John S. Springor, woalthy woman, nnd Hunwood. TO TRI-PRDBE THIS TRUST Nebraskan Representative For Three-Way Inquisitorial Broadside. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.; WASHINGTON, D. C, June 30. A resolution Introduced by Repre sentative Labeck of Nobraskn, yej- terday calls for tho Investigation of tho International Harvester Company to ascertain If tho company has vlo- luted any anti-trust, Interstate or national banking laws, BRINGS NT PASSENGERS "IKE'S AUTOMOBILE" OR PHKUM tonight. 1 Chief Executive Denies He De sired Election of Lorimer. HINES SfO TESTIFIED BEFORE INVESTIGATION Also Says No Lorimer Election Money Came From Lumbermen. ! Dy Associated Press to Coos Day, Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno ,30. Edward Hlnoa wns subjected today, to n rigid cross-examination by John II. Mnrblo, attorney for tho Senato Investigating Committee. Illuos contradicted n sworn testis mony mado by President Herman -H. Hottlor of tho Hettlcr Lumber Com pany of Chicago, that Hlnca had boasted to him of having personally; elected Lorimer. Ho ilonlod tho lumber Interests had raised a big sum to lobby for tariff legislation In 1009 or that lumber Interests had anything to do with tho Lorimer, election, Hlnes declared ho was "absolutely) certain" that ho was not mistaken' obout tho tostlmony that Formor Senator Aldrlch statod to him tho President was anxious to havo Lorl-i mcr olectcd. . , Asked about a denial of this from thq White, Houso, Hlnoa merely snld such denial never was "called to hla attention." ' Tho Whlto Houso statement la question, copies of which woro Issu ed last night, concludod as follows, "Tho statement by Hlnes that , tho 'Ptwldcnt was anxious for and waa. urging tho' election of Lorlmor'ls' wholly unfounded," Columbus A. Rhea, Former Capitalist, Wins Suit Here. ' Following a hearing of tho ovi douco In the caso In chambors horo yostorday afternoon, Circuit Judgo John S. Coko this morning awarded -a docrco of. dlvurco from his wlfo, Anulo Rhea, to Columbus A. Rhea. Rhea was tho plaintiff In tho caso. cruolty, Inhuman trontmout mid do sortlon bolng among the charges fllod In. According to tho evldonce present oil to tho court, Rhon, who for tho past your has been a resident of this county, was formerly proaldent of tho First Nntlonnl Dank 'of Hoppnor, Ore. Ho suffered sevoro financial losses In tho disastrous Hoppuor Hoods hi 1901. Tho desertion charged Is alleged to hnvi. takon place In Portland during May, 1910. Dosldes Rhea's own tostlmony, tho only other evidence submlttod by tliu plaintiff was a deposition from S. E. Vnu Vnctor, district attorney for Morrow county. Mrs. Rhea and MIsa Roca Arnold, a daughter by a former, marriage, appcarod for tho dofonso. Attorneys J. W. and Tom Donnett appeared for tho plaintiff, whllo tha defense was represented by W. C. Chase of Coqulllo, and the legal firm of Cako & Cako of Portland. CAMP STOVES, Tents and Hanw, mocks at MILNEU'S, TEXTS jnd everything for tha OAMP at GOING HARVEY'S. Sea "Alkali" OIUMIEUM tonight Laugh at tho ORPHEUM tonight. "I1KTTY" at Orphoum tonight i DECREE GIVEN TO PLAINTIFF w i i h " I J I J' . nir.vtyAi - -ivrfi-iiiaiii,iil.litl,wilfiiiiif4A' ' LC mMmamiiiiuimiM ', - ,--a---' MjUjfeU iliiialMlrililliMWHI flllll ,