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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1911)
T 'Mil ill I " ." UU1 . ',vT nu. u&ato:ltmnB92Si i n i n' ' SIZE UP THOSE WHO EXPECT TO BENEPIT AND SEE WHAT YOU'RE UP AGAINST yOUR. ADS CARRYING your BtorMieiv, should nppcnr as rtgiilmly us docs this newspaper. If newspaper omitted an lssuo now ,ni then even for so weighty ivn ,on ni fL'r,l'K thnt ll might rnln noitlil not bo ii good newspaper. Stora SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's ndcrtlslng spneo In N new simper, compared nltli tho spneo used by other stores, should Ocflno Its comparative importance hi tho commiiultyt Does your otoro's nd. vottlslng spare do that? MEMUEH OP ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXIV Established In JH78 lis The Coattt Mall X MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1911 EVENING EDITION, SIX PAGES. ,v c,",so,,,;' ';. emm mu.i ' ' and Coos liny Advertiser. ' I'M BESaiaSSS Qkroa BANDITS AGAIN four Desperadoes Loot Regis tered Mail But Clerk Hides Valuables. i'W.-F." MESSENGER BARS ENTRANCE TO HIS CAR Posses and Blood Hounds Soon on Trail Engineer Shoots. (Dy Associated Vrcu to Coos Day T'mos.) ' ROSEUl'RQ. Ore., Juno 29 Usln , the State penitentiary blood hounds. I posse under tno Iondorshlp of De puty Sheriff Fred Stewart Is Bonrch Ing tlio Cow Crook Canyon roglon la hope of finding boiuo trnco of tin) (oar bandits who last night hold up I tb northbound Southern Pacific trah ud robbed tho mall car of a por tion of registered mall. Tho only tilt out of Cow Creek Canyon Is through the railroad pass, both ends . of which liavo been gunrded since tho I' ilirm was spread last night. Tho robbers aro undoubtedly In I' the mountains which afford them, through their oxtromo wlldncss, eve ry opportunity of evading, at least temporarily, their pursuers. Tho bandits, who nroupposcd to a it. 1 1 i A T1 hto uonrttou mo irnin ai wcsi rum, compelled Engineer Schmidt and his ' (remnn, Jesse McCulloch, to bring - tit train to a stop and uncouplo tho ', rill nnil liniinirn onrfl from tho nas- Knjcr section. Schmidt was ordered to remain while McCulloch was told I to go ahead with tho mall and bag- lije cars to point n mllo or so f urthor along whero two of tho robbors went IttJ tho mall cars, forced tho dorks Into a corner and wont through tho rtftitcrcd mall. Some valuablo packngos wero se creted by Clerk Howard and wero not ijtcoverod by tho robbers who aftor luring tho mall car went to tho ox- ' prm car. Messengor Tom Reynolds refused to iwlng opon tho steel door. A cronbar was brought Into piny but tniuccessfully and tho robbors gave op tho attempt. Engineer Schmidt, in tho mean time, hnd obtained a rlflo from ono of tho pnssongers nnd ran forward. He cniight sight of tho robbors as they wero lenvlng tho scono long ough to fire four shots at thorn but te thinks ho did not hit any of tlem. Tho alnrm wns spread up and town tho railroad right of way, nnd ereral possos woro on tho scono n lew hours nfter tho occurronco, but clng to tho dnrkness could not Bko much headway In the pursuit. Senator Bristow Denies Presi dent's Attitude Is That of G. 0. P. jflty Associated Pres3 to Coos B.i) Times.) Washington, d. c, Juno 29. ator Bristow of Kansas, lnsur ""t republican, In today's reclpro T debate declared that Taft does u' represent tho majority of tho Tuuiican party on tho reciprocity "asure. '.'Ho does not represent the major- F Of ronnlillnnna u tlin IFnllSG Or the Senate," said he, "and I do not 'levo ho renresents the majority of publicans of the country." Al'XCII FLAGS for Sl.OO. P t NORTON & HANSEN'S TWO IT'S STAID IT PARTY 01 INVADE I OK THE 611 A Former Friend Writes Marsh field Man Cynical Compli mentary Letter. The following letter wns picked upon the street todny nnd hnnded to I Tho Tlntos for publication. Tho 'writer Is a well-known former Coos Day boy and the fnct that ho Is now rnphlly acquiring n prominent posi tion among Portland's attorneys lends The Times to tako chances on a libel suit and publish It. If ho was willing to wrltu It Tho Times Is willing to tako chnncos on Its publica tion. Tho letter Is as follows: PORTLAND, Or., June 20, 41. "Lieutenant Edwin Ephrnlm Straw, Dottlcshlp Dtist'om, WHIanch Slough, Oro. I Dear Lieutenant: It Is with feel ings of mingled regrot nnd sorrow thnt I lenrn thnt you havo arlson from tho humblo walks of life as a pill sharp to such omlnonco as thnt suggested by your military tltlo. As I understood It, you nro not a part of tho navy, but rnthor something In tho nnturo of a cornfield sailor, and would bo very much gratified to know whether you belong to tho Infantry or cavalry on tho aforesaid Dread naught. On seeing your photo In tho papor alongsldo of your comrades-Inarms, I wns deoply touched by your military nnd ferocious mnnnor and bearing. You looked about as mili tant nnd wnrllko ns a Jnckrnbbtt with tho heatlncho, nnd I Judgo that In tlmo of enrnngo nnd conflict you 1 would bo hnrd to keep up with, nnd would bo ono of tho grcntest lenders thnt history hns over known on a rotrcnt. I wish also to say that I do not present theso compliments In any hopo of political proferment at your hands, but cannot but feol proud of your motcorlc rlso to fnmo, nnd wish to prophesy and prognosticate that you will mako Just bb good a 'cavalry sailor as you havo a mayor. Your appointment to command has caused tho domocrntle pulso to qulckon with prldo, nnd scorns pret ty generally to Indlcato Bourbon suc cess at tho next presidential tryout; besides this wo enn now enfold our solves In tho klvers'on tho hurrlcnno dock of tho Ostermoor nnd sink Into tho nrms of Morphous with tho ns Biirenre thnt tho Pnclflc Const is so euro from tho nttneks of bolllgorout honorable school boys from across tho Pacific. You remind mo grcntly of Paul Jones, not nlone by renson of i, tct that ho Is somewhat decern ed but also because you aro bo total ly d'nVornt. Tliero Is a saying thnt true fame never romes to n mnn un tl! after he l (load, nnd I. with sev eral thonsnnds of patriotic clttzon. am deoply Interested In your becom ing famous, nnd will do anything T f, to nromoto your prosnects In this Hue When true fnmo does como to vou o-o you desire to bo salted or stuffed? You would look awfully natural taxldermed before a maho ., motnnclo about vest-pocket 'high, and with tho forearm hinged nt ;tho elbow nnd operated by clock work. To complete tho plcturo nnd make It true to life, there should be another figure doing tho paying. This letter Is intended ns a means of presenting to you my compliments. Lieutenant, (brevet, with rank of cabin boy) for I knovfcthat you will 'always bo behind the guns in tlmo of battle. Of course, you muy u some .considerable distance behind tho guns. Good byo, Lieutenant. Regards from your humble ex-, and thorofore happy, constituent. lV) C. J. MAHONEY. m i Men Who See Coos Bay fs Future FINANCIAL success," onco romnrked tho late E.H. Harrlman, "!b based upon vision." What tho great railroad and flnnnclnl gonitis had In mind un doubtedly was tho ability to vlsuallzo tho futuro from tho present and act upon thnt visualization. All big achievements In flnanco havo been based upon this quality. It has been tho man who saw towns In tho sago brtiBh, who saw mills on tho deserted Btrcatu, who had tho Imagination to construct things that did not exist nnd tho courago to act upon that assumption, who has climbed high on tho ladder of material success. It was tho man who saw tho world bound with telegraph wires, when thoro was only ono wlro from Washington to Baltlmoro, nnd who hnd the courage to net upon that vision who made a fortune In the tele graph. ' v ,; It was tho man who snw hundreds of towns nnd cities nnd thousands of peoplo In tho far west whon tiiero wero only a fow pack traliiB nnd n few pioneer's who mndo n fortuno In western railroads.. And today It Is tho man In Marsh field who sees thonsnnds of peoplo whoro thoro are only hundreds, who sees ninny transcontinental rnll rnmls where thoro Is only one, who sees what Coos Hay is, to be In twenty yenrs rathor than what It Is todny, who will receive tho. big re ward which this, valley holds for tho man of vision and courago. Most great mon havo been crazy until It was domonstrntcd that their Insanity wns merely a clearer vision than their fellows.' Morse was a dreamer. Dnrwln wns hnlf-bnkcd. Tho Wright brothers woro known In Dayton, Ohio, as harmless freaks until thoy startled tho world by flying In heavier than nlr mnchlnos. "" So thoro nro men In Mnrshtlold todny who see a city of 50,000 people. They see tho greatest lumbor district In tho United Stntes. They sea Intcmrbnu lines scurrying through tho valley connecting towns larger than Marshfleld Is today. They sco railway terminals nnd n great wholcsnlo district that will distribute tho products of other countries nnd other climes to tho grcnt nnd growing section thnt lies oast of Coos Dny. Thoy seo fnctorlOB thnt aro busy converting tho great timber resources of this Bcctlon Into lum ber to build homes nnd articles for uso thoroln. They Bee n great dairy and agricultural section furnishing food products for nil parts ol tho world. Thoy sco wealth, success and happy homes. To tho man with raoro hlnd-stght than foresight, with moro fear than courago, with moro stolidity than ontorprlao, such mon nro crazy. Thoy nro boomers, visionaries, hair brains nnd what not. No doubt some of tho prophecies nro extravagant. All of them will not bo fulfilled. But nt tho foundation of such a spirit Is tho dynamic force that spoils success.' It Is to such mon thnt Coos Day owes her futuro, and whom tho futuro will nbundnntly roward. Tho Times deplores and decries a real cstato boom based on nothing but hot nlr but It wolcomos u spirit of ontorprlso thnt enfolds tho do'vol opmont of Coos Dny's grcnt natural, resources and means that this see tlon Is to como Into Its own. S TALKS IN Multi-Millionaire Chicago Lum-, 0 ' berman, .Alleged to Have Been Connected With Lori mer Bribery, Tells Senate Committee Story of His Life. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON; D. C, Juno 29. Edward Hlnes, millionaire lumber-1 man of Chicago, whoso nnmo hns ro pentodly been connect'ed with tho nl- leged raising of $100,000 with which to elect Lorlmer to tho United Stntes Sonnto, took tho witness stand In his own defenso todny boforo tho Sonnto Lorlmer Committee. j Hlnes told of his rise from ofllcot boy at a anlnry of $10 por month til tho dny ho nnd others, formed tho Edward Hlnes Lumber Company In 1S92, of which ho owns CI or C2 por; cent of tho stock. IIo stated ho know Lorlmer for years nnd added that his company, ALLIANCE GETS ILESS PLANT Aerials Now Being Installed In Portland May Delay Departure. Tho steamer Alliance, now In Portlnnd, Is being equipped with wire less In accordance with tho recent rulings of tho federal government covering vessels In the coast-wise trade carrying passengers, a distance of 200 miles or over. Owing to the nature of tho work to be done on her masts, It Is barely possible that tho vessel may not sail from Portland for here tomorrow as she is scheduled to do, but It is not believed among shipping men here that she will bo delayed to any great extent. IE OWN DEFENSE owning thirty or moro bonts on tho gront lnkcs hnd steamship Interests from Inko to gulf nnd to deop wntcr which Lorlmor ndvocnted. IIo discussed tho International Har vester Company's Interests In oppos ing tho deepening of tho Ohio river, Included In this project. Hlnes declnrod that Sonntors Pou roso and Aldrlch approached him In May, 1909, on tho 'subject of tho Il linois Benntorlnl situation and that Aldrlch represented to him thnt Tnft was especially Interested In having tho Illinois senatorial vacancy filled; and that later, Aldrlch came to him nnd told him Tnft favored Lorlmor. Hlnes Bald ho wont next day to Sprlngflold on what ho bollovod was a mission from tho administration. Following tho forenoon session Penroso stated that ho did talk with Hlnes about tho situation at tho Illi nois legislature. Ho said thnt ho had oxpressod hopo to Illnos thnt tho ropubllcnn ranks would bo filled up, but thnt beyond that ho had said nothing. ' Heavy Swells Delay Arrival of Vessel Until Tomorrow. Owing to the heavy swells, duo to a northwest wind, which she Is en countering on her voyage up tho coast from San Francisco, tho steam er Redondo, due to arrive hero today, will not arrive at her dock uutll to morrow morning according to the of ficials at the Redondo dock. The Redondo sailed out from San Francisco on Tuesday. She carries a general cargo and several passengers, among whom Is Guy Lee, a California light-weight boxer who Is scheduled to meet Rough-House Charlie Durns at the Rink here next Monday night. DEDQNDO HELD BACK BY WINDS CTINTS AGAINST HY U. S. STEEL Committee Recommends 'Axo' As Result of Last Investigation (Dy Assoclat d Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 29. Tho dismissal of United Spates Con sul W. H. Michael at Calcutta, and Tlios. Morrison, distributing clork lit tho Stato Department ns tho result of n recent investigation is recommended In tho rcpor'. which n subcommittee ,of tho IIouso Committee on Expen ditures in tho Stnto Department will present to full committee tomorrow. Mlchncl was formerly chief clerk of the Department of Stato. Heroic Mother Dead As Result of Self-imposed Martyrdom. . (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da) Times.) NEW YORIC, N. Y Juno 29. Mrs Ida Schlff, who gavo her blood to biivq a dying wonmn to obtain onough money to bring hor flvo children from Russia, made, tho sncrlflco in vain. Weakened by tho loss of blood she fainted last night while on tho flro oscapo balcony of hor homo nnd foil dlghty feet to tho pavement. She diod nu hour Inter. T T T Baats Sacramento by Good Margin Heads List Still. O .STANDING QV THE CLUDS. 1'or Won Lost cont Portland 45 38 .612 San Francisco. . -IS 32 .533 Oakland 48 12 .533 Sncramojito. . . .11 45 .477 Los Aligoloa. . .31 53 .391 (Dy Associated Press to Cons Ihiy Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 29. Portland showed a llttlo of tho "come back" spirit yesterday by de feating tho California senators by a score of 9 to 0. Tho team lacked proper form, however, and will havo to develop conBldorablo class If tho Rose City expects to flguro at the head of the list when tho baseball deity deals out tho bar,nors. The scores of yesterday's games follow: Los Angeles 8 10 San Francisco 4 5 Sacramonto. ...... 0 4 Unrflnnd 9 16 Vernon . 8 Oakland. BETTER THAN AN OPTION, A pound box of SPECIAL C1IOCO- liATES ONLY 83c NORTOX HANSEN'S two Btorcs. U. S. CONSUL IS UNDER SHADOW Ml BLOOD IH VI; IS DEAD i LAN TEAM SPUR M EXPECTED Believed That Federal Grand Jury Will Startle Entire Country. SECRET SERVICE AGENTS SECURE DAMAGING PAPERS Steel Business Said to Have Bean Under One Control. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day, Times. .NEW YORK, N. Y., Juno 2D. What promises to bo tho most sonoa ttonal and fnr-reachtug anti-trust ac tion tho Fcdornl government has ovor undertaken Is expected to tako dofl nlto form lato today whon tho Fed eral grand Jury, which has boon hoar lng ovldouco against cortnln olllclala bt tho United Stntes Stool Corpora tion, Its subsidiaries, and many Inde pendent steel companies, makes Ita report. i Tho findings of tho grand Jury promise n grcator rovolatlon than any published rumors havo Indicated. Criminal indictments, charging conspiracy to control tho prices ot Bteel and stool products tho country over, involving men high In tho flnnn clnl world, nro said to bo ready. Somo'of tho evldonco presented to tho graifd Jury Is said to show that tho steel business In tho Unltod States has boon divided by ngrconlont Into about twenty pools. Agonts for tho government nro said to havo como Into possession ot contracts, agreements and minutes of meotlugs of tho rtcol men. Whllo tho I) urea u ot Corporation or Washington has been making in vestigations of tho stool corporations for thrco years this proposod criminal notion will not havo any connection with any suit tho government mny bring against Hteol corporations. TROOPS TO BE Cabinet Meeting Will Consider Withdrawal of Soldiprs. (Dy Associated Pros to Coos Day Tlmofl.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 29. PrsHldent Taft Is taking under con sideration tht withdrawal of tioops now forming the maiiounvertug divi sion In TexM. Final decision will bo rondorod at a cabinet meeting to morrow. Judications point to withdrawal Im mediately. "IMIHSIDEXT" IN AND OUT. Arrives This Morning mid Ieft Again ThU- Aru-motm. Tho steamer President, of tho Marshnold-Coqulllo river run. arrived hero this morning with a cargo of lumber. 8ho discharged nnd, aftor taklnit on a gonorol torgo, left out again for tho Coqulllo river this afternoon. FOURTH OF Jl'lA DECORA- TIOXS at NORTON RECALLED SOON HANSEN'S tJ two stores. WHEAT. y (Dy Associated Press.) CHICAGO, 111., Juno 29. July S9 3-8e; Soptombor, 89 tfo! December, 91 5-8c. , t - W'W J ' I I ', m w ; ; j HEAD TIDE TIMES' WANT ADS Em. i -m i . i I ' - -