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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1911)
ammi: w.mmmmk,m ' 73E '"SIBRfll i-J'l'-v " lima i Mi. ' ". TT. .TVt. T : '? j V ft'TO WW I L ' " f" '. ' If.' MH V1 . ' i. " "A- ' V A' -m i , MARSHFIEWL-N;ri)EH ,1. in K' Av ?IW '4 W. y-i7l 'ys , "fiifrfi. 3T U w irth. 29 o' Tell X5?" JS v4 c55 y. W T7. l. .... . 5?E?"- enu m W JHHHiP a . -, '; trw.ii'' .;r ,.. .5 1 ifik aHHHrrt' ' i .l. . ut;i - ., -v t- i nit .rri'j .vu . i . f- - " . . .'iiH i ' 4W&& rllSBRi CiELEER ATE WITH f M (HBLmNMS 1&3kiP$l ivNJTw - -tAYV: ' ---feSilfr''''55Si lib. .1 HMMhML.1 Yllff,..dH Twhf-y- VI !-..'' Ml VI WJV. V.a ' ' -... ... .w iiT . . tt ,' WfaWM, rX;W-jaSssMBKSg&jSSS . ; U i V t$3fi bK :i" l A i Aw? l; ; .II , 'PV If-rpfr Ooif Sihoiy3 1R Yooif Hteif oim JnnW FrawA MAKE IT TOUR STOPPING- PLACE BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER AND ALSO ON TUE TWO- BIG DAYS Wfi TrrAT nnos county wirk celebrate in marsh field. 'A - -.-. ,.- -- , -,. ,,,,. ,. ,,,, iiiv.Vk VVV ". OUR ADVANCE PREPAmiTIONS HAVE BEEN IN PROVIDING FOR TIIE MEN AND WOMEN OF COOS Wlw COUN For Ml e Let Youi Fourth of July Suit Be k STEIN-BLOCH i In our stock will be found the choicest patterns of new styles. Your size is here whether you are stout, slim or regular. In Shirts Neckwear Hats Gloves -r-Walk-Over and Ilanan Shoes we can please you with 'a complete showing of the newest styles to be had. r W mmi "We are certain that wc , in shopping and cspccilv In our special Fourth of July assortment of Silks Dresses and tailor-made Suits, Shirtwaists, Gloves and Neckwear will be found every fashion favorite. ' "Beautiful garments that will add charm and pleasure to your outing. Exceedingly pretty waists in a splendid array of styles that lit well and make the wearing a real pleas ure. Fine tailored models that have style and individuality well featured. . Many little things ami wearables that help so much during the summer time can be had at this store. Come and let us show you the very newest and heist in Dry Goods and ready-to-wear Suits. Ivill be able to please you. Our. stock is conveniently arranged for your comfort y priced lor the gala days the Jrd and 4th. wmmijww Mil imt v A "1 WEI .COME MAGJMES nQTCinCH IN lulmuiUil ILL 01 MATSON Tin: timi: at tiii: nrsv cou.vnit. 'wish to announce that wo havo reserved room for out-of visitors during tho 3rd nnd 4th, nnd nil tho tlmo (or parcels it cases, otc. Infornmtlon bo otitnlnoilrognrding tho celobra- tlon. Come nil to tho Uusy Cornor, you nni wolcomo. Lockhart-Parsons Drug or - "TnE BUSY GORIER" LEADING DllUO STORE IN COOS COUNTY. lMiKScmiTioxs' caMrouxnin). ntlvo to entitle one to bo Cnptnln of n cruiser llko tho Doston, which liasj been loaned to n stnto organization. , Tho report to tho contrary orlglnntod & il SO WW HEBE' STATE iLII3B3x::;.',r: Coeilmi in :w r.rf lwI'tai.v siii:iMii:m tt master, and n llcutonant-coninmudoi', ao deloidltod to bring tho Doston Lnrnl Mnn RpppiunQ Moiaq nf DKIKlSrtr CAl'TAI.V Slli:iMli:m 'rom Uroinqrton to Portland. Aftor wcai Man Keceives mews or - . hor rrivi this week enptnm joim j. Sl den IllneSS Of Aged MASH OP CIIIMSKK nOSTOX nl ns erected captain of tho I"r Cnukers IIV 1 'nitCT OK 'XinK IV VrPI) 1ua'l" B Ku J- mill. iiu nnj ikuciiL'in, Hi;, i would tnl;o ehargo of tho crulsor as itoiiinii CiiikIIcn Ho ,Boon as ho received IiIh commission OnwsIl0WM.rH for 0a finMi nnVArnni Willi Tim nnvnunnn 57 other IdntlH. Far. ! GecrrO 0. Cnpps, rtoroman of Tho imnu' fninnoslnir rbanr nnd n rosW "I shall talco command of tho 1. I t .nl.1 n.. nnlnlnl ..lot In .1.. llnnA.. Ldont of this city slnco blP?.. M United States cruisornJloston olthor """ " - ' " iuii lChrlstn!au, leeched tho distressing by forco of nrms or by injunction," And sho Is going to bo n crnclcor Juclc and wo nro tlioro with tho goods at tho "right prices: . He nnd 10c bunch . and Vsc eaclt ' A. from Govornor Went. Tho govomor tho Doston nnd Iloynolds has been given his com mission. Portlnnd Telegram. THKE IS A irASGN. WHY? Such woll-known and suocMful dairymen as l)irontl ('r.tpo Paper. IliiiilhiK XnpkliiH l-Vh(onH - I'lags Coiil'n Confetti In fact oorytlilns to mako It com plete ifOOS BA ASH STO IVY COXDRON, lis. C. RODGEHS, Kglj E. DESSBY, fTqilAS. MAHAPrV, K aro nil changing their Hords so that they eventually will havo ins but COOS COU.NTV HOUSTUIX COWS. ' VICTOR STAL'PF, C. JOHNSON, I. LANDRITH, 1. S. SMITH v it news bj telegraph this morning that declnrod Captain Georgo Sliophord, I his fatt r, an octogonnrlan, becanio deposed captain of tho vessel, recent-1 J MrtoJ 111 in Portland yesterdoj-. ,y A "-jg-t S.'L. ' I Tno t tier .ur. cnpps is on ma way anepnoru oxpinmea mni no nan jmij ueen niUK for somo tlmo with from t! east to visit his sou horo. just rocolvod an opinion from Attor- chronic constipation nnd stomach , The looting between tho two, ney-Qenoral Crawford, who holds that trouble I began taking Chamber- I which ' as to havo takon place horo Adjutnnt-aenornl Finzer. of tho Ore- !nln'B Stomnch nnd Liver Tnblots and l In thrnn ilnvfl I vnn nliln In tin. nn nml 'upon to nrrlvni of tho steamer gon Stnto Militia, had nothing to do t i.ottor rij,t ,,ionc i , ho T,l tUro Tlmt Sne You iDronkt ter on hor next incoming -wltlLtho Oregon Nnval Itcsorvo up to proudest girl lu Lincoln to nnd such ii:o. X. HOLT, . Sin; trlpw. to navo ueen tno nrst moot- Mny 20, and, tnororore, tno acts or a goou mouicine.- i-or eaio oy nu From Sinu-t, .MnrslilloM. V-lng6o keen father and son to havo tho court of inquiry which ho con- "enior8 taln laco for olovon years. ducted, resulting In tho removal of , J8pe the almost iinpassablo con- Shophord as cnptaln of tho orgnnlz.i- mmmmm dlilin if tho roads betweon hero nnd tlon, nro void. Captain Shophord says; RoAbu)K, tho younger Mr. Capps ho had been waiting for nn opinion In lll letw horo tomorrow morning lu (his case for several weeks, and as It an auomobilo in an effort to mako Is favorable to htm ho declnres he will railroad connections at Itosoburg take stepR lmiuodlatoly to nssvimo nlch u 111 onnblo him to reach hli what ho regards as his rightful pon- v. noth- father's bedsldo tomorrow night. These Men Know and You Will Also HAND STAND READY. 'Contractor Completes Open Air Stmul nt Foot of" Commercial tlon as captain of tho Doeton. John MoNulty, nn officer In tho re serve, was removed nt tho samo tlmo nt tho conclusion of the court of In quiry. Captain John Dlnln was per mitted to resign Instead of suffering AFTER YOU HAVE TRIED I Coos County Holstein Butter Manufactured From Selected Coos County Herds Full Weight, 24 Ounces COOS COUNTY CREAMERY ASSOCIATION, MARSH n ELD, OR. The baud stand nt the foot of removal. Previous to tho Investlga Commercial street erected by tho tlon thero had been bad feeling Fourth of July committee of tho among various officers of tho reserve Chamber of Coramerco for use dur- over tho matter of who should havo Ing tho celebration on July 3rd and charge of the cruiser. It finally ter 4th, was completed by Contractor mlnated In n mixup nt a drill In tho Corthell nt noon today and is now Armory, when Blnin and Georgo II. ready for the tri-color decorations wieschussen, the sergeant-at-arms, (of bunting and flags. ' exchanged blows after WlBschusson ) the stand, which is 10 feet wide had been ordered by Shepherd to es- by 24 feet In length, will eaBlly ac- cort Dlaln out of 'the building. commodate the thlrty-slx piece band u appears that the trouble first which has been engaged by the com- arose over tho fact that Shepherd roltteo to provide the music at tho does not hold a roaster's papers, and 8i M SncetS EVERY CAN HFARANTEED HXTU SKLIM T QUALITY. CLAMS ARE PACKED FROM 1HIJ FAMOLH mov POSITIVELY NO SAND IN THUSE GOODS. Lockhart's Two Private Phones 85 and 305 ir pen air concerts. it was contended that ho was Inell- w x COOS county TEAS, FRESH eve-1 Don't forgot the Turkish Bai day. SACCHl'S Grocery. I , glblo to bo captain of the Boston. I lilf lliddlo Aged nml IZIderly People. "But It Is not necessary for me to jUsFoley Kidney Pills for quick and hold master's papers," said Shepherl 'Pemanent resultajn all cases of kid- i also haye. gone to the trouble to "ey and bladder trpubles, and for find out definitely about this phase j i Patntil and ,annoylns irregularities. 0f the subject. I have received an JThajr contain just tho ingredients ne- answer to a letter I wrote tho Navy jJLi wssajy to regulate and strengthen department, telling me that it would Tthe rjtfton of tho kidneys and bladder not be necessary for me, to hold n They are tonic in action, quick in re- ""master's license in order to be Cap- Stilus I T..V ftliam Tol frnaa Tkv.ifv A. .1 - t-- i-m i w "" - ' "'"u nil in 01 ine nosiun. i was luiorcucu . ,ftat such a qualification is not Imper- I Plinvr nt . -w m Starn 1 I w.ii .11'W, -- I i Pill I I A - u....- Jii. l J'AJ ' , . .J5 lfBH-SllMi8gSBfl!wi v Parties Desiring Mori merits to be Erected "Would flo well to call at the Pacific Monumental Worlw, 8 Broadway and make selection from tliojargo stock now on li Mr. Wilson has in his employ the onlv' practical marble an ter In Coos c lunty. And nonnabnt tho best worc 1h ' -j rlMk tVft Rb d Stock I J8Rl- Clams I trim mm -j '!si2 IMW V"lBBIBfi ." 'XM .J&... $'J WML mr' yf im f.r V vim im . A. "J ' -t .& t (At ftf& t f ir "KC- s ' JH.. K-jijIffM. yljjft ' i "' t ' ?' 'r flp'Z ' j n v i ; ,. iiw lit kiks-' 'K.-j, i. '' "rrrismaax t . WUffif 13'. ' L, . l,k if i v h&w afira, r " "jji pn it - lX-J hia, , iiHfe-'' ., v dMittr nnjL--igmm