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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1911)
HE WHO WILL REACH f OR IT GREEDILY, IAY REACH f OR IT DISHONESTLY YOUR. ADS CARRYING oiir xlorr-newH, tinultl appear as ivKiilHfly " I0''" ,,,M newspaper. If a ii'pitKt oitilttott mi Issue now nml then oxen for no weighty a rvn. Mm ns fearing Hint u illicit niln - MOIllll lt '0 M UOOll ll(NlllHr. (Hum EittttB MUM HER OK ASSOC! AT HI) IMIICSH SOMEONE HAS SAH: "A .store's ikU.'iJIsIiik space In n new semper, uiiiihivi1 wlili i he stpapo i1 by oilier Mores, Miould dilno lis c-ompnruthe Importance in (do eoinmuulty! Horn your Mutt's wrlUIn spare do Hint? VOL XXXIV liMalillslicd In 1HTII im Tlir ( oust Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 11,' 1911 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nml Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 75. NBMPED CII10H ARE FOUi WITH MOTHER II Si FRANCISCO Mrs. Lisa J. Henry and Little Ones Are Located By Deputy Sheriff. ACCUSED BANKER IS FOUND WITH THEM BODY IS FOUi NEAR BANDON S. Foster Kelly, Seattle Finan cier, Involved In the Scandal. to Coos Day (By iran LIVES LOST II WRECKNEW TRIAL IS GRANTED IK Associated I'rosH Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., April 1 1 Secluded In n prlvnto dwelling In an Isolated part of tlio city. Lisa J. Henry, the divorced wire or a Sent- nines anu mini mat no linu reason tie linnk cleric, wan found today by ; to bcllovo that the body was that of a deputy Bhorlff who sorved nn order John AronqulBt, the Coos Day hnr rn' ' o 'iroilnco her two children "or light keeper, who disappeared Capt. Johnson of Life-Savers Thinks It May Be John Aronquist. The headless body of a man was picked tip today on the beach about a mile and a half below Handon by Capt. Johnson of the life saving sta tion there. Capt. JohiiHou telephoned to The said that ho had Steamer Iroquois Founders Near Victoria, B. C, and On ly Eleven Are Saved. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) VICTORIA, II. a. April 11. Twenty lives wore lost when the steamer Iroquois foundorud off Coal iBland yesterday. Already flvo bodies have been recovered. Four passengers and seven of the crew wero saved. Tho Sidney nnd Nnnalmo Transpor tation Company owned tho Woodon Btennier Iroquois which plyod be twoeu Sidney, Vancouver Island, fif teen miles north of VIctorIn, and Nn-nalmo. MEMBERS OK CREW- SAVED. Escape or Captain and .Men of Iro quoin Comment. (Ey Associated Pross to Coos Hay Times.) VICTORIA, 1). C, April 11. Flf teon iiursons arc known to have per ished In the loss of the steamer Iro quois yesterday. How many more wero drowned may never bo known as tho purser who had the list of pas sengers Ih dead. The oscape of Cap tain A. A. Hears and six members of tho crow nnd drowning of all but one woman of tho passengers Ih much commented on. The decks wero load ed with movnblo cargo which shifted in the storm helped In Bending tho vessel to tho bottom. NOTEO KANSAS CITY CASE Dr. Bennett Clarke Hyde Grant, ed Rehearing In Swope Poisoning Case. TOM JOHNSON IS STRICKEN I WILAMS PASSES m beioro Judgo Morgan. With her nt the time of tho discovery wero tho two children and S. Foster Kelly, tho Seattle banker, who was named in Henry's divorce complaint. Tho chil dren were kidnaped from nn apart ment house April 3, since which tlmo a vain hunt for tho woman and tho children hnd boon conducted by tho police and detectives. Tho olllcern broke down two doors to reach the woman and tho banker. mysteriously a fow weeks ago. Ho thought that tho body wnoliud out over tho bar and was carried by tho wind to whero It was found. The head had been eaten off. Ills right arm appears to havo been ta toood. Ho woio a pair of high tup brown or tan Inco boots. Thoy wero almost now. He wore a pair of gray, stripped trousers, a bolt with i long buckle and n pair of suspenders. H S IS BEGUN TODAY Noted Newspaperman Who Portland Goes to Oakland, Aft- Also Accused of Causing! Deaths of Relatives by Typhoid Fever. tuy Associated PreBs to Coos Day,1 Times.) KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 11. Saved Many at Minneapolis Fire Succumbs. (Uy er Losing One and Tie Sunday. ..ooutliUUll nuns lu V,CO lltlj I'nilTI.AXIV firn Anvil 11 A nines.) now HOrles opens In tho Coast League SEATTLE, Wash., April 11. today, yesterday being "moving day" Charles Alf. WIlllaniH. aged til years, for tho teams. Portland onens ' at heavy. "Mutant managing editor of the Seat- Oakland, San Francisco nt Vernon tlo limes, died nt bin homo In this and Los Angeles at Sacramento. LITTLE REVOLT IX SPAIN. Cnpt. JohiiBon Is anxious thnt,clty fr01u lJric received In tho Mln- Sunday, Portland and Vernon tlod ; friends try nt once to Identify tho I "onpolla flro Xovoinber 30, ,lu tho first gumo of the doublo-hoador I body. Aronquist had no relatives At Vernon Vurnon. . Portland. Vernon. . Portland,. Small Republic Organized to Comlnt hero. Royal Authority. (Uy Associated Pross to Coos Bay; BAD FIRE IX JAPAN. Times.) J MADRID, -pain, April 11. An Restricted DlMrkt of Toklo Hiiins embryo republic hns beon proclaimed With Heavy Losn. at Canlllns Do Acoltuno In tho pro-,(Uy Associated Press to Coos Day vlnco of Malaga. Tho population of. Times.) tho town rebollod ngalnst tho royal TOKIO, Japan, April 11. -Roughly authority and nttacked tho barracks estimated $3,000,000 will cover tho of tho civil cnnnlfl. Rovnrni nnrsniiH nroporty loss caused by tho nro nitrations, tho last one, a wook ago, Oakland. wero wounded In tho fight that fol- which wlied out tho Yoshlwarl, that 'Proving fatal. Ho was ono of tho best At Sacramento 1889, when eight porsons wero killed nnd the lives of forty woro saved by tho heroism of Wllllnms, then man aging editor, of tho Tribune. In his youth, Wllllnms was n noted oarsman nnd wrostlor nnd onco wostlod with Matsnda Sornklchl for the middle weight Grneco-Romnn chnmplonshtp At Oakland of tho United States. Ever slnco tho I Los Angeles, flro ho hnd beon more or less nn In-, Oakland. . valid and has underdone numerous I i.n ,.ina nnd Vernon won tho second, scoros Sunday wero as follows: lowed. Itelnforcements of troops been hurrlod to tho scene. TACOMA TIDE LANDS. UJy district of tho cnpltal whero social II- known nowspnpor mon In tho United l,a,0 coiiko Is pormltted under municipal stftl08 nlld nnI fllIet' Important posl- survolllanco. uons on many nowspapors In various No fatalities havo been dlscovor- ImriB 0I 10 country. ed, according to odlclal roports, but tho evening pnpors say four or flvo burned to death or woro killed. Flvo thousand houses woro burned nnd six thousand women residents nro homeless. Indians I.oso Contest for Valuable Property. rssoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 11 Tho logal contest ovor tho tltlo to the "tltlo lands" lying at Commence- . nient Bny, Tncomn, ended when tho Mlehui'l S. Link Dies In Hath Tub of Supremo Court of tho United States Apoplexy. (Uy Associated Press to LORIMER CASE MAX DEAD. dismissed tho appeal of tho Puynllup Indians from Jho ndvorso decision of lower federal court; H Is said lnnd can now bo used for terminals by tho rnllroads. 'ARIZONA WILL 118 I'll ill J Ml dTr DCUUWt S AC Coos n.iy Times.) ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 11. Michael S. Link, a former member of tho Illinois stnto legislature who was Indicted on tho investigation by tho Chicago grnnd Jury for perjury nnd who turned state's evidence in F HIE I Unless Peace Comes Soon Northern Part of Country Suffer Severely. San Francisco. Sacramento. . Snn Francisco. Sacramento. . t t R 9 9' r , 1 R r. 4 3 10 R 1 a WAS CONVICTED OF KILLING MILLIONAIRE' Noted Mayor of Cleveland Call ed to Final Reward After Long Illness. (Dy Associated Press to Coos nay Times.) CLEVELAND, Ohio, April 11. This city today Is mourning tho death of Tom L. Johnson, which occurred last night. A public memorial is Dr. Dennett Clnrke Ilydo, convicted planned. Tho body will llo In state nKer a sensatlonnl trial of tho murdor probably until Wednesday. As mayor of Colonql Thos. II. Swopo, tho mll of Clevclnnd, he gained nntlonnl re- llonalro philanthropist, was today "own. granted u now trlnl by tho Missouri Supremo Court sitting at Jefferson City. Ilydo has been In tho county Jail nt Kansas City for nearly a year. The suprome court In setting aside the verdict of tho trial court reminds ilydo "to tho custody of tho marshal' of Jackson county without ball," Tho court's action romnudlii.l Hydo without bail has cast a gloom over the Ilydes and' his attorneys. Business Man Asks Mr. Clarke vlrKl1 ConhllK- ty prosecutor, was keenly disappointed by the v. For Further Inf Orma- i ct but he declluud absolutely to talk. Tim .. UUOUl It. - 1 ISM HUH. Editor Tlmoa: I did not fully undorstnud sonio of ABOUT BLAKE I CAR FRANCHISE H in THAYER GRIMES (Hy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) AGUA PREITA, Moxlco, April 11. tho Investigation of the election of. Conditions nro rapidly shaping Hyde expressed himself as disap pointed because the case was not re versed outright but expressed conn- Hi. i . . .... . . . ueiuu nun ai mo next irnu ins inno- 8 . ... r. unrKO-i .otter cenco wI, bo llemonBtrnt(nl. 4 In Tho Times Inst evening nnd comoj lllstory f the Cn.o. jj to you for onllghtonmout. Either II Dr. Dennett Clark Ilydo was con lO.'nm very stupid or Mr. Clnrke thinks vlclod Mfty ,3 ,ft8t. r tho murdvr 8, tho mombors of tho city council nnd of Colonol Thomas IL Swopo.'tho nnl O.tho peoplo of Mnrshflold' aro n set of ,lo,"l,'"o philanthropist nnd tho pby-il- jdunceB. According to Mr. Clnrko's c,nn " llllcl" " '"""Ingo. letter tho Ulako franchise Is the only! " J,lly c nflor Jonylng Ilydo thing that will keep Coos Day from new tr,u1, J,U,K0 1,al,h Lntslmw sen- going to tho demultlon bow wows. ,onceu """ ,0 uro prsonmont in Has Mr. Ulako got n patont on his tho Ponltontlnry. Tho trlnl was a frnnchlso or what Is It that makes It tlonal ono nnd nmong tho poInU I so nil poworful. Mr. Dlake. accord- brolKllt out wero allegations that. Ing to Clarke. Ib the ono and only Hydo hutI P'0ed tho drinking wa- Mosos thnt can lead us out of bond- tor nt the 8wo')C nomo wlth typhoid ago. Why? Wo old timers havo revor Kor,I1B- w"8 B"ow" - S heard those things beforo and some ornl "'0,llbor f tho family In rapid succession wero stricKon oy typhoid fever. Tho victims of tho disease wero cousins and legal holrs of Col. Swope. It was contonded by tho state ,ltn ff.ln . .....!. I . ... -I., nt this tlmo. As near ns I can find .' '"" """,uu lu BUl "u Ul ,,,", out from otber sm.rros. Mr. Ulako l'e,, or Ul rn,,1,l' B0 that their in- asks tho peoplo of Marshflold to sub.,oroflt '" t,,u wmo of CoIoilel 8woP I scribe for 125.000 worth of stock ,omu ro'ori l" " w" " 1 iivfitf inrHiiKiiiif or innrniir ntwi nia lirs stood by the limited and has vU- 11 II G '0 11 3 I, of us are getting n bit tired of them. Why doesn't Mr. Illnko tell us about It? According to your pnpur ho snys ho hns no stntoment to mnko lu this railway and ho will furnish tho rest. How much more will It William Lorlmor, was found dead In themselves In tho stntes of Chihuahua a bath tub at his homo nt Mitchell, .and Sonorn, Moxlco, for a crisis moro I 111. serious than the loss of llfo in bat- President Taft Relieved of Ne cessity of Approving or Re jecting Its Constitution. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. 0 April 11 To relievo President Taft of approv ing or disapproving tho Arizona con stitution an amendment will be of fered ns follows: "And that portion of Section 22 of Mid act which requires tho affirma tive approval of said constitution by the President Is hereby repealed." President Taft has folt somo doll-c-ac. about dealing with the Arizona cn titutlon. Ho Is understood not to f n-or the recall of Judges provided to the Instrument, but he believes congress might better pass on It nnd Permit it bo tried out in practice. "ij.VT miss evening adv. Ills death, according to tho family i tie. Americans on tho bprdorland physician, was caused by apoploxy. who know Mexico and Moxlcans best A week ago ho colobrated his twen- aro united In tho general prediction tleth wedding anniversary. Ho told , that unless tho rebellion ends with friends then thnt ho was subject to peaco overtures very soon, nil North heart trouble nnd know he was going ern Moxlco will experience n famlno Takes Over George Goodrum's Interest and Changes Name to "The Toggery." Announcement wnB mado today, along an already graded Btreo,t. Mm 'rlinvm- f!rlnip l.n.l 'mirMinoml I Understand It UlOrO 18 tO 1)0 Georgo Goodrum's Interest In tho tnko to build n mllo or two of track As, no "Goo. Goodrum Gonts Furnishing; Houso" nnd will henceforth conduct power houso hut ono or two storage (battery cars. Tho company Is to '. e capitalized nt $100,000. Does Mr. Dlake want tho peoplo of Mnrshfleld tho buslnoss alone. Mr. Grimes has ,0 bud Ul0 rnway nml maUo ,,,' been Identified with the business for ft 't of u 8 wo 10 frnn Un .mat m.inl. lintl.w n r. . I tt.l o It 0 1 P n.u ,...QW. ,..,(, ni" .. Chi807 There nro a good many Miitnrpat thon. Tlio nhnnpo In offop- ... . . I ... . tilings wo would mko to unow auoui tlvo today and henceforth tho popular th,8 8troot raWBjr nnt, tho frnnoi,iBe. ' storo nt tne comer or uronuwny ana Central avenue will be known ns "The Led him overy day since his nnost. m BEAO IN mm mic lil i I" L to dlo suddenly. Something you havo been waiting for. See Lockhart's Friday evening, of wheat was planted and even which can only be rolloved by help from the United States or Mexican government. Only n very small crop If adv. Don't forget PHONE 2M-J. the Turkish Baths. Rlggesf thing of the kind EVER SEEN on COOS HAY. Seo Lockhart's Friday evening ndv. EASTER PHOTO PORTALS, local views. 2 FOR ."5 CENTS. Easter pos tals 1 cont each. A. M. PRENTISS & Co. For Sale Let Times want ad. it. phone 133-J, get Lockhart's Friday Hnve vour ni'llng curds printed ai I The Times oftlca. harvested which Is Improbable tho supply will bo . extromely limited. Little farm work has been douo and tho supplies of wheat and corn on hand are well night exhausted. In Mexico the corn crop of one season docs not last until tho next. OPPOSED TO INTERFERENCE. El Paso Citizens Petition In Helialf of InsiirrcctOH. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 11 A petition signed by 4S8 citizens of El Paso urging the United States not to Interfere fti the Insurrection In Mexico was presented to the Senate by Senator Culbertson. The sjgnei's express the opinion that the struggle is one for existence qn tho part oj the lns'urrectos. ) Toggery," Tho business which was establish ed about four years ago hy Mr, Good rum has grown rapidly and Is ono of the leading stores on the Day. It Is Mr. Grimes' Intention to con duct tho business along tho samo lines It has beon conducted In the past and It is his plans and Intention to enlargo It as rapidly as conditions will warrant, Mr. Grimes during his year's con nection with tho store has won scqres of friends, both In n business and social way, who will unite in wishing him all tho s.iccess Why all this secrecy If It lo such . HldUiUIIU TIUVU3 IU UC good thing for ovorybody? Mr. Clarko scorns to know much about It and I wrlto to nsk him to tell us somo of tho details Instead of those general statements. Mr. Clarke's letter romlnds mo of n gaino wo used to piny In childhood. It wont some thing llko this "Opon your mouth and Bhut your oyes and I will give you something that will mnko you wise." Dut we don't like to play those games nil our life. FRONT STREET BUSINESS MAX Worse than First Reports Indicated. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BANNER, Ala.. April 11. The j ostlmuto of 12S dead or unaccounted for as a rosult of Saturday's mine . disaster In the Baniior mine of the Prat C(Hi8oIldnted Coal and Iron Co. .'was verified today. Forty-five bodlos havo been remov ed and sixty are road for Hie tram oars to haul tbom to tho surface It will pay you to watch for Loci hart's Friday evening adv mnko Mnrshflold his homo although his business will tako him away for that , a considerable part of the tlmo In tlmd can bring. I the oarly future. His retirement Mr. Goodrum's retirement from tho from the business horo will be re-, business was In order to enable hlm.grettod but the fact thnt he will re-1 to look after other Important busi-jma'n In Mnrshfleld will be" gratify- hold another of tho ness matters In which he Is idonti- lug to his many friends. - I SALES in Gow W fled. One Is his automobile business and another Is real estate. He stat ed today that he would continue to I The PRl.SHYTEKI.W I ' or will tbolr COOKED FOOO hy building next .- . . wi:Mtt!lMY commencing nt 11) k. PEOPLE WHO KNOW say Haines' m A ntco dlsiilny of FANCY WORK flour Is flue. and APRONS wilt also bo offered. J - - -