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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1911)
i ipi- 1 1 -, ALL RULES ARE GOOD RULES WHEN A FAIR SHAKE IS ALL WE ARE ASKING i mii 1,1 Mnprvp YOUR. ADS CARRYING Your Moie-nrun, Mmuld nppcnr tin rrmilnrly n ' ,,,', """paper. If iKMS'i'lH-r " ,k'",u ,w , ,j cviMi for no wlRlity n rea- k,m ffrf"K ,,",, " '"'S1'1 ,'"'"" j, mhl not 1k n Kimit nownpnpoi'. vol. XXXIV IMnbllshed in riu UIL DELAYED AMD WIIES 001 ft Fallen Trees and Snow Block ade Old Coos Bay Wagon' Road Today. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ARE NOT BADLY DAMAGED Four Inches of Snow Reported At Sitkum This Morning Mall In Tonight. Tbo storm, which hns been pre railing hero for tho past two days attained an unexpected severity oast of here. As a result, the mall duo hero this morning from HosoburB" will not arrive until Into tonight nnd the Western Union's wires nro out of commission. The Western Union lino 1h working it fnr as Sitkum. Manager Laird this morning sent word that a tcrrl- fie wind had felled ninny trees ncrosR tho rond In tho mountains and tlint considerable snow liutl fallen, thoro being nbout four Inches on tho ground nt his place thin morning. Whether the storm hns done any damage to fnflts nnd gardens Is a. question. Some claim Hint much fruit has been ruined, tho trees being la the hud, whjlo othcrn claim the fruit Is not' milllclently ndvnnced to he dauingvd. Not much of tho more tender vegetnblcs Ih sulllclently advanced to be seriously dnmngod, It Is claimed. "This Is the Inst touch of winter and weather we should linvo hnd In March," remarked n Coon liny mnn this morning. "Wo hnd It coming to make up for tho uniiBiinlly fine tHlhtr irn l.n.t l l--l, tl I. n,V . , . . , " tone- to fruits or vogotnblos ,, , , ,. .............. - Uono to fruItH or voL'ntnlilnR."- v Special Exercises Arranged for Friday In Marshfield Pub lic Schools. The program at the Control School M lesln nt one o'clock sharp. Tho Program it tho Soutlu Mnrshflold school will Login nt 1:45. An exhibit of school work will bo made at the time of these programs. AH visitors nro nsked to examine t. South Miintlifleld School. 1. Chorus -a. Tho Careless Potato. 1). ninck Bird's Concert, c nird's Lnllnby. (First and Second grndes.) J- Recitation A Grhgerbrend Man' (Paul Lapp) 3- Song, The Squirrel. Little Robin Red Hrenst Helen Colgan. fairy Drill First grndo. . Song. The Bird and Pussy Cat-r Second grado. J- Drill- The Regulars. " Chorus The Volunt:ers. a Hnppy Day. b' Lilly noils. I Fourth and Fifth grades.) Recitation Mary McArthur. Arbor Day pnnoramn Third. Fo'irth nnd Fifth grades, Chorus, a. Breezes Softly Blow. b- Hunting Song. Sixth and Seventh grades.) panrV drill sixth, Seventh "and Eighth grado girls. . Snng, F'ower Rain. Central School. 11 A Program will bo given In the As- u' room consisting of patriotic n ". un an address by Df. Mc- wrmac The various grades will tm ,prograni8 l their rooms. There -,-' "r " ! ."hii win- j,v t CcuTunueoTopiigeTry" I0!l DAY TO m. uumilu 1l vf&. In 1H7K cHt mmii MARSHFIELD, 5 RESULT OF SIOI IS F Rough Weather Puts Western Union Out of Commission Again. Tho Western Union's wlro between Iloseburg nnd Coos tiny hns bean down since yestordny afternoon. Line men nrc out on It and Acting Man ager Cnrlcton Is In hopes of restor- lug service 'somotlmo today If an other squall does not Interfere, The line went down yestordny nft- ornoon while he was taking pnrt of The Times Assoclntcd Press report. In consequence of the lino bolng down, The Times wns unable to get Its regular report today but part nt yesterdny'8 Into reports which was received Just before the wlro went out of coihihIhhIoii Ih printed, LAST DAIS OF E W w 1 1 W q I ... .. p q a i sun oi nt'KuiiiiiiuiiH wini navo uoen : .i"us " unnm, riOUgil Weatlier OOOS Bay ISjpeI,dlnBrorBOn,etime. Mr. Merchant' Portland woro: Experiencing Part of Storm h?B. !,e?n ,dent,.fl?? w,.t!1 V10 "rra'L SLA,,We S'l Experiencing Over Wide Area. That the Intermittent rain, hall, . I sloet nnd snow thnt Coos Hny lins Joen experiencing in 1110 iasi tony- .... . . .... ... .. elglil nours is noi uuusuniiy inio ia( I shown by tho records of Mm. Mln- Igus, United StntOH weather observer 'on Coos liny. Tho storm nppenrs to bo pnrt of tho Inst strugglo of winter that has beon evidencing itselt nil over mo 'United Stntca for tho past ton dnyB, ninny points In tho mlddlo west ox- ( ..ul n..Ml...a li( atnnn ilin iuriuiiL-niH . ' o,,.vv ..w first of April. Hero nre tho dates as shown by Mrs. MIubiW records for tho last evidences of winters on Coos Bny for several years: .Ann tlnll m. Mno IP. 1 nn.l 1fi JVVa IIHii " ", " " 1903 Threo-fourths of nn Inch or snow on April 10. 1904 Snow on April 22. 1905 Hall on April 17. 1900 Hall on Mny 2C. 1907 Hall on April 4, 5 nnd !. 1908 Hall on Mny 7 nnd 8. 1909 Hnll on March 4. 1910 Hall and sleet on February 14 nnd 15. CL'IUIV COUNTY' NEWS. Events There Ah Told By the Oold , Henrli Globe. In trying to make up tho seventeen million dollar deficit In tho mall ser vi thn Postmaster 'General has started with his economy In southern nnrrv hv robbliiK tho neonlo of two days mall service a week and making a saving to the government of less than threo hundred dollars a year, "i wio u.m uu i - "Coos Hay water except possioiy ino Including the order of business will j,,,,, Hn wator of portlnnd. Jlr. Walton Miller nnd Miss T.udnjue submlttod by Chairman Uudor-j ,ffiat rono.t ,8 corroct but tho tost Prince wore unKed In marriage Inst ' wood and probably adopted. Tho waa ma(lo tlirco year8 ag0i Dr nar. on.ini. AHi ori.nt tho home of the prevailing opinion Is thnt tho com- ., inforJn8 me that ho too had brldo's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T.mltee will urge tho caucus to take r,..... nAn Wlr .Tnnirn R. A. Bailey 'offlclntlns. The groom Is the youngest son of Mr, nnd Mrs. Willis Millar. - A 13-yenr-old boy. a brothor-ln-lnw of Mr. Walter Smith of Pistol rlver. arrived here Sunday after Ing snow-bound at West Fork for nearly threo weeks. He reports that jnrge amount of mall has accu mulnted there for this ofUco. GETTING interested? Get more so in rviuiM " i'i iw.- Ing ad. I airtfflilfttaiil ,Mif- iru""ii HfrlibttMA. fiiLi fflag Miniltltlt OK OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 191 1 EVENING EDITION P 0 MS 800! David A. Jones Certain That Remains Found Near Ban don Are Those of Missing Coos Bay Man. That the headless body found bo low Ilnndon yesterday by Capt. John son of the Life Saving station thore Is the rcmnltiB of John Aronqulst, former light keeper of tho hnrbor of Coos Day, Is attested by David A. Jones. Last night after reading the description of tho body given In The Times, Mr. Jones declared It was .Aronqulst beyond a doubt. Just rt day or two before the disappearance, Jones sold Aronqulst tho high lnco boots nnd remembered distinctly nbout the color of the trousors he EIE III BIG FIRM W. T. Merchant Purchases E. W. Kammerer's Interest In Merchant & Kammerer. Announcement wnB mndo' " today thnt W. T. Mcrchnut hnd purchased the filtered of E. W. Knm.moror In tho firm of Merchant & Knnimoror nnd will henceforth conduct tho ,.,.., ness nlone ns the Merchant Store. Tho announcement of tho change enme ns n surprise but was tho rs- suit of negotlntlons that hnvo boen ! which Is one of tho oldest on Coos HaJ;, for years. Mr. Knmnioror sue-, ceeneu j. i. Jicrcunni nu n partner In tlm lillalnnua u-linll Mi utnrn u-io " --...v- ... u ..., .. .. moved from Market nnd Urondway (0 Its present elegant quarters. i ' . . jjr, Knmmerer hns n number of matters under consideration but hns not. definitely decided upon his fu- !ture. For tho present, nt least, ho wm remnln on Coos liny nnd his frend8 i,01)0 thnt ho will do so per- mnnently. ,. Mr Merchant will contlnuo tho business nlous tho prcsont lines, but I !.. ... ..t 1 .1 .1.... I. n 1....1 ' ri'KariiiiiK ni jiiuiib hiuu iiiui iiu iinu nothing to give out othor than thnt i, wniiiii nmk-ft thn Morniinnt store commensurate with tho needs ad 8r0wth of Coos Bay. DEMOCRATS TO Caucus of House Members of Party Called to Agree to Policy. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times ) WASHINGTON. D. C, April 11.- ' At a caucus of tho House Democrats to bo held tonight, it Is expected the legislative program of tho extra slon will be determined. Tho plnn UP UrSt tHO UanttUinn reuipiouuj agreement, which will be adopted ad '! TTloHftnrl 111 11 nnil to allow VI1U W,HV, " V.'. M.. .. time for hearings. Meanwhile bills relating to the popular election of senators, publlca- be-.tlon before election of campaign con tributions and statehood for Arizona , and New Mexico be adopted. If YOU are trying to uCONOMIZE, tee LOCKHART'.S Friday ad. After tho show try a Turkish bath Phone 214- J. jiiLt tiStbOkJjHli&rJiJtiiUk, c DOT PLANS ptmBBRP j. ASSOCIATED PltlCSH I wore ml '" th on on the. belt. How Arouqulst's body floated out over the bnr and southward along tho const to the point .where It was picked up Is one of the mystorles of the sen. At first, few of the older residents who were fninlllnr with the tides nnd currents here would believe It wnB possible for the body to have been carried around tlioro In vlow of the net thnt Aronqulst must hnve drowned between North Bend and Mnrshflold as his bont was found near the old stave mill. Aronqulst loft n llttlo property, Including n bont house and It Is ex pected that the money derived from It will bo used In bringing the body herd for burial, Steamship In From Portland Last Night and Sails This Morning. Tho Alllnnco arrived In Into Inst ovonlng from Portland nnd united this morning for Euroltn. She had a Bood pnssonger list nnd considerable yoi ffloipsrsl MANY ARRIVE ' ON ALLIANCE busl-ifrelK,lt '" Sho Ih duo bnck hero Friday night frow Burekn nml wJ11 nt 2 0.clocIt Snturdny afternoon for Port- land. Among those arriving on her from Prof. L. . A. Hepburn, J. S. Needhnm, II. E. Dn- vis, E. A. Anson, C. Meyer, F. F. Mnv- ium, . .ucjit, j. nuumui, u. n. Ilntlllnll. M TH. Itfltlllnll. It. 11. Rlllllll.l -.-.-..... - Miss F. M. 8tnnloy, F. H. Arnott, Mra " A. koiu, 11. jonnson, J, Martin, p. i.nyton, .Mrs. l,. urown, w. m. Locke. Mrs. W. M. Locko, C. M. Alexander, W. It. Dnkeweol, C. So-; mors, W. K. Day, J. W. King, R. C. Jones, G. W. Sprechor, J. Sclpor, A. Frloman, E; n. Ilnrnuin. S. L. Clnpp, u. m. huiib, w. f. scnuiz, niooue Dixon. EAST Kit HALE of CAKES nnd other COOKED FOODS H.VTl'HDAV afternoon nt PEKHV-MOXTfiOM- EHV'S by LADIES of EPISCOPAL I Altar (JL'ILI). H. C. Diers Says Conditions Have Changed In Three Years Here. .Editor Times: I w'8' to answer J. W. Bennett's communication to Saturday's '1 In en fnr ns to whnrn hn mo: Times, mentions my BtBtament thftt a rfiport wns mn(Io to Pat Dovers ns to tho purity of the ses-iWntor nJ)d Umt Uier0 was 0 better , j water , t,l0 8tate of Oregon than tho ' tosts made two yoa,.8 ag0 nnd now ed thnt tho wator was good nt that time. But the tests now show that tho water Is not good. I myself be liove tb Dr. Bnrtle. that Mr. Bonnott Is tnlklng about something ho knows nothing about. I am reliably in formed thnt Mr. Bennett does not drinj Wnter and does not even uso it as a chaser. II. CDIERS. Y'OU CAN'T AFFOItL to 3JISS this, It's too good See LOCK HART'S FRIDAY' ad. GET THE BEST " Flour ajd get It of HAINES. . ., .tiiimt.- ' lit f " - WRITES T W A CoiwilhlHtlmi of Time, CnmH Mail hhiI Cikv. liny Arim'tlt-r. MEXICAN REBELS HOLD SEVERAL AMERiGANS CAPTIVE AT ALAMO LAST CENSUS IS DISCUSSED "Has Qver 2,980 Or Is Biggest Little City In Country" They Declare. MARSHFIELD CENSUS, t 1890 14C1 1900. . iapi 1910. ., 2980 Thnt Mnrshflold hnB considerably prisoners by the Mexican filibusters more people than the 2,980 given it In a big corral at Alamo, In Lower In the 1910 census or thnt It Is tho Cnllfornin, Insulted by tho gunrd and. "Dlggest Llttlo City" In tho country without hope of rolenso or rescue, Is shown by pnrt of tho dntn which Ib ,G. Until, his wife nnd flvo children of being gathered to bo laid before 13. San Diego, nnd several othor Amorl Dann Durrnnd, director of the Cohbub can women whose nnmes could not Huroau. pu learned, are said to bo causing It Is expected thnt tho matter will concern to the state nnd navy dopart bo taken up nt the next meeting if inentH of tho United Stntos. tho MnrHhflold Chamber of Commerce Secretary Knox hnB been npponlod nnd steps taken to correct tho erro- to by O. Henry Savngo of this city, ncoiiB count If possible nnd, If not relative to Mrs. Until. Sonntor Par posslbla to get n recount, to get mote- kins, chairman of tho Sonnto Com ml t rlal to offset the effect of tho low tee of Naval Affairs has been urged enumeration. Evorybody Is mm- by Savage to send n wnrshlp to En- plussed over the low count. senudn without ardors from Wash- Hugh McLnln nnd a few others Ingtau nnd tho American consul at yesterday wore discussing the matter Enscnndn charged by Savngo with and pointing out a few facts that being Inactive In tho ninttor. would show thnt Mnruhflold must All attempts todny to Bccuro Infor hnvo moro than 2,980 people. Here mutlon on tho subjoct from tho Unit are a few of tho facts which will be ed States consul nt Ensonnda hava later addod to: failed nnd not n stntomont can bo se- Uank deposits totnl nbout $850,- cured from Mexican olllclnls in Lower 000. , California. Last registration showed 9151 votera. . . . . . . r. .. ,, Bcu00l CU11HUH SllOWed (Oi 01 ,., nc0 Mnrshflold hnB twelve doctors. Mnrshllold hnH 20 attorneys. Mnrshflold hns 23 grocory storo. Mnrshflold hns flvo drug stores. Mnrshfleld has K snlnons. Mnrshflold hnH $200,000 worth of j 1)nr(, srfnco ,,aVcd Btrcots Mnrshfleld hnB $150,000 worth of of tho Sonnto Commltteo on Foreign plnnkod streets. RohitloiiB rovenled somo of tho roa- Mnrshfleld pays 500 per month nons whleh the President hnd glvon for street lighting. to thnt committee and tho Housa Mnrshflold hns four theatres. Commltteo on Foreign Affairs for tho Mnrshflold hns $350,000 In con- mobilization or troops on tho Toxub crcto and brick buildings. border. Through Senator Burton of Murshflold hns 1 100,000 Invosted Ohio, tho Prosldent mndo omphatta In school buildings. jdenlnl of tho report from Mexico City Mnrshflold has twelvo churches, 'that a proposod treaty boUveon Japan Huh most liiodernTumber mill in and Mexico had cnuscd tho niovomcnt tho world and ono of tho Inrgest on of troopH to Toxns. "Tho President ccni?t. authorized me," said Burton, "to do- HnB $75,000 hotel besides others, ny In the most omphntlc tonus a Hns two full companies of Naval story from Mexico City about secret Militia. 'treaty between Mexico and Japan. Commerco ovor Coos Bny bar in Thoro !s not n word of truth In It." 1910 valued at ovor $7,000,000. j Sonntor Bacon of Georgia, rank- Tho 1910 census plncos Mnrshflold Jng minority membor of the foreign the seventeenth city In size In Ore-'relations committee nftor a talk wltU gon. tho President, declared Taft wim aur- Postmnster Curtis thinks tho con- prised and Indignant ovor tho reports bus of Mnrshflold Is too small. Last ' Implicating Japan and Mexico. "You year, tho postal receipts of Marsh- can put the whole story down as ub flold woro ovor $14,000, very nearly auvd," ho said, "President Tnft has as much ns Rosohurg's and so near 'talked to mo nnd to other inombora In rnct thnt tho Mnrshflold and Ro- of tho committee nnd axnlalned hla soburg olllcos nre In the same salary reasons for Bonding the troops south, class, but tho census gives Rosohurg's Thoro wns danger of widespread ro populntlon as 4,738 agnlnst 2,980 ror volution and perhaps unnrohy In Mnrshflold. ES FATAL mht run uftn m ni f I II ID III h'HUV i txi ,...' auniml oloctlon nt Florepre W. It. Harry McCormiCK, Wealthy jj0igllbook wan oleetod mayor. John Portland Timberman, Dies '-J-'- s"burrt nd, a!,0"0 . i iv- Kvtul8t oounullmen: C. E. Feno, In LOS AngeleS. 'nmniUal: Frank Knftwles. Charles R. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay umiiel and D. J. Staoey were tied for Times.) Irotordor. LOS ANGELES, April 11. Harry I McCormlck, aged 54, n we'nlthy tlm- - YOU won't bo disappointed ff YOU beraan of Portland, Oregon, with ex- ATCl! for I.OCK'I.YItTH FKIIWV tensive intorests at McCormlck. nd. Wash., dropped dead hero today i . , , while running to catch a street cur. UbIWL. i ..Jfcjtti. SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A Morv's advertising inrr In n n'niiWpr, tinnptmtl with tho njwco iid by Hher Millie, slmiild ilellno lit nHMtMinthr Importune hi tlio community! h- ,vo,,r Mtotv'a ml. vi'i-tMtig "Y ! ilMil' No. 76 Man, Wife and Children and other Women Said to Be Ill-Treated. APPEAL IS MADE TO UNITED STATES Senator Perkins Urged to Send Warship to Ensenada to Force Release. (l)y Assoclnted Press to Coos Pay, Times.) SAN DIEGO, Cal'., April 11. Held DENIES WAK UU.MOIL Tnft SuyH There Ih Nothing to Charge Agnlnxt Jitpon. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Coos Hay j Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 11. President Tnft moved swiftly to squelch tho latest Jnpnneso wur senro story. Incldontnlly n member Mexico. Tho Prosldont noted quiutuy I nnd doeUilvoly. Ho bolioved tho Army sliould bo on tho border ready for any cautlngouey whou Cougresa met.'' ELECTION AT 1M.OREXCE. New Olllfoit CIiom'ii t Hmboi of tho Klusliiw EUGENE. Ore.. Anrll 12. -At tho Read the Time Want Ada. ,.,i . fc . WS .