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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1911)
If AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, THE NEXT TIME TRY ANOTHER SYSTEM! (000 YOUR. ADS CARRYING nUilitily ns ,m's ,,,ls ,,l,"f,P,Pc, ir Grottos SOMEONE HAS SAID: "V Moiv's iithcrtMiiK hpncc la n neHf-imprr, (ituipitrt'il riltli the act lltl ll otlllT NltllVN, Mlt'lllll (Ii'llllO It ronipiit-nlho litipot tiim-o in I ho cotimuinlty! II(hn jiur Morr's ml MMiNliiK fiii('( di Unit V ii tiipor omit tod an Untie now M ,K.i.w'ii fr mi Molality a run mi ni rirl " 'I'M'1 mln iilil not lie " goof. ium simper. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRKSH IMiilitltlicd in 1H7H ai Tin C oast Mail VOL XXXIV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1911 EVENING EDITION A C'oiiMilldatlon of Times I oust Mall ami Com Buy Advertiser. No. 74. Say; OFFICIAL A1001CE1ENT OF UK POPULATION OF OREGON TOWNS The Census Figures For Marsh field Prove A Big Dis- . appointment. ARE AT LEAST ONE THOUSAND SHORT Salem Second City In State Followed by Astoria, Eugene and Medford. a COOS COUNTY TOWNS. , 1010 CENSUS FIGURES SAIL SUNDAY ON REDOHDO Empire City 147 Marshfleld.. 29804 Myrtle Point 8304 North Bend 2078 a - M..Mr tntnl 17 1 h. ry Grcenlcaf, M. T. Dandon . . .1803 Beawr Hill 149 Coqullle. . .1398 AEnitiildo . . .252 Steamship Left Yesterday for San Francisco With Many Passengers. The Kcdondo sailed yesterday for San Francisco with n good passenger list. She rarrlcd n big cargo of lum ber from the C. A. Smith mill. The Kcdondo Is scheduled to sail from San Francisco for Coos Day next Thursday. Among those sailing on the Kcdon do wcro the following: Jacob M. Dl.iko, Mrs. Jacob M. Dlako and child, M. Hungllman, Hnr- Flshor, W. W. E CHAN6ES IN SCHOOL PLAN Colored ferrotl ,nt0 tno rBulnr grades and Special School For Children Abolished Several Departments Are Dispensed With. . At a meeting of the Marshfleld school bonrd Saturday a'numbor of changes were .decided upon to bo made in the conduct of the schools henceforth. It was decided to nbollsh tho color ed school at once. This hns cost $50 a month for a special teacher and while eight or ten have been enroll ed, only three or four pupils havo been attending regularly and tho board decided to have these trans- cut oft the expense. It was also decided that next year, tho special Instructors In music and drawing, the commercial course nnd domestic science should be dispensed with. Music and drawing will prob ably be taught by the regular teach ers but the other departments will bo abolished for the time being. The changes will mean a saving of nearly $3,000 per year In salaries nnd this with the expense of mainte nance of tho departments will mean a reduction of nbout $4,000 per year. The board will later elect teach ers for tho coming year. Most the applications of teachers desiring re election havo been filed and referred for future action. HAZEL DOLLAR BE 10 T ON LUMBER CAP FOR CHINA MAKES REPLY ABOUT WATER I 1 A n Y Tl .- nun MM1 i....i Tk mm foilnrnl ronsUH WVerou. a. r. ruinuuAiui, u gives the expectations of tho peopIoDean, Miss Edwin MooroDclla Mar of Marshfleld nnd Coos Hay an awful din, Mrs. Gow Why and two children, . r. II . f Tf. t? VAMt.n. ... A. Id B0UU1I1U, M, s IJUJD, c. iuuiiu, Tho long oxpectcd results havo Otto Anderson, E. E. Frost, W, M. been announced nnd they wcro a lit- Giles, A. 11. Peterson, O. !!. Moore, tie Into In getting here. May bo Dl-B. A. James, W. M. Poole, Lewis Carl rector E. Dnnn Durrnnd had somo'son nnd child, H. Llnqulst. Mrs. E. anticipation of tho shock It would A. James, F. S. Dow, L. J. Jones. Blve Coos Kay for ho It nway B. Kohl, Mrs. W. M.' IJenle. from them ns long ns possible nl-l though he wroU to Tho Tlmos a few j " tLAHKl.h u.vh. days ago nnd said he would, wire It Editor Times: as soon as, the flguro wore obtain-1 you quoto mo ns hnvlng said that able, nftor The Times hnd wired him I t),u Cos Dny-Ilolse rood is In no way on several dnys ngo for tho figures. 'intoiestcd In tho traction proposition May bo ho thought It would lot down 0f jir nno In Mnrshflold, nnd tho tho cxpectntlons gradually uy nuow- inforonco wns that I rnvoreu Hiaae a uUUkAAAAAMUMAAMWSMWSMMAAAAAAMWWWWWSMVVVSWMVVMWV WIRES DOWN' P0LRE1ST0 TO COOS BAY GOME IN MAY STOHM 8TQP8 TELEGRAPH BKR- VICE FROM ROSEBUHG ALL DAY TODAY EXPECT REPAIR 80ON. The storm last night and this morning put the WeBtorn Union Tolecrnnh company's .wlro between . L . I Loos uny nnu iioseourg uui ui tuui mission. Acting Manager Carleton hns line men out on tho lino to re pair the dnmngc nnd hopes to rcstoro service soon. In consequence "of tho wires bolng down',' Tho Times 1b .without Its, reg ulnr Assoclnted Press dlspntches to-dny. POUT OF COOS DAY COMMISSION AGREES TO TEHM8 AND RE QUESTS HI.M TO COME AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. Tho Port of Coos nay Commission ers at a meeting today decided to ac Dr. Bartle, North Bend Health Officer, Answers J. W. Bennett's Letter. Editor Times: There are ono or two things that should bo said In answer to Mr. Den nett's, communication to tho Satur day's Times. Not because of any de slro on my part for nny of Mr. Bon nett'B notoriety, nor In answer to the major portion of Mr. Dennett's wrlto up, because he is talking nbout somu- hthlug ho knows nothing about, but thcro are ono or two assertions that are erronous. Biggest Carrier That Ever En tered Coos Bay Arrives Sunday to Load. WILL BE TEN DAYS TAKING ON CARGO Capt. B. W. Olson of Nann Smith Pilots Big Vessel On Initial Trip. 1 With Cnpt. n. W. Olson ns pilot, tho Hnzel Dollar, tho lnrgost vessel over entering Cooh Day, nrrlvod ia enrly yesterday morning from Saa Francisco to load with lumbor at the Smith mill for China. Tho trip up was made In thirty-six hours. Mel ville Dollar, n son of tho hend of the Dollar Steamship company, enme up on her with Capt. Olson. With the InvnimHnn nf nn nAlrnr. flhft rnrrlnd A First, that tho bottles containing .nl,. crnw nf fnrt Cnn, Ponon tho North Dend samples wero not sterilized. All tho bottles nnd corks In which samples are sent out from this office aro Bteam not chemically tn snnlf thn test) stcrlllzod for nt lag It to care In horc. No one was found In Mnrshfleld to dny who would admit even In tho faco of tho official figures thnt Marsh field has less thnn 3,000 people. "I told you so," wns tho general com ment following up with n rovlval of success because of my friendship for Mr. lllnkc. 1 think you misunder stood me. Whnt I tried to toll you wns thnt tho Coos Hay Ilolso peaplo wero not directly or financially inter ested In tho Illnko franchise, but that they could not seo how it was BONDS FOB SIUSLAW JETTY. EUGENE, Ore., April 10. Tho First National Drink of Eugeno has bought tho $115,000 bonds recontly Issued' by tho Port of Sluslnw for the Improvement of tho hnrbor at Florence. Tho bonds will drnw C per cent Interest. Tho Port Commis sion hnd already Issued $100,000 In bonds. cept tho terms of Capt. Polhemu, of , two ho"r8' nn1 nU tho Bn'n,,,c? . , ' sem irom hub uiu m n"" tho government engineering office BtwUh gront(jBt Cflro t0 KOt tho Portlnnd to como here nnd pro-iu.n,op na lt ia. not til0 jjcBt nor tho pro" water ns It Is, not the beBt nor t of worst. For under all condlt conditions nnrn nlnim fnr thn devcloiiment Coos Day harbor, Tlo Is oxpectcd to I nmplcs will vary and will In no way ronch hero on or nbout May. 1. Ho will bo urged tj como an soon is possible. Thoy nwnrded'tho contract for Im iirovlnc Kentuck Inlet to W run constant unless tho sourco of con tamination is constant. Nono of tho Bnmplcs sent out from hero havo boon clean, but never boforo has tho J.'rnlnn bacillus been found. Professor I - Shrum for $1,7S0. Julius Larson swentzor writes tho Water company was tho other bidder and his bhl was $2,000. . A numberofCoostonnndWUIanch In let meinvoropresent nnd again sot forth tho rival claims over tho location of n wharf nnd dock there, After henr SUIT IS AUTHOBIKD. the criticism mndo at tho tlmo tho nosslblo for tho Coos Bny-Dolso line enumeration wns being mndo "that nil to get Into Mnrshflold unless tho would not bo obtnlncd. I ninko franchise wero continued In There wns tnlk this morning of force. I said that It did not mako having n special consus taken by tho much difference who owned tho Chamber of Commerco as it Is bo- traction franchise ns long ns there lleved thnt It would bo futile to nsk wero common user privileges which a recount by the Department. How- u roads could use. I r.lso said thnt ever .that would do little good ex- jf tho Hlako franchlso had not been cept for tho porsonnl satisfaction of extended, I doubted If the faptlonal tho people on Coos Bny as tho Census conflicts In this city would make It Ilurenu'a figures will bo tho ono that posslblo to get n franchlso for nny- the world nt largo wllj nccopt for tho body for the noxt two years nnd then next five yenrs until tho stato census n0 road could get Into Marshfleld Is tnkon. 'and would havo to mako arran'go- Hero Is tho 1910 consus for tho ments for Its business outside of It. cities and towns of Oregon ns nn- Did It over occur to you thnt somo nounced by tho Census nureau, being towns had ruined themselves, by a promen s can mj .hi-wi "-. QotrHav': Game to Ver- glven by counties: I tremendous overvaluation of these ly ns possible, Gpvernor Oswald Wert DFOpS Saturday S Uame 10 Ver i. .. . ... .ia1. n ini no inn'nflK uuurtBHL'u n :uu4uum.vm..w.. v nv.. urancniseH ui jui uu. .. .- - .- - - - (pleaso sond nnothor Bamplo In tho bottle thnt I nm sending you ns the other snmplo sent mo hns too much sediment for u good tost. Lot tho water run somo tlmo before taking the sample.) N,ow this wntor Is too PORTLAND Cloud to bMtemoMHl From Port of completed yet Coos Bay Bonds, SALEM, Ore., April 10. As tho supremo court, recontly hold In the case of the nennett Trust Co, vs. Songstacken thnt the validity of tho Improvement bonds voted by tho Port of Coos Day can only bo tested prop erly In n suit brought in tho name of tho state, nnd as tho port la anxl-j ,. tn iIIiiuiia nf thn hnnda BO im- UUD i yiwwv ... .. --r prooments can go ahead as quick lng them, tho commission decided to J dirty for n test but not too dirty for lot tho matter rest until Cnpt. Polho-1 Ub to drink. I havo practically tho mitB propnrc8 plniiB for hnrbor devol- same reports. (Thoro nre no dlsenso opmont nnd seo which will flt In. germs but tho wntor is full of decnyed Tho survey for tho North Inlot vogotablo matter nnd scdlmont) Now Improvement project hns not been the Wntor company will get tests that nre good nnd so will I for wo nro taking precautions to hnvo tho city IS LOSER AGAIN Baker City Bourn?. . Copperfleld Greenhorn . Haines . , Corvallls. . , 6742 ..77 ...257 . .28 .423 ier . . . Mar-hflnld? I meah. George -Brown, state's attorney In SUSS. : L ,ou ,on .on,. ,ow. . . i---j--JL22 Rlchlnnd. ...334 battled over such maiiera so ionB iuu imiv- Duv - -. -.. . M when tiiey cot through fighting nbout ,oy tue Bupreme cuu( ' Ithcm and the smoko of battle bad 'cleared, all tho Importance nnd val- . . .505 ,nj nt Bomewhoro else? Let us Whitney. Sumpter. Benton. 4552PhIlomath CtfcckftHlU. non by Score of Two to One. POnTHANDOre., April 10. SaU I .- -4.. Kw DamIAa At the last general election tuero ruraay.s sa u-u ww. was submitted' fb. the electors of Jhe. Lfeasue rcaulted mrtfollows:. Port of Coos Bay tho question of At Vernon Umember that t atns of ! bonding In the sum of $300,009 the; .Fortf-d .. -.. .. ..... .. LMinHMwlii thn sale to be UBM '.O ...veruou. , ""ow 08 Oregon City. .4i!HV Marshfleld is prospecmo uuu .w ...- -. ----- Oakland . Cnby 5R7 rvw... 527 . t. .. n h nEST we can to Improve tbe harbor fit Cooa Baj.The At.Qafcana Ertacada. , ...425 Wllamette. , .337 ' 8tart6d on tha up trac.1 proposition carried by o big and Ullwauklo. . .866 .get mew w mwn ,.,.-,. uttA ready to eeU tho . ( iv.. . i.Mn ma rikar nnTir..- ihbl hi wi . iav .. -.-.- . . mains flushed twice n week and try- ilng to keep tho maina ns clear as pob j slble. Ono hydrant on Virginia avenuo ran filthy wnter for fully twenty mlnutea nftor opening. In regard to making such matters public, I heartily agree with Mr. Don- nett, nnd 1 have In this office a lino of correspondence with tho Coos Bny Water company relative to a cleaner water syptem, und we seem to get no results. We have suggested screens to stop tho water punplos, snails, otc, from being sont.up to .tho Health Office with complaints, a sediment tank to stop tho high bacterial count, Coast 'a fence to prevent us from drinking boy and dog bath water nnd Inst but Jl H not least the means of flushing the 6 dead da, aa any ueaa(pna.8ieni C Is ft menace to- the public,, unu to me -$ . Astoria. . . .9589 New Astoria! .857 oe&Bide. Clatskanle. Goble Houlton . . .1121 Columbia. .747 .329 BlaKe nas inn uni cuouvoi , -, . - - - . ... .-,j .-a . . i. hiiiu bonds. buV cannot untU tho ilouda Warrenton. , .339 h very 8ure thftt eTery rail- upon Iheir-validity are removedln o Weat.Seasido...l49 VcooT Bay can get up test suit as suggested. In nts.Wter l,J-..:-. t M ronlve that, to Attorney Drown, Governor Weat V?"ui . .347 Rainier. . St. Helens. Vernonla. . . Lo. AnEetea. , Oakland. . . At jsaciatnento 'Baermento. ,. Bah Francisco r f ' V 1 2 n e 6 n,. c i .i PERKINS IS MANAOEIt' tt system Itself." 61; Since tbe papers Have takeq, the! 9 .matter up 1 understand that a lence H la to ba erected around the-iresenolr. 10 The, tank $n tho hllf North Bond 7 bos been cleanea ana more ture."" the system Is being exercised. These are- not mattorfl for science' but for I common sense cloanllnesa. .Th,ere s "end. . .536 Madras. , . . ,364 Laldlaw. ... .49 Crook. Rosland. ' Prlnevlllo. th' waterfront I can conceive tnai, w Aiwmcy ., w, . if niake'8 franchise Bhould fall, aft- says; '742 or a delay of two or three yearn, the "In order that this matter 7 J"M oooocr'aUve Canery Hoi no, cause for people, to' become ;panl,c. .'Ml traction- tranchlBe would Wl-talo Hdjusted1 without fdrtbelr delav ou OardJr f j6trIcken nor 8Cared over the water Hands which would make the town, If hereby author red to I. tuld , nABnfit lO.-Th J conditions, but there Is cause for a ., not the peninsula, al.ttle one rail , projj; TJSYSZTr l VA Cor. demand .for common cleanliness an if all rauroaos nato " H-..w- .- , ,m fhir the nrotection oi our waier u). !. .1 Am nt.nAAO1 DTIVU I'HCTMIIllT IjUlliUUUJ UVIW - - - the master, had just been advanced from mate to Captain of the big lum bor carrier. The Hnzel Dollar Is nbout eighty nine feet longer than tho Nann Smith. Aside from nbout 1,000 tons of steam conl, she enme up In wntor ballast nnd drew nbout fifteen foot of water when sho crossed In horo. Sho has sufficient conl aboard for fuel for the trip to China. She will carry about 4,000,000 feet of lumber loaded anl ; will tnko on about 2,000,000 of di mension lumber here. This has to bestowed away nnd will keop about forty longshoremen busy for tho noxt ton dnyu putting on this enrgo. She will finish her cargo nt Ptigot Sound. Cnptnlu Olson will romnln here and pilot her out. He regrets that sho will lenvo horo during tho low tides or ntherwlso sho might bo able to tnko on nn nddltlonnl million feet With 2,000,000 foet nbonrd, sho will draw a little over sovontoon feet. Coming In, Cnpt. Olson found about twnty-Boven feet on the bar at flood tldo so thnt ho will not havo nny dif ficulty there but the Pony Inlot shoal may give him n llttlo trouble Al though it wns only half tldo whou he reached tho Smith mill dock, Capt. Olson had no troublo swinging her around under her own power to the dock. Cnpt. Olson ihls aftornoou took Cnpt. Penono down to Empire in launch to glvo him a view of the nay. It Is planned that houcoforth a ves sel nf tho Hazel Dollar class will come In here about onco a month to take on a cargo at the Smith mill for Chi na or other foreign ports. Tho Nann Smith sailed this morn ing for Bay Point in command ot First Officer Erickson who brought hoc up,, the last trip from Bay Point Most of the Chinese crew nro uoc eligible for admittance to tho United 8 lutes and tbe steamship company has put up n bond of $600 for eack mnii' cun'ranteelnt: that he will not be aUof9 o smuggle off shipboard and remain In this country, in cons quencefi, they -are not permlttod te Icyo tho ship. i VWILL IVK RECEPTION. Gold Beach. , Canyonville. Drain Gardiner. . y Glendale. . . Myrtle Creek Arlington. . . Condon. . . , Curry. Douglas. ..149 Oakland . , .336 Riddles. , . . 301 taseburg, , . .646 Yoncalla. . 429 fJllllam. .317 Lone Beach. 1009 Grant. .144Long Creek. 364 Monument ICoutlnubd on page .) 1A1P. riuH tnwn equal chance, none can complain. JBlake'B franchise Insures the Coas .164 Bay-Boise road an equal chance with 'all other on Marshfiild's waterfront , .467 FRANCIS H. CLARKE. 187 4738, digqksT ANNOUNCEMENT of ".tbe SEASON-See LOCKHART'S al I FRIDAY. ..70. " 4 . , THE GALILEAN, .sacred cantata at 'Baptist church Monday, ec - ' Of VITAL INTEREST to you Seo .LOCKHART'S FRIDAY ad. irrs;r: . -Si-e-'SK'r "'" . i a vn mnnnirpr c F Beruman. showing communication has nothing to ao . "::."" .::"-; i.- MMt. dlrector8. as follows: Chas. Marks, Dennett tmnKs o. me or --. aeiegaies 10 vuc u,- o- - -- A.0,0imr. n. but it makes a good deal or uiner- Ing of Oregon which will be neia . c. .... . -- ' , whether or not we get these M0y 17 at Portland; R. E. Golden. A. Perldna J. R. Butler A G Pe , c w W(J arfl Win. Asplund, I. Lando and Robert w. -.--.. .-.- - " maklng our water 8ya. Marks, prudent; H. C. Miller, sec-'tern more stable. Wo are not after retary: Fred ABsenheiraer, treasurer; somo one's opinions on something of 1 ' "' ...t.ii. ... - untlmlv lirnnrnnt. but n a Pflrklns. manaEer. . wuicu iuo, u, , o . --- Hazen. SOIETIIINO DOING See LOCK HART'S FRIDAY ad. The House committee of the Mll llcoma club today arranged to tonder a reception at the club Wednesday night complimentary to tho officers; of the Hazel Dollar. J. Albert Mat- son. C. F. McKnignt ana ts. v. ivam- rocrer nre In charge of tho arrange ments for It. for a wnter that common sense tella us Is ordinarily wholesome. Thero U ns much argument In tho fact that the water haa been good for thirteen years, as there Is in tho fact that man haa lled 60 years and now died. The streets of Marshfleld are somewhat different thau they were 13 years ago, let's havo the water different too. IRA B. BARTLD, City Health Officer. North Band I