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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1911)
THE COOS BAtfjTIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, .WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1911-EVENING EDITION. If ? COOS BAY TIMES Entered nt tho postofllco nt Mnrsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tlio mails ns second claw tnnll matter. ftf. C. MALOXEV Editor nml Pub. DAX IC. MALOXKV Nous Editor what would wasiungtox do? r ilIE saying that tho nation Is happy that has no history Is ns false nsold. Tho truth Is thatouly Hint peoplo Is blest which has n b!s tory nnd such loaders as Washington. Tho recurronco of the muni anniversary of that "now uirtli of our new, tho flrHt American" consecratos the day to thought of his probable couric nmld tlio probloms of today. Ills spirit was one of Justice nt all tlmos. His method the application of tho gnldon rule. It would lie in this spirit Hint ho would approach tho problems of today. Ho would rcfuso to recognize dis tinctions of section, nice or class and regard only manhood anil the quality of n man's cltlzonshlp. 110 would insist ns strenuously en tho duty of day laborers and fide unions obeying the law ns should tho trust, tho mcrchnnt prince and 'tl.o cnptaln of Industry. "Kauai rights for nil, special privilege) for none" was his practical Ideal. He would set his face as n flint ngnlnst dumngoglc attompts to poison tho mind of part of tho people nnother pnrt. Discerning that "time makes an cient good uncouth," thnt "new occa nlona tonch now dutlos," nnd thnt "wo ourselvoR must pilgrims be" this aris tocratic son of a monarchical govern ment who bneie "'p i"'lr of n fro jipnn'o would In n'l robatillltv b a p-- "rs'lve -'"nili)l'"ii " -"ti!d c -'iv Insist on tho domocratlslng r i-i lift v. Hospectlng the rights of P"i Tty as ho did, he still would cm phaslsto tho supromncy of tho nation over Industrial organizations nnd sot tho well being or the many abovo the enrichment of the fow. Tho following notnblo uttornure of Washington Is taken from his "fare- well address," delivered Sopteutbe.' 10, 1700: "There Is au opinion that tur tles In free countries are useful chocks upon tho administration Oregon f-r J SSi I I j I r"lll mi IX ! I, YLAoV, IVE CAUCD TO TALKVn-f WClLl YOiV2oT Y0UR? iTSLAM NO. 1 - BUT HOTJ T a ) to voy AMur the nerve to au me away i'or Little haroioi naNNax--- ADWiTAOESOFElCCTPlCJv PROM MV WAiHINO. I OOtG ITS ME rOR.THC. . I 0NCVVV-' Vl LIGHT WANT ELECTRIC LIOHT3.J IVASHT0D DEPARTMENT! Ss. " yv 7 r v 1 good day T r s - r J. ---?; IK-II I 1 II 1 , ' nr &WTOT 11 II .1 ... k (LL YOU 00 IS PUT THE CLOTHES S "T I CAN SAVE YOU ALU -v I 4M H INTO THE WASHER.. PRESS THE BUTTOrl 3THAT LABOR AND DRUDGERY! C W I AND ELECTRICITY DOES THE REST. A , 3 BY A SIMPLE APPLICATiONL J 2 f V-. ., ... -rtlWA 3 OP ELECTRICITV. WANT C I ) aa YZ W ' tO HEAR ABOUT T f J J C V?) &yfy f-u Sr -cs ' :"i " ,, , I II !.., . .. (oh, joiin, rM glad voyvifcoMe'V III I -. II I WEMUyrHAVEElECTRlCLIGHTbPUr) lit fUShs . Ift RIGHT AWAY- AND AN ELECTSTlC S H k V2 ' 7 UaSHCR. IT SAVES Ail. THE WR1O5S T H )&& ' T-:- (rl i-- 1-. -. ELECTRIC 1 -bTV1 VK-. Ki&Slr' Vi AiKIU CHAFING DISH ELECTRIC 5JSS? jSW5 i!ln(r" -E?11- OvsX I --t-gg?SI 1 of tho government and keep- nlivo tho spirit of liberty. This within certain limits Is probably true, nnd In governments of a monarchical cast patriotism may look with Indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. Hut In those of popular char acter, In governments purely elective, it Is a spirit not to be en co u raged." This Is ample statement that Wash ington placed principle above party as lie ranked the rights of man above those of property and declared that labor Is entitled to as much consider ation as capital. Those probabilities follow from his attitude toward the nation and tho people. J ne siuou n H .uu .wr u.u ..k.u u the people to rule and then submit to recognized nuthority. Concerning . . , ........ i. i..i.i this he snld In his same fnrowcll ad dress: "Tho very Idea of the powor and the right of the people to oetnbllsh government presup pose tho duty of every Individ ual to obey tho established gov ernment". The new understanding of tno rights and powers of society nnd tho new federalism exists for the pooplo. This truth was embodied In and nctu slhed by this son of England who became our first American. : W I T H T H E t 2 T0ASTAND1EAS, .ood i:v::xixg. o Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political pioeperlty, religion and morality A are IndlepeuMable supports. GEO. WASHINGTON'. o i "Don't you wish you were like, George Washington nnd could not tell a He?" Dorsoy Kreltzer nskod John ; possum stolid Gobs this morning by way of uWiorva- Thnt likewise makes him with tho tinn of Cliorry Troo Day. j colored brother solid, "Well, I would rnthor be construe'.- And since at Valley Forgo ho wlntor- cl so that I could not believe one."' ed very Illy Gw repllod. JTho Mexican with truth inserts thnt A stenographer from the East has rrltten The Times asking for n posl 'pii where slip can do stenorppMc work and nt tlw samp time (mmip ' Power Compsey I wild nnd woolly broncho. Wo hub-' , gest Mint she be niiuip "court report Xer"' for tho city council. STORY FOR THE DAY. I'M I tli. aged 0, had Just been In-! formed that twin boys had been ndd-1 wl to the family. ' "That's funny." she mused. "Uthel and I both prayed for u baby broth er, but we thought It was the same one," E very body's. We have known of several cases In town latoly whoro "Life Is two d n things after nnother." Not nil tho trimmers nre found In nner 8ho,)ai Evidently there arc ft fow ammg th(J Coog ,Jny ,)nrboI8 They'll trim your hnlr nnd- pockctbook. -your I Tho lumbermen, nmong tliem J solvos. not only know who's who, but Hoo Hoos. Come, kitty, kitty. Far be It from us to exnspornto our kind-faced render, but It Is never too Int0 to begn oarly t0 thnk nl)()ltt urvg ti,0 chickens out of tho Bar- don. FIrt In All Hearts. Tho people of all races swear by Washington There's ample reason for It when nil Is said and done. The Gcrninus yield him homage. though foemen tbey were prst, llecnusp he wns so bravo when things npponrod tho wurst, And also do tho Irish, because ho was so wllllu' To risk his gallant life when busy In- ulBkllllu. The French, of course have cause to . gladden when thoy note .That Goorgo wore frogs upon Ills campaign overcoat. And since In strategy ho played the George was chill, Hut still the Chtnnmnu ndmlros lilm grentpst when TIs himvn thnt Oinrgp wan first of nil l'n liitont TIIPIl. Manr men best describe their choice in footwear by requesting a "Sensible Style." It's a pat expression when applied to those well-chosen styles that we carry in the Nettle ton Make. Good sense marks every line and seam of their construc tion; they are the eas iest shoes in the world, and will not spread out with wear. They are made of pliable kid skins, and soft, mellow calf skins, with flexible, long wearing soles. Make your next pair a Nettlcton Sensible Style Shoe, and we will guarantee you per fect footwear satisfac tion. Will you call soon, while we have your size? MOXHY TALKS Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. iiaUF'El HAXDOX Banc or PouUry Yards CItYSTAL WHITK OIM'IXGTOXS. KHLhURSTItASS STItAIX. KggH for salo $2.o0 nml $3.S0 per sottlni? or IS. Tho lny nioro pny moro kind. AIbo can furnish Blnglo uoinli. Drown LukIioiii oa at $1.2S pur IS. lon In hoiuled by mm of Itooator thnt took first prlzo at Stnto Folr In 1910. Cnll on or addross Goo. M.. Soils, North Dond, Oroson. HOl'SKS Toil HKXT 3 room housos, $11, 312 nnd $13.00 1) room llousoH, $H.OO nnd $1C00 7 room Housoa $20.00 AUG. FHIZIWX, OH, Coiitinl Ave, MnrfcliflPld. - " . HOME LAND Co Boo ue for Invoatniuiiin on Cnw flay. Wo Kunr:uei owner's prlco to no our prica. Vtionr 74 r. ini Prom m COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo eecured tho Hvory busl uoss of L. II. Holsnor nnd nro pro imred to rondor excellent sorvlco to tho peoplo of Coos Day. Careful lrlvors, good rlga nud ovorythlng hat will tnenn Fntlafactory sorvlco to 'ho public. Phono us lor a driving Morso, a rlfj or anythlm; nrodod h M10 livery lino. Wo nlso do 0 f'rucklnpr liuslnoss of nil kinds. I1LAXC1IA1M) nitOTIlKItS. Llvi'ry, I'Vod nml Sales SitvIco. 141 Flrat nml Alder Streets. Phono !..! XOW IS TIIH TIMK To dig up thnt old Suit nnd let 111 got it In shape for you. Cloaned, Dopnlred nnd Pressed ne wo do It will mnko it look llko now. Satisfaction guaranteed, COOS HAY TAII.OItlXG CO. J. V. Josophson, Mgr. 180 South llromlwny. Marshllulil PROFPSSIONAI, DIRECTORY rit. o. w. lksmi:, i-J Osteopathic Physician Graduate of tho American school of Osteopathy at Klrksrllle, Mo. otllce in Eldorado Dlk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 to SM.'lione 101-j; Marshfleld; Oregon. QU. J. V. IXGltAM, Physh'laii mill Surgeon. 209-210 Coke Hulldlny Phones; Olllw H12.I; Iteshlviuv 1(121, V. mjX.VBlT, lawyer. Offlco over Flanagau & Dennett Bank Mnrahnold. Oregon VV7M. h. TLUPKX, " Architect. Over Chamber of Commorce. FIRST NATIONAL OF coos n AT Capital fully paid V. S. Cliandlcr, President; l. C. Ilorlon, Vice-President; Dorsey Kreilzoi', Cashier. Rtiy T. Kmtfman, ApsI. cnsl, ,,. m V. S. Chandler, John S. Coke, W. TJ. Douglng John F. Hall, Win. Grimes, F. S. Dow, S. C. KoW . V. urphy, L C. Horlon. '' DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on lime and savings deposits, safe deposit hoxes for rent in our steel lined lire and bur glar proof vaults. Flanagan (Sb Bennett Bank of Marshfield, Oregon Oldest Hank In Cooo County, KsUiMIsIkmI In 1HHI). Paid up Capital, Surplus nnd Undivided Pro II (h tiver $100,001). jf"-ois mcr 1 in ii .miiiiuh mi uir.s. Dgos n general linnklng buslnesn nnd draws of California, San Francisco, First Xntlonnl Dnnk, Portland, burg, Ore; The London Joint Stock Untile, Ltd., London, Kng'nnJ Also sells oxchnngo on nil ol tho prluclpnl cities of Kuro pi-. ' Imllvidunt nud corporation accounts kept subject to check Safe ' deposit lock boxos for rent. OFFICERS: .T. V. IIKXXKTT, PiesMont. .. II. laXAGAX, V.-Pres It. F. WILLIAMS. Cashier. j.KO. K. WIXCIII'STKIt, AsM. C'imli i.Ti:ui:sT pii MXTiMH ih:posits. -'UK FAST Sfceomer Redoido Will niako regular trips cnrryliiR iHiNsengei-N both uny.s and freight between Coos Day ami San Francisco. All reservations foi-passongcM made nt Alllnmo Dock, .Miirhllold and lutor-OL-eati Trniisp, cd. Union Slivct Wharf Xo. , Sin IVauclsni. For Information, phon.i I lJ or -85. Will all from .Mnndillvlil for San FiiuicInco JlomLiy IVbruary ()ih, I P. M. IXTF.P.QCFAX TRAXSPORTATIOX COMPAXV. OLD ALWAYS OX TIME Sails from AliMuorlli Dock, Pot tlauil, nt H P. .M., every Tucd.iy. Sails from Coos Day every Saturday nt service of tide. Itoseivatloiu IH not bo held later than Friday noon, unless ticket nro puriluou-d. L. II. KKATIXG, AGF.XT ,.o.i: MAIX 3.L "THE FRIF.M) OF COGS IJ.W" VVo tO.NXKCTlXG WITH Till: XORTII 1IA.NK HOAD AT PORTLAND WILL SAIL FltOM PORTLAXI) FOU COOS DAV AT H P M u.?cVmiUAnv-,,',',uv,VG coos ,lvv wit ei-r'eka wi:dxi:sdav, fedruahv 22. XORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPAXV. phoxi: 11 Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIADLO AXI) JOSSOX CEMEXT. Tho best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Rrlck nnd all kinaa of bulldora material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR :"! """'"'"tV, PIIOXK 201. Coa! Cheapest Fue on Coos Bay 1K1..I O I -1. ... "'' " 9I..UI. .t co,,! SIMM. OOIlirRrUUZ. Horsoa 11 ii. I .-,.l.ii.. snlo. For quick dn---y cau on call on L. H. HEISNER or phone 120-j or 49.L. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PROMPT SERVICE SATISFACTORY WORK REASOXADLE PRICES OUR WORK WILL PLEASE YOU Phone mi,. , '" ,"J ,"ml WB" R1 Marhllold Oregon FOU GOOD AVORK Rrlng your clothe, to us. Clennlns Pr.inS ad rep.lriu, a 8pec by experienced ,e. Kmiranieed DLANCHARD SOX, South Droadway. & DOD. BANK $100,()ili).')0 niliECWliS: ws drafts on the DntK Xntlonnl Dank, X y iNntlonnl Dank, Uo Cnl.; Hanover Ore.; First I AXI) COSI.MODIors (Kiliiippcd n-iilt Wlirless) RI2LIAI1LR 8 ' Wb-.jr U MMkAMMMwiui m muwM u v v i i a ALLIANC; C. F. McGEORGE, Agent "2W'-W.I ! 'J RAP NESTED II llltKI PLV.MOITH ROCKS. Oar mntlngs Inlvo produce J etand- nrd-bred specimens of exhibition quality with rocorda of 2-l-.27 2S2 ,, i ., .,.. ... . . Dook your orders now tor snrlns delivery. A fow mokorels from heavy laying stock for $5.00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Yards. FRED. DACHMAN, Prop. Mni-ohfleld, nov .H3, phone 288 Good Evening HAVE YOU ANY LAUXDRYV If so. do not forget that this I THE laundry where you get tlie test work, and prices nro in even' one' reach. Cnll tin nml ono of tho driv- 7 " "" t0 '0Ul AU telephone cnlls n quick- ! attended to. because we are run- ulna; two wagons. OUR GUAHAXTEE IS YOUR S.W' ISFACTIOX. MARSHFIELD H.XP AXD STK-OI LAUXDUY. Mnuey Dros., Pj-op. Phone gj If you have anything to sell, trafo rent or want help, try a want al &: if- -- TsrsttH j-g-v,j---M-r-U --. I '( ,.