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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1911 EVENING EDITION. $BBBE The Woolen Mill-to-Man Marshfield J3i -T-A-H-O-E- Spells Taboo, the universal romody for Colds, Coughs nnd Bronchitis. Taboo contains: IIOHKHOI'X!) HUSH MOSS TOLU ' WHITE PINE PINEAPPLE LEMON Its worth, Its weight In gold For Snlo nt "Xlio Busy Corner" LEADING DRUG STOUIi2 IX COOS COUNTY. PRICE 91.155 PER IIOTTI.E. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TIIK lll'SY CO UN Kit" PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. TIIK BUSY CORNER PHONE 1!I)H. Build That Chicken Yard Now Nothing encourages chickens lo lay belter than to have a largo roomy pen for them lo scratch around in. Build it out of -J-foot LATH and save almost linlf in the cost of construction. While they last we can make the low price of 10 Cents Per 100 Lath A lnru number of chicken raisers on the Bay have already taken advantage of this offer. C.A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. I Phone 190-.T Retail Yards 182, South Broadway i U2ssmsxas3ssnin Eastside Winners' 1 Block In Homo Addition, containing over 3 acres for $900 6 Lts for , $475, East Marshflslrl 10 Lots for ?G00 East Marshflold 16 Lots for $800 Eastsldo' ALL GOOD HAY VIEWS TERMS EASY OTHER GOOD BUYS Huslness property, 50x100, on. Second street, 50 feet north f Central 0,000 n snap 0100 in Sengstncken addition, with two-story house nearly now for ,.... $1,500 a jnonoy-mnker See Title. Guarantee HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. Styles 1911 Soft and Stiff Hats Mtllicoma . . . $3.00 Mallory Craven ette $3.50 Mill Store Clothier Oregon , . 1 ' &. Abstract Co. 1)1 EH AT HANDON. CliilhtiipluT lieiulgergoiMl Pusm-m Awiy Theiv. ROSEllUIUI, Ore, Fob. 22. Slier- , IIT George Qulno lifts received n him- sago convoying the jmil IiUoIHkoiico tlmt lils brother-in-law, Christopher Lendgorgood, pawed nwny nt Han don. The deceased vns about CO years tf axe. and prior to H yours uro lived In DoujOni county. lh hml been In poor health for homo time, and nbout a month r.o made pro piirntlons to sock relief In California. On the day he was scheduled to stint on the southern trip he lieomuc vorse, nnd gradually prow weaker until he pv'iI'pi!. Mr. Qnlnc loaves for (Inrdlner. and 'u the event noth ing unforeseen occurs, he wilt con tinue his Journey to Bandon to nt tend the funeral. Ho Is gurvlvcd by n wife nnd daughter, both of whom reside at Dandon. Fresh Columbia batteries nt THE gunnery. zx&xsii. ' iV-novrwtifttytiattint IIiiTanli.itvnn np(l 1!io lietfl m-llltv ft A R If A M II 1 O OrtS. I keep t'icm In Block for quick ' I'Nlr r , I Imvo but ono prlco and sell f for C:ijh Onlv li I linvn inv nwn 1trrv. 4 H ""' mo much I?m to inaltn my oowli r-u i m io ron incm ncrntino i maKo nn ,t mil In Iai-jju quunllu. JTIirBoprlctinre ii.n'-n jrvn n y caiaioir copy 01 wlilcu J will Klauly tnull on request: I untDiorLdiublolMckiiUii S2.2Sup Funcr Froct Doon, ilylhh JD.OOup iS (.rotl Duncl Hoori. for nalnllntr 41.2FS j rt-cro pnnr Door, (or (Ulnlng SI.30 iewi.ra-umiinLoor,iorbungalowt 91,00 ? JrM WInrlow.. chtck mil 78c up '. .1 Hrrn Sutli 42a up Ctnboanl Uoori, with plain stait 91.00 K.D.Du-irKunirt 7Cc,K.I).SaibKrtni(t OOc ,o ii. fnll to ncnd mo your Hit of ma. tirlalj 1'or nHcca nnd frvlslit cliarsoi. .tw irr uaiaioa no. . FAMILY IIOTETi THE LLOVI) MARSUFIELU'S POPULAR ItateB i educed to: Day COc, 76c nnd $1.00; week $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping npnrtmonts with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE UATHS II. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. Electric lamps suited for every purpose. For the home, Olllco. Launches, Atitomohllo, Miniature Flash Light Colored Lamps for dec oratlvo purposes for snle or rent. Open until 0:30 o'clock wool; days; Saturday until 0:00 P. M. Phone your orders for delivery. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PIIOXK 237JT. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono aim. i. FOR RENT Four acre pinch. Apply W. N. Ekblad & Son, Hardware Store. WANTED No. 1 starch Ironer, at ohce, wages $2.00 per day. At Marshflold Hand and Stoam Laun dry, Phono 229-J. FOR RENT Nine-room nml the room houses In Wost Marshflold, Inquire Hall & Hall. WANTED Chambermaid nt once. Mlddlo ngod woman proforred. Re ferences required. Lloyd 'hotel. WANTED Second Kill Id kitchen. Address or phono ofllco C. A. Smith Lbr. & Mfg. Co. WANTE-7lrl nt StiiH'ord's. IF VOl' Want a bargain in a pri vito boarding and rooming houso, with 10 stoady boardors, address P. O. Box 795, Marshflold. Ore., ok call at Timos' office. Easy terms. WANTED TO RENT Cottage or small houso on high ground. Must bo roasonablo, .wrl'o "Homo" care Thnos. FOR SALE Three homestead relin quishments, writo' Box 253 Co qulllo, Oregon. "" WANTED Girl In kitchen at Hunk er Hill Boarding House. v tf. t it .;: vrcn'ii-"wr.dB !2Z3cud2JHHHHHHi 3 AT GOQUILLE C. J. Fuhrman and Miss Josic 0. Lyons Married There Yesterday. COQl'ILLE. Ore.. Feb. 22. C. J. Ftthruinn and Mltw .losle O. ltvons, two of the bent known young folks of Cunutlle, were quietly married here yesterday tiinrnlnK. Some of their friends who were aware of the hour of tho nuptlnls thought to show them a "warm time" but Mr. Fuhrman nnd his brldo eluded them by driving In a rig to tho Junction Instead of taking tho train at the Coqtilllc depot. Mr. Fuhrman Is tho well-known Coqulllo druggist and his bride was born nnd rnlscd hero. Sho Is an ac complished nnd chnrmlng young wo man. After they found thnt tho "nowly weds" had .eluded them, tho party of friends gnthored a big hundlo of rnttles, etc., which they forwnrded to Landlord McKeown of tho Chandler nt Marshflold with Instructions to present It to Mr. nnd Mrs. Fuhrmnn In the dining room In the presenco of other guests. C00U1LLE IS Marshfield High School Bas ketball Team Beaten 40 to 10. Tho Coqulllo High school team de feated tho Marshflold team 'In tho baskotball gamo nt Coqulllo last night by n Hcoro of 40 to 10. Tho game was rather ono sided, as tho score would Indicate, tho ball bolng in Coqulllo territory most of tho time. Tho Mnrshilold team was und ly crippled, Stutsman, Larson nnd Holt bolng out of tho gamo, nnd wlillo tho men substituted plnycd well, tho combination was lacking. The teams lined up as follows: Marshflold Coqulllo C. Clarke r f Knowlton McCormnolc. . 1 f Oordlng S. Clnrko ' c Custer Isaacson r g Rellonl Carlson 1 B Korrlgan Roferee, S. Ilrlggsi umplro, O. Knowlton. Tho Marshflold team meets tho Myrtle Point tenm nt tho Tnbornacfo, Thursday night and a good gamo la anticipated as Marshflold expects -to havo Its regular mon In tho Hnoup nt thnt tlmo. Why Not Save Money? On Hats and Caps. Wo offer two good hats, equal to any that nro ma nufactured, nt a big snvlng. THOROUGHBRED HATS aro woll mndo, stylish nnd of best quality, you cannot got n bettor hat nt any prlco and thoy cost ONLY $:.oo. STATESMAN HATS will also bo found satisfactory. Thoy aro a llttlo cheapor and nro vory servlco nblo. PRICE ONLY $2..1. MEN AND ROYS' CAPS. A full lino nt 25e, BOe, 7ov nml i-tl.JM Buy your Spring Hat horo nnd savo money. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY. Phone tVJ-J Good Livery Service Fnncy now rigs, good horsos and careful drivers nro now' nt tho dis posal of the Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES Rigs or rigs with drlvors ready for any trip anywhere any tlmo. Horsos boarded and rigs enrod for. Now hoarse nnd special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE U7tt-.L COUPLE WD 0 Coo Bay-Roseburg S'tage Line Dally stage lK'twcen- Rosebm-f, ami .Martdillcld. Stage leaves dally nml Sundays at 7 p. m. .Fare, 90.00. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, C. P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AV., Murshllcld. Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. UUIONE 11 "III LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE PORT. For twonty-four hours ending nt 1:13 p. m., Feb. SI, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum f.G Minimum 2G At 4:43 p. m 51 Precipitation none Wind Southwest; clear. Meet Thursday. The A. N. W. club will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. F. A. Hnzard. Enstslde W. C. T. U. Tho W. C. T. U. will meet nt the homo of Mrs. Stonccypher In Enstsldo at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Few Observe Day. Tho observa tion of Washington's birthday on Coos liny was not great. The schools and banks were closed but tho busi ness houses wero open. Few lings wero In evidence. Elect Inn nt Gimllner. A npocinl election will be held nt Gnrdluor to morrow to determine whether tho town shnll bo Incorporated. It Is bollovod It will carry by a big ma jority. Report Untrue. Lovl Smith snys thnt the rumor of tho mnrrlnge of his son, Frank, In Portland Is without foundation. Frank Is expected homo on tho Brenkwntcr nnd will probnbly mr.ko the uinu who started the Joko go some. Corbet t Demi. A. B. Dnly yester day received a telegram announcing the death nt Portlnud of Mr. Corbott of the Willamette Steel nnd Iron Works. Mr. Corbott was ono of tho loading citizens of Portland. While he had been 111 for somo tlmo, It was thought that ho was recovering. Stores Close. Tho Marshflold grocery stores closed nt 1:30 this afternoon to pormlt tho proprietors nnd omployos to nttend tho funeral of Mrs. Geo. E. Cook. The funeral wnB largely attended and tho floral offerings wore numorous nnd beauti ful. Miller Belter. Tho latest press dispatches from San Francisco nn uoiiuco that Joaquin Mlllor Is now recovering from his sovoro Illness, much to tho surprlso of tho physi cians. Ills daughter, Juanltn, Is now with lilm and Hays that ho will not ngaln bo pormlttod to nllow himself to suffer through neglect. Mih. Pni-hons III. Pnrtles nrrlvlng from Drain stnto that Mrs. F. M. Parsons has been 111 thoro of la grlppo nnd from tho offects of tho Tiard trip out on tho stago. Thoy oxpectod to leavo yestorday for Ro soburg whore sho would recupornto beforo proceeding eastward on their Journoy. Nows of hor Illness will cntiso much regret horo. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Snvago nuuounco tho on gngomont'of their daughter, Miss Madgo, to Mr. Horbort L. Coloman of Chlppowa Falls, Wis. Mr. Coloman travels In this soctlon for Lamb nnd company of Chicago, Miss Savago Is ono of tho charming young womon of Mnrshilold. Tho mnrriago will thko placo In tho early sununor. North Bend News Georgo Nollsen Is confined nt tho of his parents on Moado avonuo by nn nttnek of la grlppo. A locturo and ontortnlnmont will bo glvon Thursday ovonlng nt 8 o'clock at Eckhoff hall. Tho subject of Row MrLoodjjt locturo Is "Throo poas In n Pod Pluck, Persovornnco and Prin ciple." It will bo undor tho uusplces of tho Mlzpah Blblo class for the bonoflt of tho nubile reading room. Music will bo furnished by tho clnss band. Thoro will also bo soveral solo and quartotto numbers. OPEN OFFICES FDR RAILWAY Fine Railway Rumor Put In Circulation About Pro jects Here. "The ontlro third floor of tho Coko building has been leased for Railroad olllcos." This was tho scusntlounl bit of rail road iiowb that was started in circu lation yesterdny and tho way It trav eled was something wonderful to bo hold. Just whnt need any project would havo of olllce room that would bo nmplo for transcontinental lino In full operation no one appeared to bo awn re. "That must bo the Coos Bny and Boise that has It "answered Supt. W. F. Miller of tho Southern Pacific, when nsked nbout It. "Wo havo lots of ofllco room down at tho depot. No, I haven't heard nny news of work starting on tho Coos Bny line. I don't know Just when Mr. Mtllls will re turn." Clnudo Nasburg, secretary of tho Coos Bay and Bolso said that ho heard that It was tho Southern Pacific that had leased the Coko building. Dorsoy Kroltzer, who collects tho rent of tho building hndu't been ap prised to any ono renting tho build ing. J ml go Coko said It was all nows to him. Howovor, If nny railroad that would build to Coos Bay was bolng hold bnck for lack "of ofllco room, ho snld ho would vacato his ofllco and thought that somo others would do tho Bnmo. Tho report had It tho loaso was made directly with W. S. Chandler who Is now In Snn Francisco. Get Workmen. Another rumor afloat wns that General Manager M tills nnd Contrac tor Sweonoy woro shipping six hun dred men nnd teams horo to begin work nt onco on tho Southern Pacific lino to Coos Bay. No ono nppeared to know whoro It started. BIG EGGS LAID BY MARSHFIELD HEN A. L. Foxier of South Mnrshllchl Has "Biddy" That Ik Vying for tho Large Hen Fruit Record. A. L. Foster of South Marshflold has a hen thnt Is making n now rec ord for producing Inrgo oggs. Last soason, the hen which was thou but n pullet laid at least forty double yolked eggs. This year sho has been laying ordinary oggs but consider ably larger than tho average. Yes terday ho found another of tho lion's Inrgo eggs. Tho egg nppoars to havo threo yolks In It and Is 8 5-5 Inchon around tho long way nnd C 3-4 Inches' In circumference. Tho egg weighs Just four ounces. The lieu Is n cross between tho Black Minorca and tho Buff Cochin. Mr. Foster has placed tho egg on exhibit nt tho Marshflold Chambor of Commorco. Personal Notes J. C. BOANE s reported vory 111 or hi grlppo nt his ranch on Catching Inlet. R. K. BOOTH is confined to his homo with n threatened attack of pnoumoiila, W. H. DINDINGER of Tho Bnzar is confined to his homo with n Bovoro attack of la grlppo. JAS WATSON, county clork, rotum ed to Coqulllo this nftornoou after n short visit with hU paronts at Coos City. MRS. HUGH MoLAl.N'S many frlondB will bo glnd to loarn that sho la rocovorlng from u sovoro siege of la grlppo. J. ALBERT MATSON was ablp to bo out for a fow hours today, hut !b not yot fully rocovorqd from n rnthor sovoro attaok of la grlppo. HAINES, tho feed man rocolvod a largo shipment of bran, shorts and other food on tho Alllanco today. Better ORDER SOME of him nt onco. mmninnniusmn CONCERT CHAMINADECLUB t TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 X t t t X MASONIC OPERA HOUSE t X X SEATS ON SALE AT 'BUSY CORNER'. ADMISSION 50c AND 75c t t t nttmtmtntttxttmnt