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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1911)
ADS. u-iir.N- ntsiNKSS is slow, All- vi'KTISK. THAT IT PAYS IS KVI-iil'WI-'l) IV SUCCESSFUL lll'SI ",'sS HOfSKS EVERYWHERE :: (Bum IIbHW ttttis MEMIIEK OK ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS out it while it is new nr HEADING THE COOS HAY TIMES. A lil THE NEWS ALL THE TIME TERSELY TOI.l) :: :: :: :: VOL. XXXIV Kstnbl Isliotl ill 1H78 iih TIio Const Mall MARSHFIELD.OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1911 EVENING EDITION. V Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mul Coos liny Advertiser. No. 34. FI 10 LODGE TO RUSH B JSP TREATY THROUGH CALIFORNIA ENTEFES QUICK PROTEST YOUNG AMERICANS REPORTED" President antl.Senator Endeav oring to Secure Early Decision. DOES NOT FORBID COOLIE IMMIGRATION THIS IS WHITE Lodge Claims That It Does Not Let Down Bars to Mikado's Subjects. i COUNTRY So Declares Gov. West of Ore gon In Opposing Admission of Japanese to America. (Dy AsBOclntcd Prca3 to Coos Day Tlmcfl.) SALEM, Ore, Fob. 22. Governor West today declared tlio omission tfrom the proposed Jnpaneso treaty of u clauso restricting Immigration wob ft grnvo error. "I bollovo this Is n Resolution Introduced In State fftro ot llB c'tz8 or in lieu thereof of such provisions therein contlnu- Senate Protesting Against New Japanese Treaty. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmcp.) Ing In forco tho said mutual agree ment which has, In the past, been re ferred to by the federal authorities as our shield and protector, and "Whereas, our peoplo has been led (By Aisodated Tress to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 22. The now Jnpaneso trcnty was sont to the Sennto lato yostorday for tho hll.nAji rt oimnrantlltit flinf tt 1QO.I Id relation to trade and commerce' Wh,to ninn'8 C0Unlry'" ,l0 ml " was ordered favorably reported todny j ntto"I't to open tho Hood gates to from the Committee on Foreign Rcla-,n,Iow forclB Immigration, especially tlons. j coolies from Japan, to pour In should Secretary Knox c plained tho pro- bo Mocked Immediately, visions of tho treaty nnd nnsworcd . many questions to satisfy members I'ORTLANI) OPPOSES IT. of the conimlttco that tho proposed SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. 22. (to believe nnd hope that there would A resolution cnlllng upon tho Unit- bo no surrender of our rights In tho ed Stntes Senate to ceaso consldcra- premises and tlon of tho proposed Japanese treaty submitted to It by President Tnft was offered In tho Senate today by Senator Camlnottl. Its text Is, "Whereas It Is reported that tho draft of a now treaty between tho United States and Jnpnn sent to tho United States Scnato on tho twenty first Instant omits nil restrictive fea tures concerning the coming of Jap anese laborers to tho United States. "And, Whereas the Senate of tho stnto of California relying In good faith upon nssurnnccs from official sources given to tho peoplo of tho Htnto during tho last four years that Immigration to the United States of such laborers was precluded by mutual agreement between our gov ernment and that of Japan, that tho latter nation was ns anxious to retain as wo woro to cxcludo them patrio tically and pntlently obsorved tho calmness ot pending negotiations for! trcnty. "Whereas, It further appears that oven the protective features relating to Immigration matters of the pre sent treaty with Japan nrb omitted In tho now draft, "Therefore, bo It resolved, that tho Senate of the Stato of California earnestly urges tho President of tho United Stales to withdraw said treaty from further consideration by tho Sennto of the United States and, Ho It further resolved, that wo appeal to the Sonnto of tho United Stntes to withhold nnd refuse Its as sent to n compact fraught with so much danger to our citizens, to our Industrial development and to our civilization. "Do It further resolved, that our senators In congress bo Instructed and our representatives In congress requested to uso nil honorable means to prevent tho ratification ot said TO BE AIDING BAN REBELS REVIEW W01 0E SESSION Town In Lower California Cap tured From Federal Forces. OFFICIAL OF DIAZ . ' GOVERNMENT IS SLAIN' Work of Oregon Legislature Epitomized-Many Meas- I ,nsu,:aents to Be Planning; Socialistic Government. n now treaty - - n.l.l...... .... . I chango nffectlng Immigration would J,m,K" 1T, auiiiibhioh or Japs "Whoroas, this Sonato notes with Would Hurt Oregon. I slnccro rogrot that tho omission from not lot down the bars to nnrentrlpJnil Immigration of coollo labor. Il"y A880clnto" Tress to Coos DnylB,i treaty of such protectlvo mew The commlttco flnnlly adopted ft pn Times.) ure8 nB nro -vitixlly necessary to tho resolution of ratification, tho tormo ' P"TLAND 0rc- Fo"- 22 Varl- nlorCBls or Cnllfornlft nnd tho wol- of which satisfied tho members that """, ", U'08 '" thro., no .innn r .iifni.v ,m, Portland nro emphatic that letting Tnrvin mn, l, Imn In , !... t,0W tll Utl tO JnpnnCSO COOllO llU- crs by renBon of. tho now treaty l.nv- 'nlnt' ula bo n B0r,o8 ' InR omitted tho provision of tho con- t0 tho lnc,n c"n.8t 8tnlcH' U ,8 tho ventlon of 1804, which recognized to"C0"H"B l' " C1 tho right of cither country to mako 8tr,Ct",K ,mM,,Kra0 Bll0U,d bo '' curiiunucu in inu nrojiuHuii ircuiy. "Do It further resolved, thnt tho governor bo requested to Immediate ly send n copy of theso resolutions to tho President, tho respective Houses of Congress nnd to our senators and to our representatives In Congress." regulations on tho subject of Immi gration. This resolution dcclnrcs this question will bo loft nbsolutoly to tho diplomatic notes botweon tho covernments of tho United States nnd Japan. Lodge gnvo notlco In tho Sonnto to day ho would nsit for nn oxccutlvo ' imlon nt llio enrlloBt posslblo mo SEATTLE IS INDIFFERENT. Trade llelwct'ii Puget Sound nml Japan Makes Them Favor Japs. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) I bhAi I'M';, wasn., i'ou. --. tho nnniiln nt Hila ltv nin ntmnrAtltlv 111. meat. Ho did not stato tho purposo (,ffor(mt ,0 , torm of t0 cd ho seaslon but It Is known ho In-, j tro(vty nnd n8 yot no nctIon ended to press tho Japanese treaty J)0on tftI0n by tho commorclnl olmmcdiato consideration and rati- ,JO(1o8 of ,bor im0Mt A , tnulo "i.iuuii muiiy ii nossimn. i KAISER VENTS HIS OPINION AGAIN Emperor William Sets Asidei,,fom nnd oxnrosaB nmjesty's viuw ui buiuiuu. inu cuuui, nu ui- Scnator Lodgo was authorized to I Is bolng built up between tho Orient n.k. n L , . nunumw lo,nnd Puget Sound ports nnd hns In- lef ft "V0,!;In,K U, raUflCn' cllned merchnnts to favor closer rein- 2 L nrC "'J'0 ,S 8"la t0 lmV "on with Jnpnn. . Mnrassed tho sontlment of tho Pad- Ac coast senators nnd to have found (ny As80C,nted Press to Coos Dny inert xvnuM m . i. it. J ' -- -wMt. uu ilu ujijiuauiun 10 mo TlmOS.) wvaouiu, Verdict of Suicide Because Civil Courts Have No Juris diction. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DKRLIN, Germany, Fob. 22. To day's papors publish a cabinet order of Emporor Wllllnin overruling tho vordlct of tho military Court ot Hon or In tho caso ot Count Haus Von fleer In tho Gorman army, recently committed suicide. Ho wns tried by tho roglmcntnl tribunal which Is authority In matters of personal con duct not covered by tho fixed lnws and found guilty or having violated his military oath. In sotting nsldo tho judgment which would menu dis missal from thq sorvlco, tho emporor declared "ho Is responsible only to God nnd )ils conscience. Thorcforo his deed can bo judged neither by regular nor honor tribunals." ures Pass. SALEM, Ore., Kob. 22. While tho npproprlntlons of tho legislative ses sion just closed aggrcgnto something over $5, 000,000, review of tho ac complishments of tho lawmakers shows that several merltorous laws woro enacted. Several at- tho most Important measures passed by the two houses nre still In the hnnds of Governor West nnd whetuor or not they become laws depends on tho ex erclso of his voto power. Tho gov ernor has five days from tho time tho bills nro delivered to him to consider and pass on thorn, so It will not bo until lato In tho week that tho fate of somo measures will bo finally de termined. Principal Hills Hevlewed. Principal among tho legislative onnctmonts of tho session wero the (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dnjr; Times.) MEXICALI, Mexico, Fob. 22. With all tho wires cut by tho Insur gents, tho United States signal corps, men nt Calexlco used n hollograplu today to communlcato with tho town of Andrndo and confirmed tho roport of laHt night of a robol attack on tho Mexican town of Algodorcs, opposlto Andrndo, and tho killing of ono Mexican olllclal and the wounding ot nnother. Tho custom houso at Algodorcs wns burned by tho robols. Coming directly nfter tho declaration ot tho Insurgent leaders that thoy Intondod to establish a socialism common wealth In Lower Cnllfornln, tho nowo of tho nttncl; on Algodorcs cniiBod' much excitement on tho American.' uooil ronds laws. extciiHlon of tho novum of tlm mllmiul commission to bI(, of tno boundary. The attacking. all public utility corporations, second mrty wnB '""d" " of c,,ln' Vm I A MiAHlrtnnn It In nln Ititml nlmlnn In nrltnnrv umiilnntlnnn iilnn-.nmuauuB !t '" niiimuu. WlbW a(lrf Va I'MIV G S T VARHIT.TO'. n. a. Fob. 22 The Pacific Const SOIintorS. It Is OB- Tim Intinnnsn ronv wnn nnlnroi! ro. jerled, havo been brought to seo that ported favorably to tho Sonnto by tho lie exclusion of undeslrnblo aliens 'commlttco on Foreign rolntlons to ss never been accomplished by,dBy nfter tho commlttoo had heard V, but by regulations of this gov-'tho statoment by P. C. Knox, secrot nraent. Tho omission of tho rotor- 'nry of stnto. ce to Immigration which wns mado ! ' iribute to the Jnpnneso nntlonnl ' "onorand In consldorntlon of Jnpnn-1 viiuq is said not to havo affected fJovernoi Johnson of Cnllfornln Hi' " uuatlon at all. WON'T DlSCrSS IT. CWSH IX PAItTJAMKXT. Constitution of House of Lords May Do Amended. " Associated Press to Coor Times.) LONDON. EllErln.,,1 rv.1. on t ., " 1ownei leader of the oppoBlt,on 'itneUnner r.inn. , ' intention to Introduce a bill mna the constitution "use of Lor.1 thff ,,.!.. . " . "w nnBwor t0 th eovern- :" ei b'l Introduced In "ouse of Commons yesterday. of tho It Is regarded ns FATTi TO CUT HILL. Plan ""lid Only Ono Dnttlcsltlp Is B, , "cfeatcil. Associated 7, ess to Coos Day .,., Times.) . WASHINGTON, D. C. ph. " the I?!"' npprPrlnt!on bill passed ,0 House todnv a.i .. ... fival "uvuemes oi mo te4 ongram f n battlesh'P " mittal of i k tHed t0 8ecuro a recom la that b,U for nn nmondment CerPeCt but th0 mot,n " reate1 by a voto of 107 to 132. fresh fuses t(i Talk About Japs. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SACRAMENTO, Cal., Fob. 22. Govornor Johnson declined today to discuss tho now treaty with Japan. "t linvon't ft word to soy about tho treaty. I don't deslro to discuss It," said tlio governor. ALL STATUS TO JOIN. (ny Associated Press to Cooj Daj Times.) WASHINGTON, p. C, Feb. 22. Washington, Idaho, Colorado and Oklahoma aro tho only states not now represented by memorial tablets In tho Washington monument and are to bo Invited to Join their Bister states In thus honoring tho memory of George Washington at a meeting of tho Washington National monument society today. Canadian Parliament Expres ses Sentiment On Reci procity Treaty. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) OTTAWA, Out., Canada, Feb. 22 Tho Canadian parliament today un animously declared Its Bontlmont to be that tho proposed reciprocity agrcoment with tho United States should not lead to annexation. HUIL1) HOAT ON COQU1LLE. PLANS FOH NAVY. Naval HulIdliiB Program Is Outlined Hy House. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 21. Tho eutlre naval building program Capt. Haggbloni Awards Contract for Craft to Nels 1. Nelson. Capt. Haggblom of Astoria, who has been hero figuring with local boat builders on the construction ot a river boat about seventy feet long has awarded tho contract to Nels. P. Nolson who will build here on tho Coquille. The craft Is to be a sister vessel to tho Julia D, plying on tho Columbia river and will draw two feet less water. Tho boat Is to be completed about Juno 1 and will be towed from here to Astoria. mmtmtttKttmmm HEAR WILLIAMS AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK. MEETING CLOSES SUNDAY NIGHT. ' " fir 1015 nn nnnrovod bV the House SWpnrri1?VSoveral flavor8 today is: two 27.000-ton battleships, ttitttittttttttttttttttttt "WrniiT t . ..-.-. vd jiuuuu (wu ueei tuuioio, mi."1 vu.4.vw w. r' at LEWS' I destroyers and four submarines. MONOGRAM Oil at The GUNNERV. E TELLS OF njKrJ Message In Bottle Washed Ashore Near Empire Cause of Mystery. "COOS DAY, Ore., Feb. 12, 1911. I never expect to boo homo again. Am now hanging on to Red Duoy, Doat has swamped. Am helpless. Cnn- not hold on much longer, A wasted llfo soon to end. If this 4 is ever found, send It to Mother. MARY E. ROGERS, Pllnflold, N. J care F. Rogers. " Tho above note was found In corked bottle just across tho Day from Empire by Edward Engbloom of Empire and was forwarded to Tho Times today. Mr. Engbloom says It was written on the leaf from a note book and tho scrawl Indicated that tho person writing It was In distress, Ho pick ed It up February 21. Whether man or womnn and how thoy happened to get out to tho red buoy will probably always bo a mys tery. It Is not believed that tho note wns written as a Jest by some would-be Joker but this will prob ably be definitely ascertained when tho noto Is forwarded to ho address given, x (Dy HENJ. YOUXO DEAD. Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) r OS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 22. Dehjamln Young, a banker of Astp rla dropped dead In tho lobby hotel hero today of heart trouble. lug the stnto printer on n flat salary, providing n stnto purchasing board, prohibiting n salaried stnto ofllcer from furnishing supplies to tho sta to, creating tho office of assistant sec retary of stato, providing a method for creating now counties nnd appro priating $20,000 to bo disbursed by a state Immigration ngont In exploit ing officially tho resources of tho state. Provision has been mado for n commission to rovlso tho judicial sys tem of tho stnto nnd to recommend such subjects of legislation to tho 1913 legislative session as mny bo deemed necessary. Another com mission will confer with tho stnto board ot tax commissioners nnd sub mit to tho noxt loglslnturo necessary legislation on tho subject of taxation. Salary Increases Proposed. Tho legislature also passed a bill creating tho otllco of county attorney In tho several counties, abolishing tho offico of district attorney. At tho samo tlmo another bill was passed Increasing tho salaries ot tlio circuit jiidgoa ot tho Btato from $3,000 to $4,000 por annum. A genornl re vision of tho Insuranco nnd Irrigation codes In tho stnto wns mndo nnd tho efficiency of these Important depart ments In tho stato government pro moted thereby. A comprehensive law for tho li censing nnd regulating of nutomo biles recoived tho approval ot both houses and Is before the govornor. Tho stato banking law has been amplified In many Important res pects, guaranteeing to depositors I greater protection. Among other 1m- aportant changes In this law Is tho provision by which all prlvato banks shall be oxamlned under tho direc tion of the superintendent of banks at least twlco annually. The only bill to be forced through the legisla ture over tho voto of Govornor West was that of Duchanan, of Douglas, abolishing tho whipping post. Election Laws Amended. Asldo from tho passage of Speaker Rusk's bill, requiring electors to de signate their second choice In pri mary nominating olectlons for which there are more than twice tho num ber of candidates for tho ofllco to bo filled, other lawB amendatory of elec tion laws of tho stato wero passed. Ono provides for tho rotation of nnmes on tho official ballot In all pri mary nominating elections. Another requires that tho polls bo kept open all day In primary elections. Whllo a re-apportionment bill, re disricting tho. stato Into senatorial HELL FACES EXECUTION.. 'American Hold Ah Itelml Spy Hy Mexicans. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day TlraoB.) SAN DIEGO, Cal., Fob. 22. Hold.' prisoner on the chargo of bolng n -robol spy, Harry C. Doll, an Amorl can, facos probable execution by tho Mexican officials nt Tin Junnn, fit toon miles south of hero, according toln--formation supplied tho Evening Trib une todny. With Doll Is n man of Moxlcnn iIob cent but who claims to bo nn: Amort can citizen. J. (Continued on pate 4.) ALLiCEflN EARLY TODAY Steamship Now Handling Through Freight to San Francisco. The Alliance nrrlvod In this morn lug from Portland aftor a good trip down tho coast. Sho had a good passougor list for Coos Day, Sho had a fair freight cargo, Tho Alllauco In conjunction with tho Doe boats plying botweon Eureka and San Francisco is now handling through freight from Coos Duy to. San Francisco. Sho will tako out about 140 tons pf mlscollauoouf freight, including box shooks, dried' Po't Orford cedar and condonscd? milk from North Dcnd. Capt. Thomson expects to sail for Eureka early Thursday. Among thoso arriving on tho Alli ance woro tho following; S. Green, H. H. Greon, Carl Green,. J. D. Fleckonstoln, C. Tugblad, P. Dorolll, J. Walsh, Clara Wheeler,. Mrs. M. Harvey, P. Poterson, G. Aho, Mrs. J. C. Adams, W, R, Morso, A. Jorgen, A. It. Cnntnn, G. Glenn, I). Ynrdman, Mrs. D. Yardman, Miss C. Stono, Mrs. R. Green, D, Green, A. Lasello, P. Suardl, D. L. Pearl, J. Ryan, W. A. Secor, Miss S. Quick, J. Quick, W. L. Rulo, H. E. Miller, L. Hagan, D. Hartley, A. Raussau, Earl Petors, T. F. Day lis, L. L. Stowc Miss S. Stowe. MID-WEEK special. TAFFY tS CENTS the pound tomorrow after noon and ovenlng. LEWIS' Coufec- tlonery. :m