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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 2 lH Good Values in Boys' Clothing , It. 1R I I If u ,J.SlE.v s ;.'J ' ' ' ' ' CONTRIBUTIONS concerning octal hnpponlugs, Intundod for publication In the society depart ment of The Times, muBt bo sub mitted to the editor not later tlmn G o'clock p. in. Friday of eacn week. Exceptions will bo nllowcd only in cases whoro ovents occur Inter than tho tlmo mentioned.) Sho'll bo ninrrlctl tonight! And I'll bo thoro to boo Tho fun nnd tho tonrB mid the Joy; She'd be hurt, to be sure, were 1 absent for alto WaB my plnyninto, when I wns n boy. My playmate! Ah, yee, and tho chum of my youth. And my Itlonl, aa years took tholr flight Tho ono girl of nil that I oared for, In truth And nho'i going to b married to night! Doc iho dream how It' hurting my heart to bo thorn? Cnn she guew all the anguish I'll feel? Sho may look In my oyes -will she know, will she enro For tho pain that my faco may ro voal? Will sho note If I shudder hi vitMen affright At lite solemn words, sealing my doom? "Will sho pity mo? Ah. who can tell? For tonight Sho'll be married. And I am tho groom! yi AMILY life should bo ono of tho p utmost doforenco mid respect. It largo nttondniico Is being is n peculiar punsc 01 uunian na ture that we arc oftouor more con Bldorato of KtrnngerH thnu we nro of thoso who In tho very naturo of things aro nearest and doarost to us. Why should wo fret nnd scold un til wo mnko homo life Intolerable, asks Kntherluo Klpp. Why should "wo enrry n grouch Into our homos ovory tlmo wo leave "business"? "Why should wo demand services of thoso In tbo homo clrclo which wo only request In tho nmst respectful manner from those outside of it? Why should n man say to his wife, "May, 1 want my slippers. Bring them to mo," nnd uso n tone of com mand when ho knows ho wouldn't ad dress tho veriest lackey In a similar manner? Why should May uso nn Irritating, commanding tnno toward John when she wants any little ser vice dono, and why do both order tho children around as If they wore n lot of unfeeling, unthinking llttlo minions who know no better thnu to nccept tho trontmont without pro test? Of nil places on earth tho homo Is tho place whore tho best and tho Bwootost sldo of character should bo hlinwu. It Is there that tho softest tone nnd tho kindest act Ions should prevail. It la there that unfailing nnd uniform courteay should be tho rulo and where every monitor should uso ltls or her utmoet effort to keep the family life untainted by the Ir v'httlng experiences of the life out side of It. Harsh language toward children, constant rltlillug and scolding, blow; nnd taunting words do not presage n life of refinement of thought mid,! prises were won by Mrs. C. K. Perry notion for the children m brought and 1'. M. Wilbur. Mis. J. T. Mc- tnnt repetition of nn attitude of hos tility between thoso same elders. The children of tho homo hnvi sooner or later to tnko their places In the world nnd tho chnracter of tnoso piacos is uoicrmincu uj wir training given thoni through their earliest years. If lovo and sweet ness of disposition nro generated In their naturos, If n line bciiso of Jus tice nnd a realization of tho rights of others nro given them ns tho un derlying principle of life, they will reflect Just thoso when they go out Into tho world nnd typify to Mint world exactly the type of homo In which they grow up. Last Saturday nftornoon, Miss .les- stc Chase wns hostess nt cards nt the 0. A. Ilonnett homo. Tho first prize was won by Mrs. K. Mlngus nnd the second prfte by Elizabeth Kaufman. Among her guests were Mrs. Henry i Siigstacken, Mrs. J. C. Kendall, Mrs. , E. Mlngus. Mrs. M. C. Moloney, Mrs. i It. K. Booth. Miss Orn Woods, Miss J Marie T. Maloney, Miss Mnblo Clnroi MIIIIh. Miss Nellie Tower, Bortlm Kruso, Miss Charlotte Murch, Miss Daisy Demi Hush mid Miss Elizabeth Kaufman. Miss Ilertlm Kruse of North Bond Is tho guost of Mrs." W. II. Kennedy. The exact date of Miss KrtiBo's mnr rlngo to Dr. Gathey of Portlnnd has not been nnnounccd. Tho St. Vnlontlno's ball to bo given at tho Odd Follows hall tioxt Monday evening under the nusplccs of tho ladles of tho Episcopal church will bo ono of tue leading social functions of tho coming weok. An unusually arranged for and tho ovent promises to bo n most delightful one. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Parsons will lenvo In a fow days for Kansas and Missouri whoro thoy will visit nt their old homos for n fow weeks. Tho Chanilnndo club Is having n number of extra rohearsalB preparing for tho ennrert which It will glvo the Inst of February. Tho ploco and tho dnte will bo nnunuueed Inter. Only local musicians will participate In this concert, hut It Is planned to give another In tho early summer nt which Mrs. Block-Bauer of Portland will probably bo tho soloist. .Mrs. it. k. Hoot n will tender n luncheon Sunday nt her homo In West Mnrshlleld. Dr. A', L. Ilousoworth and wlfo en tertained the Tuesdny Night Whist dub nt their homo In South Marsh fluid last Tuesdny evening. Cards, ns usual, were the principal diversion Uc&ldos tho club members, J. T. Ilnr- rlgnn nnd wlfo nnd Arthur Peck were guosts. Tho prlzos wore won by Mr. ami Mrs. Dorsoy Kroltzer. tho handi cap on prbo winners having boon taken off nt n previous meeting. Mrs. Farrlnger will probnbly entertain the club at Its next meeting. The Sinters of llethany will oujoy a social afternoon at tho home of Mrs. J. T. llarrlgau next Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Haines onter tatued at eards Monday evening. The PERSONAL notices of visitors In the city, or or Coos Bay people who visit In other cities, together with notices of onclul affairs, tire gladly recolvod In tho social do paitmotn. Telophouo 13H1. No tices of club meetings will bo pub lished and secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish same. up. Constant nagging and scolding 0" not Improve the tempors of the llttlo folks nor do they ninke them more considerate or faithful to their tlutlos. On the contrary. Just this course raise all that Is unlovely and uu lovahlo In tho child and gives Its olmraotor n trend that places It In a false position throughout the after yonrs. Thoro aro people born with bad tompors nnd Irritable dispositions, nnd nono of them Is ovor Improvod by being kopt In constant turmoil or by being nllowod to havo froo rolgn In displaying thorn. Most chlldion nro amenable to persuasion and won derfully responsive to kindness. Therefore, childhood should be tho tlmo for training the child to put forth tho best that Is In It and to repress Its bad points until thoy arc choked out. Put no child cnn be Im proved under a roglnio of Bcoldlng. Wows nnd rancorous bickering on tho part of Its elders, or tho cons- Mormac receiving the ennsolntlon pilse. Among those present were W. F. Miller and wife. L. M. Noble and wlfo. P. M. Wilbur and wlfo. H. T. P: eot ml wife. M. C. Maloney and wife. Fred MeCornino, Mrs. J. T. McCormae. Mrs. F. A. Hazard, Miss Violet llondorson, Hugh nrown and Mrs. C. K. Pony. Mr. nnd Mis. Frod Dumas of Min neapolis nro guosts at th Geo. F. Murch homo In West Mnibhlleld. Mrs. J. H, Mllner wns hostess to the luembors of the Kvorgroen Bridge club nt her homo last Saturday aft ernoon nt a most delightful nfter noon at eards. Tho prlaes wore won by Mrs. A. T. Haines mid Mrs. C. W Tower. A dellolous luncheon wns enjoyed, tho hostess being assisted In Borvlng by Mrs. Cnrrlo Dungnn. As substitutes for absontoos of the club, Mrs. Mllnehad ns guosts Mrs. P. M. Parsons, Mrs. N. Hnsmusson and Mrs. W. F. Miller. The Evor- gvren club has ndjourncd for tho st-nson. Mrs. Henry Sengstncken enter tained the Progress club nt her homo last Mondny. Tho subject for tho day was "ShakoBpcaro's Hcrol nos." Mrs. Sengstncken read Bhort papers on Juliet, Ophelia, Portia, Desdemona nnd Knlhcrlno. Por tions of tho plays In which each character appears woro rond by tho members and two of Shakespeare's songs woro sung by Mrs. J. W. In gram, accompanied by Mrs. 0. W. Kaufman. Toa mid wafers woro Borvod. Tho next meeting of the CMib will bo with Mrs. C. W. Tower nnd tho subject will bo "Muslcnl Colebrltlos of America." Mrs. C. II. Peck has Issued Invi tations for n Valentine luncheon nnd card party at her homo In West Mirshflold next Tuesdny nftornoon. Mrs. F. K. Oettlna wns hostess at a Bcrlcs of afternoons this week. Tho decorations reflected tho proxi mity of Lincoln's nnnlvorsnry nnd woro especially clover mid beauti ful. A mlnlnturo log cabin placo cards mid other emblems of tho noted American wore especially Ini presslve. On Tuesday nftornoon, sowing wns tho diversion. Tho guests for that day Included Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Mrs. A. II. Powers, Mrs. Henry Sengstncken, Mrs. M. C. Horton, Mrs W. H. Konnedy, Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. C. J. Mlllls, Mrs. F. A. Goldon, Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrede. Mrs. E. F. Morris sey, Mrs. Win. Grimes, Miss Evolyn Anderson, Miss Agnes Hutchcson mid Mrs. F. C. Birch. Cards woro tho diversion Wednes day, tho prizes being won by Mrs, .T W. Ingram and Mrs. Win. Dun gnn. Tno guests Included Mrs. E S. Bnrgelt, Mrs. Win. Dungan, Mrs. J. W. Ingram, Mrs. Dorsoy "Krolt zor, Mrs. A. L. Ilousoworth, Mrs. C. K. Perry, Mrs. Chns. Van Duyn, Mrs It. K. Booth, Mrs. Elllo Fnrrlnger, Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Mra. .1. T. Hnr- rignn, Mrs. G. W. Knufmnu nnd Mrs B. T. Streot nnd Mrs. D. Y. Stnfford Friday afternoon, Mrs. Win. Hors fall won tho prlzo nt cnrdB. Anion? thoso Invited wero Mrs. Wnrd M. Blnko. Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs. W. T. Merchant, Mrs. II. S. Towor, Mrs. C. R. Peck, Mrs. G. A. Bcnnott, Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, Mrs. J. T. McCormae, Mrs. ,T. V. Smonton, Mrs. E. G. Por hnm, Mrs. E. Mlngus, Mrs. R. M. .Tonulngs, Mrs. Win. Ilorsfnll Jr., Mrs. L. J. Simpson, Mrs. C. M. Bylor nnd Mrs. F. E. Hague. Miss Norn Towor ontortnlned the German club nt the homo of her par ents. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. S. Tower, in South Mnrshfleld. Wednesday night. Mrs. J. T. McCormae ontertalned u few friends ft a luncheon todny (Continued on Pngo S.) A Lovely Valentine for vorit sweetheart, YOl'lt WIFE. Or your friend would be one of these special Valentino boxos of Stafford's candles. Nothlug could bo more appropriate as n token of "sweot leniombrnnco." Stafford's candlos nro tho standard of oxcel lenco In confectlonory. Tho puro nc8s, froshnoss mid high quality of tho Ingrodlonts nro what mnko Staf ford's candles bo delicious. Wo havo evory variety to please ovory taste. Order a box today as a Valontlno favor for your wife, sweothoart, mother, sister or friend. muinck TWO STORKS. S;iO Front St ltd Central Ave. VK MAKE A SPECIALTY OF l.UOKINCJ AKTUIl THE LITTLE CHAPS AT THIS STORK. Strong:, Serviceable and Stylish Suits KOI! SCHOOL BOYS AND ALSO FOR THE LITTLE LADS WHO ARE NOT YET OF .SCHOOL AGE. WE LOOK FIRST OF ALL FOR QUALITY. WE WON'T BUY UN LESS THE MATERIALS ARE ROVE SUSPICION AND THE WORKMAN SHIP RIGHT. BUT IN LOOKING AFTER THE QUALITY, WE DO NOT OVERLOOK STYLE. WE DON'T FORGET THAT A BOY REALLY DOES CARE TO HAVE HIS CLOTHES LOOK GOOD AND SMART. WE HAVE MANNISH THINGS FOR LITTLE CHAPS. HATS, COATS, SUITS AND SO ON. BRING YOUR ROYS HERE AND LET US OUTFIT THEM. WE CAN DO IT. WE RAVE THE STUFF THAT'LL TICKLE THE BOY'S PRIDE AND DELIGHT HIS MOTHER'S ECONO MICAL SOUL. AGNES & MAHSHFIELR'S LEADING OUTFITTERS AND FURNISHERS. fmf vfeQ I III! XIBASODJ) M MATSON STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF COOS. .vs. To Whom it may or 'does concern, t This to certify that I have this day examined the boohs and records of GOING & It A 11V EY COMPANY for the months of January, 1910, and January, 19.11, and find therefrom that the business of said company for thalat tor month exceeds by more than 73 the business thereof for the former month, IN TESTIMONY WHERE OF, I have hereunto sub scribed my name and affixed my notarial seal at Marsh field, .Oregon, this 4th day of February, 1911. STATE OF OREGON NOTARY PUBLIC HARRY G. HOY TIAlftfY G. HOY, Notary Public for Oregon. A Pretty Good Start for the m "" mmeimn im wan ew Year What's the answer? AnswerMore Coos Bay people gelling wise as to where "to buy iip-to-dato goods at money-saving prices. Kcmombor, it's not what yon make, but what you save that.makes you rich! YOU'RE NEXT rvev KjO. CmtPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. i