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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1911)
ADS. 00a mt tm?s NEWS WHEN I1USINESS IS SLOW, AD- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW HY HEADING THE COOS HAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS A Mi THE TIME TERSELY TOM) :: :: :: :: ' VritTISE. THAT IT 1'AXS is jj-vi-ri.-!i) ilY SUCCESSFUL HUSl- XlisS HOUSES EVERYWHERE :: ME.MIIEH OF ASSOCIATE!) PRESS OL. XXXIV Established in 1878 us Tho Const Mall MARSHFIELD,OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1911 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES, a consolidation of ti.cS, const mi N 2g ' nnd Coos liny Advertiser. M MISSING NEVADA IN FOUND Sheep Men Living at Reno Thought to Be Victims of Cattle Rustlers. JODIES DISCOVERED IN NORTHERN WASCOE Special Train Carries Sheriff and Posses to Scene of Crime. Iny Associated rresa i -uu uu Times.) IlKNO, Nov., Fob. 11. Tho dead U ..., ...... odlcs of four ucno men, wo ..u con missing for nenrty n month ere found In Northern Wnsoo ounty. All Una been snoi 10 ucam. he victims nro Harry Cambron, J. . Lnxnguc, 11. Indlnno, nnd Peter rrnmuspe. All lonvo fnmllleB In mi.,. nAMid nnmn frnm Hnt?Ip cno. iu " - - - "-o- lite. Cat. Shortt S. P. Ferret nnd "" , ,, ... . ... . . niin t,n.. nd members of tho Btnto pollco liavo .7 ' . , ..,, i ,mii loft Reno and will go In n spcclnl train to Altnrn, Cal., to endeavor to run down tho murderers. Tho men vcrc sheep men who had had trouble vlth cattle rustlers. UEHEIi LEADERS SHOT. until American Revolutionist!! Given Death Penalty. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CAPE HAYTIEN, Feb. 11. Gen- trnl Chnpiisctt, commander of tho rebels who captured Quanlmlnth, Snil General Codlo who led tho In surgents at Fort Liberty wore cap- lured by tho government nnd shot to death. DIED PRELATE rchbishop Ryan of Philadel phia Succumbs After Long Illness at His Home. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PHILADELPHIA, Pn., Fob. 11. Most Reverend Patrick John Ryan, archbishop of Phllndolphln, of Now fork, died this afternoon at tho frch-Eplscoptil resldcnco In this city. ALLIANCE IX TODAY. hlcnmshlp Arrives From Portland and Sails For Eureka. Tho Alllnnco arrived In this morn ing from Portland and sailed a fow flours later for Eurokn. Most of lier passengers were bound through for Eureka. Among thoso snlllng from here lor Eureka on her wero II. F. Whlt- I'W. A. Stone, J. naxter, W. A. Du ree and Geo. Sonk. IS Baron Rothschild Dies In Vien naHeaded the Austrian House. (By Associated Press to C003 Day Times.) VIENNA, Austria, Feb. 11. Dar en Albert A. Rothschild, head of ,he Austrian branch nf thn Roths- cn'ld house, dted today. Ho was urn In 1S43. The "IlniiRO of' 1e. Rothschild" Is tho wealthiest In tho of orld. AE M ICHEST 1 STRGKEN l.-j - -3 off on all box VALEXTINKS ' WtEXTISS. ' T Many Leave For Portland and Astoria This Morning On Steamship. The Hroakwnter united nt 0 o'clock this morning for Portland. She hud considerable miscellaneous freight anil an averngo passenger 18t 0Mt0,lBf ,, water wore tho following: E. W. Farmer, Joo Rccso, J. M Foster, Mrs. J. M. Foster, Mrs. C. C. Drldgcs, Ed. Allen, Mrs. Ed. Allen, Annlo ICruegcr, L. T. Morgan, Geo. W. Colvln, Davo M. Colvln, H. V. PorrMI OInn . ,,-..,- ,ohn nnhnr. ' " ' " A. Ltllcy, Alec Peterson, A. Hansen, Prank Wngomnn, Mntson Itodger?, " ' " M. S. N. linker, Edna linker, S. C. Sninll, Geo. Goodrum, W. A. Cle ments, E. J. Young, Mrs. E. J. Young, Oscar Ingmau, Axel Corland, J. A. Klnner, G. 0. Ilenl, Robert Wells, Win. Wnde, Pnt. Smith, C. E. Drondbont, Josephine Hater, W. A. Henley, F. Dennett, Leo. Gilbert, Chas Duyck, F. Dorry, Win. Folknor, E. C. Anderson, Miss Julctt, Dr. Leo, Fred Johnson, Henry Hocck, W. Wentherlll. 5 CODS DEBATE High School Teams Score Most Points In Contests Held Last Night: Tho Dandon high school carrlod off tho honors In tho Coos county High school dobatos held nt tho various towns last night. Undor tho rules of tho contest, tho standing of tho high schools nro as follows, ono point being allowed for tho dobato and ono for each Judgo's vote: Dandon 7 Myrtlo Point C North Dond 4 Coqulllo 2 Marshflold 1 Dandon won a unanimous decision In Marshflold over tho MarshfloU high school nnd won from Coqulllo nt Dnndon by n vote of two to one. Marshflold besides losing to Dnn don In Mnrshfleld lost to North Dend at North Dend by a vote of two to ono. Myrtlo Point won from North Dond nt Myrtlo Point by n vote of two to ono nnd nt Coqulllo from Co qulllo by a voto of two to ono. Coqulllo lost at Dnndon by n voto of two to ono and In Coqulllo lost to Myrtlo Point by a voto of two to one. North Dend won from Marshflold at North Dend by a voto of two to ono nnd lost to Myrtle Point nt Myr tle Point by n voto of two to one, This gives tho Dnndon teams tho county championship. Debates Wero Good. Tho debates were probably tho best that have ever been held In Coos county but at most of tho places, tho attendanco was not nearly ns largo as It should have been. Tho nttendnnco nt tho Marsh flold Opera House was comparative ly small and In North Dend It was very small. In Marshfleld. R. O. Graves was master of ceremonies and the lud ges wero A. S. Hnmmond of Coqull- nnd Mr. Giles nnd S. D. Plllford Myrtle Point. Thomas Laird of iY,n Ttnnrinn tonm carried off the MURDERED T BREAKWATER SAILS TODAY DO W honors of tho affair, although ho isUwwswwwJ (Continued on page S.) Address of Abraham Lincoln At the Dedication of Gettysburg Cemetery, the 19th Day of November, 1863. Fourscore and seven years ago ourfathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, test ing whether that nation, or any nation so conceiv ed and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of the war, We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that their nation might live, It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this, But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground, The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract, The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here, It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the Unfinished work which They who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced, It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by tho people, for the people, shall not perish from tho earth, CATTLE RUSTLER Frank Coley Jumps From Train In Idaho While En Route to Deer Lodge Peni tentiary. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Fob. 11. Heavily armed with stolon weapons LEAVE TODAY Steamship Sails This Morning For San Francisco With Full List. Tho Redondo sailed this morning for San Francisco. Sho had a full list of passengers and considerable freight. Among thoso snlllng on tho Re dondo wero tho following: James Dallies, Mrs. G. L. Gould, Mrs. E. Dentnlck, Miss M. Megahnu, Mrs. A. O. Rogers, Mrs. J. Dutton, Mrs. J. G. Gutlobon, John Honrlck, Annn Henrlck, Mrs. K. A. Henrlck, C. A. Martin, E. Jacobson, R. P. Fry, John Gravenor, Harry Henson, W. Mosson, Con Mohan. Take your SUNDAY DINNER nt Tho CHANDLER. Special menu. RESERVE tables for PARTIES bj PHONE. Wo havo Columbia HATTERIES manufactured Jnn. 14, 1911 Tho GUNNERY. ttnxtuittxtttnittttuit SMEN OR HOGS WHICH? I AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH TONIGHT HAVE YOU HEARD WILLIAMS? t t t 0 NO mmmm MAKES ESCAPE and hunted by two posses, Frank Coley, n convicted cattlo rustlor who escaped from two ofllcors Wodncc day by Jumping from a train which wns taking him to tho penitentiary at Door Lodgo, Mont., Is nbrond In tho rough section near Elk Crook, Idaho, nnd Is bollovcd to bo ranking his way toward Wallace hoping to catch a train for Spoknno. Ho wns traced to Avory by bloodhounds, NOTED FRUIT MANJSJILLED Chas. P. Wilmarth of Sacra mento, Cal., Falls Down Elevator Shaft. (Dy Ausoclnted Press to Coos Day TlmeB.) SACRAMENTO, Cal., Fob. 11. Chnrles P. Wilmarth, secretary of tho Pioneer Fruit Company and sec retary of tho Commltteo on Arran gements for tho Western Fruit Job bora' convention, fell down tho elev ator shaft at tho Studobaker build ing here today and sustained Inju ries from which ho died. INDICTS VOTE SELLERS. Ohio Grnud Jury Returns Hills Against 41. (Dy Assoclntod I ess to Coos Day Times.) PORTSMOUTH, Ohio., Fob. 11. Tho grand Jury Investigating tho voto selling In Scio county, return ed 41 indlctmonts today. Take your SUNDAY DINNER at The CHANDLER. Special menu. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHOXE. $1.00 SALE Let $1.00 do tho work of $1.50 $1.75 and $2.00 at tho LADIES EM. PORIU.M beginning Monday, Feb 13. 1 ME AN ME REPORT DILL TO THE HOUSE Canadian Reciprocity Measure Submitted With Slight Amendment. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 11. Tho Canndlnn reciprocity agreement wns favorably reported to by tho Houbo Commltteo on Ways nnd Mcnns by a voto of twelve to seven. Tho commltteo adopted an amend ment proposed by Mnnn of Illinois, providing that wood produced In Cnnndn mny bo brought Into thla country frco nnd Hint products of wood as specified In tho bill up to a valuation of four cents a pound mny bo brought In free. CARNEGIE FAVORS IT. Philanthropist Wants Early and Fa- vornble Action. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 11. Andrew Carnegie urges onrly nnd favornblo nctlon of congress on tho Canndlnn Reciprocity agreement In n lottor to Scnntor Dovorldgc. CRASE STAMP RILLPASSED Coos County Senators Adds'to Allowance Other Legis lative Matters. SALEM, Oro., Feb. 11. It was a good day for tho Senators. They doubled tholr pay In n very slmplo mnnnor. Tho sonators recelvo $3 n day for their norvices nnd this morning Sonntor Chaso Introduced n resolution for inoro stamps, ISO nlco now 2-cont stamps for each mombor, making $3 worth of tho stlckoru. Thus, by improving tho business of tho Salom postmaster, tho sonators also doubled their com pensation for February 8. Not all tho sonators avallod themselves of this opportunity, for at least Joseph nnd Dlmlck declined with thanks, aftor looking ovor their stock of stamps. Cut Out Pilfering. If II. D. 359, Introduced by Car ter of Clackamas, should go on tho statute books, wives who innko n habit of attondliiK nltditlv to tho r&duty of seeing that tholr husbands do not leavo tho house in tho morn ing overburdoned with cash will havo to bo careful. With the cases in which husband nnd wlfo nro law fully regardod as competent witnes ses against each other Is listed "lar ceny or embezzlement by ono spouse of tho proporty of tho other." Aftor Gallon nouses. Among thoso passed by tho Sennto was a bill by Representative Gill to put "gallon houses" out of business. Tho GUI bill requires application to bo mado to tho county court for a Hcenso to soil liquor in quantities of ono gallon or over In tho snmo man ner that petitions are filed for sa loons selling In small quantities. This gives the right of remonstrance. Senator Slnnott said that many "blind pigs" aro carried on In his section undor tho gulso of gallon houses. Hills Passed House. H. D. 225, by Rnckloff Giving rnllrond corporations rights of way through canyons and passes. H. D. ICO, by Pelrce Fixing sal ary of assessor of Curry county. H. D. 2C4, by Rackleff Iucrens- (Continued nn page 5.) T E Recapture Village Across Rio Grande, Forcing Federals Across Border. STRATEGY BOARD IS FORMED FOR REBELS Body Will Direct Movements of Insurgents to Prevent Jealousies. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) MEXICANI, Mcx., Feb. 11. Gen eral Derthold nnd his band of In surgents recaptured Moxlcanl thla morning. Tho federals bolng rout ed hurriedly, crossed over to tho American side. Derthold Intor crossed to tho American aldo and held a conversation with Captain Dabcook of tho United States troops stationed Just ncross tho border.. HAVE STRATEGY HOARD.. Mexican Revolutionists Will Huvo Directing llody. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) EL PASO, Tox., Fob. 11. A strategy bonrd tins boon crcntcd for tho Insurrccto army now In tho Hold with Orozco. This bonrd will direct' tho movements of tho troops, but nono of tho Insurgent commnndors--wlll bo moved or rcducod. All will bo required to opornto In harmony under tho direction of tho strntogy bonrd which Is merely to provont Jealousies among tho vnrlous rebel commanders, nccordlng to tho Junta hero. - GILL IS OUT: Seattle's New Mayor Takes Charge Today Close Gambling Houses. (Ey Assoclntod Press to Coos D Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Fob. 11. Mayor Hiram C. GUI, recalled by tho electors for allegod misconduct In ofllco, retired at noon today with out coromony nnd Georgo W. Dllllng chosen to succeod him, took tho of fice With Gill wont Into political retirement also Charles W. Wnp ponsteln, chlof of pollco, and Rich ard M. Arms, superintendent of tho municipal light plant. Pollco Cap tain Claudo Danntck took charge of tho pollco forco as acting chief of pollco with Instructions to closo tho gambling and disorderly houses. Tho ofllclnl count of tho olectlon gives Dllllng 31,919 votes, Gill 25, 705 nnd Drown 4,090. Panama Canal Exposition Re solution Passed Unani mously Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 11. Tho Joint resolution naming San Francisco ns tho place of holding tho exposition In 1915 In colobratlnn of tho opening of tho Panama Canal, passed tho Senato without opposi tion. I1ARGAIXS Jn VALENTINES at PRENTISS A full lino at 1-3 off. M ' PILLING IN SENATE VOTE IS FOR EDISCO I J 1