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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1911)
THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1911 EVENING EDITION. News of Nearby Towns People Use Electric Flat Irons the Year Round They arc equally as convenient in fall and winter as they arc in the hot weather. There may be less discomfort from kitchen fires, to be sure, but the electric flat iron has many other advantages than saving heat. They save drudgery. They save footsteps between ironing board and stove. They never need changing. They are always clean and uniformly hot ready at your elbow. J m Thousands of Women" use them who prefer to iron little things themselves in their own room, or elsewhere, on short notice. An dec- . trie iron once tried is never afterward dispensed with.Jl Why not try one yourself. Ask us for particulars. MYRTLE POINT POINTERS. Tohl Nl'WM Of I'piH'f OmiuIIIo As By The EiilorprlM'. Pod. Hntcher, who lins boon but chering for tho Coqulllc Valley com pany, lincl tho misfortune to cut n long nnd deep gusli In his wrist Wed nesday. Several arteries wcro sev ered and ho lost considerable blood beforo the wound could be dressed. I North Bend News on his neck, a few days ngo. Wo aro glad to stato that ho Is getting along nicely nnd wilt not bo scaned bad. Lloyd Lowcllcn, son of W. h. Lewcllen, Is suffering from a broken arm, tho Injury having been receiv ed Wednesday afternoon, during n scufflo with a boy companion. W. T. Kamsey is feeling pretty clever over tho fact that his fourth Is n boy. The young gentleman ar rived at the Ilamscy homo Monday, the Cth, and weighed about 12 pounds. It. M. P. Sumcrlln has decided to open an automobile garago In Myr tlo Point and cngago In tho gener al automobile repair nnd livery business. Tho Myrtle Point high school bas ket team lias another victory added to their string since defeating tho Coqulllo tenm at Coqulllo last Fri day night. Tho score at tho close of the game was 21 to 4 In favnr of tho Myrtlo Pointers. Coqulllo did not scoro In tho Inst half of tho game, all of their points being made In tho first half of tho game. With tho two towns so equally represent ed In the nttendanco considerable feeling wnB aroused and thoso who attended tho gnmo from hero sail that ono or two of tho Coqulllo root ers wcro over tho vorgo of rudeness at several times. A. OregonlPower Company TKX BUSINESS DIRECTORY OE RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES Constipation Is tho causo of many aliments nnd disorders that mnko llfo miserable. Tako Chamberlain's Stomach ami Liver Tablets, kcop your bowels regular and, you will avoid thoso diseases. For salo by all dealers. HORN. WELLING To Mr. and Mrs. N. 11. Welling of North Bond, n boy, Sat urday, February 11. Mother and child aro doing nicely nnd tho father who Is n tailor nt North Bend is nbout tho happiest man on Coos Day. W. S. Denning of tho light house visited hero yesterday. Mrs. Victor Wlttlg continues to rccupcrnto rapidly from her operation. Supt. A. 0. Hnab Is expected homo today from Coqulllo and Myrtle Point. Wm. Jones of Union, Is recovering from n Bcrlous operation nt Mercy hospital. W. P. Schleffelc and wife of Knst flldo will leave next Saturday for Portland. Mrs. A. II. Imhoff of Union ave nue, Is recovering from n throo months Illness. Cnpt. Wagner, who Is now nt A3 torla, fell from a boat on the Col umbia river, Injuring himself sever, ely. Tho schooner Advent and Encore tnado tho trip from hero to Sun Francisco In seven days, making i: now speed record for sailing vcssoIb. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OP RELIABLE nUSINESS HOUSES AND BUSINESS MEN IN MARSHFIELD WTIO HANDLE GOODS THAT CAN HE GUARANTEED AT FAIR PRICES OR MEN WHOSE WORK MAY BB DEPENDED UPON. IT WILL PAY YOU TO PATRONIZE THEM Mother's Restaurant Has been consolidated with tho HLANCO GRILL ROOM In DInnco Hotel nnd Is better pro pared than ovor to eorve good meals. Go To WILLEY & SCHROEDER for Plumbing and Heating Murshflold, Ore., Phone 773 GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. Loiter Heads, Hill Heads, Enve lopes, Colling Cards, etc. STADDEN All kinds of photograph wort, bromide enlarging and kodak finishing. Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office Offered By 1. S. Kaufman & Co. Mrs. F. J. Monroe, a former resi dent of North nend, died nt their homo In Florence a week ago ntter a lingering Illness. They left tho Bay soma time ngo. Jim Thomas wlillo oiling tho oil gor In tho Portor mill yesterday sus tained a bad fracture of tho largo bono in his right nrm. Whllo he was nt work, a largo stick got caught and was thrown against his nrm. William McLalu, after several years absonce, surprised his many friends hero when ho stepped ofC tho Coaster last Friday. Will loft hero when only a moro boy, but has slnco married and Is now tho father of a 3-months-old dnughtor. Ills family Is now living on Ten Mile, a short distance north of Coon Hay. MYRTLE POINT ROAD. Dr. M. O. Stommlor mado a try out of the road between hero and Camns valley tho latter part of tho week. He found thnt tho traveling was very good betweon Myrtlo Point nnd Remote, but thnt beyond Re mote tho rond Is slightly in need oC ilxing. Ho Is conlldont thnt with tho coming yenr's work tho Coon county end of tho Middle Fork road will bo In good condition tho yenr nrouud. It Is Bnld to bo tho plan of tho county commissioners to bo gin the coming Btintmor's work at tho county Hue, working this wny. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. WHISTLING IIUOY FOR COQUILLFJ Aid to Navigation Ordered Ivttal llrdicd OfT River. PORTLAND, Ore., Fob. 11. Ono of tho most important Items in a budget of Information rocclvod front Washington by Commander J. M". Elllcott of tho 17th llghthouso dis trict, was that ho had boon granted authority to proceed with tho pur chiiRo and Installation of a combina tion gas and whistling buoy off Co qulllo river. Tho location Is said to bo nn excellent ono for tho estab lishment of Rtich n mark and It un doubtedly will bo appreciated by navigators. PLAN FOR CANNERY. J. II. Groves, W. II. Chappoll and Edgnr McDaulel woro elected delo- gates from tho North Rend M. W. A. Camp to tho county convention which Is to bo hold In Coqulllo In April. -S. Hogstatl, L. A. Loomls and W. II. Shopard aro tho alternates. Improved Business $20,000 Fine building, all rented, desirable location. Will pay 10 per cent on investment. At a special meeting of tho Moth ers' nnd Teachers' club yesterday to consldor plans for tho annual ban quet, It was decided to postpone tho event for a whllo. In tho meantime funds will bo raised to defray tho expenso of it. COQUILLE ITEMS. J. L. KOONTZ Machine nnd Repair Shops GENERAL MACHINIST Stenm und Qas Engine Work At llollacd'a bout shop, Front street, Marahfleld, Ore. NOW IS THE TIME To dig up thnt old Suit nnd let us Eet it In shape for you. Cleaned, Repaired and Pressed ns we do it will make it look like new. Satisfaction guaranteed. COOS BAY TAILORING CO. J. W. Josephson, Mgr. 180 South Broadway. Mnrshfleld PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D R. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Graduate of tho American school of Osteopathy at Kirksville. Mo. Office a Eldorado Blk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 to : Phone 161-j; Mnrshfleld; Oregon. jlt. J. W. INGRAM, -' Physician and Snrgoon. 209-210 Coke Building. hones: Office 1C2J; Residence 162L J. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Eastside Winners 1 Block in Homo Addition, containing over 3 acres for $900 6 Lots for J475, East Marshflelrt 10 Lots for ?600 East Mnrshfleld 16 Lots for $800 Eastside ALL GOOD BAY VIEWS TERMS EASY OTHER GOOD BUYS Business property, 50x100, on Second street, 50 feet north of Central $0,000 a snap 00x100 In Sengstncken addition, with two-story house nearly new for $1,000 a money-maker See Title, Guarantee & Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager Prospective Business $1,000 14 lots within 5 minute walk of best business cor ner in Mnrshfleld. Modern Bungalw Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Marahfleld, Oregon. YfSl. S. TURPEN, Architect. Over Chaiabor of Commerce. Coos Bay-Roseburg Stage Line Daily stage between Roscburg nnd Mnrslilield. Stage leaves dally and Sunday at 7 p. m. Fare, $0.00. OTTO sri!KTTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., Marshfleld. O. I BARNARD. PHONE 11 Airnnt. ROHKBITRO. CRR- $.1,000 Five rooms, bath, closets, etc., and ground 100x110 n cprnor. N. C. Ilnlllday of Astoria camo down on tho Dronkwator this weoit and Is at prcsont in this city look ing out for n futuro permanent lo cation. Mr. Ilnlllday Is vory woll pleasod with tho general outlook in this section and will no doubt find n placo hero that will mcot with his approval. Ho is n nephew of Boa Hallday, tho famous old stage drlvor and steamboat man who was ono of tho pioneers of tho state. Miss Jotty Watson has resigned her position in the offico of tho county clork and loft on tho last Breakwater for n visit with relatives and friends In Portlnnd.-Coquillo Sentinel. Stock Company at Myrtlo Point Fornix Temporary Organization Tho Myrtlo Point EntorprlBo aayafl Subscribers townrd tho stock for tho purpose of securing a fruit nnd vogetablo cannery for Myrtlo Point mot nt tho city hall Wednesday aft ornoon, An oxecutlvo committee of five wns elected, consisting of R. C. Domoiit, C. E. Hilling and T. D. Ouo rlu. This commltteo Is to soloct slto for tho ennnory, got wntor ort tho ground nnd ovorseo tho construc tion, nnd equipment of tho factory. Afterward action townrd Incorpora tion wns takon. It wns agreed that tho nnmo of corporation should bo tho "Myrtlo Point Canning compa ny," principal placo of business at Myrtlo Point; capital stock of $1G, 000, and n hoard of flvo directors to bo olectod at somo futuro mooting. II. n. Stownrd, Lloyd Spires and W. E. Plko woro nnmed ns tho Incorpor ators. Tho meeting adjourned to moot ngnln on tho 8th day of March, when It Is expected that thoy will bo roady to completo tho Incorporation proceedings. IS STILL MISSING. CURRY COUNTY NEWS. Business Lot $1,000 On Sherman avenue, North Bend, In first block south of Virginia. Cheapest lot In North Bend. Broadway Lots $1,0:50 Two cholco lots, cheapest on Broadway considering location. Bay Park Events In That Section As Told by tho Gold Beach Globe. Isano Miller, a pioneer of Curry county, died here following an oper ation. Ho had been ill for sometime. The Coaster came in last Friday ovenlng with n mixed cargo, Win. Princo received his stock of liquors nnd building material for his saloon building, and tho blncksand com pany received tho last of their machinery. Little Doubt But That Curry County Man Was Drowned. Tho Gold Bench Globo saya: "No trnco of tho whereabouts of M. W. Duncan has yet been found. Tho senrchlng party found a portion of his string of traps which hnd not beon visited for sovornl days, aa thoro woro somo small animals In somo of them thnt woro spoiled, showing thoy hnd beon dead many days. Thoy also found dim tracks of a man (undoubtedly his) leading; to a small foot log that spans Hunt ora creok, which confirms the theory that ho foil In tho creok and was drownod." $00. .Buys a flno lot In tho above addition, $10 down and $5 per month. According to a test of somo con centrate from tho Bailey beach, ,Whlteneck nnd KIster are now work ing on $50.00 por ton sand, Tho llttlo baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Overton fell against a hot stove and received a bad burn BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking doe not euro children o( bed wtttlDf. Tlitre Is a constitutional cause tot tutu trouble. Mr. M. Summer, Box W, Noire Dime, lod., will eml free to any mother her (ucnturul home treatment, with full Instruction. Send no money, but write her today It your children trouble you la this war. Don't blame the child, the chaucea are It can't help It. Tbl treatment alw carta adult aud ased ople troubled with urlna difficulties by day or nlsbt. How to cure a cold Is a question In which many aro Intorostod Just now. Chamborlnln's Cough Romod has won Its groat restitution and Immense snlo by Its remarkable euro of colds. It can always bo depend ed upon. For salo by all dealers. -Til 1