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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1911)
pppi II 4I HUM ' M iiym- r - w m i h (w i ' r-mwmmmerm' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY $ 911 EVENING EDITION. 3 ' rent nud librarian's salary, leaving, nothing for additions to tlio library except what comes in cash donations or contributions of books. IH-to-Man Cloihlor Mf! "m tt rr ; T N ? ESS T)i 7' r iX tSsv. SrCA A NY MAN, large enough to he called a man and not too old to be careful about his appearance, will find here in this store the right clothes for himself; the right fit, style, quality and price; and there's nothing better made anywhere. We confess, though, that we do take some extra pains to have a good assortment of the clothes the young fellows want. College, high school, dressy young business men, find here the correct thing. If it's just an extra pair of trousers , that you need, let us sell you the DUTCHESS; suitable for every occasion; the strongest made for service. $2.00 to $6.00. EB SI 31 OmW'Jt MIIMu-Mnu Clothier. The Woolen Mill Store Mni-.hflch1, Oregon. Slip thi: WEATHER. (Ily Associated Press.) OREGON. Feb. 3. Fair In oast, rain nnd warmer In went tonight. Snturday. rain In west nml rnln or snow and warmer In cnBt. Southeasterly winds, high on const. LOCATi TEMPERATURE HE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending O nt -1:1-3 p. m., Fob. 2, by Mrs. 1-2. Mlngim, special government meteorological observer: Maximum Minimum 0- At 1:43 p. m , Precipitation O Wind Northenit: clonr. 40 30 10 ,3S Sen Ice at Enstslcle. Hev. G. Lo roy Hall will conduct n meeting at Enstsldo tonight nt 7:30. Oppose Crab Illll. It Is reported bote thnt n bill has been Introduced In the legislature to permit the ship ping of crabs from Coos Hay to San Francisco and Portland. Tho report has stirred up most of tho local peo ple because they bellevo that if tho shipping of crabs is permitted it will mean the extermination of tho shell llsh. Petitions opposing the bill will bo forwarded to the Coos county members of the legislature. Personal Notes THAYER GRIMES Is suffering from an attack of la grippe. m tUuttnnTt-'")" It. Arch Pile Ointment Efflcnclous in tho treatment of Illliul, Itching, and Bleeding Piles. Few of tho ordinary, ailments aro as annoying and painful as plies, henco tho demand for a reliable remedy. AIICH PILE REMEDY gives prompt relief nnd quickly overcomes tho distressing condi tion. PRICE i!5 CENTS. For Sale nt "Tho Busy Corner" Agents for flip Arch Family Remedies "". ' Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000.00 W. S. Chandler, President; M. 0. ITorton, Vice-President; Dorsey Krcitzer, Cashier. Ray 1'. Kaufman, Asst. Cashier DIIiqCTOIiS: V. S. Chandler, John S. Coke, AV. if. Douglas, John F. Hall, AVm. Crimes, P. S. Dow, S. C. Rogers, "W. P. Murphy, M. C. Horton. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest paid on time and savings deposits, safe deposit boxes for rent in our steel lined lire and bur glar proof vaults. vehicle tax invalid. Portland Ordinance Knocked Out For Exempting Alitor. SALEM, Ore., Feb. 3. A petition Just Arrived a now nud complete lino of WHIPS Whalebone Seal Hide Hnvthlclo nnd Java Buggy Whips. Vulcanized rnwhldo cart whips, drop top express whips, loadod snnko whips, stocks and laBhes. A compluto stock of everything In tho harness, lino al ways on hand. Itepalrlng n special- " E. L. HOPSON Corner Front and Central for rehearing In tho enso of Dan. Kcllnher and 100 others, vs. tho City of Portland was denied and tho for mer opinion of tho Oregon Supreme Court, to tho effect thnt Portland's lntcst vehicle tax law Is void for tho reason that it Is discriminatory, stands. Tho vehlclo tax ordinance In held void for tho reason that It ex cluded a vory consldornblo and im portant class, that Is, nutomobilcs used for tho doltvcry purposes, whllo It endeavored to tax all vehicles used for such purposo drawn by horses. OWLS. North Bond Nest 1018 will hold a monster Initiation and smoker on Sunday, Fobrunry 0, 1011. All Owls nro requested to meet. By order of tho President. r born. 44 SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith of North Bend, u daughter. Sprajer Arrived. Tho new powor sprayer which the Coos county court ordered for fruit inspector, P. M. Hall-Lewis, arrived on tho Break water yesterday. llulld Pontoons. Engineer Lcofe is having fifteen now pontoons for tho dredgo Oregon built by day lnbor nt tho Tlmmortnnn shipyards. Ho recontly had ton built, making n to tal of twonty-flvo constructed. Undergoes Operation A. Q. Alkon who recently unstained a number of Injuries In an accident hnB had to undergo n surgical oporatlon remov ing a small portion of tho skull bono to relievo tho prcsBiiro on his brain. Ho Is getting nlong nicely. Flanagan (Sb Dennett Bank of Marshfield, Oregon Oldest Bank in Coos County, l-Malillhlied in 18H1. Pn.d up Capital, Surplus, ami I'lidlvided Piolits over $100,000. Assets Out Half Million Do lars. Does a gonernl banking business and draws drafts on tho Ban-? f California, San Francisco, Cnl.; Hanover Notional Bank, N. Y.; Jlrst National Bnnk, Portland, Ore.; First National Bank, Ro burg, Oro.; Tho London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also soils exchange on all of tho principal citlos of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to chock. Safe deposit lock boxes for rent. , , OFFICERS: . W. BENNETT, President. J. 11. FLANAGAN, V.-Pros. ". 1'. WILLIAMS, Cashier. GEO. E. WINCHESTER, Asst. Cash. . INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. WssSSdssSl JOR SALE S. C. R. I. Red eggs 1 IPer 15, special rate per 100. Ad dress Mrs. J. H. Price, Allegany. "ANTED Clean cotton rags nt Times ofllce. Cash paid on delivery. TOR SALE sjg.horso gasoline mo tor and nil equipment for launch. Wrlto Box 285, City. FB SALE Three homestead relln- iiulshmdnts, write Box 253 Co qulllo, Oregon. WANTED A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Mnt son, S93 Central avenue. FOR SALE Lease nnd furniture of 7 room boarding and lodging house. See Tom Hall. FOR RENT Warehouse, carpenter shop, and ofllce rooms In Coko building by Title Guaranteo and Abstract Company. FOR RENT Furnished npnrtmeut In O'Connell building. Phone No. 1J3-L. Friday and Saturday Specials The Greatest Offer Ever Take Advantage Men's Overcoats and Cravenettes at Half Price Copyright 1907 by Hart SchafTher s Marx For These Two Days Only Wo consldor this tho great est of nil offers mado just nt a tlmo whon you enn host make uso of n good over coat or cravonotto. You can make selection of any gnrmont of this re maining stook which con sists of tho celebrated Hart, Schnffnor nnd Marx mnko, sizes 3 1 to 41. For Friday and Saturday One-Half Price Will SHnk Cnpt. Mncgonn of tho Breakwater tonight will address tho members of tho Marshfield Naval IteBorvo on scnmnnshlp at tho Ar mory. Ills lecturo will bo pnrt of n courso In marluo instruction which ' ho Is to give tho boys and which will bo followed by actual oxporlonco 8omo day on Breakwater. Give Purse. Tho generous cltl zons of Empire circulated a sub scription pnper for tho bonollt of Gust Engloblomo nnd family who re contly sustained tho sorlous loss of their homo by flro. A tidy sum wns realized nnd presented to tho fam ily. Move Stock. Tho stock or tho Llbby storo of tho Oregon Conl and Navigation company will bo moved to Ocean Dock whoro It will bo wholesaled out. Owing to tho largo and varied chnractor of tho stock, no ono concorn was ablo to tako It over so tho lattor method of disposing of It has been nrrnnged. Romom&er, saio continues In entire stock of Dry Goods, Fur nishing Goods, Clothlug and Shoes. Come to tho storo of values. Merchant & Kammerer Library Busy. Tho nttondnnco nt tho Mnrshflold public library Is rap idly Increasing. At presont, tho li brary commltteo Is hnudlcnpped by lack of funds to secure additional literature for which thoro Is n do main!. Tho $7." monthly nllownnco by tho city barely takea care of tho Here Are Some Good Things in Groceries CLAUDE NASDl'RG Is laid up by n slight attack of Illness. HENRY HIGGINS of Coos RIvor, Is u Mnrahileld visitor today. .101 IN F. MATSON of Catohlug In let was u Marshfield visitor today. GEO. N. BLACK of North Bond Is a Marshtlold buslnoss visitor today. M'SS RUTH ALLEN, who has been unite sick Is reported Improving. ALVA DOLL is reported to bo qulto 111 nt his homo In South Mnrshflcld. J. T. COLLVER nnd wlfo of Catching Inlet, are Marshllcld visitors today. MRS. HERBERT ROGERS of Coos RIvor was a Marshfield visitor yesterday. JAS WATSON, county clork, Is hero from Conulllo on business and plcnsure. TOM LAWHORNK Is making a busi ness trip to Coqulllo nnd Tom Rook Is taking his plnco. CHRISTIAN HERMANN and wlfo of Coos RIvor wore Mnrshflold busi ness visitors yestordoy. ANDERSON WRIGHT, tho woll known Sumnor plonoor, Is a Mnrshlleld visitor todny. MISS FLORENCE LAWHORNE.who has been ill of rheumatism for the past two mouths, Is now nblo to bo up nud nround. MISS ELIZABETH DONNELLY, who has been conllnod to her homo for several weeks was nblo to bo down town for tho first tlmo yes terday. CARL JOHNSON and wlfo returned to their homo nbovo Alloguny to day. Mrs. Johnson has boon visit ing her sister, Mrs. Otto Hill lu Forndnlo for n few wcoks. J. A. YOAKAM Is oxpected hero shortly from Grldley, Cnl., to visit friends nnd relatives. He writes that ho has lensod his big Califor nia ranch for $0,100 por year. R. M. JENNINOS, gonornl mnnagor of tho Oregon Powor company, Is expocted bnck In a day or so from Chicago whoro ho nttondod tho convention of tho 'mnnngers of II. M. Byllosby & Company. CECIL CARTER Is horo from Myr tlo Point on buslnoss. Ho reports that all tho stock nocossary has boon subscrlbod for putting lu a cnnnlng plant nt Myrtlo Point. Co qulllo Is nUo flKUtinK on starting n cannery thoro and tho fruit growers will moot Saturday to dis cuss It. 16 Pounds of Tapioca or Sago for $1.00 FRESH CELERY CABBAGE CALIFLOWER CARROTS PARSNIPS HEAD LETTUCE TURNIPS SWEET POTATOES RUTABAGAS Coos Bay Apples 65c to $1.25 Per Box ORANGES LEMONS BANANAS CRANBERRIES 10 Pounds small whlto beans for ?l Don't forgot our II. B. Tablo Fruits at ."5c per can. The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY. Phono 32-J CARD OP" THANKS. To tho ninny kind frlonds who so sonorously contributed to tho sub scription In our behalf after tho re cent lire which dostroyail our homo wo desiio to oxtond our hoartfolt thanks and assure thorn of our vory troat appreciation. GUST ENGLEDLOME AND FAMILY Empire, Ore., Fob. 2, 1011. LIBBY COAL I have secured tho last two months' run of tho high grndo coal from tho old Llbby mlno nnd am nblo to sell and dollvor It now for $5 l'EU TON. Send In your orders nt once. Ordors promptly filled. Remember I am still giving tho best livery sorvlco possible. W. L. CONDKON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES rilONE 273-J. I'tlMiiilirUinirii '-JlAm. -1ja-.. tAJ , u&ut. i m .ii rtAaiJrtlili.n. i hi.imrtitiiviiiiri. .....m ,i ga i.kAUA. - i ,mLl,&m?3U 1 i