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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1911)
MIHNVM wtwmvtmnvwimMmww 'mmW9mmmi ff""'" ''gWPPPPWI riPP "WPppp r ) M- ,t , ) ; -. 'n &01M ' J THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY" r 91 EVENING EDITION. t a ITr-m"-" II i ; i "4- ' ' DECISION TO i BE FILED S Coat Sweaters and Wool Underweati wnh, Proooscd Law Requires Early! North Bend NeWS Termination of Litiga tion. SALEM, Ore, Feb. 3. Judges of the circuit courts must hear nnd dc cldo all cases within three months, with certain qualifications, under the provisions of House till No. 174, pre sented by Collins of Multnomah, nnd adopted by the House. Sickness, unnvoldablo casualty or stipulation by tho counsel of the re spective parties extending tho time, arc tho only excuses which can bo accepted under tho provisions of the bill. Salaries of tho judges stop un less they comply with tho act. Receivers of tips nnd those who effer tips will be violators of the law, If n bill now under course of preparation by Representative Blge low passes tho legislature, as It will mako tipping a crime, meeting out punishment to both parties Involved In such n deal. Peterson's mensuro for tho abo lishment of cnpltal punishment In this stato met tho fate of Indefinite postponement. If a bill Introduced by Senator Carson becomes a law It will bo Il legal to shoot or kill any Chinese pheasants In tho Stnto of Oregon for tho next five years. Tho bill also makes It unlawful to own n dog which Is In tho habit of running such pheasants. Tho bill was Introduced by request, n numbor of sportsmen wanting Bpeedy propagation of this kind of Kruno bird. Making the possibility of county libraries stnte-wldo Is tho object of n hill Introduced by Slnnott lu tho Pennto. The bill amends the pres ent section relating to county llbrn rk'H so that It allows a special levy of onc-flfth of n mill on property in all counties, Instead of In counties of 50,000 or more. All necessary now to crento Octo ber 12 as Columbus dny and n pub lic holiday nro slgnnturcs of Presi dent Selling, Speaker RuhIi and (Gov ernor West. Tho H01180 bill to that effect passed tho Senate. Tho bill doca not creato u legal holiday, merely n public holiday. Senator McCulloch has Introduced n bill providing for n suratlvo net to valldato nil mnrrlnges contracted bo foro tho six months' statutory porlod following divorce. Tho Inst sura tlvo net of this kind was passed In 1901. Antl-Trcnting Lmv. Representative Racklcft of Coos and Curry, has Introduced a bill making It u crlmo to trcnt nnothor person In saloons or any public place where liquor Is sold 1 ulcss thnn gal lon quantities, For tho tlrst offense n lino of $10 Is to bo imposed, for tho second offenso $25, TCTwl for tho third offenso $50 nnd jail Imprison ment of from 30 to GO days. Tho informant Is to be paid halt of tho tine. Dlmmlck's bill for a compulsory 8-hour labor law passed tho Senate, Among tho new bills Introduced nro tho following: S. II. 211, by Kellahor Regulat Iiik telephone tolls for service at night. 1 1. 11. 264, by Rnckleff Fixing the salary of tho assessor of Coos coun iy nt $1,350. II. 11. 273, by Abbott Providing for tho orentlon of teachers' retire ment funds In districts containing more than 10,000 children of school age. H. I). 275, by Miller of Columbia Compelling railroads to pay dnm nges In enso of injury to stock when lawful fences and guards hnvo not been maintained, H. 11. 27G, by Olll Prohibiting tho uso of rollor towels nnd public drinking cups. II. 13. 27S, by Collins Providing a method for changing tho location of tho county seat. II. II. 279, by Derby Amending tho code rolntlvo to tho method of incorporating cltios nnd towns. II. im2Sl, by Lolnonwobor nnd Ilolland-FllnK closed season for taking sturgeon and salmon In the Columbia river. II. II. 284, by McKinney Provid ing that tho snlnrles of nil county ofllclnls shall bo fixed by a vote of the pooplo In the counties nffocted. mils Indefinitely postponed in the Houso wore: II. R. 195, by Amine Licensing merenntilo ngoncles, Giving stnto Jurisdiction over resorts where liquor Is sold In quantities of not less thnn n gallon. II. 1). So, by Amine Mnklng tele graph and telephone companies re- Drokcn llncg thnt wo ,lo not wlsh t0 cnrry over. Wo have placed same on counters to clean up this week nt Just -10 per cent off sponsible for errors ana making riroq $5.00 Coat Sweaters ? $3.00 $4.00 Coat Sweaters 2.10 - .. .. . . si. hii t&wrrxmuTir vr- .. . fiW, r ,v.i'r " n r:,TV. T 53.00 uoni sweaters &p -y , ., 1&&fPi!i$r''' "" " Sa,uo proportionate reduction on broken lines of wool undorwenr. r 1 "CASH ONLY" pays when trading nt ensh store. You will find this by Investigating prices on nil broken , r. 1ncg of SU,TS( OVERCOATS nnd RAINCOATS. "MONK Y TALKS" ,,. press associations common carriers. Chas. Kaiser has been quite 111 nt his home for tho last week. Mrs. M. J. Pratt spent yesterdny with relatives In Marshfleld. Bandon 11. 13. Fulton has succeeded Geo. Artls ns enretnker of tho Coos Bay Motor Boat Club's clubhouse. Mrs. T. L. Carey, who has been nt Mercy hospital, has recovered suf ficiently to return to her homo. Warren Painter hns bought two lots In Porter addition from T. W. Ronnie and will erect n homo there this spring. Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Marshfi m J. A. Carter, W. S. Carter nnd Ab ner Ingorsoll hnvo leased tho North Rend Coal company's mine from .1. C. Wilcox nnd will operate It in tho future. Archie Whlsnnnt, formerly ono of tho editors of the North Rend Hnr- hort Is now assistant editor of The Tlmbcrmnn, a paper published at Portland for lumbermen. Mrs. D. A. Jones, who hns been spondlpg tho winter with her daugh ters, Misses Graco and Dlancho Will lams, will loavo soon for Miami, Flo rida, to Join her husband. PLAN NEW KOA1). North Rend Commercial Club WiiiiIh Illglnvny to Allegany. Tho North Rend Commorclnl club hns started n movement to sccuro a through road to Allogany. Tho plnn Is to hnvo n public ferry Install ed connecting North Rend with Lar sons, Hnynes, Kcntuck nnd Wlllnnch Inlets nnd then open n road from Kcntuck Inlet to nenr Allegany whore It will connect up with tho now Loon Lake road. NEWS OF RANDO.V. Told KrcitfN nt Clty-HiMlic-Son As Ily The Kngle. Mr. Ncygren has tho contrnct for tho nnnex to tho Methodist church building, In cast Rnndon, nnd hns tho foundation woll under wny. Tho nnnex Is to bo 32x55 feet. Improving somewhat Is tho report from Myrtlo Point where Mrs. J. F. llano went n woek ago with hor sick boy to plnco him under tho doctor's enre. Mrs. llano nnd family will mako thnt placo their homo until tho child has recovered. Kill two birds with ono stono Is tho method used by E. Dyer who Is having n road cut out to tho Indus trial Addition by water power. Tho dirt thus romoved Is conveyed thru n flumo nearly a quarter of n mile long, mnklng u fluo piece of road work nt tho other end. Mr. Dyor will grndo down tho hill on Coqulllo Avenue by tho snmo method, Charles Walker's tailor shop was broken Into soiuetlmo between Sat urday evening and Sunday morning. A pair of pants nre missing belong ing to n suit. A eont was thrown nonr tho door which looks as If tho Intruder or Intruders had been dis turbed. Mr. Wnlker cannot tell just what has been stolen until ho looks his stock over. Tho thief entered by tho side door lending Into tho next building, which place has been torn down for repairing. Canned Fruits Wo have an excellent lino of the best quality of canned goods that wo nro offering nt splendid values for high grade goods. 1 READ THIS LIST. Canned Pears Canned Peaches , Canned Apricots. . . . Cnnnod Chorrlos. . . Canned Rlnckberrles. Canned Raspberries. . Canned Strawberries. Canned Pineapple. . . Canned Quince Cnnued Crnuberrles. . Canned Plums Orange Mnrmnlndo. . . ES WAGON ROUTE Mail Contractor Sets Forth Facts About Old Coos Bay Wagon Road. As evidence thnt ho docs not desire to change tho mntl scrvlco from the Coos Ray wagon road to tho Myrtlo Point route, Contractor Rarnnrd has mado nn offer to Judgo Hall of the Coos county court to contribute $100 towards each mllo of planking done on tho road thlsiycar. This is innde public in n lottor from Mr. Rarnnrd to Hugh McLnln of tho Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce in which he expresses gratification nt tho stand the body has tnken on tho matter nnd which Is ns follows: ROSEHURG, Ore, Jnn. 2C Dear Sir "I noto your nrtlclo In Tho Times of January 23rd, nnd think you hnvo tho right Idea, nnd thnt is n plnnlc rpnd especially botween Sumner nnd Sltkum, nnd hnvo writ ten Judgo Hall thnt I will glvo ono hundred dollars per mllo for every mile of plank road built between Sumner nnd 1)111 Hill creek, between March 1 and October 1, 1911, pro vided not less than three miles nro built. "I niu putting in threo hundred dollars in Douglas county butwoon Sugar Pino nnd tho county line, this will proTo to you thnt I do not favor sondlng your mall by Myrtlo Point, ns I hnvo novor put n dollar on the Camas Valley road. "I will Just stato hero thnt Camas Valley district nlono hns toted n tnx for hor road nmountlng to over thir teen thousand dollars Rrockway nd Jolnlng her ten mills, tho snmo pro portion, nil of this on tho main road to Myrtlo Point, so you can seo why tho department favors thnt rond, ns Myrtlo Point Is mnklng tho snmo showing on tho othor ond. "Sugar Pino district hns nlso voted n ton mill tnx to bo put on tho old rond, this Is to finish tho planking on Sugar Pine, sny they will not vote n tax to fix tho big mountain until they seo what Coos county does on hor sldo. "If thero wns five miles of plank road built between Hill Hill creok nnd Sumner this summer, think thoro would bo no moro trouble about tho mall servlco, ns tho moun tain Is not hard to handle, except when wo havo nn unusual storm, In regard to wldo tiro wagons we nil know they nro not practical on sllp pory or deep muddy roads, wo aro using tho ordlnnry Studebaker 212 wagon. "Tho Inspector wns hero last Sat urday, will bo hero ngnln before long nnd will hnvo to report conditions, It will bo up to them then to send n man ovor tho road to roport condi tions as they seo them." POULTRY NET S Mrs. J. H. Price Has Net In come of $24.95 From 95 Birds In Month. The big profit In tho poultry busi ness In Coos county Is shown by tho expcrlenco of Mrs. J. H. Price of Allegany during tho pnst month. She kept nn nccurnto nccount of tho ex penses nnd Income from her flock nnd the result Is n showing that ninety-five lions havo netted her $24.95 for tho month. Hero Is nn Itemized account that sho kept of tho record of tho ninety five hens sho had January 1: Sold eggs laid during month $10.25 Eggs used on table 7.70 Hon killed for table uso 1.00 Eggs used for Incubator ... 8.40 Valuo of eggs on hand. . . . 1.G0 Incomo Feed cost nbout. $34.95 . . .$10.00 Not profit $24.95 Tho prices allowed nro nt market rates. SURPRISE DINNERS ARE A WINTER FAD IN PARIS PARIS, Franco, Feb. 3. Surprise dinners nro nil tho rngo In Paris this winter nnd nro becoming something of n nulsnnco. A family sitting down quietly to dlnnor Is surprised by an incoming niBh of friends, bringing with them baskets of lobster, pate do fol grns, Ices, champngno, extra lonvcs for tho tablo nnd other acces sories, Tho family tablo Is quickly trans formed to n bnnquot board and the surprlso dinner begins. Our Saturday Market Basket A DAIRY RECORD. .23o .2.v .1150 .2.V .y.v ,23c .23e .2.v ,23e ,23ol .SWc ..SMc. Cook's Grocery II. D. 23S, by Miller (Columbia) 'Phono 180 for yourVSundny Dinner, From 15 cows, during tho year 1910, W. R. Jophcott of western Lnno county, delivered to the cream ery at Acme 91,500 pounds of milk, an nverngo of 6,100 pounds from each cow. Tho milk tested nn nver ngo of 3.7 per cent, mnklng 225 pounds of buttor fat for each cow. Tho average price received for tho butter fat wns about 30 cents per pound, which brings the ensh returns for ench cow for tho year up to $C7.50. This does not tako Into nc count tho valuo of tho skim milk nor the benefit to tho lnnd from keeping stock on tho placo. Rosldos, It was nn unusually dry year nnd pasture was poor. Tho Times would bo plonsod to hear from somo Coos county dnlrv men who havo kept records of thelr results. IS WELL FILLED Just received another shipment of National Ulscult Co.'s COOKIES and CRACKERS on steamer Hreakwnter, nothing better. Havo you tried our Flno Honey in comb? It not ask us about It. Look at our vegetablo window nnd you would think that spring was here. Fresh CARROTS, BEETS. PARS NIPS, TURNIPS, GREEN ONIONS. RADISHES, HEAD LETTUCE nnd PETE SCOTT'S HOT HOUSE LET TUCE, KALE CARRAGE. CAULI FLOWER, CELERY nnd FRESH TOMATOES, SWEET POTATOES. FRESH FRUIT. CRANBERRIES. GRAPE FRUIT. PINEAPPLES, ORANGES, nil size LEMONS, APPLES BALDWINS nnd NORTHERN SPIES, DRIED FRUITS nil kinds. PHONE YOUR ORDER. 0LLIVANT& WEAVER Read the TlmesWant Ads. THE PURE FOOD GROCEEMEX A Good Placo to Trade, (Ask Us About Tree Ten.) Phono 273. Cor. 3rd ami Central Ave New Play Tonight Masonic Opera House RERNELL STOCK CO. PRESENTS "The Girl of the Golden West" Comedy Drama In 3 Acts. Curtnln Promptly nt 8:30. PRICES 23, 33 AND 30 CENTS. .ii GET RESERVED SEATS AT"TIIE ''BUSY CORKER" Eastside Winners 1 Rlock in Homo Addition, 'cntnlnlng over 3 ncrcs for $90) G Lots for... ., $475, East MarsliflsM 10 Lots for $000 East MarshOeld 1(5 Lots for $800 Eaettlde ALL GOOD RAY VIEWS- TERMS EASY OTHER GOOD RUYS 2 Lots on Fifth street near Hennessey residenco for $600 plui $225 street Improvement bonds. Corner Johnson nnd Fifth street, 50x140 for $650 plus $225 etrest Improvement bonds. See Title, Guarantee & Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager "TnE FRIEND OF COOS RAY" STEAMER ALLIANCE Connecting with tho 'orth Bank rond nt Portland EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Will sail from Portland for Coos Bay nnd Eureka, on a ten-day schcdulo, calling at Marshfleld both ways. NORTn PACIFIC 3TEAMSHIP COMPANY. C. P. McGEORGE, Agent STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Ainswortli Dock, Portlnnd, nt 8 P. M., every Tuesday. Sails from Coos Bay every Saturday at service of tide. Reservation! will not bo held later thnn Friday noon, unless tickets nre purchased. It, II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 33-L THE, AST ANJ) COIMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (Equipped with Wireless) Will mnko regular trips carrjuie nassenirers .u.,1 fwiiht between Coos Ray nnd Snu Francisco. All reservations for passengers made ut Allinnco Dock, Mnrshfleld nnd Inter-Ocean Trmisp. 0. Union Street Wlinrf No. 2, San Frnnclsco. For information, phone -1 1.J or 283. Will sail for San Pedro 10 n. in., Jnnunry 20, calling nt Sail Francisco both ways. 1.V1KK-UUEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. I Coos Bay-R.osebiirg IStage Line Daily stage between Roseburg nnd Mnrsluleld. Stngoleaves dally "d Sunday nt 7 p. m. Fare, 0.00. OTTO SrUETTER, Ageut, 120 MARKET AW, Marshfleld. 0. P. BARNARD, ' "NE II Agent. ROSFJinRO. ORKJ The Times Does Job Printing i r m hk -iir i K rlBH itsL. Ji