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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1911)
MlWpPPilfPW THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 911 EVENING EDITION. MWHIIIII , t r COOS BAY TIMES Entorcd nt tho postofflco nt Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls db second class mall matter. M. C. MALOXEY Editor mid Pub. DAS E. MALOXEY News Editor Au Independent Republican news paper published every evening except Bundny, nnd Weekly by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Dodlcated to tho scrvlco of tho people, that no good cauBO shnll lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Bay Tlmoa represents n consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall ond Tho Coos Hay Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Hay and Tho Coo Day Time Is its immodlute suc cessor. siuscmrnoN hatus. DAILY. Ono year $6.00 Per month .BO When paid strictly in advance the subscription price of the Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.60 for six months. WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 Official Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OK Till CIT or marshfield. Addross all commuulcatloiib to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES, llnrshflfld :: :: :: :: Oregon FELLING TREES Y WIRE. . GERMAN Inventor has dlscov A ored n way to fell trees by In- cnudcBccnt wlrci. Ills Inven tion consists of nu ordinary utcol wire ono millimeter In diameter, with n Binnll attachment worked by a motor. The wlro sawx rapidly nnd evenly through tho trou trunk, being hunted to tho burning point by tho friction. During tho first trial of tho wlrccut tcr a tree 10 Inches thick was cut through In less than six minutes. One if tho ndvnntngoH of thin machine Is that It cuts it tree close to tho ground, or In tho ground, through 'tho roots. Jt produces Htonin Instead of snwdust, wild leaves n clean, smooth cut cov ered by n layer of charred wood o oxtrcmely thin ns to show through It tho recordod nge of tho tree. COOS DAY AXD THE Sl'XXY SOUTH. ONCB each year, with an oca elonnl excoptloa Hitch ns tho prcsont tho residents of Coos Day experience a period of winter weather of from one to two weokH' 'duration. Thoy nlwayn hope thnt the winter will pass with nothing more severe than tho rains and are accordingly unprepared for freezing weather. Therefore, when a storm such ns thoso recent ones strike, some people think fondly of tho time when they will be uliio to spond n few weeks of ouch winter in the Sunny South. Hut perhaps no sec tlon of the country offers greater Im munity from disagreeable weather than tli In. Migratory cltlseua who floo to California In the autumn gen erally testify that they would have Hiiffewd lew from chilling ralus had ilioy remained at home. And when the northern Imagination yearn for tho sou tli, the laud of sunshine and fritters, it falls to take into account the "ei optional" cold spells that come with surprising regularity am! the human aufferlug that they cause. Tho railroad companies, with their fetching advertising, are frequently responsible for this misconception of thiiiKH, a fact to which the Wunhlng tou, I). C. Post called attention the other day. The Post says that al xond) during the present wluter the tomperaturo at Corinth, Mississippi, lias fallen as low as 3 degrees lwlow zero, a record of cold that may not bo reached on Coos Hay within the next ten years. On tho buiuo day that Corinth wae In the grip of win tor It was eight degreos colder at Now Orleans thnn nt Eastport. Maine, and tho toinpornturo along tho entire courso o( tho Rio Graudo was from 12 to 1G degree below the freezing point. Thoso rocords show that tho per son who runs from u Coos Hay win tor may fly to Ills that ho knows not of. "rofossor Munstorburg doclaros that ho can rend tho minds of wo men If ho doos ho will mnko hlm boU unpopular. t WITH THE t t TOAST AND TEA : GOOD EVENING. And this Is tho reward. Thnt tho Ideal shnll bo real to theo nnd the Impressions of tho nc- tual world shnll fall like sum- i mer rain, copious but not trou- blesomc. Doubt not, O poet, but persist. Emerson. FATHER AXD Till POKTS. When poets arc la straits most sore For themes on which to touch, Thorc's one thing from the nntsos' storo That they can nlwnys clutch; Ono subject that will novor fall To make the read or glad; 'Twill bring tho chuckles forth ga lore: And that one theme Is Dad. 'Til easy, faith, to grind it out: "When father trimmed the tree," "When father fixed the water spout," "When father shopped with mo"; For he ia mixed in all the things That deal with weal or woe; Whon other notions tnko to wings Tho "father" themo will go. "Whon father built tho morning fire," "When fathor shoveled snow," "Whon father fixed tho auto tiro" 'TIs thus his sagas go; Ho'll stand for anything, depend For verses good or bad! And thnt is why this thing Is pen ned Upon tho themo of Dad. TIIK QUIKT OltSKUYKH SAYS: "Every ono is n moon, and has a dark sldo which ho never shows to anybody." Tho all-round mnn may also be square. Forecasting tho weather Is proph- ctnble business. Sumo Coos liny men are born good, but more nro made good by their wives. Ono of tho very host rolls for breakfast Is n prompt roll out of bed. Too tho mark; but, whon you nro chopping wood, also mark tho toe. Whatovor may bo tho straits of tho hog ho always has a sparo rib or two. The hum of Industry bears no reln tlon whatovor to tho ho-hum of tho lazy man. Tlnio Is monoy, but It requires n great deal of tlmo to convince somo Coos liny folks of that fact. Somo persons will shiver nil night bocatiBo thoy haven't energy enough to got up nnd hunt more covor. A Hnrvnrd student Is living on $1 n wook. That would Just about rc proseut many n Coos Day man's idea of having nothing to oat. Mrs. Holinont, speaking for woman suffrage, says: "We arc armod with our convictions." Which are loss dangerous than hatpins. Try Tlmos' Want Ads. To the People of Coos Bay in General And nil my old friends and patrons In particular I doslro to nnnounco that I hnve purchased tho Pioneer Grocery And am prepared to sorvo them with tho latest and host tho markets afford In Good Grocorlos and Frosh Veget ables. A squnro dan!, first quality and reasonnblonoss In prlco nro tho prin ciples thnt will continue to bo the foundation on which this business will bo conducted. I solicit n sharo of your business and will ondoavor to merit It by cour teous trontment, prompt service, quality and price. IVY CONDROX, Proprietor. Pioneer Grocery PHOXE 81-J, People Use Electric Flat Irons the Year Round They are equally as convenient in fall and winter as they are in the hot weather. There may be less i discomfort from kitchen fires, to be sure, but the electric flat iron has many other advantages than saving heat. They save drudgery. They save footsteps between ironing board and stove. They never need changing. They are always clean and uniformly hot ready at your elbow. Thousands of Women Oregon Electric lamps suited for every purpose. For tho homo, Olllce, Launches, Automobile, Miniature Flash Light Colored Lamps for dec oratlvo ptirposos for sale or rent. Opon until C;30 o'clock week days; Saturday until 0:00 P. M. Phone your orders for delivery. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHOXE 237-J. I have somo of tho prettiest valen tines at tho most rensonablo prices ovor seen on tho Day. And remem ber that I always havo the latest lino of postnl cards. AUGUST FRIZEEN. CS Central Ave. Mnrshnold, Ore. FOR GOOD WORK Hrlng your clothos to us. Clennlng, pressing and ropalrlng a specialty, by oxperionccd men. Satisfaction guaranteed llLAXCHAKl) & DOD SOX, South Broadway. You're Welcome Whether you buy or not. We'd like to tell you whnt's In tho storo but you'd not tnko time to read the list. Hotter see the things; Hrlght Novo!, Clever things of intrinsic worth, nil of them. Tho first breath of spring is noticeable In tho new arrivals. They have Just commenced arriving and more will come on every boat from this tlmo forward. Magnes & Matson ' ill? It & use them who prefer to iron little things themselves in their own room, or elsewhere, on short notice. An elec tric iron once tried is never afterward dispensed with. ' Why not try one yourself. Ask us for particulars. Power Company VMM Beaver Hill Coal MOUXT DIABLO AXI) JOSSOX CEMEXT. The best Domestic and Importod brands. Plaster, Lime, Drlck nnd all kinds of bulldors material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH RROADWAY. PHOXE 201. Your Sunday Roast Wo have It Sweet ROAST IlEEF HOAST Union Meat Market rnono us Your Ordor. ready for you. nnd Juicy. MUTTON HOAST PORK Phono 58. Coos Bay . i oteam Laundry PROMPT SERVICE SATISFACTOUY WORK REASONABLE IMUCE3 OUR WORK WILL PLI3ASB YOU. Phone Main 57-.I nnd n ungoi, w)j call. Marsh Hold n Oregon Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $1.50. Xut con I s;j.oo. Wo do all kinds of hauling, nnd' contracting. Horses nnd vehicles for snlo. For quick delivery call on L. H. HEISNER or phono 120-J or 19-L. IOO TRAP .VESTED RAItliril PLYMOUTH HOCKS. Our mntlngs have produced gtnnd. rd-bred specimens or lifbltloa unllty with records of 2 12, 27, 2"? ggn In ;Uir days. Ihiliy ChlckH nnd Eggs Tor j.,n,, Hook your orders now for spring ollvery. A few cockerels from envy laying stock for $.".00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Yards FRED. I1ACHMAN, Prop. In rsh field, llov -IN.", Phone !2H8 Good Evening HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forget thnt this U HIE laundry whore you get tho belt work, unJ prices nro In every ono' roach. Call up and ono of the drlrr ra will call and oxplaln all details to you. All telophono calls are quickly attended to, becauso wo nro running wo wagons. OUK GUAHANTKeTiS YOUR SAT I8FAOTIOX. .MARSHFIELD HANI) AXI) STEAM LAUNDRY. .'rZuuzoy llroi., Prop. Phone 2204. 1 Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 121. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo Kccurod tho llvory busi ness of L, II, Ilolsner and nro pre pared to render excellent sorvlco to tho peoplo of Coos Hay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will moan satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for n driving horso, a rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. Wo also do a trucking business of all kinds. HLAXCHARD I1ROTHERS. Livery, Feed nnd Sales Service. 141 First and Aldor Stroots. Phono 138-J SAVE MONEY By having your old clothos pressel nnd cleaned. Makes thorn look bet tor and wear longor. Satisfaction guaranteed. COOS HAY TAILORING CO. ' J. W, Josophson, Mgr. 180 South Hroadvvuy. Murshflcld Turkish Bafcfas 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J HOME LAND Co. Seo us for Investment on Coo Bay. Wo guariutoo owner's price to bo our pncu. Phono 7JL. aot Front St. THE LLOYD MARSIIFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL Rntos reduced to: Day GOc, 75c aud $1.00; week ?2.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartmonts with gns ranges ?10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. JAR. O. W. LESLIE, Graduate of the American school of Osteopathy at Klrksvllle. Mo. Ofllce u Eldorado Blk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 to ; Phono 161-J; Marshflold; Oregon. DU. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Huriroon. 209-210 Coko Building, hones: Office 162J; Residence 162L. J. W. BENNETT, Lnwyer. Offlco over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Marshfleld, Oregon. TVTL S. TURPEN, Architect. ' Over Chamber of Commerce. 5S "V "w ". ;