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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1910)
i i tt rt i i R I a i i t! M I a I a i tt i a i :: t a i a i :t The Famous jPaifr NICE Jhe Lamp with Diffused Light .hoiild always be used where several eonlc sit, because It docs not strain the Jves of those sitting far from It. The Rayo Lamp Is constructed to give the maximum diffused white light. Every Jetall that Increases its light-giving value has been mciuucu. The Rnyo Is a low-priced lamp. You may cs SlOorcvcn $20 for other lamps icj rj-t P Lite expensive container but you cannot rt I Set e' llRlit than the Rayo gives. This season's Rnyo lias n new and strength V b'irncr. A strong, durable shadeOiolilcr :?!. t',e shade on firm nnd true. Easy to keep olfehcd as it Is nude of solid brass, finished In nlcKci. Onco a Rayo User, Alwayo One. DtaUrs Evtrywhtrt. If not el yours, writi for dttcriptiit circular to Ihi mart it cercy clht Standard Oil Company 7f KJM21 CRJSP GCOBS AT THE CHURCH fm Till: KIND THAT TICKLES YOUR PALATE. lll'V YOUR SUPPLIES OF PASTRY AXI) BREAD FROM iThe COOS BAYiSd BAKERY (Ministers nnd others nro request id to hnnd the Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evening to insure Insertion Saturday.) H Till: LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rev. J. Richard Olson, Pastor. SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH I 0MB A. M. Sunday School, con ' ducted in English. 11:00 A. M. Divine sorvlcos with edlsh. Toxt. Matt. marshfield :: SCHOOL NEWSii j..jj.-m.H-44"HH4!4 moil school xi:vs. Tho superintendent will keep office hours as follows until further no tlco: A. M. S:30 to 0:00. P. M. 3:30 to 1:30. Tho Prontlss Clock systom of tho South Mnrshlleld school, soonis to have hcon put In proper shape. Tho system has boon giving good sorvlcc for tho past two weoks. BAND GDNGERT HEHE SUNDAY TOPUOMIPKI ixniu ,.Bu-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- a-a-a-a-u-u-a-a-a-a- i PHOXE 111-L. "TIIK HOUSE OF OOOI) THINGS." a r-u-r Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AM) JOSSON CEMENT. Tho best Domijp'lc nnd Importod brnnds. Plaster, Llmo, Drlck nnd nil kinds of butldors material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. I'HO.VE 201. i i At :ortn and Co. COXTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. I All kinds of repairs nntl shop work promptly nttciulcd to nnd neatly done. Phono 1G1X. awpa,WMM3lBMBBWWowwrwwwiiwriwwwwww ---..- ' a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- If You Only Knew B 8.;-::--tt-a--K-::-K-a-: o-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- a You Can Lower the V High Cost of Living 5! By Buying Your A !! Meats enlng sorvico In English as usual. Tho pastor will deliver an nddross on "Tho lCth Century Reformation." This is ono of tho most Important of nil events In history, nnd you should know moro nbout It. Spcclnl music. At North Bond Sunday school. ) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Rov. G. LoRoy Hall, Residence 502 Sixth street Phones : Residence, 250-J. Study, 289-L. Sundny school, 10 n. m. 11 o'clock Communion sorvico. EnBtsldo sorvico, 3 p. m. R Y P. U. 0:30 p.m. Morning thomo: "Press Forward" Evonlnc thomo: "How Ono Mny Miss Margaret Ferguson recently wroto for her High Sehool Credits. Sho may enter tho Unlvorslty of Southern California nt Los Angeles. Miss Forguson wns n mombor of tho present senior clnss, when In Marsh- lleld High School. Central School Notes. In tho 3rd Qrndo, Harold GnniBt loaves school this week for Portland. Eucono Travcr of tho FlrBt A. has hcon nbsont this week on account of sickness. Coos Bay Concert Band Will Give Program at Masonic Opera House. Tho Coos Day Concert Dand will glvo n concort nt tho Marshflold Ma sonic Opera House tomorrow aft ernoon nt 3 o'clock. Director Fcn ton hns nrrnnged nh especially plens Ing progrnm for It. Tho program In ns follows: March Zacatccna Cordlna Ovorturc Orpheus. . . .Offenbach Cnvltlnn Raft's Raft Solcctlon Tho Singing Girl. . . Horbort After Sunsot Pryor Descriptive Awny Down South. Lnurcdonu (Evening on tho plantation: Tho cotton pickers assomblo nttor tho day's work nnd enjoy thom solvos with Blnglng nnd dnnclng. All unlet ngnln, Oft. In the Stilly Night.) Selection Emnnl Vordl Stnr Spangled Danner. V Know Ho Is n Christian." a A cordial wolcomo Is oxtonded to a nil to worship with us. Strangers :': In tho city mny find n church homo ... iiimuniniiw i.Mtcrriit. f. t i .1 im ii nni I'.t lOLVfi nil r AT THE mM, kki (. J jun 9& Ufmm X:m2..,?iH 'JlWhlE" PATENT How paliiBtnklngly Olympic Flour Is mndo you would suroly Insist upon having no othor In tho house. Every kornol of wheat that goos Into Olympic Flour Is thoroughly washed leforo It n? through tho mill. It Isn't touched by wx.n hands nftor It Is wnshod. It comos to you clonn nnd sweet. ENTfRPRISE MEAT MARKET TRY IT AND SEE IfWHiLU-'- 1 1 Ifriuet! i tall 7tNjTvrr Only the very fine:: gploetod Northvet eni grown niuo Stem whont goos luto r;ympc Flour. Eviry batch uudargoci a ' 'n rntory tost to mnko suro thnt every h:ic': lr inlform. Tht t Is why Olympic ,p' Hie best brerd, biscuit nnd pastry nlvr.-3. bJWan-fl.. . GOOD MEATS AT Reasonable Prices PHONE 52-J H. W. PAINTER Marshficld - - - Oregon a a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a a-a-a-u-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a a Geo. W. King PROPUIETOU a GOW AV1IY HUILDING, MAliSHFIEU) M Rot. II. I. Rutlodgo, Pastor. M 44 t Sunday school. 10 n. m. Morning service, 11 n. m. Epworth League, 0:30 p. m. M NORWEGIAN TiUTHERAN. K h. RASMUSSEN, Pnstor. ii Sorrlcos Sundny niornlng nt 10:-ir. Sundny school nt 10 o'clock. In North Rend thcro will he ser- vlcos nt 2:30 p.m. I . . . . . . j, A. A. A JJ 944VVVvvr--'''- CHIHSTIAX CHURCH. A. O. Walker, Minister' -.AAA.A.A.A.A..ft..A..tJMJB I 0 TVVVWV V.T- -V " Rlblo school, 10 n. m. Orlown Montgomery, Hllmore Grnnt and Edith Ayro have painted some nice work this week for n wall display. In tho 7th Grade, no ono was nb sont or tnrdy tho past week. Pupils of this grndo nro working In Btirvoy- ors' nnd squnro measure. mnnds of the ngo school training. for ri prnctlcnl A XEW SCHOOIi STUXT. Ono dny In November Is to bo labor dny In tho LoMnrs high school. Eve ry high school pupil will on that dny undortnke to secure n Job nnd turn over tho proccods of tholr dny'a la bor to tho fund which 1b to bo used tii mnlntnln tho oxnenses Of tho Vnrl- tma Vfllliii'a f.rniln nrn llnlnifl -... . .'i. i.HAi ..M..M. ..!. A tnrpn ........ r,......- ...- --', ((M1B I1IKI1 bcihiui v'lmn n ii;i h..b Bomo cutting, pnlntlng nnd mounted ini,nijQri0( tho libys nnd glrU have work for Thnnksglvlng dlsplny All iniron.iy nrrnnged for tho day's om- ,!.. 1n. flnlDliml Hinlt M'nrlf . . -...I .!. mma 1..aHI,1f ffll ..... ,... iiinviiiiiiL mill (Jllll'lD lliu iiiiok.,.b Jobs. If you need nn energetic nnd willing hand on thnl day. phono Su perintendent Palmor or offer employ ment to tho first high Bdiool boy or girl you meet. of thorn havo finished nbout tho Mayflower In tho Cth Grndo, only two pupils of this grndo hnvo been nbsont thus fnr this year and none linn been tnrdy. For tho pnBt throo weeks thoro has been nolthor nn nbsonco nor n tnrdy In tho Cth Grndo. a i i a a-a-a-a-a -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- GET YOUR SUNDAY ROAST HERE IF YOU WANT SOMETHING CHOICE. IF YOU ARE GOING CAMPING OR IF YOU WANT A LITTLE SOMETHING EXTRA NICE FOR DREAKFAST, GET SOME OF OUR HOMK SMOKED DACON. 1T'8 FINE. FOR THAT PICNIC DINNER. OUR WEINIES ARE FINE. FULL LINE OF NICE, JUICY, TENDER FRESH MEATS. Union Meat Market PHONE HH. C. . i- STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Prancisco every eight days. taaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafM Great Furniture Values FOR. Coos Bay Homes MAY HE FOUND HERE AT ALL TIMES. SATISFACTION IN PRICES AND GOODS, C. A. Johnson Oldest Estrtullshcd Furnltura Store On Coos Day. Tho nth Grndo linn two now pupils Robert Cnrtor of Allognny, Oro., and Loo Cnlland of Seattle, WbbIi. War ner KronqulBt nnd Win. Ilohrer nnvo nut somo vory good Thnnksglvlng drawings on tho blnckbonrds. AVOID THE SALOONS, ;Yoii stnnd on tho threshold of youth boys. inr future Hob out In tho yenra. boys. Tou'ro Icnrnlng your pnrts for Ufo, boys, You'ro planning your futuro career ; You s 1 4rTm I TFCKCTSItESERMJDUPTO THE AltUIVAL OF TH hi Hllii. q.. AV ilH" '"" w-'- I RH8EUVATION8 WILL HE CANCELLED LESS TICKET IS BOUGHT. c p 0- F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore HsasasawsP5?jrasasesM EsawsaKasgsasaagsasasasaBSgg ajtataajataaaataaaaaataaatai Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14-J "","VI r BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES BUSINESS MEN IN ira,vMa nnilHES AND THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF "ELIAm "" " n.TAnANTEED AT FAIR PRICES Oil MARSHFIELD WHO HANDLE OOOlis in- v. TQ pATnoNI7(E TnE, MEN WHOSE WORK SIAY BE DEPENDED UPON. ITJUI Moth ers Restaurant Is bettor prepared to serve yoa than ever befcre, Commercial Ave., lct. Front nnd Broadway, Marshfield. Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Pliimhinn and HeatinCI Wm twIIIMMOl Mil" ---- 'I Mamhflld. Ore Phone 773 GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES OFFICE, letter IIeals, Bill nids, Enve lopes, Calling Cards, etc. STADDEN All kinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak to- islilng. Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office J. J.. KOONTZ Blachlne and Repair Shops GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Work At Holland's boat shop, Front street, Marshfield, Ore. I Preaching sorvico, 11 n. m. I Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p. m. ! PRESRYTKRIAN CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. in. sharp. Y. P. 8. C. E. nt 0:30 p. in. No othor services will bo hold. . I EPISCOPAL EMMANUEL ' , CHURCH. a. rinv TnM. 13. n row ii Inc. Rector. ' 8 A. M. Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M. Sundny School. 11:00 A. M. Morning prayer nnd sormon. 7:30 P. M. Evonlng prnyor nnd sormon. , MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Fathor Mornn, Roctor. Mass will ho hold at 8 nnd 10:30 n. in. by Rov. Fathor Mornn. Evon lng sorvico will bo hold nt 7:30 o'clock. . CHIHSTIAN HCIENUK. (JftlOWWOWWWW Son-Ices will bo hold In tho Chris tlnn Sclonco hall, 327 Third stroo north. Sunday at 11 a. m, Subject, "Mortals nnd Immortals UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH BEND. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor atJT P. M. Preaching Borvfco at 11 A, M. and 8 P, M., by tho new pastor, Rov. Al bright. ' NORTH BEND CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rev, Father Springer, Rector. Mass will be celebrated at 8 a. ni. and 10 o'clock. Rev. Fathor Sprin ger ofTlclatlng. t v SEVENTH DAY ADVEXTISTS F. O. BUNCH, Minister. h Seventh Day Adventlst Bervlce ire conducted every Saturday at 'he Lutheran ball as follows: Sabbath school nt 10 a. m. preach ing servlco 10:45 a. m. You are -ordlally Invited to attend. NORTH BEND FRESBY. TERIAN CHURCH. 10:30 Sunday school. In tho -Ith Grndo, tho host Illus trated work In Inngnngo this wcok was dono by Clara Ferguson, Ruth Golden, Tholma Tnbor nnd Mnbol Lingo. Ruth Golden In tho 4th Grndo wns tho only ono In tho 4th Grndo ranking nbovo 00 In nil test examinations. ThrouKh tho courtesy of Mrs. Geo. Flanngan, tho Second grndo has on; exhibition n numbor of Indian curios for tho Indian village Forty-ono children of this grndo havo provid ed thomsolvos with a Hnwntha prl- mor for nupplomontnry work. Geo. GaniBt leaves this grndo Frldny for Portlnnd. I Reiorls For Octolwr. Report of Mro. Ponnock's school: nvorngo number of pupils belonging, G; avorago dnlly nttendnnco, 4.9; per cont of attondnnco, .08; Numbor times lato, 0; No. pupils nolthor nb Bont nor Into, 4. Ronort of grndos In South Mnrsh- flold school: nvorngo numbor pu- nlla belonging. 190; nvorngo dnlly nttendnnco, 18G; por cont of nttend nnco, 97.3; numbor of pupils nolthor nbsont or Into, 154, numbor tnrdy, C. Centrnl School report for October: nvorngo numbor of pupils belonging, 283; nvorngo dally nttendnnco, 280; por cent of nttendnnco, 98.8; No. pu pils nolthor nbsont nor Into, ZJi, numbor tnrdlnessos, 1. High School report for Octobor: nvorngo numbor bolonglng, 09; nver ngo dnlly nttondunco, 08; por cent of nttendnnco, p.8.4; numbor pupils neither absent or lato, CO; number tardinesses, 1. You'll havo to fill places of trust, boya, Your father will pass away soon, And If you'd bo trustworthy men, boys, You'll havo to nvold tho saloon. If you would bo honored In Hfo, boys, If Joy and contontmont you'd know, If yo'u would havo plenty of cash, boys, And bask In prosperity's glow. If you would enjoy robust health. boys, Thnt prlcoloss but much abusod boon; If God's benodlctlon you'd havo boys, You'll have to nvold tho enloon. You'll hnvo to nvold tho snloon, boys, Or sorrow nnd shnmo you will shnre, And poverty's crust you will eat, boys, And poverty's rngs you will wear. Your futuro will end In disgrace, boys, Your life will bo cut off nt noon; Both body nnd soul will bo lost, boys. Unless you nvold tho saloon, Marshflold, Nov. 7. MRS. S. O, BROWN. LEGAL NOTICE. In the mattor of tho application ot tho Linn nnd Lano Timber Company, a Corporation, to register the Tjtle to tho SB 1-4, NW 1-4, NE 1-4 SW 1-4, nnd 8E 1-4 SW 1-4, Section 28, Twp. 27 S R. 14 W W. M Oregon, William H. Morse, ERn MerrUl, formerly Ella Lockhnrt, nnd heirs of A. J. Moody, deceased, all to whom It may concerns TAKE NOTICE That on tho 19th day of Octobor, A. D., 1910, an application was filed 0:30 Y, P. S.. C. E,- i Tho courses of study offered to young people of High School ago nro In great contrast to th'oso offorod a docado ngo. Tho following wns notod In n recent nrtlclo on tho wok nf thn Carl Shurz Hlch School of ' liv said Linn nnd Lano Timber Com- ' .---- ...., pany, a corporation, in tuo uircuu Court of Coos County, Orogon, for Initial registration of tho tltlo o( tho lund nbovo described. Now, unless you npponr on or be fore tho 28th dny of November, A. D 1910, nnd show cause why such ap plication shall not bo granted, the samo will bo takon as confossod, ami a decroo will bo entered according economic conditions; mlWcT art. to tho prayer of tho said application science business Engllshnnd physic- nnd you will bo forever barred from al education." Tho modern school disputing the same. must reach tho needs of real llfo. This 19th day of Octobor, 1910. Wide awako schools ovorywhore JAMES WATSON, from college and university to kin- Clork of tho Circuit Court for Coo dergarten are yloldlng to tho do- County, Oregon, Chtcngo: "Tho courses4comprlso ac counting, stonogrnphy, mochunlcnl drnwlng, design, udvancod carpentry, pattern making, machlno shop work, electricity, nnd housohold nrts. Tho last Includes textiles', housohold science, practical arlthmetlo nnd housohold accounts, history, 1vlth sneclnl roferonco to IndustrlaLsnd nBHaHMBn-HIHHBHHHH 0 t f-