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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1910)
A ' i lysfrftt.'T- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 19.10-EVENING EDITION. - 22 ? :mammmai&Mmwmmtmmimwrommmmm 8 It is the nircnasing rower 01 your MBrhwttiBBftiflliliiMlMlM i liaMiirtiiilUlil'fly " w i" IsT i ( i.ttfil!' ' . pOlLLARo LWC. I! Weaker Wise Man From this time on, wet, disagreeable days will be fre quent; protect your health by wearing good shoes. In the Ncttleton Make, we have several styles selected' for the Fall and Winter Weather. They are staunchly built, with out being cumbersome. The uppers are soft and smooth, yet resisting water ; and the soles are of extra weight, but flex ible. We have a variety of styles some one of them is sure to please you At prices that are exact ly right for well-made Shoes. This isVhat counts in your Buying, and this is the reason we invite comparison with the credit stores. "CASH ONLY" "Money Talks" This week we have taken all broken lines of Suits and Rain Coats and group them into three lots. Every garment is this season's goods in which sizes are broken. Group Nc. 1 --Suits and Rain Coals that Sold up to $ 15.00, Now $ 1 1.85 SI Group No. 2-Suits and Rain Coats that Sold up to $20.00, Now $ 16.50 Group No. 3-Suits and Rain Coats that Sold up to $30.00, Now $21.50 Every Suit and Rain Coat guaranteed to be strictly Ail Wool. Our policy is the MONEY BACK ASSURANCE on every sale which is not ABSOLUSELY SAHSFACTORY to you. HUB CLOTHING SHOE CO. Marsbiield Bandon t tmtmttmft?omtmtttttm WOMAN'S WORLD si J (Continued from Pago 2.) C, Moloney, Mrs. P. K. Gottlns, Mrs. "V. A. Toyo, Mrs. Roan Proii8H, Mrs. "W. U. Douglas, Mrs. J. II. Mllnor, Mrs. Norls Jensen, Mrs. R. 13. Gol den, Mrs. C. W. Tower, Mrs. E. G. Flanngan, Mrs. J, II. Flnnngan, Mrs. Ollvn Edmnn, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Mrs. II. P. WJllInms, Miss Mnudo Heed and Miss Allco 011110)-. ! W. II. Kennedy and wlfo arrived homo this weolt from their honor tnoon trip. Thoy will resldo In tho Curtis hfliiRO In South Marshfleld which wns vacated this week by G. V. Sholloy and family who moved Into tho homo In North Ilond which 1hoy recently purchased from Thom as Vigors, Tho Progress Club was entertain had as guests Mrs. E. K. Jones and Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. Tho club will bo entertained next Thursday nft ornooti by Mrs. Rosn Prouss nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Dlack In South Marshflold. 1 Dr. J. T. McCormac, who Is In San Francisco receiving trcntmont for tho rheumatism writes that thero Is very llttlo chnngo In his condition but ho Is ploased to think that ho Is not growing worso as ho appa rently was on tho Day. Unless some thing unexpected Interferes, ho will sail today for Honolulu. J. Miss Jessie Chaso ontortalucd n number of lady friends nt n Htunll sowfng party nt tho 0. A. Dennett homo Tuesday nftornoon. Tho af fair wns Informal hut a vory onjoy- iiiuo ono. Among ner guesis were time nmuirnii St (MJW probably bo entertained by Miss Maudo Painter. Friday evening, Mr. nnd Mrs. Eu gono Crosthwnlt ontcrtnlncd n few friends nt n delightful llttlo dinner party. It was vory informal. Among their guests wero A. T. Ilnlncs nnd wife, W. E. Warwick nnd wlfo nnd E. F. Morrlssey nnd wife. Miss Evelyn Anderson, who hns been spending tho Inst five monthB at Prlnco Edwnrd lslnnd, Is now tho guest of Mrs. Eric Wold of Burlln gnmo, Col. Tho Young Pcoplo's Socloty of tho Swedish Lutheran church hold Its monthly meeting Inst ovenlng. A good program wns rendered and re freshments served later by Miss Allco Joscphson, Miss Grnco Johnson, Mr Allc ErlckBon nnd Mr. Andrew Erlck son. Tho report from tho Bnskot Soclnl hold Inst Saturday evening showed n not lncomo of $70".35. No.u mooting will bo held tho 1st Friday In Decombor. GIVE MEDAL AFTER I-ONG HUNT Railroad Clerk Who Snrcil Luborer In Chicago Seven Years Ago Lo .rnted In Arizona. CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 12. Henry P. McCoy, railroad clerk, formerly In tho Chlcngo nnd Alton ofllces In Chicago, now In Southern Pacific of fices at Tucson, Ariz., has been nwnrded a Carneglo medal nnd n $1,000 prlzo for rescuing n workmnn from n gns filled well In Chlcngo soven years ago. Tho Carneglo com mlttco traced McCoy through Lord sburg, N. M., Los Angeles, Snn Fran cisco, Portland, Scnttlc, Honolulu, nnd Shnnghnl to Tucson. Regulnr $21. CO Tailored SiiKh for at INDIES' EMPORIUM. DON'T FORGET tho RAND DANCE nt tho EAGLES' HALL to night. GOOD ML'SIC and GOOD -cd last Monday by Mr. M. 0. Hor-,Mogdnmos J. T. McCormnc, 0. A. ton nt hor homo. This year, tho 'Dennett, E, Mlngus, M. C. Mnlonoy, club Is following the prnctlso of and R. K. Ilooth and Misses Ellz- mcetliiK nt tho homo of tho member nboth Kaufman, Mnmlo Malionoy. who Is to bo tho lender of tho so alon's study. Mrs. Horton road an cxcellont pnpor on "Our lslnnd Pos sessions" which was Illustrated or explained by mnps and charts. Othor fentures of tho day's program woro sovernl pleasing Hawaiian songs by Mrs. J. W. Ingram, a rending by Mrs, M. H. Rllvon of o story, tho scone of which centered In Honolulu and tho rending of o Hawaiian lo gond by Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. Tho club will meet n weok from rioxt Monday with Mrs. J. W. Ingram. Miss Elizabeth Kaufman will en tertain a number of young ladles nt a sowing party nt hor homo today, Miss Laurn Kruso of North Bond, was tho guest of Mrs. Robert Ken dall Dooth for sovoral days this "week. Mrs. A. T. Haines Is entertaining tho Evergreen nrldgo Club nt hor iJiomo In South Marshflold this nfter noon. Tho A, N. W. Club hold Its annual election of olllcors this weok when the club wns ontortnlned Thursdny nftornoon by Mrs. Eugono O'Connoll nt tholr nportmonts In tho O'Connoll building. This was tho principal matter of business mid resulted as follows: Presldont Mrs. J. T. Hnll. Vlco-Prosldont Mrs. L. M. Noblo. Secretary Mrs. F. E. Allen. Treasuror Mjrs Hyde. Cor. Secretary Mrs. Fannlo Haz ard. A delightful social sesston wns followed by refreshments. Besides the club members, Mrs, O'Connoll C. S. WInsor nnd wlfo of North llend, nro rejoicing over tho birth of n dnughtor whoso arrival wns on Wednesday. This Is tholr first daughter. V V Mrs. P. M. Tully plans to lonve soon for Los Angoles whoro sho will mnko an oxtonded visit with hor parents. V V Mrs. E. 0. Porhnm plans to enter tain tho "Sweot Pens" at hor homo next weok. Mrs. Hnrry Huntor nnd baby ar- rlvod hero from Portland this weok to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larson, nnd other relatives. t t f Miss Aia McConnoll of Guthrie, Okln., will arrlvo horo next week to spond tho winter with hor frlond, Mrs. A. T. 'Haines. . .. Jns. E. Lyons nnd wlfo nnd son, Don, expect to leave today for Ho- qulnm nnd othor Washington points wher.0 they will spond tho next fow months, locating In Portland after Janunry 1. 4 Tho Bridge Club will bo onter tnlnod noxt Wednesday by Mrs. W, S. Chnndlor nt tho homo of Mrs. llonry Songstnckon, Tho Tuesday Night Whist Club wns ontortnlned Inst Tuesday even ing by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Warwick nt their homo. Thoro woro no guests other than tho club members. Mrs. A. L. Housoworth nnd Eugene Crosthwntt won tho prizes. A week i from next Tuesday, tho club will Tho PRESBYTERIAN LADIES auxiliary will hold a BAZAR Friday, DECEMBER Jh. Watch for our ads for the big sale Crosby & Homer, lit Central Ave. "THE HOVSE OF BARGAINS." Toko your SUNDAY DINNER nt Tho CHANDLER. Special monu nnd ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to oxpress our heartfelt thanks to tho neighbors and many frlonds whoso kind words nnd deeds did so much to consolo nnd nsslst us In our boreavement, tho loss of a loving wlfo nnd mother. VICTOR ANDERSON nnd family. Try The Times' Want Ads. THE ROYAL TONIGHT "WOMAN'S VANITY." "THE ROMANCE OF A NECKLACE" (A thrilling lovo tnlo of medieval days In Florence) KATHRYN BAKER In HlllstlfttlMl SongH Performance Begins nt 7:00 Admission, Adults 10c, Children 5c 'l RUBBER I IT WILL PAY YOU TO "RUBBER" AT THE DISPLAY OF RUBBER GOODS IN OUR SHOW WINDOW. IT SHOWS THE COMPLETENESS OF OUR STOCK OF HOT WATER BOT TLES, COMBINATION AND PLAIN FOUNTAIN SYRINGES. WE WERE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO MAKE A. CON TRACT FOR OUR RUBDER SUPPLIES BEFORE THE PRICES HAD RISEN TO THEIR PRESENT HIGH WATER MARK, AND CAN THEREFORE QUOTE YOU PRICES ON THESE GOODS THAT CANNOT BE DUPLICATED, Tf YOU NEED A HOT WATER BOTTLE OR ANYTHING IN RUBBER GOODS IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO COME DIRECT TO US. ji. , " " BROWN DRUG CO. LOOSE LEAF BOOKS For prlco books, cost books, Htock books, potty ledgers, profcBBlonnl mon'a nccount books, notes for public speeches nnd students, customors lists or clnsslflcd Information of nil sorts, tho J. P. Loose Leaf Books Which can bo carrlod in tho pockot, will hold as much Information as nn ordinary card Index. A Ranging In prlco from 7ftc to $11.00 Moorehouse Ledgers Aro tho best looso leaf ledgers mndo for tho monoy by anybody, for anybody, niiywhero. RnngliiK In prlco from 3.00 to $0.50 THE NORTON & HANSEN STATIONERY COMPANY FRONT STREET. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Graduate Chemists "Tho Quality Store" NOTICE CALLING FOR A NO.MI NATING .MEETING OR CAUCUS FOR THE NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR THE OF FIOE OF COMMON COUN CILMEN AND OF RE . CORDER. Notice Is horoby given that by or der of tho Common Council of tho City of Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, "duly mado nnd entered on tho first day of November, 1910, n nominating meeting or cnucus will bo hold in Odd Follows Hall In said city, on Monday, tho twenty-first day of November, 1910, at tho hour of eight o'clock In tho afternoon of said day for tho purposo of nomlnntlng candidates for tho following ofllcos. Two members of tho Common Coun cil of sold city to servo for tho term of threo years each commencing tho first Mondny in Jnnunry, 1911. A Recorder of said city to servo, for tho term of ono year commonclng tho first Monday In January, 1911. Said candidates to be voted on at tho reg- uJaX SB iljaJL BiP alfi P L Sieqtlon A of said city to be held fues'dayj the sixth day of December, 1910. Dated, this 9th day of Novemfcf. JOHN W. PUTLER, Recorder of the City of MarsbfleU, Coos County, Oregon, While figuring ON THE CHEAP WiniNG f CA PAIQN DON'T OVERLOOK FACT THAT WB ARE JU FIXTURES AT A BIG DISC,0U5r Aran STANDARD MAKE FW" IRONS WE HAVE ONLY 'A J LEFT. BETTER PLACE w DER. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your pairo pnONE 237J. IF THIS ISN'T "THE BEA THING," WHAT IS. Good soven-room bouse ' "n trnl Avenue, modern convewe sightly location, paved Btet' front, close in, house could replaced for the prlco askeo i property. Steady, renter. - aTcaufman & Co.