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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1910)
HTi$H BIBSWIIMlTcrnTmcCIriA vr i mWw1? ;n o i ri hKnnnnn."1 T4J R DAY,- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1910 EVENING EDITION. bhine Goods and Clothing Business ents -Oil gh Grade Merchandise to be sold regardless of Hi 4af sP r $fmmmmmmmMW9Bwimmmrwmmwmmmmwammrmmtmm - l fBa mwi it " M BA HA dtf" Hfl. AMflRw tthk is out of G Furn uy ,000 Stock MMMOfaMKHHHBaBSMEBBBiiaaaainBaaaiaK-naanaBaHnHBBHnaaMrasHHai Youths', Boys' and Young Men's Clothing and Overcoats at less than Cost. Uur stock m tms aeparimeni is extremely large and we are making extra inducement to close out with the remainder of the goods. Arrow Brand Collars J2C 25c E and W Collars --15c Cluett Dress Shirts, $1,50 quality $1.15 Cluett Dress Shirts, $1,75 to $2,00 quality $1.40 Monarch and Standard, $1,25 quality 85c 50c. and 60c Men's Suspenders 35c Men's Canvas Gloves 5c pair 50c Men's Work Shirts 35c each 50c Men's Neckwear 35c $3,50 Boys' Knee Pants Suits $2.15 $4,00 Boys' Knee Pants Suits $2.65 $5,00 $6,00 $7,50 $6,00 $7,50 $9,00 $10,00 $12,00 815,00 $18,00 $20,00 Boys' Knee Boys' Knee Boys' Knee Boys' Long Boys' Long Boys' Long Boys' Long Boys'. Long Boys, Long Boys' Long Boys' Long Pants Suits . Pants Suits. . Pants Suits .. Pants Suits and Pants Suits and Pants Suits and Pants Suits and Pants Suits and Pants Suits and Pants Suits and Pants Suits and 0'Coats. 0'Coats. 0'Coats. 0'Coats. 0'Coats. 0'Coats. 0'Coats. 0'Coats. --$3.35'. $3,95--$4,90 $3.95 $5.00' $5.95 .-$6.65 .-$8.00 $9.90 ..$11.75 ..$13.75 $4.00 Men's Fine Dress Shoes $2.85 iimiimi iii iiimiiiiiiiii mm mil mm ii iiimmiiiwn iniiw iim - ' ' A lot of shoc3, consisting of Gun Metal, Calf, Valour, Kid and Patent, stamped $4.00 ' This is composed of every broken lot in the house gotten together to close out quick. 'H """rpMfl TAKEfADVANTAGE, $2.85 $3.00 and $3.50 Men's Fine Dress Hat,s, $2.40 Choosing from our immense Hat Department, stock is clean and up-to-date, f Every up-to-date shape and color can be had from this stock. ti rw Ui-.,- jt"i " UXtlft - bT V. .-. CLOSING OUT PRICE, $2.40 $15,000 STOCK OF HIGH GRADE HART, SCHAFFNER AND MARX CLOTHING, AND OVERCOATS, TO BE CLEANED OUT, NOT A SINGLE RESTRICTION IN THE WHOLE LINE, THIS OFFER IS MADE RIGHT AT AN OPPORTUNE TIME WHEN YOU ARE LOOKING TO YOUR NEEDS FOR THE WINTER SEASON. STOCK IS ALL NEW, UP-TO-DATE, SEA SONABLE GOODS DON'T DELAY WATCH WINDOW DISPLAYS WATCH PAPERS FOR PRICES. COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. SALE CONTINUES UNTIL EVERYTHING IS SOLD - EVERY TRANSACTION STRICTLY CASH. Very Respectfully, Merchant & Kammerer NCREASE INPRIGEQFWOOD PULP MOMH INTERESTING FIGURES ABOUT AN INDUSTRY THAT SHOULD HAVE A MILL LOCAT. rj v.u ov nins hav. .1 -- . .-. ... rj WA8HIMITU.N, U. V., NOV. 1U. horo woro 2G3 wood-pulp mills la tporntlon during tlio whole or n part )t tlio cnlondnr year 1909 In tlio Jnltod Stntoa, ns ngnlnst 251 In 1908. Tlio consumption of pulp wood in theso mills during 1909 wns 4, 102,000 cords, ns against 3,347,000 Fiords In 1908,- an Increaso of nbout IS por cont. This Information appears In n rollmlnnry compnrntlvo report cov- ring 1909, 1908, and 1907, which its transmitted today, to Census Dl- ctor I) urn nd by Chief Statistician KTIlllnm f Rtminrt litwlnp wlinan ', "'" " ipervlslon It was prepared by J. E. Jholchol export special agont of tlio )lvlslon of Manufactures, 'In coopor- itlon with tho Forest Sonico of tho )epartmont of Agriculture, tho Ccn- tus Bureau annually publishes a spo- Klnl report rolatlvo to tho wood-pulp ndustry. It Is especially notlceablo that Ince 1907 thero has been n dccldod locrcaso In tho consumption of tho boat known and highest priced pulp rood, 'ftamoly, spruce, this species jntrlbutlng GS.l por cent of tho to il In 1907, C4.G por cent In 1908, ind CO. 5 per cent In 1909, There has also been n slight decreaso In niomlock, whereas corresponding In- (creases Jiavo occurred In tho con- sumptlon of woods herotoforo little Fused as pulp mntorlal, such as Iml- Isam, whlto fir, and several hard ta-oods, Including birch, beech, mnpl-3, gum, and basswood. This Ineron3o Is ospoclally barked In tho caso of 'balsam, tho quantity of this sperlo3 consumed Iri 1909 being moro than Ddouble that roported for 190S. Spruco Shows Steady Doorcase, Tho stonily decronso in tho annual consumption of spruco has boon nc- fumpanlcd by n, substantial Increnso n tho avorago cost per cord of this species, As indicated by tho figures, (this was S 90 In 1907, $9.33 In EJ908, nml f9.90 n 1909. ThQ tendency to uso tlio woods less igMftjnBiaored In pulp maKing uo- marked ns the cost of and the avallablo V y toe fin 1009; Is ono of tho woods of good quality for pulp which has boon util ized only during recent years. It U very common in tho national forests, and at present has a rather low val ue, duo both to tho lack of knowl ,odgo of Its pulp value and to tho lack of other uses for It. Tho dovolop nient of tho use of this wood for pulp will menu much for tho national for ests' management, for It will mako It possible to dlspopo of much mate rial far which thoro has hlthorto been littlo tlcmnnd, Tho advancing cost of pulp wood of all species Is clearly brought out In tho report. Tho total consumption In 1909, though exceeding that of 1907 by less than 40,000 cords, cost over $2,000,000 moro. Tho quantity of slabs mid other mill wnsto consumed ns pulp mnto rlal wns substantially tho samo .In 1909 and In 190S, about 250,000 cords In each year, which, howovor, was n mnterlal Increnso In tho con sumption of tills character of mato rial over 1907, when 193,000 cords wore reported aB used. Tho roported total production of air-dry pulp In 1909 was 2,491,406 tons, ns against 2,11S,947 tons In 1908 and 2,547,879 tons In 1907. Tho tablo follows: Kind of Wood. Quantity. (cords), Total . . .4,002,000 Spruce, (loin.. 1,053,000 Spruco, Imp,. Hemlock. . . Poplar, dom.. Poplar, Imp.. Balsam. . . , Pino Whlto fir. . . Cottonwood. All other, . . 7GS.000 500,000 303,000 20,000 95,000 91,000 ' 37,000 37,000 1S3.000 Slab wood, etc 249,000 Cost. $34,478,000 15,400,000 8,716,000 3,525,000 ' 2,410,000 203,000 790,000 568.000 19S.000 239,000 1.209,000 l,159,00f TIIK REAL TKST. 'TIs a cinch to bo bright and cheerful When llto seoms a golden span, nut tho chap worth while Is tho ono that will smile Whon his wlfo says, "Pot, Breakfast's not roady yet. I Just had to wait Till you patch up tho grate," kt Is ths maul MBSE M- NOTICE. A special meeting of tho stockhold ers of tho Peoplo's Co-oporntlvo Com pany will bo hold Tuesday ovoufiig, Novombor 15, 1910; at tho hour of olght o'clock nt tho storo of tho nbovo company In Marshflold, Oregon; for tho purposo of filing Supplomontary Articles of Incorporation and tho nmendmont of tho By-Laws. F. S. RIEDB, FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladles should bring their Dresses, Wraps or Olovcs to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS HAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josophson, Mgr. J80 South Iiro:nhny, Mnrsliflt'Itl. NEW LIVELY "I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK KKAIi ESTATE. I hnvo sonio of tlio best buys on tho Day. Can nrrango easy tonus. Houses and buildings for rent, AUGUST FRIZEEN, C8 Contrnl Ave. Marshflold, Oro. HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Orogon, has been ro modelled and Improved and Is under now management. Special accommo dations for stngo passengers and for people doslrlng a rest at tho seashore. "You'll Like tho Place." J. H. SCHILLING, Proprlotor. Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivers nro now nt tho dis posal of the Coos Bay public at ItKASOXAIlLK IIATKS. Rigs or rigs with drivors ready for any trip nnywhoro any tlmo. HortoB boarded nnd rigs cared for. Now hoarso and special nccoiimo dntlons provided for funeral partleR W. L. CONDRON'S Lvery & Feed Stables South liroadway. Mnrslifleli' Good Evening! HAVK YOU AXY LAUXDUY? It so, do not forgot that this Is TUB laundry whoro you got tho best worki and prices aro in every ono' reach. Call up and ono of tho driv ers will call and explain nil details to you. All toiepnono calls are quicKly attended to, because wo are running wo wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT. ISFAOTIOX. MARSHFIELD HANI) AND STEAM I,AUX1)RY. 7.:niizoy llros., Prop. Phone 220-J. IG. W. Dimgan Undertaker Maishlleld, Oivgon. Pnrloi-s, 18D South 3d St., Telephone, Day or Xlght, 10.5-J. EMHHnHySHB HOME LAND Co. See ub for Investments on Coos Day. Wo guarantee owner's price to ba our price. Pfcese 74L. . SM4 Froat St, Have That Roof Fixed XOW See CORTHELL Phono 3121. tt-K-H-tt-tt-U-H-tt---tt-n-tt- I For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Phono 73-J. OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A CO.UMERCIATi I1AXK. Wells Fnrgo Nevada Nntlonal Hunk. San Francisco. Cal Tho United StAtca Natlonnl Hank, Portland, Or. ino anuouai Park Hank, Now York, N. Y. Tho Corn Kxchnngo National Hank. Chlcaico. 1U. Tho Hank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Ljonnuls. Pnrla. tfranrn. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking eentsrs In Europe, Asia, Africa. Australia, China, Japan, North, Contral and Bouth America.- Personal and commercial accounts kopt subjiwt to check. Cortlflcates of Doposlts Issued. Safe Doposlt Boxes for ront. Draws Drafts on k H k I T N k FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAR3TIFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Rank In Coos County, Established in 1880. Paid up Cnpltnl nnil Surpluw. RKO.OOO.OO. Ashets Over Half Million Dolhirs. Does a general onnklr.h' business and draws drafts on the Ilank of California, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanovor National Bank, N. Y.; First Nrttlonal Bank, Porthnd, Ore.; First National Bank, Rose burg, Ore.; The London Joint stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange ou all of the principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: J. W. HEX.VETT, Prtsldeut. R. P. WILLIAMS, Cnaliler. J. H. FLANAGAN, V.-Prcs. GEO. E. WINCHESTER, Ast. Cash. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. a a ? n k i tt i n t a ? i K t ? n t tt i tt 1 1 -a-tj-M-H-B-n-n-ii-n- -- i--a-a--a-tt-a--.n--tt---a-n--a-a-na---'M-a-1 Home Addition To Eastside NOW ON THE MARKET This addition is situated Immediately East of. new Eastside Mill. The lots are 100x211 and larger, about .eight ordinary lots; and prices aro $150.00 up for thos largo tracts. This plat was filed recently, and wo have only a few lots remaining unsold. This Indicates that tho property is interest- ing to purchasers, and anyone wishing to secure a lot should act promptly. Terms one-half cash, balance equal payments, 3, C, 9 and 12 months. For particulars, see Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. General Agents EASTSIDE t Henry 8engstacken, Manager. tJ--!-H BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Marshflcld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason- note, oy aay, weeK or montn. r Mrs. J. II. O'DONNELL, Prop. -A--iA-A a. a.- .a... - - -. . r- r wi mmm-'m'"- w - 7 J jfcSSSZSE dSHhl5HSa5fa52irefi5H5HS2SH5E5Hi TEAMER BREAKWATER MRS. M. R. SMITH agent for CHARLES A. STEVENS CLOAK $ Sails from Atnsirorth Dock, Portland, nt 8 P. M., every Tuesday. Sallo f-om Coos Bay every Saturday nt servlco of time. Reservations will not bo held later tlinn Friday noon, unless tickets are pnrchMcd' Phccc Mcto 35-L and suit house, 'j w. F. Miller. Aeti. of Clilcago. G 178 Broadway, North. SSSSHSESHraSHSaSESEKnsSSSSisasKSZSZS