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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1910 EVENING EDITION. Cravenette Hats TiTo WOOLEN Mill-to-Man Marshfield Let Us Talk It Over Suppose you were sick, wouldn't you choose your doctor because of confidence In liis ability, training and reputation? If you had a dolicate operation to be per formed you would choose a surgeon who had experi ence along the line wanted. You would get a specialisi, We are making a specialty of tho proscription business, that's the reason we want you to bring your prescrip tions to tho "Busy Corner," Our store is built up from tho prescription specialists, and wo do not hesitate to say that we are entitlod to that name, W oould not maintain this prescription supremacy without sterling quality, We have tho training, the experience, the rep utation and with this wo have always mingled the vory best in present" rugs. Wo buy the brand with the reputation, Wo not oily make sure" that tho goods are standard wq get nboyc ,the standard whenever pos sible, When you bnng our doctor's orders horo you are sure of competent, experienced service, tho very best goods that money will buy, and a reasonable price, PHONE 298 Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marshfield, Oregon MiifliHfliliHMBHIiHMBflMHEHl IMoiu't'r Hardvturo Co. Leading Hardware Store Remember The Football Excursion SUNDAY Train Leaves at 9:30, Returning at 6. The boys are under great expense, an J25 tickets rhust be sold to break even. Buy a Rooter Hat and Root. The profits go to help the teams. Both teams are practicing, and a good game assured. Best of All $3.50 MILL STORE I Clothiers Oregon I Fall Spraying Tho season Is now at hand for fall spraying, and all tho fruit growers that expect to market your fruit next season must spray now, wo have tho material. Ltnio Spray Spray nnd Hoo Tumps Sulphur Snrny Spray Spray No Material Pioneer Hardware Co M AT Till: TIIRATRK. Last evening, "Mistakes Will Hap pen,," a clever fnrco comedy nas presented at tlie Marshfield Masonic Opera House to n good sized audi ence by Miss Loftln with Bnndon and Mnrshfleld talent assisting her. The piny wns a complete success, the au dience applauding it throughout. C. S Dodge ns "Uncle Obdlnh Unwson," Mr. Mncltorbv as "Cant. Rocket" and Miss Loftln ns "Clnrlco" claimed most of the honors. The Coos Hay Concort Hand Is elated oxer securing such good at tractions as Miss Loftln has afforded and have arranged for her nnd the company to present "Mistakes Will Happen" again nost Wednesday night and the following week Miss Loftln and Company will presont "The Lion and tho Mouse." LOST l!ntlo emblem watch charm gold Cnglo with claw. Reward for return to J. U. Edmunds, Coos Hay Wiring Co., office. FOR SALIC Nemly new 10vl I let ter press nnd bath. Qvo own price. Phono Sl-J. WANTICI) IJidy Iiclper in kitchen nt Hunker Hill Boarding Houae. FOR SALI Cheap, nn Ii. C. Smith shot gun. Phono 194 R. FOR SAIiK At n tmi'gnln, n general mcrchnndlso storo In n small town. Postofllco In store. Now stock. Value about $1,300. Must soil as I am unable to give per sonal attention to business. Ad dress "2" enro of Times. LOST Number of jion-iiegollnWe checks. Reward for return to Times' office. FOIt SALIC A line pure Mood regit, tored Holsteln bull, 3-year-old. Chas. MnhnfTy", N. Coos River. WANTED TO RENT Virr-roiwi house with ynrd for $0 per month. Address X enro Times. FOIt RENT Modern furnished linmo downtown. Phono A. i2. Polloxfen 1C9-J. FOR RENT Two housekeeping furnished rooms nt $12 por mo., In cluding toilet nnd bath. CIoso In. 252 So. Ilrondwny. Also nlco sunny fumlshod rooms. FOIt RENT A four roomed lint partly furnished. Phono 39R. FOIt RENT Furnished rooms. Mri. Hazard, cor. Gth ana Mnricot. FOR RENT Residence lCiihtaldc, Phono Mrs. McCnnn, North Rend. WANTED For ten days I will hnr work for soma ono that can use typewriter. Need not tako dicta tion. F. 8. Dow. WANTED Roy to deliver Tlio Times in North Marshfield. In quire Times ofllco. FOR RENT North Rend Hotel, 37 rooms upstairs, dining room, kitch en nnd offlco, with or without bar room. All furnished. Will runko rent easy to tho right kind of ten ant. Apply nt onco to Robt.. Mar sdon Sr., Mnrshfleld, FOR RENT Five-room furnished apartment In O'Connoll building. FOIt SALE Household furniture cheap and houso for rent. Enquire at 463 North Broadway. FOR SALE 80 acres ranch on Coof River, 2 1-2 miles north of Alle gany. New BunRVgw and uaru all fenced. 20 acres uSjfcom land. Fine for potatoes. Spring water piped to house. If sold within 30 days price $2,500 $1,500 will handle Address O, M. Doutt, Allegany, Or. Havo your Job printing done a Toe Times office. pJt. J. W. INGRAM, LJ Physician and Surgeon. Olllce 208-200 Coos HulldLtj. Phones Offlce 1621; Residence 1622 J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Marshfield, Oregon TV-T3L S, TURPEN, W Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce. Tako your SUNDAY DINNER at The CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA, . RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. 111 COOS BAY TIDES. N0VICM1IICK High wnter Date Saturday 12 A. M. P. M. h. in. I ft. h.m. 8:21! 9:07 ft. 7.G S.l s:ai u.i SUNDAY 13 0:37 NOVF.MRKR Low water I A. M. P. M. Date. h.m. ft. h.m. ft. Saturday 12) 1:37 l.C 2:39 2.0 SUNDAY 13 2:35 1.7 3:34 l.C o o TIIK WRATIIICR. (Dy Associated Press.) LOCAL THMPKRA1TRH UK- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt -1:43 p. m., Nov. 11, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government mo- teorologlcnl observer: ' Maximum. . . .,. GS Minimum -10 At 4:43 p. in 47 Prcclpltntlon 03 Wind -Northwest; clear. Piny North Rend. Tho Marsh field high school football team wns accompanied by qulto n crowd of students to North Rend this nftor noon for tho gnmo there. Exhibit Applet P. M. Hall-Lewis today brought In somo flno samples of tho various kinds of npples grown In Coos county for exhibit nt tho Mnrshfleld Chamber of Commerce They nro nttrnctlng much nttcntlon as they aro certainly beauties. Is Married. Word has been re ceived hero of tho mnrrlngo nt Orl vllle. Cnl., October 21, of Mrs. Lydla A. Steelo and W. O. Rumblo. Mm. Steele Is n former Coos Ray lady, be ing a nleco of Stophon Rogers. Mr. Rumblo Is n wealthy mining man. Give ICiitortnlninent. Tho Ladles of tho Mnrshriold Baptist church nro nrrnnglng for "An Evening With Riley" entertnlnmont to bo given No vember 25 nt tho church by Rev. a. LoRoy Hall assisted by Mm. M. H. BUvcnX.Mr. Hall scored a. distinct hit with a slmllnr program horo n yenr ngo nnd It Is oxpootod thoro will bo n Inrge attendnnco nt tho coming one; (JetH 'Wireless. Postmaster Cur tis was ngrcoably surprised whllo re turning homo from lodgo Thursday night to recolvo n wlrologs messngo from his brother, Clifton Curtis, who Is nn offlcor of tho Wnshtonnw, ply ing botweon Hartford, Cal., and Portland. Tho Washtonnw wns about twolvo miles off Coos Bay and Mr. Curtis took ndvantngo of tho onportunlty to sond follcltntlons to his brother here. Wnnt Lnliels Clinnijed. It Is stat ed that tho salmon being packed In tho Southern Orogon Compnny'a ennnory at Empire nro bolng lnbollod "Columbia River Salmon." Not a fow on .tho Bay who have heard of It nro Indignant and declare ttat stops should bo taken to havo tho salmon pnek horo labelled "Coos Bay Silmon," thus giving tho advertising to tho section It belongs to. Ilnreiilii In Headline. Tho Port land Dally Telegram Is making a "Bargain Day" offer to now subscrib ers and by special nrrangoments, The Tlmos will bo able to mako a rato of $8.00 por year for Tho Dally Times and Tho Dally Telegram. Be sides tho year's subscription for tho two, Tho Tologram will glvo nearly two months' subscription free, the You Are Safe The price is always the same, today or tomorrow. The best value for your money always. Men's Wear, from the skin out. F1XUP Om. BrMttwotor Olfici. paper being sent until January 1. 1912, for tho prlco of ono year. If you do not want to pny for Tho Times n yenr In ndvanco now, The Times will have Tho Telegrnm sent to you from now until January 1, 1912, for $3.50. (Jo to Coqulllo. If tho weather Is favorable, tho Marshfield Indopon dont football team will bo accom panied to Cotiulllo tomorrow by n good crowd of rootors. A special train has boon chartered and n round trip rnto of $1 mndo. Tho gnino promises to bo a good ono ns Coqulllo has strengthened Its team since the other game hero In which Mnrshfleld wnB victorious. 4-4i444i44. Personal mies i ;mmtmmm::m:::mm:m:mmm:ms MRS. RHODES of South Inlet, Is n Marshfield shopper today. JOHN RJURBERK of North Bend, was a Mnrshfleld visitor today. MRS. T. J. MACOENN of Empire, wnB n Marshflold ivlsltor yesterday. . L. PIIELAK nnd E. C. Nutter of Myrtlo Point, nro In Mnrshfleld on business. MRS. E. L. BESSEY nnd children ot South Coos River, were Mamhlloll visitors todny. MRS. FRED KRUSE of Isthmus In let, was n Mnrshfleld visitor to day. J. W. BENNETT has roturned from nn oxteudod business trip to Cali fornia points, ELIJAH SMITH drove up from Em pire todny hut mndo only n short stay In Mnrshfleld. WM. GRIMES nnd Arthur Pock loft todny for Myrtlo Point near whero they will hunt henr for a few days. JUDGE SPERRY nnd E. I). Hnm uiond of Coqulllo, were business visitors In Mnmhflold today. JONOTHAN QUICK, fathor of Mnyor Quick of Coqulllo, pnssod 'through hero today en routo to Pendleton whoro ho will spond tho winter, II. II. WILSON" of tho Pnclflo Monu - montal Works, "was down town yoatordny for tho first tlino In seven weeks, being laid up With n broken leg. SHERIFF W. W. GAOE, who has been hqro from Coqulllo sub- , poonnlng witnesses for tho Gnrrl- son-Jtrlnl noxt wqok has roturned homo. r. J. ROBERTSON nndwlfo and threo children of Grand Vlow, Wash,, havo arrived hor to mako their homo. Ho Is a brother-in-law of . L. Amndon who recontly moved hero from Montana. MRS. M. R. SMITH, who has boon HI for sovcral wcoks, Is nblo to ho up and around tho houso now, hut has not been ablo to venture out. Her ninny frlonds will bo grnttflod to hoar of her Improve ment. HOW'H TIU8 We offer One Jlnnclrcil tMUr Hetv nl for ny fo ot Culsrrh tint cnnoi bv fiirnl by nll' Catarrh Curi. K. J. CIIKNKY A CO., Toledo. O. We. tho nmWlKiK'tl. Invikiirwn K J. Che. nnv fur the lut 1.1 ari, nml Mleve htm ivr. ftitly hoporalila In all bunllirti lraimacl(nn ant) flnanrlally ahlu to rarry out any obliga tion! matte by liU llrm. Waluino, Kinxan A Maiivin, Wholiiale DrUKKUta.Toleito, O Haifa Catarrh Cure ! taken Internally, art liiKulieclly upon the blooit antl inmoui mr farra r.f the )itein. Tt'otlmonlala cnt free l'rlr75cnt per bottle. Hohl byall (Irmtsfiti Tak. Uall'a Family fllli for cnmtlatloii, a - a - - n - H - - n - n - xx - a - u - n - e T PONT BE A MUTT YOUR. HORSE REQUIRES THE BEST FEED A dealer advises us that quality does not mat ter with the Marshfield Barley Buyers. Call For SPERRY'S UNION BARLEY and see s a ? ? a t ! ? That Quality jjA it Mfyjl. 'ihvM1Ul''a a. ! North Bend Ne Mr. Glen Ackerman leaves on. I Plant for a visit with relatives Portlnnd. Mr. Robert Emery has boon lined to tho house over a week i erysipelas. Mr. Jons Hansen. Mr. and MrsJ H. Cnthcnrt wore North Hend vil ors Ftldny afternoon. Miss Nettle Snvngo of Marshfhj are lslfors at tho Everltt humoJ Shennan nvenuo today. Mrs. Snvaco of Marsltnelu, M visiting nt the home of Mr. nnd Ml M. E. Evorltt yesterday. Mrs. A.'J. Savngo nnd Miss Not! Snvngo of Mnrshfleld, nro visitors tbo Evorltt Homo on snermnn nl nile todny. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. H. Wnhn nl bnby who have spout tho Inst t weeks with relatives leave today tho Breakwater for Seattle. Mm. L. J. Simpson, Mrs. C. Bylor and Mrs. Geo. Lnngford Stockton, Cat., aro spending afternoon In Mnrshfleld. HELD FOIt OFFENSE. " c Kmllrott Clnndo NoMer Bridge, Are Accused. MYRTLE POINT, Ore., Nov. 12.- On complaint of Gnmo Wnrdon Tnl Reason C. Endlcott and Clnud No lor of Brhlgo wore brought bofol Justice ot the Peace E. A. Dodgo So urday charged with having In pc sesKlnn or killing door out of Bel son, It nppcnrlng that tho prosocj Hon was not ready for trial tho cr was continued until Wednesday, that 1 1 mo tho nccuscd and witness again appeared and wero examine by Deputy Prosecuting Attorney A. Llljcqvlst, who dismissed thj chnrges against them nnd turned tlJ mnttor ovor to tho next grand Jur for nrtlon. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey nnd bnby will thus bo compelled tl mako threo long trips nn tho en tho parents bolng witnesses. Oi tho snmo dny the men wore ncouse of having or killing door thoy h killed n benr, nnd In fact have d voted rnnsldernblo tlnio to hitntlnJ varmints, having killed 9 panthors nnd numbers of wild cnts and benm ,ln tho pnst two yoars. It Is thorel Uoro thought by somo thnt they hnv. ' M.i.t t mIIi.i . ml ..... I n unnl i. r .1... HJ IIHIIIIUJIIV'U IllUf U lillVIJ iti (II1J l,1! toe t Ion of door than to their slaughJ ter. RHYS COAL LAND. Cullfoniln Men Secure Coqulllo Van ley Tract!. Tho Coqulllo Sontlnel says: Ar Important coal Innd denl was con- Htimmated horo this week whereby tho properties of Geo, E. Plko, J. TjJ Krononberg nnd others wnB sold ti It, E. Donn and u. B. autnory oi Los Angolos, ropresonting California nnd eastern Investors. Tho proportlos transferred are ths-l host In tho county both In quality! as well ns extent ot tho coal meavl urea. It Is tho Intention of tho pur chasers to begin lmmodlato dovolop-J mont and will start sinking a doubloj compnrtmont shaft at onco. Wharf nnd bunker facilities' hnvo been se cured on tho Coqulllo River, nt a point whoro shipment can bo easily mndo to nil coast points on tho Pa cific. Tho opening ot tho shaft will bo only 400 feet from tho wator- front. Mr. Donn, wbo b a coal mine man ager of many years oxporlonco, will remain horo nnd direct tho operation , ot tbo property and tho mine will be , brought Into production just as soon as It Is posslblo to accomplish It. Regular $21.50 Tailored Suits tori 912.HO at LADIES' EMPORIUM - H - - 8 - - tt - n-tt-n-tt-!!, Does Count K-Kl v r ? X I a it i v n t u n i 9rt i t it I J f-rjp TV. '! Jfc-i I &r fc- . ... ,. b.I. L -;1 'iVwaau.i JHMHth; f,9wBiBTOfe!i. -i--"r