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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1910)
..illlllMIIIVUHUJUiUUIIIl HMWi'lt. JuiMUlmiiuMuii.i..injji(L THE COOS BAY TIM ES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1910-EVEHIHG EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES Tfl nn H iu ur T Entered at the pastoftlco at Mnrsh flold, Orogon, for transmission through tlio mails as second clas? mall matter. Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES, Mnrshflcld :: :: :: :: Oregon M. C. MALONEY Editor nnd Pub. DAN E. MALOXEY News Editor OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CIT1 OF MAHSHFIELD. Official Pnncr of Coos County. GLORIOUS YOUTH AXI) FLYING MACHINES THE North Bend, Coos County and Marshficld to Cooperate In Sherman Avenue Project. County Judge John F. Hall an nounced yesterday thnt tho Coos County commissioners hnd unofllclnl ly decided to coopornto with the cities of North Bond and Marsh field for opening a now thoroughfare bc tweon tho two cltlos. Tho plnn was placed lioforo tho commissioners at tholr last session by Mayor L. J. Simpson of North Bond, nnd at tho time was taken under consideration. At tho next session, tho ofllclal or der will bo mndo for tho cooperation of tho county. Tho plnn In brief Is to have Sher man nvonuo completed by North Bond, for Cons county to continue tho street tho quarter of a mllo be tween NOrth Bend nnd Marshficld and for tho city of Mnrshflold to opon ip or rather Improve tho street direct Into tho heart of this city. Much of Sherman nvcnuo has al ready been comploted nnd tho bal nnco enn bo grnded at a compnrntlvo ly Binnll cost Inasmuch ns tho county will tako much of tho dirt to bo ro moved nnd uso It In building tho street or highway betweon tho two cities. Tho county will pny for as much of tho grading ns It enn uso tho dirt from. Tho county will nlso plank thnt portion of tho street. JtiBt what Mnrshflold will do Is not known but Mayor Straw Is snld to hnvo approved tho plan.. Tho county's portion of tho new highway will connect with tho presont strcot or roadway near tho old browory. Whothor this road will bo run direct Into Mnrshflold through n now course PORTLAND, Nov. 11. John Do-jor will connect with North Brond fely, a 7-yonr-old boy, was brought ,wny or North Front Direct will be to Portland from Wnllown county, dortnltoly dotormlnod, probably, nft B'tntmsed to bo Buffering from hy- or n survoy of tho project has boon lmphobln, roMUltnnt from tho blto mndo. of n mn.l coyote. The. boy's fnco1 Judgo Hall Bnld thnt tho commls wan badly broken t)iit nnd Buporflolnl slonors decided It would bo chonpor BvmvtoniH Indlontod thnt tho din- for the county to build tho now ploco cnno Is In nn ndvnncod Btose. At of rood from Mnrshflold to North noon n mnmiHuMon wns hold by Dr. ( Ilnl. Somo of tho old road enn C S. Whlto, state honlth olllror: Dr. probably bo used but tho Imlanco of C II. Wheolor, rlty health onicor; It will probnbly bo abandoned soon Dr. Yonnoy, ox-Btnto henlth ofllrer; nftor tho now highway Is complotod. Dr. Story, member of tho city bonrd Tho work cannot bo dono until of health, and Prof. Pomot, bnctr- next spring. rlolnglst to tho stale bonnl of health. ; Tho conclusion wits reached Mint tho enso Ih oho of tho most remark able tho physicians had over dlnt; nosod. To moro completely ir?( whether tho Ind suffers from talVs or not, dogs thnt wore bitten by tho i mnd coyoto will ho brought to Port land nnd examined. In tho moan tlmo ovory offort will bo mndo to nnvo tho boy's llfo. with nppnrontly no fear and to hnvo noon For Portland With YOl'NO men nro still "doing UiIiikh" which nt first startle, but lator ten oh tho oldor gener ation. Tho grentost progress of tho ngo has been In norlal navigation. And prnctlcnlly ovory successful aviator is a young man. Hamilton Is under 30, Chaves was 23 and Drooklns Is just 21. Wo will always hnvo our wlso old men, Btich ns tho wlso men who n fow yenrs ngo woro preaching about tho 'frultlcssness of endeavoring to fly by machinery, and wo will also nlwnys havo our enorgotlc, daring young men who will plod right nlong nnd conquor worlds horetoforo con sidered Inncccsslblo, Youth Is apt to bo both careless nnd dovcllsh but youth 1 5 also full of vim nnd onorgy nnd progressive itCRS which, combined with daring nnd onthunlnstlo wisdom, nro very npt to do tho things really worth whllo In this old world which Is constantly hankering for now sonsa tlons nnd fresh experiences. COYOTE'S UITE GIVES HAIUEfl. 0 FARE w - "M"""""" iBfe MW f$Mhy Lv Vila "ill' I Sil T MIGHT have been good luck, but we choose to think it was good management that made it possible for us to have the "Stroller" overcoat to dis play and to sell to men who prefer clev er style i .) K it,-.. 1 - "p 1 HI y LEAVE HI bitten ovory living thing In sight. Tho animal wns shot and Immediate ly oromatod. I SEVENTY-NINH DEAD. Many Passengers. Tho Brenkwntor sailed nt 1 o'clock this afternoon. Sho had a largo pnBsongor list nnd n fair cargo of It is a great, loose lounge coat of admir able proportions-it has all the dash a fellow could possibly want Still it will not require such a great amount of cash to secure one i, f : v 4 Made with an extremely graceful and practical convertible collar Made from fabrics which have an English "air" about them The London slip-ons and waterproof garments of C. KENYON & CO. great lines on display n ft m Kl m vi ra) K (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay frolght. Among thoso snlllng on hor Times,) iwor tho following: TRINIDAD, Colo., Nov. 11. Tho I C. A. Petit, MrB. C. A. Potlt, Jno. known dead In tho Dolngun MIno dls- Gainst, Mrs. Jno. Gamst, Clnronco nstor has now reached a total of 79, Gainst, Harold GnniBt, Georgo Gamst, nnd all but nlno bodies hnvo boon 1 J. Flshor, J. II. Holllstor, L. T. Mor rocovored. Ignn, Goo. P. Storey, Mrs. Rose Ar- J rlngton, J. P. Klernn, W. W. Blako- DANKEH A SUICIDE. iley, Mrs. V. W. Blakeloy, Mrs. J. L. JForrey, Gladys Forroy, W. W. Mor- (By Associated Pross to Coos Bayjrlam, V. Mclntyro, Mrs. W. Mcln- Tlmes.) tyro, Albort Wooden, R. J. Pottle, J. MEMPHIS, Tenii., Nov. 11. -E. F. Quick, II. Jorgonson, H. S. Stnrrott, Schas, president ot tho Continental iO. C. Blackmnn, J, Blnkoly, Geo. Suvlncs Bank, and a wldelv known I Flommlng. Box Thorn. Jno Christ flnnnclor, commlttod suicide today mnn, O. D, Drnno, Louis Thnndor, by Bhootlng. B. Pottn, Vernn Wllkenson, Mrs. C. F, Wllkenson, J. E. Lyons, Mrs. J. ItOYAL THEATRE E, Lyons, Don Lyons, Earl Goodman, Tonight and tomorrow night Mrs. Enrl Goodman, W. A. Chnlmors, orchestra. (Miss M. S, Huston, John II. Wnthoy, Two Blogrnphs for Sunday night. (Thos. Whlto, LJlllan Yoaman, C. E. "Tho Proposal" nud "Tho Passing, Brondbont Kato Lohnhorr.AllcoNor- cross, Win, Snckvlllo, Mrs. Snckvllle, Mrs. A. 8. Hammond, Androw An dorson, Chas. Johnson, E. M. Mots nor, A. Montljo, II. Smith, II. H. Do not go HUXT1XG for food and Doarmond, Mr. Whnu, W. H. Mcln- flour but go to HALVES. tyre. Mrs. W. II. Mclntyro. HOLD EXHIBIT IN DEGEWIBEB Coos Poultry and Pet Stock Association Exhibition In Marshficld Next Month Tho Coos Poultry nnd Pot Associa tion hold a most enthusiastic moot ing In T. W. Wood's offlco In North Bond yostordny nfternoon. Tho pres ident, A. W. Myors, stated that tho objoct of tho meeting was to nrrango for n poultry nnd yot exhibition. Aft er n thorough discussion It was do clded to hold It In Mnrshflold Thurs day nnd Friday, December 8th and 9th. Committees woro appointed and from the Interest shown, tho success of tho exhibition Is assured. This show will not only bo very Interest ing nnd nmuslng but will bo of tho greatest practical bonoflt to all poul try rnlsoru. HOI ROLE IN NINETY of a arouch". Othor pictures Including: "Tnctlos of Cupid" and "Sunsot." Tako your SUNDAY DIXXKR nt WILL GIVE SOCIAL. Tho Coos Bay Motor Boat Club will tender a social In honor of tho lady friends and wives nnd sisters of tho membors at tho Boat House In North Bend next Monday night. Regular $21.50 Tjilored Suits for 912.30 at LADIES' EMPORIUM. MILLINERY at, GreaL Reduction The CHANDLER. Special menu and BRIDEGROOM HAS SMALLPOX ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHOXE. ! MASON CITY, In., Nov. 12 8:10.00 Hats nt . William Korlln, n woll-known DOX'T FORGET tho HAND railroad man, was takon to tho DWVE nt tho EAGLES' HALL to- detontlon house, being 111 of night. GOOD MUSIC nud GOOD smallpox, He was stricken a TIME assured. fow minutes after ho hnd mar- , ) rlod Miss Edith Dutro, daugh- Every man should try Halnos ter of S. M Dutro, n manufac- FEED and FLOUR. i turor here. i DOX'T FORGET tho DAXDI RiANCE nt tho EAGLES' HALL to-1 Dr. 1 HAHRISOX, VHTERIXA iir "lliliy x"ra,n ""1 GOOD, 1UAX, will bo at JrULLOY'S barnj HIGH GRADE PATTERN HATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 818.00 815.00 Hats nt 8 0.00 81'J.OO lints nt 8.7.00 810.00 Hats nt 8 0.00 8 8.00 Hats nt 8 3.M 8 fl.00 Hats at ? 4.00 AT Ladies' Emporium MRS. WRIGHT (Continued from pago 1.) bona fldo meals and In n legitimate rostaurant or grill. To prohibit1 loafrs and vagrants from frcquont-J bllug In such licensed places. "To prescribe rensonnblo hours for tho opening nnd closing In ench secu lar day ot all such licensed places. To prohibit licensed places from , opening or keeping opon or selling Intoxicating bovnrnges on tho first day ot tho week, commonly called Sunday. To prohibit manufacturers, ( wholesalers nnd Jobbors of Intoxl cants from selling Intoxicating beve-l rnges to minors. To prohibit gam bling in sue hllcensed places. "Tho numbor of licenses now In force In each city of tho state In which llconscs are now granted shall not bo Increased until such time ns the population ot such city shall In croaBO to bear the proportion ot one license to each 1.000 ot population, and In cities and towns where licen ses nro not now granted licenses may bo granted In tho- ratio ot ono license to each 750 of population, Make tho mnn who purchases or attempts to purchnso intoxicants In licensed places on Sunday or in the hours-In which such licensed places nro "'re quired to bo kept closed equally guilty with tho person who sells. "Wo believe tho public wolfaro re quires that tho traffic In intoxicating beverages should be forever divorced from politics; that tho holders ot licenses should be freo from obliga tions to ofllce-holdors nnd that office holders should be free from obliga tion to license holders. To accom plish this result wo nro In favor of tho following plan: , "Take from the common councils ' ot cities and tho aldermen composing tho same tho power to grant licenses, Vest tho gxcIubIvo power to grant licenses in the Judges ot tho courts of record of the state. Require thei Judges of such courts to fix the time and place for hearing of applications , for licenses nnd to give public notice1 thereof by publication. "Make it lawful for any three or more freeholders who are resident voters to file objections to any appli cation for license, either upon the ground of tho Improper character of tho applicant or tho proposed loca tion taking Into consideration Its proximity to schools or churchon, or oxcIubIvo residential neighborhoods, ns well r.s tho character of tho sur roundings ot oach proposed location. Provldo that tho Judges rccolvlng such applications shall try tho Issue formed by snino nnd tho objections thoroto according to tho usual rules of court procoduro, nnd mako their decision flnnl and not subject to re-j view upon nppeal. "Rosorvo to such Judges tho right to revoke any such llcenso for cniiBO and mako any violation of nny prescribed regulation caii3j fr revo cation. "Vest In audi Judges discretion upon first and second convictions to Imposo fines, tho second henvlor V.ian tho first, but to mako n third convic tion punlshnblo only by tho revoca tion of tho llconso. Provldo that when n llcenso Bhnll bo rovoked for cause tho llcensco may never obtain another llcenso. "Provldo that nny portion who has over been convicted of any crime or offense ngnlust tho laws of tho State of Orogon, nbovo n misdemeanor, shall not bo granted n llconse, nor , shall nny such llcenso be granted to nny person If such Judgo shall be satisfied that such porson shall not conduct tho business uudor such II conso In.'nn orderly and snfo man nor." ' H, C. McAlllstor, mnnngor of the Homo Rulo Association, declared thnt tho nsspclatlon will llvo up to Its plnn and will' do nil In Its power to mnko goodf nowUint tho oppor tunity has beon prcsontod through tho voters ot tho stato; HAINES wants your trado for flour nud feed. Have you tried our HOT DRINKS? THEY ARE JUST THE THING THESE COOL DAYS AND EVE N'NGS. BETTER COME IN AND TRY ONE. ALMOST ANY KIND. AND REMEMBER THAT WE GIVE YOU PURITY, QUALITY AND QUANTITY IN ICE CREAM AND CANDY. ! Lewis Confectionery Biondwny, Mnrsliflchl. Bargains in China Wo hnvo Just recolvod a shipment of Gorman china that is the neatest and lowost priced tablowaro that has beon offered on tho Bay in a lone time. Among tho many bargains wo aro ablo to quote you on it aro the following: Cups and saucers 15c up Creamers 8nlts mid Peppers.. . .' 10c Sugar Shakers 15 Berry Dowls 5c Cnko Plates. .,. ...V 1,,23c Ten Tiles J.. 4f""C Brend nnd Butter Plates . .j, .10c Plo Plates ?.. .. r -15c Trndo hero nnd save money. COOS' BAY CASH STORE GEO. X. BOLT, - Stonoger. Front Street, Mnrsliflelu. THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) WILL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT BETWEEN COOS RAY AND SAN FRANCIS CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSnFIELD AND INTER-OCEAN TRAXSP. CO. UNION STREET WHARF NO. 2, SAN FAN CISCO. FOR INFORMATION PHONE 44-J OR 388. FREIGHT RECErVED AT UNION STREET wnARF NO. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. 1 1 l nm J! i . k ,.tf 1