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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1910)
MBEJ I Qti. lWk rtf AJX4 'ft A pal fwiti- k. bum m m Uhil SOMI JMI OHT via i ),! fel i. NO UNCERTAINTY ABOUT THE COST gMWTlfaMAHSHFlELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1910-EVENING EDITION - OUR SPECIAL SHOW WINDOW LIGHTING PROPOSITION IS FIGURED ON A Flat Rate Basis YOU KNOW THE MONTHLY COST TO A PENNY BEFORE YOU START THE SERVICE. AND OUT OF EVERY PENNY YOU GET MORE THAN YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. :: :: :: :: NT ALL ELECTRIC SHOW WINDOW LIGHT IS EFFECTIVE, OWING TO FAULTY INSTALLA TIONS. :: :: :: .. .. OUR ILLUMINATING EN GINEERS CAN CORRECT DEFECTS AND SAVE YOU MONEY. :: :: :: WHY NOT GIVE THEM A CHANCE AND LET THEM MAKE AN ESTI MATE? :: :: :: : " M f ifSsJM -2 iT-rJ m$Ww nV W8H& AIUGONKW8. N$ I New Business Department TELEPHONE 178 THE COOS BAY GAS AND EHOEiC CO. You get the Turkey and we will furnish all the Utensils to make A Joyous Thanksgiving Wo arc prepared with a complcto lino of ROASTERS ritOM 91.23 TO 92.50 carving sets from 91.00 to sh.oo UNIVERSAL .MEAT CHOPPERS, nil kI7cn, from. .91.00 TO 9:1.00 Also n full lino of Chopping Bowls, Stow Tans and Kettles and all kinds of kitchen utensils. see us rmsT. Look at the Lining! HE lining in your Clothcraft Clothes is in keeping with the Clothcraft standard of all-wool and guaranteed tailoring. It is perfectly put in and inspected with the same critical care given to every part of a Cloth craft garment. You simply cannot pick a flaw in Clothcraft trimmings, finish, style, shape and fit. So Genuinely good arc Clothcraft clothes that the makers put the strongest guaranty on them ever written for clothes and we back every word of that guaranty. Guaranteed pure All-Wool in the fashionable shades and weaves at $10 to $25. Where else can you find anything like this? You can't. Then why waste time looking farther? Woolen Mill Store MAN TO MILL CLOTHIHRS marshfield - Oregon , Clotficrafl AlHYool Clothes (Special to The TImos.) There was prayer meeting at tho Presbyterian church houso Thursday evening. Tho Infant son of Mr. and COUNTY SKAT NEWS. Doings of Coqulllc Peoplo ns Told In Tho Herald. ttittttutttnmtntmti X WITH THE Z t TOAST AND TEA X ttinnmnmmzmniz (If tho election nldn't go your way Just road this lltue ditty by Mr. Dungs and cheer up!) J. H. Radabaughs has been qulto 111 for tho past week. DIod In Coqulllo, Novcmbor 7, 1910, Mrs. S. T. Johnson, aged G9 Mrs. years. Funoral today at Falrvlow Rov. Summcrlln gavo a temper anco lecture In tho Presbytorlan church houso Wednesday evening, November 2. There was n spelling match at tho Arago school houso Wednesday eve ning. Mr. Lewis Strong of this place, spelled tho school down. Itov. Lyon and family who havo been residing nt Flshtrap for somo months past, havo moved to Myrtle Point whero they will llvo for tho winter. thero Is to bo a basket social In tho Methodist church, Friday ovo nlng, Xovcmbor 11. Every ono Is Invited. Tho monoy taken In Is to go townrds buying nn organ for the church. Xover mind n chartgo of sceno Try n chango of thinking, What If things seem sordid, moan, What's tho use of blinking? Llfo's not always storm and cloud, Somowhero stars aro shining. Try to think your Joys out loufl, Sllenco all roplnlng. ' Dy degrees, by thinking light Thinking glad nnd sweetly, ' You'll cscapo tho stress of night, Worry gone completely, Got tho habit of looking for Sunbeams pirouetting, Tapping gaily at your door Surest euro for fretting. John Kcndlck Dangs. A Coos IJay man who has mndo trips to both places says that In Portland pollccmon try to keep vis itors from doing what thoy want to do, but In San Francisco pollcomon nsslBt visitors to havo a good time. First Trust and Savings Bank Lund's Mottos: Mottoes are a good thing when you llvo up to thorn liko 0. 0. Lund, tho MnrshKctd shooman, docs. Horo aro a fow b.i.jlnesa rules or mottoes that aro absolutely adhered to by him: Our repair department does moro for your monoy than any other shop In town. Nobody can do bettor than my shop turns out. Tho shoes lng wo d and satisfaction. 0001) SHOES MYRTLE POINT NOTES. N'cwh of tlio District ns Reported In tho Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Mathews of Norway wolcomed n son to their homo on tho 8th. Ira Clinton, who lias a bad caso of blood poison of tho faco, develop ing from a moro pimple, was opornt- d on yesterday by Drs. Johnson nnd Stommlcr, and scorns to bo much im proved slnco. Arthur Arneson fell from tho roof of their barn cast of town yesterday morning, spraining his back and wrenching his nnklo. Dr. Johnson was summoned. Ho will probably bo confined to his homo for a couplo of wcoks. Starting last Tuesday, tho Myrtle Polnt-Rnsoburg atngo lino of which J. L. Lnlrd Is local agent, commenc ed on n two-day schedulo botwoon horo nnd Ilosohurg, at no saving of oxponso to tho company, but nddod comfort for tho paBsongors. Tho stago has also beon equipped with a cover, protecting passengers from tho olomcnts, Myrtlo Point has been rocclvlng a mild voltago of electric light Julco repairing. or aoniothlng moro than a week - - i Somo Coos Day mon niako a liv ing bocaiiso othor peoplo fool sorry for them. by Itov. Thomas Darklow. Miss Roso Lilly and Miss Beulah Hess, teachers, wont to Brldgo tho last of tho week whero they will be gin an eight-months' term of school. 11. D. Guthroy nnd R. E. Doan, two promlnont capitalists from San Francisco, wcro In town last wcok looking over tho flold for Invest ment. Mnrrlod At tho homo of tho brido's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dollcu, In Rosoburg, November C, 1910, Preston Dakor and Miss Cora Dollou. Wllllnm Berry, of Loon Lnko, was n passenger to tho Hay Monday on his roturn from n visit with rela tives and frlonds In tho Myrtlo Point Bcction. Mrs. Clnrenco Hnrrls camo up from Lam'pa last Saturday and went to tho Uny by tho morning trnln. Sho goes to boo her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Mills nnd friends. Mrs. A. It. Enyert of Lakesldo, roturnod homo Mondny nftor n visit with her pnronts. Mr. and Mrs. Bamuol Shuck of this city, who will start at onco for California to ro- sldo for a tlmo. Frank Itny, or tho Dny Bldo, camo ovor last wcok nnd spont a couplo of dnys, having business nt tho county Boat in regard- to rond mnt tors. Ho visited his nlcco nnd nephow, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alva Warner whllo In town. Goo. 8. Flsk, nttornoy nnd capital ist, and HorV'v-t T. Wlso, cnnl'nllst, of Oakland, Cat., woro In Coos coun ty sovornl dp.ya lntely. Thoy n:o looking over Coos county with tho Idea of limiting pnrchnso of valunblo'1 T,' Qi'lct Obhcrvor says: "Another thing which Is nbout ns suro as death and taxes Is that no mnn can go on binning Indefinitely without bolng cnlled." "Havo had a good tlmo, must nil ngreo Snmo tlmo stuff's nil off with mo For Coos county's gono "twonty- thrco" 'Gainst vwlno nnd bcor and boozo, you see." THE ROUNDER. Thero Is lots of dishonesty In tho world, nnd OS por cent of It Is found out. Tho molnncholy dnya havo como For persons naturally glum Rut for tho mnn whoso llvor'n right Tlieso rainy days nro pure dollght. HARRY WINKLER. jnow, nnd oven It has boon nn np- Ipreclablo Improvement ovor nnst con properties. Mrs. Wllllnm Morras who has been nt Mercy hospital for Bovoral wooks, during which tlmo sho Buf fered tho nmputntlon of ono foot, nnd lator tho nmputntlon of tho snmo limb nbovo tho kneo for gan grono, hns bo recovorod that sho was brought homo Saturday by her son Mark Morras. Horn To Mr. nnd Mrs. nort Fol- som In Coqulllo, Mondny, Octobor 31, luiu, a iinugntor. Horn To Mrs. Charles Myors nt tho Fox rcsldonco in this city, Sat urday morning, Octobor 29, 1910, n daughter. .oca wo sell and tho repair-.,, Rccolv, but 90 , o give you long lived shoes yIco ,m8 beon ,,, conflno practically confinod to tho business houses on Spruco street nnd tho street lamps thorcon. And when It co-c to good shoos j A very much Improvod sorvico Is OF COOS DAY MAltSIIFIKLD, OREGON'. CAPITAL FULLY PAID... ..8100,000.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN 8. COKE, President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. JOHN F. HALL, W. 8. CHANDLER, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, WILLIAM GRIMES, STEPHEN 0. ROGERS. DR. C. W. TOWER, M. 0. HORTON, Vice President and Manager. DOES A GENERAL HANlCINa AND TRUST BUSINESS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. Snfo Deposit Boxes for rent in our Steel lined, flro nnd Vaults nt $3.00 nnd tip per annum. burglar proof Coos Bay Roseburg Stage Line Dally stage between Roseburg nnd Mnrbhlleld. Stage leave daily and Sunday at 7 p. m. Faro, $0.00. '$gZT"ff&$i&1t-1'' OTTO SCIIKTTER, Agent, OTphARNARD, 120 MARKET AV., Marshfield. Agent, ROSEBURQ, OR. PHONE 11 for mon, Lund U l'. uiaa for yon to see. Ho doesn t hnndlo poor shoes. Ho Is In business to stay nnd wants to build up a good busi ness nnd consequently handles only good shoes. Even then ho sells tho best shoes on tho market at prices that somo charge for poor shoos. Seo tho shoes that ho guarantees for wenr ami to bo waterproof, nnd Inqulro tho prices. You will bo sur prised how cheap ho really soils good shoes for. Remember tho placo. promised by Mr. Morso ns soon ns transformers, which havo beon or dorod from tho east aro received., Tho gasollno steamer Wnshcolora has beon carrying lumber for tho Rnndolph Lumbor Compnuy mill for somo tlmo has beon ongnged for a tlmo nnd will run rogulnrly botween nnndon and San Francisco. O. O. LUND, "Tho mini who docs things right. 'o. 215 South Broadway, Mnrslifleld HIGH GRADE WOOD WORK of every description at t THE SHOP OF QUALITY E. B. GEIIRKE. 710.720 SOUTH BROADWAY. -!i rC0tiS BW.fflXfflf. V YQij Ws A CUANwJf SAFE AW)VW.4r "VVW "v S Cv BY ' '' ' 13 COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. DEALERS cj&S,SOV1'J COAL . COLONIZATION. jMf&Y. FARM. FHUJT. KWML, -a mmm LAKhS i OrSAHIZM 0? M'JSTRIAL COMPAMS A SPZCIAITYV OIL SUPPLIES The Coos Bay Oil and Suppl Company under the managoment ol J, W, Flanagan will continue to han dle the Union Oil Company's gaso line, distillate, benzine and coal ol at their oil house across tho Bay tc which place they havo moved tholr that resulted In tho fracture of threo office. Phone 302. rJba on tho rIght Bldo IIe attempt- n a . . .ed to put a pig out of a pen by Uft- I liriK RAV I lrlV ilns It over a fenco when his foot A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jason Jewott at tho Morris logging camp on Friday of last weok. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bonder and Mrs. Bonder's sister, Miss -Slnrgarot Clinton loft Mondny for Portland, be ing taken to Roseburg by privato convoyanco. Thoy expect to raako tholr homo In tho Oregon metropolis, Mr. Asa Carman of Etolka, and Miss Sarah Ward of Catching Creek, woro united In marringo in. tho par lors of tho Hotel Guerln, Wednesday evening, tho 2nd, by Rev. Thomas Barklow. Thoy will raako the!. homo on the groom's ranch in the South Fork valley. C. C. Carter and Roy Royer k'llid a bear on Sugarloaf mountain on Monday of this week. They were walking along, when thoy hoard a patter of footsteps behind them nnd turned to seo Mr. Bruin, whom they proceeded to put out of the way with a few well directed shots. O. E. Marsters was In town Satur day to receivo surgical treatment, ho having met with fin accident Friday Cal Ray, who hns been chief but- tor maker at tho Coos Rlvor Cream- ory for tho past six years, camo over last week and leased tho Nolson placo at Norway and will glvo up buttor making and try ranching for n ehnngo. Ho will movo his fnmlly ovor soon, M. D. Shorrard leaves this weok for Portland whoro ho will put in n fow months making a Btudy of auto mobiles, their construction nnd methods of repair. Upon his roturn he will open a first class garago in tho Nosier building whoro tho okat lng rink now Is. THE COURAGE THAT FAILED IIE If I woro cast nwny with you Out on tho wldo, wldo son, Tho last dear blto of brend wo had, You should recolvo nnd, I'd bo glad If you but smiled nt mo. SHE If you and I woro cast away, And but ono drink romnlnod, All, would you still sltr bnck nnd smllo, Content to seo mo , strengthened whllo Tho precious flask wns dralnod? L'ENVOI Thon sadly from hor sldo bo strayod. His Inst hopo doiio to death; To gpn tho co urn go ho doslrod Ho'd tnkon moro, thnn ho required, And sho hnd smollod his breath. When womon nro stingy thoy are stlnglor thnn mon. No man was ovor ablo to prove his superiority by bragging about it If your salary Is $75 a month. earn flOOj your employer will soon tako notlco, 'The past has proven that investments In small acre tractu nelr growing titles are the mest profitable. The C. B, ", " ucu lo ouer' v""", J We havo secured tho llvory busi ness of L, II. Helsner and aro pre pared to render excellent service to tho peoplo of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything thnt will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phone us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed in tho livery lino. Wo also do trucking business of all kinds. Blanchard, Itezln & Blanchnrd Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phone 13 8-J slipped and his weight in addition to that of tho pig, throw him against a fenco with force enough to fracturo tho ribs. W. T. Lohnherr, who hns been working In tho South Fork valley brought In last week a substance which was found In qulto a largo do posit, that is smooth and soapy to ajtho touch, and of a bluish or lead i color. It Is supposed by somo of tho I amateur geologists or mineralogists I that It Is either graphite or aluminum clay. The deposit was found this During tho recont changes in tho Coqulllo Steam Laundry, 8. M. Nos ier hns retired from tho buslnoss, retaining tho old laundry building which will bo convorted into n waro hoiiBO in which Mr. Noslor and his brother-in-law, Ocorgo T. Moulton, Will conduct a general commission business. Tho building Is bolng rais ed and a concrete foundation placed under it and will bo built onto, to cover the entire lot Nino out of ten successful mon, nnd ten out of ton peotty womon are conceited. Tho theory that talk la cheap doosn't tako into consideration the fact thnt It has cost a good man Jobs. ' ' A Somo elderly Coos Bay women can look nt a man with a moan, knowing look that will make him shiver. MARRIAGE LICENSES. COQUILLE, Ore, Nov. 12. Dur ing the month of October there woro eighteen marrlago licenses issued from tho ofllco of tho county clerk. For tho first ten days of Novembor threo licenses woro Issued to tho fol lowing parties: Asa W. Carman and Sarah Ward T. W. 8haw and M. J. Palmer. Victor Jokkala and Mnry Aho. THF 1 1 OYn MarililteWi popular ramily inn uiMiu ,oU1 A furnlliue pc(y nd clean. Yelret and AxpiInWter carpet) In verv room Four rtorlea o( oltd comfort Itatei reduced to day, Wc, 70oanct 11.00; week, 2.00 to 15.00. Alio a few liouitkeeptng apart. bath wltkMuiranigWuSMBarBMnth, Vl At first a woman doosn't want anything but a husband, but Just as soon ns sho gets ono, she wants eve rything olse In tho world, At a recont dnnco on Coos Bay a waltzing young man dropped a toothbrush on tho floor. Wo should say n man has nbout as much' use for a toothbrush at a dnnco as he has for a razor or rovolvor. Health cranks who go without breakfast aro llko mon who quit smoking; they quit for awhllo, and then eat bigger breakfasts mn over, v GEO McCTTCHEON SAY&t-., . "When a man has his pi ture taken wiLkJjIa at. on u weans WiillVa, MwaAt.Ore.ata,Mtaiw.,, - iu&: . . v.. - side of Roland Prairie. ft' ,-.-...-".- r t r t- " tt7 MMBVt '""I &fcm&M ) v II