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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1910)
BBMBfi35aL--l MHBflSglpft. lpiqPI a?-. 12 1910 EVENING" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ! (reflections or a stranger. VRB' '"i i ii i ..-.. '. . .'i "I'- iii-irraMiinrirrT- Sii .1m il i I I lll - jQ4 I lli.. t . lEFl HHtf : IhcI 5 m k j if.j'L lW NmiilaicilMmiimwia iiMmir a IJtji,iwliauiiciaBWwMMJiiMiMlMiwwiiiUiuiiiuLiMW 1 itf 5 !;' ' v- WAS. MIL , HeMi SWSlii 1 1 S II Ay JiW4l A ( 1m mSmm (c)kw Pi l SwS! sW uui r ill jwvUlki li 11 Mf j v vya H ..nrim . . Tr . W& Hi. ;wAI Ul v. -: s VvM HMHTA --- ' - ' i i 1 1 ii i" " mw ii " A Mix s hmn JMLU ' . J CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happenings, intonded for publication In the society depart mont of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not later thnn C o'clock p. in. Frtdny of onuh week. Exceptions will bo allowed only In ensos wbcro events occsr lntor than tho tlino mentioned THE OLD SI AID'S LUCK Tho Pronch havo a Baying for hor I ""'o life complete, 'rliioti until It rnnnhna nnrffiptlon. Th.i glnnco of an cyo, the touch of a hand, glvos it birth. Love Is a drow sy god, cvor slumborlng In tho breast until it Ii nwnkencd by its innto. Lovo 1b tho brightest Jewel In the j world's diadem. Implanted In every I human heart Is thb craving for lovo, I tho ronllzatlon of the attraction of anothor heart and that only tho wold- Ing of theso two henrt3 together can Tho depth of love Is as boundless ns tho ocean's Immeasurable depths, and love's bark Is as easily wrocked as a toy sailboat sporting with n flcklo wave. Lovo Is, In pvno breasts, gcntlo as a zophyr or tho down of heaven; in others, llko a Blrocco blnst or a tor- J'vo been "binding" thoso "tresses" nn1' wrecking all within its path who confesses To birthdays outnumbering twen- ty and flvo; TJb that she Is "binding St. Cathe rine's tresses" (Tho Pronch nro tho most pollto nation nllvol) PERSONAL notices of visitors In tho ulty, or Jf Coos Hay people who visit in .Hher cities, together with notices of nclnl affairs, are gladly received In the social do puttmon.. Tclophono 13:11. No tices of club meetings will bo pub lished and secretaries are kindly requested to furnish same. of freedom unwary For no, you'ro too cngcr, I won't say from when; Into ruin nnd chaos. Thoro aro as many kinds of lovo ns thoro aro individuals; all things But girls I onco spoke of as contom- thnt b,om" nro not T0BC- Tho dontl" porary j Host of wcods put forth tho mo3t Seem now llko my seniors by years 'Anmlng blossomB. Lovo's attraction nt least ten. ls not to uo confounded with tho attraction of a passion. They aro as For invalid husbands, or, worse, MlMlmllnr as tho Illy and tho weed, A. H. Smith, A. L. Gubsor, II. Petcr Bon, J. W. Russell, C. A. McKolllps, C. Barrett, L. A. Woodbury, P. Miller, C. A. Nollnor, W. C. Carr, W. II. Kibler, Geo. Wltto, C. Oslund, C. Maxon, P. C. Lovnr, M. E. Evc- " Editor Times: Thoro conies to every promising young city a certain closs of adven turors, uncertain ns to object or plan, but with a vaguo Idea that fortuno twill appear at tho next turn of tho road, and greet them ns old friends. Many of theso nro idlers, drlltlng with tho currom; boiuo have failed elsewhoto becauso thoy lack tho ele ments of succoss; others hnvo cx ploltod earlier flolds successfully, and aro looking for now exploita tion, with no iden of establishment, or contribution to tho permanent wealth of n community, but merely wanting to got nwny with a big un earned, Increment nnd then look, for now pnBturos. Naturally, theso pooplo aro tho most unreasonably oxactlng. Nearly all aro disappointed, nnd tho men who nro disappointed in unreason able expectations always mnko the loudest and most doleful complaints. They do not hcsltnto to express thel disgust to your face, nor to spread IKS LroA'-s-p ,wwvui HflCVt w Wi vUfQl thoso grown stupid, tho whlto dovo nnd tho hawk. Wo and enro (Surely mnrrlago must glvo Bomo Bight to Cupid) ilavo wrinkled their fnecs whltenod their hair. Frnll children, economy, planning rnn 1,vo our 1,vo8 0,lt without ovory- I Hung ino worm noms, except mvo; back j w't'10l,t lovo tho honrt would grow sour, hard, cold, and bitter. ' and I'ovo '8 "10 1,'r"1 ' n B0M' wn'c'1 I knows not content until It 'finds thnt othor soul which hoavon Intended ns Whenever n dnnco Dr a porch parly's lls mato , Knch conBoloBl' P- pendlng .nronohos tho othor, tho ono intuitive- A walk or1 a frolic, no matter ,J' f'l"K tho other, nnd tho whioh sot Bonrch Is ovor. No ono Is bo gront, Oh. ntrnlghtway for mo, tho "old " ",,,Ie' 80 i;0""'"" ' ' maid," thoy nro sending; tbnt ho could mtccossful ly halo mi, -..i.,, n...i ..- .i. PWlit lovo'B ontrnnco within tho IIU t.l.UXl t44 IJIUI U llltlll UltO tllU somotlmos forgot. rltt, J. E. Stovons, J. S. Newklrk, W, II. Chnppoll, E. A. Cnrr, Pormlllnilt nlong tholr routo of trnvol, or to Strauss, J. L. StovcnB, II. G. Isaacs, go back to tho location they had W. H. Sheppard nnd Avid Johnson, sought to quit, and dlscoiirago hot nnd Messrs. M. E. Evorltt, A. L. Gnu-Iter men from Investigating your sec sor, W. M. Klblor, A. Illsoy, II. Bor-jtlon, if they can. chor, J. S. Taylor, C. A. Nollnor, A. I Tho criticisms and Jeers of such It. Knowlton, Geo. Witto, W. II. ihavo been hurlod nt each Biiccocdlng Shoppnrd, P. W. Putnam, P. W. development of tho west ovor since Ayor A. II. Smith, J. W. Hussoll, Mio Pilgrims first waded ashoro. In Win. Pond. linct, Columbus was discouraged In j lil original Idea of discovering Am- Mrs. John A. Blntt nnd dnughtcr, orlcn. Miss Louise, arrived hero from Lend, ' Of cursei you don't wnnt dronos o. u mis wcok io join .mi-, mail , in ino mvo. mil tins Kind or a who has spent sovoral months on tho drono enn mnko a lot of nolso on the Bay. They will probably mnko tholr outside, and senro away somo good futuro homo hero. . ibcos who might bo Induced, othoi- : : (wise, to "swnrm" a little. That'u Tho Lndlos of St. Monica's Cnth-jWhat innkos him worth noticing. If olio church nro plannlngto glvo n'ou pnuso in your work to llston to Thanksgiving Whist party nt tho j "Is plnlnts, lot It bo to mnko him ro Odd Follows Hnll on tho ovonlng of;8pcct you nnd your town, nnd odu Novamber 2.1. Whist will bo plnyod cnto him n llttlo, If possible. Thore from S to 10 o'clock with flvo hlglijwns a time when Soattlo wns no lnr prlzew and flvo low prlzos. Prom 10,Br than Mnrshflold, but If you snld to 12, dancing nnd music will be anything unfavorable about tho, town mimwffl F pi VCk1 VA7. JlS'n - '-i T&JKkiTw 48i kl1 sWi I If I long for chlldron Pvo only to borrow, enjoyed. Preparations nro now bc-ito n Soattlo man, ho would glvo yon gunrdoil fnrtrons of his honrt; and lug mndo for the event which prom- ft 'oQli you never forgot; and people lovo ennnot bo .ousted whon It sot-1 Ices to bo n most dollghttul nffnlr. loamo to hnvo such nn Almighty ro- : spoct for whnt thoy had boon wont P. M. Tally nnd wlfo hnvo return-. to cnll "Soattlo hot nlr" thnt thoy ' Pes ltolf down for a llfo'H tonnncy. Thero nro as ninny counterfeits of wish a dny or n week thoy Iov nB tliero nro t,,nmontJs rnro' nni' 01 froni Coqulllo whoro thoy hnvo ,in(1 to back up and cnll It "Soattl ,,' , thero aro countless wnys of detect-.boon spending n few months nnd nro Spirit," nnd tho phrnso hns gone nl As I nro mine. If today I should dlno with n boro, why tomorrow Tho prlnco of good follows mny ask mo to dlno. Ing tho spurious from tho gonulno, ngnln making tholr homo at Tho ovor tho country to tho ovorlastlng VaiI 1i lt f tfrkn anil Iimmrm T . '"' "" "'"" """ "' """" l "'" Ufa is lonolv. All tho wnnlth .....1 not nfrnld honor t,1Q wor(J cm bcfltow cnnnot To say Its good fortuno to be nn oa,m, tho I)rIcoIos9 troBuro of Iovo Tho following from tho Dally Gn- Chnndlor. glory and ndvortlsomont of Soattlr : I-ot nono of this bo construed to Mrfl. J. Albort JIntBon. who has reflect upon or apply to tho logltl- .. ..... ... . . I. . - ' ....! t .. .. . . iiieuvon pi(y inoso wno sirivo to oxist neon BUiTonng from n Bovoro attack. ",,lu ""fi r oven -speculator,' without It. Whon tho heart Is ompty,' of Intlaninintory rhoumntlsm Is ro-l" you P'onse, nor to tho man who nving tho bankruptcy of n honrt. Love In tho ono thing In this grcnt world thnt makes llfo worth living, ioip hcw& a good i&tfe. &o-we nlee ifiln ioh, k&i horn. whCS think mfo& oi uoa. and tfa&tv It i6 6uefv a eotuhk foaulluC wfo&n, fUendd- chop in. focw& a Shtf &tohe uCC oj ja);iili and you ean a&au6 4wC Mi w ean get ifibat itou wawt m otfoM- GOING & HARVEY Complete House Furnishers old mnidl Whnt Ib lovo. that all tho world Talks so much nbout it? What Is lovo that nolthor you Nor I can do without It? portod Improving. Mrs. It. II. Browning nnd Bov. Browning's mother, Mrs. Browning of Portlnnd, nrrlvod horo this wool: from Portlnnd. Mrs. Browning will mnko nn oxtondod stny nt the homo zotto of Borkoloy, Cnl., concerning n formor Coos Bay hoy whoso rolntlvcs Btlll resido on tho Bay will bo of of hor son. Interest to his ninny frlonds horo: "At hltl nmi nttiiHn I. Kt..n nWAn t 1? ' OVE IS A mvstlcnl coRsnmor . . - ' ' " vjuiuu.. uubiuHH ni golden thread o heaven's own 'n8t Wk Frank A' ,ckmnn Kavo n vory ,,Ionsant br,d ,nrt' nt ,10r Mimcn inronu 01 neavon s own nn ononillir rpoitni. whinh u-no t. i.nni.if..i i, n..i .. ZXlSuJS ."""At 2TZ t0ndd hy "0nr,y 10 BU08t8 nd -b 'Porndalo last Saturday"" aft" . . ' . ,n aourco of much onjoymont to tho ornoon. Tho houso wns prettily do- L oyo aro poworful magnotH. which draw jmuslclovors nnd critics prcsont. In two liumnn honrts togothor, though planning his now homo Mr. Wlck tho width of tho world lies botweon'nmn nrrnngod for Jiving rooms In them nt birth. jtho uppor story nnd n music room Lovo is tho sunshlno of llfo, henu-'moro than 30 foot In longth on tho tlful In Its morning, most bouI satis-"first floor. This npartmont Is fln fylng nt life's noon, and doarost, lshed In redwood paneling nnd tho tondoroBt, truost ns llfo's sun fades furnlturo Is of Tenk wood, rich rugs Into tho glonmlng. Lovo is thatinddlng to tho nlr of luxury nnd hos- whlch Is onrthly of tho soul which 'pitnllty. Assisting tho host in ro God hns lonnod to liumnn bolngs, for solving nnd ontortnlnlng tho guests tho hronth of heaven, tho taint of wns his frlond, P. W. Nowhnll, who onrth Is In It, says Laura Joan Llbby. shnrea tho now homo with him, nnd It Ib tho root of tho world's Joys, among thoso who contributed to tho nnd whoro Its sood hns boon planted .varied and Interesting progrnm woro In rank soil is tho aourco of its sovoral out-of-town numiclnns. Fol keonest, bltlorost woes. It Is tho lowing nro tho mimbors presented; yonrnlng for another honrt to ro-.Vocnl solos, "Tho Cry of Rachael" Bpoiid unto Its own. (Snltor) nnd "Holmwoh" (Wolff), Thoro Ib lovo nnd lovo. Ono. Miss Lena Frnzeo of Sncramonto: tho poppy which buds nnd blooms In, Plnno solos, Sonata (Beothovon) nn hour, nnd ns quickly falls into nnd "Pastorale" (Scnrlattl), Miss docny. Tho othor, tho jporonnlal Hazol Laphnm; vocal solos, aria roso whoso boauty nnd porfumo lasts from "Thais" (Massenet) and aria 'orovor. (from "Loulso" (Charpontler), Ma- Lovo hallows Its object, never do- dnmo M. C. Couchot of Alameda; vlo bases It. Lovo Is tho hoctarod cup Hn solos, Minuet (Beothovon) and which youth nnd maid sip with ro- Mnzourka (Wlonlawski), Frnnklln vellng dollght In Its newness and. Carter; vocal solos, "Matlnatl" sweetness. Lovo Is tho drnft which ' (Tostlo), nnd n group of chlldron's brings contentniont to mnn and wo-songs (Cnrpontor), Thomns Dodson; mankind, nnd rocomponsos for nl .recltntlons, Miss Ililmn Butler; piano v 1 T Mrs. P. A. Goldon wns hostess at prettily de corated, nutumn loaves coloring pro domlnntlng. This wns carrlod out In tho plnco cards which woro hond pnlntod nutumn leaves. Tho prlzos woro won by Mrs. W. U. Douglns and Mrs. M. A. Sweotmnn. nofresh- seoks to break away from an on t grown environment, and desires tf uottor his condition by applying hrnlnB, Industry, or cnpltal, or all Jhrco, to tho dovolopmont of such opportunities ns nro offorod In a now Boctlon. It Is not so Intondod. But I wish thoro mjght bo included In ovory ndvortlslng pamphlet sont out by n western town, tho following oxtrnct from a Bpeoch mado by a bright western representative to tho Farmers' Convention In Chlcngo Inst yonr: "Whllo our section has onormous rosources nwaltlng dovolopmont, nnd offers splondld opportunities, It Is not tho EI Dorado of tho venturous, nor n paradise for tho Idle or shift less. It offers no fortuno to any T wm Bargains 1. 22-ACRE RANCH, HALF BOTTOM, BALANCE LEVEL BENCH; EVERY FOOT CAN BE PLOUGHED. ALL CLEARED READY FOR PLOUGH. 1,000 FEET NAVIGABLE WATER FRONT. EXCELLENT LOCATION. 100 BEARING FRUIT TREES ll-SOM' 2. 2C-ACRE RANCH, HALF BOTTOM, REST LEV EL BENCH. HOUSE AND BARN, LAND WELL IMPROVED AND PAYING GOOD RETURNS. GOOD ROAD. FIVH ORCHARD AND OAR DEN, nnnn wat-kp. rcvRnvTHlNO DESIR ED AND DESIRABLE 5,00M I monts woro sorvod, Misses Mary!!""" Who hns only ,nonns to Purchnio! Kruso and Prnncos Goldon sorvlnK. I . ,o"Bl,0n t0 tn wost' Th. llfo's pains, Lovo Is hoavon's truo mossongor. It can transform tho humblest cot, solos from Schumnn, Grieg and Chn- mlundo, Frank Wlckmnn." wnorem nro mntou Hearts Into nn! Tho fruit shower nnd surprise irthly pnrndlso. Lovo is what tho tendered Rov. Hlsey, tho now pastor onject of Its affection makes It. A of tho North Bond Methodist Epls- troo whoFo brnnehes roach Joyously copal church, and his wlfo n wook ip toward heave's sunshlno, or n ago Friday ovonlng by tho Ladles' iovf,MIS ,Vood. poisoning tho air J Aid Socloty of that congregation was uiwin which It foods, n thing which n most delightful nffnlr. It took brings death to thoso who fondlo It. plnco at tho parsonngo on McPhor- Lovo Is tho treasuro which comes son street. A varied program was frco to all mankind, tho oil of con-1 enjoyed. Among thoso participating tontmont which lubricates tho heart, I woro Misses Iona Hutchtns, Mary keeping it from wearing and rusting ,Lovar, Winifred Woodbury, Doris out. Gubsor, Gortrudo Nowkirk, Jane Lovo levels all ranks, knows no (Woodbury, Gloria Putnnm nnd Car rulo to guldo Its selection of a mate, rle Stovons nnd Mesdames W. Noll knows no counting In days or years, son, A. S. Hlsoy, M. L. Grout, P. W. as to the longth of time lovo should ,'Stovons, F, W, Putnam, D. Bascom, Among thoso Invited woro: Mrs. J. A. Luso, Sirs. Otto Schottor, Mrs. W. J. Butlor, Mrs. Arthur McKeown, Mrs. G. A. Bonnott, Mrs. J. W. Bon nott, Mrs. R. K. Booth, Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll Jr, Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs. Horbort Lockhart, Mrs. Honry Song Btnckon, Mrs. E. G. Porhnm, Mrs. Christine Kruso, Mrs. A. H. Powors, Mrs. Francis II. Clnrko, Mrs, W. T. Merchant, Mrs. J. C. Merchant, Mrs. Albort Sollg, Mrs. P. M. Wilbur, Mrs. P. E. Hague, Mrs. Eugono O'Connoll, Mrs. O. M. Bylor, Mrs. D. n rlfffir'- -t.r!'- L?nSford. Mrs. M, (Continued on Pago 8.) Have You Tried BONANZA CREAMS MARCELLIES APRICOTS THEY ARE THE VERY LATEST IN DAINTY AND DELICIOUS CON FECTIONS AT STAFFORD'S. THERE IS AN INDIVIDUALITY ABOUT THESE DAINTIES THAT WILL APPEAL TO YOU. TRY SOME THIS EVENING. Ahvnjs something new at frontier has boon wiped out for nil tlmo, nnd with It hns passed tho day of tho ndvonturor. Fortuno does not moot tho Bhop clork at tho railway platform or tho wharf. Thoro aro no froo farms for tho husbandmnn, (unloss through Undo Sam's Homo stead bounty), nor nro mon om ployed to offer tho wngo of an ox- port mechanic to tho ordinary labor er. Tho district offers opportunities to those who como with brain and brawn unimpaired; to those who havo sufllclent money to maintain thorn until they And tho snhoro for which thoy aro fitted, instead of be ing forced to accopt uncongonlnl employment becauso of lack of funds, and to thoso who can unflin chingly "take a fow hnrd knocks." Thero are opportunities on all sides, and In their development lies tho fu turo of tho country,- whoso hope Is the contented settlor. But for most tho district Is purely a business prop osition of the highest order, which should commond itself to tho home- seekor for what It Is really worth. That Is all It promises; that Is all It offers." STRANGER. IP YOU ARE AFTER A BovrTVI mviV'S V KI Klffiff FARM YOU NEED LOOK NO FURTHER, FOR YOU !" FIND NOTHING BETTER THAN THESE. I. S. KAUFMAN CO. --H-a-H-a-8-a-H-H-n-n-n-8-n-n-a-n-u-B-8-8-8B'"'s'l Pacific Monumental ma3H -t4j y j It AT Yt& and Building Works II. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORB. All kinds of monumental work promptly and artUtlcaW cuted. Call at our works on South Broadway. -a-n---.n-tt-a-tt-a--tt-K-r------u?S TWO STORES 833 Front St 110 Central Are LAUGH! WELL I GUESS you'd laugh too If you had Just got your old suit back from the cleaners nnd It looked as good as now llko mlno does. No It's no secret, tho work was done by the I....MBUU11U Cleaning aim Dye Works, Phono 270X. 186 So. Broadway. Indies Garments a Specialty. Eagles' Dance Hall NOW FOR RENT Dancing Clubs and Others who desire particulars can see the secretary. i ) -..., -", U