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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1910)
ADS. m NEWS Lv BUSINESS 18 SLOW, Al Lt",cr. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI. bvCED I11' SUCCESSFUL RUSI La HOUSES EVERYWHERE :: pag mmm MEMUEll OP DISSOCIATED PRESS GET IT WHILE IT IS NHW KX HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMKS. ALL THE NEWS ALj THE TIMK TERSELY lOLD t: :: :: :: it XXXIII. Established In 1878 ns Tlio Const Mntl. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1910 EVENING EDITION. CIPUT DAPCO A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll inn EIGHT PAGES. nd Coos Hny Advertiser. 102 GRIPPES LLE ELMORE ALLEGED 10 BE IN ALBERTA !TF V TEAWER WRECKED NEAR CORDOVA'NOW CLAIM THAI VICTIM WAS Lan For Whose murder sband Faces Death In Lon- it. U.J 4- Q A I it in Bon Aiieyuu iu pc miivg. RANGE ACTIONS 'BY- STRANGE WOMAN NOTED Icago Friend of Woman De- lares It Cannot Be Her Matter Being Probed. Associated Press to Coos liny Times.) (IIIX, Alberta, Nov. 12. Thoro Is t excitement over n report that Lonan lio arrived In town Wed- Idar la Hello Elmore-Crlppcn for mt suspected death Dr.' Crlppcn qnder sentonco to bo linngcd In fcdon, November 23. Alter tho woman alighted n train, s nt direct to a livery barn and !red a team of horses hitched to won. alio ion mo uopoi wim i llrcryman snylne alio would send learn nnd driver back next day 1 1 menu, i dp uorscB were rc- -aed br, a farmer. NiVhllo waiting In tho barn, tho tan case wnB being dliicussort by poop of men standing near her. le o( them remarked, "I guess It will niako old Doc Crlppon mk over In London." On henr- ; (be stntomont tho womnn faint bat soon recovered. TWO SOCIALISTS WIN. i (By Associated Press.) TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 12. Late returns from country pro- clncts show two soplallsts woro elected In Plerco county. They nro Joseph Parks, Justlco of tho peace, and Pedar Sorenson, con- stable. They nro tho first social- Ists to bo elected to offlco In tho state of Washington. ) BENNETT ON I PORT MATTER Makes Statement Concerning Outcome of Bond Election Tuesday. Portland, Belonging to Alaska, A,nalm Coa8t steamship company's o i p. i wooden steamship Portland struck a uucu,i oiuaiusinp oompanyi Badly Damaged By Sub merged Rock. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Associated Press Times.) CORDOVA, Alaska, Nov. 12.- -Tho submerged rock off Katalla this morning and hnd n nolo punched in tho bottom. Sho was beached at tho mouth of Kntnlla river and tho pas sengers landed safely. If a storm nrrlvcs, tho Portland will bo a. to tal loss. MURDER MAY case Monday: 'i T THE ELECTION Special Term of Court Will Report at Coquille That Coos iQtniliann n.l.t n a ... .iianAti slble, capablo citizens, whoso record Ere led to much excited speculation, redally when It wns noted her ap- iiunee tallied with tho dcscrlp- prlntcd of Bollo Elmoro. Tho like havo tho woman under aur- iHlawe nnd Kijr. sho may bo nrrcsted DOUIITS THE STORY. Kluioru tojo Friend of Hollo Thinks ller Dead. fl Associated Press to Coos nay Times.) CHICAGO, Nov. 12. Bruco Mll- a witness at tho Crlppon trial w could Identify Hello Elmore, ices no credonco In tho report a Alberta thnt tho woman has wred In tho town of Allx or nny re else for thnt matter. "Bello !"we has no frlonds or rolatlves tot section of tho country bo far mown," said Miller. "As 1 havo 'i before, thero Is no doubt that la dead and murdered, as proved me court." ES TWICE TO ENID LIFE Ness Tolstoi Reported to Have Endeavored to Com mit Suicide Today. J Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmna ft- PETEnsnnnrs v i? "ate Olessnirn tmm T..1n onva flte Tolstoi twice attempted to "t suicide todav bv drownlne "0!,8b a hole In the ice. ' , J. W. Bonnctt returned yesterday from San Frnnclsco, nnd In regard to tho recent Port election, said: I started nbout a year and n half ngo to prevent tho salo of any bonds by tho Port Commission until tho complexion of Its membors had been chnnged, nnd tho election of Mr. L. J. Simpson nnd Mr. C. 8. Wlnsor to suporsodo two of tho 'Port Triplets' Is n gratification to ovory ono Inter- Whilo In n jested, and shows conclusively by tho re, the womnn eagerly sennnod ni result of tho recent election that my ber of papers nnd again fainted orlglnnl undertaking was successful reading something concerning tho In ovory respect at tho polls. Messrs, pen case. Theso occurrences to- her with sovernl of n stmllnr na- shows them to bo thoroughly in hur mony with tho progress nnd Impro vomont of Coos Bay, and they will provo valuablo members of tho Com mission, entirely freo from nil sel fish 'influence Bonnott's Amend ment was but an incident in tho un dertaking to chnngo tho complexion of tho Commission boforo any bonds wero Issued. But It wns a wholo soiiio mcasuro which sooner or later will havo to bo adopted. It proved, however, to bo n wlll-o-wlsn In tho scrlmmngo among tho children as to who should go to tho head of tho class for notoriety, and It Is surprls. lng how many 'old boys' as well a kids' woro willing to take bait for notoriety. Ono amusing feature for which the class Is to bo congratulat ed, will bo Mr. EHJnh Smith's sur prise when ho learns that tho Bon nott Amondmont was fathered on him. While, as a matter of fact, ho did not know of Its birth, and ho will bo dumbfounded when ho learns that ho has becomo a 'Papa.' " "It will also bo very humiliating for mo when ho learns that I hnvo Indirectly Intimated to Brother Peck thnt I would buy nil of tho Port bonds myself, without lotting him In nt tho back door, although unfor tunately tho price had not beon men tioned, even before their validity had been settled in tho courts. Oh, dear, dear, won't he feel badly about that! Howevor, I want to con gratulate the entire class, ono and learned thnt tho election would bo contested. Thoro Is tnlk of It and It Is understood thnt tho Coqulllo liquor dealers, who havo llttlo hopo under tho "Homo Hulo" bill, nro es pecially desirous of It Open at Coquille to Try Frank Garrison. Tho adjourned term of circuit court will bo convened In Coqulllo next Monday by Judgo John S. Coke. Tho most Important matter to como up will bo tho trial of Frank Garri son, tho fisherman, who Is charged with the murder of Roy Perkins, his county voted "dry" by twenty-three, associate, nnd thon throwing tho Whether the contest will lnvolvo a body Into tho Bay. . recount of tho ballots has not boon Judgo Coko has decided that ho will not talto up any other cases at tho adjourned term except this ono, unless thero Is somo very urgent reason. Tom Hall, Judgo Sehlbrodo and R. 0. Graves woro appointed by tho court to dofend Garrison whllo De puty Prosecuting Attorney Llljeqvist nnd District Attornoy Geo. M. Drown will prosccuto him. It Is expected that tho Garrison dofenso If the stnto has built up tho strong circumstantial ovldenco caso against Garrison thnt wns anticipat ed will plead Insanity. Gnrrlson has not mado any confession and so far as now known tho ovldenco against him Is entirely circumstantial. Tho crlmo wns n most brutal ono. Gar rison Is a formor convict. It was first plnnned to hear a number of equity cases nt this ad journed term but as n number of tho attorneys wero not propnrod, Judgo Coko decided to let them all go over until tho rogulnr adjourned term which will bo convened In Co quille, December C. I M 4 CUT OUT TOHACCO. (By Associated Press.) SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 12. A bill will bo Introduced in the city council Monday prohl- biting smoking tobacco In olec- 4 tlon booths during tho casting 4 and counting of ballots. This is ono of tho fruits of tho worn- nn suftrngo victory last Tucs- day. LAFE YDDNG IS County Liquor Men So Plan. (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., Nov. 12. Ac cording to n report hero today, tho Coos County Liquor Denlors Asso ciation is pinnning to contest inst. Governor Cnrrnll Annnlnts rTllAHiiilti'M Alsiittnn nt tliljlt A It r I ' iuvouu; o muwviuii ut tiiiiuu liiu i Stand-Pat Editor Senator From Iowa. announced nor could It bo definitely . (ny ABSoclntcd Press to Coos Bay United States Government In vestigating Birth of Cause of Trouble. WILL PLACE NATION ON AGGRIEVED LIST New Outbreaks By Mobs Old Mexico Endanger Americans There. In TAKES ACTION. CARRIES LANK COUNTY. 0LSTOI LEAVES WIFE. 'OLA. nussln Vnir 10 rpl,a mv. n disappearance of Count Leo . ". the Russian novelist and so- 'former, haa rmixl n nnlnfnl fesslon. Thnt h shmiiil rlenide e'ltu?d the oven,nS of his days In , no one acquainted with him t that ho should deliberately e no nas DOrne n,ra 9 children la inmnn nt hniiof if11 In the light of his well known . '"cities of character. Tho bus s,l0n that ho i eiu - 'ti. epted by many as explaining -unt6 sudden leave taking 1 may have a trade senuol as ttuntess is prostrated. It has ('Ported that -sheJliasHattenipt-J 1 W end !, ,.. ABBOTT TALKS OFjLECll Editor of Outlook Discusses Results From Roosevelt's1 Standpoint. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 1J. Dr. Ly man Abbott, editor of tho Outlook, of which Thoodoro Roosevelt Is con tributing editor, today gave out his (Abbott's) Interpretation of tho ro- cent election embodied In an editorial to appear in tlio next issue of that pub lication. Ho describes tho popular dissatisfaction of the present condl- ,. ,.. ., himv wn and the tlons, especially with high prices, Ingenuity displayed, and to assuro'and the Indignation manifested over 12-1 ;. fi.i. -ffnru have been Ml-, the control by special Interests of ,y appreciated, and will Ho kept In I the tariff revision .nd jUH more at mind In tho matters under consiuor ntion yet." "Tho two new membors of tho Commission added, to tho two satis factory members already appointed, will prove to be, I earnestly believe, five of as good members as could bo selected for Port matters." "The amendment has bad a whole some effect already. Somo kind of plans and projects have been prepar ed, and Instead of a bond Issue of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, It is probable 'that not more than ,'the Three Hundred Thousand Dollars will bo expended in view of the com plexion of tho present Commission, without a further vote of the people. Therefore, kindly credit me up on Two Hundred -rnou&uuu u..., tho books of tho Commission wun which I am'sure will bo n source of great gratification for you to do. God Bless us all! ' God Bless me, too!" laGetiyourJplctureiframlnglln before Judge' Coko Gets Almost Ah Many Vol oh An Hamilton mill .Touch Combined. Word wns received hero today thnt Judgo John S. Coko had carried Lnno county by an overwhelming majority In tho election Tuesday. Forty-Boven of tho slxty-threo pre cincts in Lnno county gnvo him 3,000 votes, Judgo Hamilton 2,286 nnd-B. F. Jones 1,801. It Is export ed that this ratio will bo kept In tho balanco of tho precincts In tho coun ty that had not roportod when tho nbovo figures woro secured. This will mean nn overwhelming major ity In tho district for Judgo Coko. McLAIN HUNS WELL. the defense and eulogies of tho tariff bill. Wrath at corruption and hypo critical pretence are disclosed In cer tain Influential republican circles coupled with fprgetfulnesa of the fact that tho exposure and the pro secution were furnished by repub licans, a growing conviction of there having been with an alliance be tween special Interests and repub lican oligarchy with being tho easiest way to hit It was by voting with tho opposition, Is the way Editor Abbott explains tho republican defeat. "Nor do I think tho Jacko'lantern bug a boo' of Mr. noosevelt's Imagin ed monarchlal ambitions cut any considerable figure In the election, the fact Is that the greatest falling off of republican voto was In Pennsyl vania, where his voice has not been heard during the campaign, Is sig nificant If not conclusive on that point." You can GET some very nice things in local scenery, at WALKER STUDIO. ImposHlblo o Secure Voto On Hull wny Commissioner Yet. According to Incomploto roturns, Hugh McLnln of Mnrshflold, Is mak ing nn excellent showing In the race for stato rallway'cdmmlsslonor. Do ing on tho domocrntlc ticket, ho had n big handicap to overcomo. Whllo ho had prnctlcally no hopo of bolnij elected this time, ho is running much hotter than ho anticipated. Today Mr. McLaln rocolvod a tolo- grnm from Oswnld West, tho biiccoss- ful democratic candldato for govorn Times.) DBS MOINES, In., Nov. 12. Gov ernor Carroll nnnounced today tho appointment of Lnfayctto Young, editor of tho D"n Moines Capita', ns United States sonntnr from low:i to succeed tho Into senntor Dolllvcr Young Is n "stnnd-put" loador. E RULE IN NINETY DAYS Governor Will Proclaim Adop tion of New Liquor Law1 Its Provisions. DIAZ 1 (By Assoclnted PresB.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 12. President Dim of Mexico, luiB Instructed tho governor of Conhuiln to Invcctlgnto tho 4 attack on the Amorlcan consu- Into nt Cludnd Porflrio bUz yea 4 tordny and to punish tho pnrtl 4 clpauts. 4 M ' na fnllnwa or. In which ho says: "Lato roturns. Indicate I will carry stato by 4,000 or 5,000. Coos surely did herself proud. Thank nil tho boys for too." PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 12. By n substantial mnjority Homo Rulo has carried. This Is n constitutional amondmont, nnd within 90 days tho governor will mnko a proclamation declaring it adopted. Tho Homo Rulo amendment gives municipali ties tho right to rogulato tho liquor Unfile, Tho Creator Oregon Homo Rulo Association has pledged Itsolf to assist In tho pnssago ol a model liquor license and to gonornlly clean up tho liquor business. Following 1b tho Homo Rulo con stitutional amendment: AMENDMENT. Section 2 of Artlclo XI of tho Con stitution of tho Stato of Oregon shnll bo, and horeby Is amonded to rend (By Associated Pross to Ccou Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 12. Through unofllclnl sources tho Stato Department hns learned that Antonio Rodriguez, tho alleged Mexican, who was burned nt tlio BtnKo at uocic Springs, ToxnB, by n mob was renlly lieu In Now Moxlco. If vorlfiod, the Mexican government will bo obliged to wlthdrnV Its protest and domnnd for reparation. This will loavo tho United Stntcs tho acgrlovod party for tho rioting nnd nnti-Amorlcnu demonstrations In Moxlco. RIOTERS ARE SHOT. American In Guiidlnjum Shoot Mexican Stoning Hoiwo. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay TlmoB.) MEXICO CITY, Nov. 11. A spo clnl dispatch from Gundlajarn says Carlos B. Carolhors, an Amorlcan manager of tho West End Realty Company, last night fired Into a crowd of nntl-Amorlcnn rlotors who woro stoning his reeldonco killing a boy nnd wounding n man. Carol hors Is In Jail. M DOUGLAS COUNTY CLOSE. Will Require Ofllclnl Canvass to De cide Whether It Is 'Wet' or 'Dry' (Special to Tho. Times.) ROSEBURG, Ore., Nov. 12. Tho local option election In Rosoburg last Tuesday was bo closo that It will requlro the official canvass to detormlno whothor It Is wot or dry. Early returns Indicated It would bo about 100 "dry" but later ones cut this down. It may bo contested which ever way it goes. DOUGLAS COUNTY RESULTS. ROSEBURG, Ore., Nov. 11. County Judge Wonacott haB defeated Judge Fullorton by nearly 100, while E. II. Lenox wins for county clerk by over 400. For sheriff Geo. Qulno seems to be slightly in tho lead over Sheriff Fenton. II. D. I ARTICLK XL Section 2. Corporation may bo formed under gonornl laws, but shnll not bo created by tho Legislative As sombly by special lows. Tho Legis lative AsBombly shall not onact, amend or repeal any charter or act of Incorporation for any municipali ty, city or town. Tho legal voters of ovory city nnd town nro horeby granted power to onact and amend their municipal charter, subject to the Constitution and criminal laws of the Stato of Oregon, and tho ex clusive power to llconso, rogulato, control or to suppress or prohibit, the salo of Intoxicating liquors there in Is Tested In such municipality; but such municipality shall within its limits bo subject to the provi sions of tho local option law of tho Stato of Oregon. Tho Greater Oregon Homo Rule Association has n membership of about 8,000 voters, exclusively busi ness men, who havo no Interest In tho manufacturo or salo of liquors with tho exception of hotelmen. The association plodgcs itself to tho fol lowing reguianons ui inu mjuur uut- Reed, for Joint representative, hasi beaten J. A. Buchanan, his plurality JneB8, in jacKson county neing over iuu. n,1Rnlll,niv nmhlhlt thn aalo of whllo Buchanan carried Douglas' county by about 350. Tho county i Intoxicating beverages to minors and to prohibit minors from frcquonting has voted dry by about 100, whllo,.. ..-.- nWB wWn B11h ,, home rule was beaten in the county; .. nrnhmt tho Balo by 600 or over. Roseburg gavo a substantial "wet" majority but the country precincts overcamo this. FLT7M1HXG Have your plumbing done 'by PIONEER HARDWARB.COMPANY. of Intoxicating beverages to habitual drunkards and to persons Intoxicat ed. To prohibit women from visit ing or frequenting places llcensod to soil Intoxicating boveragea except where such bovoragos are sold with (Continued on pag i.). IS BADLY HURT Fear That Halfback of Fresh man Team Had Neck Broken Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 12. Chatflold, tho right halt back of the Harvard Frcshmon team, was so vo re ly hurt In n gamo with the Yale frcshmon today. It Is feared his back was broken, , Lator At tho hospital, Chatflold was declared not seriously Injured. Todny'H Football Scores. Pennsylvania, 0; Michigan, 0. Harvard, 18; Darthmouth, 0. Yale, B; Princeton, 3. Cornell, 18; Chicago, 0. MAHKHFIBM) WINS GAME. Tho Mnrshflold High School foot ball team defeated North Bond High School football team at North Bend this aftornoon by a score of 6 to 6. WATERFRONT NEWS. Tho M. F, Plant reached San Fran cisco early today and will sail from thoro Monday nt 3 o'clock nnd leave hero again next Thursday. Tho steamer Redondo haa secured a permanent dock at San Francisco and henceforth will have Union Dock No. 2. DON'T FORGET tho HAND DANCE at tho EAGLES' HALL to night. GOOD MUSIC nnd GOOD TI.ME assured. Preparo to attend the THANKS GIVING Whist PARTY to bo glvon at ODD FELLOWS Hall Wednesday. NOVEMBER 23, by Ladles of ST. .MONICA'S Cathollo church. Admis sion fifty cents and supper twonty five cents, the rush comeir-WAUUsii diuu.o. er jj;q. X