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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
TjSjgBSSfflBfiiiiMi) iiHIHflHHHHH91J!HlHPJP'''P''''!HHHiSHM "Jn'ffiWHWd n wjwiiiiimnwMHn fmnwnmma mm TO TAXPAYE sgRBhWIMillpllUi, WifcuuHH-HIUAV, lluVtMHhinr wio-evhiibb tuiiiun. -r- mimbbwp Mhywi """ iw ia in mmmammnnm Mlll Rp nDflUIDITIfHI proposed by initiative pm'iTioir : i ID VOTERS Thore being sonio who think thnt tho Bhorlft's olllco employs too much linln A lit Iti rr Mm tit I II tr fit oil In tVin ! UUi(' lit! !!. -U l'"1!? I HQIIf ilk V"V collection of taxes I take this method of submitting figures to show that whllo tho expense Is apparently greater than It was a few years ago, In reality, It Is no greater than lit formor years. For 1007 wo used dlght extra clerks, for 190S five extra, and 1909 seven extra, with tho exception of 1G days In March when wo had eight cxtrn, which nro tho last three years of tax collections. Tho 1907 tax rolls have 31 tax funds with n total of $2G1,2G5.78 to collect. 190S tax rolls have 48 tnx funds with a total of $3-10,708.53 to collect nnd tho 1900 tax rolls liavo 81 tax funds with a total of $446, 4 G 8,40 to collect. It must bo remembered that 1907 was tho first year that tho lot block system of assessment was used In this county, which Increased the number of volumes from thrco In 190C with 900 pages about two-thirds filled to C In 1907 with 1.S00 pages all filled nnd to ten volumes In 190S with 2, G00 pages almost filled nnd ton voluiuru In 1909 with 2.GP0 pages practically filled. For tho last thrco years every lot nnd pnrcol of properly Is a poparato tax account, whllo In formor years under tho nlphebctlcnl system of as sessment each tnx payor was a se parata tax account. Under tho al phabetical system of nsiossnuent tht'rr was not over flvo thousand accoui'' any year whllo under tho Lot nn-' Block systom wo have In 1907 about 4 I. GOO accounts. In 100S nbom R" 000 nronunts, nnd 1009 about fil.r.r ncrounts. It was deemed ncetsnry the .vs torn of nesmifimant bo dimmed from PRflVR ft v.. : v... ,' JT"" I iiUsLU n an N... . .,.,15 Nl), - - HUE TESTIMONY FROM AX OKKGOX TOWN VOTER I)HV TWO YEARS AGO. (Prom Dallas, Polk County, Itemlzer.) Thero Is probably no man In the world who Is moro of a prohibition 1st than tho editor of tho Itemlzer, nor who rcnllzos moro fully tho groat detriment that tho nbuso of tho use Is a right nnd snno way. of relieving tho United States of this evil, and thoro Is n wrong and Insano way. Tho wrong way Is tho endeavor to prohibit Its use or snlo In ono local ity, whllo tho rcsldonls of an ad joining stnto, county or precinct nro allowed tho prlvllogo. This has been so abundantly nnd conclusively prov en whorovcr It has been attempted tlmt It Is tlio biggest part of foolish ness to attempt It In new localities. For Marlon county to bo wet nnd I'olk dry Is a discrimination that works unjustly to tho lnttor In n business way nnd docs not materially affect tho salo or uso In this county ono Iota. This has bcon conclusively shown during tho two yonrs In which tho local option law hns been In force In this county. From a mornl standpoint, nnd wo know wheroof wo speak, the result Iiiim boon woie Hutu If woll-rogtilatotl saloons linil boon nlltmcd, and wo can clto hundreds of instances of our nightly oxporlonco to provo this as sertion. Taking our own town, for example, u Is no misstatement thnt tlieiv Is more liquor bore than thoro ever wns "before and Instond of a few places being tho repository for such, It can bo found most nny place, places you would least Mipoct, the nliihnlieMcnl to lot and block nnd ton. was so ordorcd by tho County Court,; V? would URturnlly expeol that th' aa under tho alphabetical system, first result of such n law to be the thoro wore inany.orronoous and dou- keoplng of liquor from thoso who arc bio nssossmonts nnd hundrods of ' Injudicious In Its uk, and nbuso tho acres of land '" olro'v " n Iprlvlleuo of Its open sale. Now, can ligation, nocessnrlly tho systom you tell us ono man In this ml-Ist, book-keeping In tho Bhorlft's ofllcoUvho has been In tho habit of drink- 1ml to bo changed to correspond wIM'ling to excess, who has boon profited tho mnnnor of assessment. Undor'hy prohibition, who docs not under tho nlphabotlcnl system of assessment tho local option law got as miti-li ns tho Assessor had no tuonns for com-1 lie wants nnd go on his -periodical pnrnlg valuations and should tho, drunks the same ns over, If not it lit- nnmo of tho ovnor of n tinrrol oftlo of toner? land bo omitted from tho nsBossmont Can you point us to nny boys where rolls thoro was no menus of know- tho temptation of drinking hns bcon Ing tho property was nscaplng. This, 'removed? As a mnttor of fnct, I' under tho Lot nnd Dlaclc system hns has boon placed under their noses boon practically ollmulntod. iuoro than ever, as nny ono who enres Tho tax rollH for tho Inst four, to find out can rondlly see If they yoars 190C to 1909 Inclusive total aro on our streets Into at night or tho sum of ll.23G.080.G9 whllo tho oarly In tho morning. Ponder this, tnx rolls for tho fourteen preceding (Paid adv. by II. n. Farowoll.) yonrs, 1892 to 190G Inclusive, total I only tho smu of 11,271,130.70. Wo linvo used 20 volumes of Tax rolls fn ilm iat .l,.nn .......... innir A lAfln' inclusivo and for sixteen years prior, 1891 to 1900 lnoi"sivo, thoro woro only 2G volumes usod. From tho foregoing, It Is rondlly observed that tho work In tho collec tion of taxes hns nocossnrlly Increas ed and tho extra clerlcnl help usod lias not bcon out of proportion to tlo Increase of labor, whon ono stops to consider that It required two ex- tra clerks to do tho work for tho Bamo porlod for yonrs prior to 1907 which woro all undor tho old systom of nssossmout. Tlio criminal work has Increased nlso, ns wo note that from January 1st, 1892 to July 1st 190G, ono hun dred twonty-threo prlsouors woro reglstorod In tho county Jnll, whllo from July 1st, 1006, to Octobor 31st 1910, ntnoty-olght persons havo been rcglsturod In that Institution, and It Is well to noto that thirty-eight out of tho nlnoty-olght havo boon han dlod during tho last twelvo months. 1 will nlso stnto, this ofUco has handlod ovor 31 per cent during tho Inst four nnd ono-thlrd yonrs, of tho total number of civil cases tried In Coos county, ns shown by tho follow ing: From Juno 1 Uh 1SG4 to Oc tobor 31st 1910 (flfty-flvo nnd ono thlrd yonrs) thero nro 2,995 civil ensos fllod In tho Circuit Court nud G47 out of that numbor during tho last four and ono-thlrd years. A bill for u law to pniviilii MM lie lioriiMmin 'll'H ... V .. ' , "i J ' i.ViV Oioiron School at Mm.niniitli. INilfc Comity. Oii-jrot ; ly J B an minimi tux nrntio-tuotity-lirtli of u mill on tlio tlollur utioii iU tlio taxable proimrty ttltliln tlii'SliiloofOii'tfoii. f nU' I.S or Mi. 318 VlH. :ii9 Xo. A Mil furii luweieiitlmf tlie( iiiiiityorotK OroMoii.imt of '"'''.'JJ' ni!!r Ini'luiliMl In tho Ooiiiiilosiiriliirmw. Malheur anil Oram. , provlillior f r Its orirnnlRiitliiii nml Mr tlio iiiljii-nmoiit of fliiuiii-os mill liaiift'r i luir or lecouli bcnu'uu tlio Koveial cumuli's alTeclcd by tlio propooil law. oto i i.r or .nii. LI T TITLE IS T. R. Sheridan Loses Case , Over R. A. Graham's Operations. ROSBIHTItG, Oro Oct. 31. A mnndnto from tho Circuit Court of Apponls nt San Francisco was hand od down In Federal District Court sustaining Judgo Wolvorton In his decision of tho enso of E. II. Short dan vs. tho Southern Pacific Com pany. Judgo Wolverton hold thnt tho Southern lawfully wns ontltlcd to possession of tho land, which om- braces a considerable tract adjacent to tho townslto of Marshflold, Coos County. Sheridan Instituted his action, nl loglng that ho had merely mortgag ed tho Jnnd to tho J. D. Sprcckles & Sons Company, and thnt thoy hnd no right to nllonnto tltlo in fee, Tho Southorn acquired tho proporty nt tho timo It bought out tho Sprockles railway interests. Defending tho proporty, It was shown that tho lahd hnd pnssed to tho Spreckles for n good consideration, nnd that noth ing had beon done by tho alleged owners to suggest that they rognrded tho deal as a mortgago until after tho Southern Pacific bought In cood I bollOVO lit OCOIlOmy but not tO , ftl, nn.l fnr n vnlnnliln rmialilnrn. Bitch nn extent thnt ofllclency Is dos- tj0Ili troyod. I bollevo In doing In public . vw-wwwwsv llfo Just ns ono would In a prlvato was 94 out of every 100, whllo the business and abovo all not lay down uvorago attendance for tho Inst two pint u'ny quits because you seo It isiyears has been 98, n very nleo In costing moro than expected. crenso, although It has taken a con Anothor mnttor thnt has lucrensed , sldernblo time, It is surely worth the tho lubors of tho sheriff's olllco is tho .price and many times moro. nt an 320 'No. MIS M). AblllMraiiiicivii'iillngn lloijlil or ('oinnilxslotiors of nine in,r uMimlno tlio Hiibli'ui f i'iii)l...ivt' Imti-iaiiity i.i- Inju, .; ' ' ". to tl'OL'oiirooftliolrom)loyiiunt. n pntparo it lnoii uh- in iV"'1' 'n sontoil totliolorlsliitiiiiiir.;Viuii iitr ll.u Mt int.. ami ii,ui i i ii, ,llht ornor of tlio Stnto on or liofuro the Nt iJiij- or IVbrimrv. intl , , ,""' pilittliuf il.iim) for tlio pni'iiiMiMof lliiMict, 'Vou'S Is 'v'1 am Vet. ; '-' - HIT No. ' " A 1l 1 1 fill- nn ill't III llllltlltlllir I III' li.iilll. nl Hull tli. in ii,..., .. Illvor. or of any or Its trlbiitntloH. by any menus, un'upt'um, Umsvoiiuijiiidy oiiUod nniMntf. Vm,. y A bl III font law to iinnox it portion of tho northern part of ('liickamiis County. OioKon, lo Mnltnoinuli County. Uioifon. it ml priivlillnir Mr ........'.11 .,,,) ,.,ur..i in,, ilin iiuniMUiir I in iKt-rltoi v liriiliOM'il to lll,l'"l.l'lllHl"l.l, p,...,.- -,' .. . " . -. ... I bo iinmiM'il. nml for niljilstinoiit of IIiiiiiii'Oh botwoon tlio twiiumnttU h. :i..' Yos. 821 No. A bill for nn act lo ciuniv tho County orwillliiiu out or u poi t Ion of l.iiuo nml l)iiiurlitsi;iiiiiitlos.Uroffi)ii provlilltig for Its ormnl7iitlon: llxliur the mtlitrlosiir tho olllcors thuroof. ami for ailjiisttiiont of ll'inticos bo twoon thotlitroL-oiuitlos, oto l.Sor:U. Sit Yes. m No. ill ntnenilment nrnvlilliiir for tho people of oiit'li eoiinty to roirulnto titxatlmi mill e.M'iiiptloiiH within the roiintv. mwimiiom or rorvonitltutlomil ll'uiiiiin- ini.iiiiii ,.,,.. v..i m,,i. - . ,. . ' ( i constitutional testrltftlon or slnle statute. nml nbolMilnir iiollorhonil IN, Viilo YI.S or Ml :k Yen. 337 No, Kur const liuiloiiiiluiiiumliiiunt tl vliur to vltlosiiml towns oxcliislvu potter t I 3?s o licence, rejfiilnto. control, inppreis. or prohibit the wile or Intoxli'iit nif Ihpiois within tliiiniiiiilclimlliy. Voto I.Sor.NO. Yos. aw No. A bill for n law renulrlnK proloetlon for ieron eiitfatroil lirhuniiloii omplovtneiit. (lotlninifiimloxioiiillmr the llabllllv of einployeri. anil proviitlnir that contributory nejrllifence hnll not bo a ilofoiio. Yolo YLSorNO. :m Yo. ait No. A bill foran ni'i tlioCoiiii.y or Ui.'liiti'il out of iho nortlieiintern portion of rnintllln comity, tlrevout provlillnv fur Uk oriuiul.atloiit IIMHU tlio naini-ios hi ino mat-eis inereoii iiini inr uojiiiiiieiii oi voio i iv or.w. tliuuii-es hclttccn tho twocnuntles. ;m vt m No. A bill fiOiin net to crealo tho County of Chirk out of the nortlioi'ii portion nfdriiiii t'oiinty, tirciroiu provlillmr rur It oiytnlMitloui llxlni? the he snliitlexof ihoollh'ers theieoli nml foriiiljiinimeiit of llimncos lu ll con the two counties. Vole VIIS or Nl). Ml Yos. Ml No. A -bill for a tniv provlilliiir for the iieim.tnont niiunirl nml taiilninnauco of thetKnsteru (M-oiron Main Nniinal ScImhiI at otoii, t'lniitllla County. wrvunii. o.v ie) inir nn iiiiiinai ihx oi oiio-uteiiiy-iiiiii oi n nun on nn tlollar iipiia all the taxable property ulihlii the Stnto of iiioiniii. Veto Vi:SiirN) ills. ill!) Yos. ,;1 'ii'imo .'"'"Kniid 'snrNo MIH "- . A bill for a law tooioule the Counn of HokcIiikum. Oiuiiiiii, n iinithwest portion ore- il; ( nnnty. Orosott. p"ovliiiiiir fur I atloii.lliesiihitlesof it. ollLiis. ninl etlh'inont or (he (l tween tho propiiMMl coiinly nml Urook County. Votu Y ,V,0 Yes. "Uf tlio 1- -snrNii M No. A bill Mr an act piovhllim for tho creation of new towns, .mum... iitiitilclpitlillstrluts loxcoptiiiK'i iiiiniiwnnu Irrliintloii illstit.u,,r '"' tlmii one emintv ) or clmiiKlnir tho lioumlnrles or existing coiinlli.. I,v liinjoi Ity vote of tho omit voters of t ho tori Ittirv m Ithln the In , ,,,,1$ " ii hi ir in iwi i iiiiiiiii'iiiiiiii. ii i in in in iiiiiiu iiiiii. .u itii h ...... i iiiitnlK'r of letfiil votoiH within mtcli toriltnty may petltlmi rni ; crinilouorn ww miiiucipii corpointion. ami ptovhllnv Mr i n pnlntinont of tiillrois nml iiiljustnient of tho iltmiicos of the iicwi- miV,V ntlon.aml tho muthoil or proioiluro to oronto iho mime. irpor- YntoYls or .NO :w. Yos. IM No. An nmcmlinent or Section lilor Allloai M or llioCoiistltniiniuii tln.sii oriiicKOti. pcimlttlnif counties to Incur Imlehteilness 1kvhih Mnn ,, liullil poriimiiout roaiU.iml pioihllii).' tharilclits r,,r poiminciu 'ririit. tuny Iw Inviirruil on itpiitoval of a majotlty or thoo Mnu-ir on tlS UiU'Mlnii. Voii- i.s or No, :HI . Yos. " V No. A bill for a lawtonmeml the illrect prltiviry law by oxlonilltnr p, ,ltlu visions topieslilentlal iioialiiallnii, nlionlnv voters lo ilesljnat.. iV.i. choice for ihclr part vcnnillilato ror I'rcslilenl nml Vliv-I'ni.i.iti !, illrect iiomlnnlloa or parly inliilliliites lor piehluiilhil cIitIipm- rlir election liyimrty voters or itelcixntos in tin Ir pniiv iiiuional m mlnat. Inif conventliiiisT each voter vollnjf lor ono iluleualoi tor luwni'iit i.f ilelctrntos'nutual trnvellnoxpi'ii-i's. not oMieilli.i: Iimi huniiini i. nirs mr i-iiuu ut-ii'Miiii.'. iiini i-Mi-iiuiiin nn. iiiiipiil'iijt riKins or tii nul. tlntoslii thcStiitoiioinliuilliiiraiiilroiioraloloclloucamtmti.'iihiHii. oto Vr.SnrXO, ;vi Yos. :rt7 Mine rrinieri mi iioiiksoi iiiinue oiin-iuis miiijisii to o.xiimliiiitlun hr tho HiMinl or Inspectors nml teports thcicof pnllllsheil In Milil nmiM rlneinltoxs'nes of tho bonnl for lirliitlntr nml puhllciithin of the tiiiitralno. salnrlos. etc.. not to oxcceif ono ilollnr for each r'flli'tl voter In llio State: the muiMliio shall bo mulled every two nnniths to each rcalslereil votoi at public oxpeiiM'. Vote YKSnr Xo :m Vo. :; No. A MM Mrn law toannox a portion 'r the trriltory to tho oH-torn purl of. i. h-iiiiimi.iii viiiiiii,, . v' in ..(iiiiiiiiiniiii i-iiiiiiiv. vrii-uoii. hiiii iiro- ' ror a .niucript or the rissims nl tho toirltor.v nunoxisl to Is nny. voto vi-;s vhllnv liniilo nml its.oi-ileil In Miiltiiiimah i LH Yos. W Yos m) No. .. .1 ..r i.iil.. II .I....I ., . . I or no iiiiieiiiiiiii'iii in . i ii-ii- . i on -ii i ii 1 1 no oi nn iron. mriciiMiiif ini tiative. rofoiviMliiia 1 1 1 1 recall powers or the Hsiplot rosirli'ilmr tiMof cmeiironcy clane nml voto power nn State ami niilnlrlpul lenlslulliui. leunfrluir proportional olccilou of niemlK'rs or Ia'cIhIuiIvi- M'inllr from tho Main at Inre, niiniiiil mIiiii. anil Inuinislnvf incintiers fal nH"s ninl ti-nnsof nlll.'o: provlilliiK for oloeltoii of SlM'Sker nr ltiniH mm I'n-lili in of Somite. eilsile nf mcinhci! lestllcllnif ninnrik. Ii'ini'lil-i-s to iHi'iilj venrs; pnivlilliiir ten ilolhus iiciihIii ror unci eiiseil nhiiue fri.m nnv lollcnll. nml uhiiiurlnir fiiiin ofisith nrnm.e to provlileiualnl -o-cnlli'il liylslallie lntf-iullliif. Vole YI'.S ur XO. l Yes. ' :m No. ' Ml No. A hill ror ii law provlilliiir ror the peiiminent support nml miiltiteiiamo of the Southern Otctfon Stnto Noimal School nt Astilaml. Jackson county, tlrevoii. by levlnii oiie-tnenty-lirtliofu mill on Hi" ilnllir on all lava bloproHirt.vln the Statu of tiroiron therefor, ami lltalllnir Instrncttoii thorcln to iIiom' subjects pioiiiotliiirollli.'lciicy In the art or tisiehlntr. Voto YKSorNO. I'oruiiieliilmeiil in the t iih-illniliiii nr tho Mate of (lieson. pr - for vorillci by thrvo-fi.urtlis of Jntv in civil cio-cn: iiiittiurlxhiif uruml Juries lo Ik hiiiiiiiiniiiil si'imrate fiimi tho trial lurf. jhi mil II uirt liantro of Jnillclal system by Wiimiio. prohllillliu ro-trlal nlieto nnv etldciiM tosiiiiport erillftt piovlilluir for iilllrninuco of Jmlk'Hient on ntMH'ttl Hit) Yes. an No. An nmemlmeut orSec.snofArt. lortliiiConstitutloiiortliVstatvofllretfoii pi-ohlbltluirthomaniiractiireiuiil sale of lutoxlciitlnir lliiunr nml tin ironic therein within tho Slate of Oregon. on nml ufler tin-lt ilay or .lulv. A. II. 1WI. oxcoptliur Mr mctllclnul. sclcntlllc. hin-minnntal ami iiieclninlynl piirpows. Vote YV.& or Nl) l. Yos. an No. tiotHlllisliiiiilliiireriui commltlcil In loner court. iHii-cllinr Supnmo Court to onler sik'Ii Juitiriiient ns xhouhl havo tieen entoieil In Inner courti il.xlijir leriiisiirsiipruiiioi'ourti pruvlillnr juiliros of nil court iftj uliH'toil for Mxionr. ami liu'icislm,' Jiiilsilluilou or Supremo Court. ' Vine Yi:s or Nt). Mi MO" Yos, No. Vote for or against prohibition of the "salo of Intoxicating Liquors for beverage purposes, for entire County of Ccos, Mark X Botwoon Numbor and Answor Votod For. Ml for Prohibition. 36.1 Airnlnst Prohibition. Port of Coos Bay Measures Proposed by Initiative Petition. f Appearing in piiiimnioi in runui nun nay us Nnnilwr-Yos .W0. No 301) Koriimonilmont toChnrterof I'ortorcoiisllay prohibiting u, llnunl of Oonunisslonors from liieurrliiir nnv ImlcbteilnoM lii"'x-eis of I' fly Tlioiisiinil Dollars, unit lirovlillnir tlmt any such exwU shall to vol.l iiule.tlHittfllrmntlviiothoi)iieMlonoflnl.irrliijr.udMciH ndobieil. ness slinl huvo rece veil u mulnrlly vote of tho lejrnl v iteS of "ulll iCi votlntr thereon at h;tl ftlociloiituiiil i)rovili,rimt " awrVirSli iiilubloilnessofsalil 1'nrt shall never oxceeil tun imr obi t iif il?o a." si'sscil vnliirtllon u f prt liertv within s.ilil I'ort ' vX YKS n? No" 3Cll Yos. " 37 Hit. "" " Porto( Coos Bay Measures Referred by the Board of Commissioners of the Port of Coos Bay to the Voters of the Port of Coos Bay. ' (Appoarlmr In pnnitihlot of I'ort of Coos liny a Number-Yo 3ft.'. Noam An ordinance of tlio I'ort of Coo Hay uiloptlng a certain project of harbor Improvement tirovlillmr for tho iliocltflnif anil tmtlntominco of u miln ship channel, for Iniprovemeut of suhnlillnry wntorway eniply lutr Into Coos Ilay. for ptirchasoor priMHirty sulliiblo forpiibllowlmrvei "!.".' ,!ii)y,",v,"1 Provlilliiir for l.suuuco anil .aloof I'ort Uniil In tho jura nf j.) to carry qui such project. Villi YFUnrNO. . Vcs. .WD No. olllco of Truancy. Two years ngo tho District llounilnry Hoard appolntod mo Truant Olllcor for tho ontlro county Instead of a Truant Ofllcor In each school district, which was ex pensive, and didn't uroduco results. Whon thero wna a Truant Officer in each district tho Average attendance .VwiW.Vr rnto, It I am elected nt tho com In election I will try to sustnln tho booc roputntlon of tho sheriff's ofllco and do my best to put It on a still higher standard, i Respectfully, W. W. QAQB. (Paid advertisement.) ,.u ti u raStESaSulS2SZSESBSZSc3aSZSBS2SB iSiS2SZ5SS2Sl!Si!5&iS2iiiS2i,2i?j3?45i Ix-1-r-...rn. --r-. - 8 a a a .i " ' "w"v liaui Jab r, SHSi5?,raSH5HSa5HcZSHS7JJ2SHSaSZS3a5Z5aS2SaS2 CTitrpj STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails front Alnstvottli Dock, I'ortlniul, nt 8 V, M., every Tuesday. Sallo from Coos Day every Saturday nt service of (Into. Reservations will not bo held Inter than Friday noon, unless tickets ure purchased. W. F. Miller, AgL. Phont? Main 35-L I 1 THE FAST AND CODIODIOU3 . - Steamer Redondo (F.QUll'PKD WITH WIRELESS) WILL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT HETWEEN COOS RAY AND SAX FRANCIS CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AND 1NTER.OCEAN TRANSP. CO. FIFE 1ILDG., SAN FRANCISCO. FOR INFOR MATION PHONE -H-J o 283. SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY, NOV. I. AT 0 A. M.-1NTER-OCFAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. tt--tt-a-n-a-a-a--M--u-n n-n-u-tt-K-xi- a ---? Home Addition To Eastside NOW ON THE MARKET m j This addition Is situated immediately East of now Eastside MIU- t Tho lots are 100x211 and larger, about eight ordinary Jots; "4 t prices are $150.00 up for thes largo tracts. ? This plat was filed recontly, and wo have only f lots remaining unsold. This indicates that the property Is Int g ing to purchasers, nnd anyone wlshlug1 to socuro a lot should -promptly. Terms one-halt cash, balance equal payments, ' and 12 months. For particulars, boo I Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.1! Generat Agonta EASTSlllE . Henry- .Sancatacken, Mw- T . . ., . , , t -l.t.a8''' - . VT ----a-a-a-a-a-n-a--aa--a-H-tt---"a-tf-,,M,"a',l Pacific Monumental j 3 LAUGH! WELL I GUESS you'd laugh too If you had Just got your old suit back from the cleaners nnd it looked ns good as new like mino does. No it's no secret, the work was done by the Marshflold Cleaning nud Dyo Works, Phone 2 7 OX. - - 186 So. Broadway. ' ' -Ladifei ' Garment a Specialty. ) u-1 . .1-' w t ;". .i , i ' .i ( f ' . . t Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J HOME LANDCo: Bee us tor investment on Coos Bay. We guarantee owner's price to be our price. Pkoao 74L. s4 Front 8U S2CCCJLS' and Building Works H. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. All kinds of monumental work promptly and artistically exe- , cuted, Cnll at our works on South Broadway 3-n-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-tn-a------atttt"ni Coos Bay Roseburg Stage Line Dally stage between Roseburg and Marshtteld. SUige leaves da J Snnday at 7 p.- nu Faro, $0.00. '. OTTO SOnETTEH. Ajteut. O. I. BARNARD.- 120 MARKOT AV., MarehflcW. Agt, ROEBURO. C vrV f I