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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910 EVENING EDITION. KAMME GOING OUT OF THE CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS BUSINESS 25,000 Stock of High Grade Merchandise to be disposed of iminmci y , commencing daiuraay, novemDer Dtn. lie Largest and most Sensa tional Sale Ever Inaugurated on Coos Bay. We are going to make a Clean Sweep of the itire department; everything goes regardless, iot a single line spared, and we are making lis offer right at an opportune time, when f-f . j- J .. j.f- m are looking iu yuur iieeas ior me coming 7a!l and Winter We find that a general . 1 T .11.1 1 store, doing a cuversinea ousmess, cannot be so successful as one devoting their entire time and attention to one complete line Copyright 1908 by Hart SchafFncr & Marx Gents' Furnishing, Hats, Suit Cases, Oil Clothing. $10,000 STOCK OF HIGH GRADE AND STRICTLY FIRST CLASS, UP-TO-DATE MERCHANDISE TO BE THROWN ON THE MARKET RGARDLESS; CONSISTING OF POSITIVELY THE LARGEST ANDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, CLUETT AND NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, GOWNS, COL LARS, NECKWEAR, SUSPENDERS, LEATHER GOODS OF ALL KINDS, ETC., ETC. $5,000 Stock of High Grade Shoes, from $3.50 to $7.00 will be closed out POSITIVELY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF UP-TO-DATE FOOTWEAR ON COOS BAY, CONSISTING OF VALOUR CALF, PATENT, BOX CALF, KID, IN ALL WEIGHTS, ALL STYLES AND ALL WIDTHS. EVERY PAIR WILL BE SOLD OUT AT A GREAT SACRI FICE, OFFERING YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS FOR THE RAINY DAYS. EVERY PAIR OF BOYS' SHOES FROM SIZE 2 TO 6 INCLUDED. Hkh Grade Stock of Boys' Clothing and Overcoats Boys' and Youths' Clothing in knee lengths and long pants, an elegant assortment and sizes complete Colors: Navy, Brown, Black and bray, in all the latest patterns sizes, Z to o years ie uAiie Derm .wmoT no idcdatp in TAKING THIS STEP AND FEEL THAT WE ARE JUSTIFIED IN OUR UNDERTAKING, FOR AFTER SURVEYING CONDITIONS EXISTING HERE AND THE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY, WE HAVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT ONE THING "WELL DONE" IS WORTH MORE TO US THAN A DOZ EN WITHOUT PROPER ATTENTION.mbon puRNsH QQQS BAY WTH A C0MPLET& AND UP-TO-DATE LADIES' STORE, WHERE YOU CAN COME AND FIND YOUR WANTS BETTER LOOK ED AFTERB 0! EMABLE US TO BETTER FINANCE OUR AFFAIRS AND TO CONCENTRATE OUR ENTIRE EFFORTS FOR A BETTER PAYSOGN Kr TO DO AWAY WITH THIS DEPARTMENT QUICK, WE ARE OFFERING THE STOCK TO YOU AT AN ADVANTAGE. Very Respectfully, MERCHANT & KAMMERER. Stock consists of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hat, Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Oil Cloth ing Trunks, Suit Cases, etc. Hart, Schaffer & Marx Suits, and Overcoats, Boys' Clothing, Pants, Etc. :: See Window Display and call in for prices, as space does not allow for explanation. Every opportunity for a great saving can be had here Never before have you had such an offer. EOTION IS NEAR IT 0 Questions That Voters Will Pass On In Various States This Time. IBj Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) "ASHIXGTON, D. C, Oct. 31. Election of state officers, Judges ' the Supreme Court, Railroad wmmlssloners, etc., will bo held In " tates on Tuesday, November 8. alne, Vermont, Arkansas and 'jwrgla have hold their stato elec- Uon. but the two latter states will, eek from tomorrow, elect Repre- Watives in Congress. Maryland, ""tolppl, Virginia and West Vlr- aIai likewise, will elect congress- '" lalno and Vermont have nl- 'r 'chosen their congressmen and wte offlcers. in 28 of the states, governors and full stato tickets are to bo elected. In 9 others, Justices of tho Supremo Court and minor of ficials are to bo chosen, while In In diana state officers, except govornor, will bo elected. A number of tho states will elect mombors of tho legislature. The terms of 30 United States senators expire March 3, 1911. Tho legisla tures of Alabama, Maryland and Ver mont have elected their senators. The sixty-second congress will be elected. South Carolina and Louisiana have each but one ticket tho dem ocratic. Tho prohibition party has tickets In 25 states, tho socialists In 34, tho socialist labor In 8. Tho Inde pendence league has a full state tick et In New York; tho Keystono and tho Industrial party each have a ticket In Pennsylvania; tho People's Independent (Populist) has one In Nebraska, and tho American party ! ni-mnn nnfl In Utah. The number of tickets In tho varl-. ous states Is: 1, South Carolina ana Louisiana; 2, Florida, Kentucky and North Carolina; 3, Idaho, Nevada, Washington and Wyoming; 4, Ala bama, California, Colorado, Connec ticut, Delaware, Indiana, Iowa, Kan sas, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island', South Dako ta, Tennessee and Wisconsin; 5, Il linois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Min nesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Texas, Utah; 6, New York and Penn sylvania. Numerous proposed constitutional amendments and questions of vari ous kinds are to bo submitted In many of the states. Prohibition is an issue In Florida, Missouri and Oregon, and in those states proposed amendments to the constitution pro hibiting tho manufacture and salo of Intoxicating liquors wIlT bo voted upon. In Toxns, the Incoming legis lature will submit to tho voters for nnnroval or rejection, a constitution al amendment providing for prohibi tion. Oklahoma will vote Incidental ly on a proposed constitutional amendment substituting local option for tho present system of state-wide prohibition. Three states. Oklahoma. South Da kota and Washington,' will vote di rectly on tho question of granting suffrage to women, while In Oregon a proposed amondment to tho constl tutlon grants to all taxpayers, re gardless of sex, the right of suffrage Tho largest number of questions to be voted upon in any ono stato is In Oregon. Hero 32 initiative and referendum measures will be upon tho ballot for approval or rejection. Included In this number, besides tho proposed suffrage and prohibition amendments to the constitution, Is a bill, proposed by Initiative peti tion, amending the Orogon primary law, and extending Its provisions to presidential nominations, allowing voters to designate their cholco for president and vice-president; provid ing for direct nomination of party candidates for presidential electors; for election by party voters of dele- 1 gates to their party national nomin ating conventions. Ono of tho suggested amendments to tho Oregon constitution proposed bj Initiative petition, provides for verdicts by three-fourths of a Jury In civil cases. Another proposed amondment Increases tho Initiative and referendum and recall powers o tho people. Conservation of natural resources will be passed upon by voters of J Wisconsin in tho shape of a propos ed amondmont to tho constitution, authorizing tho stato to make an nual appropriation' for acquiring, preserving and developing water power and forests of tho stato. In Minnesota, a proposed constitutional amendment authorizes tho legisla ture to exempt from taxation lands of private persona to be used for purposes of reforestation. TUB WIIKAT MARKIJT. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Wheat closed as follows: Dccombor, 87 l-2c; May, 04 l-4c; July, 92 l-2c. PORTLAND, Nov. 3. Track wheat prices: Club, 74c; Blues torn, 78c; Red Russian, 73c; Valloy, 78c; For tyfold, 76c to 76c. . TACOMA, Nov. 3. Milling wheat; niticstom, 78c; Club, 7Gc; Rod Rus sian, 73c. Export wheatj Rluestom, 79c; Fortyfold, 7Cc; club, 7Bc; Red Russian, 73c. ' Read the Times Want Ada CRAWFORD IS IN JAIL. Fnko Detective mid Former Attorney In Trouble. PORTLAND, Ore, Oct. 31. For tho first time, J. O. Crawford, tho young lawyer of Marahflold, who Is. charged with having Impersonated a secret sorvico officer of tho United States, was formally Indicted by tho grand Jury. The officers of tho court were of tho Impression that Craw ford had been indicted on Monday, and as a consoquonco tho young man was brought down to the United States Court to plead at tho morning session. After grabbing a law book and searching Its covors for a statuto which would aid his case, Crawford pleaded not guilty to tho chargo on ( which no Indictment had over boon rotur.ncd. Ho was held for trial at tho November term, nnd bolng un nblo to furnish ball was sont back to Jail, In tho nftornoon It was dis covered that Crawford had novor been indlctod nnd the grand Jury was asked to rectify tho orrpr, , Crawford, who has prnctlccd law at Marshflold fpr two years, will at tempt to take, advantage of the tech nicality to sccuro his freedom.