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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1910)
afattaa ADS. NEWS !1 rtiPV BUSINESS IB BLOW, Al V-IITISI.'. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI. fVCE 1Y SUCCESSFUL 1JUSI ggg HOUSES EVERYWHERE s: GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu THE TIME TERSELY lOLH t: :: :: i: ti MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED I'ilESS r Uxxx"1' Established 1878 ns Tlic Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mail nml Coos liny Advertiser. 94 dflflB paw ! n II 11 MURDERED ID $510 STOLEN: i CLUE 1 m r Roberts. Leading Real i hi Estate Dealer, Mysteriously Murdered Last Night. WAS CARRYING CASH TO JEFFERSON ime Is Believed to Have Been Committed By People Familiar With Him. to Coos Hay . I-....1 ttiart $j Aliociniuii 1-ikbo Times.) Nov. IE 3. Although IS INJURED Well-known Coos Bay Pioneer Victim of Runaway Accident Last Evening. A. 0. Allien, ono of tho oldest mil boat known rosltlonta of Coos Dnv. wns critically Injured Inst evening by bolng thrown from n buggy on the Forndnlo rond nonr Duncan Forgu- Ho suBtnlucd n sevcro Rcnlp wound, a broken collnr bono nml intcrunl Injuries tlio extent of which ennnot bo determined. He Is Biifforlng Intcnso pain nml this lcndB to tho belief that tho Internal In juries may bo even more serious than INDICT NEBRASKA LAND GRABBERS Federal Grand Jury Holds Ranchmen In Western Part of State For Conspiracy Crimes Against Settlers. (By ABBOclotcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) OMAHA, Nov. 3. Indictments re turned by tho fcdcrnl grand Jury yes tcrdny against the nlno ranchmon of Western Nebraska were mndo pub lic today. Tho indictments charge conspiracy to drlvo from their claims nt tho point of guns tho homestead ers who took sections of somi-arld land under tho Klukald homestead law. Those Indicted aro Terry S. Yeast, Prank Yenst, L. E. Balllngor, M. C. Hubbot, Emll Anderson, Will M. Emorson, Harry Hutton, Boono B. Hawthorne, and Dr. Harry H. Huff. Tho latter physician and Sut ton, the county attorney of Garden county, aro members of tho insanity board. It Is charged that Yeast an1 his assistants carrlod their efforts to far as to securo incarceration In the Insane asylum of ono of their allego.l victims. NEW REVOLUTION BREAKS DUT IN REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS SALEM, Ore .if.. M...1 tlnfttAllf'Aa lmvn tinntl ( POUCU UI1U uuininv. .....u .. oiklng nil night and today, they aro j son's home, Hhout satisfactory cluo to tho mur- roui highwaymen who last night jlild, killed and robbed J. 13. Rob i, a real estnto dealer, of a sum ilercd to amount $5,000. noborts' a njt ho bollovod tho fathor war ...i.M tli lnfifii aimi In .Tnffnranil irjiub i " - .. ,, ,.., .i ,. ... , i real cstato transaction when hoi"" '" i..,...i.-u. ... uuwmtuu Ho waB known to have "KC' ,,u m,"& "uuul ,u' "",K,-', U1U enso moro serious. S IS In held up, bun 97,600 from tho hnnks recent- bat had not withdrawn anything i the past few days, although on I Hi bankers anlil ho know Roberts kptod to recoivo n lnrgo sum from fcSMit. Itobcrts frequently carried from 1,000 to $5,000 on his pernor ed ill known facts Indlcnto thnt per- est familiar with his habits must me committed tho crime. A pistol wind near by tins pnrtly been Idontl- led tr a local gunsmith, but no well wtiUlihed cluo has yet been dlscov- Ired. IM1S HURT Br DRYS iig Lumberman Says That Prohibition Causes Awful Condition In Camps. (From Tho Polk County Obsorvor, Dallas, Oregon.) In bli zeal for tho causo of prohibi tion, tho editor of tho Independence Enterprise goes out of hla wny to talk tout loniethlng of which ho knows whins, and to mnko statements Men aro not founded on fact. In i!i latest Issue, ho says: Men nro coming from wot cities I'o work In tho Dallas mills in ordor t'" Set the protection from liquor af forded them In dry towns. Buslucss c of Dallas and vicinity. say thoy We profited bo much by bolne dry I'iat they will leave no atone unturn- fd to mako tho state dry." ui all tho absurd and misleading !rtloii8 heard recently, tho claim f the Independence paper that "men Incoming from wot cities to work In l Dallas mills In order to get tho Election afforded thorn In dry I 'Wnj. Ig (ho wnmt von hnvn vnt jfrd. u will cprtninly bo "news" the people of Dallas. oelnc encappil In n T?nta Pnmnnli?n iJt now. and not lwlni wllllni? to " his own information nlone in Mating out tho utter falsity of tho 'dependence paper's Btatement, tho "0r Of tho Ohftnrvnr aiihmlttofl tho lng to Mr. George T, Gerlinger, kiret Willi toy and General Manager of the amette Vallev Liimbor Comnany. ""er and operator of ,thov big aaw- ' ,D Dallas and employing an army ct toen in tho mountain logging "mPs at Black nock. As our read l" re donhtless aware, Mr. Gerlln- ' prominently Identified with n JronP of capitalists who control more Property and probably employ moro e than any concern engaged In llko "Wilts in Western Oregon, and tho pne of all of this extenslvo opera on is ln Po,k County Aftor reading lBforecoln .,. v. . i. t. Pendenco newspaper, Mr. Gerllu- Mr. Aiken, who tins tho contract for carrying tho mnll between Em pire and Mnrshflcld, was bringing up tho mail Inst evening. Ho wns driv ing a rnthcr fractious horso which beenmo frightened nt eomo object alongsldo tho road near tho Ferguson homo. Tho nnlmnl wheeled bo quick ly thnt Mr. Aiken could not stop him nml wns thrown from tho rig, strik ing on his head and shoulders. Mombors of tho Ferguson family heard somo ono groaning soon after tho accident and an Investigation re vealed Mr. Aiken lying In the road. Ho was taken to tho houso nml Dr. Horafnll called und his rolntlvcs notified. Mr. Aiken enmo to Oregon In 1SC3 nnd ltnH been n resilient of Coos County nlmost continuously slnco that time, only two or thrco others who wero residents hero then still re maining. Ho has been n member of tho Masonic lotlgo for moro than forty years and Is ono of tho oldos inombers of thnt organization In the state. Fow on Coos 'liny liavo n larger clr- clo of friends thnn Mr. Allien nnd nil nro hoping' that ho will quickly re cover from his Injuries. Trouble Between Express Com panies and Drivers Maybe Settled Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Tho move ment for n settlement of tho strike of tho express companies' drivers which hns practically tied up the ex press business In nnd around Now York City for a week, took moro do finite form today with tho nnnounco ment that representatives of tho companies would meet representati ves of tho men this afternoon. Tho Indications nro thnt both sides will enter tho conforenco with n willing nesa to concede something nnd tho prospects for n settlement buforo night fall looked bright. Mayor Gaynor announced Into yes terday that tho strikers had agrcod to nrbltrato. Tho strikers advised tho mayor thoy wero willing to leave their enso in tho hands of arbitrators to bo selected by a conciliation com mlttco of tho National Civic Federa tion nnd return to work and wait for tho decision of tho arbitrators. GARRY MAIL IN AN AEROPLANE LAHOK LEADERS CALLED. Bay Many Summoned Hy Los Angeles Grand Jury. (By Associated Press to Coos Times.) LOS ANGELES, Nov. 2. Proml nont Snn Francisco members nnd lenders of tho labor unions of Cali fornia nppoored beforo tho grand Jury today ln answer to summons from that body to tell what they know rcgnrdlng tho movoments nnd plans of certain individuals Buspcct od to bo guilty of knowlodgo of the alleged dynamiting of tho Los An geles Times. Tho witnesses ques tioned today wero supposed to have knowledge of the movements of the hunted trio, Brlce, Schmidt and Ca plnn. Among those awaiting call from tho Jury room aro Olaf Tevitirfoe. secretary and treasurer of tho State Building Trades Council: Anton Jc hannsen, organizer of tho Building Trades Unions; Geo. u. rnmij, manager of tho dynamlto factory at Giant, Cal and tho owners oi mo launch pnsttlme Doughins uurrows and Howard Baxter, whoso vessel which was renamed the Peerless is alleged to have been used by tho plotters to transport tho explosive subsequently used to destroy. Tho Times plant and its men. Newspa permen were not pormlttea anywuoro In tho vicinity of tho grand Jury room. TIUGEDV IN CHICAGO. Man (By Kills Wife, Wounds Baby nnd Commits Suicide. Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) Jtonce dictated the following sta-j CHICAGO. Nov. 3. John Seckani- eent f publication: 'na, who deserted his wife a year ago, do not know of any men coming entered the Httlo grocery conducted to this m. . . , : ' ..-. -w nnd killed her. y0' of iB ii.. i.n.1.1 .iJ j.j . in hor arms and WowSmrSZZfirtZl then killed himself. NEW YOHKEIl SUICIDE. Former Oh ner of The Times Shoots Shoots Himself. (Dy Associated Press to Coos P .Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Gllbort E. Jonos, former owner of tho Now York Times, nnd son of Gcorgo Jonos, founder of Tho Tlmos, commlttod suicide by shooting hlmsolf In tho temple ln his ofllces In tho old Tlmos building on Park Row todny. Jones wns secretary of tho Park Building Company, ownor of tho building for merly occupied by Tho Times. Jones wns a man of largo means and qulot tastes. No known reason Is known for his Eiitcldo. COAST LEAGUE BALLJCORES Portland Wins Game and San ' Francisco and Oakland Play Tie. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 3. If Portland wins more games from Ver non, sho will have tho Coast League 1910 pennant cinched even though Oakland gets every game from San Francisco this week, Including the tie game of yesterday. Yesterday's game resulted as fol lows; Government Grants Permit For First Undertaking ofy Kind Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 3. Official sanction wns given today by tho government for tho transmission of United States mall by aoroplano for tho first tlmo In history. Tho permission was granted by tho post master gonornl for J. A. D. McCurdy to carry United States mails ln this manner from tho outgoing trnns Atlantlc liner Knlsorln Augusto Vic toria to Now York next Saturday when that vosboI Is fifty miles nt sea. Tho mall pouch will contain lottors from passengers of tho steam ship for transmission to various parts of tho world. Tho only con dition Imposed is thnt writers of such letters shall havo notlco thnt tho mnll Is to bo carried In an aero plane Tho government will thus be relieved of responsibility In enso thr lottors aro lost In transit from tho steamship to tho Now York postof' flee. BREAKWATER IN EARLY TODAY Steamship Arrives From Port land Wjth Large Passen ger List. Tho Breakwater arrived In nt 8:30 this morning from Portlnnd with n lnrgo pnsscngor lint. Sho hnd n fnlr trip down tho const. Tho Breakwater will sail at 10 o'clock Saturday morning for Port land.. Among thoso arriving on tho Brcnkwator wero tho following: D. W. Mungor, Mrs. Mungor, Mm. Ella Rny, Irn Whoolor, Leslio Butler, Mrs. M. J. Ghnyor, II. E. Cnvannugh, J. S. Roborts, Mrs. Roborts, Norrls Roborta, T. W. Allen, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. King, Mrs. Hownrd, J. R. Sltts, W. Illgglns, A. Bartlott, B. E. Blunder, Mrs. J. Jones, S. R. Dcfformnn, Mno Oliver, Mrs. Foster, Miss FoBtor, Miss M. Foster, Mrs. Hobcn, E. W. Pntter, A. W. Lundy, W. L. HoImo, Mrs. Mnthow, L. Morgan, C. Boggs, C. Myora, D. II. BrownBldo, Win. Hol Innd, E. Milton, J. Frnscr, MIsb 1). Moody, J. Eupdlko, A. Myro, R. M. Woldor, Miss Woldor, J. II. Holllstor, Mrs. II. McLnln, Goo. Storoy, T. G. Horton Mrs. Wolls, Mrs. Harmon, S. Knwntn, J. M. Galor and sovontecn Btcerngo. Martial Law Declared As Re sult of Insurrection Start ed at Amapale. OUSTED COMMANDANT LEADER OF OUTBREAK TAX RATE IS HAXIC CLERIC IS CAUGHT. Now York Man Who Dropped $1:1,000 In "llucki't Shops" Arrested. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 3. Carl Rohor, tho defaulting bank clork of tho National Union Bank of Wntor town, N. Y with nn alleged shortngo of thirteen thousand dollars, was ar rested hero today. Rohor confossod to tho local dotoc- tlves that ho had been playing n "Bucket shop" gamo, and hnd usod 113,000 o' tho bank's funds. As- .Mob That Threatened Woman's gallant Now Quiet. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PEORIA. III., Nov. 3. It Is qulot around tho county Jnll whore Josoph Hofmann, tho man nlloged to hnvo as saulted Miss M. Clark, a teacher, Tuesday, Is Imprisoned. Tho excite ment about tho city hns dwlndlod down and mobbing Is no longer feared. At Vernon ' ft If Vernon 1 J Portland H 1' At Oakland R H San Francisco 0 3 Oakland 0 C (Called eleventh darkness.) At Sacramento R I1 Sacramento, , . .., 1 Lob Angeles. .,.,.... 3 9 WHEN voting for sheriff, experi ence counts. Who has It? Why W. W. Gage W. J. Rust Paid Adv. TREPARE FOR RIOT. Bay Double Number of Police Reserved In Chicago. (By Associated I ess to Coos Tines.) CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Tho number of police reserved for riot duty In tha garment workers Btrlko wbb doubled today. It Is charged by the strikers today that the Chicago tailoring shopj af fected by the strike of tho sarmont workorB aro sending garments to shopB In New York, Philadelphia and Cincinnati to be made up. Tho union's officials aro Investigating. Tho final rehearsal for medal con test took placo last night nt TABER NACLE. Tho double class nro in fine shape to glvo you splendid ENTER TAINMENT TOMORROW NIGHT. LET EVERYBODY GO and glvo tho young folks a crowded houso. NO ADMISSION, WHY should Railroads bo watch ed? Becauso of their-record; who can do It efficiently? Why, Hugh McLain, he Is honest, capablo and uatirln,g.- W. J. Rust Paid Adv. GD That Taxes In "Dry" Towns of Oregon Are No Greater Than In "Wet" Ones Is Proven. Ono of tho arguments moBt fre quently advanced In favor of tho li cense policy Is thnt It helps to pay tho taxes. This nrgumont Is supposed to bo tho most effective In h'gh II conso towns whore tho rcvo'iua do rlvod from tho saloon business ie pro portionately largo; nnd porhnps tho voters of soma towns hosltnto to closo up tho saloons for fonr that tho loss of saloon revenue will grontlv In crease tho tax rato. Wo havo nt hand n fow figures covorlng this proposi tion from somo of tho prominent wet nnd dry towns of Orogon. A careful perusal of theso figures will show that tho tax rato In tho nverago dry town Is not higher than tho tax rato of tho nverago wot town: WET TOWNS. Astoria, 12,000 population, 40 sa loons, 500 llcanso; tax rato, 10 mills. Baker City, 8,000 pop., 24 ealoonB, 400 license; tax rato, 20 2-3 mills. Modford, 6,000 pop., 9 saloons, $500 license; tax rato, 17 1-2 mills. Oregon City, 6,000 pop., 16 sa loons, $400 license; tax rate, 6 mills, Hlllsboro, 2,500 pop., 3 saloons, $2,000 license; tax rate, 9 3-10 mills. Average for the flvo wet towns of 10 7-10 mills. DRY TOWNS Grants Pass, 6,000 pop., no sa loons; tax rate, 8 mills. Corvnllls, 4,000 pop,, no saloons; tax rate, 7 mills. Albany, 6,000 pop., no saloons; tax rato, 8 mills, Iloppner, 2,500, no saloons; tax rato, 7 mills. Enterprise, 1,200 pop., no saloons; tax rate, 10 mills. Silverton, 2,000 pop., no saloons; tax rato, 3 mills. Average for tho six dry towns, 7 1-6 mills. From STAINLESS FLAG. (Advertisement Paid by Rev. II, I. Rutlcdge.) HOW can wo havo good roads, nnd got honest work? Why by voting for Judgo John F. Hall; soo his record, W, J. Rust Paid advertisement. United States Government May Be Asked to Intervene and End Rebellion. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C Nov. 3. Mnrtlnl law has been declared In Honduras ns n rosult of tho rovolt of Gonornl Joso Vnltndnros, tho deposed commandant of Amnpala, against tho government. Tho port of Amnpala has been closed nml tho island is in n stnto of Blcgo. Tho United States gunboat Prince ton Is In tho hnrbor of Amnpala ready to tako hand In tho revolution nt tho first sign of hostilities towards foreigners or their Interests. Presi dent Davlln is preparing to send nn nrmed forro against Vnllndarcs und In event of tho government's failure to rcstoro order on tho lalnnd, tho United States will probably bo askod to Intervene. It would not bo sur prising If Commnnder Hnyos of th Prlncoton, acting under Instruction of tho Stnto Dopnrtmont should Bend nn armed force ashnro at any tlmo to tnko Vnllndarcs Into custody. Commnnder Hayes tologrnphod tho Nnvy Department today ns follows; "Tho commnndant of Amnpaln has In formed tho foreign consuls ho has no Intention of injuring foreign oubjocts or proporty, nnd thero Is no disorder nt present." VALLADARICS HAD ONE. Lender of Revolution Noted for Hatred of Foreigners mid Amei'lcniiH (By Associated Press U. Coos Bay Tlmos.) NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 3. Friends hero of former President Boullla ct Honduras, assort ho has no connoo tlon with tho rovolt of Vnllndarcs who Is noted for his hatrod for for olgnors nnd who recontly publicly an nounced ho hnd n ained his dog "Tnft" to show his contempt for tho American government. BODY RUMORED STOLEN. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) B18BEE, Ariz., Nov. 3. Tho ru mor of tho theft of tho body of for mer governor Raffol Yznbol of Sonora from tho comotery at HormoHlllo, the capital of tho Mexican stnto, grows stronger but It Is Impossible to con firm It nt present. THE WHEAT MARKET, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Nov. 2. Wheat closed as follows: Decomber, 89 5-8o; May, 05 3-4c; July, 93 5-8c. PORTLAND, Nov. 2. Wheat un changed. TACOMA, Nov. 2, Milling wheat Blues torn, 79c; Club, 75c; Red Russian, 74c; Export wheat Blue- atom, 80c; Fortyfold, 78c; Club, 76c; Rod Russian, 74c, NAVAL RESERVE MEETING. Members' of the? Marchfteld Divi sions of the Oregon Naval Roservo, aro requested to meet at tho hall, cornor of Front and Alder, promptly at 7:30 this evening. R. O, GRAVES. If you want Coos Bay to amount to a little "Frog-pond," voto for the Bennett amendment. (C, R. Pock Paid advertisement.) SHOULD wo havo reprosontatlon of nil or part? If you want representation for all, voto for R, A. Copplo, Jolnt-Roprosontatlvo for Coos and Curry. W. J. Rust. Pd. Adr Havo your Job The Times ffic9. printing done at