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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1905)
ROSEBURG Friday, May 5th Two Performances Daily 2 and 8 o'clock p. m. in Big Tents THE PRIDE OF THE WEST NORMS & ROWES The Great Tented Amusement Enterprise that Fulfills Every Promise CIRCUS MENAGERIE 2 -RINGS A NEW ELEVATED STAGE A NEW CIRCUS A Multitude oi New Features Never Rose DockriU Seven Marvelous Bettords Herd of Ctaphaata Dolly Miller Melnotte, LaNole HeJoottc Congress of Seals EsteMe Settler Flying Vlctoreuas Troupe Camels. Llamas. M'HeJulien Daring Aerial Weavers Dromedaries Broken George Holland Five Flying Banvards to Harness. Frank Miller Famous Gardner Family Fierce Siberian Bears Austin King Graceful ncDonald Trio Cake-Wanting Stallions Jo. Lyons Seven Kisnimona Japanese One Hundred Shetland Herbert Rumle v Six Sngimoto Japanese Pony BaJtot 4 Drill Wm. Dotton LadySwordswomen Fencers Trained Pelicans Plga HUGE ROMAN AH Kinds of Exciting, Thrilling, JOLLY JESTING 20 Headed by "Cheerful Jim" West, The Grotesque Olipans Tote MILLION DOLLAR MENAGERIE An Imperial Collection of Rue Wild Beasts Biggest and Best of III Feature of Every jfcj GRAND GOLD GUTTERING STREET PARADE Will Leave the Show Grounds Every Moraine at 10:30 50c. Children, 25. One Fttsit Ever)' farmer raises some fruit. All could raise more and better fruit and make more money from it if they read a first-class fruit paper like The National Fruit Grower ISrsRMIT a5M Published at St. Joseph, Mich in the heart of the famous Michigan Fruit Beit. A large, beautifully printed Monthly, ably edited, full of the latest and best methods of cultivating, handling and marketing large and small fruits. WIHTH inn :o anv anner or grower to TTURIU apluU have this paper for this next year. The Spraying Calendar is invaluable. We will give this paper absolutely free for one year to any new or old subscriber who pays arrearage and one year in advance. Cut out this advertisement and send or bring it in at once. This offer may be withdrawn without notice. an w 1 Roseburg CALL FOR IT STANFORD PURE RYE It Hits the Spot. The Whiskey that pleases all Nothing Finer. Nothing Better. TEN YEARS OLD GUARANTEED TAKE NO OTHER Mikfc JACOB & CO. Distillers. Cincinnati. Ohio ED. COCHRAN, Sole Agent. Rosebnrg. Oregon CASH FOR CLEANING UP YOUR PLACE We will pay the highest cash price for Hides, green or dry, Pelts ,goat skins, furs, iron brass, copper, lead, zinc, rubber boots & shoes Have some splendid bargains in second hand Furniture ROSEBURG JUNK AND HIDE CO. M 11 It is a poor man's chance and a fine investment for others. Write for free cata logue, it will tell yon all about them, a treatise on walnut culture. BROOKS & SONS Walnut Nursery Carlton, Ore. If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a bousr If you want to move a house If you don't know PAT Call 00 or addreai . . . F F. pafctdpgon, MUSEUM HIPPODROME RINGS-9 IGHOL'T THROUGHOUT Before Presented la America HIPPODROME Real Races and Teats oi Skill CLOWNS 20' Happy Billy" La Roe, Dockrow - ' Tunny BUT Scott Ticket Admits Yon to erarytntng Paper Free Plaindealer AM. FOR IT It Brings the Trade ilUST HAVE IT We are experts in walnut work. Have the leading -oft shell varieties, abnndant bearers at early age. Ore eon is the true home for walnuts. Contractor aid Bo i id si Reeebnr Oregon I The Track of the Planets The earth and moon about the sun Perform their yearly round ; The stare which sing and have their fun In distance profound Keep pace with other spheres and mini In space beyond our view. The earth upon its axis runs And makes tomorrow true. Was Clod or Joshua in fault, In time of heathen days? Or did the earth or sun e'er halt To give to God their praise? The works of God reveal his might And demonstrate his law And by his laws make day and night, Inspiring sacred awe. By parables and metaphors We've reached a higher piano Than in the time of ancient wars Which science now diitdain. L. C. Hiu.. Drain News. The following have been appointed delegates to the Oregon State Develop ment League convention which will be held at Portland, Wednesday and Thtire day, April 26th and 27th. The conven tion this year will meet in sertinng de voted to various industries of I be state. Agiiculture Ira M'imberly, K O. Patchen, M. K. Ryan. tiood Roads J. V. Spalding, K. A. Johnson, J. A. Klack. Dairy W. M. Moore, W. C. Edwards, Jos. Richey. Fruit E. R. Applegate, T. E. Bledsoe, J. A Culy. Mining L. N. Whipple, W. W. Kent, w . A. Perkins. man MORNINGSTAR At Drain, April 12, IV 15, Farmer A., infaut son of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. F. Mornjngstar. SAGE At Drain, April 13, IMS, Mrs. S. A. Sage, aged 35 years. A husband and four small children survive Mrs. Sage. Nonpareil. The government is red, hot after the sureties of C Haffeudeo' ex-postmaster of Woodstock, a suburb of Portland. Haffeuden was short in his accounts 1 Bant, snd iiulewe paid at once Uncle Sam threatens to bring suit. 1 on: or$l, tkW.OUOi; is all the same to Sam. Real Estate Transfers Simon W Gam to John !' Kaatsehe, ISiO ; hv 3t 1 1 24 s r w. D .rtliy 0hauhiiessv to Geo W Pav , nport, 200: land in tp -J7 r t w. H U ami Anna A Wilwon to Mrs K W ! Carter, l.10: lo i-ft, , 7, A 8 klk 14 t'anxouitlL-. Minnie L and W H Hoy! ft H A iregory to J II Leasts, $2200: part ..: ....1 i - i -. sec 31 ' mm la s-c I 32 tp 28 a r Mr. C Roes and Blanch D King to A T PinUer, $53.50 ; lot 5 blk 8 A. lot 3 blk 10 YoncalU. Elmer V and Evlyn Hoover to Ueo V Hoover, 100 ; and I 6 int in - 51 ft lot 4 blk 3V Koseburg. John and Mary A Naah to J I. Rider, $400 ;nH nwV, eec 26 tp 22 e r 8 w. Hattie Andereon to N Anderson, 85 lot 6 blk 10 Hamilton!' Add Rosebnrg. Sidney J and Jennie F Clifton to Arthurs Pence, 800; e1 nw4 ne n:-4 :4 aec 24 tp 25 e r 4 w. DAki 4 1 mi a r . , a. t """" u -1 ' J H Booth, $24 ; part eecs 27 A 29 tp 26 3 s r 6 w. Isabel! C and W Davenport lo Ben K McMullen, 300; part of W Daton D L C no 42 tp 27 a r 6 w. R K and Callie Montgomery to Mr- S J Prunitt, t200 ; H 110 ft lot 10 n 89 l, ft lot 9 blk 3 1.1I hereon Add Glendale. J L and Anna B Rider to Mack K Smith 1100: ntf nwX sec 26 tp 26 s r 8 w. Clara B and Geo C Malmgren to Geo Hoover, $50; interest in est of Hulda E Hoover, Roeeburg. Building committee St Johns Kpisc church to C L Brown, tl. ; W se!, e1, ew1., eec 6 tp 32 a r 7 w. H 8 and Mary E Conn to Ben E Mc Mullen, H50 : part of W Eaton Dl.Cno 42 tp27er6-w. Herman Herbera et ux to Charles M Butler, $1700; sw.t se sec 23 tp 26 a r 7 w. G W Perry et al to John Sachter et al $10. ; lota 9 10 11 & 52 blk 51 railroad ad to Roeeburg, Ore. Chaa and Lisaie Thorn to Frederick A Kribs $800 , w)4 nw) sec 8 tp 27 s r 8 w. United States patents were granted to: George Bacon. Sidney J Clifton, Charlta H Francis, John L Maupin, Frank Reed, Arthur H Browa, Reatha Selig, John R McKioney, Mary T Leibermon, Humph ry M Eddins, Smllie M Eddins, Fred F Schlieman, Anna M Knilans, William Knilans, John Shea, Melyin C Cooper, Kline Rachel, Lucius B Judson, Albert 11 Bozarth, Euclid J Bourgeois. If it is a billions attack take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets ami a quick cure is certain. For sale by A C. Marstera A Co. tf Weather Report. D. 8. W BATHER BtTRKAU Om, RosKBCKu, Ore . Week ending 5 p. m., Apr. 19, 1905. Maximum temperature 05 on the 14th Minimum temperature, 40 on 19th Rainfall for the week, 0.41 Total rainfall since 1st of month 0.42 Total iainfall from Sept. 1, 1904, to date, 23.75. Average rainfall (om Sept. 1 to date 30.86. Total deficiency from Sept. 1, 1904, to eate, 7.10. Average precipitation for 28 wet sea sons, 33.67. Thus. Gibson, Observer. Far a Weak Mfcstioa. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets will help you to digest your food, It is not the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, but the amount digested and assimilat ed. If troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail to give these Tablets a trial. Thousands have been benefited by their nse. They only cost a quarter. For sale by A. C. Maraters & Co. Notice of Restoration of Public Lands to Set tlement and Entry. rvK.I'ARTMKNT OK THK IXTBBIOR, Hen- " aral Laos OSsee, Waafctogtaai, D.c, Jan nary i, 19US. Notice ! herrby kiv. ii that on Daaeaahet IS, 19W. Um Sv rvlary ( Um Interior released (ruin withdrawal and restored to net I lenient the public lands in the lollowtafl de netted aieas which were teniiiorartly with Steam un August :i, mo;!, (or piopaaaJ eSSittam to The Cascade Forest Reserve: ami that the aalil public lands so released (rom withdrawal and restored to settlement on Deeesaber IS, 1904. will become subje-t to entry, tiling and selection at the li titled States Ijiii.I Ortlees (or the respective districts in wlucli the restored lauds lie, viz: at Oregon City and Koseburg, wrvKon.on m ay i, am; iwnsni nve (.'), six (S) and seven (7) South. Range lour ft) Fast, W. M.; In rowushli eight (8) South, Range lour (4) East, the west hall ol Section two (J), rk-ftion tim e (:l) Ui ten (10), both inclusive, the south ball ami northwest .purler ol Heetlon eleven (11) the northwist .jinrter of Seetion fourteen (14). the north half ai,d southwest quarter of section tlfieeii (1..), Section sixteen fit!) t twenty (.1)1, both lneluslve, the northwest l"rter ol Section twenty one IH), the south half and northwest .iiarlero( Section twenly nine tai, ncctions iiiirty aw and thirty one(.;l) and the west hall of Si lion Ihlrly two H); In Tow nship nine c.i) South, Range (our (I) Fast Sections Ave O). alx (6), seven (7). thirteen ft and fourteen (14). the Math hall o( Section tlf teen (la), Sections sixteen (16) to thirty-six (36) both Inclusive: in Township ten (10) South Range four (4) East. Seetlons one (1) to twenty (JO), both lneluslve, the southwest quarter o Section twenty-one (21), the northeast .iiart ot fHftlon tweuly two (), ntrtloei twenty inree twenty-lour (21) and twenty live 2a) the north half and southeast luarter of Section twenty-six (;). Sections twenty-nine () to thirty two (). both Inclusive, the south bal and northwest quarter o( Section thirty three 129) the southwest quarter of Section thirty lour (.141. the southeast .tiarter ..f Brrtlnn thtr ty-flve RKt, Becttaa thirty six (St.); In Town ship eleven (11) South Range lour (4) Easi. Sections lour (4) to nine , noth iueluslte. Sections sixteen It to twenly SO. both in clusive, the north hail and s uilbwest quarter ol Section twenty one -91-, the west hnll ot Section twenty eight , Section! twenty nine () and thirty OSS, in township twelve (12) south, rne four. 4, east; sections ihne. .1. lo thirty . SJ, both inclusive, and sec tions thirty -five 3S. to thlrty-six, :': all iu the On-fton City land District; townships lour teen, 14, fifteen. 15. sixteen. Is. and seven teen. 17. south, range four 4, east, W M . Tow nship twenty two 2 South. Range on. -1 West: In Township twenty three -ii South Range one -1- West, Sections one 1-to eleven -1I-. both inclusive Sections HI teen -IS- to twent-one both inclusive, and Sccllous taenty-clght -2t- to thirty three -B-, both In elusive. In Township twenty lour -.'4- Beetfc. Range one -I-West. Sectlous five 5 vo nine -. bott Inclusive, the west h;f ol Section lour teen 14 , Sections fifteen -IS to twenty three s, UUh inclusive, and Sections twenly live -J5- at thirty six -J6-, b tb Inclusive: Ii Town ship twenty five iv Sonth. Range one 1 Wast, Sectlona one -1- u. la.nty Ibr.-, t(-, both Inelu ive. tne norm half M sections twenty tour .'4 and twi ntj six jr. . Sections tw, nty -seven -.7 M thirty-ore 1 . tth Inclusive. ( lownship hiily JC- utb. Range one -1- M s,vtins one -1 , twe -1 and lhr e Bar lilt five -i- lo tweuly tl r.e .'I . both ilf I ! . and Sections twenty-seen -.'? to thirty six . both lajela s v-; In T, wn-hi). iturty ,mo -tl- So'iib. Ksiik'. one -l- WreUaaa ions Sea ati -t-t s-v-n 7 nnd eight -v. the s--nihwest ajwaattf ol St tion nine Sections tHi,-, n IS m hwatias '1 I both lneluslve sn l S-cil n twenty seven -iT-. to thin; six b..ih SBrtMis, all In it e Saaasian Latas) Distrtet . j h kimflk. Appnived; aVcUssf CdSBsalaa4Mt lllos ki ts. Acting s,rrur ,.f the Interior SUMMONsS. Iu the i":rrnll Court of th. for lStualas louuly. iilT ol Ot,oU t.eo K. Chamber!. n 1, oeri,.,r. K I Dunbar. tmmUmn M .te awl Omm. -Moore, Treaau , r ,, 1 s av ,, Utr gon. DasMlti.ttsig the Htolc I-nl , Boul lor the sale tt Sebool aii.l I 111 , wersity Ijiu t. and "or the iu,-stmeut of the funds arising therefrom I'lallillS VS J W illiam h'urlong. James Kuilenc and ,' K II Meyers Defendants t To W illiam F irlong and James Furlong sle name.1 defendant: la the came ol Hie State of Oregon, you and each ol you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint In the aore enittled uit on or bjfore May 1.'. 1 ',, and if you fail so lo appear or aiKwcr plaintiff enmplaiut as ! atop-said, lor want thereof plaintiff all! Bp! to the court lor the relief demanded In sail I con-platnt. to wit For the foreclosure f a eerUia atotlme eaeroted t y deMi tant Win. ) tsm rtartsssg. kprU tan m !i ,r o! p'.alntifr to secure the naymeut ol a promissory note lor the sum ol l.'s) alth irt.Tv'st ther-nc upon "nieh then- .s rem ,lur su l emus' t p'siutlrT the sum .if I ''si ;lu interest ihereou from May A. li at the rate of sli per eeot per aniitim and uhlcti moriirstT BWaiUfl" to plaintiff for that saanjMBa the lellowinx .lrenUM real prop erly kt all: the east half ol the northwest quarter are! the west ball ol the northeast luarier ol section I.' In township it south of raoitefiwest Willamette Merilan in Ikrogla roiiuiy. Orefon. eonuinina 10U acre more or leas. Also for a ju.lxment the itefendant William Furlr nc for the amount due upsu sa'd promlasar) note, for the repayment I the sum of 17.66 when plaintiff has been compelled to pay as taxes assessed against said mortgaged premises, for such attorneys fees as the roo t shall adjudge reasonable, for plaintiff s costs and disbursements hrretu and for such other relief as Is pray.-! for In said complaint and as Ibecourt may adjudge mi et and equitable This summons Is published by order ol the Hon JJ W. Hamllt n. Judge ol said court which order Is dated March itel ;. and MM time prescribed in said order ol publication Is once a week lor six weeks pnc.-drng ihe lilh day of May ltt and the date of the first BbU ol this IstolsaaSM Is Msreh IS, r. W BKSStiN. Attorney lor I'lalutlff. About Rhfumatism. TI.erc are few diaeiscs that inflict more torture than rhetitiiatisiiiatnl there is prehahly no ilireasu lor wliirh such a varied ami gaali'M lot of remedies have beea saaggeated. To say thai it can be cured is. therefore, a bold statement to make, hut Chamberlain's Tain lUlui, which enjoys an extensive sale, has met with great sVaeceN in the treatment of thifl din MS One application of Fain Balm will relieve Ihe pain, and hun dreds of Htfferers have testified to iier mnnent cures by its aw. Why saffrr when Pain Halm affords mch quick re lief ami costs but a t rifle. For sale by A. C. Msuaten .v Co. Health Youth. Disease and Sii kcess Itring Old Age. Herhine, taken every morning before breakfast, will keep you in robust health, tit you to ward off disease. li cures constipation, billioutmess, dyspep sia, lover skin, lives and kidney com plaints. It purifies the blood and clean the complexion. Mrs. I. W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes April 3, 1!H)I : "1 have used Herhine, and find it the best medicine for constipation and liver troubles It does all you claim for it. I can highly recommend it. 0O1 Sold by A. C. Maraters & Co. Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved. The ex-mealing pains characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickiy relieved by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The great pain relieving power of the liniment has been the sur prise and delight of thousands of suffer ers. The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its coat. For sale by A. C, Marsters A Oo. JOB WORK The Finest In the County to Be Had at the : PLAINDEALER OFFICE mi For letter HeadH, Bill Headx, Statements, Envelope, Wedding Stationery, Tosters, I.ejal Blanka, Briefs, in fact anythini; in the Printing line, give us a call. Satisfaction stsust Steam Cleaning-Pressing Parlors. Our new fteain eleuninu and repairing: parlon are now in operation. A dub of forty at $1 50 pe month is already secured and room for more. Single suits Steamed cleaned and pressed from 1 up to $2 50. As steam cleaning is the reliable process there is no doubt ! that the eople of Roseburn and vicinity will appreciate the same and patronize mneJrn Ij in nippnrt the enterprise. Lassies vv.M.l skirlf nls xteain eleaiiel and preaaed Neit iliair to kfcDsMBjel'l Tailor Shop. I. I IIahvky, Proprietor. Title (iua ran tee & Loan Lo. mmbbobs, oiratn. f. II. HaaiLToa, frealdenl I) C. HtVILTOS, Secy, and Treas Offlie In Ibe Co irt House. Hare Ihe only com pietetet ol abstract books In Douglas County abstracts and Certificates of Title furnish-dot IVulas county laud and mlnttif claims. Hare alec s complete set of Tracing o' all township plate. n the Rnaeburg. Oregon. C. S. Land b Uict. W 1.1 make b'.ne print copies of any town ship Osteopathy i disorders ur nerv. a -pecitic for female !1-I1C!H. HARNESS HARDWARE FURNITURE A tin.k linaa . .f V.sti" nii.l v . . . .r . 1 a .1111 lti UTJ .11 V at-llt a , I'll' ' i!;m.l Qooda at Bed Rod i j Prices. Harness makinej and re- letiriny; oiir Spociulty. A. D. BRADLEY THE PLACE TO GET BARGAINS i.J, Norman & Co. Cigars, Tobaccos, Confections, fruits Bakery Goods Always fresh Silt HI WW ST. NEAR DEPOT J. FALBE'S RESTAURANT When in town and don't know where to eat, ask your friends and they will direct you to "FRENCHY'S" CASS ST. NEAR DEPOT STAMMERING CURED (tiarantee to cure any case of stam mering or stuttering. Cures are permanent and terms reasonable. I'tipils on leaving Fchoot talk per fectly natural as though they had never stammered :::::: PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAMMERERS 150 ELEVENTH ST. PORTLAND. ORE. R. E. MASON Contractor : and Builder Am prepared to raise and put new foundations under old buildings, as well as do general carpenter work. Residence, Wait's addition, Roseburg fffs life rf(r Guaranteed Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court for ttouclas County, rUU of Oregon. In the mailer of i Jacob Ihnherr, l ceased) Notice Is hereby (lven that the undcrslirned Executrix ol the estate of Jacob Lehnherr, de ceas. d, flle.l ber final account herein on the -t h uay ot Marc. lly; and that by order ol th Jodie of the abore entitled conrt heieln on th itli day of April. lWf. Morula; the sth flay ol May, A, 1). 190S, at the hour of 10 o'clock a m . w as the time appointed for the hear'ng objec liSM to sai l final arc ..unt sul It n . nt thereof, ami that said no 1 11 e u- publish, .1 Id the Koss-hiirg Hlaln.l. aler at Vs-lo-.ce a week for four consecutive weeks. Baaasl this tth 1st of ayrfl. iv.. Dale of the tirst publication is the f ih ilsy ol Apr!'. !. Kl.l.A LXHXRUU a mi Knntriw You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY If ur tit kU r-A uxet ttn- DMMN r alii K10 tirairlr Kilr.l, Ur Brealc I-in- al th Wftrtd BECAUSE T,.rnr are s- many aaataaf atlra tions au-i aeaaaa ot tssssssaat aioun laai line aalnea Ogsaest au.i Detssef thai take trip m 1 . r aat saaca tirr sxata. li von aregoine Baat, aril- i.-r saaatl au.-n aud ( t a pi- Ity ktaati thai w til ti U all al-sit it W C. McBSIDE, Gen. Agt. 1X4 Tkira St. PORTLAND, OREGON EASTER GIFTS Rieger's California Perfumes j tsaWrw tt ttrnwrnm t" We has jaat 1 aca had a complete line ot these Paasowa rarfmaaem. Tker are true Sower oska-a. draw trows the acaxt ol the flowers. TUSi -V on os II thr most popular of them all, tm tne same odor ol th Violets sold oa the strer www vraaeiaro. true of Get a bottle tar A. C. MARSTERS aavramw- mkmmw- s wbbbw aaaBmi a TA A GOOD KTR, A 3TKADY HAND A VP A steYena Rifla, Pistol or 8hotun tnt-ma a vs, , rttni cerTy nttc "SrrB lini UTC mtm. mm say,rr in , ranmrai f rrTY tKat Ira W u r, titrvKMrnrra aao gi, uttWg ,1 to lm ata . -t. ,-nw Ai s -i lUabH, 4avl kaaaiat nonT Fail t - i.luavtrattx) .sale. I ' t aa v vaf g-vukW lfn u nook oc eraJr rraerrn. r, a mmm mmm S iP citsTss rtwM. wa rs- V .4 shouWac. Mslltsl , l4esls.tm1al.-iwr 1 1 saajs. Isris lieel J. STEVKNtARMS S TOOL CO. r. o. hos 4w CHICOrEB K ALLS, MASS.. V. S. A. FOR ACTIVE BRAINS your liver must be rijrht, your stomach in a healthy condition and your kidneys properly perfortnitiR their peculiar functions, or your body won't stand the strain and your brain won t be active If vou would have & clear head and keen perception, get a box of Use them anil au how mnsli more alive you will be. THEY CLARIFY THE SKIN AND PURIFY TH t BLOOD. They are a sure and positive euro for all Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowola, Headache, Indiges tion, Nervousnes, Constipa tion, Biliousness, Plmplea, Blotches and all Skin Impurities. I I i -c?aji For Sale By All Druggists Oc. and 86c. per Box. ROSEBURG Dncvuvt: c ire rnuDtuv DIVL " l."'J Q 1CL Ul.'ll .-A.M The Laf)eea4 and Beat Equipped Brew er in Southern Oregon. Rose burg Beer han a Bepntation throairh out the County for Its PURITY ami purity HsejUM Health. Brewed only from neleeted Barley and Ch'iire-t BopSL Sjiecial Bmrad Bottle Beesr Oar Specialty Dimrt delivery to your recidenci; iu iiantities of one case or more. TELEPHONE 141 Notice of Pinal Settlement In the County Court lor Douelas IVtimty, rotate ot tiregon 1 11 the mailer of the . KUteofoI tt.raham j tecease.'l ) Nolle' is hereby Ki i en tliat on tne sth dVj of April A. U V) , the urj.iertiK"e.J. sthtlth trator of the estate of .-vilornon Abraham. d -eease,!. filed his rioal account and SBBCtl .n the shove 1 milled ea--. and that : - Hot. ' ounty mil by order made and entered on the said sih lay of April, l'JUi. dulT appoiulcl We4ucslay. he 10th day of May Mi at the hourof lOo'elork .1 the foienoo3 as the time for heariue ob;eC- 10ns to the said rtje rt and the se't ement there!. An-l ail n- :,- ;:.' - I -. y.. - aotiti- to spi-ar at itoef oun ty Court lsousw at a d last date and rnsse obiai I on., il any they have whv theta'd final at r-..:::,t ?houli not be allowe,l and ati has I nt th reef 1 a-!- Baaai this sth dsr . 1 apail, . it nas The -late ol the hr-t t-sne ol tni" tfitio: the 10 h day ol April A. 1. 1906. AtTaUl I ABittHtM alO mt Admn: i-tra.-i Notice of Sa'e. n i&e 'lounty ourl Si the --laie of OaafJSB), Ly.usias e .unt v. fur In th Ma ter ! 1 .- Estate oi Timothy 1 BSBWSl N itlce is hereby i;lvca th'.t by vlrt pursuance of an r ler made ::: s. ? id 10 r. Lv tbe; oon ( D loataa 1 mty, On gi :.. 00 the Juth day of Mar. h. 1 '. m- Bl 1.- un'-l aslniiniilrator sTlII on an: a t-.- ,v Apr: , 1- a : lock a 1905. offer a: ;.r:-. s sa'.-'. - - tatl-is.t'a eaa rlM '. r-.-.l aswpaj'y of the s w A -'I s.. . il, tp 1 - r . St f Ika VTsil-aartte Mervd r. . in 1 ity, , . s'o.i.ant II ihe r.e i to so said fc; privet, ah- w 1! at I o'H-it p. m ..- - Un ..' M 1 jo, -l. fie above be o 14 Ifj- il I Msrh n I ai d , s t Um hit Is.u.i. C H I 11 K.te- thi n dy of l si -.. iy A ''"r 1 IT,' , .J ,vo d lu hr I'irc ill e,M1,t . tor thwst as 1 a 1: t'f a!- -. li. li. I.I.I, ei Ik !. I :.' To ii. '. . 1 . I U art Id tt-.r -ia ne . herehy III 1 1 si p'aint fa May It : . at . plaln.:l - . pra;-'. lor ia of ; :;fc . lot a: : : - - t : t the um of HatS w th Septeci'-er S, (M a: the : an n i m and for r.a::::: o w : -r law -um 1 :i nt .1 January 1. n: : - a nv m and -.r-.-st 'keeat u ftom I per r- t per , -:s sta I t..' ure- meats i.tretn.abd far an .rt.r ot -.a f the fol'.ow:-e xr.Lr.l n il ;-;-.-: : ::: the; ! Southwest juartrro.' sectim Sa iwwwaTltp 19 south of tjertt Veal tTBl Her. ta II ' County Osr n. ovntai iin.- l-s) seres. Tola sat .ai- r.- t . ::(; :. - : H -u j J. W. ram:lion. , : '.e . aaM court, wr.-.ehor I der Is dato 1 atrh !. M . an i th Haw pe j srnbrd In aaWl enter pnbl:eat;ou ts onev a ! I week -r -;x j.tki :r-ev-;.. u lata aT May !''. . d he date f - ne rrs: pu! : .'.i t t ol Ibis summon h M-i .. Ma jgOasCOl K At HARM-and r W HH ! IsatatUTa lllnsi ja Executor's Notice. I Inthei'onatj t" art ot the Shahs of Oiefon ; tor lvv:c'a n- In the aaal e of ihe i'ato ' of I Julius Ai thrum Km"-' ' 1 Xotoe i hervhy c'.ven U - . the executor ol the i4 A:, -etn derevse.t. ha- e-1 :n the tm of Ore-iton for Draw account as such ein tttor . s . -.' thai Friday, ihe toth vl ij 01 Mav, n 15 at the hoar of o eaaaft . 1 n ken lis ' said court as the t me hemi ' S sr. f.onsto the said rep.rt sn fl a' h count, if any there be, and the settle .sn' th r aArml casLBomiaa Executor ot the estate of Ju'lca A Tt.b-uto. de ceased. Adiuinistr-ttt ix' N:. i.e. In the County Court lei 1 :: ,'a ountv. Co I (ton In the natter o the tateul Jo n VaM r ; derrassd Notice is hereby river 1. o-vd in j Came Mat. lev s in:- Ufa th -t 1 .. 'John Vab'e. -..,) I dec aw, d 1 . ,- hi at Ihrir its sas 1 rhv necs sa: t uprm Ih n : x , -- iicr th 1 first put 1 s Ik 1 1 . ' ..; lastnlstn .: . .t u r . d n .-. : -,l u Oregon. late'. : . S CARKU M BUT BD atr I 1 ni.att!x THE JOY OF LIVING l IX BK Fl I.l.V RKAXJZKD WHEJi TOU Waal The Popular Liver Medicine Will Keep You Well A OUARANTEED CURE for all diseases produced by TOR PID LIVER and IMPURE BLOOD. Do not fill your system with Arsenic. Calomel and Quinine. They act as rank poisons which vitiate tne blood, debilitate the system, and leave a trail of bad symptoms which require years to obliterate. HERB INE is purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic poisons, is absolutely harmless and is the simple remedy of nature. It carries off all poison in the system and leaves no injurious effects. CURED BY HERBINE AFTER OTHER REMEDIES FAILED Mr. L. A. Hicks, Iredell, Texas, says: " I was sick ia bed for eight months with liver trouble, the doctor seemed to do me no good I was told to toy Herbtne, and it cored me in a short time. I cannot recommend this wonderful medicine too highly." TAKE IT NOW! LARGE BOTTLE. 50c GET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ST. LOUIS, U.S.A. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY A. C. HARSTERS & CO. BsweaaawMaaejawgfBW Professional Cards. . k i K M. OWN, Attorney-at-Law, Court House Down -".airs ROflEB'-RO.ORS C. SEELY, If. I). f)FFICE Douxlas County Bank Building. Ho, ii. 11,11 nnd UL fbone tit KOSEBLRO. OREOON QR.GBO. K. HOOCK, Physcian & Surgeon. 0ce Review Bid. Phone. Main 31 KCHEBURK ORE , ON F DENTIST, tatssaa inliaiaai. Rooms s aid J Telephone So Stl SWIBI'Rii immus A. M Cbawioko J. O. Watson Attorneys -it Law, Buildc.. KOdSBOtUt. um! BtT B i.t. -before in C S Land Ol s-Blni caaes a peclalty. Attorney-at-Law. Wll practice n all the State and .Federal Courts Office in Merks' Bid.. Roaebarf. Oresron j - j , W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. Bank Building KOSKP.'hi, Okfc'jOS B I'CHANAN aV GRKHUfGU J. a. BerHssA L L. sMaaaaaaBi Attorney s-at-Iaw ; Koom 1 and 2 ! Marker Bn'.dlng RrwEBVEn. OBfjOOa ,J AS E. Sawyers Attorney-at-Law Notarv Public Koom 6, Upataira, Dungiaa Co. Bk. Bid. j R.-eluri. OregO . mmm , D W. MARKERS JLls Attorney-at-IsRW Notary I'tiblic 'larslers BaUdiag . . FOSTER tiCO., ' VK1; MEN r IsASflM - ' sstrmw n, lin- ' "-v 'n. t. n and '!i . : - I4 'HKI.l 'll.ilCFW)N -j -1 F. W. HUNT DEftTIST AKLAHD. OREGOrt H. Little, 33NTI5T. Oak land. ' "regno. FRAMKE. ALLEY Architect, Altstriictrr. Ahetract ot Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for tllinf on Govern ment I And Mans and Estimates for all Build ings. it ties) - Off ic Fixtures ' lip Maps showing . caiuit Lands. - n new Rami 6 lilding. 'Phone 41S BOfKBURH. OREGON Administrator's Notice. Ic Ihe Coaast 'or.rl of the ?tate ot Oreajoo foe tXvae'.ss County. In the matter of the estate of , C) r.i --m.ih. devea-ed Vet r- e ecu- eirew thai th.- nn.tenmMl h 'sen i Ct appoint,-! Sy UM Conaty Co rt 1 " ; n - lvugias 1 ounty, ad- - ratot . ' :?e --stav ol Cyrus sv.i.h de c -ms . t- ias hws aw r'wlwsi '. ,in.iu,ii mui. I --,-.-,! laa same to me ash) ' --4ured. at Roae- -c 1 rlawtis n'.y. ii, st Hi- s"e t K .v , , T; l t.a .lx Jan frj:.i lau " day of April. 193ft. . v ' VllKl'FF. A Iraxai tatorof t ol CytSB nslta. dec al. ENJOY GOOD HEALTH IUM