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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1905)
THE TWICE-A-WEEK Ilia V Roseburg, Oregon Population, W. The County Seat of Douglas County. Oregon Soldiers Home; 0. 8. Land Office and V. S. Wtather Bureau arc located here 8 P. railroa l division; soleiidld educational advantages. Gateway to the Coon Bay and Coquille country. Roseburg Plaindealer Ths mm', widely read newspaper published in Southern Oregon and conwuuenily the BIST adver tising IU ' T a rwm . ' . i. J - m i ... i j u printing department In connection. Established mints. Buuacr i.tlon, per year for ttemi-Weekly. : Vol. XXXVII ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1905. No 34 l0rical Social,) OREGON DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE CONVENTION Fifty-three Branches Represented Enthusiasm At a High Pitch Eloquent Addresses Delivered. Portland, April 26. The big, enthusiastic conven tion of the state development leagues is on in Portland. Hood River, with 75 members, sent the largest del egation. Independence and Monmouth came next, with 48 delegates, headed by the Monmouth band. The arrival of each of these delegations was heralded with cheers and appreciative applause of the crowd. Medford, Ashland, Roseburg, Baker City, La Grand and other distant centers of prosperous districts of the commonwealth have repre sentative delegations of about a half dozen citizens from each. Salem, Hillsboro, Newberg, The Dalles, Oregon City, all are well represented, while one delegate each are registered from Joseph, in the far northeast corner, and Crater Lake National Park, at the southern remote sectiou. B th of these delegates hail from regions soon to be brought nearer to Portland by building of new railroads. Perfume of apple blossoms mingle ! present to answer inquiries. Officers of with the leaven of Oregon hops in the 1 the branches will be expected to provide brew of enthusiasm that marks the an- for the care of such visitors as go to nnal gathering of the Oregon Develop-' their respective localities. These, in merit League upon the celebration of its : brief, are the chief objects which is first birthday. That it is a thrifty in aimed to accomplish at this session, dustrial organization is best evinced by j There will be no election of officers, as the spirt of friendly rivalry that has the annual convention is held in the been aroused between different localities middle of the organization ear. of the commonwealth. Its initial con-j Rarely has a more representative body vention a ago was the first, when of men and women of Oregon assembled leaders of industrial interest of 33 coun ties u-..ited in formulating plans for a state-wide organizttio 1 that would bend its energies for all sections, with mem bership actuated solely by the desire for a greater Oregon Today delegates as semble from 53 branch org nizations. each of which is just as important an integral part of the whole as anv of the others. What has been accomplished is con temporaneous history the cementing of citizenship in such unity of purpose and harmony of effort as has not before been known, together with the estab lishment of bureaus of information in each of the localities included in branch organizations, to which homeseekers and inquirers may be referred. Now. on the eve of the Lew is and Clark Exnoei tion, the league hopes to perfect plans E Ho'er- of Slem Pident of the bv which the most effective results m.v ! Willamette Valley League, called the in the state than that which filled the Marqnam Grand main floor this fore noon for the opening session. Bankers, capitalists, railroad officials, farmers, fruitgrowers, professional men jostled each other good-naturedly in the lobby while the registration of delegates wa in progress, nearly 500 of whom in scribed their name on the list. Morning and Afternoon Stssioa. At 10 o'clock. President E. L. Smith called the league together at the Mar quam Grand, and introduced Governor Chamberlain, who delivered the address of welcome. President Smith replied in a neat speech and was followed with enthus iastic add esses by H W Good, W I Vaw ter, Tom kichardson and ethers. Colonel be obtained from the thousands who will come to Oregon during the coming Summer season. Objects Are Mary It is desired to seenre special excur sion concessions from the railroads bv which holders of excursion t ckets from outside poms miy m ike side trips to different sections of t!.e state at greatly reduced rates. In order to interest meeting to order at 2 o'clock. Walter Lyon, a newspaper editor of Indepen dence, secretary of the Valley Leagne assisted tim. Addresses were made by Colonel Hofer, and by the following: Professor E D. Reesler, president of the Monmouth Normal School, "Education a feature of Developement ;" Mayor J. H. Hawley.of Monmouth, "Fine Stock of Polk County ;" Hon. Ben Jones, Lin coln countv. "Onenin? Yannina Rar la strangers in the resources of the state, the ( 0mmerce of the Uillamette Val each branch will be urged to prepare ; ley." reliable information in compact form i - ... . I A prominent feature was the reDCrt of concerning their own section, an office ' will be maintained at the fair where j the committoe on transportation. this information may be disseminated, i Business meetings and executive ses- and well-informed i attendants will be I s ions will follow. MARSTERS' DRUG GO. DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMES SOAPS TOILET ARTICLES RUBBER COODS PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH TEXAS CONGRESSMAN SHOT IN A FIGHT General Shooting at Hempstead Over Local Option Issue-Two Others Dead. JUDGE BELLINGER DECIDES AGAINST SENATOR MITCHELL Hempstead, Tex., April 25 The com pany of rangers wlrch was the immedi ate cause of last night's deplorable trag edy arrived here today. The town is quiet and no further trouble is feared. The death list now numbers three and the injured two. The dead : Cougressmann John M. Pinckney. Captain H. M. Browne. John E. Mills, a Prohibitionist. Wounded : Roland Browne K. E. Tompkins, slight wound in ti e head. It is understood that Congressman Pinckney favored the Prohibitionists. An election was held here April JO and the town went ''dry " Since then there has been considerable feeling, and yes terday a petition was circulated calling on the Governor lo send a troop of rang ers to enforce the local option law :md preserve order. The petition charged that the local officers were not doing their duty. A meeting, which had Wen called during the day, was held last night to discuss the petition. K. K. Tompkins, secretary to Congressman Pinckney, was speaking in favor of the petition when the trouble started H M Browne, a prominent lawyer and Prohibitionist, had b en seeking to get the rl xir after Congressman Pinckney had replied to his protest against the resolution. Finding that he could not get the at tention of the chair, Browne is reporttd to have tgun using language consider ed offensive to several ladies present, and this precipitated the shooting. No one seems to know who fired the first sliot, out wlien tne smoke cleanel awav Pincknev and Browne were dead a Mills was dying Congressman Pinckney is said to have been first to fall, and wiinee'-es say a kinsman ol Browne was nrst to abort Indictments By Grand Jury Held Be Good. to THE DECISION CONTAINS OVER 9000 WORDS Democratic Indictments Convictions are Doubt fulHow the Jury is Drawn. Trial Next STATIONARY I SCHOOL SUPPLIES WINDOW CLASS LIME AND CEMENT Ai I iiunn nr I all miujo ur j SPRAYS I POINTS IN DECISION. It is not a disqualification by section 965 of the State Coae that the name of a juror is not on the last pre ceding county assessment roll, and that he is not a tax payer in the county, and unless such a disqualification cau be implied from the provisions of the law for selecting jurors, it does uot exist. The Oregon statute does not permit pleas in abate ment to indictment upon any ground. The only objection which can be taken to the grand jurors by plea in abatement, after they have leen sworn and made presentments, "must be such as would disqual ify the juror to serve in any case.'' A jiand juror who reports after the jury has been sorn aud charged may or may not be sworn, in the dis cretion of the court, when there are enough grand jurors without him. Mr. Heney is a de facto officer, and is entitled to continue in the office until it is judiciallv declared bv a nd competent tribunal, in a proceeding f r that purpose, that he bad no right to it. The court cannot take cognizance of the objections to the effect that Mr. Heney has been very prejudiced Congressman I inckney was 1 orn in Tex-1 agaiust the defendant, as in 184o, was a Confederate veteran, j an attorney by profession and a Demo- ! PortUnd. April . In a decision covering pages of typewritten manu script, and containing !HX words, Juds Bellinger this Morning sustains 1 every point raided by l. strict Attorney Heney in his demurrer to Senator M11 chel ' ple.i in ab iternent. The opinion evidences a careful eoxidwtioa of every law point inv lived, ant is pro nounced irnprezna'iie I y Heney, who, with other ifovernment officials, is highly elated by the ruling. SENATOR BOOTH ENTERS HIS PLEA Judge L R. Webster Will Conduct the Senator's Defense With A. C. Woodcock. Kugene, April 25 County Judge L K. Webstar ii to conduct the defense of State Senator K. A Booth, who was in dicted by the fe eral grand jury for complicity in ths land frauds, says the Portland Journal of yesterday. Senator Booth was arraigned before Judge Bel linger at two o'clock this afternoon. A. C. Woodcock, of Kugene, who is associa ted with Judge Webster in the defense of ths ease entered a plea of not guilty for his client. Senator Booth it the head of the great Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, whose DOUGLAS COUNTY SPACE RESERVED AT THE FAIR Prompt and United Action Needed in Securing and Placing Creditable County Exhibit The time is drawing near when the various coun ties of the state will pack and ship their respective ex hibits to the Lewis and Clark fair, and grand old D mglas cannot afford to be behind her sister counties in making a creditable disp'ay. At a meeting of the executive the committee'of Dong las County Commission for the Lewis and Clark Fair, held operations in government land occupied 'at the Douglas county bank Tuesday afternoon it was th -" - ..I tka I t j : 1" 1 . a " louna that there is an apparent lack of interest in many H-i ui me county in the matter of preparing and main taining a suitable exhibit of Douglas county products and resources at the coming fair. This county has been al lotted space for a general exhibit at the exposition and no further time should be lost in taking active sUds toward wiiu( 1 u tvuiv vu 10 uirr- 1 1 noon mm Twy UnmU In the absence of - ""4 " " appropriate display. ISO COUDty in the . ii a : , rvr , 1 , . .. - r. neney, Assistant Lns-nci Attorney state 11 US more Or better natural resources than nre CaanJ within the borders of Douglas county. What we need is more people and more capital to develop thei the attention of the grand jury duri must of the last week of its session was indicted for conspiracy to defraud the government of a portion of its pub lic domain. I-is co-defendants are J. H. Booth, hia brother, and foiuier receiver of the Roseburg land office, and T. K. Singleton. The proceedings in court this after- Hanks appeared for the government Senator Booth was accompanied only by his brother. County Judge J. O. Booth of Josephine county, snd his attorney, A. C. Woodcock. Mr. Woodcock in formed the court that Judge Webster would be associated with him in the de fense of the case. Senator Booth and Judge Webster hove been close personal friends for many years. :rat. REDUCED RATES TO LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR BOUNTIFUL CROPS ARE NOW ASSURED On account of Lewis and Clark Ex position at Portland, Oregon, the South ern Pacific Co , will s-'.l ticket daily. from May 20th to October 15th, 191)5, at the following reduced rates Indi vidual tickets at one and one third fare for the round trip, good thirty days but not later than Oct. 3lst, lf. For parties of ten or more from one point, must travel together on one Judge Betin-tt, cii'isel fir Senator Mitchell, take rue d f -at a gracefully as po-wible, and states that it 14 too early to predict what the next step will be. Senator Mitchell wa p-eeeut dur ing the ruling, an I wa plainly disap-p-iin'ed. The deoiiMon aftevt the cases of manr other defendant-', who have tirkel latth wara'i narrv tirketa m-ill 1m. old at one fare' for the 'round irip, Kood ! iteoa Pinnin lUir ,al"' on lU" c"n,ea ten davs. For organized parties of 100 or more. moving on one day from one place, iu- diridual tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip, good ten days. N i top overs will be allowed on any of the above tickets, tney must be used for continuous p usage in each direction. In addition to the aoove. Coach ex cursions will be run from time to time. for which individual tickets good onlv in Coaches will be sold at very low rates. ALL EYES ON WHITE LAKE CITY White Lake City, the cominz great metropolis ot r-ouitiern Oregon u nig re,ijellL.e beaut if ally situated on Klamath Lake, is surrounded by 400,000 acres of the best agricultural land in the world, Ex ceptional opportunities for every line of business and investments. Big Open ing June 1st 1905 W. W. McNeff, agent for the Oklahoma and Oregon, TownsiteCo will be at the Hotel Mc Clallen for a few days. turns ratceil hv Hennett in t lie plea in abatement in the Mitchsll ca u. Ail will he forced to trial, u:iIims thev can find new grounds for delaying proceed- i ing. The court hold that the grand jury was legally organized, and the o j-x--tiona as to the qsalificatlOM of the jurors are found to bs without force, and there is no defect in the organisa tion w.tich would invalidate the jury. Regarding the right of 11 -iiey to act ae district attorney, the c .art rules that the question could not be raised col latterally, as he is defacto district at torney. The court refuses to consider the allegations of p'eju lice of Ileuey againtl Mitchell, stating that it was a mere matter of opinion, and, even if true, would not BUtfice to ret aside the indictment. Heney 'a influence with the grand jury could not be affected by i'ayhurst Notes Real the Plaindealer for all the News 1,1 Mrs. Oscar Applegate was visiting in Ha hurst and Skelley last Sunday. John Wagoner and Gen. Neuner, of Drain, drove through our valley last Sunday. Mrs. Flora l ong spent a few days here last week visiting relatives and friends before going to her hi me in Eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Applegate were visiting Aunt Lucy and Irene Applegate and Mr and Mrs. John L'.ng last Satur day and Sunday. Mrs W. W. Love and two children spent a few davs in Yoncalla last week. Mra. Love's baby, who has been quile sick, ia much better. W. W. l ove ia engaged in shearing hia beep. We may be able to report the output of wool n our next. J he "ah e " ia a pet and a "whopper." Leslie Miller, accompanied by bis friend, Ray Taylor, came up from Eu g. ne on the 15th and spent a week's va cation at Leslie's home here. Ben Huntington Sr. and F L. Ken- ney, of Roseburg, made a trip to "Old Baldy" last week. Some one suggested to Frank that he ought to wait and go up there when strawberries are ripe, and Ben, with bis usual foresight, "give it away" that he wanted to get Frank : there an 1 away again before strawberry The court holds that the validity of the pioceedings before the grand jury could not be assailed by the plea in abatement, inasmuch as it is the prac tice in the federal emit to folio .v the state proceed u re, and surh a plea is not recognized by the Oregon statutes. Williamson and severalother de fendants were present. United States Attorney Heney is much elated over the decision. He says: "It ia a clean sweep, and cleare the dockets for the triala in June There is still a demur rer to be argued hut it's a mere matter of form, and the defendants place no re liance on it. This disposes of the at tempts of the defense to evade trials." through some indictments at Washing . ton, on a charge of destroying public records. It ia generally admitted here that Heney ha outmatched Benuett in the preliminary bouU over the plead ings, but that he has any chance 'o cunv rt even Mitchell is denied. On tbe point I hat Mitchell was receiving part of the firm's fee in handling timber land cases, all will depend on the test! tnnnv of hia law partner. Tanner. It is exected that the banks where checks were bandied wiil furniah important testimony against the indicted man. (ireat interest ce iters in the conclusion of the trials, as all limber land business ia paralysed in Oregim, and no (ales w hatever can be made, and a great deal of money and ma iy enterprises are kept out of ttie state while tbe agitation lasts. Ifieratk ladictmrtu. So far the whole investigation into t he timber land fraud has been in the hands of Democratic official, a Demo cratic judge, a Democratic U S. district attorney and a 1 democratic grand jury, selected by Democratic commission ers. On top of this a strong Republi can faction has done all in its power to have all its political enemies dragged into the conspiracy, and alt it friend kept out. Under such circumstances conviction will he almost impossible. How the Jary is triwa. The Uni'ed Slates grand and trial juries are drawn bv a jurv commission compose 1 of C. J. Reed, of Portland, and A. Bush, of Salem, and is selected from taxpayers in the various counties of the sLate. The jury can be challenged for cause the fame as governs the state practice or perempory challenge are allowed. The grand jury consists of 21 members, and the trial jury of the regu lar number, 12 The trial juries will again be composed of men of the same manner of selection. The clerk of the court hcie is a Democrat, aud the U. S. msrshal is a Republican, and they will have something to do with drawing the jury. Effects of Pica la Abatcaeat The weather during the week h-s been favorable for germination and growth and tbe soil is in good working condition. A large amount of rammer (allowing has been done and the plant ing f corn, pot a toe-,, sugar beet and gardens has been pushed. Spring wheat seeding, except on very low land, is practically completed. All grain and grasses have made excellent growth dur ing the week, and these crops are gen erally in a very promising condition. Tbe ragar beet acreage in tbe Grand Ronde valley has been considerably in-! creased. Cat worm hare made their appearance in tbe on ton field of Wash- ; ington county, but the damage done by them has been alight. Hops are very thrifty ; tbe vines in many yards reach to the top ol the poles and their tiaioing is in active progress. Slock everywhere is in fine condition : th. flow of milk in the dairy district is abundant ; the in crease of lambs is above ihe average, and sheep shearing baa become general Peaches, pears, prune, plum, cher riea and spricot have been more or lees injured by the late frosts : in some few localities very slight yield are expected, while in other section the outlook is much better. The late varieties ot ap ple have not bloomed as full as usual. Strawberries are doing well. :rn. Liberal space at the Lewi and Clark ' mittee that the county should appro fair has b-en alloted to Douglas county priate not lees than f-JOno for this par lor an exhibit of her many produ ts and Pe. and that the people of each town the enterprising citixens of the county nd community take up the matter and and various Commercial Clahs should that proper samples of the products see that a creditable exhibit is collected ; of 'eir several localities are prepared and forwarded at lite earliest possible n1 forwarded to the expieiiion. Every Jal- producer and every locality will be Of the state appropriation of foOO.000 given proper credit for their exhibits, for tbe use of the fair, this county is re- j n'l tr, articles will be carried by tbe quired to pay in taxes approximately p B. K. Co. free to charge. I20.000. In order to get any dednite The schools of the coanty now have , result fmni this expenditure in the way tneir exhibit practically completed, and I of attracting settlers and investors, it i the mining exhibit is well under way. very necessary that a crelitable show- Besides the expense of collecting aod ing of oar products and resources be arranging tbe exhibits, it will be neces made where the thousands of visitor to BT7 to have an active, wide awake in the fair may see them and thereby be dividual in charge of same during tbe i induced to locale among us. , fair, to keep everything in shape and Coos county is spending over $10,000 te 1 visitors about the great natural re . on their exhibit ; Jackson coanty about ( sources and advantage offered bv Doog- . and many other counties similar il8 unr. Prompt, energetic work by amounts. In D .uglas countv the in- i .... signirioant sum o! $500 has been appro eoUirP""n . priated. and this on the condition that j folta are sore to follow for oar the citixens subscribe a similiar amount, i entirv coanty. Don't wait, one for It is the opinion of the executive com- another, but art now. ANOTHER COUGAR ORDER RESCINDED BITES THE DUST EXCLUDING WOMEN l A Cottage l rove cv.rrepon ent writ s as follows: Another large cougar 1 as been killed near the Bohemia mines. William Hawlev and sons, who live IS miiea from here, on the railroad, have ! been missing sheep ail winter. Friday, ! when on a hunt, tbe dirs treed a large i congar. which was shot. This mak 8 ! the fonrth cougar ihat ha teen killed , in that neighborhood within the few weeks. past STANDARD COMPANY SLASHES OIL PRICES Get . K. ! your kes. berry boxes and crates of New York. April 25 Aa a reaolt of ihe rescind. og of the order exciudlng women from the court room, many women and girls were present at tbe Patterson trial th s morning. Walter Noma, desk sergeant at tbe Leonard street tatin, was tbe first witness called He identified the revolver se sared when Nan was brought to the sta tion. Captain Dennie Sweeney told of a conversation he held with the prison er after her arrest. Land Fraud Convictions Doubtful. A Portland special of April J5 h says: As the land fraud trials drag along th impression deepens that there will never lie any con iction of prominent peop'e who have been indictid. So far as Con gressman Hermann is concerned. Prose cutor Heney gave that up, and rushed Thepletitnot a bar to another in dictment for the same offense, provid ing that three years do not elapse be f re the indictment ia returned. A prominent attorney of this city, when interviewed today, gave this opinion and defined the plea in abatement as going to this one indictment only, and not to the crime. The contention of District Attorney Heney is that the only way to reach the question would be by a motion to quash the indictment hacked by affidavit of fad, aud that the present plea in abate ment is a plea of conclusion, not sup ported by affidavits. Lima, Ohio, April 25 The Standard today cot the price of crude oil four cents a barrel in tbe far west, and two rents in the eastern field. Ohio brings the Kansas oil down to 57 cenPi, and Indiana oil was cut one cent. This is just one-half the price paid before tl e anti-Standard agitation begun in Kan- Yoncalla Notes COSMOPOLITON. TEN COALMINERS ARE DASHEDTO THEIR DEATH Wilkesbarro, Pa., April 26. Ton miners were in stantly crushed to death today at the Conynghain mine, of the Delaware & Hudson Company, ihe men were being lowered into the mine, aud when 350 feet from the surface the rope broke and the cage fell to the bottom of the shaft, r f a a distance 01 400 teet. A rescuing pitrty was at once or ganized, and they found the bodies of the mm in the bot tom of the shaft beneath a mass of debris. They were ter- 11 1 w n a . riniy mangled, superintendent roote is at a loss to ac count for the accident. An examination of the rope was made today before the first cageful of human fieight was lowered into the mine, and it was found to be in good con-'ditiou. Mr. It rook hart is employed a nurse for Mra. Lovelace. Aunt Susie Smith is very sick and un der the care of Dr. Mortensen. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Applegate were visitor in Rice Valley last Saturday. Harry McClallen and George Staley were in town from Roseburg Monday. Mra. I auman gave a birthday dinner Sunday for her little grandson, Donald Helhwell. Dr. Hunt and Z. L. Dimtnick, of Oak land, were among the many caller in our town Monday. Mra. Lucy Lovelace is very ill and her ister from Coles Valley has taken the little daughter home with her. Mr. and Mra. Winnie Applegate of Hav hunt and Mrs Clay Long of Monu merit , Or., were visiting at Oeo. Apple- gate' Saturday. Mra. Leona Siennett is in the hospital of Dr. Schleef at Cottage Orove for treat ment for bsce in her ide, and at last report was very poorly. We have heard of the wedding at Tan gent of Mia Lottie Ma raters and Mr. Lloyd Si 11 1 on. Miss Lottie formerly lived here and has mauy friends who wish her abundant happiness. Mr. and Mra. John Miller were in town last Friday to bring their son, Le lie who was returning to school at tbe State University. Leslie report tout the other Yoncalla boys, Gua Pert Ben aud Phil Huntington are doing good work. DRUG STORE OF QUALITY NEAR THE DEPOT ROSEBURG OREGON THE constant and uniform excellence of our products, and the neatness of our packages are in accord with every detail of our business. We offer you perfect service with drugs that are PURE and FRESH. We are honest in our efforts to serve you faithfully and we ask that you in dicate your appreciation by favoring us with your patronage. FULLERTON & RICHARDSON REGISTERED DRUGGISTS Dr. H. L. Studley the Osteopathic Physician cures acute and chronic diseases, corrects deformatiea and remove foreign growths. Oonsultion free. Phone or call for appointment. Office in Abraham duildinv. tl DOUGHS COUNTY B A N K KlatlWhl l!vt3 lLootporauxl lssl Capital Stock $5o,ooo F. W. BKSSOS. A Pral1ent. J. HKNRV HO nil. C. MARHTIR9 Vies Praaldonl. Caabier. BOARD UP MKBCTOC3 P. W RUN. SON. K. A. BOOTU J. B. SOOTH, J. r KKI.LV. us LOSsl. A. O. MAKdTKKd K. L Ml LUCK. A OENERAL BANKINO BUSINESS TRANSACTED