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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1905)
NEW SPRING WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR LINE OF In ladies dress goods we have ALL the latest Cotton Goods, also a full lino of Novelties. For Men, Youths and Hoys we WORKMANSHIP. WE Befon making your purchases THE PEOPLE'S STORE THE ROSEBURG HOUSE HARVEY JONES. Proprietor Rates $1.00 per day and upward New Brick, New Furnishings, Prompt Services. Opposite the S. P. Depot Grounds .' ." ." ICE CREAM LATEST MILD DRINKS sags AV.VW.V.'A'.V.WJ Our candies are the highest grade goods in town. Comparison is the only true test and the one we always win out on. When it comes to high grade and de licious goods we have no competitors. CHOICE CANDIES ass TAW White Pine Expectorant This reliable Expectorate Cough Core is hard to beat for the winter coughs. It has both expectorating and sedative qualities, checks excee sive coughing yet promotes expecto ration and therefore helps the re spiratory tract to throw off any of fensive material. t A full 4 oz bottle for 25c, HAMILTON DRUG GO. W. M. HODSON & CO. 711 OAK STREET MACHINE WORK OFSAU KINDS A SPECIALTY : BICYCLE SIMMIES AID f PAIRING : CRIM01IIC. SAW GUMMING Read the Plaindealer CRAND DISPLAY OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS For all that's NEW see RICE & RICE Reliable Furniture and Furnishing is here. Keep us in mind. House cleaning time is now with us So come here for your needs in FURNITURE and RANGES. NEW LINE OF BEAUTIFUL HAMMOCKS, LACE CURTAINS, CARPETS, MATTINGS, LINOLEUMS, SHADES, CURTAIN POLES WALL PAPERS-BEAUTIFUL PATTERMS LIHINCS AT 3 1-2 TO 5 1-2 PER YARD CROCKERY AND CLASS WARE, WE HAVE PILES OF IT FURNISHING HOUSES COMPLETE 18 OUR SPECIALTY RICE & RICE FURNISHERS styles, in Woolens, Silk Shirt Waista, Suita and have LEAD. the best line of Clothing in in spring goods look at our line. Local and Personal. Kose- are blooming. See the Osteopathic physician. T. L tiraves visited Kugene last week, j Get your berry boxes and crates of I S. K. Sykee. K. J. Hewes and wife have returned ! from Portland. Faster and strawberries arrived at i about the same time this year. A course of Osteopathic treatment will put you on your feet. C.tI Beeker, of Cleveland, was in the ' city on business last week. W. B. Sykes, of Skelley, was transact -ing business in Roeeburg Friday. Now is the time to buy your bee and poultry supplies, of S. K. Sykes Whole and cracked corn for salehv the Douglas County Flouring Mills., tf S. E. Busbin of Olalla, was in Roee burg on business last week. William Irwin, of Ten Mile was looking after business interests in this city Fri-' day . Mrs. G. E. Houck and son George re turned houie from Portland Friday ev ening. Have Dr. Lowe cure your head and eye ache with a pair of his superior glasses. W B. Clarke expects to cut about ioo.000 feet of lumber at Millwood this summer. Five horsepower Fair hanks A Morse : gasolene engene for sale. Good as new. In. ". lire at this office Otopathy is the best treatment known for a permanent cure. The best is aiways the cheapest. Mrs. C. Rymer has returned from Groats Pass where she has been viait inir for a short time. J. E. Sawyers, lawyer and notary public. Office np stairs in Douglas County Bank Building. tf Dr. E. J. Page, of Oakland, was iu this city last week the guest of his daughter, Mrs. A. H. Orcutt. June 1 has been set apart for Rose ba e and Douglas county at the Lewis , and Clark fair. Remember that. Geo Norman, clerk in J. F. Barker x Co grocery, has returned from Portland w ere be hae been visiting friends. Mrs. J. T. Cooper, of Wilbur who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. V. L. , Bogard of this citv has returned home. Rov Stearns and wife, of Oakland, i were in this city Thursday evening re : turning home on Friday morning's local I Portland will tie packed full of room ' ing houses by the time the fair opens. There'll be no trouble to find a pi ice to sleep. A Union hog weighs 1150 pounds, 27 pounds more than the St. Ixrais hog It will be at the fair. Oregon against the world. The Umpqua bakery is now located in its new building on Cass street, next door to the Cass street meat mar ket. a3 tf Goldfield, Nev. is a live mining town. A miner last week threw away $35,000 ' which be had cleaned np, the saloons getting most of it, in his drunkenness they charging him as high as $100 treat. Remember Dr. Lowe can do all for your eyes that can possibly le done i with glasses He uses no "fake" meth ' ode, if he did be could not continue to i do the great amount of business he does each time he visits Roseburg. Mrs. E. T. Morian arrived from Grants Pass Friday morning where she has been visiting for a short time. Mr. Morian has accepted a freight run out of that place and will move to Grants Pass immediately. for all the News SWELLEST EVER SHOWN IN ROSEBURG GOODS SPRING GOODS the city, in STYLE, CUT and I. ABRAHAM, PROP. ROSEBURC, OREGON. Go to S. K. Sykes, for your garden plows and cultivators. A. C. Vernon, a prominent 1-ooking Glass farmer, was in Koseburg on busi ness last week. Fred T. Fisher, foreman for the W. P. Johnson company was in this city from Myrtle Creek last week. Dr. Lowe's superior glasses cost no more than others, and you have the benefit of his skill and over 18 years ex perience. Keep vour bowels regular bv the use i of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver : Tablets. There is nothing better. For sale by A. C. Ma ret erg. Dr. H. L. Studley the Osteopathic Physician cures acute and chronic diseases, corrects deformaties and removes foreign growths. Consultion ! free. Phone or call for appointment. Office in Abraham duildimr. tf H. Snook, the contractor, passed through Albany this noon. The con- tract for the Tillamook court bouse was let to him at f 114,500 and he will have an an summer joo at uuamooa nemo ! crat. Mrs. Louis G. Dumbleton, of Win chester, passed through Roeeburg on Thursday evening's local fur Green's to visit fur a season with relatives. Mrs. Dumbleton has almost recovered from the bullet wound received several weeks ago at the hands of Leon Vial. Hon. A. F. Brown and wife have com pleted their extended tour of the holy lands and Europe and on April 7th they ailed from London for New York. They will return to their Oaklaad home after a few stops to visit friends while crossing the United States. At the present writing interest seems to be lagging in the matter of a Fourth of July celebration, but the advocates ; have not by any means given up the i proposition and assert their plans will , be carried out, there being sufficient time ahead to consummate all arrange ments. Another change has taken at the meat market of J. D. Agee 4 Co., in this citv ; John Bostermundt who ar- rived here last week bavins been trans- ferred to the Roseburir . market, and his place here ia now filled by Clayton Negley, of Rose burg, formerly of Indi ana. News. All present indications are the Williamette Valley will have a bumper prune crop this Fall and the growers are encouraged to believe that at least fair prices will prevail. In a few lowland orchards the blossoms were so badly in jured by the frost or cold rains that little if any fruit is expected, but reports from most districts show the outlook to be good. Editor Sloan P. Shutt. of the Gold Beach Globe, is ad vocating a coast wagon road np the Rogue river to a point near i the Southwest corner of Douglas county and thence to GlendaJe, and there is a probability that construction work on this proposed road, which will tap a great timber and mining country, will be commenced before the close of the present season. It ia reported that the S. P. Co., will issue a new time card tbe first of the coming month. Tbe big ferry boat Solano which has been in dry dock and cleaned and repaired, is now ready for service, it is said, and will resume its runs between Benicia and Port Costa. There will be several changes in the freight and passenger schedule, and passenger trains Nos. 12 and 10 will probably be put back on their old time. For guaranteed dental work go to Dr. Pearson. H. H. Gillette and F. K. Million, two of the most popular trainmen n the employ of tbe Southern Pacific Com pany, have resigned their positions with the Company to engage in business for themselves in Ashland. They recently leased the Weiss brick block, corner of Fourth and A streets, near the depot, and have already opened up a neat cigar, confectionery and lunch goods store, on the first-class and are prepar ing to open a first-class restaurant in connection. Tbe boys have many friends here and along the line from Roseburg to Ashland and Ashland to Dunsmuir who wish them success in their business venture. Tidings. J. P. Johnson, dentist, Grave's bnild ing. 49tf With the June number will begin The Pacific Monthly's series of special edi tions for the year 1905. They will com prise a number for Portland, Seattle, for Southern California, for San Fran cisco and the souvenir number of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, also a spe cial automobile numl er. The articles of Dr. Wolf von Schierbrand, six in number, on "The Coming Supremacy of the Pacific" are also promised, and the plans contemplated by the publishers will, without question, place The Pacific Monthly far in advent e, not only of present competitors, but also into the unreasonable class of periodical litera ture on the Pacific Coast. The Pacific monthly is sold to regular subscribers at the extremely low price of $1 a year. We have made an arrangement with the publishers by which we are able to offer it in connection with the Plain dealer (both publications) for $2.50 a year. Wood and hay for sale. Leave orders with J. F. Barker 4 Co. tf See the Pittsburg electric weld fences, at S. K. Sykes. E. E. Wells of Olalla ia in this city on business today. Prudent people purchase Or. Lowe's superior glasses. Ira Cole, of Glendalo was in this city on business this week. Grants Pass will celebrate the Fourth of July in a rousing manner. J. D. Bingham of Riddle is regis tered at the Hotel McClallen. You are safe when you patronize Dr. Lowe . eye safe and price safe. Walter Threlkeld returned to his home at Umpqua Ferry today. Sheriff McClallen and Assessor Staley went to Yonealla today on business. E. Wimberlv, Miss Bartel and Mrs. Allison spent Sunday in Winchester. See the new ad "wool wanted" by the Roseburg Hide ami Junk Co., on this page. J. F. Arrant, superintendent of the Crater Lake National Park is in this city today. Frank B. I-ong of Cleveland is the guest of his brother Justice J. T. of this city. A marriage license has been issued to E. E. Wilder and Ivv P. Cornelison.i both of Riddle. Miss Alda Williams, teacher of the school at Ruckles, was visiting in this city Saturday and Sunday. O. R. Banta, a Cow Creek miner is iu this city on business. He advertises a team for sale iu today'B Plaindealer. Fullerton A Richardson and tbe Marsters' Drug Co., have new ads on the first page of the Plaindealer today. Mrs. G. Worthiagton left on last eve ning's local for Canyonvilie to visit the family of her son, Alex Wcrthington, near that p;ace. Mrs. M. Montgomery of Junction, who has been visitiug tne family of Dis patcher E. B Pengra of this city has returned home. M. J. Kelly and wife are in Oakland today making a transfer of their resi dence property of that place which they have recently sold. Among the Easter window decora tions, Fisher & Bellows Co., Rice A Rice, I. Abraham and Mrs. M. Joseph son deserve special mention. For more than 18 years Dr. Lowe has made a specialty of testing and titling glasses to children's eyes. Parents don't neglect this sacred dutv. Free tests. Thursday and Friday of this week, April 27, and 2S, Dr. Ixjwe, the eye spe cialist, will be in Hotel McClallen. Call and have him test your eyes for glasses. Fruit growers, read the fine clubbing offer for the Plaindealer and the Nation al Fruit Grower, America's best fruit , journal, on tbe last page of this paper. Fob Salx Three very desirable home, ; near town and the best school in Douglas county. Address J. W. Motes Roseburg, Oregon. ml5p Mrs. C. W. Vail, of Oakland, was n this city this week, visiting with Mr. Vail who is timekeeper for OLe of the steel gangs on tbe S. P. construction force. Attorney Albert Abraham and Jar. Hildebrand went to Drain today to look after the shipment of coal samples from tbe Umpqua coal mines to the Lewis : and Clark fair. Draughtmen J.C. I-ewis, who is draw ing tbe present ownership s-ctionai maps for the county assessor ha almost completed his work, only six more large maps remain to be finished. Thursday and Friday of this week April the 27 and 29, two days only. Dr. Ixwe, the well known oculo-optician will be at the Hotel McClallen. Don't fail to have him test your eyes. Elvis R. Gowdy, formerly with tl e Grithn Hardware Co., of Eugene, ia spending a few days in Roseburg look ing over the town and visitiug with friends. The Plaindealer wa favored with a pleasant call. Have Dr. Lowe cure your head and eye ache with a pair of his superior glasses. They cost no more than others , and you have the benefit of bis skill and i over IS years experience. Consultation free, April 27 and 28. Fullerton and Richardson tbe druggists have finished renovating their drug store near the depot. Their new plate glass top counters make a neat appear ance, and places their store among the finest in Southern Oregon. The time of the year has come when every good citisen should take an inter est in the sanitary conditions of the town Rubbish should be burned, heaps hauled away and old lumber and unsightly trash piles cleaned up. U. G. Walker, proprietor of the Cot tage Grove paint store ami agent for Pat ton' Sun Proof paint, is spending a few days in Roeeburg interviewing some of the many builders in thir city relative to shining up their premises in the lat est improved style. The Plaindealer was favored with a pleasant call. Jas. Sheffield, an old pioneer of this county, made the Plaindealer a pleasant business call Saturday. When he came to this place tnere was but a single bouse, the Aaron Rose homestead, on the present site of Roseburg. He has been a reader and a subscriber to the Plaindealer since its establishment in 1868 and now holds a paid up receipt for tbe paper to May 1, 1906. Editor A. S. 1 Hi ton, of the Med ford Mail, spent Saturday in Roeeburg trans acting business before the U. S. Land office while on his way to Portland to spend a few days. Editor Rliton says grade work is progressing on the Med ford. Crater Lake railroad, which means much for the future development of Med ford and tributary country. Capt. F. B. Hamlin has received in structions from Major Geo. O. Yoran to forward immediately the names of six militia men and one musician to act a guards at the Lewis and Clark exposi tion . So far but three men and the musician have been selected by Capt. Hamlin, they being Sergs. Walter Threl keld, P. A. Webb and J. O. Singleton, and Musician Fred Short. During the week Stearns & Cheno weth sold ten miles of Page woven wire fence, to the following parties : Rafe Dixon, Dixonville, five miles; F. B Waite, Roseburg, two miles; S. C. Mil ler, Dillard, three miles. Over two thousand dollar's worth of wire fence alone is not a bad record for one week's sale by our local hardware dealers. Oakland Owl. SEA FOAM RUNS DOWN SCHOONER Marshfield Or., April 22.-The steam schooner Sea Foam has started on her eea career Willi a wreck to her credit on t le first day she poked her Ihjwh in salt water. Yesterday morning she put out of the Columbia river on her maiden voyage with a load of lumber, and last night, during a dense fog, seven miles off Coquille Bay, she ran down the sail ing schooner Del Norte. A few minutes afterwards that vessel was bottom bp and a derelict on the ocean. The Sea F'oam was recently launc hed at Gray's Harbor, and was added to the fleet of A. W. Beadle A Co She was towed to Portland, where her machiiiery was installed and her cargo of I timber was put on. She was on t he way to San Francisco with it, but alsiut noon todav she put into Coos Bay with her Ixiws smashed ami the crew of the Del Norte on her deck-. The Del Norte was owned by R. D. Hume of Curry county. Her cargo was slight loss. Stanley's Will Remain Stanley's the cut price store recently established in Roseburg, next door f)uth of the postortice, will remain iu usiness here, and for the present, at least, will cotuinue to sell merchandi-e at a saving to customers of a third to half their money. Those in need of clothing, shoes, etc., will do well to look over Stanley's line. Team For Sale A good, gentle gray team, weight about 1200 each, for sale. Inquire at Farmers F'eed Stables. Roseburg, Ore. H. French, the Postal Telegraph Com paq's Superintendent, returned to Ashland Sunday evening to complete work under way near that station. P. Sinnott came down from GoM Hill Saturday night and returned to that place Sunday evening. Mr. Bismol is in charge of one of the gangs placing new ballast on the road bed near Gol 1 Hill. N. F. Throne, who has leen visiting at Glendale and evidently trying his luck at trout fishing, has returned to this city. About fishing: well, he re fuses to make any statements for publi cation. Neal McBeatb, who placed in jail here last week on a charge of arson was released on bouds Saturday evening. The bonds were in the sum of $1000, and signed by F. M. and J. W. Conn, W. R. Vinson, E. L. Autenreith and Geo. A. Crane. With Mrs. C. B. Cannon as chaperon, a party of young people consisting of Misses Iallian and Flossie Kidd. Alta and Flora Cannon and Master Wallace Cannon spent Kaster Saaday nt Win chester. Robert KidJ and J. Johnson of Portland, went with the party to act as rescuers in case any of them fell in the river. K L. Sinnott, the American Type F -under Company's exert press build er, is busily engaged in installing the PlaindeaJer's Babcock Standard press and Iexter folder iu lbs new Plaindeal er brick on Jackson street, but the new machinery could not be installed in time to print this issue of the Plaindealer as was anticipated, so this number of the paper is issue-.! trom the old office I I :!' av s paper, however, wil. come , - i tlie new press and folder providing no difficulties arise. A number of members of Oak Camp , No. 125. Woodmen of the World attend ed the memorial services, under the aus pices of Ikiuglas Camp 2-SS at Oakland Sunday, the principal sjeaker being Rev. Harbit, of Wilbur. A short mu sical program was also rendered. The following members of the local Uniform Rank went in uniform under the com , mand of Col. '.. N. Agee, adjutant and Capt J A Buchanan, Albert Palm. H O Howard, Rus Harness, J M Bridges. J E Sawyers, H M Martin, D P Fisher, I Roy Elmore, Edward Jennings, C : I hurchill, L Burrongh, N T Jewett, M J Kelly, O A Houser and C W l.awson. j Others who attended the ceremony from Roseburg were L Wisnberlj and wife, Mrs M J Kellv, Mrs J M Bridges, Ar thur Mahonev and Miss Clarke. Humor aa Philosophy By DUNCAN M SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. Some men who have nothing to lose but their reputation often seem very reckless, but when we have investi gated their asset we understand their carelessness. Prosperity Is a sure cure for the bablt of remembering auld lang syne. It ia possible that the coming man may csBt n shadow before, but is moet apt to leave not n footprint behind. When a girl breaks an engagement she usually has the material at hand to make another. Generally when n woman begins bragging of her husband she first makes certain that be isn't within hear ing. tT -I Whether or not snow seems beautiful depends on tbe point of view. frxt vwiTtat oh KUPPENH : JOSEPHSON'S THE BIQ STORE SURE DEATH SQUIRREL P0I50N A Speedy Des truction of Squirrels, Goph ers. Rats, flice, Crows, Etc. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. DRUGGISTS ROSEBURG, OREGON Debating Club at Glide The tiliJe Lyceum was organiied latt week with Mrs. Connine. president and Miss Ona Matthews, secretary The : ijuestion debated at this lime was. "Re-: solved, that country life is better than cit v life The speakers on the arnrm- alive tide were Perry Wright. Ona Mat- thews. Pearl lUtri.-i.l. Kred Diekrnan. tjuy Soper. Klla Roony, H I. Kngies and J F Wright. On the negative were Mrs Lily. MyrteSla WillUms. Tom Findley, Minnie Pieckman, and Frank Livings ton. The judges were Miss Dunham, Mr. Connine and Mr. Shrutn The next meeting will !e Friday 2Sth of Anril in the Olide Hall. K very body invited. Hie subject "Resolved, that won.ei have the rights of suffrage." The speak- j ers for the affirmative are J F Wright, i Mrs Lily, Ona Matthews. Minnie Oiek man, Fred Oiekman, Ed Wright, Nellie Roony, Pearl Hatfield : negative, H L Kngle. Myrtella Williams. Miss Pun ham, Tom Findlv, Km ma Kindly, Frank Livingston. R. T. B. Mental Culture Club Meeting. The D6 Mental Culture Club held a very interesting session at their regular meeting, Tuesday afternoon of last week the program consisted of the following numbers : Ixjeeon Review. Mrs. S. R. I-ane. Miidie Mrs rr..! I'.iVi,' a i . . u d vi- Kenn. Paper, Tolstoi, Miss Florence Aiken. Tbe paper on Japanese Art was illus trated by some very beautiful pe imeiis of Japanese handcraft. To Ladies of Roseburg. Mrs. Antenreith's suit book for the spring styles has just arrived with samples of both silk shirt waist and suits. We will be pleased to have the ladies call and see them. At residence on Jackson street, south of Klks build ing. m4-p A Dandy for Burns. Pr. Rorgin, Pana, 111., writes: "I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment : always recommended it to my friends, as I am confident there is no better made. 'It is a dandy for burns.' Those who live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Liniment is applied. It should always be kept in the house for cases of emerg -ency." 35c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by A. C. Marsters ic Co. May Day Ball A grand May Day ball will be given at the Armory hall Monday evening May 1st, 1906, under the auspices of the I ady Maccabees. A tine supper will be served and good music will be secured. A good time is promised those who at tend . Born. LKATH ERMAN-On April 15, W06, to Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Leatherman, of Med'ord, Oregon, a 7H pound boy. Mr. and Mrs. Leathermau were for mer residents of this county, Mis. Leatherman (nee HsM Minnie Ktlisoiii being one of Douglas county's popular school teachers. OATMAN At Myrtle Creek, Thursday, April 20, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Oatuian, a son. EIMER FOR HEN Men's Two Piece Outing Suits, $6.00 to $12.00 Men's Sack Suits, $12.50 to $20.00 TAN SHOES The Florsheirn Shoe for Men. The Cross Shoe for Ladies. Everything that the well dressed man desires for summer wear. Notice. Notice is hereby given that, on cr j aiout the 35th of January, lajs, there were lost or stolen from the residence of Chas. II. Bitting, of Ekmglas county. Oregon, two notes and one check, tbe latter being drawn on the First Na- tionai Bank, of Koeebnrt;. Oregon, and signed by one I. H. Winget in the sum of about The rirst of the notes was made by B. C. Agee, favor Chas H. Bit- ting, in tbe sum of 410, rate of S per cent int.. and the second msde by W. S. Brosi. favor Chas. II. Bitting, in the' sum of $600, rate S per cent, each of said notes being made on or about tbe 30th ; day of May. IMS. All persons are here-' bj warned against purvhasing or receiv ing the said and above described notes ; and cbevk. a. arrangements are being made for settling the same. Dated this 10th day of April. 1905. A. M. Aerinotos, Administrator of the estate of Chas. H. Hit tins, deceased. air mlt Notice j A tine ranch for sale. One hundred ; nd fifty-five acre of fine ranch land , worth $1000, but will take $740 ii soldi at once. Any hdmeseeker that wants a 1 bargain should communicate or see me j before buving Address Allen Wilson t'amas Valley, Ore. mlp Letter List. Remaining uncalled for at the Roet- I burg pot office Cobhran W H Cashidor Mr t'arterMr F V Curtic Mr I G Caloer Mr John F Field- Mr A L Hint V Helsth LJ Heinrich Rev Jno Hunter Wm Heldt Wm H Jones Mr W C Patterson Eva A Qucker Mr Pick Shipley Mrs W J Stevens W A Simmonds Vise M Simmouds Mrs K Williams Miat F. Person? calling for these letters wil 1 please state the date on which they are advertise.!. Apr. 24. 1905. The letters will be charged for at the rate of one cent eaoh. We Want Wool AT THE ROSEBURG JUNK & HIDE I COIPANrS CORNER ROSE AND OAK STS. WE PAY CASH i For Anything You Have to Sel You can have A BoBntltal Sly el Health, Harmony. Durability. Joy. Cleanliness. Pence through tbe application of THE Musi PtTM.I w FL0OB PAINTS HADE BY put up m Quit. Ball-Gallon and Gallon Cans BEADY FOB USE You Can Apply It Sold By 5. K. SYKES Phone aj i .... Roeeburg, Or CLOTHING ; SURE DEATH To Gophers and Squirrels. The best article yet prepared for the destruction of these farm pests. Farming "sj Tlislilj Repaired JAilES AUS OCE S Macktec Shop Repair Engine- Batla t, astomobiels. Btcreles. all ktndt at XVI Machinery. Farm Machinery, Un Mower, all kind M Grinding and Poliah- ing done ai the Car Wi WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Soi ai ran ante this bead will be charged '.or at tbe rale of one cent a word for two insertion. No adTeiiuesenia taien for Ies man (en cent WASTED a competent aoaaexeepar. Ad dreaa a. T. asabtoaa. Yonealla. Oregon. WANTED To exchange a good bicycle for a driving bona. Apply to box XT. Boaeoorg, Or. WANTED 1 to 4 lots in with or without improve right ; eaah. Address P. O. Sceiety Meeting. AF. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13. Holds regular meetings on seconfl and f ortb Wednesdays of each montb. J. T. Bniseas, W. M. N. T. JawkTT, Secretary. BF. O. ELKS. Row bo i Lodge No. 336. Holds common ica- tiona at I O. O F. Hail on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regn .ariv and all Tinting brtbers are cordi ally invited to attend. C. B. Can-nox, 8. B. Rot McCLAixrti, Secretary. 0. D, 1st SEPARATE BATTALLION -O.N. U. , meets at Armory Hall every rhoraday ereninc, at 8 o'clock. f. B. K amu. Capt. I. O. O. F. PhileUrian Lodge No. S. Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor ner Jackson and Cass sties, on Saturday evening of each week. Mem bers of tbe order in good standing ari invited to attend. H. O. Lxwia, N. O. N.T. Jswrrr, Secretary. Kof P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meet every Wednesday, in I. O. O. F Hall at 7 :30 p. m. Members in good standing are invited to attend. Jas. A. Pbkst, C. C. M. F. WaiGHT, b. of R. a S. IILAC CIRC LIS. No. 49, Woman of Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each montb at the I. O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members la good standing are invited to attend. Mas. A. B. Ficxu, Uuardian Neighbor. Bell Morian, Casus Second and Fourth Thursdays. OE. 8. Roee'Mrg Chapter No. 8 Holds their regular meeting oa the a flrat and third ThnraHava Tn Mrh ' nonth. Visiting members in good ; itanding are respectfully invited to at 1 tend. Mrs. E. J. Stroud, W. M. Free Johnson. Secretary. UNITED ARTISANS, Umpqua As sembly No. 105, meets second and fourth Saturdays of each month, in Native Sons' hall. Visiting members will receive a cordial welcome. A. C. Marstkks, M. A. M isms Jos us. Secretary. aaltKiDMEN OF THE WORLD.- WCamr. No. 135. Meets at tbe Odd Fallnwa' Hall In Rnaahnrs avnrv ftrst and third Monday evening. Visit ing neighbors always welcome. J. M, C. 0. N. T. Jawarr. Clerk Town Lots For Sale Choice building tots in Kinney's im proved plat of Roeeburg, near Main street, good title. Price $50 per lot. Address, N. A. Ricuaaoa. tf