Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION • • • • • • • • • • WEEKLY EDITION • • • • • • • • • Unswayed by fear, uniuflu- • enced by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell the truth. the whole truth, about county. state and national affairs. It is fair, absolutely fair. to • uose who differ from its views, as well as to its friends. • • • • • • • • • VOL. XXIX PENDLETON. OREGON FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2. 19<I4 I 1 1 1 ■— RECHI ITS IN JAPANESE CAPITAL. EQI IPPING Kuropatkin I THE LAND CASES Report- •lapuiiv*«' verse* ami lx«««-* in I Nortlicru Man- »■hurla. AAlu-rv Two > Japanern* Gcu- erul* Have Been 1 AA ouiKled—Rus- *iau Naval Officer* United States District Attorney and There la IJkeliliood That Rus sia AA1I1 'order Bat th-aiiips and Cruisers Made amt Equipped by Italians. Jap« Capture a Hill. Rome. Dec 1.—A dispatch to the Cleveland. Dec. 1.—Federal offl- Italia Militalre from Token, says the cials are now Interested In the Chad- Japanese have occupied Pine Tree wick case. A number of men of in- Hill, one of the important hills ■ur- rounding Port Arthur. fluence have requested the United States district attorney, Sullivan, to Ordering Battleship«. ■ i MODEL COLLEGE Rrvolittkuiary Tu»-tic* to Reverwe Colo rado Electioo. Joseph Leiter Has Been Mov Military Authorities Complain ing Armed Bodies ot Men Especially of Lack of Coast Toklo. I»ec. 1.- The announcement of the capture of 203 Metre lilll has Without Authority ot Law. kick's Responsibility. Defenses. created intense entnuslasni and re vives hopes of the early fall ot the fortress proper. Today thousands ot HORACE G. M'KINLEY recruits marched to the barracks and IH’EA AAARFAKE HAS BEGUN PROMINENT CLEVELAND donned their uniforms. Relatives WAS HIS INSTIGATOR. MAN MAY RE IMPLICATED. carrying flags and banners escorted ARM PRESENT ARMAMENT them The number of men raised not under the conscription act ts At First He Protested. But Acqui Iraiii Itcariiig Mlllliu Wa. I Irvil Ip- I.overmix-tit I- Al«« -Jiy I lelil Artll- AU Negotiation* Off atul Def envi made public. escence Bev-ame Eaoy — Confession on—Union striker* ;unl N ihi -I nboi ant Mas* Undergo the Moot Radi ler> anil Tortesi»i Defciiw for Har .Also Implicate* Dan Tarpley—Sen Two General* AAouiaievl. strike Breaker* light at the cal Investigation—Mr*. Chavlvvlck'o bor* — Senator t'ia-krrll Confer- ator Mltcbell to Grace the Tokio. Dec. 1.-—Reports from Port Stocksvlc Annuel tie* Idler < oal IJabUitle* Are S700.M*. But She Io With R«*>«-vi*ll anil Mai Aivv-pt Ap- Investigation AA'ith His I*re*ence. or Arthur say Lieutenant General Thu- Mine*. AA Itli PrwbaM) Fatal Rr-ulls “Clear Out of the |Mdatmeiil tu Inti-rMate < »Hiuiu-r«*- AA'oods" — Her Gen- cfelya Is among the wounded, Give it the Benefit of His Testimo —Every RcMdent of live Tviii|mr- Coun«-1 Denle-, the More seriou* eral Nakamura, who commanded the < oattal*lon—Rrar Admiral Davi* ny. Although He Has Been Subpot-- urv Town I'wqilevl hv I uion MUwr- Pluvi body of swordsmen who charged the I« Apiadiitril in He|>rr-«*ni America Accusation* — A**urance* uaed—He Has Been Alatie a Tool I* (inh'rwl llv'torv ilw Grand Jury Every Dollar of Her Ixaut* AA ill Be Russian forts November 25. Is Injur on Dog ger bank < onmii—Inn •f. ed In both leg* Pakl. is Investigating Mrs. Chad- peals and asked for a writ of habeas corpus for Michael Dowd, an election official arrested by order of the state supreme court The hearing will be December 10 at St. Louis. I _________________ PI ABODA STILL FIGHTING. Are at Rome, • • • • • • NO. 2 . ....... . UNITED STATES Ite- • • Th* East Oregonian of Pm- dJeton, Oregon, 1« published tn the heart of the wonderful I»- laud Empire. Yon will find that it la readable, reliable and progreeahre, and will glee you the news reliably, acco- rataly and fudy Denver. Col.. Nov. 30.—Another step In the Colorado governorship Opinion Expressed by Uma fight took place today when the su- prenie » »»urt gave hearing ___ on the _____ a^ _________ tilla County’s Legislative attorneys for motion made by I, tlf»- __ _________ Governor Peabody asking that the Representatives. election eominiMloners be enjoined from certifying any returns whatso ever front precinct ». ward 7. of Den ATTEMIT TO DETERMINE ver. Th»- significance of the motion Iles i I <«l -RATION N EEDED. In th* fact that If it Is granted similar motions will be made to throw out every precinct In Denver, and also In many other parts of the state The I I m - \|>|>r»>|rrt«u,,n of Two A'ears *Agv democratic leaders declare that the Barely «»ffk-lent lor the More Ur ■ »»urt woul»! not dare take such revo gent Nerds of five InMltulion—Pres- lutionary action and they profess not Uletil I rviH-ti I* l-repartng Stalla to f«-*l any alarm over the outcome. ti»'* for a Mwivv-doun of tive Coi- Distinguished Advocate of Better Traveling Facilities Was in Pendleton. iM.E M <rrr goea to W ALLA W ALLA MEETING lege'» Ite-sHirce*. Needs and Record —Betk-vnl live Mork of live Past At»»nn«»n* I »«»king Ini«» R««v>rvl of A ear AA ill He sufficient Guaranty Pne«*cul«»r. for an A|q>nq«riation. Youngstown. O Nov 33. A M*r- » >•■ »gent Ü» here In behalf of Reed Smoot. I»>okliig Into the congressional Stat* •or« Walter M Pierce. C. and buslneiu» record of ex-Congre«»- man It. AA' Taylor, who 1» conducting J Smith and Representatives W G. the case agalrutt Smoot Taylor re- ’ol* yesterday conferred with Pr*«l- turn-d th;» morning from Washing- 1*-: B c French »»f th* Eastern t»»n aid announced the Smoo^ hearing Oreg, n State Normal at W»-«ton. The 4« t tor December 12. «hoot «as visited by the Umatilla I Peekneyvtlle. Ill Nov 30 —Th* AA'ashingtoii Nov. 30—-In his an grand jury has Indicted Joseph Lei nual report the chief of artillery. Judge J H Scott, of Marion coun ter for taking armed men through the Brigadier General J P. Story, calls ty. the leading gcx>»3 r»>ad* advocate «tale without permission of th* gov attention to th* unpreparedness of the of Oregon, tossed through this moru- ernor. country for war. especially respecting lr.g to Wail* Walla, to attend the **a«t defenses He says; state good rends meeting in that city Militia Arriving "AAs have not on*- -vlf *n«aigh of tomorrow. Zeigler. III.. Nov 30.—A company trained personnel to man th* arma- ascertain whether Mrs. Chadwick ts “I believe there m no question of London. Dec. 1.—The Rome cor ■'leni already mounted A*y report if Infantry reai hed Zeigler last even so great importance now before the liable under the federal law* Sulli- respondent of the Centra! News wires egtslators and Mr French lawyers Elect Officer* •tbs attention to th* ir.surt rlency of outlined ing for riot duty It Is reported that farming communities as thia question van Is now seeking to ascertain that several Russian officers have ar scores of shots were fired at the train tl.e Held artillery and ucomplete tor Portland. Nov 3«.—At the after the «ork being done whether the Chadwick transactions rived in Rome and obtained permis The visit was made for the per ~>t road improvement and construc as it neared Zeigler. The mining pedo it tenses of the harI or.” noon session of the Oregon State Bar tion ” said Judge Scon to the East were legitimate, and if she did not sion to visit the navy yard* It 1* •se of arriving at some definite con- camp is practically under martial law Association yester»lay. the following Oregonian thia morning. use the mails to further her end* stated the visitors intend to order the !u»:»»n regarding appropriation need- Cockrvil Confer* With lt»»»wv»h. officer» were elected for '.he ensuing ’’With good nail in the country All peace negotiations between Mrs. construction In Italy of four battle •d from the next legislature to carry Believed lire» AAere Loo* year President. A T Sears. Jr.; vlc*- AA’ashington. Nov. 30—Senator iistrict* come numberless other pub Chadwick and Banker Newton are ships and six cruisers. >n the school work for two years Benton. Ill Nov 30 —Reports from Cockrell of Missouri, called at the t resident. A E Ream*». Jacksonville: Th* government off It is reported warrants are pre Dr. Cole is the only member ic convenience* Rennett. Marshfield; G Blng- mor» Zeigler say the night passed without AA hlte House this morning and hid a J w «HI not extend the rural delivery to Japane*e llrnrow pared for a prominent Cleveland man of the delegation who is in Pendleton any trouble It Is likely that more talk with the president over the of ham. Sslem; C. W Fulton. Astoria: districts with miserably poor road* alleged to be an accomplice in the St. Petersburg. Dec. 1.—Kuropat today. troops will be sent there today, how fer of a position either on the Panama G W Phelpe Heppner: C. J Bright. Country transportallon car. never be huge swindles. , kin reports. ’’We pursued the enemy ’ ’ It ts evidenL" he said, "that the AA ’ asen , | -<amuel White. Baker City canal commission, or the Interstate ever. as a crisis Is expected tonight. as cheap as It should be. with poor who retired from Tsen Hebhen and »st appropriation «as barely enough Every' resident of the union miners' comerce commission. He will proba- and W. I R King Ontario: secretary. country roads leading to your mar- Motion for Receiver. we forced the enemy's rear guard o sustain the school but in order to Robert P ’ . Platt; treasurer, C. J. camp, near Zeigler, has been ordered Hy select the latter. Cleveland. Dec. 1.—At the request Tuesday to evacuate a pass 10 versts ay the matter property before th« kets and the relation between the - ht »b» executive committee W M to appear before the grand jury. city and rural settlements ran never of Attorney Carr, representing Bank south of Hen Hechen. Our loot wa* Cake. Charles Carey. Thomas G. »C.slature we must have facts and It Is believed several Ilves were lost Itrsr Admiral Davie Appointed. be so intimate and pleasant 'here er Newton. Judge Babcock this morn inconsiderable.” figures from President French. These Halley. G. Greene. C. D Latourette. In Monday night's battle. Report Is Washington. Nov. 30—Rear Admi ing postponed until Saturday the he has promised to supply tn a short bad roads and poor bridge« separate current today that several wounded ral Davis has accepted the appoint and il Th».mpson the two divisions of society. time. hearing of Newton’s motion for a re EUROPEAN BANK FAIIJL men were removed from the scene Favors Uoavict Labor. ment to the Dogger ban k commission. ceiver for Mrs. Chadwick's alleged se- "Senator Pierce advanced the I ’ . urtwvl to Death. Pools of blood were found In several curities in the Wade Park bank. thought that the state legislature had "To a limited degree the convict* < oncern'« IdaWlitle« Are Said to places outside the stockade. Great Falls Nov. 3«.—Residents of It All AA AA I ATI N s |<»N «TOPPED. Fincher's Creek tn the city yester»lay | been slow in appropriating money to of Oregon should be employed ’ Amount to «5.000.000 j conduct the Eastern Oregon Mr* Chatlvvick With Her Attorneys. State rood ronst ruction tn Oregon. TAtey brought new» of a fatal accident in London. Dec. 1.—The Evening Star CORBETT AA As AA HIPPED. «ampler A alley AA III Not Build Any which John Cyr. who had recently I Normal tor the reason that Its ahow- should be worked tn i quarries where New York. Dec. 1.—Mrs. Chadwick says the London and Paris Exchange, left Holland House at 11 o'clock this a large banking and brokerage firm l*urtl»er Towanl the Interior Till« removed to that country from Maine, ng In the number of graduates had the road material 1* prepared, and I igiit Between Nelson anvl Britt Is been small heretofore. Tax payers wherever they can be aafely used, in morning on the arm of her son. and of London, ha* closed its doors, bein'? lost his life. Hi» »table caurht fire Year. Now l>ropo*ed. throughout the state.” he remarked, the buildings of road* took a cab. going to the office of her from a spark from the chimney of his in serious difficulties. It* liabilities Baker City. Nov 3« — Oaring It t» Afitchell Refuse* to Return. "were not willing to put up for *ome- San Francisco. Nov. 30.—Young The first step r — » sjvfc ry tc sectrr- attorney*. dwelling and he entered the stable tn are said to amount to 15,000.000. Corbett, the vanquished pugilist, to alleged to prohibitive freight rates on an effort to save bls nine horse* A thfr.g that brought small returns on 'ng good roads is an educated public Subpoenaed by wire, by United Edmund Power* attorney for Mr* steel rail* the Sumpter A ’ alley railway the investment" gether with his retinue of trainers. Is sentiment. Without strong backing States Attorney Henry. United States Chadwick, after a conference with his few seconds after he entered the Trading Market (oHapxed. However. It Is believed that th* from th- people, the county trying to make a rosy view of life to will not extend It* road bed any fur building, the roof fell In and when coart. Senator Mitchell, now In Washington client this morning said a general New York. Dec. 1.—Amid Intense day He has been patched together ther Into the Interior of Grant county the fire had burned out. his charred showing to be made by the school road supervisor and road master are absolutely refuses to return to Port conference of all parties concerned In tor this year, will be entirety satisfac powerless There must be a demand land to give his evidence in the land the Newton matter will be held this excitemenL the heavy trading mar and rubbed until he again resemble* this year. Sumpter A’alley officials allege that -orpse was found tn the ashe* He tory to the legislature, and that the for good roads from the people, be positions a human being, and this afternoon fraud cases. He also failed to make afternoon, when the final details of ket collapsed today, some leaves a wife and several adult child they have large orders of rails tied .mount o' work done, on a given sum fore the officials can logically build known the name of the attorney who the settlement will be arranged. He an call dropping 23 point* A large will be taken to the races that he may ren. residing In the vicinity of Pin of money will average up remarkably roads because the people must be the handed him the filing papers of Puter said Mrs. Chadwick will make public crowd is estimated as responsible tor forget his terrible disappointment and up in the east, because of high freight cher creek. rates to the west. It Is thought the well with other state school* terrible beating last night. bans of this work Without full and and Mrs. Watson, and asked for their 1 statement soon with details of the the break. They found the schoo' tn a highly free co-operation of the people, offic “Young Corbett" was taken In an Sumpter A’alley people are seeking an speedy hearing In the general land present settlement. Baker City Improvement* satisfactory condition and were well ials are not in position to carry oof He reiterated that Mr* Chadwlc\ automobile by Barney Oldfield to Cen excuse Io stop the extension and have office F.xprr* Office Robbed. Raker City. Nov. 3b.—The O. R a pleased with the management, from tral Emergency Hospital last nlghL charge! the delay to the prohibitive this program It is generally believed that Mitch did not know Carnegie, and that his N company has filled In the grouads their hurried view of the Institution. Lincoln. Dec. 1.—The American where three stitches were taken In rates Traffic is so heavy on all lines ' My idea of a good roads campaign ell has been made a tool by Puter. name never appeared on any of her Express Company’s off: st Norfolk his scalp and two In his lip. Corbett that it is Im possible to secure ear* about the Baker City station and be- The people of Weston are enthusias is for the state to send out an able and that while he had no direct con paper* wai robbed of several hundred dol at first demurred, stating he believed to handle the rail shipments for the tween the tracks with shell rock. so tic i ■ ver th* success of the school. and interested man. to organise Good nection with the frauds being per He admitted the woman's obllga- that no matter what the weather ve the prospects for It» continued growth lars last night. A watchman fired at the operation would be too painful, west Road Leagues in every county, get petrated. he willingly lent his influ tlons will reach 3700.000. but sald hicles and pedestrians can approach are good. the robbers but without effect. but was finally Induced to endure the people to thinking on this subject, ence to hasten the consummation of that she would have 31.000.000 left the station dry shod. The hack stand COMBINE Bl U H' A ICO AB slight pain, He then retired to his show them how much they are actu the frauds. after settling all claims. has also been put tn fl-st-«-law shape Mrs. Bachtold Dead ally I out ng tn transportation, by hav room In the Palace Hotel, where he MONIT FMSR COLLEGES She never borrowed money on The Walla W'alla. Nov. 1 —Mrs Elisa spent a restless and painful night SUvl Tru-t AAouhl -vive >120 000.000 with bumpers and dead line* ing poor roads, and educating them Handwriting Experts Testify. worthless collateral as charged. • • It A N depot at Baker City is now beth Bachtold. <5 years of age. Is nursing his hurts and his aggrieved I rvigiit tltargvw Twenty ln«tliutk>a* M umv in Fayer- to the simplicity of the good road* Portland. Dec. 1.—Today the land tn line with the improvements being dead at her home In this city She mind. system Building and maintaining Chicago. Nov 30.—The United made generally on the road by Man weather Beque-<. fraud case» were given over to the Chadwick Ixsvn* Secured. was the mother of John and Alfred In the meantime. Nelson, jubilant good roads is no puxxltng. profound States Steel corporation contemplates testimony of handwriting experts for AA’ashington. Nov 29.—The supreme ager Calvin. 1.—President Bachtold. prominent brewer* Oberlin. O.. Dec. over his victory, spent the night at the building a trunk line railroad from subject in which only the chosen few the prosecution. Among others. J. F. Beckwith, of the Cltlxens’ National court today sustained the New York Hammam baths, and appeared early Chicago to Pittsburg and thence to can become proficient. It is just a* Shearman, of Wichita, who is nation Bank, which closed on account of the court’s decision In the famous Feyer- this morning bright and fresh Nel th* seaboard by means of which an easy to build a good road tn a country ally famous. The testimony tends to Chadwick loans, said today he has weather will case, which was decided son gave out word this morning that annual saving plentifuly supplied with rock quar of 3120.''''M>.000 in draw no more closely around the con received names from Pittsburg that in favor of the colleges to which the h* is ready for Britt. Representatives freight charges may be effected. ries. as < >regon is. as it is to build and spirators. funds had been bequeathed and assure him every dollar of the Chad of both Nelson an»! Britt will get to maintain poor road*" The immediate motive to the build A letter was put In evidence show wick loans will be paid. He will not against the executor* gether at once to arrange upon a final Measure in t ommitsee. ing of th* line, however. 1- said to be ing that Senator Frank Mays was con give the source of his information. Be- Twenty college» are affected, will the corporation’s desire to avoid any agreement tor the fight, which nected with Puter and McKinley, but Senator C. J. Smith of this county , sides the original gift they will re- Another government examiner is occur next month. controversy with the Interstate Com how heavily he is involved la not yet on the way here to assist In the bank celve an equal share la a residuary is a member of a legislative commit merce Commission, a contingency made clear. tee appealed by Judge Scott, to agi estate amounting to 37.300.300. investigation. MINING tIGAR DIALER FOUND. that continually confronts IL while tate and promote the use ot convict* Mrs. Judge Albaugh, of ’ Canton. It has to arrange for terminal allow on the public highways and to pre NEW WASHINGTON RAILROAD. Chadwick's attorney. ' who was in con- INJUNCTION' AGAINST I NION. B**iin»r IHvi»e«it«vl am! AAaiulerrvI ances with the railroads it uses to AA tilth t»| ITING pare a bill providing tor such an ar ference with her in New York, has O It A N TRANSFERS LAND transport its heavy freight. Away—Policr Ixicntrvl Him. It is hoped by Judge Projected From Gray’s Harbor East not arrived here as it 1 was announc- Cv.urt- Help to Break San lYanciac» rangement. Kill PORT At. E ROAD GRADE Stories bearing on the project of Scott to get the matter prominently telephoned Walla Walla. Nov 30 -George H ed he would. He 1 has ward to Yakima. Boycott* before the legislature. this winter. Smith, proprietor of the cigar store the projected line go so far as to say that he has no good news. San Franelas». Nov. 33.—Superior His recent trip through the Southern Chehalis, Wash.. Dec. 1.—This on Third street, who became demented that u number of small roads now be I» ut ili.' Hand- <>( a Live and Popular Judge Hebbard this morning render states has convinced him that the plan sum <•! >12.3»n Pakl for tlw Strip— morning the Washington Central and wandered away from his place of ing built east of Chicago are to be < ouiiuitt««- ol B u M ih -*> Mea—Not a ed a judgment in favor of the Cres Railway company filed articles of in Bl SIIAA H ACKING AVAR AA'ork on the I'ortage AA 111 Now business early Tuesday morning, was combined and made a part of the new is feasible and he is laboring In defat- GOING ON ALL NIGHT. Dollar I- to Be I hud in Until live cent City Fenther Co. vs the Uphol igably as president ot the Oregon corporation with the county auditor. Soon Begin—J. MeCalir. of AAalla located last night near the Eureka system. Cen- The capital stock is 3500.000. to achieve ini ire Uve I Itouwual Dollar* Is In sterers’ Union, and granted a perma Good Roads association. AAullu WUl Pnvbably Be Awarded mills by the police, who had been nent Injunction against the boycotts aome practical result* tn this Une> tralia is named as the principal place Foui Militiamen Have Btwn Wound LIMBER RATE* *1.1 Ml’ searching for him all day. He spent •Iglit—No snh>«Tibcr Runs the the Contract—He Ha* ITomltevI to and pickets of the union. of business and George E. Long. D. S. ed—Forty Farmers Rode Into the Monday night wandering about the NBghtvMt lti*k of Losing a Dollar. Bayles and L E. Crouch, of Port- AA'ait for Part of III* Pay Until Ute streets and yesterday morning took I xvkkvt * Reduce the I’riw* In Pugvt Strikers- Camp and Help Allay the KIIJ.ED TWO. Judge Davkl-sm Dead land, are the Incorporators. ‘ Sound l amp*. Y'oiuntary Subscription* Are Col ISO» from the safe In his place of bus Trouble — Threats Made to Dyna W alla Wall*. Nov 29.—Judge W S. The company’s object is to build iness and disappeared. Seattle, Nov. 30—There will be a lectevl by tivi- A'ariovis Con nt le«. The form of the contract for the Davidson, at one time prominent as Tru< Farmer Enraged Over Daagh- mite the l>eiter Coal Mines, Which and operate railway and telegraph slump In lumber pretty quick and subscription to the portage road fund, tcr's Elopement. a jurist in the state of Oregon, was Are the Most Valuable Coal Prop and telephone lines from a point near suburban building will find flooring to be collected In Umatilla county, is buried this afternoon TWO WOMEN DEAD. Fort Worth, Texa* Nov. 33.—Be at 1 o'clock. the city of Gray's Harbor, on Gray’s erties in tie- West—Militiamen Are particularly easy to get hold of. At a now drawn up. and the committee in Nov 30—Yesterday Portland, The funeral was held from St Paul’s cause he eloped with his daughter. J. Harbor. In a general easterly direction All Armed With Rifles and Have afternoon the O. R. & N. company Re*ult <>f an Evplo»don In New tir meeting of the Washington Logging & charge of the solicitation of the fund Episcopal church. Rev. A. E Macna- M. williams, a farmer near Alvarado to Priest Rapids, Yakima county, Brokerage Company. Saturday, a re transferred to the state portage com- will begin active work at once. Cannon. lean* laundry. mar* officiating. He was bom in shot and killed Steven McK nney. a Washington, through Chehalis. Thurs duction In the scale of selling price» mission a clear title to a right of way After advising with attorneys, and Virginia In 1815 and served through young man. McKinney*o father in ton, Lewis and Yakima counties. New Orleans. Nov. 30.—As a result Benton, III., Dec. 1.-—Two compa-' across the compeny» property. was Inaugurated. No. 1. or flooring, those Interested In the mutter of as the civil war In the Confederate army. terfered and was also killed. c.r>oth- be- Also to put in a branch line from a nles of militia have arrived with" of the explosion of a gasoline engine being reduced from IS to 18 per thous sisting in the completion ot the por He lost an arm during the campaign er son was seriously wounded. Offic tween The Dalle» and Celilo for the point southeast of Chehalis In a gen rifles and four gatllng guns, but were fire occurred In the Swiss laundry last and. and No. 3. or merchantable lum tage. Leon Cohen, member of the ex tn Missouri. use of the portage road. ers are after William* eral southeasterly direction along unable to quell the riot ât the Zeigler night. Georgina Beecher and Mary ber. from 17 to 1« 50. Class No. 2 ecutive committee of the Open River The sum of S12.B98 was paid to the Hanford and Packwood creeks for a mines last night. Nelson are dead and six others are se was left at the old rate. 34.50. company for the right of way. and Association, acting with the commit Anniversary of Mawavere distance of five miles in Lewis coun- Italian IdgMInmiv OpeM. Firing on the camp began at 10 the strip of land now belongs to the riously burned. Altogether, 30 are in The cut In prices was made by the tee consisting of T. J. Kirk. M. M. Walla Walla. Nov. 29.—Fifty-seven jured. ty- Rome. Nov. 30.—King ATctor today and continued until 4 this morning. state of Oregon. association to meet the cut-rate com- AA'.vTick. AA'. P. Temple. George Por years ago today Dr. Marcus Whltma opened the Italian legislature wttk a Four militiamen were wounded. Dep petition started by the independent ringer and Horace AA’alker, selected by and his little band The contract for the construction of missionaries speech from the throne, which was DIPHTHERIA AT SPOKANE. Air* Chatlwlck Confc*»«*«. uty Sheriff Stein escaped from the of the portage was also drawn up loggers along the Sound, The asso- the cltixens’ meeting a few days ago. «ere massacred at Wlallatpul by In stockade this morning and gathered yesterday and work will begin at once. New York. Nov. 30.—After a con- elation comprises the majority of the have formulated the following con dian* The anniversary was observed received with enthusiasm. Th« so cialist deputies did not attend th« Agitation in Favor of Closing the a posse of 40 farmers who rode into J. McCabe, of Walla Walla, will be ference with her counsel the an- Sound logging companies. The cut of tract, to be signed by the contributors at Whitman Memorial hall with ap opening nesslon. the miners’ camp and stopped the the contractor, It Is understood, al nouncement was Mrs. 11 per 1000 on the flooring lumber is to the fund. made that Bryant School. propriate exercises In which the stu- firing from the outside. though other contractors may bld tor Charwick admitted that Andrew Car- expected to liven the market to no It Is thought to be entirely satisfac d* ts participated. Spokane. Dec. 1.—There is nome Two additional companies of mili the work. Chicago Grata. negie never had any connection with small extent. tory a« It provides explicitly for the agitation in the fourth ward as to the tia have been asked. A posse of her affairs. Mrs. Chadwick Is ill and the W'hen It was understood that Chicago. Nov. 33—December wheat »leposlt and final disposition of the INDIAN Bt»A - SIVCESSFAT advisability of closing the Bryant 100 men will leave here for Zeigler ENORMOUS POTATO AIEI.D. . >o was likely to go to McCabe, sev is reported on the verge of a nervous opened 31.0«K. closed 31.37%; May fund. Solicitors will now be sent out school on account of diphtheria and today. eral contractors of this city made break-down. She Is still at Holland and the matter of collecting the fund tlieyennc A'outh« Have Become Cat «heat opened 31.03%. cloaed 31.33%. epidemic sore throat More trouble la expected tonight, complaint that they had not been House, being closely watched by de Greeley, Colorado, Produces 15.000 will be hurried as rapidly as possible. Corn opened 43%. cloaed 48%. Oat* The attendance is about one-third tle Raisers of Some lTestlge. Threats have been made to dynamite given a chance to bid on the work, tective* opened 20%. closed 33. Carioad«. Following Is the exact form of the of the average, and while there are An experiment of much value was Leiter’s million dollar coal plant. but when they learned that the con Greeley. Col.. Nov. 30.—A conserv contract no new cases, parents have become attempted among the Cheyenne In tractor doing the work would be com Minister’« Body Recovered. ative estimate of this season's potato Y. M. C. A. MEETING. alarmed and are keeping their chll- dians in Oklahoma An Indian agent W EBER IS DEFIANT. pelled to wait for a portion ot the ....................................... Umatilla County. crop In the Greeley district puts It at San Diego. Cal.. Nov. 30. — The body dren home. wished the boys to milk cows for him money until the road was In opera of the Rev. R. B. Taylor, pnstor of 15.000 carloads, or 3000 carloads more Oregon.................................... ISO.. The board of education has pro- District Attorney Accuses Him of An and agreed to give each one who **n*gvw-I<lala> Convention Wa* Wail tion. and that part of the amount was the First Presbyterian church, drown than that of last year. The selling I hereby subscribe and promise to vided for treatment of pupils and Attended. other Murder. to come from the voluntary subscrip ed November 14, was recovered from price Is much lower this year than pay to the order of the .......................... milked for three months a nice calf. each day their throats will be exam Fifteen boys started, but they were The Ore.ton-ldaho state meeting of tions of the counties which have ................................................................ Bank. Auburn. Cal.. Dec. 1.—There are the water today. It appeared in the last. Growers generally are selling ined and looked after. so ridiculed by the older men of the the Y M. C. A., which ha* just cloaed no new developments In the Weber promised to make up the 340.000 de bay Immediately after the salute was only enough h> juty the Immediate ex ......................................... Dollars in U. S. tribe that 12 of them gave It up. But In Salem has been highly profltable ficit in the portage fund, these com- gold coin, to be paid as soon as Five DEMOCRATS WILL INVESTIGATE. case. The proceedings of the grand plaints were hushed up and It 1» like- fired In honor of Assistant Secretary penses of digging. The potatoes rip Thousand (35.000.00) Dollars shall three won the calves, and the pride to the society An attendance of 133 jury are behind closed doors. ened In the ground and are in excel of the Navy Darling, now here. of being owners of cattle served as greeted the opening session. The fol The rumor that Weber has made a ly that McCabe will get the contract, lent shape tor keeping. Growers are have been subscribed In Umatilla quite an assistance in getting other Will Inquire Into Republican Methods lowing cities sent delegatee: county for the purpose of completing confession to the bank robbery charge he having promised to accept the storing their crops in dugouts, as bet Grand Jury Is In Session. Indian children to try. Oregon Agricultural college. 37 del in Colorado. Is absolutely without foundation. He pledges of the Open River commission ter prices are expected as the season payment for the building of the Por After a year 1! had won calves, egates. the largest present. Bolas. 3; Auburn. Cal., Nov. 30.—There are for any deficit that may exist after tage Railway at Celilo. said amount still retains the defiant air that has Denver, Dec. 1.—Judge Mullins to advances. and the agent asked them to plow Moscow. 1; Albany. JI; McMinnville. no new developments in the Weber Fields at Lone Tree this fall »how to be held by said bank until the said corn for him. agreeing to give them day issued an order calling upon the pervaded his actions since the night the state fund Is exhausted. 1«; Drain, 5; Philomath. 3; Eugene. case. The grand jury is In session, Portage railway shall have been com yields of from 150 to ÎOO sacks to the grand jury to Investigate election of the murder. all the corn they could raise. Ten 18: Dallas. 11; Monmouth. 8; Port but as yet are engaged in other work. BRITISH TROOPS IN THIBET. The district attorney In an inter acre. For the last three years crops pleted; provided, that if the said road boys volnteered to grow com. and frauds in the city. The jury begins It 1s certain they will take up the land. 10; Oregon City. 4. Foreet In this section have been damaged by shall not have been completed on or they actually raised work next week. This move is by the view has accused Weber of murder 3000 bushel* Grove. IS; Newberg 4. and Pendleton bank robbery charge, and also the hall and some growers attribute the before the first day of July, 1905. the which was sold and afterward con democrats to chec—««late republicans. ing one Ah Gee. an aged and wealthy Taken Tliere to Ensure Compliance 1. other murder charges against Adolph above amount shall be refunded by With Treaty. enormous crop to the hall. It la probable the grand jury will Chinese merchant some five years verted into 35 head of steer* Each The following officers were elect Weber. ■aid bank to me. not ago. but the circumstances do be instructed to investigate the alleg Birmingham. Dec. 1.—Th* Post steer was branded with an Individual ed: President. Prince L. Campbell. bear out the assertion. IN FEDERAL Hll RTN. ed contributions by corporations In oays a British resident will be ap brand chosen by the boy owner.« This V. Robbery Case I'p. U. of O„ Eugsne. vice-president. D. Peabody’s behalf. pointed for L'Hassa, made them prouder than ever, and B. Key* U. of I.. Thibet, who Moscow, Auburn, Cal., Nov. 29.—The grnnd Idaho; » Colorado DevHopn Ehvtloii Tangle Bodlea AA'aslietl A.-d wire more Industrious. will have an escort of Indian troops jury met this afternoon, and the bank secretarle* K. S. Latourette. McMInn- Charged With Murder. New Pliaaes. Tallamook, Or., Dec. 1.—The bodies to be housed In a compound near the robbery charge against Webber will Every boy at the agency wanted to ville college: C. L Shepard. O. A. C. lari Hardwick Died. San Francisco, Dec. 1.—Isaac Selby of two sailors believed to be from the Delso I-aniii monastery. St. Paul. Nov. 30.—Edwin Rlchard- go to work at once, and as a result of Educational work, by I. B. Rhode«: The object be brought up. Attorney District London. Nov. 29.—The Karl of that experiment the Cheyennes are boys’ work, by P B Willis, Physical was held to answer for aosault to wrecked schooner Webfoot, were of the move Is to ensure Thibet's re- Robinson announced that Attorney son, of Denver, today took the Col- murder Superior Judge Hebbard. washed ashore on Nehalem beach to speet for the treaty mad* by Young General Webb will assist In the pros- orndo election tangle before Judge Hardwick, under secretary of state the most Industrious farmers of any work, by John Feebler, and religious Selby put in no defense. husband. tribe so recently on the warpath. Sanborn, of the federal court of ap- for war, died suddenly today. work, by W. E Wright. day. ecutlon and trial. Portland. Dec. 1.—The most shock ing sensation of the land frauds trial was exploded yesterday evening, when R. W. Montague, deputy county clerk of Linn county, a man of the highest character. Irreproachable and straightforward In every way. con fessed to having made out fraudulent affidavits for dummy entrymen. at the Instigation of Horace G. McKinley the arch-conspirator tn the frauds. Montague could scardelv speak above a whisper, so great was hi» shame and disgrace, The attorneys left their seats and crowded around the witness box to catch the words of the confession as Montague unfold ed the disgusting details of McKinley's methods of securing affidavits for his dummies. Montague said he protested against the fraud at first, and insisted that McKinley bring the entrymen before him to be sworn, but McKinley failed to do so, and after making out the first fraudulent papers it was easier to continue in the dishonest practice and that none ot the alleged entrymen ever appeared before him. as his own oath on the affidavits shows. Montague implicated Dan Tarpley in the fraud* and his evidence and confession fixes the guilt of McKinley beyond any shadow of escape.