Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION Unswayed by fear, uninflu- eticeil by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell the truth. the whole truth, about county. state and national affairs. It Is fair, absolutely fair. to ..tose who differ from its views, as well as to its friends. WEEKLY EDITION • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e e e • e e VOL. XXIX. PENDLETON, OREGON ERIDAY. DECEM BER 9. P.M14 PORI Hl I ill R FLEET BEING l OMITETELA ANNIHILATED. The East Oregonian of Pen- lieton. Oregon, la publlabed la the heart of the wonderful In- laud Empire. You will tad that It la readable, reliable and progressive, and will give you the newt reliably, accu rately and fudy. • • • e • • • • NO. 4 ance among capitalists and wage workers alike; a feeling nf respect on the part of each man for the rights of •Iu|tan«**e II h \ c Range on liurlior and others, a f«*»llng of broad community I Interest, not merely of capitalist» Irv Burning and sinking Ever)* among themselves, and of w age -work - thing Tlierriii. er* among themselves, but of eapltal- Tokio. Dec. s.—The commander of tots and wage-workers Iti their re la- lions to ea<~h other. the Japanese naval battery at Port For«*»t lt«-*-«-rie- Arthur reports: It to the cardinal principal of the “Observations taken December 7/ forest reserve poli«-y of this adminis Surmised That John D. Rock Lawson Heads a. Bear Move from 203 .Meter Hill, show the turret Speedily Convicts the Southern States Would Be tration that ahe reserves are for use Jury ship Poltava has sunken, as reported Second Paragraph Prepares the People's Minds fur a Period XX'hatever Interferes with the use of December 0. and the battleship Ret- “ Squared ” With ment That Creates ? efeller Panic visan seems t<> have sunk, her stern Four Conspirators at Port Victimized by the Senator their resources to to be avoided by of Heavy Expenditures "very possible means. But these re being under water The bombard Mrs. Chadwick’s Creditors. in Many Stocks sources must be used In such a way land. From Neu York. ment December 7 heavily damaged to make them permanent. the battleship Pobleda. which is list The forest policy of the govern ing to the starboard, showing the nt ai > in <. an ment to Just no* a subject of vivid MARIE WAKE WA«. IUM hl li:l l.FK '> UASTOR westward portion of the hull, which < amimi- < oiign-sn AguiuM Evirai agii i««v—Alm- to Ttinm All tlx- Rcspon- Uli J. X </T~E bkiiMBUl I« public Interest throughout the West, I X PRECEDENTE!» Ill i K Is painted red.” sEF.Ms 'mim and to the people of the United State« I I K i lli It liIM.K AUF OX PMIIJPPINF MRASURK. 'Iliility of lalmr Disturbances Po .-4I>I>- I I« hi ili«- stali In general, The forest reserves them- XX ill Stop BI«H-ka<lc Running. •elves are <>f estreme value to the |>ki)er'o LlaMlllj luti» anil tlx* B<-<l«-r Protrs'tioii <if ils> Trairling Toklu. Dec ».—The placing of . present as well as to the future wel- A|t|Hir«*iit Familiarity Fi.-iit" *-lia|M«l Ttoterties a- IniwKin heavy cannon on 20» Meter Hill will Tlx* Latter-!« Xlo-t Bllt«*rl> I ought l-rgal Hatlie Puhll««— Admit« Tliat Trust« Can Only Ik- lt<inilat<il h> Fnleral I jihs far» of all the Western public land With Mrs. < liadwick Appear" to Pgedicte«l Two Day" in Adtaiux-— enable the Japanese to sink junks I »«-r AA ag««l In Fréterai < «rari Room . »tate* They powerfully affect the Have Been the Origin oí the I II- I niKsl >tat«"- SuvL sania Fr. Can and other craft bringing supplies for — K«-vn hltofls of "anaMu Hurled U"■ and disposal nf the public land* liniite«l t ree!it XX liieii >I m - Obtainecl adian Pacific aiMl Otlx-r standard the garrison from Chee Foo. AA'ashmgton. Dec. 4. Ten minutes entitled to the protection and th» en They are of special importance be- by AtlofiM-y«—AA IUM-WWW Mentlero- —PreMmtaary F.\aniiiiatH>ii INwt- stock" All Involved in tbr I'lurvy — before noon the assistant s«-cretary to couragement of the law From the cause they preserve the water supply l> Assail«'«}—Government AX 111 Not FYtvt lanlhilausl. the president. Mr. Barenes. accompa very nature of their occupation rail m-l the supply of timber for domestic pnnetl I ntil Dt'cviuber 17. an«i De Manipulator PrvdkNs 11 m - Involi- "parv llM- IHgtaewt Official«, in Rai from nied by Assistant S««cretary Forster Toklo !«»< ».-—Dispatches road m»n. for instance. are liable to i puri-oses and so promote settlement fendant i" Held I tuler 515.0M osnit XX 111 Spread XX Meiy—One Port Arthur stat» the remaining Itus- ding tlx- "late of U m - I rauds—Mltch- «nd Executive Clerk Young, left the be maimed tn doing the legitimate under the reclamation act. Indeed. Bond"—< arnegie Deni«"*. Finn Ha" Failed. sian ships have been annihilated. White House in carriages bearing two eU and Hermann M um Gl«e TeMl- work of th»ir profession, unless the <hey are essential to the welfare of The cruiser Rayan was fired by Jap handsomely printed parchment copies nx«n> in < «>urt- railr.tod companies are required by every one of the great Interests of anese shells, and is now burning >f the president’s message to read to law t<> make ample provision for their i the XA’est. Forest reserves are created for two Press Cleveland. Dec. 8.—The New York. Dec. 8.—Scene» of wild without th» slightest chance of being the senate and house. Copies for the aufei« The administration has been The first to to prints a story purporting to throw excitement «x.-curred on the Stock Ex saved. The Sevastopol has been sunk members of the two houses were zealous In enforcing the existing law ! principal purpose« Portland. Dec 7.—It required Just Washington. Dec. " —Senator I preserve the water supply. This Is light on the dealings of Mrs. Chal- carted to the capitol Immediately for this pur|>o»e Thu law should be change this morning, and at times Ja|Min al 17>e llagiM*. wick with Banker Newton of Boston, afterwards. amended and strengthened Wherever i their most Important use The prin- 28 minutes time for the jury in the Platt, of New Tork, introduced la Washington. l>ec 8.—Japan has who loaned the Cleveland woman the situation bordered on panic, the national government has power ■Ipal water users of the water thus land fraud cases to find a verdict of the senate a bill providing that after Dr M«-<eiage. invitation to Preserved are Irrigation ranchers and guilty, yesterday afternoon The jury March 3. 1947. the representation la »190.500. and who still claims the Trading reached an enormous vol- accepted Roosevelt's The president's message In full Is there should be a stringent employ participate In the second peace con debt is paid. ume. er’s liability law. which should apply settlers cities and towns to whom tired at 2 12. and at 1 40 delivered the house be »47 lnotead of 114. a as follows: ference of The Hague their municipal water supplies are of It is asserted that Mrs. Chadwick's To the Senate and House of Repre to th» government Itself where Ihe Lawson's prophecy of Tuesday was All reduction to be made tn 14 southern t‘» very first Importance, users and heir verdict to Judge Bellinger business dealings grew «>ut of an in X vvernmenl to an employer of labor. sentatives statea fulfilled, and Amalgamated led in <«rlppcnlM-rg Xrrl»«-". furnishers of water power and the the defendants excepting Marie Ware troduction to the Boston attorney In my message to the S7th congress, The nation continues to enjoy note were found guilty as charged the downward crash and fell nearly Those The senate reached an agreement users of water for domestic, manufac through Charles A. Eton, pastor of Mukden. Dec 8.—General Grippen- worthy proaperity. at Its second session. I urged the I-*»- Such prosperity convicted are 8. A. D. Puter. H. G. to uote on the Philippine franchise 10 points from last night's close, sell the Euclid Avenue Baptist church at berg. the recently appointed com Is of course primarily due Io the high ■age of an employer's liability law turing and mining and other pur McKinley. D ing down to 59 around 11 o'clock J- Tarpley and Emma bill Friday the 14th. and adjourned Cleveland, of which John D. Rocke Manchurian Individual average of our clllsenshlp for the District of Columbia. I now pose* All these are directly depend- Watson It Is » United States Steel common pre mander of the second thought all of the con- at 2 15 •r.t upon the forest reserves feller is a leading member, and that army, has arrived her» from St taken together wlthour great natural renew that recommendation, and fur- vlcted parties will appeal to the »u- ferred. sugar. Missouri Pacific. Erie The •»< ond reason for which forest Banker Newton’s hope that his claim Petersburg resources but an important factor ther recommend that the congress ap ind Canadian Pacific are among the M-fM-aw- to Govern Alaaka. '»serves are created ds to pre*»rve the preme court. would be settled was based on the therein Is the working of our long- point a commission to make a com ■ - ' »r supply for various classes of Assistant Attorney General Henry stocks which took the toboggan. belief that Rockefeller would come to Washington. Dec. 7.—The president prehensive study of employer's liabil 1'1 FADED GUILTY continued governmental policies The Lawson's first bulletin today ad- wood user*. Arnone the more Import- -erommended the acquittal of Mie» is onstdering a plan to create a com- the rescue of his favorite pastor, who people have emphatically expresoed ity with the view of extending the pro ant Ware. VI •sed the holders of Amalgamated to of the«e «ettlem are settlers under unwittingly became a party to the mlaston to govern Alaska. He had a Senator John H Mitchell and Con- sell your last share.” he continued Doubt- Entcrlatix«i as to Mr- lumg- their approval of the principles under visions of a great and constitutional the reclamation act and other acta lo.-.g talk this morning with Senator transaction. law tn all employments within the lying these policies, and their desire <r»rsman Binger Hermann have don's sanity. Roosevelt is just beginning his work been for whom a cheap and accessible sup- Rev. Eton makes a statement In Dietrich, who made a trip through scope of federal power. that these principles be kept substan ibpoenaed as witnesses to give tee- It is tobacco to«lay. When it gets St Louts. Mo . Dec. » —Mrs. Carrie ply of timber for domestic use« is ab th» territory tn the summer. which he says Mrs. Chadwick never Kalin mu I Aixddrnta. tially unchanged, although of course mor, y tn further cases to be heard on to insurance and trust companies E. Langdon pleaded guilty to the solutely neresaary*. miners and pro»> attended his church but appeared Dietrich*» plan Is to divide Alaska The ever-increasing casualty list pertors. who are tn serious danger of December 15 business will begin " ’ charge of forgery tn the circuit court applied In a progressive spirit to meet into three or four districts and elect unbidden, and asked his advice re upon our railroads is a matter of He concluded "Sell sugar and the today. After being sentenced to six changing conditions. Argument«, «»f Attorneys. their timber supply by fire or garding her financial affairs. He ad one commissioner from each and grave public concern, and urgently through export by lumber companien Against Extra« aganor. was paroled on Th» clootng hours of the land fraud ha«» the president appoint an equal mits he sent her to several legal firm« entire list for the time being.” He months In jail call« for action by the congress In Also advised the sale of Southern Pa- condition that she return home to The enlargement of scope of the ’ en timber lands adjacent to their «»»» sere filled with dramatic inci • umber the governor of the territory 'with the suggestion to place her af Pacific and Aatchiaon. California. Judge Foster Jd he had functions of the national government •h* matter of »peed and comfort of •nine« i * m Into private ownership dents It is declared to be the most to art as presiding officer of the fairs in their hands. Since that time railway travel our railroads give at and the sales of stocks the first hour doubts as to Mrs Langdon's sanity required by our development as a na- umbermen transportation companies bitterly fought legal battle ever waged bc"«rd he has seen nothing of the woman He thinks Alaska to sadly tn She was accused of forging checks on tl«wi involve«, of course. Increase of least a« good service as those of any • » 1 P-ra -in ! commercial Interests tn n the f»d»r«l court room here The lawyer to whom Mrs. Chadwick reached nearly the million mark. • »ed of a mounted police, copied to be an the estate of the late Hattie McCall expense. an«J the period of prosperity other nation, and there Is no reason Cenerai After 11 what appeared Attorneys on both sides have m-«<ie went was a Boston relative of Eton s. after the constabulary «ystem in the why this service should not also be hard fig its ai.d every ie<al phase of Philippine« Consular Smkxr through whom the Introduction to organized attempt to siem the tide Travis, with whom she associated at through which the country Is passing a« safe as human Ingenuity can make was made, which was followed by a the«World's fair. justlfl«-« expenditure-» tor permanent Newton was obtained. Our consular sjstem need» t m prove- 'he ■*ue»n..n hss been exhausted. -mart rally. Improvements f.»r greater than would IL Speaking of the poMdblllty of in- In «eiebm f«w 15 Minutes t Salari»-« «houli be substitute t Many of our leading roads have I m - wise Io hard times Battleships P. wTItlxr EXTRA "F.""I<>N f..» fe*-« ind the proper <la«siflcatfon volvinc high officials tn the crimes, Washington. Des- 7.—The Mr». Chadwick tn Fainting Condition house been foremost In the adoption of the KM Failure a- a IteMih. •nd forts public buildings and Im gr iding and transfer of consular of- Henry »arl In hl* ckssing argument: was tn seeolon for IS minute« today New York. Dec. 8.—Mrs. Chadwick are Investments m«wt approved safeguards for the pro- f rers «hould be provide ! We have brought every one here New York. Dec. ft.—The failure of \ut li» IU* Till proved waterway* I am r -t Hingham, of Pennsylvania, offered left the Hotel Breslin at 8:45 this T. Ila<irau in announced from th» was r *“<»**..ry to the case, be- which should I-» mad- w hen we have tecth»n of travelers and employees, yet prepared to «ay that a r< mpelitiie * I Next October. a I-gwlattve. executive and judicial the *is< of Clearly «avoidable accident« m««ming in charge of Marshal Hen Consolidated Exchange. but abundant revenues the government of the United the m«»ney; «••:< m of f »-xaminaUons fui appotnl- appropriation bill carrying 328,tit.. Washington. Dec. ft.—As a result kel. an-l drove to the federal build We are seeking and a large surplu« always Invite ex- continues unduly large. The passage ment would work well; bu: by law it states is In earnest 789. which he will «-all up for consSd- ■>f a 4'onference with Representative of a Law requiring the adoption of a ing. where she will be given a pre- •• r e -» > to punish th»-»» defendants travMtanre. nnd constant care should DIF'D IX HOSPITAL. eratior. tomorrow Adjourned at Wat.« t»n. of the way« anil mean« com- be taken to guard against unnece»- block*signal system has been proposed • hnuhl t* provided that :onsuhi should fM>w in tnary hearing before Commission trial but to put a stop to the accompanied mitlee. who informed the president it aary Increase of the ordinary rurreow I earnestly concur be tamllti ar. ’according to places for robbery of the public domain. We 12 15. er Shields. Her son I « -knT1 f raeiiirvd JumphiK F’rom a would be impossible to prepare a rrommendatlon. and would whiih they apply with the French prop««— to stop It. w hether the rob- her. When she arrived at the fede- of the government. The cost of doing freight Train. Again«« Extra ? ewd o e. by spring, government business should h» regu- also point out to the congress the ur- German < r Hpanleh lar-ituar*» and bery I» committed by railroads. by tariff revision wli»Br was in a ral building the woman 1 aoquAir.tAnce with the up lated with the same security as the gent need of legislation tn the interest should Washr.gto: Dec 7.—Senators Bard fiinting condition, and leaned on the Walia Walla. Dec. ft.—S. A. Burn« Roosevelt has practically given United States senators by« a s of t* public safety limiting the hours r*‘ «ur *M of the I’nited Stat*« arm of her son and maid. Two mar lied at the Walla Walla hospital yes the idea of calling an extra •••«ion cost of doing a private business mer or by others high In place or au- and Perkins, of California, railed on nf labor for rallroa«! »mplo>ees tn shals helped her into the elevator. terday from injuries received in fall- of ■ <»ng«e.«s before Octiiber h- rli« It we have taken th» t«x>is of the pre* »ent t-xiay and diwuto« d leg < a pit al and latbor train aarvtce upon rallr r«sads engage 1 She was placed on a couch in the r»g from* a moving train at Wallula blpgrr men and placed them on trial. islation In the vast and complicated mech In Interstate commerce, and providing "We do not believe there will be an private office. Burns wa« on his way from the Pa If Puter I» the tool of bigger men. anism of our modern civilised life the that only trained and experienced An arrangement was soon reached louse to Portland, and was riding on «■♦ are trying him because we have extra aeosion to take up tariff revts- dominant note 1« the note of Indus person* be employed In positions of said Mr. Perklna after the visit for a brief formal hearing and an freight car. Xh Wallula he at the evidence against him Whenever trialism and the relations of capital responsibility connected with the op- adjournment to December 17. Mrs tempted to get out of the car while Puter is willing to follow the example ' There should be nor.e. The people and labor and especially of organise ! erallon of trains Chadwick was brought into court at the train was in motion, and fell of XA'algamot and ronfeas hto guilt, of California ar» aatisfi»d with pres capital and organised labor, to each of cr»ur«e nothing can ever prevent 11 assisted by Marshal Henkel and through a trestle, fracturing his skuP then we will go after the bigger game, ent rondlttons The vote showed that Other and Io the public at large come accidents caused by human weakness Attorney Carpenter. on the rocks 10 feet below. The man and you will find me here prosecuting The west is prospering and we need second In importance only to the In or mlta-ondurt. and there should be Mrs. Chadwick soon recovered her was a stranger here, but papers on the big criminals as »«meetly as the no meddling with the tariff to dis timate questions of family life Our turb conditlona" drastic punishment for any railroad composure and asked for the mom- him showed that he was 22 year« of little crimínala." peculiar form of government, with Its »mt-loye. whether officer or man. who ing papers, in which she read ac- tge and formerly resided in Port |t»ls 11 XXI» MINIMERH <>rm»by aixt lxKiml- Guilty. sharp dlvlalon of authority between by Issuance of wrong orders or by dis ALDERMAN DOIS NOT counts of her arrest, Attomey Phil- land. the nation and the several states, has Referring to Judge O'Day's fr FIRST EXCURSION A obedience of order* cause* disaster. MUE FORMAL REQUEST ip Carpenter, who, with Powers will UK K FRAUD CH ARGES. been on the whole far more advan quent allusion to the large fee which The law of 1901. requiring Inter represent Mrs. Chadwick, asked for FINANCIAL FAILURE. tageous to our development than a ARE TRYING GILLES ME. Henry 1» to receive from the govern state railroads to make monthly re- half an hour's delay of the proceed Refuw-e Point Blank t> Testify as more strongly centralized government I orts of all accidents to passenger* Itrsault E»|«rc<«l to Ile In U m - Nature ment the attorney said that "every ings as he wished to consult his cli Jury Empanellerl for Se|«arate Trial Rut It Is undoubtedly responsible for spreial Council Committee. But Win dollar I get wilt come honestly, while The t-anlcn City M um Dig Up SII*.10 much of the difficulty of meeting with and employe* on duty, should also be ent. After a conference the officials ut a Comtwom b« « C>4«ponenta of »very dollar Judge O'Day gets will be of One Defendant. Tell Ilf- story to the Grand Jary— amended so as to empower the gov decided to fix the bail at »15.000. lo Square Itx-lf With the O. R. Jt adequate legislation the new problems Snoda y CloMng Cali Attentino to the pne-eed» of the theft of these Ill- He May He ExpeUed From the City ernment to make a personal Investi Rising Sun. Ind.. Dec. 8.—Judge and Attorney Carpenter left to ar N.—The Train Was Put on With presented by the total change In In gation. through proper officers, of all thè Fa«'t Tliat All Klrul, of Xinu*- got land»" Council I nle-e He supports Charge» ' "ornell this morning overruled the range for bondsmen. dustrial conditions on this continent The effort» of the defendants to U m * same Requirements lmpo-a-d f accident* Involving loss of life which iiM-nts XX III He XX ide Open on thè motion for the discharge of the de of Bribery. Hustling for Bond-onen. during the last half century. In actu shield themselves behind the statute of Halla Walla os of PendletaMi. al practice It has proved exceedingly ' seem Io require Investigation, with a fendants in the Gillespie murder trial «tulwkle Se«co Day« in thè Week After the hearing Mrs. Chadwick of limitations were mercilessly ridi Chicago. Dec. 7.—The expected cli The defense filed a bill of exceptions But With DimMrous Effect«« to U m - difficult, and In many cases Impossi requirement that the results of *uch Durine thè Fair. returned to the United States mar culed. max to the charges of bribery in con ' investigation be made public. to this ruling, and the work of select Fornwr Town. ble. to get unanimity of wise action shal's office, where she swooned on Special Agent C. E. I>somls and nection with the Northwestern Ele- ing a Jury then began. Corporation*. among the various states on these sub a couch. She will remain in the of Forest Superintendent S. B Ormsby '■xted extension bill, made by Alder Portland. Dec. 4.—The Ministerial were declared to be parties to the con jects. From the very nature of the XX'hen we come to deal with great fice until this evening, in order to man Butler tn the city council meet The first Walla Walla excursion case this Is especially true of the laws corporations the need for the govern. .Asncxlatton of this city has panned a spiracy. Demamled Separate Trial. give her attorney time to find bonds If not in the conspiracy, ing Monday, did not materiallas as ex i»solution, asking that the gates of train from Pendleton has p issed in- affecting the employment of capltat ( ment to act directly is far greater than Rising Sun. Dec. 8. — James Gilles men. If the bail is not forthcoming then the whole case of the govern pected before the special council com mer- In huge masses. . In the case of labor, because great the L»-wl« and Clark fair be closed on ment must tall to the ground. The mittee today. by four or five this afternoon, Mrs. pie. demanded separate trial, a jury to history, and Walla Walla Sunday, and Inviting the fair com chants find themselves »11*10 "shy" With regard to labor the problem ■ corporation* can become such only Chadwick will spend the night in the being empanelled for that purpose defense could have called Loomis and Butler refused point blank to tes in their »150 guaranty for the train. Is no less Important, but It Is simpler : by engaging In Interstate commerce. mission to take decisive action. The Ormsby to the stand. If their conten tify on the ground that the commit Tombs. is as follows. "Resolved. The O. R. A N. exacted a guaranty As long as the states retain the pri . and Interstate commerce Is peculiarly resolution PATTERSON JURY. tion was true, and If these two men tee had no authority. He said he of »150 from Walla Walia merchants, mary control of the police power the the field of the general government. That the Ministerial Association of had not been Involved tn the conspir Carnegie Denies by Telegraph. would tell his story to the grand jury of tlie Second Trial of tlie before they would run the train, the circumstances must be altogether es ! It to an absurdity to expect to ellmln- the city of Portland, request the com- acy. The government had not placed when called upon. The council will Cleveland. O., Dec. 8.—Prosecuting missl oners of the Lewis and Clark fair them upon the stand because convinc treme which require Interference ~ ate the abuses same arrangement that tay in «rent corporation» was mads Actrena. probably take steps to expel Butler Attorney Keeler received the follow to close, and keep closed, the gates 'd that they were guilty with the de with Pendleton merchants, The re Qie federal authorities whether tn the I by state action. unless he makes his charges good. ing message from New York, signed New York. Dec. 8.—Eighteen tales suit was highly disastrous to any way of safeguarding the rights of la It to difficult to be patient with an of the exposition on the Lord's day." fendants, and that their testimony by Andrew Carnegie: men were examined in the Patterson hopes of securing Umatilla county bor or In the way of seeing that wrong argument that such matters should The fair commissioners have not would be false. The defense had not OTHER VALU.ABLE METALB. "I never signed such notes. Have trial this morning, but none were se Is not done by unruly persons who be left to the state, because more than taken action, but have announced iared to cal! them no notes out. Hope you can arrange lected as the twelfth juror, and a re trade for the beautiful Garden City. shield themselves behind the name of heretofore, that all working part», the one state pursues the policy of creat Following is the exact patronage The penalty for the crime of which California's ili'siortr» Only Partly to execute affidavit here.” cess was taken until 2 o'clock. ing on easy terms corporations which machinery, and other exhibits that re the defendants have been convicted of the train, from the different points labor. Ih-trloped Later.—The jury was completed at along the line. If there is resistance to the federal are never operated within that state quire power of workmen, would not is given in the revised statutes as fol Pendleton, seven Elyria. O.. Dec. 8.—The Lorain 4 o’clock this afternoon. San Francisco. Dec. 7.—At this courts. Interference with the malls, or at all. but in o^her states whose laws be in operation on Sunday, but that lows : passengers: Adams, 12; Athena, county grand jury investigation of eight; Weston. 22; Milton and Free Interstate commerce, or molestation of they Ignore. The national government •II the pavilions would be open, so the "If two or more persons conspire fense of the uniform bl! of lading the Chadwick affair began this morn Floating I'jrpM- Fourtd. federal property, or if the state auth alone ran deal adequately with these poor people, denied the privilege of “Ither Io commit any offense against -ongress. Professor Lawson, head of water. 23; making a total of 72. impaneling jury by ing with an visiting the exposition during the the United State» or to defraud the ihe department of geology of the La Crosse. Wis.. Dec. 8.—There is As the fares from the different orities In some crisis which they are great corporation*. Judge Washbum. The jury is made To try to deal with them In an In week, might see It tn part on Sunday. United States In any manner, or for University of California, urged the mystery surrounding the corpse points were fixed at »1 from Pen unable to face call for help, then the prominent Elyria citizens. up of In addition to this, a series of re any purr«»»», and one or more of such miners to use their Influence to found Boating in the Mississippi by dleton and return. 50 cents from federal government may Interfere; but temperate. destructive, or demagogic though such Interference may be spirit would. In all probability, mean ligious congresses, have been planned parties do any tft-t to effect the object cure a new geological survey of the Adams. Athena and Weston, and 30 the police this morning. An unused Eleot Officers. He said the precious metals ticket for passage on the steamer cents from Freewater and Milton, the caused by a condition of things arising that nothing whatever'would be ac In which all Portland ministers would of the conspiracy, all the parties to state San Francisco. Cal.. Dec. 8.—The Janie from Seattle to San Francisco total fares collected amounted to but out of trouble connected with some complished nnd. with absolute cer take part. These religious features such conspiracy shall bellable to ■ are only a small part of the wealth, Miners' convention this morning was found in the pocket and bore »34.80, leaving a deficit In the »150 question of labor, the Interference tainty that if anything were accom would offer ample opportunit:’ for penalty of not more than »10.000. or of the west, and that other matala elected the following officers: Pres the name of J. Anderson. The police guarantee, of »11« 10. The company Itself simply tnkes the form of restor plished It would be of a harmful na worship, for those so disposed and to imprisonment for not more than oil and stone can be found in Immense ident. Edward Benjamin. San Fran believe the man was murdered and charged full fare, and The American people need to the open gates would permit the two years or to both fine and Impris quantities with proper development. passengers ing order without regard to the ques ture cisco. vice-president, G. K. Dunton, thrown into the river. were rebated by Walla Walla mer tions which have caused the breach continue to show the very qualities workingmen and their families to onment. In the discretion of the Eldorado, Cal.; treasurer, J. Henry, CLEVELAND IS ROBBED. of order—for to keep order is a pri that they have shown—that to. mod view the fair on Sunday, their only court "-—flection chants to the fares quoted here. Section 54 5440, 40. Revised Stat San Francisco. The other officers mary duty and In a time of disorder eration. good sense, the earnest desire holiday. Will Bo Tri«-«l INx-emiier 12. utes of the United States will be chosen by the executive con - «2.0M Takrti XXhUe CaQiier'« Hack oners and violence all other questions sink to avoid doing any damage, and yet It Is not thought the comn HIT< II< <M K IS GRATIFIED Auburn, Cal.. Dec. 8.—Judge Prew mittee. The Into abeyance until order has been re the quiet determination to proceed. will view the request favora' si AMEX'S CONVENTION 1« Turned. itt this morning overruled the motion dens Step by step, without halt, and with commission argues that all f Cleveland. Dec. 7.—-The waterworks of Weber's attorneys to set aside the Ha-ntl« Telegriim« of Tlutnk« to Gov stored. Sale of Draga s Jewel». In the District of Columbia and in out hurry. In eliminating or at least of vice In the city will be open on "ail«*r" Plead for Amalgamation am! department at the city hall was robbed commitment on the alleged grounds ernment's S|x-cial Agent. the territories the federal law covers In minimizing whatever of mischief Sundny as on other days, and If the London, Dec. 8.—Considerable pub- that the testimony an«i preliminary this morning. It is believed about legislation. Portland, Dec. 8.—The gratifica the entire field of government; but or of evil there is to interstate com fair Is open. It will naturally attract lie interest is manifested In the auc- did not determine the venue or Juris »2i'O0 was secured. San Francisco. Dec. 7. — A resolution In tlon sale begun here today for *.he diction. The money was taken while Caah- The defendant thereupon tion of the Interior department over Ihe labor question Is only acute In merce In the conduct of corpor- people who might spend the day urging the amalgamation of the Inter- gambling dens and beer gnrdens. jewels and costumes that belonged to pleaded not guilty, and next Monday the news that the government had populous centers of commerce, manu atlons. nr'ional Seamen’s Union and Interna 1er Patterson had hls back turned Nevertheless, the murdered queen. Draga of Servia. won the lan<! fraud case, was dem factures. or mining. They are acting In no »plrft of hos- •housanj dol ar* li cash and is set as the date of trial. tional Marine * Transport Workers' X'O JURISDICTION. One of the articles to be sold is a onstrated in the following telegram both In the enactment and in the en tllity to wealth, either indlvldual or No et le to the Federation was presented at this < he.-ki were taken bracelet given to the queen by the forcement' of law the federal govern received today by Col. A. R. Greene, corporate They are not against the After Senator Burton. morning's session of the Senmen’s I - i pet rotors. |-o"itloii Tnk«*n by Adolp'.i Weber ’ s czar as a wedding present. who gathere«! evidence In the big ment within Its restricted sphere rich mnn any more than against the convention, and referred to a special Washington. Dec. 8.—A supple case, and to those to whose untiring should »el an example Io the state poor man. On the contrary, they are Counsel. WARRANTS FOR HAN* OFFICIALA mental brief of the government In the Auburn. Cal . Dec. 7—Ado'ph Web committee. Waler Ruined Stock. efforts th» government’s success Is governments, especially In a matter so friendly alike toward rich man and to .A resolution urging the passage by case of Senator Burton of Kansas, mainly due: vital as this affecting labor. ward poor man. provided only that er was brought Into court this morn Baker City. Dec. 8.—A water pipe congress of a seamen's manning and Arc tliarged XX till I*ufag Droite was filed with the supreme court of I believe that under modern Indus each acts In a spirit of justice and ing to plead to the charge of killing "Colonel A. R. Greene. Inspector: in a large furniture establishment be efficiency bill was presented. The bill XgalnM No Acnxutta. the United States tqday. It contends Accept thanks and sincere congratu trial conditions It Is often necessary, decency toward hto fellow*. Great his mother. The defendant’s attor- longing to the Standard Furniture strongly for the guilt of the defend lations on the result announced by and even where not necessary It Is yet corporation* are necessary, and only »••« again raised the point of Juris provides that each ship shall carry a Buffalo. Dec. 7.—Warrants for the company, burst last night, and the ant although it admitted the senator's telegram last evening. The defense also argued specified number of men. according arrest of President Emery, «'ashler often wise, that there should be or men of great and singular mental diction. building, was flooded, doing »20 000 to Its capacity, and the authorities Werner and Assistant ('ashler Luedcke course in the support of the Interests that the evidence did not state when ganization of labor In order better to power can manage such corporations "E. A. HITCHCOCK. damages to high priced furniture shall have the power to pass upon the of the defunct German bank, wers to- of his client, the Rialto Company, and where Mrs. Weber was killed, or secure the rights of the Individual successfully, nnd such hien must have ■Secretary of the Interior.” stored on the first floor and In the was not always clear. sued today, charged with Issuing drafts wage-worker. All encouragement great rewards. Hut these corporations that the bullets found in her body basement. efficiency of the men engaged on New York banks when they had should be given Io any such organiza should be managed with due regard were put there by Adolph. IT«-|>ariiig Rt-Molutlon Gamblers Fined. no funds there. Adjourn««! Till Monday. Weber seemed to be In good spirit« tion. so long as It Is conducted with to th«> Interest of the public as n Chlcago llnu Fails. San Francisco, Dec. 8.—This morn a due and decent regard for ihe rights whole. Where this can be done under and frequently calle«! the attention Washington, Dec. 8.—The senate New York. Dec. 7.—Richard Can Chicago. Dec. 8.—The big grocery did nothing but routine business at ing's sess'on of the Seamen's conven MUSEUM ROBBED. of others. the present laws It must be done. nf Ills counsel to some point omitted. field and B. B. Bucklin this after firm of Charles H. Stack & Co., went its brief session today, and adjourned tion was devoted to routine and the There are In this country some la Where these laws come short others Judge Prewitt took the question of noon pleaded guilty to keeping a into a receiver’s hands today. The till Monday. The legislative, execu preparation of resolutions which will gambling house and were fined »1000 Valuable Redtew Taken, Among TLisn bor unions which have habitually, and should be enacted to supplement venue tinder advisement. liabilities are estimated at »157,000 tive and Judicial appropriation bills be presented at tonight's session. cash which was paiJ <x-n«wal Seuu's Watch. other labor unions which have often, them. and assets at »100,000. were taken up by the house commit Yet we must never forget the de- been among th«- most effective ngents lan-gest Can ;» cf Wootlrnen. Detroit. Mich., Dec. 7.—The Detroit New Servian Cabinet. large Crowds at Funeral. tee of the whole. In working for good citizenship am! termlnlng factor In every kind of Portland Camp of Woodmen of the Museum of Art was broken Into tost Chicago Grain. Belgrade, Dec. 8.—A new cahlnet ! for uplifting the condition of those work, of head or hand, must be the World Is striving to reach the 1000 Cape Town. Dec. 7.—Iatrge crowds night and robbed of many precious There will be an examination at has been Chicago, Dec. 8.—Mav wheat o pen- organized The forme: whose welfare should be closest io man's own good sense, courage, and mark by February 11. the close of a today participated In the funeral ser- relics, mostly or gold and silver, valued Helena, Mont., December 28-29. of Corn ed »1.10%; closed. 81.11U- cabinet resigned December 2, on ac- • our hearts, kindliness. More Important than any membership campaign now in pro vices of the late President Kruger and at »70.000. A gold watch, one« tbs opened 44%, closed 44X4. Oats open-1 applicants for the position of teacher count of a disagreement over building r Employers' IJabllltlc« Low. legislation to the gradual growth of a gress. This will make Portland camp escorted the remains to the station property of Gen. Winfield Scott, waa I in the Philippines. ed 30%, closed 30%. a new railroad. for shipment to Pretoria The wageworkers are peculiarly feeling of responsibility and forbear the largest on the Pacific coast. among the booty taken. SIDELIGHTS ON WALL STREEÌ IS WANÎSTOHEDÜCE ramni