Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION WEEKLY' EDITION Unswayed by fear, uninflu enced by favor, the East Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county state and national affairs. It is fair, absolutely fair. to ..lose who differ from its views, as well as tu its friends. The East Oreganlan of Paa- dleton, Oregon, la published Lu the Jieart of tike wonderful Is land Empire You will ftnd that It la readable, reliable anti progressive, end wMl gire you the news reliably, accu rately and fully a • • • • • a a a % PENDLETON, OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2.5. 1ÎMH VOL. XXVIII POLICY UPHELD Marie Ware and Horace Me Kinley Must Answer Commissioner of the General Land Office Supports Ore tor gon’s Governor. Fraud SHARP LEGAL CONTESTS RICHARDS REVERSES FOR- MEH LAND DECISION IN THE FEDERAI. COURT. Defendant's Counsel Attempts to Se cure Their Relea.-«« Because Names Signed Io Alleged Fraudulent I-aixi Entries Are Fictitious—Bou , ant Punduiwr- of liHlemiill,’ Srdxml laixl- Have No Right« by Purvliz-ing Re- llnqulsiinient« Fnim tile State— Hereafter All Application« for In Air of the Conspirntors Has Disap demnity lautds Must Be Forward peared— C um .* Has Tightened About Them and tlx- Government Is Vig ed tu the Geix*ral land Office anil orously Prosecuting—Filing INipers Admitted in Evidence. Portland. Nov. 24.—That it is no playful matter to monkey with the United States government, is now fully realized by Horace G. McKinley and Marie Ware, now on trial for de frauding the government by "dummy” land entries in the Roseburg land dis- trict. At the close of the trial yesterday little had been accomplished except to identify the signatures of the reg ister and receiver of the Roseburg land office, appearing on the fraudu lent entries on which the defendants are being tried. A bitter fight has been put up by Judge O'Day for the conspirators, but so far. the case of the government is plainly and clearly drawn, and the buoyant air of the defendants, seen at the first day of the trial, has disap- pearel. Judge O’Day made an attempt to have the defendants released last eve- ning. on the (round that the names signed to the alleged fraudulent en tries are not the names of his clients, and that therefore there was nothing on which to hold McKinley and Miss Ware. This was denied, and the case against them tightened as District At torney John H. Hall vigorously open ed the trial. A sharp struggle ensued over the admission of IS land entry papers from the Oregon City land office, as evidence against the defendants, but the papers were admitted in evidence, as upon the filing of these documents hinges the guilt of the accused. the selection Catu'elled on the Rec ords of the General Office Before Transfer Can Be Marie to Purchaa- Salem. Nov. 24 —Governor Cham- !«erlain was exceedingly gratified yes terday upon receipt of a letter from W. A. Rilhards. commissioner of the indemnity lands front the state before the title of the state had been cleared, and wherein the applications had fin ally been rejected. Acting under the Richards, advice of Commissioner many of these people have since taken relinquishment from the state and tiled on the lands under the federal law. However, this decision makes every one of these filings invalid, un less by special dispensation the land department passes favorably upon those applications which have already l>een accepted by the local land office, the purchasers will receive their money back from the stats, but will not have the opportunity of securing the lands from the government as corporations possessing scrip are eagerly on the lookout to file on all .suite reverting to the government. DIFFER ABOUT Alleged Expert Testimony Does Not Tally in the Trial of Nan Patterson. bheises SAW T1IE Ml'RDER. M ai » f by Rin IteUcf 1« Strengthening Tbal Two Description of Man and Woman Who Munler« Were Committed. Itouglil llu- S cchm I-I uum I Smith A Chicago. Nov. 22.—John Henns a We«<«>n l‘l-lol — General Disagree young farmer residing south of Le mont. claims he was a witness to the mysterious murder of William Bates the chaffeur. In the automobile last Friday night. He says he saw a man In the rear zeal lean over and fire the shot. He bolieves there were two men in the rear seat. This together with the statement of Peter Newhaus. who heard a shot fired IS minutes lalsr. two milks from Henns' farm leads th« police |u believe that two murders were com mitted. Detectives have traced a man an swering the description of the hunted "Dove'' from the scene of the mur der to Joliet, and thence to Morris where a hunt is being prosecuted to day The murderer of Batea the chaf feur. w hose body was found in the au tomobile near Lamont, is reported as captured near Norris III. ment Over Idinl-e-hMi of Certain rc-liiii.m >—Evidence- of Brulalllv of Vmini to Defendant Ulten He Un- Drunk — Newsboy Tolinev i llial He Bearti Defendant's Brulli- er-in-lavt I ntlng Her lo lite < rime. Gazette man started to pass Mr». Meffert pulled from her cloak a small but effective-looking whip "The editor of this paper sidestep- tied and. what every true gentleman would do, ran 40 yards like a white head. Iia/'k to the office la the back door. "The calm, dlapaastonate commun ion which a man holds with a situ ation in the sixteenth part of a sec ond convinced the man in question Umatilla County Pledges Her that when a lady challenges a gen Suits Brought by Standard Oil tleman to an athletic contest of any Share of the $40,000 kind he cannot win a sparring match Agents for $3t)0,000 Libel with any grace, nor be the victor In a wrestling match with a lady with any Deficit Damages. credit at all. but a footrace is one event in the sporting calendar In which any gentleman may vie his COMMITTEE OF CITIMI NS pietrMM with any lady and how he Al I Holt <>l -rRF.N7.IED did run! FINANCE" I*. DEFIANT. "Hhoutlng the chutes, leaping the gap nr looping the loop are eiumsy dilatoty tactics compared w4th the Tli«’ linn <>f ».'MHHi Rill Ik- ltiil-«'il It, way that fat old «-o-lger hiked the Destare. Fear-lewd, Tbal He Ulli Ex- |M«««- --Somr I njalU-d < riminals"— I maxilla ('mini,—Liilxi- l*«-rr1ii- hike around the ba; k d«>or of this RrpmeiiialHe« of Llbeird ln»ar- ger. M M. M «ri«k. Huracr Walker. office." aixe Manager» Also In,ul,e«i la T. J Kirk. Iran < «diei» ami W F. Si |< ||>K MYKTFICÌ l*ru««-< utluuie—El-member» Mawut- Tempi«- a < omini lice tu lil-irict i I m - ciiuM-ti- l»-gi»lalurr I tire* lew Cosili,. Scie-Ct solii-ilor«. Draw < Ì» lx .ui Mini 8ii«tii|>icd tu <51,e Impre»- tu < «Muraci ami Have t luu-ge of il»«- l umi—No < «miraci« a t urni <>f Yrv- Pa,aWe I ntll X.'axxi «ub- ■wrtbed. Phillip New York. Nov. 23.—Dr. O’Hanlun <-«.roner'» physician, dem onstrated with the aid of a headless skeleton the course of tha bullet. He said the wound was about the size of a lead pencil and about two inches from the humlrua Young died from hemorrhage. Nan Patternon wanned the skeleton and dropped her eyea NO. KM lite «uni of Z.' mhmi olii I m - raiw«l b> I ■lunula munì) a» Iter |>r<>|»>rUonat<' «lutrc ut lb«- |«M-lagv rosai itctl.-it; a collimine»- o( flit- urli kixiwn cili ari!« «a« <-li.»«-ii tu set In c«>njuiK-tfein with lem 4'ultra, inrinber of tlar ex ecutive itMinnitlrt- uf ilw O|en Itine a«-«M*tali«in : U h - «-uuiit, wlll be di- «klcii luto dlMrict«. ami -«dl.-iuww wlll be awdgtMsl tu cacti <ll-lri<t lor tli«- purpow of a », «tenuiIII-. ra|.ul can- «a«s uf thè cuuntjr. for thè fumi: (he mone, «ili la- de,«—lt,-«l in a bank tu be nameil b, cacti Indindual rontrib- ■tor; U>e «ubscription» wlll not be paysblc untll il»- «-min- stasa of sóooo 1« rahnl: tiara U h * S óooo fumi wlll be I m -4,1 in thè locai bank« untll tl*c mad 1« cunipletcd. wlieu II »111 be pakl lo ibe •>,«•«> riter o<iunl—km or thè 4atr |«ortage b«Mtni. tu be ap|ill<sl lo tlw oh of c.m«4ructi«Mi of Ile mad; Il thr n>atl 1« noi cuan,4r<r>i b, nevi July. ti>c fumi wlll be n-turmsl tu eaiji lixlmdual cuntrtbulor. ami no isw- wlll Un«' an, part of tb«-ir con tal but km. Insù«- <4 th<- fallnrr tu compiei • thè |M>rtagv -i«m of Murdrr Chouteau. Mont. Nov. it.— Wish ing to »pare his parents the ignomy of having their eon suicide. Jacob ItaiRton. one of the lw»t known trap tiers In Northern Montana left a message staling that hl« formsr part- . »r. James Plshar. had «hot him. and then fired a bullet through hl« abdo men. A courier, dispatched to Ralston's cabin to notify him his father waa dying found his corpse and the note. A pusae was organized at once and a »earch for Fiah-r begun, when an other note was delivered telling of the suicide and re»|uestlng tho»- who found the body to "keep mum." The first note caused a sensation, and for a time there were threats of lynching F1»her If caught. The coroner's Jury Investigating rendered a verdict of suicide Kring Utx-I Sull»—la»on s, iii|Mi<l«lai-r«. STRUGGLE FOR LEGISLATORE Election Commission's Final I i Returns Held Up by Colo rado Supreme Court. TltYIN«. TO ¡ THROW OIT ENT1KE PRE«1N«TS | 1 | Ha. Boston. Nov 22.—The Post thia morning says Pupuru in a suit for 8859.099 were served yesterday on Thomas Ls »»on. The suit la brought In the interest of New York parties supposed to be act- ing for Standard oil interests. The sun is the remit of alleged dis- «.iokurea made by Lawson In hls chapter» on "Frenzied Finance ” IA w son de fl «a them and welcomes the suit-. and says he will be able to expose » unjalled criminals before he gets through. Denver. Nov. 28.—Th« court today enX'ined the supreme election corr.miawlon from making final certi ficate« of election In this city and county until further order of th« court A motion will be argued in the «■- pr«me court next Wednesday to throw :hat his recent accusation that the out the vote of precinct eight, ward rovernor was prompted by a desire to five. If this precinct is thrown out It will give the republicans the legis make political material" by giving Dewribr-d Courw of Bullrt. lature The republicans will seek to New York. Nov. 23.—Miss Patter private correspondence to the press, have other entire prectnctz thrown nog wore her usual black dress when relating to Oregon land matters, was More Suite AgainM law eon. out on the ground of fraud »he entered the court room thle morn false. He acknowledges that the let The federal court today issued war It Is also stated that the widow of ing. and looked careworn and weary. Evans Succeed» Barkley. Attorney rieeirge Towle will sue Law- rants for Sadie Pieaener, an election ter was given to the Oregonian from When the skeleton was brought in Washington. Nov. 23.—Rear Admi clerk, and Samuel Slatkin. an elec son for llbeL he Washington office and not by the she lowered her eyes and turned to ral Evans has been selected to suc Individual suits by ex-members of tion judg«. rovernor. her father. ceed Admiral Barkley commanding the legislature will be begun at Con IW-MIX WAS KILLED Commissioner Richards also trans On cross-examination Dr «Han cord. Action by citizens to aid Law- INDIA’S GREAT POPULATION. mits a decision which will be far- the North Atlantic fleet. lon. coroner s physician testified that charges of large Amount of Freight and Cara son is probable should -eaching in its effect on Oregon land he made a very careful examination <>«-neral Terrill Dead. » holesale bribery be substantiated. Burned. Ii settlers. of the wound. He described the 13 — course of the bullet and admitted San Antonio. Texaa. Nov. Under date of October 18. 1903. Brought b, «tamiard OU. Hoxie. Ark Nov 22—An Iron Richards transmitted this request to Brigadier General Terrill, retired U. that if he had considered It a case of ran Mountain »t-eclzL southbound. Beyond the fact that papers were A., died today. Secretary Hitchcock, of the depart S. A.. murder he would hare made a more Into an extra freight at Swifton early served on Lawson through the sber- ment of the interior, and says he be- detailed report at the time. this morning, killing Fireman Wella iffs office in which Frederick R. Andrew Carnegie IU. ieves it would be pernicious to adopt and Injuring several pi—enger« Five Coudert and Pau! Fuller, of New Mark« on U h - Fatal Bailee such a rule, but that "under existing New York. Nov. 23.—Andrew Car- passenger coaches and 29 loaded York are entered as plaintiffs, noth Dr. O'Hanlon believed all the rules the state has it within its power negle is reported III at his home In freight care were burned. ing la known. "The Mil of complaint marks on the bullet the result of con :o protect such of its grantees as It this city, but not seriously so .» returnable December 1." said Con tact with the rib. He admitted he «ees fit to protect, against the emis Such were the conclusions of the te rt Puller represents Standard OU had taken pieces of skin from the saries of corporations and other pro enthusiastic meeting of citizens held and the insurance companies which hand which he thought showed pow fessional land speculators viz.: It at the parlors of the Commercial As Lawson attacked. der marks, and examined them un may within the <0 days allowed for sociation last night, at the call of Le der a microscopy An objection to xppeal amend It« selection by the sub on Cohen, member of the executive RE\|sL MllJT.lKY CODE. further testimony regarding marks stitution of a valid base, or if unable committee of the Open River asaoci- war. sustained. to furnish such base, may upon re stlon. for the purpose of devising IbMird <>f Militia < iffRw» In ‘ eisdrm The witness saw th* defendant la- ceipt of notice that the selection is means of raising Umatilla county's Ti«ia, U> Changr Orvgna IU-gula- mediately before her arrest and look held for cancellation make a formal proportionate share of the portage ed at her hands. He did not detect ixm». relinquishment of the selection and road deficit. SPEED TRIAL »X« CRUISER. the odor of gunpowder on her hands. Salem Nov »3. — A committee of give same to its grantee. Drouin Ma, Be Realised PrnkeeutfTr Rand objected to t$e P1TRON« OF HI MHNDRY offic-ra of the Third Infantry Oregon "While the selection Is of record llr-t Indkcuiew a Speed nt Near T. w. T /lor was choa-n ehairm...n powder question whether he «aw NatMnal Guard, is acting as a board ind uncancelled the land is segregat JAPANESE ENLISTING WORLD'S LARGEST PARK VTION HY CONGRESS marks on the hand» of the défend of the meeting and w S. Fergueon ly Twracy-Three Kara*. of nruion in Portland, to incorporate ed and the purchaser holding the MANY CHINESE MILITIA ant. and the objection was ra stain- secretary, Mr Taylor briefly revtew- Rockport. Maas Nov. 23.—The - »rlam changes m the military code New York's "Wonder-world " a Mon state's relinquishment may present it ed the long Mruggl- of the Inland ed. now i effect in th.» state. The mea new armored cruiser Pennsylvania la within his application and thereby se ster Amumnent Resort. Pi«rtl*ixl M«> I r g e- Hut Minting st Empire for an oper river and com- Dr. Neal physician for Pawnbroker ner» of the Board are Brigadier Gen off on a »peed trial over the Cape Ann Of course, llu—lan spi«-« in ililn«--«- Garb Make New Tork. Nov. 24.—Work was be cure the right of entry. Stern, said Stem was wry 111 with pllmented the meeting on t he tket < ««uni, ««hook F«-a<-ii Moro lixiu»- era! Flnzer Colonel C. U. Gantenbein. courwe. Wind ta light and »e-a smooth gun this week on what is to be one f the state's grantee is a qualified Much Trouble for the Japanrse peritonitis, but might be able to ap- that the accomplishment of this long trial lli-ti»,— lioweaor Hactieidcr. Colonel Gord'-n Voorhles. Lieutenant The Pennsytrar a started at 8 54. of the largest amusement parks in settler on the land he is protected by cherished dream »eem» near at hand. Vitboritiev Another Ruwdan War- F«-ar in court next week of New Hmiqnliln-. «m, No Vari- Colonel John M Poorman. and Major and finished the first leg of 44 rnllea the world. Its name will be “Won- his settlement, this right would im Dr. Klggin. of the Hudson street The sum to be raised by the great This indicates a speed of John L May. The txvard will mile at 19 50 -4>ip Has Ilee-n «khtrai-kist in the derworld." and It will be situated on mediately attach upon the cancella el, of I «wn I« iwown In the World In hospital who was present at the aut- wheat growing cvuntle» of the r»«omin«n'i»Uoni to the next Oregon »2.71 knots. he would tion of the selection and Baltic^ — Recmtly F.«tabli.lird Ila-- the south bank of the Harlem river. in the legislature, and it 1« expected that land Empire 1» so Insignificant. That Did N. h < »rigtnale In opsy. located the bullet hole on the have 90 day« to place his claim of at 218th street -uUi Ncu<gMM>er Hz« Bren supprrw- skeleton, but placed It three-quarters cnm[ari»in to the great results that I nitrii «tate» «ertain changes in the rode wilt be MTEMPT TO WRECK Won derworld will furnish the sort record." esl — < on«4ant Neer »dty Exist« In of an inch nearer the sternum than must follow, that It seems absurd made transmitted by Ser This letter was of recreation which New Yorkers and to doubt that any county would fail Western Russia for R«-prowdon did Dr. «Hanlon. When the Dick bui l-assed the «wiutiimi I’s.-ifi»- Ihwur at lu4>«« suburbanites have been unable to en retarv Hitchcock to Governor Cham- tn doing her duty Portland Nov 22 - Patroas of I 'nited States congress. Identifying In-feiMlant. »tep« were alni Drastic Militarían to Sustain joy without going to Coney Island or berlain. and the state land board, Narrow I, Armed. Husbandly unanimously favor the se tak«m by the war department to make W«wA 1» to Ihzin. Dr Lederle, former health rom- Rockaway Beach. The total cost in adopting it as a rule, printed blank the Pw«enl Government. Sai. Francisco. Nov. 22.—An at lection of Indian com as the nation the code governing all mtlltla bodies 37000 Th- matter of collecting mtsnioner. testified he had examined volved will be nearly 82.000.000. Won forms and notified every purchaser tempt was made la«t night to wreck I al floral emblem of the I'niled Stales. uniform was earnest*,- A circular was accordingly of indemnity land whose titles had two pieces of skin but could not de from Umatilla county derworld will occupy 31 acres. the local fast passenger on the South black dl«cu«iwd by Leon Cohen Dr F W A r- —• utn-n to that effect was lntro- sent out. -ailing attention to the de- ern Pacific, running between Ban An "esplanade walk”—a kind of tailed of this right. He was then re Rome. Nov. 24.—A dispatch to the termine the nature of the duced at the granm- convention thlv sirability of a uniform code among C. Taylor Dr W. G. Cole. funded the money paid the state and speck» There waa no telling Vincent. T. Midway—will run through the middle Pekin, says Italian Militaire from morning by Governor N J. Ba heider the state«, and asking that a board of Francisco and Los Angele*, near Go of it. There are to be a German vil armed with the state's relinquishment subscription lists are being opened whether they were powder marks or M M Wyrick and others, and It was shen Spikes were palled and angles •>f New Hampshire, lecturer of the revision be appointed to make recom finall, agreed, upon motion of Mr. lage. a Japanese village, a sixteenth went to his local land office and filed throughout China for war funds. It not. torn oft A disaster was avertel National Grange, and waa adopter mendation» to submit to the •ts'e The stock book of Stern, tl.e pawn Cohen, that a committee of five be century German castle and gaily col- upon the land with scrip or under is feared that if peace is not conclud- owing to the fact that an extra freight Governor Hacheldcr expla-.xed that legislature. An entry wms appointed to district the county, draw ored pagodas. The people of the other federal law«. Thus would the ed in the Far Saat speedily China will broker. was produced preceded the Owl and was ditched read which showed that a Smith A up a form of contract, »elect solicit no variety of com grows anywhere In Bronx and suburban towns, such as interests of Innocent purchasers have be forced into the conflict. but with no loss of life the world except from seeds taken Moll DI-PFRsED been protected if he had adhered to or«. and have general superM»ion of Wesson revolver. No. 74 50 was sold who Rochelle, Yonkers and New from America. In view of that pecul he work of collecting the fund. June 3 for 34 this rule. would take over two hours to get to IN.iw.ned Caady few a Ctxlld Battlesiiip Grounded. Edward Frehlich. an employe of Chairman Taylor accordingly appoint iar fact and its significance he sug I tared That Home« of Neguie» Will Coney Island, will be able to reach Hlciiani» Reverses Deci-don. Paris. Nov. 24.—A dispatch receiv Walla Walla. Nov. 22 - The «-year- gested that the grange petition the He R-.irwed the new resort in 15 minutes. Yesterday Governor Chamberlain ed this morning state« that the Rus Stern's, testified that a man and wo- ed the following well known citizen» congress of the old daughter of Andrew Huff. was United States to Lexington. Nov. 22.—The mob last evening poisoned by eating a received a letter of instruction in re sian battlewhip Slava has arrived at man entered the place shortly before nt the county to have c.'ia ge of this choose Indian corn as the floral em « o'clock. He wa> a well built man work George Perringer. M M Wy LAND FRAUD CASES. w hu h gathered last night to lynch ply to a second query, dated Novem Kronstadt after grounding on a »and piece of cnady found wrapped in a and tall. He could not describe his rick. W P Temple Horace Walkei blem of the nation. the three negro murderers of William paper and lying In the front yard of ber 15. 1904. in which Commissioner bank. The vessel rem; a at will A resolution was introduced by F dre«» The stock book was then ruled and T. J Kirk Six Defemlants Now on Trial at Port Richards retracts all his former state Kronstadt until »p mg. M.wvre. dispersed gradually during the Huff home. By vigorous applica A Derthick. master granger of the out a« evidence for the present. Re land. This committee waa instructed to the night. It ts still feared the homes tion of antidotes the child's life waa ments. giving as an excuse that the -late of Ohio, authorizing the legizla- cess of the negroes will be burned. meet at once and arrange :, begin Portland. Nov. 22.—S. A. D. Puter, letter of October 13. 1993. was not a New-qwi|irr Kupprv»»««d. saved, but she is in a critical condi tive committee to investigate to what Evlik-ncr of Y'lMing'» Brutality. .he collection of the fund, The port- Horace McKinley. Marie Ware. Miss decision, but simply a report to the tion. St. Petersburg. Nov. 24.—The publi -xtent industrial and kindred subjects S- K I l uiHi Will Be Commladoner. Emma Watson. Frank H. Wolgomot secretary of the interior relative to cation of the new newspaper. Naaka It was learned during the recess age road contracts were signed yes- should be taught In the country contractor and D. W. Tarpley, defendants in the the general subject of indemnity Glmin has been prohibited by ths that the mother- »-law of Foremar terda- In Portland, the Washington. Nov. 22.—Francis E BUTCHERS AT WAIL schools. land fraud 1 school selections made upon alleged minister of the Interior. Prince Mi- Hendricks of tie jury had died. He- • la'Cng the pledge of the Open River first of the wholesale It is said that nature studies are Lupp. Washington correspondent of cases, all apeared in court this mom- numeral bases. dricks sgreeu >o cor* luat-ce of the association for any amount due on taught more generally rasky. in the city «he New Tork Evening Post, has been '.he construction of the rozd after He now lays down the ru'e and has ing. proceedings through the afternoon. .Schools than in those of the country- appointed commissioner of Indian af District Attorney ’ so instructed the officials of the land United States John Crowlev. a cab driver, testi the state appropriation msV be Evra la In Western Ru.wda. It is the purpose of the resolut’on to fairs to succeed Commissioner Jones, ■aurted The cost of the construc- John Hall opened for the prosecution. offices at Oregon City. Roseburg and ascertain to what extent pupils of res- med. to take effect January 1. of fied thrt early the morn*rg of June Berlin. Nov. 24.—The names market T Is on will reach about 8200.000 There Judge O'Day replied for the defend ' The Dalles, that purchasers of state 4 Yoeng hailed his cab and said to country schools should be instructs! the some of the prominent victims of How long is s now but 8182.500 of the state ap- ants. The first clash occurred over ' indemnity lands have no rights on ac- OREtíON'S O. F8CIAL VOTE. de'e dart. "Get Into this cab. or I'll in those lines. The resolution car recent riots at Warsaw have just been last? of 82500 the introduction of alleged forged 1 count of possessing relinquishments knock yovr ------- head off." Then «. oprlatlon left, the sum ried. made known. These are some of the questions making su»- I Ts buis led Vote b, Counties Cast at having been spent In land affidavits, which the coqrt took 1 from the state and that the registers slanped her in the mouth, Young Dr. Frankenstein, an aged physi agitating the minds of th owe Walla vevs and estimates. . under consideration. and receivers of the land offices are told him to drive to gave him 32 and th«- Presidential Election, WHEAT MIOI ND THE HORN cian. was struck by a bullet as he en Wallans who are not devoted entire It developed this morning that the i advised that their proper action is to Disposal nt the Fnnd. Following Is a table of the official ly to a vegetarian tered his house. Dr. Frankenkels. a St. Paul's hotel. Defendent was cty- diet. says the defense will probably rely mainly on fa-ward the indemnity selections to In order that there be no mlsap- cargo May B»- Sent From Portland vote of Oregon, cast at the recent Walla Walla Union, surgeon, was killed and Baroness ing. Young was drunk. With loin oe establishing the statute of limita the genera! land office for considera Joseph Hewitt. a newsboy, testified prehension a» to the final dirposal of to Net» York ■residential election, the four porterhouse steaks quoted by Hlrsch shot while driving by In car at 12 M tion. and not to receive any applica tions that st 8 o’clock the night before »he the fund collected by Umatilla coun parties—republican. demo- cents or lower, and the lees expensive riages. Rumor has it that the American 'eadlng The jury was completed last night. tions for the lands until the selections r'lootlng he saw defendant and a man the contrlbu- ty. it was decided that More rioting Is expected Sunday. »hip Shenandoah has been chartered erst prohibitionists and socialists: meats accordingly, the lucky citizen had been canceled by that office and Workmen are said to have 8000 re talking excitedly and the man sxid. tors to the fund might de» gitale the to carry a cargo of flour and wheat of this Western metropolis recalls the cancellation noted on the records NEW EASTERN TRUNK LINE. "You got to do this; you must do bank in which they wirhed their »rom Portland to New York. All the volvers. The police are continually » •Ü without regret the day when meat r ? of the local offices. thia ” Witness Identified the picture t monev deposited, none of the con- shippers have heard the report, but making a-resta, the prisons are filled 0 was unknown, save In the valleys, i T? U. S. Steel Corporation Will Build a In other words until the land bad Mo jan Sm'th. defendant's tracts are to be payable until the en while professing to know nothing of g C I ; and the broad stretches of uplands and cannot accommodate all arrested. of J. g Private Une. reverted to the government and been brother-ln-'aw. g tire sum of 85000 is raised, then a definite nature, appear to believe Counties. » were devoted entirely to the growing for settlement, ■ Chicago, Nov. 24.—It is reported again thrown open after the entire fund is deposited It that It ts true, says the Oregon Dally Reward for (‘hineane Spie«. - of cattle. ■ □ 3 here that the United States Steel cor giving the original purchaser from « IVnneylv arils Breaks the Record. must b<- held in the local banks until Harbin, Nov. 24.—Orders have Journal. At no time In the poration in order to avoid any possi the state no opportunity of securing been given to the Japanese troop« to • • The Shenandoah Is lying at San Rockport. Nov. 23.—The Pennsyl the road Is completed and In opeia- peihap*. have meats been so cheap ble litigation with the Interstate com the land from the government other shoot any one in Chinese garb ob vania finishes in 1:00:44 and accord tlon. when it will be dellvci ed to the Francisco and could be got here in Baker 950 54 349 as they are quoted during the past ... 1.992 merce commission relative to termi than is accorded to any individual or served approaching the line for fear ing 'o a score of observ- ‘Jons main- state portage commission or the Open short order. She is of more than 3000 Benton ... 1.107 134 443 74 week, and it begins to look as If the corporation possessing scrip. nal rebates, has decided to build a 2.840 583 144 424 beef trusts and the stockyard strikes A time limit e: - tons net register and ha» an actual Clackamas they may be Russians in «disguise. No ta'ned a speed of 22.75 knots for the River association. trunk line for transportation of its Effect of Deci-don. 1.407 259 of the East are without menace to the 339 41 tices have been posted offering a re er tire course of 38 miles. The con tending to July 1 will be granted b, carrying capacity of more than 5000 ClatM»p . . business. It is understood a number 161 people of Walla Walla. 1.301 221 This decision from Land Commis ward of 825 for every Chinese spy tract ca'ed or 22 knots. The Cramps Umatilla county for the construction tons. «H If she has been engaged for Columbia of small railroads now building east sioner Richards will have the effect captured. 499 »5 342 made an effort to break the Wj«t of the portage, although the contract the business named It Is for the pur Coos .......... 1.718 Certain it is that there has been of Chicago will be taken Into the of depriving a large number of set 799 244 117 no late decline In the prices of Uve- Ul The Chinese bandits are very active. Virginia's record, which was appar ' call* for the completion of the rord pose of assisting the railroad com Crook ____ system. 343 100 8 stock to warrant such a cut tn prices. «1 tlers and other investors who have In The Japanese are enlisting Chinese ently done, entitling the Pennsylvania by March 1. panies In getting the heavy flour and Curry ...» pays annually nocently purchased land from the militia hired in the village of Syobay- The corporation •It 388 Cattle are cheaper now The committee in charge will meet wheat shipments east. Douglas .. 2.443 95| than they to be called the queen of the Ameri about 3120,000.000 in freight charges. state, believing it to be a legitimate Ikl at 30 cents a day. 5«s' 47 were two or three years ago. but they 195 881 at once and organize within a few There has been talk for several Gilliam . . can navy. 317 1 123 are not nearly so cheap as 10 years days. purchase, and that the state had the There have been numerous skir 38! months of dlspatrhing cargoes around Grant .... 1.013 England Sturm Swept. 390 71 ag«s it is stated, w hen prices were on 187 power to give valid title as soon as the mishes in which a number of Chinese the horn, but the difficulty standing Harney ... Treaty Signed. London, Nov. 24.—The storm of payments were made. 30. an equality with those quoted now. 798| 133| bandits have been killed or captured In the way of the venture, it was Jaekaon .. 1.992 EXPLAINS THE WHIPPING. Washington. Nov. 22.—The arbltra wind and snow which broke over Eng 904 197 Governor Chamberlain has made a by Ruslans. 333| 451 cited, was the lack of American ton Josephine tlon treaty between the United States land Tuesday last continues unabat hard fight to protect the interests of 540 Klamath 1901 »1 17 Idaho's Exhibit for Portland. William Allen White. tix> Author, nage on the Pacific coast. and Germany was signed this morn ed. Owing to the severity of the these innocent purchasers, and the 118 •I 5 327 lAke .......... ATTEMPT TO WRECK C. R. Hurtt, the world's fair com- While suitable American tonnage t.ivcs Ills Version ol’ Woman*« At ing by Secretary Hay and Baron vol. weather all racing has been abandon- fact that he has failed, can In no 234 357 inliwuoner. is now in St. Louis ar- Is said to be scarce in these waters, Lane .......... 3.523 1.144 tack. 583 118 ranging for the packing of Idaho's 179 151 wine be laid at his door. In reversing Tramps Caught In the Act Near ''anta Sternberg, the German ambassador, there are a number of vessels of the Lincoln ... at the state department. ♦97 2.334 1.206 4 09 exhibit and to transfer the his decision, Mr. Richards has en Emporia, Kan., Nov. 22.—last description desired at San Francisco, Bar barn. Idaho 78Ì Fifteen l ast Rounds. 790 279 75 building to the contractors as soon as deavored to prove that the governor evening there appeared in the Em and it is generally believed that a Malheur San Francisco, Nov. 24.—Another Cincinnati. Nov. 24.—Jack Skeef. was at fault, and to give false Impres 4.115 1.090: 312 302 Carter«' Strike Ended. Marion . .. poria Gazette. William Allen White's movement is on foot to place them in the fair closea which will be Decrm- of Chicago, and Gene Bezenah, fought sion. has given private correspondence attempt was made to wreck the South 875 79 157 ber 1. says the Boise Capital News 235 Havre. Nov. 23.—The carters' strike paper, the author’s version of the thr flour nn.I grain trade between the Morrow 15 fast rounds to a draw before the with Governor Chamberlain to the ern Pacific train last night, this time 420 I .84 9 Governor-elect Gooding will visit the ended today and the meh returned to horsew hipping given him by tli.- .Il Pacific coast ports and the Atlantic Multnomah 118,702 2.3241 Alexandria club at Newport last night public press, afterward charging the nt Calptan, near Santa Barbara. Two 1301 134 fair before it closes and together he SSI I IH»lk ......... 1 1.372 work. It Is believed all disturbances vorced wife of Dr. Meffert, in Em cities. and both were full of fight at the governor with breaking faith for po- tramps were caught in the act of 704 34 Will go over the exhibit with Com 143| 84| It is declared that such a course Is Sherman poria Saturday night. White says: heaping rocks on the tracks and are past. finish. 136 729 45 119 missioner Hurtt for the purpose of se- litical gain. However, he has now ac- "Hire is an item that you thought the only solution of the problem to Tillamook were arrested. It is believed their ob I 2.542 840| 224 264 lecting such as it is deemed wise to knowiedged his error, and endeavors Brlgnnd Kill«l. would not be In the paper: deliver the orders that have already LinatlUa ject was revenge National Bank Quit«. 7741 112 203 «end to the Portland fair which wUl at great length to make excuses as to "Saturday evening at dusk, as the been placed for Pacific coast wheat Union .... I 1.873 1 Nov. 28. — The notorious Naples, Wooster, O.. Nov. 24.—The Woos why the mistake should have been 714 1 2551 34 59 be held next year The statement is made WaMowa . . Whether the ex B editor of the Gazette whs starting for and flour. l.ak«* Naval Training Station. brigand. Piombino, was killed by ter National Bank closed today. De made. 53«! 224 Wasco . .. . 2.095 234 hibits will be sent directly to Port that the railroad companies are una home, a few yards from the office WiiHhlngton, Nov. 24. — Lake Bluff. soldier in a grotto near Catania. posits. 3380,000. No explanation. 130 land and stored there or whether 485i 150 1 door lie met Mrs. Delia Meffert, di ble to handle all the traffic, and being Washington 2,882 ! Will Benefit <'orporaHona. 33 miles from Chicago, will secure a 1 442 1 22 they will be shipped to Boise and held I«l| 14 I vorced wife of William Meffert, of convinced of this fact many of the Wheeler last naval training station. The president Funeral of Governor Thompson. Governor Chamberlain stated laird Curzon Salls. 447| 282 I 314 until the fair opens, is a matter which . whom mention was made in these local flour dealers have not attempt Yamhill .. 1 2.004 1 Columbia. 8. C„ Nov. 23. — The had today returned a report of the com- night that the board, since he London. Nov. 24.—Lord Curzon, she was accom- ed to make any further sales to east- Totalz . .^«O.iisin.tifl t.3<í| 7.815 will be settled before the two gentle funeral of ex-Governor Hugh 8. ' .-olutnn» columns reeentlv. recently. viceroy of India, left for hlz post this been in office, refunded upwards of mlHSlon which selected the site, with men leave St Louis. Thompson was held today. j panled by a lady friend, and as the ern buyers. his approval. 380,000 to people who had purchased morning. ( seneral land office, acknowledging M UNS FOR O 1 - i