Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION. • • • • • • • • • • • • Unswayed by fear, uninflu- enced by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell the truth. the whole truth, about county. state and national affairs. It is fair, absolutely fair. to «.lose who differ from its views, as well as to its frieuds. • •os«*«««« • © • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 b« East Wr»»«tUau of P*® dl«t*b, Oregon. I« psb!lsi*«d li* lb* heart of th« wonderful Ln Land Empire You will find that It 1« readable, reliable and progressive. and will give you the new« reliably, accu rately an« fully • •••••••••••••• VOL. XX VIU. 'TROUBLE WITH CLAIM JUMPERS curat IF PORT ARTHUR CERTAIN PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO,. OREGON FRIDAY. JULY 1. 1904. MISSOURI FOR COCKRELL. Serious Difficulty in Different Idaho Localities. St Maries. Idaho. June 29.—A fatal I fight occurred on Marble creek be- | tween homesteaders and claim jump I ers A party of Jumpers went in there last week They were warned by the sheriff to keep off the bomesteads Cuutrary to warnings, they continued to jump claims, and. one man. whose Japanese Confident of the name is unknown, was shot and kill ed, and another, Frank Boulie. was Capture or Annihilation of beaten so badly he is expected to die He was taken on a stretcher and car ried to the head of navigation, where Kuropatkin’s Army. his condition was such that he could not be carried further. J. P. Price had trouble at his home OPPOSING ARMIES ARE stead with claim jumpers Thursday, FACING AT PORT ARTHUR. but upon drawing a gun on them they discontinued their work. Frank Boulie. the man so badly beaten, was the locator for the gang Chinese Trying to Butt in. Wishing of claim jumpers. He is a Frenchman to Occupy Niu Chwang as Allies of and has worked around the logging camps for the las’ couple of years. the Japanese—Gensan. on East JUST MISSED THE TRAIN. Coast of Korea. Bombarded by a 5ML HELO SLOCUM FIRE DUE TO NEGLECT DID THE DOCTOR MURDER? NO. 61 CLOUDBURST. DIG STRIKE iS NOW EXPECTED Hearst. Parker. McClellan and Folk Grave Charges Against Prominent Col Some Los* of Life and Great Loss of Not in the Running. fax Physician. Property. Joplin. Mo.. June 3” Before the Colfax. Wash., Juue 28—Tbe state Pti'sburg June 29—One body Las denvH-ratii stale convention, to elect continued Its case against L»r T. D been recovered from a number of j 36 delegates to the national conven Ferguson today. SennaUonal evidence men. women and children reported as 'ion. met hero today, there was no talk in f gard to the alleged operation on missing. of Hearst or Parker and It was a fore , Mis* Agni-» Downs aud tier relations Th-- property damage estimated at gone conclusion that tlo- - »mention with the men involved in the case $25" '«Xi. la r»-corded from the cloud , »oil'd insrtict for Cockrell lur pre» wa» given burst along Robinson run. tietween ldent • The defendant. Dr T D JVrguson Carnegie and McDonald Oakdale Is testimony of Captain Van Arrests Made of People The followers of Joseph W Folk. . « wealthy pioneer pracUituner of U>e entirely cut off. Many bouses are I Workmen on the Lewis and West. 1» on trial under charge of man washed from their fu .udatlon» and ' lie St lxrubi buodle prosecutor. who Whose Negligence Cost Schaick Reveals Criminal »laughter, alleged to have been com at least 4<> bouaes are wrecked is running for governor, received but ' Clark Fair Grounds Ask for milted in tbe killing of Miss Agnes little recognition Janus A. Reed, ex Higher V?ages. Irowu*. a high school teacher, who Over a Thousand Lives. mayor of Kansas City, who withdrew Carelessness. FIGHTING IN THIBET. last month from the gubernatorial ' died a few week« ago in a local bo« _____ pltal Out of the trial of Dr. Fer Natives Badly Whipped. But the Brit- race, was named as temporary chair guson II la expected that most sens* man. DEFENDANTS ALL PUT ish Suffer. COMPANY OFFICIALS HAD WALKOUT OF EMPLOYES tionai evidence will develop involving The state nominating convention Simla. June 29.—Heavy fighting has will be held at Jefferson City later in UNDER HEAVY BONDS NEVER INSPECTED SLOCUM. two other men of social and buainea* <«' urred between Thlbetiazia and the IS LOOKED FOR JULY L prominence who are charged a* ac the month British expedition The Thlbetiaas complices Prof, twiwin A Know, one Chairman Reed, in hl* speech, men- of the faculty of the Washington Agri lost heavily. Captain Craaler at tbe tloned Parker. McClellan and Hearst Capam Van Schaick I* in Hospital. Fire Fightin-. and Life Preserving Ap- Conferences Heid Between Cantrac cultural college, at Pullman, la one of British, is reported dead. Parker's name brought forth some ap The British casual ties also included plause and more hisses, while the Prostrated by th« Prospect—Feder- pa-atus Was Old. Unused and De ihw and L>r. Charles Auatln. a tors and Laborors in Effort to AX- Five . young den'1st of professional and so Capiaina Bliss and Humphrey mention of McClellan and Hearst was a Authorities Will Take a Turn at just Causes of Diesatisfactrin, But cayed — State Inspectors Only Mad* sepoys were wounded cial prominence, is tbe other. by considerable applause Mi»» iKiwr.* wa* a tea« her of mod The mention of Cockrell brought the ths Steamboat Inspector—All the Resu't Is Not Known Employment a Casual Examination of th* Equip Newspaper for Payette. <rn Languages in tbe Colfax high Fleet—Kuropatkin Is in Cyclone Crosses Track of a Burling comention to its feet, while hats were D fendants Are Accused of Man ment—No New Preservers Had school and a member of one of tbe pi Payette. June 29.—Payette will | of Nonunion Men Said to Be at tbe waved for several minute« Great Danger of Being Entirely ton Train. slaughter in the First Degree—Di Been Purchased Since 1895—No oneer families of tbe Paiouse coun soon have a democratic newspaper. Bese of tne Troubl«. But Higher try About a week previous to her E A Heath, a newspaper man ot Cheyenne. Wyo.. June 29.—Word WOMAN STRANGLED Cut Off—Russian Arsenal Blown rectors of ths Company Are Also Water Test Had Ever Been Made. death she was taken to the hospital Westfall. Ore will be tbe editor and Wages Is Made Superficial Ben« o4 has been received here of considera He is now making ar and Dr Ferguson is alleged to have proprietor Contention. Up. Involved. ble damage wrought by a cyclone in Tragedy and Mystery in the Missis performed an operation shlcb be an rangements to establish a plan’ here Weston county. Trees were uprooted sippi. Tremont. N Y, June 38—The last nounced was for appendicitis. Jus: and some of tbe machinery ha* al churches and houses blown dowL, St. Paul. June 30—With a silk tie before her d<-atb Ml*s Downs, it is ready been shipped Mr Heath is re Rome. June 3u.—A Tokio telegram hsy stacks scattered, livestock and knotted tightly about her neck, the Ail signs point to a big strike, in- New York. June 29 —The inquiry material witness in tbe Slocum loves •Sid. confe»*ed to intimacy with Prof ceding encouragement from the citi today states that at a meeting of the several persons injured. The twister body of a stylishly dressed woman conducted by Coroner Berry and a tigs ion. Captain Van Schaick. was cluding practically every man euapioy zens of Payette, and he is assured a Snow She bad graduated from the council of ministers held this morn passed over the county and narrowly w|. had lieen strangled to death, was she-led Into court on an invalid chair agricultural college the year before growing patronage by establishing his ed oa tbe Lxtwia axd Clark fair ing. the mikado presided, and Field missed a passenger train on the Burl found flcatlag in the Mississippi river Jury Into the Slocum disaster conclud gro ,nds at Portland on July 1. Owing ■d today, and after nearly four hours ibis morning under the care of two and had been a student under t.m paper at Payette. Marshal Oyama. who will assume ington railway. a* the St. Paul boom The appearance surgeons The aged officer looked In addition to thia confession Miss charge of al! Japanese forces in the to the secrecy maintained by thoae Jell «ration a verdict was rendered of the body and the manner in which Car Burned in tne Train. Dos ns is said to have charged Dr. Shot Himself. field, was present. who are in a position to undentaad 'he cloth was wound about the throat, in which the directors of the Knicker- haggard and worn Auatin. tbe young dentist, outright, Baker City. June 29 — As an east- It was decided that after the fall of Salt I_ake City, June 30.—John indicated that she was murdered and boc! er Steamboat Company. Captain H- slated be had been a » team boat with having been the cause of her the poaitkm in Its entirety. It is las- bound O R. A N freight train was Port Arthur and the Russian evacua Sharp Williams, aged 24. son of Par thrown into the river Her identity mar. 40 year* holding a master's li trouble, and Dr Ferguson with having leaving Haines station, 10 miles weat posaible to learn any but the general tion of Liao Yang. Oyama should ad ley L. Williams, general counsel for is a mystery She was apparently 30 Vat schaick, of the Slm um. Captain cense 30. performed the operation at here last night a car of hay in *.*w of the dissatisfaction existing, Pea-*-. <-ommodore of the comi>any's dress an ultimatum to Kuropatkin ask the Oregon Short Line railway, com years of age He de« lsred he had nothing to do Since Dr Ferguson'» arrest be has tbe train, billed to Huntington, was irtwever It is definitely known that ing him to surrender and thus avoid mitted suicide early today at his loiter the body was identified as fin and others were held criminally with purrbasing tbe equipment of tbe been at liberty under $15*.-.' bonds found to be on fire Before tbe car further bloodshed, it was also decid home in this city. Young Williams, that of Miss Ruth Leachout. of Min re«| nsible. Warrants for their ar stra.tied .-•■^atioas have existed be- Sio< am when «be was first placed in The case la attracting tbe widest al could be switched out of the train It ti employer and employe ever ed that Oyama should send a copy of who has been suffering from insomnia neajiolis. Miss I^achou’ left home commission Since 1691 be admitted ien. Ion and the court room la dally was almost burned too badly to move. since tbe “bosaea" refused to employ the ultimatum to the powers. sat in an easy chair and put the muz Saturday and has not been seen since. rest were issued. T.-- mate of the Slocum according he had general supervtskm of the thronged with curioua spectators. On The rar and contents were entirely unioa workmen exciusiveiy Should Kuropatkin refuse to sur zle of a rifle into his mouth, the bnl- Her parasol, purse and hat were beat. account of the high «octal atatua of consumed, the train crew being pow The ground on wtich the strike is render. the Japanese anticipate to be let ’earing out almost the whole side found on the river bank The police to l ■*• jury, acted in a cowardly man- lie confirmed the statements of all the parties concerned the keenest erless to put out tbe fire n< . and the misconduct of Steamboat to be made unless arrangements mors able to annihilate his forces. of his head. are convinced ’hat she was the vic- !nr ector lAindberg, It wa* report’d other witnesses that no new life pre interest is evidenced in even the most nearly satisfactory thar those exist ’Im of foul flay. The girl some time sho ild be brought to the attention of sen ers bad been purchased for tbe conservative circle* and the outcome ing at present are made w® be fcr Getting Into Close Quarters. ago was said to be Involved In a the federal authoritlM. Slot uni since 1895 From tine to time of th«- case )a awaited with much an higher wages It Is aaseried that domestic tragedy which culminated In Chee Foo. June 30.—A dispatch re The charge tn each case is man he had rejected from 100 to 3>' pre ».• • - every branch of industry represent «d a suicide. sen ers. ports that the Japanese encamped slaughter in tbe first degree Bal! cn the exposition grounds will swell eight miles from Port Arthur. The S<> far a* he knew, none of tbe of wa* fixed by the coroner varying KILLING AT EMMETT tbe chorus 'he refrain of which vrtll rival forces are visible to each other. ficial» of the company ever inspected front $1000 to $5t"X). POSTAL RECEIPTS. be “We want more money." Two Russian officers while trying The mate Edward Fianagan. who '.be life saving and Are fighting ap Jeaieus Husband Snoots to Death Man : Foxy Grandpa Appears. to cross the Japanese lines were cap Double That of Ten Years Ago—25.000 was md«-r detention as a witness, paratus Who Pay» Attentions to His W'f«. A number of those employed os the tured. Regarding Inspection of the United wa* the first arraigned He pleaded Rural Routes. fair groxinds are apprehensive ie«t a The artillery today vigorously ex- Emmett. Idaho. June 39 —Thomas guilty and bls baa. was fixed at States iuspe« tors, '.be captain said but Washington 1» C. June 3d.—The of strike should prove a failure One changed shots. few preservers were taken from tbe Hamilton, proprietor of the Idaho He was committed to jail. ficial figure* regarding the business of $1 •■ man is playing Foxy Grandpa* and Inspector lJinberg pleaded not ra< ke and Do water teat of them bad Meat Market, was »hot to death thia TRIENNIAL CONCLAVE the postoflke department for the fis LARGE CAMPAIGN FUND quit work on some pretext or other morning in front of hi» place of buri ever been made Chinese Want to Take a Hand. cal year enamg today are awaited gnity. and au rebased on $2000 AT FRISCO IN SEPTEMBER rather 'ban te mixed it the Industrial Lunderburg did not test the stand nes» by Albert White. White gave PAID DOWN OR PLEDGED with «-onsiderable interest owing to bail Rome, June 30.—The ministry of 'ray trusting to chance to secure a Ball was fixed at $500 each tor j pipes. There had been three or four himM-lt up at once and »»» placed in marin. has a telegram from Tien the prevailing belief that they will better po*it»on and an advance in . fire drills and water had been run i ustody to await the arrival tX tbe President Barnaby and Secretary A ’ Tsin slating it is rumored there that show an unprecedented inc-e«»e The Fo-st on tne Coast Since 18&3—Half wages »hoaid the plans of the present General Ma, the Chinese commander, Silas C. Swallow, a Veteran Temper receipts for the year are approxi kin «on. of the steamboat company, A agh ths stand pipes This teaU »Lenff from Cridwed tne Pendleton Membersnip of 35 <-mpkyes culminate in a walkout. It The shooting occurred a few min n -«y is in direct opposition to that snu bonds were furnished at once. ance Worker of Pennsylvania. Norn- mately has asked authority to cross the river estimated a’ 3144 l«wrww». cd other members of the crew, who ute» before 8 o'clock and iras caused Will Attend, a Octa l in a Trainload wa* through him that a "flash" oa Captain Van Schaick is a prisoner Lian and occupy Niu Chwang ■ rated for President and a Texan which is almost double the receipts what Is expected to happen was ' said there had been no fire drills this by the alieged attention» of Hamilton in 'be hospital Captain Pease may of Twenty-one Cars From the fcr Vice President—Platform Reit of a decade ago rleaaed. Since then the main feat- to Mr» White White met Hamilton year not •* arrested until '.omorrow. when King and Kaiser Confer. Northwest — Headquarters Oregon ures have been corroborated from dif No less amazing are the figures in this morning and after a few word» erates the Demands Heretofore regard to the rural free delivery serv it is expee'ed that the directors of •CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED" Kiel, June 30.—It is stated in of Commandery Wilt Be at tne Pa.ace ferent sources. drew bi» revolver and fired, instantly Made by the National Prohibition ice. Today there are over 25.000 the company will also be taken into ficial circles that a conference be Owing to the number of unemploy Hotel. AN EMPTY PHRASE killing Hamilton. Party. With the Liquor Question routes in operation, as against 20# custody. tween the kaiser and King Edward ed workmen at Portland and in the After Hamilton feii White fired • five years ago. These 25 000 routes has resulted in the conviction that Paramount. vicinity, tbe contractors are sanguine Secretary of War Says the Immortal •ecued »hot into tbe body of the pros DIED FROM HEAT. furnish a daily mail service to more the motive of each in the Far East is trate man and coolly walked away, Oregon and Washington Masons -f speedy victory in case of a de«er- Principle of the Patriots Must Be than 12.500.0 o people residing in rur above suspicion, as both desire peace. giving himself up to the officers will cut no inconspicuous figure in tbe ttoe on the part of their employes Harvest Hand Near Walla Walla They wil co-operate to promote the Taken With a Gram of Salt—Self. Indianapolis. June 30.—The dele al districts. Hamilton was 36 years of »ge and •ncT.niaJ cunclave of the Knights They «re more strongly Intrenched la termination of the war, but without gates were slow in assembling in Falls From Wagon With Sun Government Cannot Be Applied in »as well known in this section. White T. mplar. to be held at San Francisco this belief on account of the action of EXECUTION IS STAYED violation of their strict neutrality, or Tomlinson hall inis morning Hands stroke. t”e Case of the Filipino»—Would Is a newcomer here and with his wife September 6. the seaskm to Last a th*- circuit court recently tn making advances to either Japan or ent.-rtained the delegates while wait week Pendleton Commandery No 7 » temporary order restraining tbe Wills Walia, June 39— While Make No Prom sea for ths Future has been engaged in the restaurant A. A. Armstrong of Wynochee Will Russia in’-. bus:news here has a membership ot 35, and ahc-ut leather workers at Portland from be working in the harvest field of Han- Contingent on Good Behavior of the Not Be Hanged at Walla Walla. At 9JO Chairman Wolfenberger bait that number will leave here Sep ing parties to acts of intimldatioa and i ock Brothers, about 15 miles from Natives—Address Before the Har called the convention to order. Attack Gensan. tember 1 in a »pe<;al car lor tbe Goi- v.olence Walla Walla. June 30—A. A. Arm the city on the Harry Shaw road. Range Hors« Sala Oliver Stewart then entertained strong. who is now at the penitentiary M K hael Scott was overcome by the dvu Gate. As u>is is the first trien May Delay the Worm vard Alumni Replete With un-Amer- Tokio, June 30.—A telegram from Miles City. June 39— A B Clarke's nial conclave to be held on the Pa Gensan states that the Russian Vlad the delegates with a brief political under a sentence of death, will not be hea: yesterday and fell from the A large number of men are employ- ■can Doctrine. great range horse sale, which begins cifir cuari since 1883. every Mason • d on the fair grounds, but tbe eCect ivostok squadron has appeared off speech, asking tor campaign funds hanged tomorrow, the date set for his header ted, striking his bead on the Cambridge. June 38—In a care- Monday, has attracted hundred* of west of the Rockies who can possibly . f a strike, it is figured, would be that place, and began an attack on None replied to the quefy as to who execution. This morning Warden Dry ground He was taken to tbe house, horsemen to the city Some 3500 Secretary of would contribute $5000, but W W den received a dispatch from the clerk but died a few minutes later, never Í fully prepared adres* absent himself from business cares tor m.rely to delay work the town this morning for a few head are being herded on the out Smith, of Poughkeepsie. N. Y . do of the superior court of Chehalis axing recovered consciousness. It ( War Tait today discussed before the days The workmen, however, are of skirts to come in tomorrow Some two weeks will be in attendance : Harvard Law School Alumni A asocia nated $1000. Two qualified in the county, notifying the warden that a was not certain last night whether Twenty one trainioads of knightly tbe opinion that while tbe depart Cornering Kuropatkin. $50n class, three in the $300, two in stay of execution had been granted his death was due to injuries received ‘ Hon some phase« of tbe Philippine sit I**"'' bead are booked to be sold dur pilgrims are scheduled to pass m»-nts in which nnskilied labor ts em ing tbe week. Liao Yang. June 30.—Kuroki having the $250 and quite a number in smal in the Armstrong case through through Portland over the ployed could be eaaily filled, tbe con- Armstrong from the fall, or is directly attributa uation. forced Motien Ling Pass, is advancing ler amounts. i Passing to tbe constitutionality of northern lines on their way to the trsctoni would experience great dif has been at the state prison since ble to heat. Congressman Burton Mamas. toward this place. Shoiild he reach California Mecca. One trainioad. con- ficulty in securing men to carry on There was a flood in the $160 class, March, when he was convicted of the Scott was unmarried and 45 years tbe administration tbe secretary said here, he will have cut off the retreat including I. H. Ames, of Oregon and murder of John R. Patton in a wood old He had lived in Washington for hat :be words “consent of tbe gov- Norfolk. Neb., June 28 —Congress sis'.itig ot exclusively of Oregon and hose branches of labor tn which a of Kuropatkin, who is at Hai Cheng. Clara Crowhurst, of California F. camp in Wynochee vajley. in Novem some time, being originally occupied , •¡rued" were not intended to be literal man Burton French, of Idaho, was Washington commanderies. will be technical knowledge of some craft to M Kirsher. of Oregon, contributed ber 1903. with mining He had some claims ly construed, and declared numerous married at noon to Miss Winifred made up at Portland. Tbe headquar necessary. Eluded the Japanese. i instances in our bistory where the Har-Iey Burton is known tn congrem ters of tb< Oregon commanderies will $150. Of smaller contributions of along the Columbia river Since the plans of their employee 1 consent of the governed had not been as "Uncle Joe's Baby " Niu Chwang. June 30.—The Russian from $.V' down, there was a veritable be at the i’alace Hotel, and they have have become known generally, though 1 obtained. torpedo destroyer, Lieutenant Burnk- deluge. The collection netted $11.- engaged the Maple room at that fa not in detail tentative efforts have HANDICAP YACHT RACE. He spoke of tbe great work of edu- off. has arrived here from Port Arth 000 mous hostelry for an afternoon and been made by the contractors to ad l cation being carried on. which is evening in order to hold receptions. just tbe various causes of diaagru*- ur with dispatches from St. Peters Nominations for President. Ks.ser Bill Snubs s Bunch of Ameri- something essential to the preparation San Francisco has made elaborate ment satisfactorily to all concemed. burg. eluding the Japanese fleet. Nominations being in order, at can Millionaires. , of the people for any kind of self- preparations to welcome her Masonic Ju«t what are the results of these con 2:-Pi the roll was called. California Kiel. June 29.—The American yacht ! government. guests and a number of excursions ference« is not a matter at public Arsenal Blown Up. yielded to Pennsylvania, and W W. Ingomar. the kaiser’s Meteor, tbe Of Aguinaldo Taft said that tbe re have been planned, including trips un know; *dge. St. Petersburg. June 30.—Terrific Hague placed Silas C. Swallow, of t-mprcks' liluna. Prince Henry's Orion. sult of bls government was oppression, the bay and short runs by train to detonations were heard in the direc Pennsylvania the veteran leader, in Herr Ballin's Hamburg and Comet and arbitrary action and disturbance, and suburban points of interest. PALOUSE HOSPITAL OPENED. tion of Kronstadt last night imme nomination. Thomas Orwig. of Iowa, the old challenger. Thistle, started in J that the Filipinos are not ready for diately followed by a big conflagra seconded and there was no other a handicap race this morning from self government. He concluded with WANT HERDER TO MOVE ON. A MILLIONAIRE BOSS IS Institution Will B« Conducted Under tion. It is believed the arsenal and candidate. Eckenford to Kiel. this statement: "If they are fit for Catbolis Auapirs« chemical laboratory have been partly The rules were suspended and NOW UNDER INDICTMENT. Since King Edward's arrival here self-government then I agree that 'he MEDICAL SOCIETY TO De-amir Citizens ’retest on Presence blown up. No details are obtainable. Swallow nominated by acclama'ion Palouse. Wssn., June 23.—Tbe Pa '.he American millionaires previously declaration ought to be made snd of Sheep. louse general hospital flung open it* HOLD ANNUAL SESSION. For Vice President. included in the kaiser's list of guests 'that we ought to turn the island* ' Boise. Idaho, June 29.—Trouble to doors this morning. Twv pauects Returned to Harbor. Boodlers Who Confessed Are Threat have been excluded from all the offic He opposed, however, any promises George W. Carroll, of Texas, was threatened near tbe mining town of sought its protection, S J. Kelly, in St. Petersburg, June 30.—General ened With Assassination — Boss ial festivities, ar.’ are much annoyed. j contingent upon what might happen nominated by acclamation for vice Stoessel, commanding at Port Arth Ea»tern Oregon Physicians Will As Deiamar over the pollution of two jured in an accident at tbe Potlatch Sir Thomas Lipton Is also excluded be j in the future. president. streams by sheep The streams are Butler Is Defiant and Raises the ur, in a dispatch states the squadron semble at the Famous Sanitarium to a supply place for herders with large mill, and Frank Revelle, suffering cause the emperor objects to his $16,000 Pledged. Money for All Bonds Required of presence. with inflammatory rheumatism. Tbe re-entered Port Arthur after repuls Discuss Vrtal Topics and Compare bands of sheep. The herders refuse building to nearly all furnished MAKES CONFESSION. At the afternoon session Chairman ing the torpedo boat attacks. He His Whilom Pals and Thieving Con Professional Notes — Interesting to move on at the request of citizens, The hospital will be under tbe care mentions no damage to Russian Stewart announced that the pledges federates—Has Previously Furnish MINISTERS TO CONFER. Gutke Finds Way of the Boodler Program Will Be Rendered—Third consequently there are threats that of Sister Heien Waugh, who for two ships. Heavy rains are failing over amount to $16,000. the lands will be cleaned out. ed Money to Secure Absence of Wit Hard. years was in the Mary Drexel home the field of military action. Meeting to be Held Since Organiza The Woolgrowers' Association has at Philadelphia. France Will Protect Foreigners in nesses. St. IzHiis. June 38.—Charles Gutke. Prohibition Platform. tion of the Association. Arranged to have a niat visit the Morocco. Dv. Hein will be in charge of the Gensan Bombarded. a ¡ormer member of tbe bouse dele Indianapolis. June 30.—The platform herders and endeavor to get them to plate and Dr. Armstrong of Spokan« Birmingham. June 28.—A confer- gates, this morning made a full con Lyndon. June 30.—Japanese Minis declares the destruction of the pres change their «amping places. St. Louis, June 30.—As a result of erne will occur here next week be fession to Circuit Attorney Folk of will be the surgeon for the bcspitaJ ter Haiyashi reports that the Japan ent legalized sale of alcoholic bever The third annual meeting of the the confession of Charles A. Gutke. tween the French foreign ministers, his connection with the famous light ese consul at Gensan wired Tokio ages to be the most important ques QUARTERLY MEETING. the grand jury began today a new the British and American ambassa ing deals. Gutke told how he gut bls East«*rn Oregon Medical Association CAMP MEETING CLOSED. that six Russian torpedo boats enter tion in American politics and denoun lioodle investigation and six members dors regarding Morocco, especially re $25ou as a delegate to la-hmann's re will be held at Hot Lake on July 7, ed the port today, fired 200 shots into ces the lack of statesmanship exhib M. E. Church, South. Observance Christian Church Conducts Very Suc A steno at which time an interesting program the settlement, sunk a steamer and ited by the leaders of both the demo of the house of delegates, who were garding France's intentions for the nowned birthday party. July 2 and 3. cessful Revival. sailing vessel and rejoined three cratic and republican parties In their not members of the combination, protection of Americans and Europe- graphic report of the confession will will be given and a pleasant reunion The fourth quarterly meeting of » re summoned to testify, presumably and in that country. Culdesac. Idaho. June 29.—Th« j tie presented to the grand jury other ships outside the harbor, all refusal to recognize the paramount of Eastern Oregon physicians will the M. E. Church, South will take Christian camp meeting, which has in corroboration of revelations made disappearing Four persons were importance of the subject. ¡lace next Saturday and Sunday, the been in progress here during the paat take place. by Gutke. wounded and the damage to the town Six planks deal with the prohibi The 10 days, closed last night. Those in Dr N. Molitor, of lie Grande, is Rev. H 8. Shangle presiding was insignificant. tion issue, denouncing all unusual president of the association; Dr. E. quarterly conference will be held Sat attendance, says this was the beat Drag Net Is Doing Business. methods of dealing with the liquor Dr. Shangle will camp meeting ever held in Nee Perce E Ferguson, of The Dalles, is first urday evening. TO STOP RACE GAMBLING. St. Louis, June 30.—Colonel Ed traffic. vice-president, and Dr. William 0 preach Sunday morning and evening county. The attendance throughout Venturing into broader fields, the Hti'ler, the millionaire democratic Spencer, of Huntington. is secretary and the sacrament ot the Ix>rd’s sup ■vas large I.a*t night when the meet- Trying to Make it Unpopular Among platform declares in favor of the im bos« who has furnished the bonds for per wil! be administered after the ng was dismissed there were over $0 and treasurer. Subordinates. partial enforcement of all laws safe the alleged anil convicted boodlers, It is persistenly rumored In railroad i vision of J. p. O'Brien, the O. R. & N. A profitable meeting is anticipated morn lug sermon, at 11 o'clock. camps on the ground Tbe camp meet New York, June 30.—Some of the guarding the people's rights, by a has surrendered since Charles Gutke circles and has not been denied, that system has attained its present pro and many prominent physicians from ing was notable for the perfect or confessed the implication of Butler The Havre Murderer. big life insurance companies and sev rigid application of the principles of ficiency and importance in the rail different parts of the state will be der maintained. In the very near future. Important St. I*aul, June 29.—According to re- eral of the largest stores in the city justice to all combinations of capita! in alleged bood.tng deals. road world, and the promotions will present. Following is the program: Charles Kelly, ex-speaker of the « hang«-« in the official roster of the j all be deserving and profitable to the orts received at Winona. Minn.. 20 have begun a war on racetrack gam and labor and wise adaptation of the Morning Session. Sugar Beet Crop. Wisconsin militiamen and farmers bling among their employes. One principles of the initiative and refer house of delegates, who confessed Harriman lines in Oregon will be I Harriman system. "Chronic Constipation"—Dr. J. A. are searching the territory between A report on the progress of the beet yesterday, will also lie locked up. endum and international arbitration. made. company has issued a circular noti These officials arc all extremely Gelsendorffer, The Dalles. The police say Gut.o- and Kelly Trempleau. Ettrick and Centerville. *ugar industry in 1903. prepared by Reform in divorce laws, extirpation According to the report now widely . IKipular with employes and the public fying the clerks that even their pres "The Importance of Active Princi ence at a racecourse will be counted of polygamy and overthrow of the il have been threatened with assassina circulated among railroad men, J. P. and the rearrangement will be appre- ples in Medical Sch«n«-e"—Dr E. W Wis. for the bandit, John Smith, the he department of agriculture, shows alleged murderer of Sheriff Harries, hat there ha* been an Increase in legal sanction of the social evil are tion . O'Brien, tlie efficient and popular sup ciated by the* patrons of the road as sufficient cause for dismissal. of Eau Claire county. Wis.. and of he number of factories in the United Butler says he will gi t off on bonds erintendent of the O. R A N. system, well as those directly interested in Barnes. North Powder. In a large department store it was demanded. a policeman at Havre, blunt. Tbe lo States from 23 at the close of 1902 to Afternoon Session. all alleged boodlers. will lie made general superintendent the chauge. found to be rife among young clerks BURNED TO DEATH. 'Tiijurles to the Elbow Joint”—Dr. cal police are of the opinion that the 36 at the beginning of 1904. Accord of tbe Harriman lines north of Cali and even cash girls. Their medium Mr. O’Brien began on the O. R. & murderer is hiding in the tamarack ing to the report, tbe sugar beet crop Butler Indicted. fornia and west of Huntington, includ N. many yearB ago. as a telegraph E. B. McDaniel. Baker City. of gambling was learned to be a hand "Etiology and Treatment of «wanips along the Trempleau river, if 1903 amounted to a little more than St. I»uis, June 3o An indictment ing the O. R. & N. system in Oregon operator, and has been promoted bookmaker who visited the store Government Building Destroyed and J.'W.OOO tons, harvested from 243.576 One Life Lost. has been found by the grand jury and Washington anil the Southern through the successive official posi Bright’s Disease"—Dr. J. S. Klocher. near Arcadia daily, taking wagers as low as 10 acres, the average yield being about Carbon, N. M., June 29.—Miss against Colonel Ed. Butler on the Pacific system in Oregon. cents. tions. to that of superintendent. Mr. Green River Hot Springs. Wash. 81« tons to the acre. The price re Weds a Count. Symposium of typhoid fever: The same rumor says that M. J. I Buckley startej as a brakeman 15 Triphena Nicol was burned to death charge of coniixiunding a felony and Paris. June 28.—The wedding ot ceived for beets ranged from $4 50 to (a) —"Ethiologlcal and Pathological Oregon's 1904 Crop. last night during a fire which destroy being accessory after the act of brib Buckley, now assistant superintendent years ago, and has held every import Estimates have been made by those ed the postofflee and customs building ery committed by Charles F. Kelly. of the O. R. & N. at I jl Grande, will ant official position In the train depart Lectures of the Disease''—Dr. Willard Count Biron to Miss I*?Ishmann, $560 per ton. Many farmers have daughter of the American ambassa cleared from $25 to $250 per acre. Butler is also charged with aiding go to Portland as Mr. O’Brien's suc ment up to assistant superintendent, Smith, I jl Grande. in position to . now that Oregon, with a loss of $250,000. (b) —“Clinical Characteristics and dor to Turkey, was solemnized at the Kelly to escape, and with furnishing cessor as superintendent of the O. R. which place be now occupies. Washington anil Idaho will harvest Hard Day for Rowing. him money for travel in Europe to & N. system. Body Recovered. 60,000.000 bushels of wheat this J. I). Matheson is the oldest engi Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever"—Dr. W church a» the St. Pierre Chaillot at noon today. Ambassador Porter was Poughkeepsie. N. Y., Juno 39 — Tbe avoid "turning up" the r en who fur H. Ewin, Union. Following the order of the change* season, as compared with 35,000,000 neer on the Mountain division and re Ixindon, June 28.—A Hamburg cor Secretary Hay cable«! his regatta morning dawned cloudy with (c) —“Prophylaxis and Treatment In present bushels produced in 1903. If the crops respondent to the Central News wires nished the bribe money I. the light on down the line, it ¡ b said that J. D. j signed bis passenger run between enough wind to make rowing difflculL Matheson, now mechanical foreman at Umaillla and lia Grande three years the Management of Typhoid Fever congratulations. of Wasco county are taken as a cri a report that reached there that ing bill steal Record time will probably be impos l.a Grande will be assistant superin ago. to become traveling engineer for Cases'—Dr. C. J Smith. Pendleton terion to go by those who made the Loomis’ body washed ashore near Colfax. Wash . June 29.—Dr. T. D. sible this afternoon There are but (dl—"Surgical Features of Typhoid estimate can not be far off, for the Cherbourg. Edwin F. Knight, correspondent of tendent at I al Grande in Mr. Buckley’s the O. R. Hr N. system, which position Ferguson, alleged slayer of Agnes few strangers tn town and llttl« bet he held until about four montbB ago, Fever"—Dr. R. C. Coffey, Portland crop here will show a marked in the Iiondon Post, with the Japanese place. "Ulceration of the Cornea"—Dr. A. Downs, was acquitted by the jury at ting. Cornell Is the favorite 10 to $ These men are all pioneer railroad when ’ e became foreman of the me crease over that of last year.—Times- Good soap is made from the soap army at Wa Fang Tien, was killed in a late hour tonight. against the field in the varsity. K Higgs, Heppner. men in Oregon, and under the super chanical department at La Grande. Mountaineer. action by Russian bullets, June 19. tree of Florida. AOOPfPLATFORM MASONS WILL GO IN SPECIAL GAR ANO NAME TICKET CONFESSION OF MORE BOODLERS DOCTORS MEET IT HOT LAKE OFFICILI CHANGES ON THE 0. R. A N.