Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1904)
ta* JT.’ ■ 12 J ! - ! WEEKLY EDITION. 1 " ASV Unswayed by tear, uninflu enced by favor, the East Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state aud national affairs, It to is fair, absolutely fair, •aose who differ from Its its well as to views, as friends • • C » < • • •••••• • • n • V SB XmXWAW. A * • \ % • s • » • • • ■ l'b* East Oregonian of Peo- e • ’ 'di’tofi; Oregon, la published In • tbs heart of the wonderful In buyjrtrs You will find that It Is readable reliable and progressive, and will give yew- tie st«* reiiably, ae«.u rately and fully y • < ✓ e ✓ VOL. XXVI11 Their Investment of Country North ot Port Arthur is Now Complete. • « Í-KÎ.Y EÏMTfCîV PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO..OREGON FRIDAY. JUNE 24.1904. PORTLAND MISSING. MINISTER SUSPENDED Overdue Six Days With 200 Passen- gers Aboard. Seattle. June 22.—The Nome liner Oregon, the first vessel out from the northern metropolis this season, re ports the Alaska Commission Com pany Steamship Portland with 200 passengers aboard, is six days over due at Nome. She left San Francisco for Nome May 21, and it is believed she is for the third time in as many years. caught in an ice pack In the endeavor to be the first to roach the northern port. Grave fears for the safety ot the vessel and passengers. She is probably carried into the Artic sea by the lea. With Attempted Outrage Upon Y.ung Giri. Portland. June 22.—Rev A. A En glebard. a pastor in the German Evangelical church, was sus|>ended i from the minister/ at a secret meet ing of the conference May 12 as a re sult of the investlga.ion of charges of an attempted outrage upon 15-year- ol<| Louisa Vorpahl. at Canby, where lie until recently held s pastorate t Charged PLEADED NOT GUILTY. — I — NO. 59 r publican party during the last 10 BLAMES THE LORD. years, hl* name will become 4 tower of strength to our cause, not only in Nove! Testimony-tn • feeettte F«m«ly hts own state, but everywhere Row and Divorce Case. throughout the country. A man of ' Seattle,~Ttu . i TTr- SAIWI. lire affairs, the whole business communt- f preacher who claims The Lord spoke ty shares the confidence which his. to him In a dreatn aad «-omuianled political associates Lave reposed In film to desert hu lawful wife and tic* him from the beginning of his public from the city with the wile of Barney. life Quiet and undemonstrative, pop Smith, is being tried in the superior I alar opinion, Las given the re ' court today on a charge of adultery. t publican party the platform upon Nelson hastened to obey what he ' which all republicans stand, with no I thought tu be a instruction, dissen Ing voice here or anywhere and tberoby cam« into conflict with has long since anticipated the action I a». of this convention in adding to tbei Nelson's arre«t wa* the result Of national republican ticket the name | sensational evllence given again*’ of Senator Fairbanks of Indiana 1, mm in the divorce suit inetl'uted by 'ake pleasure in preset.Ung ’Ll* UL* JuMl-»'lffcru.g aud UldUaU-Ou* shouting for Roosevelt Cannon name, honored everywhere t wife. At that time Nelson had obeyed again appears on the platform with out the United Blates, aa our candi- the orders given him In his dream re a ta.tered flag, which bringi forth (date for vice preildenL" garding the deserting of bls wife and renewed cheer*. Fairbanks by Acclamation. the taking unto hitns«-1f of Jlrs At 11:30 the entire audience la At 2:07 p. m Fairbanks was nom Smith, but Lad neglected to flee, as singing “Star Spangled Banner." No inated by acclamation Depew ask per instructions. signs of order. Delegation* with red, When he heard that a warrant was ed for a suspension of the roll call white ard blue umbrella* are making out for his arrest, however, he and nomination of Fairbank* by ac the circuit of the hall. promptly fled to Tacoms. where he clamation. which was done. At 11:25 the en’huslasm Is on the was arrested by L>e;>uty S&eriff Jack Corttlyou Chairman. increase. Williams. The new republican national com At 11:28 Chairman Cannon is using Nelson's defense is probably the his gavel to bring the convention to mlttee met Immediately alter adjourn nost novel ever advanced in a Kitt order, and the delegates are taking ment and elected Cortelyou chair -ounty court. He doe* not hestta e man their seats. ■a» admit his guilt, but claims be it Seconding Speech. jnly obeying »he Lords will and tk OeorffB A Knight of California, DECLARATION AND PLATFORM. a martyr to his religion seconded Roosevelt's nomination. Nelson has been holding service* His clear voice rang to th* end of Eulogistic Review and ReafLrtnation •n the streets of Seattle for mor* the hall *o unusual that a man way san a year, assisted by Mrs. 8m.: K of the Party's Dogmas. up In the gallery ahou.ed In a sur Fifty years ago the republican par le claims that one reason why tt* prised tone. "Not so loud.” That ty came tn.o existence dedicated, Lord wanted him to leave hi* wife brought down the house. among other purpose*, to the great • a* because she would no* assist h:-fl Kn:gbt's eulogies held the conven .«k of arresting the extension of hu tn his work, and that she u»ed :8 tion spellbound. His declaration that ruae aiavery. in i860 it elected it» »cold him becauwe he said sack knx socialism and anarchy could find no jrai preaidenu During 24 ot the 4>i xrace beture breakfast that the meai home here, was warmly applauded. ?ears which itave elapsed since the would get cold Mrs Paiine Smith Nels- n s alleged At the conclusion of hia speech elec.ion of Llncolt ‘he republican the entire California delegation pro- ;*arty has held complete control o. «t'trf’ual wire, entertain* the same r* I a.» doe* ’he preaehe-. «ceded to the platform and eacorted .ne governmetn The repub.lean par- dgiou* belief Kr. gbt back to bi* seat ty entered upon its present period of she ba* leit barney Saub. who Senator B«ver!dge* seconding utnpiete supremacy in 18*7. and we x devote rd husband, and six a*aO hlldron . ti • link her fortun«- wt:h Nel speech enthused the convection. His nave every right to congratulate oar statement that “No mjatery will ever »elves upon the work since accott. »on's ar nd CMS recently become the < a K-rentb rhfM of wb'.th be elected president." evidently re- .dished We tten found the country nortier or .MX >« tie ffitbar ferrod to Parker, atd caught the ifler four years of democratic rule crowd •n an evil plight, public cr< (lit lower As Beveridge concluded there »as Jebts growing and standard c values another brief demonstration at the threatened Labor was unemployed mention of Roosevelt's name *r.d confidence gon«* We replaced .he democratic law baaed on free Received Entire Vote. The roil call ended with no name rade principles aud garnished wltL menuotied but that ot Roosevelt, who sectional protection by a consistent received a total of 9»4. the entire .■rotective tariff; and Industry, freed GOVERNMENT ENGINEER .rum oppression and stimulated by vote of the convention WRITES OF IRRIGATION «The objection to the nomination he encouragement of wise Laws, has of Roosevelt by acclamation came level« ped to a degree never known Irom New Jersey which demanded nefore. Aarr* States Against Speculation in Established Good Standard. the roll call, with the result given.) Water R ght*—Say* tne Govern We firmly established the gold For Vice-President. went Will Not irrigate J-arge Pn standard, then menaced with de The roll being called on nomination Confidence returned tc vate Hclding* Adjacent to Govern for vice-president, all the state* stroctM. ment Project*—Insists on Car* Be 'raased'' f >r Iowa. when Senator .usinesa. and with ruafideace cam» Dolliver arose to place Fairbanks of -nexampied prosperity • ng Taken to Prevent Fraud anc We reftised to falter longer will Indiana In nomination • Booms ' Under Government Plane. He paid a glowing tribute to the be miseries of Cuba. We fought a ,ulck and victorious war with Spa.t po.kies of the republican par.; and • to the leaders responsible for the ex A’e set Cuba tree, governed the is T A Noble, chief e&gmeer of the md Ur three years. Xhen gave it t, position of these policies Gradually «-»..amation survey In toe state o. he Cuban people with order restored ard adroitly he led up to an eulogy o. .»asuington. Las writ ten the fono* -sth ample revenues, with ed the si.ent ind.anian Dolliver* per ag to toe press o: Washington oration was In the following words: ■cation and public health established u rvgaru to toe otijects at* .meat* o. ree from debt, connected wl.h th« "While he has not sought to cun u« fcu»t-rumeai m jn.eau.uig tn« n ted Slates by wise provisions strain he judgment of the convention • eat .vu* umier m« We have organ lied a gocernmen directly or indirectly, he Las kept a.iuuai irr.gat.un act. a Potto Rico, ard its people now en himself free from all affectatiot Toe biuoc wise Injunction* concern which undervalue* the dlgn.ty of the ay peace, ireedcm, order aud proper jg the specUnaUvU m water rigau y. second office in the gift of the Ameri in th* Phiiippine* we have tup -•>4*7 to toe staie ot Oregon and ttx can people, and I do not doubt tha: -xs; Urv» ia*«.-s pleasure 11 rested ioaurrectlon, established or his hear, baa been touched by the xer. Nutlea le.ter, in Luu. er. given to lite and property a se voluntary expression* of universal The letter aara: urity never known there before B> good ’ will which have already ”1 would request that through your ur possession of the Philippines we chosen him as one of the standard aluable paper you call toe auenuon ■ er* enabled to take prompt and ef bearoni of the republican party, ective action fur the relief of the >1 tiiose wno are cvniempla’ing tix “The office has sought the man atchase o: iaou* in Frat-eiin coun.y •gatlots at Pekin, a decisive part it and he ■ will tring to the office the -4th the ckpectauoB <X U>e*e tends preventing the parti ion and proserv commanding personality of a states -eiug irrigated from a governmen. ng the integrity of Cbina, man equal to any of the great re- Onr possession of a route for ar. Atal "o the fuhuwiug facts: ■ponsiblll les which belong to our First- The work now done is xihmian canal, so long the dream o. public affaire ” American statesmanship, is now an . prei;miuary step toward determin “A leader of the senate and cham iccomp'.fshed fact. ag wtethci i. is leasiMe or advisable pion ot all great policies which con We hare passed laws bringing arid o irrigate any portion of these lands stitute the Invincible record of the re- and* within cultivation, organized •nder the reclamation act. It maj an army, put it into the highest state >r may not be Kind feasible. >f efllciency. passed laws for the Im To Induce Settlement. rovement and support of the militia "Second—The primary object ■nd pushed forward the building oi ought ui Uie pasage 01 the reciama >ur navy. i« n act waa to irrigate the arid pur Our administration tn the great de >c lands for the purpose ol lnduc«ne artmenta ol the government ha; .etliement of lands which, wiiboui œn honest and efficient, and where ae aid of irrigation could not be oe •ver wrongdoing has been discovered upied Yem w .U oo.e that the pn x republican administration did not aary purpose 1* not to trrig*:a pt» iesitate to probe into the evtl anc .ate lands, but to irrigate puhli« □ring the offender* to justice. IN CHARGE AT AGENCY and* Reaffirm Protection. Third—Tter* is sufficient water to FOR PAST SEVEN YEARS. In thia record the achievement of .rugate only a small portion of the he past eight years is a record ol »r;d area in the vouuly 04 Coutw.. uid Paaco. Forced to Retire Because of Poor (Coatinned on pace I.) "Four.h—In view of the evident in Health—Nothing I* Known aa to ent and purpose of the rectemation Hl* Successor—Mr. Wilkins Has act. preference will be given to the Been and Still I*, Very Popular .rrigatioB of those land* which wer. •ubiic laud pt the time of LUe with- With the Indians, and Has Ever Irawa! anA to t\c se privai laud* Been a Capable, Straightforward xhicti ar- nfrdpi ’ by a t.xl bona Representative of Their Interests j«le *et<ier> —In Umat.lla County 20 Years. Rights fer Settler* Only. New Jersey Forced the Roll Call on Roosevelt—Fairbanks Nominated by Acclamation. Trying to Secure an Early Trial for Mrs. Nan Patterson. ¿few York, June 22.— A formal plea ■ f^hcago, June 23— This last and r.irnot guilty waa made by Nan Pat- greatest day of the republican na- KUROPATKIN NOW IN terson today. when she wss arraigned tiotial convention was apotbesl* of SLOCUM DISASTER. PERSONAL COMMAND. charg«»d with the murder of Caesar the big show, the climax to which Young Her counsel asked that the the eveuts of the past two days have Eight Hundred and Fifty Bodies Have trial lie held during July, but the been the introduction. Today Theo- Been Recovered. court suggested that both sides con- core Roosevelt was nominated to Reported That Another Attack on New York, June 22.—At 9 this .’er and choose a date succeed himself and Charles W. i morning 854» bodies have been recov- Port Arthur by Land and Sea la in Fairbanks, senator from Indiaaa, 1 ered. of which 725 have been identi T A WOOD HONORED Progress—Russians Turn Flank of fied. The morgue contains 92 of the was named as vice president. With the candidates of the party the Japanese Advance m Central i 125 unidentified dead. Veterans’ Association Re-elected Him selected the convention adjourned, The recovery of over 100 bodies is Manchuria—Marquis Oyama Ap due to the use of explosives. After President. tb» delegations dispersing to spread Portland, June 22.—Despite the into every remote section of the pointed to Supreme Command of one shot from the field gun used. 16 fact that with his son. Hosea. T. A country a contagion of enthusiastic bodies came up simultaneously. Jap Land Forces—World Corres The relief fund now aggregates Wood was recently tried and con lever which was infused into them $80,000. victed of fraudulently securing Indian at this great ga.henng of leaders of pondent Shot. war pensions, the latter was last the grand old party ot protection aight re-elected president of the Vet- This was a day of oratorical pyro- READY TO SWAP. rar.*’ Association | technics. Some of the finest speak- Tokio, June 23—The advance 1 ers In the ranks of the republican guards of the armies ot Oku Nodsu Money and Prisoner* Will Be Ex Portland Mine Opens. -organization were beard in <x>mmon near have eftected a conjunction changed in Short Time. Victor, Col., June 21.—The Portland 1 < horu* in praise ot the men w ho are Kai Ping Washington. June 23.—A dispatch mine resumed this morning with non to lea«! the hosts to battle. reached the state department this inion men. Tl.e rommlsslon appoint Eiated by the event* and speeches Attack on Port Arthur. morning from Consul General Gum ■d by the military an 1 Mine Owners ¡of the last two day*, and eagerly an Chee Foo. June 23—It is reported merce to the effect that Shiek Zellal Association was at the mine to pass ticipating the intellectual treat in the Japanese made a determined has consented to act as intermedi >n the elegibility. All unionists are store today, the delegate* began to land attack on Port Arthur Wednes ary in the release of Perdicardis and jarred from tbe property. assemble in convention hall early th:* Varley and the transfer of the cash day. morning. ransom A courier has been sent to Culdesac Destroyed. Because of the important work in Raisuli by the government, saying Kuropatkin in Charge. Spokane. Jute 21.—The entire ‘ busi-1 baud the convention waa called to Liao Yang. June 23.—Kuropatkin the money from the government is less section of Culdesac. Idaho, i, was assemble a; 10. Half an hour before today assumed personal charge of the ready and wil be exchanged for the lestroyed by fire yes.e ay evening ■ the floor presented an animated prisoners at Zellal's village Russian army here. Loss. about $30,000. The fire start-. scene. Many de.egates brought flags -d in Zumwalt's store and is the ight with them to assist iu the demon Edward Emerson Shot. o have been of incend.ary origin. stration they were prepared io make New York, June 23.—The World when Roosevelt »as placed in nomi has received a Shan Haikwau cable nation Increased in.erest in the Nome Rates Cut. gram that its Far East corresponden Seattle. June 22—A passenger rate convention was also shown in the Edward Emerson, is reported shot by »ar between the s’eamship compa galleries, which began filling as soon the Russians .¡es iu the Nome trade is threatened as the doors opened at 9 o'clock. HOMESTEADERS IN NE By the time Chairman Cannon call y the action of the Northwestern Japanese Defeat. team*hip Company ;n establishing a ed the assembly to order, nearly BRASKA GET 640 ACRES St. Petersburg. June 23.—Rumor is ’.•■ry seat was occupied, and Shortly 75 routd trip rate, with tickets good current this evening that the advance util September 1. The present _rate liter standing room was at a premi guard of the Russian army under Special Law in Fifth and Sixth Con i $10«). and the cut is made under* the um There was a larger proportion Count Heller deieated the Japanese jf ladies present .ban at either pre- ■ask of an excursion offer. gressional Districts to Enable Set right flank in the direction of Feng t ons session, and their summer co* tiers to Make a Living on Range Huang Cheng. umes lent a touch ot color to the Vermont Democrat*. Land—Cattle Magnates Had Fencec uherwise sombre rows of black coat* Ver Burlington, Vt., June 22 — The Oyama In Command. the Entire County—Over 7.000.00C aont democratic sta c convention .n the galleries. Tokio. June 23.—Marquis Oyama Day's Proceeding*. to Come Under the New Law. .as called to order here shortly after has been appoin.ed to supreme com Ctkago. June 23.—At 10 a m con- 0 o'clock this murnusg. . Tiu oun maud of the armies in the field. ention will select tour delegates at • entiun ball is rapifily flllkg up. with Seven million acres of land in cen ruipecls ot every seat being fi led »rge to the St Louis national con- NATIVE DAUGHTERS DISBAND. entton and also put la nomination a • aen order 1* ca-led rai and western Nebraska are to b< Cun vent, un was railed to order by ..11 state ticket to Le voted fur at the Patriotic Oregon Organization Now ;iven away in homesteads of 64< .:.;• B at I11 20 o'clock. eptember elec..on. The sentiment •cres each on June 28, when the Kin Out of the Ring At 1 .22 Rev. Thadfieua E Snively > the convention appear* to favor Portland, June 23.—Following in .ead law, named after ita author adge Parker for .he presidential »pcne.l the convention with prayer. the wake of the state organization ot _ongre8sman Kinkead, of Nebraska »miuation Roll Call on Nomirat.on*. Native Sons oi Oregon, which dissolv •'ill become effective. At 10.04 a m the roil call for ed alter flourishing tor a time, the New 'Phones in Hospital Bu ldmg. tominatioLS tor president began, Al- Under it the size of a homestead in Native Daughters of Oregon decideu Wal.a Wai a June 22—A new and ibarna reLnquished the honor .0 New -ny county of the Fifth and Sixth to drop their organization. ^dependent system of telephones has ferk, nnd 10 rm er Governor Back The grand cabin of the Native -'ongressiona! districts of Nebraska ust been completed in the hospital rocecded to the platform greeted daugh.ers met m sixth annual ses will be increased from 160 to 64c i this place. Every employe in the • ith w.IJ cheer*. Mr. Black finished sion yesterday, and decided to drop .cres. ■Hiding has a signal, and every room .is speech putting Roosevelt in turn- the present organization and reor Whether the land wiil go to let- 4J hall .s fitted with phones, so nation at 11:87, amid great appiause. gauize next September in a manner lers or will be turned over to the aat 1; does away with the necessity ..e cox vention on its feet and cheer- that will include native sons in iu ,reat cat de raisers who lor man.. Every tg remenduously. « calling a person wanted, membership. ?ears have grazed their herds on it. orson has a signal, which he inime At ll:0j Chairman Cannon appear Mrs. Julia A. Gault, president, rec and even fenced it off. is the interest lately answers on hearing. 'd on the plauorm with a tattered ommended this change in her morn ng question out in Nebraska. flag. Band* are playing and dele- ing address to the delegates, . The Three years ago it was discovered 4ates on their feet. A massive picture Knocked Out in Fourth Round. new organization will include in iu hat the big cattlemen bad fetced in Lafayette. Ird., June 22.—Kid Par- >1 Roo-.evedt is shown which brings membership the husbanas of native ■reas as large as some s.ates in these orth renewed applause. one ot Indianapolis, early this morn- daughters and the wives of native .•articular landB. When the effur Chairman Canton lead* in singing lg knocked out Julius Barr of San Gault; sons. The president, Mrs. I .»■as first made to drive them out they he "Star Spang’ed Banner.” with the rancisco. in the fourth routd. aboard Mrs. Welch, the past president, and .efied all opposition; but in the end and playing "Hot Time in the Old .e steamer Tetumseh down the river, Mrs. Mary Kuykendall were the re -nder stress of Indictments and men Town Tonight.” ifty arrests followed. cipients of appropriate jewel pins, -ce of the federal penitentiary, they At 11:18 the convention is still presented by the members of the urrendered. San Domingan Elections. grand cabin. Federal marshals and deputies tore San Domingo. June 22—Morales Is iown many miles of fences though WARNED OFF ROBBERS. here are still great areas under fence lected president and Caceres vice resident, ard the revolution Is ended, oncerning which legal questions re Waa to Have Been Pulled Off Between ualn unsettled. according to surface indications. Globe and Portland. Following the fencing scandal, ai Hitt Has Heart Trouble. Portland, ’ June 23 —The Northern •gitation started in favor of the 64o Pacific through a source kept secret, acre homestead act. It was urged Washington: June 22.—Congressman received word last night that the -hat 160 acre tracts could be of no litt, of Illinois. Is suffering from a overland express which left here at tse. The land cannot be farmed and evere attack of heart trouble, but 1 this morning, would be held up be rot enough stock can be kept on 160 s reported better today. SAN FRANCISCO TAILOR tween Goble and Portland and quiet acres to pay for the time of a herder. ly filled the car with officers with Congressman Kinkead of O’Neill, REVERSES THE CUSTOM. Squadron to Greece. Winchesters. The failure of any at representing the Sixth district, in- _____ Gibraltar. June 22.—Admiral Rar tempt to materialize leads to the be luding 33 counties and more than a today Ker ’ s battleship squadron left lief that the robbers had confeder hird of the entire a-ea of the state. Tried to Indue* His Inamorata to or Greece. ates in Portland, who, through means took the lead in the passage of a bill Shoot Him, But She Would Not— unknown, issued a warning to provide this. Make* a Run for it. Stand* Off «.»* Under it, for fees of less than $20, Police, and Then Shoot* Hlm*«H New Rate* Change Price*. me who has not previously used his "Because of the much talked of .romestead right, may pre-empt, after Through th* Brain—Moat Sensa changes in the freight rates the Pa June 28, 640 acres of these grazing tional Affa r, and It* Conclusion cific Steel & Wire company will have lands. Was Unusual to th* Last Degree. to quit jobbing from Spokane and go The bill applies only to lands with- to Portland,” said George A. Davis, n two congressional districts, but of the local representative of the com these there are more than 7,000.000 San Francisco, June 21.—James icres still belonging to Uncle Sam. pany yesterday. Black, a taiior, shot himself to death Charles W. Wilkins, who for the “It seems to me that the railroad* »fassachusetts and Rhode Island have hurt Spokane worse than ever would not equal this tract in area. this morning on one of the principal past seven years has been in charge DISCOVERY OF BODIE8 and the merchants were made to be Once taking a square mile of land, business streets, after a sensational of the Indians of the Utaatllla reser- GERMAN EMPEROR IS lieve they were getting great con the homesteader, under the law, must PROCEEDS MORE 8L0WLY. ITS CHIEF PROMOTER. pursuit by policemen and pedestrians. vat Ion, has forwarded his resignation cessions. We have shipped barbed live on it for five years. He can not A few minutes before the trageuy to the in erlor department, and on wire, hog fencing and poultry fenc "Oinmute—that is, relinquish his ing to Spokane mixed in carload lots rights to another. If he abandons his Seven Hundred Seventy Have Been Black was talking with Ethel Hunt, July 1 will step out of his present America Is Represented by Four at $1.10 a hundred pounds. Under right the land reverts to the state. Ident.fied — Authorities Have Un who has spurned bis suit. He hand position Into private life, Mr. Wil- Swell Establishments — King Ed the new schedule we are not allow ed her a revolver and asked her to kins is taking this step on account dertaken a Systematic Canvass of ward Will Arrive During the Week ed to mix our cars, but must ship RACE FOR WOMEN. will him. Instead, she threw the of his health, and will engage In the District in Effort to Make Com weapon into the street, Black pick business that will be more suitable straight" cars, which in itself is a —All the Accommodations of Kiel, plete Poll of ^.ives Lost—Twelve ed it up, held the crowd et bay a few ui his condition. difficult matter. The rate on barbed Spokane Fair Offers $500 for Ladies’ on Land and Water, Are Overtax hun- wire remains the same, $1.10 a Relay at Coming Fair. Mr. Wilkins Is one of the old-time Funerals Were Held Today—Not moments and men fled, A shot from ed. and the German Navy Is Turn fired. a policeman’s p.stol brought him to residents of the county, having come Many Bodies Will Be Found. A purse of $500 Is offered this year ed Into a Floating Hostelry. The rate for hog fencing is 11.54 a standstill, but before he could be here aliotit 20 years ago He was con a hundred pounds, and poultry fenc- >y the management of the Spokane taken, he fired a bullet through his nected with the East Oregonian for ing is the same. This means an in nterstate Fair Association for a la- some years, and later edited the Pen New York, June 23.—The great brain. Kiel, June 22.—“Kiel week." the pet crease in the retail price of hog fenc lies’ relay race. Entries to this Inter- bulk of the Slocum dead l^ve been dleton Tribune for awhile. ■stlng event are open to all. It is the ■ffort of the German kaiser to rival ing to me consumers In the Inland In 1897 Mr. Wilkins made an ap- iound, and the discovery of bodies URGING WOOL POOL. Empire of 2*^ cents a rod. We can ntent of the fair management to have proceeds more slowly. Up to 9 this I Ikation for the position of postmas :he famous Cower regatta, began this lifferent portions of the Inland Em- uioruing, attracting here all of Eur- ship the hog and poultry fencing to morning the total wss 883, of which J. H. Gwinn Now In Baker County ter of Pendleton, but failed to get ope's fashion. Portland for about $1 a hundred and lire represented and to this end, en- •'70 have been identified. he appointment, and wax offered the Talking for the Woolgrowers' As- Over 200 racing yachts and up- barbed wire for about 65 cents a hun- ries from many Eastern Washington appointment of Indian agent by Presi ountfes are desire«!. One hundred policemen today be . sociation. wards of 500 steam pleasure and sa.l- dred.”—Spokane Press. dent McKinley. He accepted the po The Ladies’ relay race will be one gan to canvass the stricken district Miles Lee, one of the prominent sition, and about 2H years ago the ing yachts have arrived. if the novel features on the program .n an endeavor to compile a more ac- America is represented by Commo Killed by Lightring. sheepmen of Baker county, who was office ____ of ____ ___________ __ of ____ superintendent the _____ reser- 'or the Interstate fair ibis fall, Octo < urate list of the -missing. - As the White Bird stage of last in the city today en route to Walla vatlon and agency was created, and dore Plant’s racing schooner. Ingo ber 3d to 9th. Twelve funerals are arranged for Walla, says the wool crop of his pm under civil service. Mr. Wilkins mad; Cornelius Vauderbllt'a steamer. Thursday was driving down the Sal- The relay race may he a new Idea today. mon river grade, lightning struck and county Is better this year than for went to Washington and satisfied North Star; Armour's Uiakarna. W. to some and not familiar to the gen killed the team of horses, one of many years before, and the prices re the authorities of his fitnisis for the K. Vanderbilt's Warrior. Mr*. Oeo- •rai public. The plan is to have this them Instantly. The stage contain WILL alized were also beyond the expecta- place under civil s«irvlce regulations, let's Nahme. CONTINUE STRIKE. -ace last over a period of five days, Prominent among the English ed, besides the driver, Dan Bell, Mrs i lors of the growers. sud has since that time held the po four miles being covere«! each day by Leo Freldenrich and child, who were When Mr. Lee left hom?, J. H. sition He was recommended for ap- yachts Is l ipton’s Golden Eagle. the contestants, who change horses United Mineworkers Refuse to Give The kaiser has mobilized the great not hurt lif the least, although Mr. Gwinn, of this city, secretary of th«1 pointment in 1897 by Congressman Up the Fight. at the end of each mile, th«1 winner Bell says he was slightly stunned, being the rider making the best time Oregon Woolgrowers’ Association, w R. Ellis and Thomas Tongue, and er part of the German navy in honor Pueblo, Col., June 23.—District No. was in Baker county talking for the Senator McBride. I of his guest. King Edward, who will Another team was i secured from a for the 20 miles. Each contestant is ,he ‘,1nd of ,h« WM>k’ freighter and the journey was re- »xpected to furnish her own horses. 15. of the United Mln«1 Workers of w«io) pool and sales days. In Baker j Mr. Wilkins has the happy faculty o accommodate tnc sumed. The team was an especially Full particulars governing entries America, embracing Colorado, Wyom county the sales days have not been of getting along with hla charge« that. bP,nK nna^I*' * ,o ing, Utah and New Mexico, voted this made binding, and many growers sell la possessed by few men, and la very ';row<’’- » Hamburg-American horses being Three fine one, one of the I • «> j «wuu\ oV«4 SZT I x~ vre 1X4X7 is | QIIVI IO V *7C Y may be had from Manager Cosgrove.. afternoon to continue the strike be worth at least $150. outside of the sales. In this way de popular with all of the Indians on the lln«rB are beln« UBed for gun last October. Fred Karsten’s mining camp near moralizing the market and losing reservation, luuuii, men, ~ , men, women women ana and cuna- child- , Washington Pioneers in Session. Al! miners to whom concessions money for themselves. service and close stndy Raying today is confined I to the the Salmon river, west of Grangeville ren. 1 His long .. . 'amallor vnchta Th« i’.nrni have been granted in Northern Col Seattle, June 23.—The Washington was destroyed by the cloudburst that Mr. Gwinn hopes to Induce all the of the conditions surrounding Indian smaller yachts. The German crown visited that section of the country Pioneers’ Association began its annu orado and other sections may be call wool producers of that county to ob life made him a valuable man at the prince is among the competitors last Thursday. He says that the wa al reunion this morning at Pioneer ed out. A continuance of the Btrike serve the sales days, and hold their head of the reservation, and his de- Earl of Cork Dead. ter was 60 feet deep in the little can hall, near the Madison park pavilion, is a prophecy of a coal famine wool In the pools, thus bringing more parture will be a loss. London. June 22.—The Earl of yon below him, and that it carried with about 500 members present. wool Into the organized pool and ___ _________ ______ __ or ________ It Is _ not known _ whether not Mr rocks that 20 horses could not budge. There are »00 members of the asso- The Oregon hop crop will amount making profits for the growers by as- Wilkins’ successor has been selected Cork, deputy speaker of the house of clatloB to over 100,000 balas —Grangeville Standard lord«, la d*ad. sociation of Interests j by the departmenL ! FBH SEHLERS ONU "Filth - *t<K«wkl the ftTiffatteu plant 4c put in iuj water rights cottM t>e *c luired y otiu-r ¿ha», anual bona fid esid« 1 is ot the land and to reSifl'Tit in the amount suffi« lent to :r- rtgat< n<” more than acro* prob- aid.» Ii1*». "iixth Five year* at tuai residence xl’l be required to acquire title to ml'IL’’ lhn>r <i'r waler rights _ lnspec- ten wilt niMle by the engineer in ■h i c«' as t«> the natttrv acd extent o. ui, : « eno s of dewert laud claims mu I ■ mestead claims. Pr vate Land* Excepted "It is erlrten' from ’he above that ill of the hinds in private ownershlj ■ ill not be irriga.qd froui the system •intcniplated aud tlutet1 wlu» eon tern plate buying lauds in private owuer «hip at high prices are running a .«■nous risk. “Every legitimate tneans will, be used to prevent speculatiun In these ■ands and protect the inuocent pur baser from the inevitable loss tha will result from excessive speculatlou "It Is believed that this speculation will result only from taiae represen ations by unscrupulous dealers or hose more sanguine than wise. "Every practicable encouragement wlU be given to the settler who aer. uusly euuleiuplate* occupying thro« land* an«l making a home tor hiuiseli md his family." Anti-gambling Ticket at The Dalles. The Dalles, June 22.—A. F. Seufert a prominent fish cauuery man. aud one- of the owners of the land need ed by the state for a portage right of way. was elected mayor of The Dalles by a majority of 178. on an an ti-gatu bling ticket, yesterday. While Seufert is ch airmail of the democratic county central commit tee. he ■was given a handsome vote tn a strong republican lowt, because of the principles he advocMnd. mH RETO Misfortune Attends Her Arms, Both on the Sea and in Manchuria. PORT ARTHUR HOODOO 18 DOING BUSINESS AGAIN. Loses Two Destroyer* and On* Steamer Off Entrance to Port thur and Meets With Ar Disastrous Defeat in the Interior of Manchuria —Both Sides Are Concentrating Their Troops and Efforts in Land Movements in Cesperate Precaution Against Each Other. Tokio June 22—The crew of a . mx »n th Jef: Pon Arthur a lew *«- , and which was captured by Japanese report that two Kxaaian toií-rg tfte Russian steamer fihii s.^.-g s-TuLk E.iaes at tne en .ran« e of Pon Arthur haroor and •ere de roved One hundred and Russisu* were killed Russian Concentration. Tokio Jtme 22—Until the arrival ot M arenai Oyataa at Taku ¿han. no --.riuus ad.aAtK adii btr axade by the .. ate*, tot: ., in Maachuria. Thia ne essary because of Kuropatkin's ■'r*’:on at L:*O Yang Ku.- *: aaa -wen ordered to mo: fy ... plans, ano larteaq of marctung - ; -•srd he wti) reinforce Nodaeu mi Oku Russane Lose a Battle. St P«<-r»burg. June 22.—A sever*1 jan.- lamad »« lays near Hwichecg iae Russian casualties were 168 öf trer# and 5*.*00 met B wop Scott Academy Closed. Portlani June 22—At a meeting -f the t-terd of trustees of Bishop - ot’ A aoemy. last night, it was de- •ded to cloee the insulation for the . resent, sell the property and build- -- az : : xy a lees expensive location ■»«whet* .a the city and reopen .he tioo. later on a .ess extensive scale NEW IRRIGATION WHEEL. •Valla Walla Man Invents a Riv*r Scow Tn at Were» Welt. If the rta'"i;.ne now being construct- j by '* J Uiangat at the Gubert »-a; ci zjm xaoec, comes up to at is expected ol it tae proa Jem . rriga:..z cn the banks of a swift xtrnlrg ■■•.ream will be solved, says je Walia Wada Statesman. Toe irucict s.u .n a scow . JOUt 3u lee. tone. Which IS anchor, j in the midd.e of the stream where be current is swifted. The intake s a well in the center of the scow, rum which the water ia raised by -rve pumps with 8x24 .nch cyaoder*. . fie combined Cow from the three la x stream about four inches through, »■fitch car be raised anywhere from wo to 4v feet high. The feature of the pump, however, s the motive power. This contnv- kcce was the idea of a Mr. Livesley xdapted by Mr Oldrigbt to this use .n pncsipie it is a reversal of the ,-ropeUer used to drive a boat. There *i.i be two of them aud when the urrent strikes the tans of the pro- elier it will cause it to revolve in the ppoeite direction from the propeller a boat. Another ingenious feature is Utile addle wheels at each side, which by cans of a sprocket chain operate a ontrivaace whten keeps the scow alied so that it can be left for an a definite period. A i urrent ot two and one-half mules •n hour is sufficient to run thia ■Utn;’ but tt win be set up at B. F Simmons' on Snake river, where the urren: is seven miles an hour. SALEM S CANNING INDUSTRY. strawberry Crop is Now Being Cared ♦or by 475 People. The Sa.« :n Casuicg ftimpuny » .jaus U one. of Ute busiest places in he"city *• the present time and from »rly morning until late at night the •t*cloirs strawberries and toothsome •harries are being transformed Into s »« where they will withstand h« ravage* of lime, and appeal to the ippetUe of many people hundreds of nttes away In countries less fortunate u produciivenriw* says the Faletn Journal - . About 175 iwTsons are employed in be cannery, and the entire time has '•»«e’t neenpied with strawberries until his week wbeu a portion of the crew asm transferred to the cherry crop. The Eitan cherry is about the only <ne that is in the market at the pre* nt time that Is suitable for canning urposes. but t. few days later the Xoyal Ann will ora men ee to get ripe nouga, and work on that crop will tart in earnest. RANGE WAR CONTINUES. iiieephrrder Shot at While on Duty in Wheeler County. The scene of the range war be- wcen cattle men and sheepmen has transferred to Wheeler county, aat Sunday a band of sheep were at- acke.l by three masked men on the umnilt between Spray and Lone lock. about three miles west of the ieorge Robtnson place. The sheep, however, were not In- ured, as the herder was the target >f the outlaws who emerged from the voods heavily masked and when ■vtwnit 60 yards distant opened fire on he herder, who escaped without awri- >us injury, although hia clothing waa •Merced in two places by the leaden messengers The outlaws then re- reatod to the woods where they had ’eft their horses and made their es cape. The sheep belonged to Nat Wallace >f Arllugton, who was on his way to the Greeuhorn mountains for sum mer range—Spray Courier.