Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1904)
’V1 EKI,V EDITH’’' • • Unswayed by fear, unInflu- • er.« ed by favor, the East Ore- • gon Ian will tell the truth, the • whole truth, about county. • state and national affairs It is fair. absolutely fair. to ».lose who differ from its views. as well as to its friends • • • • • • • • o a »•»see • o • • • WEEKLY EDITION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Th* East Orogenlan of Pan • filetea, Oregon, la published In th« heart of the wonderfai In • land Empire You will find • that It la readable, reliable e and progressive. and will git« • you the news reliably, accu- a rately and fully . a eeeeoeeeeeeeeeeee I peachtnciit of Roosevelt on the alleg ed ground that the president con dunes th«* unlawful sale of liquor In Yellowstone 1‘ark and refuses to re move Superintendent Pilcher, who 1. held responsible tor the alleged lation of the law : ' . surely have gone to pl«c«a. It is in imminent danger of going into tbe gulch now. and a »tiff wind up or down the canyon is liable at any hour I to precipitate that catastrophe Storm on Upper McKay. Hev Robert Liven failed to meet Majority Credentials Report. hi* Upper M< Kay creep appointment It in brief supports th«* act of the , at 3 p m Sunday, being caught out national committee in every respect in the violent rain, which made roads and announces respective cases could . ••ntlrely impassable and traveling dan be «-onsidered in a general way gerous He preached at Pilot Ro< k at State Senator Grady, of New York I Carnival Committee of the Damage by the Shower of 11 a tn. and was on his way to Upper Platform Will Deal With Irrigation, Statehood for Territories move«] a separate vote on the prop j McKay when overtaken by the e orm. Sunday Not So Great as He aver* that tor a time th* rainfall Less Than 100 Survivors of the Scandinavian Steamer Are Metropolis Now Objects to osition to give the Philippines si* , votes, he declaring against such rec : was heavier than he ever b«-for«- »aw and Election of Senators by Direct Vote. Rescued After Terrible Suffering. «ignition on the grounds that the Phil , Reported. it lu any place or climate. Hood Relief. ippines are not a part of the Unite.) ' I lie had just «rosac-d McKay and it* _____ i Slates The Philipplm* delegates wilt J . waters were never more quiet or < ¡ear - ie allowed to keep their seats, bu . when the storm broke, and the boul PORTLAND MERCHANTS DIS ETREETS ON HILL ARE given no voles. Indications of Abandonment of the Monetary Planks of 1896 and 1900— ■iers I m gan rolling and « rashing He Vessel Struck Lonely Reef of Roteali island. 300 Miles West of Scotland. In view of the largo Increase of! took to a safe ledge at one side of'the I SATISFIED WITH DONATION. SADLY WASHED OUT Will Denounce Imperialism and the Trust Fostering Tariff System of isipiilatibn of the Indisn Territory and ' While Going Ahead at Full fipaed—Sewn«* on Board Beggar Dsscnp- road, and bung onto the ltn«w and ■ Oklahoma, the report recommended bl* <-ourage as best be could Within the Republican Party—Tremendous Enthusiasm at the Sight of Bryan t»on —Frantic Passengers Leap Into Boata Cagaxing Thm Ower 2M that each territory bo given six vote i half an hour the water was up to the each in the next national convention ! Carntval Committee May Try to Re Jos Lmdsay Loses >100 Worth of i high water mark and carrying every —The Parker Hurrah Is Machine-Made and Comes Slow and Hard. Children Among the Passengers—Captain Goss Down With Hl* Vaaacl The majority j«art of th«* report wad cover From the 1903 Fourth of July Property by a Flood That Came j imaginable kind of debris. whi« h in then adopted except that relating to (eluded boulder» a foot in diam««ter —Boat* Bearing Survivors Picked Up Two Daye After Wrack by Finn Comm.ttee the Amount of Celebra Down College Street—Todd House Illinois and the District of Columbia which came rushing down out of side St. Louis. July- 7.—Under a great sees an opportunity so to do. There ing Trawler—Anniversary of La Bturgoyne Disaster Four Years Ago. tion Funds Donated tc Heppner Re is Undermined by Water—Cellars canyon» from every direction. arched canopy of yellow cloth, ribbed tore, in all human probability. Parker DESPERATE FIGHT IN Knowing that tbe roads to bls des will be the presidential nominee of lief— Merchants Claim They Re Are Filled on North Side—Silt is ar. 1 fringed in white, the democratic the convention tins'ion would all be equally impass MANCHURIA INTERIOR ceived No Benefit From Last Year's Spread Over Lawns and Many Minor able. Mr DI ven took across the res hosts assembled in national conven Many Petitioners. »•rvatlon for home The water had Russians Assail and Win First Round tion today The big Coliseum hall Contribution and it Should Be Ap Freaks Performs«»—Country Roads Ixiudon. July 5. -Last Tuesday were rompoaed of 71 Dane* 6« The committee is impatient because done queer things tn places with the But Are Driven Off and Badly never held so large a crowd animated of the demands made on their time plied to This Year's Celebration. Are Badly Damaged in Places. soil «if uneven density and friability. morning the Danish steamer Norge Bwedea, 'M Norwegians 15 Finn» Flanked—Japanese Losses Appar by a single purpose. The weather by petitioners of all sorts this morn While driving along in a perfectly which left Copenhagen June 22 for and »4 rtuxtia&t One ol the sorriTorii from the life ently the Heawer—Battle Was level place one of his hor*«-s stepp»-d New York, with nearly 8uv «-migrants outside was sultry and goomy and ing. . aboard, »truck on the Isle of Rockall. U>at that was picked up by the trawl A cattle raisers' association sub Largely Fought by Riflemen at In.o a crevice four or live inches wide the light which penetrated the hall Portland. July 6.—lx*gal action may Proportion«-d to the amount of rain about 2>i mile* <.ff the w«-»t coast of er in giving his version of the scene mitted a plank requesting protection Close Range—General Result Ad be reeoneti to to recover from the sbich fell, the force of the unexpected and dropped abruptly about four feet. S«x>tland. and all on board except 27 »ays that when he reached the deck from the windows was insufficient to by interstate commerce and preven It was imi«os»ible to get tbe animal vantageous to the Japanese. Who Heppner reli«»f commitlee appointed wind and the general »«are so little after the shock, that the venae! was dispel the darkness. % I tion of differential freight rates. out sideways, and it flc»und«-red along are th«Aigbt to bare drowned. Defeat the Russians' Purposes and by the citizens last year, the amoust real damage was done by the storm of for about a rod when the limit of the Ex Senator Towne offere«l a peti Heavy weather «auaed the Norge half tinier water and rapidly sinking A few brilliant electric globes, how of th«- 19«'3 Fourth of July fund ap- Sunday that the contrast with the re Fight Them to a Standstill. scour«*d out place Was reached and to run off her course. When tbe ves- The boats that had been launched ever. helped the struggling daylight tion with signatures demand pli«-d to the Heppner relief fund. ports sent out Is almost ludlcruua. ing the independence of the Philip the horse clinri»ed to the surface £t m -1 struck tbe reef tbe emigrants were rapidly filling with the frighten Tokio. July 7.—The Japanese cruis Portland last year raised a large and illuminate«! the gay colors of the pines. The principal damage done to the had fallen into a p«x-ket made by tbe were below waiting breakfast. Tbe ed em.grants, who were fighting for Fourth ot July celebration fund which decorations, which, though simple, • sew«*r system is in washing out the The committee approved the planks er Kai mon was sunk by a mine ia vessel was quickly barked off the a place n one ot the email craft. was turn«-»! over to the Heppner re expos«*d places, especially fills which washing out ot a mass of loo»«- soil rock but the heavy seas ruxhed in An ofllivr succeeded In getting the were effective. There was no at dealing with irrigation, separate state Talien Wan bay Tuesday last. surrounded by heavier dirt, leaving lief fund, after the horrible disaster, were made to recently that the soil through a big vent in her bows, caus *:x wom-n and ore girl into the big tempt to mass them in any one cen hood for territories, and election of an almost complete arch over a bole and the celebration was called off had not time to become packed and ing tbe ¡»assengers to make a rush lifeboat and then told the men to get tra! point and no pictures were dis- senators by direct vote. Japanese Repel an Assault This week when the carnival > oa>- firm The system bad no trouble tn several fret wide for the deck above Tbe hatchways . m This officer then took charge ot pl» rad. Mr Dtv-n saw many evidences of Chairman Champ Clark's Speech. Lamdon. July 7.—The Central News mittee called upofi the merchants for arrying off the extraordinary volume the d«-su »ctiveness ot the rain In the lottery by which the seating It sere small aLd win te-came «logged -he boat, but after safely getting away Mr. Clark, upon taking the stand, contribution* for the celebration, the from the »inking ship, and it tiding rt state delegations was determined, said: "Had King David- been in reports a fight between the Russians , merchants claim«*»! that the amount of water—said by Observer Johnson was almost impossible to follow the with human beings that the boat was overloaded, he it happened that some of the largest Chicago while Lodge was reading th«* under Kashtalisky and a force of subscribed last year, should be ap ' to be two full inches, which tell with roads at all. and frequently could be Beats Are Capsized. j.raped into tbe *ea and attempted ' «re most fortunately placed. New republican platform, he would no Japanese near l_antyasan Th« Rus- < plied to the fund for this year’s cele in 4«> minute« The sewers vertalnly seen maibiuery an<i the depri» of The vessel began to go down al ■ to reach another boat, but was drown In 4o minutes The sewers certainly cropa piled and strewn and debtro»»-d. York. Indiana. Pennsylvania. Michi doubt have reiterated the opinion that sians made a sudden attack in the most immediately and . eight boats bration. and refuse»! to contribute flushing though It was scarcely need : *d In tbe swirling waters gan are immediately in front of the all men are liars.' for surely there darkness, during a heavy rain, on the ' further. Damage on North Side. were quickly lowered, into which The Japanese I >*d Separated by the Tide. speakers' stand, Alabama. New Jer- never was more mendacity packed in Japanese outposts The damage to private property on women and children were put. Out The carnival committee now threat Aside from the washes spoken of. sey. Illinois and Indiana are to the to the same space in any document casualties are report«-»! to be 1< hh ». The e«caping boats rowed together the north side of tbe river did not of these eight boats six were caught Strong Japanese reinfonements a:>- ens to bring suit to recover the and which nax-essitates several days' Ohio. Kentucky, 1-urporting to be a grave state paper. right and back. tor some time, but finally became sep hear reach the proportion» accredited by tbe heavy seas dashed against amount taken from the celebration lieared. but were twice repulsed, i work by men and teams to properly Maryland. Texas and Minnesota or- The cash the side of the sicking vessel and arated owing to the strong tide drift "Our contention is that government Finally the Japanese made a flanking fund last year, and applied to the refill them there were a dozen or d»nng the excitement cupy the center of the hall. Virginia, shall outlay io effeet repairs wtl be slight, their it mates caught up and swept ng them away from each other The Hepfmer relief, inasmuch as the cele be restored to the democratic- movement and the Russian« narrowly more places in different parts of town Louisiana. Massachusetts, the Dis rawier Silvia bad been on a fiahlnt but considerable work in the shape ot away bration was «-ailed off last y«*ar and »-scaped being surround«*«! republican basis on which the fathers where the trench«*» over the sewerage trict of Columbia. Carolina ami the muse around the Hebrides and on o«!d jobs of cleaning streets and Many «-migrants on board the sink no bebelit was receives! by the mer ■ of the republic intended it to rest, in Husaian relnf»»rcem«-nts then came 1 which was mad«- last year caved in territories bringing up the rear. Vir -bis trip she st earned farther west stead of a government of classes, by up and the czar’s forces were enabled j chants from the contribution badly. In moat places thia was due yards and removing debn» must be ing ship grabbed life belts and . lean usual, and thus fell in with tbe ginia. Colorado, Idaho and Tennessee and done to pat several propenies on the threw themselves overboard and were for classes. to retire' The Russian casualties i to not digging down from the surface delegates were among the first to ai«- same foiling that :bey were before drowned Oniy three boats got safely firs; boat. POSTMASTER INSANE "We insist that exorbitant taxation were 3«"* in the places where the cave took Sunday. pear. Chairman Jones arrived at Ro kail, where the Norge struck, is away from the Norge The survivors shall be reduced to just and reasona Another report is received of a ba'.- ' pla«-e. but in digging under to save 11:40. simultaneously with the turn ble rates; just extravagance in appro Nearly all the damage was to prop *sy that Captain Gundel stood until ■ cutuidered a very dangerous reef, tbe Pasco Pioneer Suffers Strange Afflic labor, leaving arched place« which tie of Russians tinder Keller, but it is 1 ing on of all the electric lights in the priations shall cease; that all depart apparently the same tight. It gives : rock* rising about 75 feet out of the tion as Result of Illness. were filled in a» sum as the sewer erty which lay In the track ot the 'he last on the bridge of tbe sinking water. hall. waier which rushed down the can v «a»«-; and went down with the ship ments shall be thoroughly Invesiigat- th» Russian casualties at 13 officers . Wallula. July 6 —William Gray, piping was laid It was impossible to Jones' presence was not noticed The Norge baa been la the service Seccnd Bcxt Heard From postmaster at Pasco, and well known properly fill these arcbed placed— yon which originally crossed Jackson Even the arrival of Senator Dubois of I ed from top to bottom by congression and 3> hi men killed and wounded of the Scaniiinaviaa-Amer.can line street about where it is now cro«»«-d al committees, that evil-doers be throughout Eastern Washington, has that is. to tn any degree pack down Owing to tbe Norge sinking so sud , piyrag between New York and Copen Idaho, and ex-Senator Pettigrew of driven from public service and prop been adjudged insane and taken to •be dirt, which in the course of time by Bush street. The «anyon north of denly more than B.«0 emigrants were nagen for several years. She was an Report of Fight Confirmed. South Dakota, who walked down the erly Jackson street had been gradually punished: that trusts shall be , settled, leaving spaceq between the Juuwn into Use waler. Su«J> ot these * iron vessel ot 3338 tons groas and center of the hall together, failed to St. Petersburg. July 7—A dispatch i th« h..s-.ita! at Medical lake Vr Gray has been failing in health fill and the surface of the street above filled In end made into pleasant and as could swim tried to reach the 2121 totu Det attract any at tendon, but when the pro.-ceded against by indictment, as this ev»-ning «infirm» the report of a fertile ga.detu and yard» Texas delegates marched double file i are common and smaller criminals . fight between Russians under Kell«*r for some time and during the past The violent rainfall afforded the oc Th.- first property to b«- affected boats, but these were dreadfully "The doctrine that wherever the down bearing the lone star flag, the American flag floats it should con and a force of Japan«-»«- The Russian i three weeks his friends have been «aslon for the surface giving way and was James Brink's Iota His fencing crowd.-d to tbe point of danger, their RESIDENTS OF OREGON. noticing signs of Insanity 11« was in leaving numerous boles from one to pushing tbe struggling crowd howled delightedly, which was torn down and »wept away and a nmares tinue to float, right or wrong; and losses were 100 Idled and 17 officer*. | wretches back into the sea. Practi broke the ice and from then on there that the only patriotism is to support and 273 men wounded. The Japs lost Walla Walla Monday transacting bu»- four feet d«*ep Th«- most conspicuous of these mass of silt, gravel and boulder*, cally all of the oecupanis of tbe three Anna and Elizabeth Bucaiey Were Th«- battle was fiercely | in«-ss and returned home that eve were sporadic bursts of applause as Roosevelt's Philippine policy, if be heavily. From Moater. caved in places, and also the moat some of the latter weighing 300 boats that got safely away from the distinguished men or delegations ar has any. right or wrong, is the veriest fought betwen rifi«-m«-n who were at i ning His acquaintances here noticed at dangerous, is on South Main street, pounds or more, now «overs nearly sinking ship were ¡assengers and un- Sp..kane Wash., July 5— Anna and rived. close range rot. as silly as a tale told by an idiot. the tim<- that his actions were pecu on the billside, where a dozen long all the space not occupied by the a«cu»tonv«d to handling a boat One E..zabeth Buckley, passengers on tbe bouse, which stood on higher ground. President Roosevelt is not the coun j ill fated «'.eainsbip Norge, formerly liar, but It was supposed they were irregular crevices menace passers-by. Convention Called to Order. Next came the Jackson property, of th«**e three beats landed ONE DEAD; 82 INJURED. try. The time has not arrived when canned from I is steknes» * and almost render the street Impass : lived in Oregon They were residents More Rescued. St. Louis. July 7.—The convention the people will accept the arrogant now owned by F W Schmidt Tbe When he reached Pasco Monday able After night it is entirely lm was called to order at 10:12. Arch dictum of Louis XIV, repeated by an Celebration at Chicago Keeps Police A dispatch from Uoyd’s signal sta tof Moeier, Or. near Tbe Dalle* onrush of boulder* and trash did not night be developed strong signs of in past-able, in the daytime a t«-am can About a year ago they left Moater and bishop John J. Glennon of St. Louis, American president, 'I am the state ' ” at Butt ot Lewis. Scotland, this went Busy—100 Arrests. sanity He startled the town by the •<nly ¡-a»» by being driven very «are reach bis lots, but stopped on the tion to Seattle, where they -»rr. opened the convention with prayer. morning »tat«-* that the G-nnan tank Chicago. July 7.—Chicago's fatal!- . anttoun« ement that be had received fully, and along the sides of the Brink property But when tbe storm Democratic Cringere. ' for six months Then they moved to was over th.- west halt of the lot was • t«*amer Emlgl which passed there Rules and Order of Business. Clark denounced the cringing dem ties as a result of the celebration ba> k pension to th«- amount of SO.- street this morning signalled that she had his ciey where -hey lived at 3298* covered with a Led of silt from an Thomas F. Grady, chairman of the ocrats on the other hand who said the numbered on«* dead and 82 injured 000. The most damage to private prop aboard some castaways from the Dan ' Spokane avenue. committee on rules and order of busi president should be supported in his Figures a year ago were 22 dead, and He immediately discharged himself erty was to the dwelling and kits be inch to a foot and a half in depth They went to Europe to viatt reia- ish steamer Norge The survivors Besides tbe necessary destruction to ness read its report. Philippine policy even if it is wrong 117 injured. Throughout the city the as postmaster and swore in J. D. Mc longing to Joe Lindsay, on South the sod shrubbery and grass, there are prolably those who got away in tives whom they had not seen for Delegates From Porto Rico. Has Roosevelt a policy* He denied fire losses were generally smaller Carthy aa bls successor By night be Thompson on the «-ast side of the was no especial damag«- to the prop tbe second Uat that was separated years, and in tbe last letter received The announcement that the com- it, classing him as an opportunist, than in former years The police m was worth I200<HM) and when taken street, at the foot of the bill and di erty except to till tbe cellar with from that picked up by the trawler from them by friends in this city, mittee on credentials had given the waiting for something to turn up In all parts of the city made marly >(>• to the train to be sent to the asylum rectly In the mouth ot the little can- water Silvia. While saving this second boat •hey wrote that they intended to sail his wealth reached into the millions' > yon which forms the south end of delegates from Porto Rico votes in the meantime our soldiers are being arrests during the day. will reduce the list of *oss of life, i by the Norge on thexr return. Adjoining the Schmidt property on Mr Gray was one of the pioneers College street This canyon was a the convention, was received with killed and are dying of disease in there is little doubt but that fully 7««o of Pasco and Ainsworth, and for a raging torrent within 10 minutes after the west u William Moore's residence went down with the Norge There is Survivors Sail for Bestow. shoals A president cannot be better cheers. number of years held the office of the rain began, and several properties Liverpool. July 5—Twenty-aevea Mr. Grady said the courts had de- than his party, and he, Roose'velt, (Continued on page four.) no trace of tfi7 third boat yet. sheriff of Franklin county. along Its edge were damaged consid cided that Porto Rico is a part of the could not find worse political compa i survivors of the Norge disaster sailed Thirty-two More Survivors. t erably. for Boston today on toard tbe Cunard United States. “Once a part of the ny this year. Dispatch«*» to Lloyd's from Storno : steamer. Saxonia. Others will be for BRINGS ALASKAN GOLD. A great mass of water and silt and denied emphatically the Clark United States,” he said, “it will never way says that the steamer Cernova warded a* soon as arrangements can trash rushed down upon Mr Undsay's be a part of any other country.” charge that the democratic party has landed 32 survivors of tbe Norge be made Steamer Roanoke Reaches Seattle house and yards Everything mov (Loud applause). was in favor of free trade. “Individ- near there, while the German steam With >250.000 on Board. able on the premises was carried out. “The supreme court.” he continued. ual demo« rats there are who are free er Emigi is off the harbor with 39 Anniversary of La Bourgcyrve Wreck. Seattle. July 6—The White Star across the street and over onto the "had declared the Philippines not a traders, just as there are individual others The Cernova has returned to Steamship Company’s steamer Roan- stockyards grounds when the fence part of the United States. It is for republicans who are atheists.” New York, July 5—A strange co- the scene of the disaster The survi ok«- arrived tn port from Nome and gave way. which it did Immediately those reasons the committee had ta I incident tn connection with the Norge Tariff Bolster for Trusts. vors at Stornoway state that four St Michael* early this morning, with From six inches to a foot or more of LEADERS URGE DEMO ken the action it did. is found tn the fact that new* Where tariff rates are so high they boats got away from the sinking ship I ' disaster >2SBjM0 in gold dust, consigned by mud covered every room In the house “South of Arkansas, declared that enable American manufacturers to thereof is made public on the anni CRATS TO KEEP STILL. the banks of Nome to the Union Sav and that nearly 200 children were The damag«* to ths- bouse, contents the opinion of the courts had never sell their wares abroad cheaper than versary of the tragvsdy of the French aboard. ing* A Trust Company, the First Na i and fence, and odd pieces of personal GEORGIA EDITOR TO MAKE been approved by the democratic they do to Americans here at home, lane steamship La Bourgvyue, sunk tional bank and the Washington Trust • ffects outside will «-asiiy amount to Worst on Record. country. (Applause). masses of the In collision with the Cromartyshire, they ought to be reduced, "if this be Wires Between Salt Lake and St. Comiutny of this city. RACE FOR PRESIDENT. | South declared Porto Rico, the Phil- anarchy or treason, make the most Shipping circles agree that the south of Sable Island. July 4. 1898 Louis Have Been Kept Hot Today The steamer Garonne, of the North Just above the Lindsay bouse stood ippines and Hawaii are all entitled to of IL” disaster from a point of loss of life Of the 739 persons on board, only to Prevent the Adoption of Duboia* Alaska Steamship Company, also ar a hous«* occupied by George Stewart receive recognition, and proposed an is the worst in the history of trans- 159 were saved. Of all tbe women Will some stand patter explain why amendment giving the same rights to Americans should be made to pay Anti-Mormon Plank — Assurances rived from Nome at about the same and family, colored The house stood Thomas H. T.bble*. of Nebraska. Atlantic travel—89.1 passengers and a [«assengers, only one was saved, and hour She brought no gold. Vic« President on th« Populist crew of 100 being aboard Of these the panic before the ship went down too high to be reached, but they lost the Philippines. His statement that one-third more for American steel Said to Have Been Received of Fa From St. Michael to this port the many chickens and some fencing and the Philippines are as much entitled rails than do the citizens of other na Ticket—Names of Senator Allen less than 100 are known to have been still forms one of the most shocking vorable Action. Roanoke made unusually fast time, chattels lying about the yard. to votes as Porto Rico, was loudly ap tions* and S. W. Williams Were Mention «sv«*d In nationality the passengers tales of the deep. completing the voyage in nine days Still farther up the canyon, the plauded. He claimed that the panic of 1893 ed for Presidential Nomination— and 15 hours. She brought 23 pas ' dwellings all stood, with one excep Objections to Amendment. Salt Lake, July 7.—At least a score sengers. The Roanoke had an un tion. too high to be reached by the was clearly a republican made panic. Wstson Nominated by Acclamation. MORE NORGE SURVIVORS. the death of H. W. Corbett, 1« Congressman Handy of Delaware, Turning to American shipping, he of urgent telegrams have been sent eventful voyage north Little or no water, with the exception of the one months ago objected to the amendment on the said that "When the American goes by democratic city, county and state trouble was experienced with the ice owned by W. L. Todd and occupied Seventeen Ill-Fated People Picked Up Owing to the advanced age ot Mr grounds that the Philippines are not abroad he must sail under a foreign officials of Utah to David B Hill, until within a short distance nt Nome by Mrs. J. H. Franklin and her young Springfield. Ill , July 6.—Thomas K. Scott and the heavy dutiee of tbe at Sea After Terrible Suffering. a part of the United States, and made flag on a foreign ship and under for William J. Bryan and other promi son. Before they realized wbat was Wataon. ot Georgia, for president, Aberdeen. Scotland. July 6.—An position, he has decided that he could a point of order against it. eign officers. Why* Because our nent democratic leaders now at St. Sold Government Plane. going on, almost, the water under- and Thomas H Tibbles, of Nebraska, other boatload of 17 survivors of the not justly carry the enormoue weight Delegate South protested, declaring exorbitant tariff made it impossible Ixuiis. as well as to members of dele Rome, July 6.—Populo Romano re- I mined the bouse, getting a foothold for vice president, were nominated by ill-fated Danish steamer Norge was of responsibilities through the year. the convention could only reject the for Americans to build ships in com gations from other states than Utah, liorts the arrest at Messina of Captain somehow in the loose friable, alkali tbe populist convention today. H. L. Pittock was chosen temporary report of the committee seating the petition with the British. Yet the strongly opposing the insertion of an Eruleno and wife, charged with sell The names of William V. Allen, of landed here last night by the steam president, until the election which oe- Porto Rico members, and declined to republican gang has the infinite gall anti-polygamy plank in the democrat ing the plans ot the Italian fortifica soil surrounding the cellar, and left Nebraska, and Samuel W. Williams, trawler Largo Bay the structure standing precariously on Six hundred and twenty-seven per I curs next Friday, when it is thought withdraw his own amendment. ic national platform ami urging them tions to foreign powers to prate about its patriotism .” A scandal its corner posts with a great jagged, of Indiana, were also placed before sons are missing. It is reported. The t hat I N. Fieiachner will succeed to Grady of New York, chairman of Whacking away at trusts, Clark to turn down the plank on this sub of Dreyfus proportions is threatened. irregular hole 15 feet deep and reach the* convention for president, but be contingent now being cared for at the presidency. the rules committee, denied the com said that under republican misrule ject which it Is understood is being ing clear across the lot. a distance ot fore the states had been completed Aberdeen consists of 12 passengers, mittee had exceeded its authority. trusts have sprung up like mush urged by Senator Dubtiis of Idaho. Socialist Labor Nominees. 50 feet or more, beneath and to the in the roll «-all, their names were the third mate of the Norge, the quar POPE SUFFERS FROM HEAT. Handy took the stand to argue the rooms The telegrams to former Senator A straw that indicated the New York. July 6.—The socialist north and south of the* house Had withdrawn, and Watson was nominal termaster. the steward, a lamp trim- point, when he said the democratic trusts have nothing to fear from re- Hill were especially emphatic. A Rome Much Alarmed Over Condition mer and one of the crew. party hoped the Philippines would in publican trust busters, was the ap- telegram was received from National labor party in convention here today the nish of witter continued even five ed by acclamation. The former senator made good his of His Hclineea. They drift«*d at the mercy of the I time elect their own president. The pointment of Knox to succeed Quay Committeeman Peery today stating nominated Charles H C. Rigan, a moments longer nothing could have printer, of Syracuse, for president, saved the house from being precipi word that be would not enter into Rome. July 5.—The pope suffered convention cheered lustily. Another straw is the recent report that a compromise plank had been and Wl'.am M Cox. a coal miner of tate«! Into the gully ben«-ath it. It is any scramble for the nomination, am! Atlantic for nearly six days When 'heir water and food was gone and from a sudden attack of palpitation The question of adopting the re that Wall street opinion has under- agrei-d upon, which will not be offen Illinois, for vice president. an old structure, frame, and would while the nominations were being when the occupants were almost too of the heart early this morning, duo port of the committee as made was gone a change of opiniou toward sive to Utah Mormons. made, he twice instructed the chair exhausted to hope, a tx*at hove In to the heat and worry over Vatican af put to the convention and carried by Roosevelt. Has the president ehang- man of the Nebraska delegation to sight fairs The attack soon passed, bat a viva voce vote. ATTEMPTED OUTRAGE. ed his views or have the truBt mag say that his name must not go before This was on July 4. when the boat left hi* holiness very weak. His en Arkansas demanded a recall, which nates changed theirs? the convention. was about 30 miles off St Kilda. tourage is much alarmed. was voted down, and the head of the Aged Man Assaults Young Girl at These rescued had ek«*d out their ex delegation from Porto Rico, Senor Walla Walla. Platform Will Be Conservative. GOLD ON THE ROSEBUD. istence on two biscuits per day. Fifteen Years for Ten Cents. Molinad, proceeded to the platform St. Ixiuis, July 7.—The platform Walla Walla, July 7.—Samuel Seattle. July >.—W. H. Martin, re and addressed the convention. Alaskan Miner Seeks a Claim and Mapes, whose partially stoopeil figure makers are proceeding with the ut Last night at some hour that is un few other odds and ends were taken The committee on credentials an cently convicted of highway robbery, KILLS WIFE ON THE STREET. Finds Gold Oust in the Soli. nounced it would not be ready to re most deliberation. At 10 this morn and iron gray hairs betoken an ag<* known, further than it took place be —all from the show cases. No at was sentenced to 15 years in the peni Ing the sub-committee on resolutions of between 50 and 60, is held In the Bonesteel. S. D.. July 6.—Simultan- St. Louis Man. Crazed by Domestic tentiary by Superior Judge Tallman port until 2 o’clock. Sheehan of New tween midnight and daylight, the tempt was made to open the money county jail on a charge of attempting went to work again. It is their ex drawer. In which were a few dollars, i-ouslv with the birth of St Elmo on York, moved a recess until 2 o'clock. this morning The man. who is an Troubles. Cuts His Wife’s Throat. pectation to be able to present the to assault Rosa Vaile, a slightly, del Jones-Walker store at Helix was rob and nothing whatever was taken from the Rosebud reservation, last even ex-<-onvlct. held up Charles Benjamin« St Louis, July 6. — Edgar Lee icate girl of 15, at her home, 506 Al platform to the full committee this bed. The store is the one in which the shelves, or from any other com ing. an Alaskan miner dim-overed gold Parker Has Apparent Lead. on Railroad avenue last February and Evans, aged 23, today cut the throat robbed him of 10 cents, all the money street. County Commissioner Horace Walker partment except the show cases. The In the black loam taken from wells. St. Louis, July 7.—'ine anti Parker aftern<x»n and to procure its speedy der Mapes of his wife, Antoinette, and slashed is said to be.a laborer, whose Is a partner. The store room was value of what was taken will easily it to the «on- Three hundred vehicles left this he had with him. ites seemed quite demoralized early indorsement and give his own throat, and wrists in the residence for the past few years has H Iianhaur. a young scapegrace today, but still made claims. They vention today, even though it be been near Milton. Miss Valle is the lighted and occupied until nearly mid amount to >125, and will perhaps morning with material and p«*ople for street The woman is dead and Evans necessary to have a night session for night, when Mr. Jones retired in the amount to >150. the new town. Th«* first day's regis who was jointly charged with Martin, conceal their fears over the outcome that purpose. daughter of th«* caretaker of the hous«* In which he resides, and which The robber left but very few traces tration for opening found only 4000 is in a hospital, dangerously woundtnl. ha* also been convicted ot the crime of the contemplated meeting of the The platform will be strictly "con- county buildings. immediately adjoins the store. When In the shape of tracks, Indicating the non-residents to register: Nine hund They had just returned from San and sentenced to one year in the New Jersey delegation today, which servative, ’’ without any reaffirmation the store was opened at 7 this morn direction which he took when he left red were in line at 9 o'clock at Yank Francisco. Mrs. Evans wore a gor- penitentiary. state the Parker leaders predicted geous gown and profuse jewelry. Do The Philological Society. of any of its predecessors. ing the robbery was discovered. I the store, by which he might be ton. would declare for their candidate. mestic troubles are said to have Ithaca, N. Y., July 7.—The Ameri Entrance to the store was effected tracked, and there'Is very little upon All Night Session in Sight. Gyangtse, July 6 —An attack on tbe Bryan made no official e’atement can Philological Association Is in an through a window in the rear of the which to base any theory as to the T*enty.five Casualtie« In Portland. caused the d«*ed. Thibetan position is now tn progress. The sub-committee on platform re admitting defeat for the antis, and it nual session here under the auspices building, and not over 20 feet from individuality of the housebreaker and Portland. July 6.—Twenty-five cau- The British hsve captured several vil seems that he had reached the decis cessed from l:30 until 2. It is under of Cornell University. It is [Jie par where Mr. Jones lay asleep. Egress robber. He is supposed to be a H. W. SCOTT TIRES OF DUTIES. lages Tbe Thibetans are making a ion to do his talking on th conven stood it wi) report to the full com ent society of the Modern Language was made through the same opening. stranger who has been about Helix ualties have been so far re|>orted fireworks In this city, one case desperate stand. Lieutenant Oordon. tion floor. He bore no outward sign mittee at 5. This probably means an Association, the Archaelogical Socie A pane of glass 14x20 Inches was re just long enough to be known slightly from Declines to Be Re-elected Member of proving fatal. Ernest Vogt, aged 5 British, is killed. of bitterness in the hour of apparent all night session, and the tip is out ty. the Semitic Society and various moved by cutting it out of the frame to the jwople of th«* burg, but not long the Lewis and Clark Fair Board. years, was killed by a pistol which strong that the Parker people may others. Many Western men are at political destruction. No attempt was made to cut the glass enough to have much known about he loaded with powder, in anticipa Portland. July 5.—H. W. Scott, William Barry and William J. Orr. New Jersey had a protracted meet refuse to permit an adjournment to tending the present meeting from the itself. The job was awkwardly but ef him or l«*ave a definite scent for a tion of the celebration. The other president of the 1-ewls and Clark filr two student priests from St. Bernard s ing this morning, and finally decided night until nominations are made. University of Chicago, University of fectively done, and there was no sign trail. Th«* man under suspicion was casualties are torn and lacerated board, has d«*clined to become a mem College. Rocnester, N. Y.. were Would Impeach Roosevelt. to cast its 24 votes for Parker, but California. University of Tennessee. of skill in any part of the perform missing this morning, but there is lit* hands and faces, lost eyes and scorch her of the board of directors of the drowned while swimming at Red James Fullerton, of Montana, ap- University of Michigan, Vanderbilt ance. the decision had a string to it in a »t tl»* or nothing to incriminate him ed and powder burned faces. The Lewis ami Clark fair and therefore Bluff. Cal.. Monday. 1 hey were spend reservation of the right to vote for peared before the committee and de- University and other well known in Three or four pistols and a large with aside from the one suspicious Vogt boy is the only fatality reported retires as president of the board, ing their summer vacation at Red Cleveland at any time the delegation manded a plank looking to the im- stitutions of learning. number of knives and razors and a circumstances of his disappearance. from the state of Oregon so far. which position he has «xx-upled since Bluff. CONSERVATIVES CONTROL IN ST LOUIS CONVENTION WOULD KM PENDLETON HID HEPPNER FUND HEffl MINS MORMONS FEAR FOR THEIR FAITH TUE NORGE SINKS IN MID THE PDPULISTS NAME WATSON STORE AL HELIX RUBBED LAST NIGHT