Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION. ' EEKLY EDITION aS Unswayed by fear, uninflu enced by favor, the East Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs, is fair, absolutely fair. differ from ■nose views, friends. • • C € • Tbs East Oregonian of Pen dleton, Oregon, is published in the heart of ths wonderful In land Empire. Tou will find that it la readable, reliable and progressive, nM will give you the news reliably, aoeu- rately and fully. • •••••••••••••• • VOL. XXVIII Herbert Roesch Appointed to It is Believed to Be the Finis Annapolis by Congress of the Vladivos jk Squad- ron. man Williamson. REASON FOR REJECTION OF BAKER CITY APPOINTEE. JAPANESE LOSE TWO LARGE transports . Mr. Williamson Explains Hi» Non Russians Also Destroy Landing Fa- Appearance During the Campaign, cilities Near Lung Wang Tung— and Calls Attention to the Irriga- War in the Interior of Manchuria tion Appropiation for Malheur Coun Wages to the Disadvantage of the ty—He Regards an Eastern Oregon Russians, Who Lose Several Towns Judicial District as Certain, and and Important Outposts—Situation the Open River Assured. Is Critical for Both. PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO. OREGON ERI DAY. JUNE 17. 1901 in wait near Linnton, by the side of the only road front Portland. He jumped in trout of Guglielmo as the latter came closely and cornered him with his pistol Guglielmo attempted to draw his own pistol, but stop|>ed when Alcorn told him it meant In statit death. Ah'orn immediately had news of his capture 'phoned in to Portland and in less than two hours after the killing of the Gnarascla girl Gugliel mo was in jail. He is defiant and blatant and glories in the crime. Guglielmo has a bad reputation He has been married belore. his wife se curing a divorce on the grounds tha' her husband committed adultery with his mother-inlaw MOODY TO SUCCEED KNOX. Secretary Navy Will Be Attorney Gen eral Upon Knox's Resignation. Washington. June 15.—Although Attorney ('.«'neral Knox refuses either to deny or affirm the statement. It is learned from a high source that It is his Intention to retire from the cabi net within the next few days or as ¿oon as his appolrtm« nt as United States senator from the state of Pennsylvania shall be received from Governor Pennypacker. He will be sncceede.l by Mr. Moody, the present secretary of the navy. It is said that after a conference with the president Attorney General Knox concluded that his action in ro- tiring at once from the department >f justice w -tiM be in accordance with the spirit of the constitution, which provides that each sta e shall have two senators an«l empowers the gov ernor to appoint in «'ase of vacancy. ' a DESPERATE PLOT IN THE COLUMBUS PENITENTIARY — Ill-Fated Tnree-Decker Had Not Yet Reached the Limits of the City—1600 People on Board. r Steamer Carried Member» of One of the Largest Lutheran New York, and the Merrymaker» Were in Large Part Churches in Women and Children—Boat Was Headed Inshore When the Fire Was Discovered. But it Made Too Great Headway and Swept From Bow to Stern. All the Prisoner» Awaiting Execution of the Death Sentence Try to Carry Out a Scheme for Release—Guard Brutally Beaten and Bound—The Resulting Alarm Led to the Arriv. a! of Help and Complete Frustra tion. Columbus. O., June 14 —Shortly be Afterwards Deported io Gangs fore 1 this morning th«- 10 m«-n awaiting death in the state's prison, and Unloaded Penniless in led by Mosea Johnson, attempted a <l«-»perate e»< a|e the Country. Guard Richards granted an appeal by Johneon to be penatUsd to go to th«- clonet. was knocked down, brutal ly beaten and bound. The other nine AT MANY POINTS THEY murderers were released, but they WERE TREATED KINDLY. fall«-«! to fimi the key to release '¿hem from the ground floor, and help soon arrived The gang was )o«k«d up Several Have Worked Their Wl) again Back to Denver, and All Are De PANAMA MONETARY PLAN termined to Remain in the Moun New Republic Will Imitate the Finan tain Mmmg Region! ■Two Hund- ces of the United States. red Miner» Discnarged in Utah Be- Washington. June 15.—The Pant« cause They Dared Observe Minera’ ma Joint commission met in Secre- Union Day at Holiday—Incident tary Taft's office today and spent two hours In discussing the currency "Is an Initial Step.1 quest ion. It was evident from the views ex- pr«-sse<! by the Panama representa Antonito. Coi Jun* 15—Prodded tive that they were inclined to ad here strictly to the currency system by bayonets, nearly i«Mt deport«^ us«-d in the United State union miner« and sympathizers were The Panama commissioners pre- rush«-«l over the southern boundary sented their views at length, and pro duced a copy ot the bill pending be of Colorado in’o New Mexico at day fore their legislature providing for break this morning. the establishment of a gold standard Little clemency was used by the in Panama on the same basis as in the soldi«-«» and deputies William United States except a provision for K«-t«ham. one unionist, was extreme- subsidiary coin in silver at the ratio of 32 to ! «the same as that obtaining ly ill on the train all night He beg- in the Philippines i. ged to be allowed to remain by the Secretary Taft insisted that ade roadside, but the soldiers jabbed him quate provision be made for a auff. and force«! the man to rontinue with cient reserve fund to maintain the hi« «companions Two Specials with deported union silver on a gold basis if the silver <-oin was to be used in the canal zone. ist« passed here before breakfast, The Panama representatives stated «topper an hour, prorreded half a that their government ha 1 already tr.i.i ov»-r the state line and dumped given study to this question, and had the men, who returned here later to go to Denver - .. ’ I» the tx-neflt of poster.ty, allowing the I< - ’ I Denver June 15—A News special »"•■■ re»-e:r«-d from the Un^ed State« from Granada Col . a town about 20 mile# ««-st of Holly, says to be employed in public work A large portion of the deported They ft pressed th»- bein>t that their government would adopt a plan sa’- miners hare arrived here. They are isfac’ory to the Unite! State«, bi:’ • n their way tack to the mountains. they wanted time to redraft the pend Th«» town tall has been tendered the ing Mil and consult »¡th their prin«i- men at. a numt>er Lave availed them- aeiv«*« of th«- opportunity. As most of th» men w.-re searched by the mili- tla and their money and other be- NEHALEM FOREST FIRES .»»ngings taken away, they are nearly Starts From a Mol and Heads To- all without f'unds New York. June 15—The steam- keep afloat by grabbing the paddle- ' oat General Slocuiu is ashore off box supports and wheel. 1 took a North Brothers Island. opi»oslte 13bth boat alongside the paddle-box and street. Telephone messages say many took off as many as 1 could, when the persons have lost their lives heat berame too intense and 1 was The vessel took fire and the pilot forced away steered for shore, but before the ship Unheeded Cries for Help. Congressman Ex-officio and Elect was beached the flames spread from The Slocum burned practically to whose J. N. Williamson, the man I.on»!on. June 16.— Reuter's Tokio stem io stern. the waters edge. Fire boats flooded home is in the hearts of the people orrespondent sends a report via Co The Slocum carried an excursion her with water, and the hull will be of Eastern Oregon, whose residence tn«» that three Russian warships party of ICOl), half of whom were searched for bodies. is for the most part at Washington, which engage«! Japanese vessels off children. Many jumpe»l overboard The Sound shore from Oak Point to and whose business interests are in .he Island of Tsuhima W«?dnesday and drowned, while oth«-rs were 134th street Is lined with people Morrow. Wasco and several of the and Thursday, were captured by Ad- burned to death The telephone op watching the ••Sorts of the police and other sheep counties of the interior, .uiral Kamimura. erator at Brothers Is.ands s.ales the others at rescuing the bodies. was a Pendleton visitor today for a Another dispatch timed at 9 this water near the island is full ot dead short time. Most of the time he was morning, states that a Japanese It is learned that 900 tickets for the bodies. in the city was spent in shaking scout ship followed the Russian ves excursion were sold to adults, and it MOBBED A NEGRESS. The Slocum is an immense triple- . Is estimated the mothers took from hands with those who had voted for seis, probably merely to keep In touch :• ker plying between New York and 500 to ►‘>0 children along, for whom him and those who said they had with their location, which it sue with friends of all panics and old ac eeded in doing till nightfall. Should She Had Nearly Severed a Man's Rockaway Beach. It is now reported there was no charge There were 500 lives are lost. quaintances who recognized no party the telegrams Head From His Body. very few men aboard with the party. proved authentic, in their greeting. He left on the means the Vladivostok squadron must Lebanon JuacUoh. N Y. J wm 15 morning train for The Dalles, where io longer be considered in the war. Burned to the Water's Edge. —A mob of 30 men this morning bat- Four Hundred Eighty-nme Bedies. he will spend a short time, going tered down the jail doors and took New York, June 15—The Slocum New York, June 16—At S 30 this from there to Prineville and the in Martha Thompson, the negress » left the foot of Eas» Third street for morning 4*9 bodies of victim« of the Japanese Transports Captured, terior to look after business inter killed John Irvin Tu esdav. and start- I-ocust Grove at 9 this morning, en- Slocum disaster had bc<-n recovered Tokio. June 16.—The transport Hi ed to lead her away w. h a rope. Th«‘ gaged by the Sunday school classes ests. Divers a’ dawn resumed work In Mr. Williamson was found on the -o Marti, which today returned from negress weighs 250 pounds and is ot St. Mark's Lutheran church on the sunken hull, adding to the ghastly Moji, reports that at 11:20 Wednes powerful, and broke away, throwing Sixth street between Second and the list The horror grew during th* depot platform this morning with a_ While running. Bowery. little grip in one hand, a badly chew day morning she encountered a Rus her captors aside night The to:al number of dead as 20 miles west of Shim- -n squadron the mob opened fire and kill»»d her. ed up cigar in the o.her. and a body The Kn: xerbocker Steamboat ashima. The Hiño Maru fied. signan- Irvin reproved the woman’s sou. Th»» Company. ow. era of the Slocum have now estimated will reach at least guard consisting of Tom Thompson. S n.» estimate» are 1000. J. A. Fee, Lee Moorhouse. E. P. Mar ing to the other transports the news mother, in revenge, nearly severed r«-- elved a m» s.-age stating the boat G. ief-stricken crowds thronged the it their danger. The three transports the man's head with a razor. shall and various and several others burned to the water's edge and that morgue th, vicinity of St. Mark's the escaped, but the Hino Maru saw of the republican camp surrounding th? hulk is still burning Their mes- bur h. and the shores near the ii.achi Maru and Sado Maru súr him. sage says a num!>er of persons jump wreck al! night, looking for loved OROVILLE FIRE rounded by Russian ships, Their tate ed overboard, at.d that some were n«-s One mother, who Identified the "Now." he said, I do w ish that I is not known, but it is feared the Business Part of the Town Nearly picked up by small boats. had something good to tell you about loss of life was heavy. ’»urned lody of her child this morning No estimate of the loss of life is tried io J mp from the pier on which irrigation, or something of that kind. Wiped Out. ven by the company I am able to tell you that there is the body lay Orovillle. Cal L. June 15 — F Heavy Russian Losses. Th« police have recovered 11 12.000.000 set aside out of the Irri !>*ng Island Sound this morning this destroye»! a I London. June 16. — Reuter's Tokio iKxlies thus tar. all »«lull» aud mostly gation fund for Malheur county, but was covered thick with white mists More a loss of 113". w men Ambulance* and surgeon»« correspondent says that in the tight I do not suppose that appeals to you that settl«d around the wreck of the the Palace re Jre have been sent to the scene so greatly. There are lots of things at Telisha near Fouchow. the Rus by he Si-- um a.« if in an endeavor to cover Twen m of a boiler about to happen and in line, but they sians lost 50" killed. 3w taken pris th« horror spot with a while mantle e « ham firm* ar»» losers. Tt oners and 14 guns The Japanese are not news yet. Scenes Were Heart-rending. All through the nigh' the wrecking ward Lumoermg Region ber <»f commerce quarrors. »ffice of casualties are placed at 1000. Pendleton Boy to Annapolis. Th«- burning preservers w«-re torn tug» hoverod about the wreck, but rhe Mercury, s •vera! saloon« grocer- Forest Grove. Or, June 14—A ter- ies. dry' goods stores anti a n umber from their resting places and thrown is work »»f tal^ng out tx*!!«^s. which I rifle fire threatens the Nehalem for "Oh yes." he broke in as he bright Russian Losses at Wafang Tien. wa- suspended a ’ midnight was not overboard in the •■ndeavor to save the •«f doctors' offii ra are among nut ened up, "I have got some news that ••»is. one of the most heavily wooded St. Petersburg. June 16.—Kuropat ferers lives This add.-d greatly to the loss r»-»um«d till the sun was well up in sections tn 'he state The Cam- * art- will be of interest to Pendleton, and th« heavens of Hie as It was noticed »forwards that is the object of my visit here kin rqiorts that in an engagement now sweeping over many acres be •hat the Ixxlle« r»-ci>v«-r«»d from the Drvera at Wcrw. today. I came to appoint a Pendle June 14, at Wafang Tien, north of Land Office to Be Moved fore a high wind, carrying It into water had no life saving apparatus ton boy to Annapolis. It is Herbert Port Arthur, with a Japanese force of Half a dozen divers were at work splendid lumbering régions. Portland. Jun»» 14.—It is s«-m on two divisions, the Russian losses in Roesch, and he had to be there to this morning led by John Rice, the It originated yesterday from sparks ¡ally announced that the Oregot Van S bale! when th« dreadful cry h«-ro of th« Hoonton ca’astropbe tn from the broken stack of Ramolin a take his examination on the 21st. so killed included Colonel Khoastonow. land office, the oldest lan»l off arose, «■ailed for full speed and head- I came up here to see him in order to First Siberian regiment; Second IJeu- the l state, will I m » removed tf which Diver Olson lost his life As Sons' shingle mills I» destroyed the cd for the rock bound const north of th«- divers brought a body to th«- sur entire plant and adjoining residences get him started East one day earlier, enar.t Nadochinsky. adjutant of the city in order to concentrate g< Brother« !«lan«l In the m-antim«- face with a grappling book, a hook »nd leaped to the surrounding woods He will leave this evening for Ann am«- regiment. I business in the federal the scene» aboard wen frightful The The wounded include General Gern- mvnt apolis. Nothing but a chang«' of wind or ing. and cut down the expense of flames spread with terrible rapidity was plac-d under It. and it was rais ed to the deck Generally th«- bodi.a extra heavy rains, the latter being "The Baker City boy. William zross. Captain Krintsky, of the gener renting s«-para e buildings for each ar.«l no n worn- n and childr» n were al staff, and 20 officers whose names were burred beyond r«-eognltion Gwinne Coe, the son of William improbab)«» ran prevent immense branch of government service in the IVh- n several were recovered the damage Butcher, of Baker City, failed in his are unknown, were also killed or vicinity of Portland. It is barely running about wild with fear, shriek ing and in roars seeking a haven of city tug would »’«am alongside and examination, and I had to appoint wounded, besides 311 soldiers of possible that The Dalles land office safety •he d«ad be transferred The coroner someone else. Now, I want you to be which the First Siberian lost 12 offi< ■ will also be merged in the land office Walla Walla Man a V«ct«m. Mothers gathered their children in would number th«* corp««-«, after sure and get it straight about his ers, 200 men, and the First Brigade in Portland. Walla Wails, June 14.—Daniel to their arms and leap«-d Into the i of artillery six officers and 50 men. which they were placed in plain white Gc-aney. who was injured in the Inde- failure, too, for it is of course a ten water Others seemed too daro-d to wooden boxes der subject with him, and due to Telephone Linemen Strike. p>»nden«'«i dynamite disaster, is re move and the flames licked up about Jap* Capture Telissa. With a load completed the tug ported to be resting as easily as causes that he could not control. Coe Salt lake, June 15.—Linemen in :h«-m an 1 burned them to death Th»- Tokio, June 16. — The capture of brought it to th«- foot of East 26th is a very bright young man. passed could be exp«-cted. Mr. Geacey was the employ of the Rocky Mountain one of the best mental examinations Telissa. between Kaichou and Seoul Bel) Telephone Company went on great bulk sto»nl by the boat until street, where the pier was transferred standing on th.- platform under which sh»» »eared Shores Island, where the is confirmed. The by the Japanese and a good physical examination, but into a temporary morgn« the large amount of dynamite had strike last evening in consequence of Ost in the Sound numerous small been placed, and that anyone should fell down on account of defective Russians lost six guns and many reg- an alleged viola ion of the agreement water was shallower, thinking they might find a chance for life. patrolled constantly, finding boats teeth alone. Out of more than 20 ¡mental colors. have escaped is miraculous. Mr. Eyewitness«^» say that as the boat The sinking of the transports made by the company to pay sub who failed, three failed on account of foremen 29 cents an hour. One hund neared shore she was surrounded on bodies and taking them to North Geney had both of bls legs broken, Hatach and Sado by the Russians is their teeth alone, and Coe was one of the right foot and the ansle being red and fifty men are out and repair all aid«-« by floating bodies of passen Brothers Island them. He is a fine young fellow, also confirmed, Three hundred and work has been suspended. so badly shattered that amputation gers who had jumped overboard. Sado ninety-seven survivors of the however, and I want you to give him At 3 p. m.. 577 Bodies. was necessary. The left leg was On the north side of Brothers all credit for the brilliant mental ex reached Kukura. Further details of New York, June 16. 3 p m — Five broken between the knee and the an First Lewiston Cherries. Island is located a hospital for con amiration he passed. Roesch is at the sinking was not obtained. Lewiston. June 15.—The first rar- tagious diseases, and other city insti hundred and seventy-seven bodies kle. but it can be mended. Law a disadvantage, too, for he goes this hsd reach«*»! the morgue up to tljfs rence Gean«“y. who arrived In Victor load shipment of Vineland cherries tutions. Heavy Japanese Losses. evenirg with no time to prepare him hour. Fourteen launches manned by Thursday, found his brother in the was sent front h«;re direct to Minne Fight for Lives of Victims. Rome. June 16.—A Tokio telegram self: but I trust he will come out all H, will be harbor police and equipped wl»h apolis yesterday. It consisted of reports that a Russian squadron. In Employes and other people on the right. Bings and Royal Anns, two high- island did what they could with small frags and other appliances, are at brought home as quickly as possible. cluding the Novik. has desirov««d all Campaign Did Not Need Him. tookiac f,,r more victims the Japanese preparations for landing grade cherries, grown especially for Montana Building Dedicated. Peter Gilligan and Samuel Col- "Why didn't I c-»me home to help troops and stores near Lung Wang Eastern markets. The shipment will i»oats, grappling hooks and rafts, with the election? Well, you know I Tung for an attack on Port Arthur sell for 15 cents per pound in Min- pulling ashore scores of people, many lock. divers, made a careful examin St. Ixtuls. June 14.—The Montana of them blackened and burned by the ation of the hull of the Slocum dur did not think it was necessary, or from the east. state building was dedicated today neapolis. fire ing the morning and reported that not customary. I do not remember that The city telephoned for aid. but •«•as than U*1 bodies are penn«»d under with appropriate ceremonies. any of the congressmen In the past more than an hour elapsed before it the wreck of the superstructure 20 years have come home from the arrived. org session to help elect themselves. The steamer Massasoit and a few I am sorry that my action has been Recovered 539 Bodies. tugboats in the vicinity, saved a criticized, and I think the less said New York. June 16.—At noon 469 number of lives of those who jumped ( about the matter and the least it is overboard. l>ater the Massasoit was bodies were in the morgue and 70 stirred up the better. From the ma pressed into service by the police more on the wav, making the total jority cast in Eastern Oregon it does and took from the island a number number of dead recovered 539. There not look as though I was missed, any of dead and Injured. Others were had been hut 165 identified at that way. I was in communication with saved and hurried to the New York time. the leading men from all of these side of the river. Her first trip the One Thous-ind Live* Lost. section», and if they had needed me IS PUT ON THE MARKET steamer carried 30 dead. Health Commissioner Darlington, they would have sent for me, don't SHOOTS HIS SWEETHEART Seventy-five were rescued and car who had been to North Brothers SIX DAYS GIVEN OVER THIS YEAR AT SHANIKO. you think? At the close of every ses WHO HAD REJECTED HIM. ried to the shore, where were squads ’«land most of the night, eame down TO THE MYSTIC ORDER sion the members are behind in their of police ambulances and surgeons with a boatload of dead this morning department work and have to stay in Washing on for a time to catch Girl Was Shot in the Back of the Sixteen and One-fourth Cent» for the who administered to the needs of the He said he felt satisfied fully 1000 Scottish Rite Dsgrss Conferred on a Best at the Second Sale—General injured. On one street car alone were lost their lives up; so I could not have come home Head and Through the Heart—In five Infant bodies. Of the bodies recovered a hundred Class of Thirty Candidates Last without leaving things undone there Average of Price» Somewhat Lesa Less Than Two Hour» After the I Describing in a vivid manner the ami a few odd had been identified up that were of more importance to the Evening—The Grand Lodge Con- Than at the First Salecday — Prin terrible catastrophe. Captain Van Deed Frank Gugleimo Was in Cus- to noon. people than my presence here. venes Wednesday at 10 a. m.—Mys Schaick said the boat was off 135th cipal Buyer» Were From the Ex District Attorney Jerome has en Though He Fled From Town tody, “I am going out to Prineville and tic Shriners Will Close the Week treme East—Last Salesday Will Be street, just at a jx>int known as taged Fire Marshal Freel to assist put on my overalls and enjoy myself on a Bicycle — Is a Braggadocio Sunken Meadows, and only 200 feet him in making an investigation Into —There Are Now Over Six Thous- for a time before going back to Wash July 1. With a Bad Reputation. from the shore, when he heard the th«» causes, and allegations that the ington. I don't know how my busi and Free and Accepted Masons in « ry of flr«> life preservers were rotten Several ness Is getting along, and am going Oregon. Under Arrest. victims report ln«»ffectual efforts to out to round things un a little.” Shaniko, Jun«; 15.—The second wool Portland, June 16.—Frank Gugliel securo serviceable cork supports. Su Vail Shalck, first Pilot Van Wart. For a New Judicial District, mo, an Italian aged 22 years, who sale of the season took place today. and Second Pilot Edwin N Leader, pervising Inspector Rodie said that Th«.» prices were some lower than the “What have you got coming for Portland. June 14.—This Is Masonic runs a saloon at First and Market within a few days an exhaustive in previous sale, June 1, ranging from have been arrested. Eastern Oregon at the next session. week in this city, every day in the streets. Portland, yesterday after 14*£ to 161« for good and choice wool ('apt. Wm. Churchill, commander quiry will bo held. He said the rec week being slated for programs by Mr. Williamson?” was asked. "Oh, lots of things are on the line. noon shot and killed 16-year-old Freda Th«» principal buyers are the Lafa- of th«» auxiliary sloop "Easy Tinies." ords showo,! the boat was properly some of the various branches of the One of the important measures, and Guarascia, also an Italian, because yette Worsted Co., Woonsocket, R. I. witnessed the disaster practically equipped. fraternity. Night of Grief and Horror, one that is pretty sure to be put the girl's father, undoubtedly with her Whitman. Farnsworth it Thayer. Bos from Its inception When h»» saw the Yesterday and today is given over through, is the redistricting of the consent, refused to allow Gugli«-lmo ton; Alex I.ixingstone. Boston; Bota Slocum first she was off Harlem river A day of disaster was followed by to the Scottish rite degr<H»s. a class United States district court. Judge to longer continue his attentions. ny Worsted Mills, Passaic, N. J., and bridge and flames were ixmring from a night of horror and grief at the of 35 having received the degrees As the ship morgue, where over 5"0 Ixtdles lay in Bellinger has too large a field here, I the port iia<l<lle-l>ox. Guglielmo is a son of Josep Gug Hallowell. Donald & Co., Boston. from the 5th to the 32d. In the elegant and there is a plan on foot now to lielmo, who was shot to death Decem The wool was sold under the sealed moved along the sniok«» and flames, the silent risims awaiting identifica new Scottish Rite cathedral under the strong w .«i wind were add an Eastern Oregon district with ber 25, 1902, by G. Castro, in the bid system The next and last sale tion. Fifty police, assisted the rela The Grand Chapter R. A M . will another judge, marshal and court. saloon which the son, Frank, then in will 1» July 1, and a large amount is blown over her decks. tives and friends then» in the work hold the annual session tonight, and The scene was terrible. Women of finding their dead. That will be of great importance to herited. expected that «late. About nin«» mil the grand lodg«» A F. & A. M . will this section of the state. The sc« net» were of the most heart convene at 10 a m Wednesday for Guglielmo left his saloon undoubt lion pounds will be sold here this ar.i children rushed frantically back anil forward screaming and crying, Open River Coming. season. breaking kind, fathers and mothers edly with the intention of killing the the annual meeting. and scores Jumped “Then the open river is coming girl, who lived with her parents at 324 in some rases attempting to do them It is expected that th«» grand lodge closer to us. Congressman Jones, of Harrison street. Her slayer walked “Brick” Johnson Wants to Die. selves harm. Hundreds, however. will Iasi until Saturday noon, and on Was Badly Managed. Washington, Senator Mitchell, Mr. into the kitchen, and though then* la Grande, “Brick" June 14 it — "Brick He cannot understand why th«» Slo were drawn to the morgue by mor Saturday, the climax will be reached Hermann and myself are all anxious were no witnesses to the deed, it is Johnaon, th«» notorious horse thief cum was not beached befor«» she bid curiosity, many of whom were In th«> meeting of the Mystic Shrln- i to see the river open, and are using apparent that he shot the girl in the and tough confini'd in the Wallowa reached North Brothers Island "There unceremoniously hustled away by the era. the highest degree of the York and will continue to use our best ef back of the head and afterward «•ounty jail at Enterprise, attempted were no smell tsiats near her as she police. rites. All the various liodi«»« will par forts to have the matter put through. through the heart. She had probably suicide by slabbing himself over the steamed along, and those who jumped Impenetrable Mystery. ticipate in the festivities of the Shrin- 1 am pretty sure that the next ses turned over onto her hack after fall heart, Monday. He Is »lespondent were drown»»»!. Superint.»n(h»nt Rickards, of Belle ers and their banquet and program sion will give a good appropriation ing from the first shot, or been turned and fears a long term in the peniten "We got alongsid»» as s»x>n as we vue hospital, said; “It will take days on Saturday night will be the crown towards building the locks, and over by her slayer. tiary on account of his long list of could, and saved many. The blazing to Identify all the bodl»»s. In my 18 ing event of the week, There art» otherwise making the river of use to The murderer immediately fled crimes In Eastern Oregon. steamer rounded the island and turn- years hospital experience at Bell«* now more than 6'100 .Masons in Ora- the Inland Empire. Besides these, from the house where the shooting e»l to port and grounded on the north vue, thia is the most appalling acci gon there are other things that will come took place to his saloon, mounted his Funeral of Miss Morton. west point of the island. By thia time dent 1 ever heard of. Belleyue will up for the good of this section.” bicycle and left town in the direction Paris, June 14.—The funeral ___ Mrs. Valentine Reprieved. serv- the lower deckR were crowdetl with have 1200 dead. The mystery as to of Linnton. Descriptions of him were lcea of Miss Lena Morton was held women and children, screaming with the fire remalna Impenetrable. No June 14 —Acting Governor Trenton, dowager empress of China re The telephoned in every direction, one In an Episcopalian church today. ! terror. As th«« heat became Intense, one can be found who saw the actual cently placed an order for 50 motor reaching Postmaster J. Z. Alcorn of President Loubet sent a superb lh«'»e nearest the rail dove shrieking start of the flames. Theories are Wakelee this morning g.ra.nted a re prieve of 21 dav» to Mr». Anna Val cars to be made in Germany. Linnton, who seized a pistol and lay wreath. | into the water. Some were able to numerous.“ entine. Traateq Well at Holly. Iw-nver Col Juno 15—The Cnpple Creek union miners deported to the Kansas line by »»rder of Adjutant- G- neml Bell are beginning to arrive here. About 15 have already reached this city, among them John Com stock wbn said in an interview; W» are all safe I guess We got off at Holly, as has tx-en told, and tbos«- people certainly treated us fine, They feasted us and we have only thanks for them I have not thought of whether or not 1 will return to camp The question has never «rome up as yet. No we did not suffer much, because the people everywhere out there took us :n and did al! they <x«uld for us '■ Only the Meek and Lowly Wanted, Salt I^ake, June 15.—Two hundred miners «-mptoyed in the mines i at Bingham S' miles from here, i were discharged today in consequence of taking a day off without permission - N ces were posted at all of the mines in Bingham several days ago. notifying «mploym that if they took a layoff on Miners’ Union Day, the 13th. they would be discharge«!, A large num- ter of men con’ended they were en- titled to their annual holiday and dis regarded the notice The wholesale discharge followed. Th. N< ws stat»«« that mine owners of Bingham Park City and the Tin- tic camps have reached an under standing by which they propose to rid the camps of undesirable m«»n and that the Bingham incident is the Ini- MRS FRENCH WAS ALSO RE-ELECTED TEACHER. Choice of Sever»! of the Faculty De ferred Until a Future Meeting of Regent»—R. Alexander Will Re- main Pre»ident of the Board—Re gents Express Satisfaction With French'» Administration. R Aiexauder. chairman of the exec utive committee of the board of re gents of th«« State Normal school at Weston, has return»*»! from Weston where h<* went to attenil the meeting for th«* annual election of offieera anu t«*achers yesterday. The nweting was shortened and mad«* hasty because but a part of the Ixiard was able to tn' present and those who were there hail to hasten back to their business. French Re-Elected. Robert C. French was re-elected president of the school for the en suing year, and George A Peebles was again chosen to act as vice-pres ident of th«* school. Mrs R C Fr»*nch was re-«*lecte»l as on«- of th«* faculty, and Miss Marguerite Ton«' of Portland, was elected matron of th«* girls’ hall for the coming year. The election of the rest of the fac ulty was d«*ferred until some subse quent meeting of the board J W Scriber of lui Grande, was re- elected president of th«* board of re gents: P. A. Worthington of Portland- aecretary, anil J. R Kilgore, treasur er. The executlv.» committee of the boar«!, upon whi- h devolves most of the work, was appointed yesterday by th«« president, and consists of R Alexander, chairman, William Blak ley »nd H M Saxon of Baker City. | Conclusion of a Case in Which the Public Has Been Greatly Interested. DECISION BY JUDGE ELLIS IS SUSTAINED. O. R. & N. Loses Its ContcnVon in the Barnhart Station Irtsurance Case Resulting From a Fira—Conv pany Is Held Responsible fi Fire, Which the Original P Alleged Was Caused by Sparks I From a Passing Locomotive. Major Moorhouse received five opin ions from the supreme court this morning which had dow n on case« heard sion here. One of the cases is from this cout- ty being that of the Firemen's Fund Insurance Company and the North- welter« Warehouse Company respon der.’.«. vs. the Oregon Railroad A Nav igation Company The case was tried before Judge E - about a year ago. and the plain tiffs asked for damages c*"ved by ’he burning of the warehouse at Barnhart - a'.on which bouse, so the p.aif:*!- a-Yged, was set on fire by a spark from one of the engines of the railroad company The warehouse company had the contents of tha house insured with i the Firemen's Fund Company for I12M. which was leea than its true value This sum was paid by the company a short time after "he fire, Sam Davis, a far- mer. also had a quantity of wbeat in the house and assigned his claim to ’he warehouse company The insurance company brought suit to recover the amount of the in surance paid, the company for its damages outside of the insurance, and for the wheat owned by Daria. The case be;ng beard by Judge Ellis was decided m favor of the plaintiffs, upon which the railroad empany ap- p«»a.«d Justice C. E Wolverton wrote the op.mou in which he affirms the decision of the lower court and concurs in its judgment The other opinions were in the asew of E. W Oliver, respondeaL vs The Oregon Sugar Company, ap- ’»•liant. an appeal from the coart ot Judge Robert Eakin of Union county. Affirmed Charles Altschul respondent, vs. William T Casey, appellant An ap peal fr m Crook county. W. V Brad shaw judge Affirmed Uliiaa H McDowell. rea pondent. vs Frank 8. Perry and H E K Brown, sheriff of Baker county. Rot» ert Eakin judge Affirmed. The Pacific Livestock Company, re spondent. vs Kenneth Murray, ap pellant. reversed and a new trial or dered. UNION HAS HOPES Pioneer C tizen Says County Seat Goes to La Grand« Through Fraud. A E Eaton, one at the earliest of Union county pioneers and owner of the Union Woolen Mills, which turns out the finest blankets made in the »«rid. was in the city yesterday look- iti after choice selections of wool, says the Baker City Democrat. Mr. Eaton says his nulls are ning to their full capacity an! continue so as long as the right kind ■f wool can be had He has bought already this year 350.000 pounds and wants 150,000 more, 400,000 rounds a year being the output of h.s mills One clip of 180.000 pounds, that of Charles Cunningham of Umatilla xiunty. bought by Mr. Eaton, Is said to be the finest to be found in the country. On his way to Baker City Mr Eaton stopped over at North Powder and lurvhased the clip of George Lee, 10.- 000 pounds, and Ed Ashby. 4000 ounds. In this county Mr. Eaton ex- H*cts to buy some choice clips that have been offered him, paying there for the top market price. On the county seat Question Mr. Eaton replied to an interrogatory: "La Grande has not got the coun ty seat yet. has It? For 27 years I tave fought against the removal of the county Beat from Union to La Jraude. and I am ready to fight _ still. We have our rights in the courts and are have a score of good reasons why the supreme court will sustatn Union in Its rights. No. you may be sure. Union Is not toing to give up the fight without fur ther effort. The vote in favor of La Grande last Monday was brought ibout by dishonest methods, if not to ¿ay bribery, and this can be proven All sorts of misrepresentation was in- lulged in and the voters in many lo- alities were hoodwinked Union will retain the county seat, this you may depend upon." Oregon Timber at St. Louie. Albert Tozier, »ecretary of the Or- ■gon Press Association, returned yea- «■rda» from St. Ix>uis. where he at- tended the meeting of the National Presa Association, says the Oregon □ally Journal. He states that the Or ‘gon timber exhibit had not yet been -ompleteiv arranged, and a part of it sill be set up outside of the building, ncluding a standing fir tree. The inils-r exhibits of Washington and )regon are a creditable display of the imber resources of the Northwest, md the cedar and yellow fir lumber iroducts of Oregon attract consider- tble attention. The cuts from large trees show up the Immensity of :rowths of Oregon forest» in a cred itable way. Lumber Schooner Lost. Eugene. Or., June 15.—The »cbooo *r Del Norte from Florence to San ■Yanciscp, is wrecked off the mouth >f the Suislsw and it is believed will >e lmpoeolble to eave her A deck load of lumber ww> washed away