Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1904)
• • • e • • • • e Unswayed by fear, uninflu enced by favor, the East Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs, is fair, absolutely fair, ,.iose differ from views, friends. Th« East Oregonian of Pen- /leton, Oregon. Is published in the heart of the wonderful In lend Empire. Yon will find that It Is readable, reliable aud progressive, and will give y j the new* reliably, accu- rately and fully. • • • • e • • • eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee • •ee«*««««««« PRESIDENT IMPEACHED. and the democrats gained two offices in the county. Morrow—Gave Phelps, republican for district attorney, 300 majority and Holbroox, democrat for joint repre sentative. 200 plurality The demo crats elected county judge, treasurer, school superintendent, coroner, one commissioner, with the assessor in doubt. Gilliam—County adopted local op- McLean, of Idaho University, Must Answer Charges. Moscow. Idaho, June 9.—President J. A. McLean, of the University of Idaho, in the opinion of six members of the faculty, is incompetent, inat tentive, erratic in his hours, evasive in his work, discourteous to members of the faculty, deficient in judgment, undignified and frivolous, falls in pat Military Hunting for Some Unofficial Records Give About democratic aheriff and assessor. riot ism tird does not enjoy tile ro Columbia—All th<- anendmants spcct ot his students Supposed Rendezvous 0Ê o< lhe ’he Same Majorities as Al- rarrl*<’ Hendrydemocrat! .;. rk At a meeting of the board of re- I » W waa M «h J J elected. gents held here some two weeks ago, Sherman— Local option carried by a Union Miners. ready Announced. these charges were preferred. Siren very small majority, and the entire uous efforts were made to keep the republican county, district and state proceedings secret, and even now the tlcketd were elected by strong ma members of the faculty who made the DEPORTATION OF UNION HOLBROOK AND PHELPS jorities. complaint decline to allow their Baker—Went against lhe local op MINERS NOW UNDER WAY. CARRY MORROW COUNTY. names to be published. tion amendment and elected a demo The brief closes with a demand that cratic clerk, superintendent and rep in tnves igation be held and evidence resentative. Samuel White Is beaten taken. Kidnapped by Armed Men and Rob E. J. Sommerviile Lands 1578 Major for district attorney by a strong ma- No action was taken by the board in the district. bed of Their Valuables. Arriving in ity. the Largest on Record—T. D. I . jority the members of which are reported Clatsop—Rejected the local option to be divided in sentiment. Denver Hungry and Destitute—Con Taylor Follows Closely With 1568— ! amendment and elected democratic President Charles L. Heitman. of Authority Looked for at the flict of Vote cn Coroner 1« Very Clo«e and { representative and <ommlssioner. Rathdrum, and Mrs. Ridenbaugh, of Grant—Went against local option Boise, it is claimed, are in favor IS the Inquest Over the Bodies of Official Count May Change th« R» ¡ and elected democratic clerk and sur tn immediate investigation, while the Slaughtered Miner»—Gompers De From the veyor suit—Detailed R««ult other members are said to have ex Wheeler — Elected democratic pressed the opinion that the charges nounces the Reign of "Capitalistic Begin« To- Judge, aheriff and assessor The high State—Official Count ire frivolous and trivial. school proposition was carried in the Anarchy.' morrow county and local option won by a EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGED. large majority 1 Six Miners Known to Have Been Killed and Many Wounded. No Casualties Among the Troops. The Period of Civil War Has Arrived—Hereafter a Rigid I Blacklist of Union Men of All Occupation« W II Be Enforced in the Teller County Mining District—Claimed That the Man Has Been Captured Who Killed Roxey McGee—Deportation of Union Miner« Continues—Over a Thous and Shots Fired in the Battle of Danville. Cripple Creek. CoL, June 9.—A to disturb bis equilibrium. He calm pitched battle at Duunvihe, 12 ly directed operations, ordered the ac north of Victor, took place at 4 o'clock companying newspaper men to cover between 200 deputies and guards un up their white vests and doff the Pan der Adjutant General Bell, and about ama hats, which acted as targets. Twenty minutes hot firing shaded 150 miners from the Cripple Creek off into an hour's desultory work, district. The miners were entrenched in the when 20 men captured 14 members of surrounding hills. Fifteen 1 miners the union. These were brought to were captured and six union miners camp ard others released. Bell declines to call for more troops, were killed. The captured miners included John claiming sufficient force is at hand, James, charged with shooting John assisted by deputies to control the situation. Davis in the Victor riot. C. C. Friedley. alleged to have fired Among the dead was John Carley, a union miner of Cripple Creek. Great the shot that killed McGee at the excitement prevailed in the city upon mass meeting riots Monday night receipt of the slight news of the bat was captured on the Thompson ranch near Canyon City. tle. The deputies secured the arms and ammunition of the port of the min Blacklist All Union Men. ers. The deportation of union miners As the special train bearing the continues under the direction of the deputies drew up at Dunnville the citizens committee appointed by Bell. union miners entrenched in the neigh The committee was in se.sion all borhood opened fire. General Bail night considering the cases of indi got his men out and stormed the en vidual miners, but the result of the trenchment positions, capturing 15, report is not made public. the arms and ammunition of these Tyson S. Dynes, one of the foremost men being captured. lawyers of Denver, arrived last night In the fierce fight which followed and is today preparing for the citi six union miners were killed. zens' alliance a form to be submitted Their names are unobtainable at I to all employers in the district pledg this time. ing them to refrain from employing Miners Entrenched. any person connected with labor Five thousand men and vo At 4:50 the battle was still in pro unions gress. the union miners fighting stub-: men will be affected, lt will also be bornly. The mineys have well en decreed that no idle persons will be trenched positions in the hills and are allowed to remain in the district, A shooting down at the soldiers and significant move. guards at every opportunity. The surrounding country is favor 200 Union Men Arrested. able to the miners and it seems that Victor, June 9.—In all about 200 General Bell will have to take every union members and sympathizers defense separately. have been arrested since Monday. Dunville sprang into prominence Twenty-eight have already been de last week, when it was reported that pored. The remainder are in jail, enormous amounts of free _ gold had : in the Victor ___ armory and in other been discovered and there was an im- places under military- guard. The mediate rush to the place by union i dragnet is still out and “house clean men. who declared that no others ing,” as the authorities term the pro- should be permitted in the camp. All eedings. con inues. Talk of lynch- others were barred. ; ng has subsided to a degree, though But the camp was of mushroom i» the fiend who exploded the dyna growth and the thousands who en mite is caught, it is doubtful if any .ilitary force could protect him from camped there in the first two days of its exis ence dwindled away to 50 or the fury of the IrienJg of the murder ed men. 100 today. General Bel! has expressed the opinion that the camp was nothing Newspaper Office Wrecked. but a decoy used by miners as a base Colorado Springs. Col., June 9.—A of operations. Dunnville is about 20 miles south special says: "Eight unknown men, armed with of here and is said to be in Fremont county, which has not been declared rifies. shotguns, pistols and sledge by the governor to be in a state of in hammers, entered the office of the Victor Record, a morning paper, at surrection and rebellion. 11:45 o’clock last night, ordered the Battle of Dunville. workmen to throw up their hands, The returning members of Gen. broke up the machinery, and then told Bell's force that participated In the the printers to get out of the district Dunville battle, say it is remarkable as fast as they could. The printers the casualties were not more severe. walked north and the eight men start- Fully 1,000 shots were fired on both J ed off toward the south. sides. The Record has been known as the Carley was killed by a Krag-Jorgen organ ot the Western Federation of sen bullet fired by a member of Ser Miners in this section, and has been ! advising that the strike be called off. geant Baldwin’s squad. Bullets sprinkled about Bell, strip The printers have hot decided wheth- ping the rock and earth, but failing I er they will leave or not. Prominert Politician Defaults in Ren sselaer. Indiana. Lafayette, Ind., June 9.—Thomas J. McKay, cashier and junior partner in the private bank of McCoy A Co., of Rensselaer, near here, was arrested last night, charged with embezzle- ment. The arcount is said to be heavy. McCoy assigned some time ago for $250,00$, atd is a prominent politician. Victor, Col., Juue 8.—Martial law having been declared at 2 this morn ing. upon the arrival of Adjutant General Bell, camp conditions have beixime normal. Immediately upon landing here Bell called a council of the local mill tary commanders and ordered ed. Van Deckberg. who formerly Lad charge of this district, to assume command. Then Bell, with a squad of troops, the sheriff and the leaders of the Mineowners' Association, start-i FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. eJ down the railway to an alleged rendezvous ot the enemy, on a tour Conference to Select Roosevelt’s of investigation. Running Mate. Congresama SHIPS FOR BREMERTON. Pacific Squadron Will Receive Some Needed Repair«. Feattl»-. June 8.—Word has lieen received from San Francisco to the effect that the monitor Wyoming and the torpedo boat destroyers Per ry and Paul Jones will soon leave that port for the Puget Sound navy- yard at Biemerton, joining the Paci fic squadron, waich has been ordered Japanese Completely Invested fr'm Honolulu to the local yards. This wP! mean still moie work for ’ it at Short Range by Land the m< n at the navy yard The Wyo-J miug and the Paui June* bavu* been and Water. stationed at Panama for the past few months and came north as soon as the canal negotiations were brought to an end by the United States gov ACTIVE FIGHTING UNDER ernment WAY FOR SEVERAL DAYS The Wyoming is in «omtnand^of Captain Gott man and has a comple ment of 193 officer.» and met». The announcement that the whole Unconfirmed Report in London Tnat Pacific sq’tadron. consisting of the ?ae>*hlp New York, th" cruiser Mar I the Stronghold Had Been Captured. blehead. the gunboats Bennington But Its Fall at an Early Date Is Im ind Cotcord and the collier Nero had minent —Russian« Lose a Torpedo been ordered by the navy department .o leave Honolulu for Bremerton was Beat cn the Rocks—Four Japan««« today confirmed by Rear Admiral Gunboats Were Fired on While Barclay, commandant of the Puget IS BESIEGED I I Sound navy-yard Making a AGREE TO SEPARATE. The Duchess is a Daughter of Vice- President Morton. New York. June 8.—The sudden ni'wi that the Duke and I)J> hens of Vaiencay are preparing to sever the marriage relations because ot a Paris x>unt, created much stirprise in so- iety. The duchess was formerly Helen Morton, daughter of the er»t- xhile vice-president and governor of New York. They have been separat ed some time. At the time of their carriage, four years ago. Alorton set- led $3>t.000 yearly on his daughter. Chee Foo, Jjue 8—It is stated the Jai>an>-«e forces occupy a seml-cireu ar line 24 miles ion« in the rear of Por Arthur, and are busy mounting heavy guns on the neighboring heights. Following is the vote of the pre- Vote. Plurality ciucts so far a* completed: Simmon«, oem........... 853 Adams- Simmons, 43; Sterne, 6; Williamson, rep.......... 1760 902 Williamson. 79; Bright. 5; Moore. 82; District Attorney— 43; Bailey. 69; Berry'. 3; Doug 183» Phelps, rep............ a O'Day. Port Arthur's Fall Imminent. las. 34; Phelps. 77; Raley. 54; Cole. 1836 Raley, dem............ 87: Holbrook. 89; Adams 75; Balle- Rome. June 8.—A Yinkow dispatch Joint Representative— rav. 60; Blakley 56; Chxmberlaln. iv a*>- ns an attack on Port Ar 2141 773 Cole, rep................ thur has t>een proceeding. both by 50; Bean. 79; Hvrtman. 44; Rigby. Holbrock, dem. .. 1368 10; Barrett, 60; Tayl r. 73; Cherry. land and sea. since Saturday, and Representatives— 7*»; Baling, 61; Folsom. 85. Fowier, that the tall of the fortress is immi Adams, rep............ ..1585 46: Lightfoot, 32; Sommerviile. 89; sent Blakley, dem ... 1725 140 Rigby. 75; Strain. 49. Mayberry. 44: Balleray, rep. __ ..1503 Wells. 83 Berkeley 43: Kimbrell. 82: Russians Lose a Gunboat. Chamberlain, dem. 1639 134 Botkin 79: Henderson, 39; Lloyd, 50; BATTLE IN TIBET. St. Petersburg. June 8 — Alezieff to- County Judge— Walker, 77 lay reports; • Hear Admiral Wilgert Bean, rep............... 1882 1» Athena. North -Simmons. 105; WP- Yritiah Held a Pott Against Attack by repons that the gunboat strong Hartman, dem. .. •863 Deportation Under Way. Washington. June 9.—The question 'iamson. 75: Moore. 81; O'Day, V'8 ly supported our nght tank in the Native«. vho will be Roosevelt's running ma;e Denver. June 8.—Twenty<our de Shenfl— Phelps. 91; Raley 122 Cole. 9 Hol Barrett, rep............ ...1002 London. June 8 —The Reuter's •at tie of Kin Chow aided by torpedo -will probably be settled by the out- ported union miners from the Crippie w rook. 93; Adams 59: Billeray. 59: Taylor, dem. 2570 >548 itnla correspondent reports a fierce oats Bouray and Boyky." ome ot a conference of leading mem- Creek district, arrived at midnight on , Takley, 126; Chamberlain. 153; B«sn He further reports that Mar *$ 10 ittle be: ween British and T'.betans ers of the house an I senate this a Rio Grande special, watched by Ccunty Clerk- orpedo boars were sent oat aga-tu*. 84; Hartman. 11$; Barrett. 45; Tay Cherry. dem. .1627 ’ he latter a-racked the post at Khan afternoon, under an arrangement .¡ine armed guards The miners are ! Saiing, rep............ 304 or 107; Cherry 120: Sa! lag 81; Fo' "ema and were repulsed, 164 he Japanese. While returning. one .1931 a'hich ;he president approves. Can t.artued and penniless. The men; MH*. 104; Fowler. 99; Ugh'foot. 71; lied Tte British lost one killed i ru k on rocks. The crew was saved. on. Fairbanks. Hitt. Dryden and met by a delegation of Western Fed-| County Recorder— The Novoe Vremya prints an edi- Folsom, rep............ 1988 710 ton?¡nerriHe. 108: Rigby. 41; Straio. -nd five wounded. □verstreet, are among the candidates, ration meu and taken to a restau •36 Mayberry. 112. Wells, 77; Berk, - >nal today urging improvement in Fooler, dem.......... 1278 .t is understood the choice reata be- rant. he education of the Russian masses ley. 112; Kimbrell. 7»; Botkin. 157: SUBMERGED TWELVE HOURS. ween Fairbanks and Hitt. The miners declared the Cripple County Treasurer— Henderson. 44; Lloyd. 99; Walker. Lightfoot, dem. . 77» Creek district no longer safe tor Japanese Gunboat Damaged, Het and Subrrtrine. W th Crew. Was Sommerviile. rep. 1571 87. 2357 union men. and assert that when ar- Athena, Tokio. June s —Four Japanese gun- South — Simmon- 84; Down 12 Hours. rested they were searched by guards, County Assessor— sone. 17; Williamson. 25: Br:gh’ boats made a cloee rectmnc ¡sanee off 1265 Rigby, rep ............ Newport News June 8.—The Hol- ■nd their money and valuables taken, Miiskelsen. 4: Moore. 25: O’Day. •art Arthur Monday for the purpose 884 Strain, dem............ 2149 nd sulmarine, after 12 hours’ sub- The accompanying guards took the Baliey. 36; Berry. 14; Douglas. f exam.n ng the entrance to the har- School Superintendent' "ersion with the crew, came to the irst train back to Cripple Creek. -6; Rasmussen. 25; Phelps. 25; Rhiey. or and were exposed to a severe T I Mayberry, dem.......... 1404 • r.ace at 11 tLis morning. Tse test annocading Gunboat No. 4 was hit Welles, rep................... 1»14 510 52; Cole, 35: Holbrook. 31; Howard * declared sa’:sfactory. Conflict of Authority. Adams, 19; Balleray. 26; Blakley. 18; ght times, and sustained some dam- County Surveyor — Cripple Creek, June 8.—A contict One sailor was killed and two 12: Chamberlain. 46: Bean. 29; Hsrt- I Berkeley, dem.............. 1459 Need Medical Attention. if authority threatens this afternoon svitded. Il was this action that Taylor. 63; Kimbrell, rep ............. 1941 482 :nan, 52. Barrett. 14) Washington June 8 —Captain :*ve rise to the report that the Jap- when the Inquest over the bodies of 'berry. 50; Saiing. 24; Folsom 31. bounty Coroner— had wick cables the nary ijepar ment .he victims of the Independence depot "owler. 39; IJghtfoot. 37: Sommer nrse had "lost four warships by a Botkin, rep ................... 1690 15 3RAKEMAN SHOT AND orror begins. rille. 39; Rigby. 14; oiraln. 56: May- rum Tangier» he has been informed in.e of Russia's Port Arthur squad Henderson dem ......... 1675 hat Perdiearis and Varley are in ron." Coroner Doran, of Victor, who re- SERIOUSLY WOUNDED. ‘•erry. 50; Wells. 30; Berkeley. ♦’ County Commissioner— rgent ne.-d ot medical assistance. <igned under pressure, declared he Kimbrell. 25; Botkin. 33; Henderson Lloyd, dem................... 1500 Raisnl! has t>e^n asked if be «rill give had recalled his resignation because Explosion on Russian Cruiser. 13; Lloyd. 38: Walter. 33 Walker, rep ................. .1895 395 uce was used, and proposes to hold tebbery Took Place on the Denver Echo—Simmons, 65; Williamson. ale conduct to a surgeon. Paris June 8.—A Sebastapol tele While the ballot boxes are all I d 49; Moore 89: O'Diy. 71; Bailey. 73; ram states that a serious exp.oaxon A. R o Grande—Robbers Were Sys an inquest with a jury be appointed Kentucky Will Net Instruct. *'o days ago Coroner Hall, named ind are now rest tag In the vault at "touglas. 52. Phelps. 71; Rtley. 99: xccurred abord the cruiser Smolensk. Determined — Blew the tematic and he clerk's office, the official count has o succeed Doran, has also selected a Loutsrille, June 8—The Kentucky 'ole 05; Holbrook, 70; Adams. 65; Express Car Safe. But Railroad Of- jury and proposes to hold an tuques ■. -ot yet begun Talleray. 67; Blakley. 109; Chamber state democratic convention Is In ROAD TO SEVEN DEVILS. ficials Claim Their Bocty Was In- it is believed Doran will be taken The result given yesterday has not lain. 90; Bean. 88; Hartman. 72; * • . Bar cession today. An untrstructed de’.e- out and tarred and feathered if he been materially changed, and until aticn will probably go to St. Louts. Sal rett, 52; Taylor. 117; Cherry. 54; considerable. Ba*er Cty Will Be Connected With persists in his determination. the county clerk surveys the precious ing. 108; Folsom, 89; Fowler. «»: The fight Is over control of the state Rech Copper Camp. General Bell does not deem that documents Inclosed in the 36 ballot Lightfoot. 50; Sommerviile. Ill; Rift- central committee. Raker City. Ore . June 8 —The long- Denver. June 8—The west-bound he s.tuation requires the presence of boxes of the county, the above unof by. 78; Strain. 90; Mayberry. Mi expected railroad from here to the more than the two com pan lea of mili ficial statement must prevail. Bad. Wells. 92; Berkeley. 70; Kimbrell. $50.000 Denver & Rio Grande train which left -even Devils, a distance of 60 miles, tia now here. Morrow county gave Holbrook 200 0; Botkin, 61; Henderson, 98; Lloyd. New York. June 8 — Hannah Elias now seems certain of construction here Tuesday morning, was held up 105; Walker 56 majority over Dr. Cole, reducing his «1. am sted last BighL arraigned his season by the promoters. W. L. near Palisade, east of Gratd Junction, Holds Peabody Responsible. Encampment—Cook, 16; S:tnmons, this morning io the tombs under $5->. Vlnso: W C. Brown, n e president total majority from 773. as given in xt an early hour this morning. 26; Stone, I; Williamson. 27; Millk- <■00 ball, fur bearing Friday aftetanon of the New York Central railroad and Washington. June 8—Ramue) Com this table, to 553. Brakeman Shellenberger was seri pere denounces in vigorous terms the Fhelps ran ahead of Colonel Raiey eis«-n 13; Moore 28. O'Day, 26; Bal- f the 1-ake Shore railroad. H A Par ously wounded as a result of a bullet action of the Colorado authorities for 75 vote« in Morrow, giving him a to ley. 25; Berry, 2: Douelas. 24; Ras ker. vice-president of the Rock Island müssen. 6; Phelps, 30; Raiey. 37; their methods of dealing with the road and James A Drake, a wealthy from a gun of the hold-ups. and the troubles in that sta-e. He says the tal majority of 374 Cole. 29; Holbrook. 35; Adams. 20; New York banker, arrived last night County Clerk Chamberlain will conductor had a lantern Bhot from governor is the one man above all Balleray. 24; Blakley. 30; Chamber- at Huntington tn Mr Brown's priva.a make the official canvass of the bal bis hand. others responsible for the reign of lot tomorrow ard there is no likeli aln 30; Sikes 10: Turley. 12: Bean. ar and today are going over the route The robbers flagged the train two terror prevailing in the Cripple Creek 32; Hartman, 28. Rigby. 24. Barrett. 12; jf the proposed road In company with miles from the station. Two masked district and characterize« him as a hood of any change that would effect 13; Taylor. 34; Cherry. 31; Saling. Mr Vinson men marched the conductor back to flagrant violator of civil laws and hu the result. Several of the precincts 31; Folsom, 31; Fowler. 30; Light- W J. Patterson.. a large land owner have failed to report at the different foot. 25; Sommeniile. 34; Rigby. 23; the train, detached the engine and man rights. and irrigationist of Baker City is also headquarters, and the tally sheets are express < ar from the coaches, and Strain. 41; Mayberry. 28; Wells. 31: Gompers could not conceive the a guest of Mr. Vinson on this trip ot blew ihe safe after running the loco outrage was the work of any organiz locked in the ballot boxes so a detail Berkeley. 24; Kimbrell, 34: Botkin. inspection. ed vote Is impossible until the official motive some distance up the track. 20; Henderson. 40; Lloyd. 31; Walk LARGE RCDY IN BAKER ed body of men, much less the pre The proposed railroad «rill tap the The express officials claim the imaged ¡.Ian of a body of miners. count is announced. er. 27. COUNTY TO BE PLATTED. rich Eagle and Pine valleys. Big amount obtained was small. Ruddock — Phelps. 22; Raley. 2»; It must have been an individual. The Goose creek. Seven Devils copper Portland. June 3.—Tom Word, dem Citizens' Alliance he denominates as ocratic sheriff, and John Manning, Cole. 36; Holbrook. 12; Adams. 21; mines. Medical Lake and Cornucopia Balleray, 20; Blakley. 1»; Chamber a body of ‘ capitalistic anarchists Further Particulars. democratic district attorney, were ain. 16; Bean. 29: Hartman, 21; 1 Includes Baisley. Maxwell and High gold minis The building of the road Bar Denver. June 8.—La;er.—The hold- elected, the remainder of the ticket rett, 20; Taylor. 28; Cherry. 1»; land M.nfs—Is a Well Known Mine means a tremendous increase of bus!- Sal- McGee's Murderer Identified. up was five miles west of Parachute, ii ss here and the decision of these being republican ing. 29; Folsom. 82; Fowler, 16; ral Tract and Is Partially Covered Xpert s is anxiously awaited. Victor. June 8.—Talk of lynching a small fruit station on the western Return« From the State. Lightfoot. 11; Sommerviile, 37; Rig Pine Timber—Now With Heavy nr violence has subsided markedly, slope. Following is a resume of the diff- by, 17; Strain. 30; Mayberry. so ; Five men were concerned. Two though If the man who exploded the KILLED ON THE TRACK. Used as Summer Sheep Range. Wells. 25: Berkeley, 18; Kimbrell. 26; uoarded the blind baggage at Para mine at Independence were to be ■rent counties of the state: the Botkin. 16; Henderson. 29; Lloyd. 15; Lane — Democratic sheriff, all A. M Bryan of Cree Colorado. Struck chute, crawled over the tender, cover caught and brought here it is doubt ed the engineer, Allison, and ordered ful if any force would be sufficient to rest republicans. Local option car- Uchmond. 4; Walker, 29. by Train Near Durkee. Baker City. June 7.—Register W. E MINER SHOT AT VICTOR, SAW THEIR WAY OUT OF South Pendleton: Congress—Sim- Davis, of the 1-a Grande United ried. the train stopped. The engine, bag- protect him. Coroner Snow returned yesterday Clackamas—Elects entire republi nons. 58; Stone. 10; Williamson. 115< >tat»« land office. has announce! that CO^O., KNOWN HERE. The man who killed McGee at the SEATTLE JAIL CELLS. tage and express car were uncoupled .Yum Durkee and stated that in the tupieme Court — Bright. 13: Mtklel- can ticket, with possible exception of ind run down the track two miles, mass meeting Monday has been posi a large acreage of land previously lest over the remains of the man <en. 26; Moore. 121; O'Day. 56; dis- where three confederates were sta- tively identified, but not yet captur school superintendent. unplatted in the land office, therefore nd dead un the O. R. a N. tracks rict attorney — Phelps. 110; Raley. Polk — Elects one democratic rep W. D. McGee, of This City, Receives Had a Running Fight for Liberty, I. MeMi • a raftMtag to ’d. tot subject to entry, will be platted near that point tt later developed 95; joint Rep.—Coie. 127; Holbrook. ind opened to location. The Record, the organ of the West- resen. ative and a democratic sheriff ■•n the car doors, they were lftown Telegram Telling of the Murder of r tn articles found on his person that Which Was Well Nigh Successful— B< ntoD—Elects democratic assess- i with dynamite, and Shea forced ■rn Federation, prints an editorial to- The land lit to the north of Sump- is name was A. M Bryan of Creed, His Nephew at a Miners’ Mass (Continued on page four.) Several Guards Slashed—One Man ir, commissioner and treasurer. Lo- lay urging the miners to call off the > open the safe. or several miles and is largely in the ilarado, says the Baker City Dem- Meeting—Worked on Dixie Ranch al option carries. a Long-Timer for Robbery, the The robbers secured one sealed bas •.trike inaugurated 10 months ago. neetined section left unsurveyed at x-rat Douglas — Hermann's county elects for C. B. Wade—Left Here for Col No further deaths are reported Other Awaiting Trial on Charge of ■om Faiida, said to contain gold, and igh altitudes of the mountains. A A paid road tax bill reading to that a democratic clerk, state senator and imong the wounded. ed. Two posses are in pursuit. >rtion is lu the immediate vicinity of umr and dated Creed. Colorado, 19U4. orado Last Thanksgiving. Murder. ■Ircuil judge. Local option carries. Taisley. Elkhorn, Maxwell aud High ad half of an insurance receipt from Coos county elects a democratic Cavalry After Murderer. land mines, 12 miles west of this city RANSOM WILL BE PAID. ae Home Insurance Company dated Ircult judge and local option was Cripple Creek, June 8.—Major Nay W. D. McGee, who is employed in vhlle o.her portions lie further to the a March, 1904, were among the po Seattle, June 9.—James Allison the Colesworthy feed store in this and Edgar Marshall, two of the most Government of Morocco Accedes to lor, with a squad of cavalry, left at lost. >orth. ors on his person. Josephlre — Elected a full republi noon for Stratton mountain to arrest city, received a message from Victor, desperate criminals in the King coun The official description of the land Bandits’ Demands. The section foreman of the O. IL can ticket and local option carried Col., this morning, stating that his ty jail, sawed their way through the i9 sent from the office of the register i N. testified that he saw the man Washington. June 9.—Captain a union miner named Fridley, who. >y a small majority. nephew. Roxey McGee, had been shot steel bars of their cells during the Chadwick cables from Tangiers this •ci h several companions, are barri nd the due when the plats will be o and sit down on the track shortly Tillamook—All the amendments at a miners’ mass meeting at Victor, night, and this morning crawled out morning; caded in a cabin there. Fridley Is Jed are as follows: efore the arrival of the train, and arrlvd four to one, and a socialist last Monday. "Notice is hereby given that the hat alter the train passed he found and ran down the main corridor with "The minister of foreign affairs has "harged by a number of unionists lerk was elected. The other officers ✓ ICTIM FELL IN WHILE The dispatches in the East Oregon razors s. rapped to their wrists and instructions from Fez acceding to with being the man who shot McGee. iproved plats of the surveys of sec is dead body. ENGAGED IN FISHING. ian on Monday and also yesterday, dashed through the main jail office. ill the demands of Ralsail. Two General Bel] states that further de re republican. ns 19, 30 and 31 west ha f section •is notiied that the engineer whil Washington—Rejected the local op- referred to the murder of McGee and Deputy Sheriff Hogan gave the alarm 0. west hslf section 29, ard west half ed a signal just before coming to rlsorcrs will be released as soon as portations will occur this afternoon, lon amendment and elected a full the apprehension of his murderer. It and pursued. be shot v-tlon 32, township 8 south, range » •e ]>uirt where the man was. but did the ransom of about $55,000 is paid.” mil those whu resist will Was an Everett. Washington, Man in seems that young McGee was attend down. "We don't propose to parley epublican ticket. 8 eist, Willamette meridian: a’l of ot see anything further. It is pro- Marshall attacked him, but was the local option Search of a Location, and With a Linn — Carried rom now on," Bell said. ing a meeting of miners, when he overpowered. Allison slashed his way e unsurveved portion of township imed to be a case of suicide. Tha Landed Two Mirines. mendment and elected democratic was snot down in cold blood. sou h, rarge 37 east. Willamette Companion Was Taking an Cuting— Further resignations of public of- mains were brought to Baker City. through the guards and grabbed a Tangier, June 9.—The American He was employed at the Elkton prisoner named Johnson and used admiral landed but two umrnv"l ma- icials are demanded by the com mit- itidge, clerk and superintendent. Went Down in Fifteen Feet of Wa neridlin: frictional sections 13. 14 Marlon—Accepted local option by mine, where his two brothers, Melvin him as a shield and fought his way "Ines, who were sent to the Belgian 5. 16, 17 and 18. township 6 north, from the Mine Owners' Associa- Invaded by Caterpillars. ter, and the Body Has Not Yet Been 250 majority and elected a full re and Jay McGee, were also employed. through the corridor, where he en lega Ion to reassure the Belgian min tion. ange 43 east, Willamette meridian; An invasion of caterpillars became Discovered. publican ticket. W. D. McGee, of this city, seeing the countered Deputy Sheriff Blpe, who ister. whose wife was an American til of the unsurveyed portion of town o serious in Seattle last week that Yamhill—Elected the entire repub name of his nephew in the East Ore felled him with a rock. ship 2, north, range 26 east. Wiliam CONTRACT LET he park board sent out a small army woman. lican ticket. gonian dispatches from Victor, wired 'tte meridian; all of township 2 north of men to fight the pests. The state Allison revived, gained his freedom Charles A. Taff, of Everett, Wash., Wallowa—Local option, direct pri William Bainbridge, manager of the again and waB running out the front ■ange. 37: Willamette meridian: .ruit luspector and his deputies also Dye & Keefe Will Bridge the River at Exploded Twenty-one Mines. maries and printer's amendments car was drowned yesterday morning about tnsurveved portion of township 2 Elkton mines, for information and re door of the court house when captur ave been conducting a war upon th« Nolin. Tokio, June 9.—Admiral Kataoka ried by large majorities. The repub j o'clock, while fishing in the Umatilla north, range 50 east, all of towrshir .nsects. and owners of fruit and shade ceived the telegram announcing that ed by Deputy Sheriff Downey. The county court met for its June licans elect everything except sheriff, >elow the mouth of Butter creek, near reports the clearing of Talienwan bay the McGee shot there was his nephew. 1 north, range 49 east and township rees also have been engaged in the Allison is serving 20 years for rob- term this morning, and has been busy •lerk. county judge, treasurer and Echo. • Roxey McGee, the murdered man, bery, and Marshall is awaiting trial of mines i lanted by the Russians con 3 north, range 50 east. Willamette <ght. most of the time looking over the bids -oniniissloner, which go to the demo tinues. Eleven mechanical mines Taff, in company with a companion was well known in the southern por for murder. meridian, have been received in this The caterpillars are of the “tent“ were exploded Tuesday and 10 Wed for the construction of a bridge which crats. named Jesse E. Lamb, also of Everett, office. tion of Umatilla county, having work variety that prey upon foliage, They is to be built across the river at No nesday. While engaged In the work Wasco—Went against local option nad been camping on the bauks of the ed on the Dixie ranch for C. B. Wade "The above plats of surveys will be appeared simultaneously in Pierce BATTLE WITH BANDITS. the Japanese came acrosR the wrecks lin. It is to be 120 feet I ong and by about 40 votes, but adopted the di Umatilla for several days on the for more than a year. He ate Thanks filed in this office on Saturday, the ind King counties upon fruit and has long been needed to accommodate rect primaries by 700 major'iy. Tick property of S. H. Wattenberger, near giving dinner with his uncle in this I One Killed and a Deputy Sheriff Was of two sunken vessels which were 16th day of July, 1904. at 9 a m On identified as the cruiser Boyarin, a large and increasing travel. The et Is republican excepting Harriman Echo. They had come in search of and after that date this office will re shade trees. The state horticultural city last November, starting for Elk inspector and his deputies made the Wounded. bld of Dye & Keefe of Walla Walla, for commissioner and A S. Bennett land, and had been looking over the sunk February 14, and the Nonni. ton, Col., the following day. His pa ceive applications for the entry of .irst onslaught and have had the sup Denver, June 9.—A pitched battle (Latter name not on the Russian list.) was accepted, and the work will be Echo country with a view to locating. lands in said townships." for senator. rents live in Clay county, Missouri. port of the fruitgrowers in the cru between a posse and the five men commenced as soon as the contrac Yesterday they went fishing, and Union—Adopted the local option Portions of this land are covered sade. who held up the Denver & Rio Grande tors have filed their bonds and put amendment strong .and elected a dem while engaged In that pastime. Taff Fought Waist Deep in Water. with a magnificent growth of pine Ten yeare ago a similar Invasion of REVOLUTION ENDED. train is progressing this afternoon Tokio, June 9.—The Japanese sol the material on the ground. Their ocratic sheriff, C. C. Pennington, for In some manner fell into the water timber and it also includes nome of aterpillars In Whatcom county de- near Glenwood Springs, at the T. W. diers wounded in the battle of Nan- bid promised to do the work for IL- his com- aud was drowned before merly of Pendleton, superintendent, the best mineral land In the state. rtruyed the foliage on deciduous tree Washington, June 9.—Admiral Slgs- Smith ranch. One bandit was fatally shan hnve arrived with vivid details 199. assessor and surveyor. The county panion could reach him. The body The highest peaks lying within the and shrub growth, the effect lasting bee cables from Monte Cristo, Haiti, wounded and another badly wounded. of a, tight |n the rear of Kin Chow. seat fight resulted in the selection of sank in about 15 feet of water, and descriptions are covered with mow, (or years. Preetilest Saunders of the that the custom house will begin bus They are surrounded in the bills and Destructive Antwerp Fir«. Waist deep in water, the armies l.a Grande by 72 per cent, the re at last rejiorts had not been discover 10 mouths in the year, and are prac city park board; State Horticultural iness tomorrow. All ports of San Do desperate shooting continues. Depu Antwerp. June 9.—Fire today de- quirement of the enabling act being ed, though a large party of men wen« tically barren fought hand to hand. When the Rus The entire ana Is inspector Von Holderbeck and bls mingo are pow open to commerce and ty Sheriff Mohan, of Glenwood sians retreated the water was crim stroyed many buildings, with a dam but 60 per cent. searching for it. Taff was about 31 uow used as summer rang« for Bak«r deputies. Cass and Brown, are direct the revolution ended. Springs, was wounded. age of |400,000. son with blood. years of age. Crook—Local option was carried county shMp. ing the fight.—Spokesman-Review. BOXEÏ MGEE TRY TO ESCAPE TWO MEN HELO OP