Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION WEEKLY EDITION. ~T ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Unswaye d by fear, unin ♦ ♦ ♦ fluenced by favor, the East ♦ ♦ Oregonian will tell the truth, ♦ ♦ the whole truth, and nothing ♦ but the truth, about county, ♦ ♦ state and national affairs, It ♦ to ♦ is fair, absolutely fair, those who differ from Its ♦ views, as well as to its ♦ ♦ ♦ friends. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ -= vol TW AN AMENDMENT BY MR. HEYBURN REJECTED. ♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO.,OREGON, FRIDAY. APRILS. I!MM. SHIPPING RATES INCREASE. Seattle Firms More Active In Austra All Lieu Lands in Idaho Must Be lian Lumber Trade. Substitutes for Original Holdings Seattle. April 7.—Ever since the in That Stat»—No Further Resolu recent increase In lumber rates from ports tions Will Be Allowed to Intrude the Pacific coast to foreign Upon Railroad Holdings, or Upon there has been a noticeable anxiety on the part of shipping concerns to Platted Towns—Actual Sattlers secure charters for their vessels to Privileges carry the lumber. Will Have Certain I Named. Heretofore ship owners and agents Almost Constant Skirmishing Washington. April 7. — Senator have not looked for charters in the Hansbrough's bill relating _ to the ______ |U(nber ___________ trade when prospects of other Along the Lower Yalu, in creation of forest reservations on the charters were even fair. public domain as amended by the j Since ¡- - _ th e rates have jumped to the Vicinity of Wiju. committee on public lands, was fa- I U.'.- jjs «W between Puget MVUuJ Sound ports I.,-. « vorably reported today. The com and Sydney, Australia, and 40« to mittee adopted an amendment pro Melbourne and Adelaide a number of viding that all selections of land vessels have taken charters for Aus DRASTlC MEASURES made in lieu of land hereafter relin tralian ports and the west coast. ADOPTED IN SIBERIA. quished to the United States within On late order loading from Puget any forest reservation shall be limit Sound ports to Sydney shippers are ed to land of the same character and holding out for 35s. while for Mel All Public Meetings Prohibited, and quality both as to soil and timber bourne and Adelaide they want 42s as the land relinquished. the Government Will Try to Pre 6d. and the shippers are of the opin Senator Heyburn offered an amend ion that owing to the large demand vent Combinations to Keep Up selections be ment requiring that for lumber in Australia they will ex made in the state and territory in Price of Necessitiee — Russians which the land relinquished is situ- perience no trouble whatever in get Are Daily Expect-ng an Attack on ated. This amendment was rejected ting those rates. Niu Chwang — Japan Has a World and an exemption was made of the TOM SCOTT ARRESTED. state of Idaho so that no selections Wide Dream of Commercial Em shall be made In that state except Charged With Asaault ar.d Battery pire. for land relinquished in the stat« The section of the bill relating to on Edw. Bellinger. railroad land grants was amended so V Tom Scott was arrested this morn that it provides that no forest res St. Petersburg. April 6 -Official ing on complaint of Edward Beilin ervation shall hereafter be created Kurupat \ln ger. who charged him with assault reports (rom General covering any lieu land or any lands and battery. Scott was arraigned In brings news of another skirmish be- within the place or indemity limits the city court and pleaded not guilty, tween Japanese and Russians near if any railroad land grant or any Kuropatkin sa>s the Japan his trial being set for this afternoon •Mju. platted village, town or city. The ese had five officers killed and the at 2 o'clock. secretary of the interior is authoriz Scott is a well known Pendleton Russians several wounded, but none ed to ascertain all lands within such character, being one of the colored «i.led. The Japanese have devastat reservations which are chiefly valu prize fighters of the city. His oppo ed Yong Ampo. able for agriculture and permit these General Kuropatkin state« that nent is a carpenter and laborer who to be disposed of to actual settlers news of a fight comes from General has been working for John Crow, on under the homestead laws in tracts Kxshtalinski, stationed near Turen the reservation. not exceeding 160 acres in area. -ben Island, off Matturza. not tar was called it was When the case t'rom Wiju. The Russians were ag- postponed until 4 o'clock, owing to ;ressors, volunteers making an at Trouble Averted. the absence of the witnesses. tack. steps Vienna. April 6.—Drastic Scott claims in defense that he has Yong Ampo, destroyed by the Jap looking to the rupture of diplomatic been keeping the man Belilpger at nese. was a Russian settlement in elatlons between Turkey and Bul his house on Court street, and has The Japanese Northwestern Korea garia have been averted through the received nothing for his rent since •ut the place to the torch. action and advice of Natihovltch. the 'ast Augus*. Bellinger owes Scott Bulgarian agent, which has brought $60 for rent and medicine for his Proclamation In Siberia. a fresh proposal from Turkey. family. Last night he Insulted Scott, St. Petersburg. April 8—A proc who "shook him.” whereupon Beilin- amation has been issued in Siberia ;er had him arrested. irobibiting bolding public meetings arrylng arms, pun base of ammunl TO CLEAN UP ROOMS. ion. or taking any action tending to Commercial Association Will Paint a Ise the prices of provisions LIBERTY OF 300 MEN HUNG IN NO. 37 PROBABLE BALANCE WORK OF ANGRY CHINAMEN. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « « « ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The East Oregonian of Pen dietun, Oregon. Is published la the heart of th« wonderful In land Empire You will find that It la readable, reliable and progressive, and will give you the news reliably, accur- ately and fully J III. â C. OFFICE Large Quantity of Explosives, Skel Apparatus Was Found Cone :led in eton Keys and Firearms Discover, a Steamer Tied at * Portland Dock ed in Prisoners' Cells—Plot In —The Arrangement Would Have volved Wholesale Killing of Guards Caused Tremendous-- Destruction and Blowing Up Penitentiary and Carnage, But for Accidental Walls—Att-mpt Was Forestalled Burning Out of the Fuse—Narrow Only by Lively Skirm>sh With Escape for Twenty Men. Brought Out by Investigations Plotters. Portland. April 5.—An infernal N.*w Mercar-tile Firm Will Be- Following Up the Evacu Jefferson City, Mo., April 5.— a machine sufficiently gowertal to tear Into the Increasing Price of lesperate attempt by 50 convicts tn i''*n a business btock. was dl«*-ov- ation of Wiju by the Rus gin Business at Comer of the Missouri penitentiary was made ered thin morning in the big freight this morning to blow up that Inst! an, l towing river steamer Albany, of the Product. sians in Fine Shape. Main and Webb Streets. tut Ion. kill ail the guards who |n-l’^e Wf-stem Transporting line, Qiricred aud reteaee the 3,000 crirn- The boat was lying at the dock. Lav- Ina s ing her shaft repaired. FORTY TRANSPORTS WITH METROPOLITAN PAPERS A defective fuse bad burned with- LOUIS MOSES WILL OPEN At 1 o'clock Guard Williams heard ARE MAKING BIG SQUEAL. a <-ommand to hold up bls hands, in an inch of a cap which was im TROOPS IN ONE SHIPMENT. WITH FURNISHING GOOD3. fol! iw*-d by a shot which brought bedded In the mi'!*' of a box con- a general alarm, 8ev<-n guards ap taialng 11*0 dynam'te cape and the peered with guns and the convict whole ■urrotiDdei with several Business Managers of New York who attempted the hold-up dodged poonfia of nitroglycerine Russian Press Warming Up to Amer- Sumpter Msn Secures Four Yeare* Detectives declare it to be the World and Times Testify. Saying .nio hl« cell after firing again. ica, and Denouncing Germany as Lease on Corner Room of Hen- Captain Whit- Guards Bruner and Williams ec- »ork of Chines»- That Some of ths Grsat Papers .ered the cell building, but arriving ■omb, recently issued orders Russia’s Only Real Enemy—Japan's Building and Will Put in bar- Are Threatened With Bankruptcy st the top of the steps, were com -ing all Chinese labor from hi* line, ese Merchants Murdered in North Large Stock of Gents' Furnishings mended to hold up their hands. ilnce which he has been threatened. Because of the Trust—Whits Pa ern Korea—Japaneee Have a by May 10—Rent Raised From $65 The Infernal machine contained Brunner got the drop on the man, "hinese napkins used to wad the per Has Advanced Thirty-three who was locked up Squadron Off Port rerthur and Are to $100 Per Month—W. & C. R. A search of his cell revealed 2u -xploslves tightly. Per Cent in the Past Two Years. Acquiring Advantages in Every Di Seeking New Location. The crew of 20 men was asleep In pounds of dynamite, a bottle of nt :ro glycerine, two pistols and a cl their bunk* at the time when the rection. gar box filled with cartridges and Ins«- was presumably ignited Washington, April 6 —The house skeleton keys. Loul* Moses, formerly in the mer PERSECUTING THE JEWS. cantile business at Sumpter. has The convicts had bored a hole committee on judiciary today had Seoul. April 7.—An American mis lea>*-d th»- corner of the Hendricks through a plate of a lock and open bearings on the Lilley resolutions to sionary returned from Northern Ko ed the door with a skeleton key Vick'ng Cruelties Perpetrated Upon tui. img at the corner of Maltr and request the secretary of commerce rea, reports that 40 transports have Webb str«rts. now occupied by the The plan was to kill guards, liberate Tnem m Bulgaria. appeared off Haiju, 50 miler north to Investigate the causes of the the prisoners in cells, blow s hole in Berlin. April 6— Additional prisme | W A C JL as a depot, and will oc- of Chemulpo, supposed to carry a present high price« of white papir the wails and escape, it is not lvices from L«-mpalanka. Bulgaria cupy it with a stock of gents’ tar- Japanese army destined for Yong known bow tney obtained the ex- used in printing newspapers, the ate there were anti-Semitic riot* i niahing good* by May lu. Ampo, at the mouth of the Yalu. Mr B Moses has leased the corner Tuesday. great scarcity of the same, and plosive« rom for a period of four years, at The mobs inflicted Injuries on Jape Landing at Mouth of Yalu. whether said conditions are a result •al of 810«.' per month, the room heir victims resembling tho«e upon Tokio, April 7.—Word was receiv- if a conspiracy in restraint of trade AMERICAN MISSIONARY They gashed the sides of being but 18 feet in width. The lense DESCRIBES CONDITION. ”hrist ed today that the Jap transports Don Zetz. business manager of the be Jews, drove nails In their hands .» to take effect May 4. the W. A C. New York World. John Norris of have entered the estuary of the Yalu uni placed crewaa of thorn* upon R. to vacate by that time. Mr Moses King of Belgium Held Responsible river, and the troops are rapidly aus- he New York Time«, representing heir heads. The authorities took "i - ts hi* goods to arrive by May the A menean Publishers' Associa embarking. for Vi«lat.on of the Internatioral -.ergetic measures to crush the out- It at the farthereat and will be ion, gave testimony showing the In- Convention Making tne “Corjj iresk. ready for bustneM bustnese by May 25 to Warming Up to America. :ernatlonal Paper Company dictates The Bulgarian government sup June J Free State" — Slave Trade Exists the price, which ha* gone up 33 per St Petersburg, April 7.—The news He ha* been in the city for several With All Its Horrors of Murder. iressed the new*, trying to prevent ent In two years, and stated that paper Russ, the foreign office favor intagonizing the izternattotiai Jew iys '.coking over the r-uetnes* pros six New York papers will face a de ite, today reproves its contemporaries Rapine and Rapacity — Belgium ish financiers handling pect*. and finally xu^ceeded in se dcit within the next few years on for attacking America. Germany, it Snares in Profits of the Inqu.ty. oans. aring a kase on this local»oc He account of high prices says, is the only serious enemy o. will leave for San Francisco in a Washington. April 5 — William The company not only dictates Russia. 'bort time, to purchase his stock ¿.rices, but prescribes the width of Morrison, missionary al Luebo. Con Vic« Admiral Stark has been dec direct from the wholesale house«, {O. one of those who recently pet! roil*. Paper in New York sold at orated with the order of Saint Stan md will put in an up-to-date, first- J2A0 per hundred, is sold In Eng- ioned the state department to islaus, first-class. lass stock !aad for $2.08 by the same company. ere with King Leopold's admlnlstra He is an experienced furnishing ion of affairs, this morning make* Japanese Marchants Murdered. - ds mar. having had many years ipeclfied charges of cruelty and ra SANTA FE AFFAIRS. Seoul. April 7.—The Japanese le • xperiecce in that line, and expects parity against the Belgian monarch gation states that three Japanese and Paper the Club Rooms This o iocnte in Pendietca permanently. "1 am prepared to prove that every Japan Has Great Dreams. Unions and Company Both Prepar merchants were murdered aa a re Spring. Ie worked in a dry goods store in mportant treaty e-.pulatton made San Francisco. April 8.—Harold sult of disorders in Chung Chung ing for a Struggle. Mheus five years age, a^fi is not a «lib Congo state at it* foundation 1* The matter of paintirg and paper correspondent of the Book Boice, province, in Northern Korea. Washington. April 6.—Tile exrcu •t ranger in Umatilla .ooaty. ing the Commercial Associât tor par overs' Magazine, was a passenge- ive board of the International Asso wing de flat Uy violated The W. A C. R- has wX yet so ' Slave trading is sy*temat leal 1) 'HE SUPREME COURT lors was brought up by T C Taylor >n the liner Korea today. He has 1st ion of Machinists is in session Japs on the Alert ured qnarters tor a depot, bat there one there by the state. In my di* admits testimony . at the regular meeting of the asso een in Japan studying the countr) lere considering the Santa Fe dis St. Petersburg. April 7.—A Japan THREE MORE WILL DIE s a i-«*?:tiiity of the company ba net perhaps iwo-tbirds of the peo ese squadron Is cruising off Port Ar OF THEIR INJURIES. elation, and the house committee rom a commercial standpoint and mte. Pending returns on a refer ng able to rent a portton of tie was instrucred to '•-lean house." bv has come over here to observe th* >ndum vote, th« ooard la endeavor >le are slaves caught In the intertoi thur, according to admiralty advices ew Martis building oa the Corner A -tlrfcrtiia Editor wm* a Content.or renovating the parlors -ffect of the wsr oa the trade of ng to obtain an amicable settle nd brought down for sale this evening. f Cottonwood and Web'j streets. anjo ote of our mUskmar es foun It was also ordered that the com • a: an with this country. Denied by the Ent re Repu&Lcar Twenty-three Were More or Less In meat. >1 tu man hands drying over fires t< . bfrh wuuld be fully as suitable for Speaking about conditions In th*- mittee in charge of amusements be PARKER’S STANDING AS A Party and the Manipulators of the jured, as the Result of a Railway be location of a depot as the build- •e taken to Belgian officers as pro*- empowered to place different grade- "ar East, he said: "Japan expects DEMOCRAT IS QUESTIONED. Strike Not ImmlnenL Ccal Trust, Who Must New Pre Collision in Cnicago—Trouble Was and brands of cigars in stock with o emerge from this war as the ng now occupied. hat their ammunition an* cot was: I j OS Angeles. April « —Officials oi duce Their Records. The rom pacy has ¡•aid but $65 ed. Caused by Dense Fog Obscuring ,-reatest power on the globe. If the the librarian in order to satisfy the Hearst Only Secured Two Men in er month for the corner of the different classes of trade now erjoy manufacturers of America do cot he Santa Fe deny a strike is Immi the View. the Kansas Delegation, After a ■enL but preparations for defense It •erdricks building, and the raise OUTHERN eACl. 1C ELECTION ing the association. The income vake up the Japanese will soon be Washington. April 8 —The supremi he event of disorder are going for Hard Fight—Parker and Hearst ■»m that fgnre to $10« per raoath. from games during the past month superior tn all the marketa. The» ■.rt re. dered a d-t.sion in tavor o ard. A large number of deput Ps intire New Board of D-rectcrs Elect ~ws the activity in busiuess eir Ian to make Japan the patron o. Cheered — Anti- Both Roundly Chicago. April 7—Three Nebraska amounted to $56 against but $18 the iTlIIam Randolph Hearst in his su. nd special policemen have beer ’ in Perdletm th s sprirc ard '-ivilization. and an educator and month before. Indians were killed and 23 Injured, Hearst People Elected the Chair- ed at Annual Meeting. ainst the coal trust • de—and for locations is the jus leader in the world. A federation ol worn in to help. Large Are three fatally, and Engineer Soreman man—Delegatee at The court has de«. Led that Mr ■>«« renter of the city. Louisville. Ky . April 8—The an sistlc races is her dream There NIGHT SHIFTS. was slighUy hurt by a rear-end col leant, as a citizen has the rigl. Widely Known Democratic Lead- CRISIS AT HAND. mal Southern Pacific eleu ion vi Under ■’’e terms of the lease there Is IVtle sign of war going on in lision on the Chicago 4 Northwest > do what al! of the republican of fl he no cb*n~e in the front of the eld today at Beachmcmt The fol ere. ern in the suburb of Melrose Park. Woolen Mills Having Trouble to Fill Japan. .date at Washington said was ou' Unices Refuse to Break In Outsider ’eidricku building, but'it will be owing directors were elected: New York, April 7.—The demo early this morning Orders. f qaantion; namely. prosecute anc' W. D Cornish. George J. Goul? ■cutded as it i*. being but recently Who Are Rooters. Laying for Russian GunbvaL crats of Brooklyn have risen and put The Omaha express was 20 min- pone the trait. The woolen mills are now runnlne ■ebuilt for the W A C- R. people. a swift quietus on the plan of the utes late. It was stopped by a block three nights In the week untf’ 11 San Francisco. April 8.—A crisis 1 H Harrimin Edwin Hawley. H Other passengers on the Kona President Baer and his partners it The deal for the rovm was made Belmont, Hill, McCarren combinat signal, and was run into by the fast o’clock, to keep abreast of the or report that a Japanese cruiser was n the local street car situation is ai ” Huntington, James Hyde. C H be fuel moaopLily. must now pro <ahn. D. O Milla. W 8 Pierre J y a Spokane real cerate man. for- tion to commit them to the course mail in a dense fog. The engine ders. At the noon hour the employe* lutaide Woo Sung, waiting for the and. today being the time limit set I. Schiff. J. S. Peyer. J. Sdllmxr lure the records and give testimon? icriy of Sumpter, who kuew of Mr. of introducing the delegates to the ploughed into the rear coech. in are divided into shifts, hslf being al Russian gunboat .Macdjur to come by the unions for breaking In im ?. H. Tweed. Maxwell Evarts. A K vhlch they refused to give at thi («■sc«' intentions to locate in Pen- St. Louis convention to vote for which rode the Indians, bound east. 'owed to eat at one time, and the tut. There is little war excitement jorted men. who. It is charged, are hearing Vandenventon. lieton. Judge Parker m the presidential The bodies were touched by the other half afterwards, in order to in any ports. ■eing brought here for the purpose % The decision of the supreme court These will meet next week in New candidate. of taking old men's placer pilot and the coach was demolished. keep the mill running during the in York to elect officers. Only five at means that Mr. Hearst has kept his JAPS FOR BEET FIELDS. The victory for the opponents of The unions say If the men are or The Indians were Buffalo Bill men •erval between 12 and 1. This has Russians Fight Brigands. the meeting. representing promise to ' Smash the coal trust.” lered to brook in the outsiders they ended instructions is complete. One of en route to Europe to join the show. to be done to keep the increasing Mukden, April 8.—The Russians La Gr«nde Sugar Corn par y Forced rill refuse, ahd If discharged for re 1175.000.000 stock by proxy McCarren's own personal friends The dead are Chief Thomas Comes. business out of the way. NORTHERN SECURITIES AGAIN today routed a band of Chan-nuses us si It will be impossible to prevent and political advisers said today: to Emplc-y Foreigners on Account Last Chief. Iren Tall. Kills Ahead south of the railway. The brigand« a strike. "The candidate for whom they The party was led by Chief High of Scarcity of White Men. Hearing on a Restraining Order to lost 10 killed and 20 wounded, and would pledge us has never given an Bear, and are the last of a band of the Russians three wounded. F S Bramwell, field mperintend Prevent Reducing Stock. SIX MONTHS AND S2.500. intimation as to where he stands on 60 from Pine Ridge agency to go to nt of the La Grande Sugar Factory. Jersey City, April 6 — Counsel the questions that determine the fit Europe April 9 from New York Relations improving. representing the Continental Secur •asM-d through last night tor Spo- One of Kansas' Silver-Tongued "Re nesa of a democrat to lead his party The Indians lost their natural sto tne. where he goes to contract for ities Company tuday secured from Niu Chwang. April 8.—General His record is all but unknown. When icism and seemed crazed with ter- deemers” Gets a Sentence. 1 large crew of Japanese to labor in Vice Chancellor Bergen an order re- Kouropatkin arrived today and re he comes before the convention, sup ■or. They ran about wildly, covered St. Louis. April 6.—Senator Bur qulrlng th* Northern Securities to he beet fields this season, in Grand viewed 4.0o0 troops composed o! ton was this morning sentenced to pose •» develops that he does not rlth blood, paint and feathers. They «how cause why it should not be re Ronde valley, horse artillery, several field batter tlx months In the Iron county. Mis represent the things for which de 'ater held a pow wow to decide The company had hoped that there stralnei !rom voting to reduce 1» ies. four regiments of Siberian rifles souri jail and to pay a fine of $2.500 mocracy stands? What would be whether to continue the journey. Cossacks and regular cavalry. stock at the annual meeting April would be sufficient white labor to tije position of the delegation pledg Mr. Burton »as in court with his ARRANGE PROGRAM FOR supply the Jemand this year, but it 28. General Kondratovitch, cummand- attorneys, very nervous. His hands ed to insist on his being the demo ISSUE OF OPEN SHOP KAILUA WRECKED. is impossible to get white labor that ing at Nlu Chwang. says he is pre and limbs shook visibly NATIONAL CONVENTION. cratic candidate?" upon. although ■an be depended IN SAN FRANCISCO. pared for the Japs, whom TRAFFIC STOPPED be ex »•■men c« Judge Adams said: "The All Her Crew Lost—Definitely Known s’vod wages are offered pected Tuesday, but failed to mater- I impose is light compared with the Compromise Fight in Kansas. The railroad companies are tn serious Conditicn of Affairs on the Ths Lamorna la Also Lost. lalize. Wichita, Kan., April 7.—Hearst's ■rime you committed, but because Delegates From All Over the Repub need of all the Japanese In the Isthmus. The relations of Russian authori ■his sentence will prevent you from Canadian 8treet Railways Adherence to Policy effort to control the Kansas delega Victoria, April 7.—The lic Expected to Meet for the Pur- ■ountry for track work and Mr state of Supplanting Union Men With ties with the foreign residents is Im •ver holding public office again. I Washington. April 6 — The tion to the democratic national con Pacific steamer Tees, from the west pose of Ratifying the Wishes of lepartment is Informed that traffic Bramwell is not certain that he can vention failed today. The best he oast of Vancouver Island, wires to Scabs Expected to Result in a Big proving. believe you will find the penalty se- the White House Cabal—It Says n-ross the isthmus of Panama ha? nduce the Japanese contractors to eould do was to compromise, by -lay the news that the four-masted .ere." Burton declined to make any Strike—Companies Preparing for Who Shall and Shall Not Be. been stopped because of the labor to to the beet aelds It is eetlmsted which he secured two of the six del ichooner Kailua. Captain I-ars, was CHIEF OF POLICE FIRED. statement, either to the court or an Outbreak. ■■trike. Orders were sent to the '.hat 100 Japs, in addition to the to- •gates. wrecked off Kyoquot Island and all newspaper men. United States naval commander in a! white help, will handle the Claude Dural, of Hutchinson, lands, numbering nine. It is believed Result of Exposures Made by the Washington. April 8.—Former Sec sthmian waters to take such meat x-et crop in Union county this year elected temporary chairman, though were drowned. COAL AND COKE DEAL. Los Angeles Record. San Francisco, April 6.—No effort -otary Root has been practically de iiree as may lie necessary to protect not a delegate to the convention This also definitely settles the fate Ios Angeles, Cal., April 6.—The termined upon for the post of tem American private property BEES KILL A CHILD- Duval had withdrawn from the race of the Lamorna. He discovered an was made this morning to force the Prelude to Building a 830.000.000 porary chairman of the republican for national committeeman, because immense amount of wreckage from United Railways’ trainsmen to break resignation of Chief of Police Chas Plant at 8an Diego. Elton was accepted by the poli-e national convention. Two-Year-Old Son -f F. W. Metcalf, STRIKE IS HELL.' the Hearst force seemed to control he latter, including a smashed life in imported men In opposition to the Ex-Sheriff W. San Diego, Apr.l 6 —Subject to ap- Senator Platt, of New York, had a c-f O taric. Sturg to Doath. In consideration of the Hearst men boat, hatches and part of the deck ultimatum handed the company by v>oard this morning. the Trainmen's Union Wednesday, A. Hammel was appointed to suc provil of title by attorneys, the Pa conference with the president this Sithop Spaulding I* Getting Excited not opposing Duval for chairman, the it Barklay Bound. J. S. Hunter, of Vale, Malheur clfic Steel Company today closed ne morning, during which the matter and which led to the fear that a ceed Elton. Over Labor Problem*. anti-Hearst men today allowed them x»unty. was in the city this morn- This Is the result of a long fight gotiatlons for the purchase of 4,000 was taken up. and after he left the strike will be precipitated almost any Washington. April 6—Bishoi ng between trains, and told of the to have two delegatee. Boise Masons Build Temple. I.os Angeles Record acre« of coal land, together with the made by the be thought president's office he said moment. Spaulding, a member of the late an Duval m taking the gavel, made a orrible death of the 2-year-old eon Boise, April 7.—The Masonic lodge In anticipation, however, of trou which openly accused Elton of pro -aliway and coke cooking plant Root would be the man. speech mentioning both Hearst an< if this city has purchased a central hraclte strike commission, was be >f F W Metcalf a weii known clt- gambling resorts. The iwned by the Tacoma Coal A Coke Platt, as well as Depew, who was fore the house committee on labor ten of Ontario, which occurred on Parker. Demonstrations followed location and will erect a $12,000 tern- ble when the scale Is taken May tecting Crlts' 1, the company arranged this morn Ight was a bitter one. Elton at one Company, located 42 miles from Ta- at the White House with the latter, today in support of the Foss bill tc ’unday evening. the voicing of each man. ile this season. Purchase price, 66,000. did not take much stock In the sug reate a national arbitration trlbu ing to have Imported men broken in ime arresting a num tier of Record oma. The delegates-at-large are Senator k The little child gained entrance to by its train dispatchers, department imployes at a card party. The police The plan is to ship coke by steamer gestion that General Horace Porter ral. He said Sherman's "War 1» ■n enclosure in which Harris, David Overmeyer, Hugh Far a doren ____ _ ____ WADE HOR8E8. reported that sleutha are shadowing used by a $30 - from Tacoma to be «hould be groomed by the republi superintendents and other employes hell,” could well be brougto up to tands of bees were kept, and before relly, J. J. Johnson, J. Mack Love i number of the Record staff. es 000.0O0 Pacific steel plant to be can machine for the governorship of date to read, "Strike I* hell?' whose positions do not compel them and C. W. Brandenburg. t could be taken out of reach by Nil! Be 8old at Commercial 8tables tablished here. New York to belong to the union. ts parents, who were tn the house. Tomorrow. PABVD WITH GOLD. Heavy wire screens have been TURKISH INVASION IMMINENT FARMERS UNITE. * was horribly stung by the angry IN SUPREME COURT. The Wade horses were brought in placed over the carbarn windows and Pennsylvania Republicans. ees and died soon after. It was "ensatlonal Gold Finds In a Califor Between Bulgaria anc Move to Organize Wheat Growers of 'rom the range this morning, and at cooking ranches bunks are being Harrisburg. Pa. April 6.—John Relation* ung about the head face i and of John Turner, English Anar Case nia Village. ire now at the O. K. feed yard, put up in barns, and wagon loads Central Washington. H. Elkins was nominated by the re Turkey Are Strained. -ms terribly, and suffe-ed J untold chist. Being Heard. Stockton, Cal., April 6.—Joe King, Walla Walla, April 7.—The farm »here they will be kept till the sale of provisions are being taken in. publicans for supreme court judge ■rtures before devth re'uved IL Sofia. April 6.—The Bulgtriat a mining man here from Calaveras tn- ministry has decided to further re ere of Central Washington have be omorrow, when they will be taken Washington, April 6.—The su- >y acclamation. The platform Mr Metes If is one of the most wonderful 'o the Commercial stables, the place county, today reports a gun in earnest to form an immense ireme court today listened to argu itructs for Roosevelt. Inforce the guards on ‘the front le- CATHOLIC JUBILEE. continent ariarists in the state, and strike of rich gravel in the very tnents in two important cases. company to build and operate mills if sale. « superinterdert of a large fruit bel.eving a Turkish invasion tnm1 The band is just off the raDge and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Dogma of renter of the town of Mokelumne and warehouses for the purpose of United States vs. John Turner, the vrnt near Ontario. New Extradition Treaty. nent. Hill last Sunday. Dirt that pays Englishman ordered to be deported handling grain grown in the wheat Is not in the best condition for sale, Diplomatic relations between Tur Washington, April 6—Secretary the Immaculate Conception. from $3 to $17 to the pan has been by Secretary Cortelyou under the fields of Douglas, Lincoln and ad though there are some fine horses key and Bulgaria are liable to tv Hay and Minister Quesada this ARRESTED ON SUSPICION. imong the lot, and it Is thought that On December 8, 1904, will be cele found in large quantities. King inti-anarchist section of the Immi joining counties. morning signed a treaty for the ex *'roken today If the Turko-Bulgaria' A strong circular letter has been wme good sales wll] be made to brated the 50th anniversary of the says over $60.000 worth of gravel is ^ration law, and the United Statea rad It ion of criminals between Cuba agreement is not signed. "rank Mlles T.ire-tens to Sue the proclamation of the dogma of the already uncovered. The residents are vs. Thomas Walsh, or James Linch- issued by Peter Leipham. John H morrow. 'nd the United States. City of Rrddinj. with excitement and are dig- execu- wild Immaculate Conception of the Bless sought ehaun, whose extradition Is Nichols and Louie D. Todd, PRESIDENT SMITH WILL TALK Redding Cal., Anr'l «.—®Vank FRUIT NOT INJURED. in their dooryards. "Farmers' ging ed Virgin Mary, by Pope Pius IX. ■>y the British government for an al tive committee of the Morgan and Daughter Sail. •Ils. arres’ed la«’ nf*bt «»«»Io leged murder tn Ireland. the pro- The present pope desires to have Club of Lincoln County,1 Will Address Mormon Conference C' i ”f ccmrl'clty In the Ore-on ex- Pierpont Kaiser and President. New York. April 6— J. posed organization which will incor Milton and Freewater Orchards Es- this feast observed the world over, Certain Issues. i-•** hold-un. was released thl* Morgan and daughter sailed on the ARKANSAS FOR HEARST. Berlin. April 6—The Magde-Burg porate to manage the business. cape the Biting Froete That Have with especial solemnity, In order to Salt I ake, April 6.—It Is under •rri-g and Virente”« to sue th® Oceanic today, denying their inten properly celebrate it the pope has Ish Zeltung reports that the em Fallen Lately. i re. »«a e’»1’»i« to be a nephew of designated the 8th of each month, as peror will visit President I-oubet be Swept All the Democratic Primaries tion to permanently locate abroad. stood here that President Smith, c GARDEN BAZAAR the Mormon church, will this afte* Mrs. Chris Evans. Reports from the Milton and Free- a day of jubilee In every Catholic fore he returns. It is alleged the In That Stats. noon make a statement to the as Pending Arbitration. Swell Affair for Benefit of Russian water orchards say that they have church, In honor of this event. In Prince of Monaco has been asked to St. Louis, April 6.—County con Earthquake In Servia. sembled Mormons In conference rel ascaped injury from frost so far, and accordance with his wish, there will Invite the monarchs to his home, New York. April 6. — Sixteen thous Red Cross. ventions held In Arkansas indicate atlve to the attitude of the churcl Belgrade. April 8.—A setere e’rth- Mary's simultaneously. The report bears that Hearst has swept the alate and bricklayers and laborers re Washington, April 7.—Much atten ft Is now thought they will escape be special services at St. regarding politics, polygamy an<* make shock was felt throughout at 8 the mark of authenticity. tion is being given to the proposed altogether, as the weather is more church tomorrow morning The populous counties are among sumed work thia morning, pending other matters brought out in the tervla last evening, doing great dam- favorable and the nights are growing arbitration. They have been. been Idle o’clock, at which high mass will be garden bazaar given by Countess those that have instructed for Smoot investigation. tge at Vranja. celebrated and In the evening at 7:30 Cassini for the benefit of the Russian constantly warmer. Telegraphers Strike. Hearst. Out of 25 counties heard three months. The peaches and apricots are in the rosary and benediction will be Red Cross the latter part of this Toronto, April «.—The telegraph from. 12 have inatructed. Almost Gunboat Arrived. Gold to Europe. Ex-Quscn Isabella III. month. Countess Cassini will uirect full bloom, and many orchards were said. operators of the Great Northwestern one-half of the state convention Washington, April 8.—The Unite? New York. April 6.—One million protected by fires and smoke to pre Madrid. April «. — Former Queen the whole show. The marine band accounted Telegraph Company, struck today, membership is already ■ight«.hundred and twenty five dol- The socialists of Clatsop county pending the reinstatement of five for, with 50 more counties to hear Isabella Is ill with influenza. An States gunobat Helena stationed will furnish the principal music. It vent frost, but it was not deejped is understood the Japanese minister necessary, even at the time, by ex-'wllj nominate a full county ticket on men discharged because they are from. All leaders concede Hearst la xiety is felt on account of her ad Ylnkow. Manchuria, all winter, ar '»re »ta gold was engaged for ship- rived at Shanghai this morning. men^tn Europe today. perienced fruitgrowers. April 13. vanced age will contribute handsomely. Arkansas' choice. member* of the union. Are THE PIPES TRUST