Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1904)
w eekly edition WEEKLY EDITION. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • ♦ ♦ Unswaye d by fear, unin- ♦ fluenced by favor, the East ♦ Oregoniau will tell the truth, ♦ the whole truth, and nothing ♦ but the truth, about county, ♦ state and national affairs. It fair. to ♦ is fair, absolutely from its ♦ those who differ views, as well as to its ♦ ♦ friends. t ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4- : : ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Dr. C. J. Smith Chairman, A. C. Haley Secretary and Joe Scott Assistant Secretary. The East Oregonian of Pen ♦ dieton. Oregon, la published la ♦ the heart of the wonderful in- ♦ land Empire. You will find ♦ that it la readable, reliable ♦ and progress Ire, and will give e you the news reliably, accur- ♦ ately and folly. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦•• ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ NO. 39 J recorder, there being no other name before the convention. For Treasurer. S. G. Lightfoot, of Vinson, was uomiliated for treasurer. Dr. Dell, >f Weston, was nominated but with- -Irew from the race. For Superintendent. W. S. Mayberry was unanimously nominated for county school super intendent. For Surveyor. C C Berkeley, of Pendleton, was made tbe unauimous choice of tae convention for county surveyor. For Coroner. Dr. Campbell, of Helix, was nomi nated for coroner, but declined, and Dr. T. M Henderson was made the unanimous choice of thevconvention. For Repre»»«.tativ'*e. W. D. Chamberlain and William Blakeley were chosen as candidates for the legislature without opposl- tion. For Assessor. C. P. Strain was unanimously chosen as the candidate for county issessor. T. G. Hailey in nominal- irg Mr. strain, said the people of Umatilla county believe that Mr. Strain has done his whole duty and hat they will unanimously indorse .lie policy at tbe polls. "The school districts of the state desiring to borrow money and Issue bonds or warrants therefor, will not be required, until further order ot the board, to make first tender there of to the board before selling them, as otherwise provided by law." During the session of the board yesterday 34 applications for the loan of the irreducible school fund were approved, aggregating a total of 346 - K45. and six applications were re jected. Torpedo Boat Sent to the Bottom by the Japanese, and the Battleship Probieda Badly Damaged. WENT OVEh THE CLIFF Went Down With Seven Hundred Men and Admiral Maka roff—St. Petersburg Stunned by the News. Automobile Had Occupants, and No body Wai Killed. Walla Walla, April 13—Drawn over a 100 toot precipice in an auto mobile which bad become unmanage Nominates Full County Ticket—Commends Democratic Admmiatration of Admiral Aliexeff Will Have Supreme Command of Russia’s Eastern able. M D Wardlow, manager ot the Two Other Russian Warships Wer« Damaged at the Same Tim» Japsn- '’aah Cycld Company and Mias Bes Resolution of Squadron—The Petropavlovsk Was Sunk by the Japaneoe, in Battle— Umatilla County — Favor» Lewis and Clark Fair e«c Croac the Yalu and Spread Out Over tne Adjacent Country, But sie York, of Walia Walla had a mfr Port Arthur Acknowledged to Be in Imminent Danger—St. Petersburg aruIous escape from tragic death Respect to Colonel E. D. Boyd—T. G. Hailey’s Services Commended. Have a Scouting Force of Fifty Ai nihiiatod—It is Believed in Semi- yesterday afternoon while touring la Wrapped in Snow and Gloom. Official Sources at St. Petersburg That War With England Over the the upper Mill creek country In Mr. Wardlow» auto As a result of Imbroglio is Probable. their fearful fall Misa York is suffer Over 2®C enthusiastic delegates ours; but we condemn the parsimo ing from a dislocation and fracture were present this morn'ug when A. ny of the republican congress that St. Petersburg. April 14—Official ital has a desolate appearance this of the lower condyle. Mr. Wardlow C. Haley, secretary of the democratic appropriated for the celebration of dispatches state that tbe Russian morning A driving snow storm pre Is stiff, sore and bruised about the ic county central committee called such an important event the sum of battleship Pobleda was also struck vails. while the faces of the people body, while the automobile is badly hour at Pon Arthur, his capture if the county convention to order, at only >4.700.000, when the Oregon and a large hole torn in her siae. I depict sadness confirmed, is a sad blow to Rasala wrecked by coming in contact with delegation in congress asked for 32,- 10:30. The Japanese also surrounded and OFFICIAL NOTICE. newspapers the rocks in an old channel of Mill The early morning With commendable dispatch anu 125.000. sunk the Russian torpedo boat Ves- brought detail« of the catastrophe, creek. s Fight at Mouth of Valu, direct We indorse the proposed practiced ezperience. the convention trashni but 5«» of this boat’s crew and even the most ignorant bought St Petersburg, April 13.— Mad Mullah Changes Base. Tokio April 13.—Tbe official got down to actual work immedi primary law as a move in favor of were saved. Vic« Admiral Gn go row itch Car Barns Burned. them and Implored passersby to read count of the skirmish between two London. April 14.—An Adon dis the people and against tbe political ately. sends the following official s Buffalo N. Y.. April 13—The barns them aloud. »mall bodies of Japs and Russians patch states that the Mad Mullah. Dr. C. J. Smith was chosen tem bosses. account of tne lose of the Pe Sunk by the Japanese. The papers unanimously deplore of the International Railway, cover April lu. on the ban »a of the Yalu. We believe that the economical Against whom the British have been porary chairman. A. C. Haley secre a tropavlovsk: the disaster, but try to excuse Maka ing a block, burned this morning Tokio. April 14—According to was received today. tary and Joe Scott assistant secre- administration of the public affairs conducting a campaign, has reached The Petropavlovsk struck a Cause dispatch from Admiral Uriu today. roff and other officer* by recalling Loes. 3200.000. and insured It states that a lieutenant and five •tary. In a few well chosen remarks of the county anu the improvement Cilian territory. s mine at the entrance of the the Russian Imttleship Petropavlovsk the collision between the English probably Incendiary. marines were sent in a Korean haa- complimentary ot the large attend- ■ of its public highways, the develop harbor today. The mine ex was sunk by a Japanese, not by a battleship Victoria and the Camper Lcg boat to reconnoiter about th* ance, the harmony and the enthusi ment of Ils wonderful resources, both ploded and the vcssci was Russian mine Uriu's report says down during the maneuvers In the mouth of the river They sighted without irrigation, thc asm which marked the opening ot with and overturned. The squadron was few years «o. Mediterranean a in Togo's fleet sunk one battleship and seven Russian cavalrymen on a the convention. Dr. Smith declared speedy opening of the Columbia near Golden Mountain at the th.- one destroyer, with no Japanese which nearly the entire crew of Chinese junk and attacked them river to commerce, and the enact- the meeting in session. time. The Japanese were ap a Victoria was lost. losses. Tbe Russians wore reinforced, but laws and As a mark of esteem and appreci ment of proper election port. Vice Admi In official circles the hope is ex- wem finally driven back, losing one ative respect, the first business trans the just enforcement of our laws ral Makaroff is apparently a pressed that the catastrophe will re- killed and two sounded. Tbe Japs Port Arthur in Great Danger. acted was the appointment of a most necessary to the progress and dead. Grand Duke Cyril. act to the benefit uf tbe Russian suffered no losses cciumittee of three, consisting of T. welfare of our people, and pledge London. April 14—A Central New» fighters by adding rage to courage Captam Yakov left and five of The report apparently concern J. Tweedy. Professor Roy Conklin our party to these ends. Rome telegram received from Niu ficer» and 32 sailors escaped It 1» cited that Russian officer* the same fight noted in Kuropatkin's Respectfully submitted. and J. N. B. Gerking. to draft a res- ■ Chwang. states the fall of Port Ar have solemnly sworn in case they a but more tnan 600 men were statemetit with the difference that olution ot respect to the late Colo-' T. G. HAiLEY. Chairman, thur is believed to be imminent and I capture him. to hang Admiral Uriu. a drown««. A number of bodies the latter str ted the Jap boats aunk WILL M. PETERSON. nel E. D. Boyd, whose life had been MARTIAL LAW AND CIVIL that Togo is preparing to land troops »ho i-umtnanded the Japaneee fleet EXACT • have already been recovered. EXTENT DAMAGE and al! aboard were toe* ROBERT M STANFIELD. devoted to the cause of democracy. | for a siege of the town. a a which sank the Russian cruiser Vari PROCESS IN CONFLICT. and whose act.vity and energy has JACOB S CHERRY, IS NOT YET DIVULGED. I ag off Chemulpo. H. C. WILLIS, contributed so much to the Jap» Scouts Annihilate«. Rumor of Mor* Disaster. .Mass for Masaroff and hia J T LIEUALLEN, of the party in thic county. was celebrated in the admiralty St. Petersburg. April 12—An offic- Military Refuse to Produce President Paris. April 14. — A Journal St. Pet- 700 Dead. Including Makaroff. VICTOR H. CHASTAIN. Committees on platform, creden ULFatad Damaged a Moyer, of the Federation of Miners , c™burg dispatch^states the rumor^ is chapel at noon today. Tbe czar and London. April 13.—From St. Per iai dispatch confirms Kooropatkin» CECIL WADE tials. order of business and house, all the government officer* attended Short a Collision. »rsburg it is now announced thflt 700 report of the Samalind aanihllatioti Habeas'current ln 'be Russian capital that were then appointed and on motion, in Answer to a Writ of In Memory to Colonel Boyd. another Russian warship has been and la Commanded by Roosevelt's ire dead. including Vice Admiral of 50 Jap scouts, and adds details of nominations for state and ccngres- Corpus—Actual Civil War is Prob- destroyed. Tbe Petit Parislen has a the Japanese movements. The Japs The committee on resolutions in Russian Official Account. Brother-,n-Law — a Sailor*« Pres Makaroff. as a result of the sinking bad sional delegates were made, In or honor of Colonel E. D. Boyd, report been entering Manchuria oppo- able in Colorado. like dispatch. >f the battleship Petroplatorsk by St. Petersburg. April 14 — Admiral der to expedite business at the after ed the following resolution, ence of Mind Saved the Ship From site Cbahediai. disguised as Koreans, which contact with a mine Tbe battleship Prince Vkh tomsky telegraphed to- noon session. and spreading _ _ along _ the _______ Destruction—Funds Be was returning from a cruise. was adopted by a rising vote: Complete river as _ far Sign of God'» Displeasure. day: Twenty-six delegates were then « Whereas, We the democracy of I a> !’■"mahonha writ of Ouray. Col.. April 13 — A ___ _ ____ ____ ing Raised for the Newt o* Km. Rome. April 14—The Agentia Ital- I "At 10 yesterday, during maneuv- placed in nomination for state and Um stills county, have luarned with In the second dispatch Kashtalin- Bell., tan's Chee’" Foo' correspondent t «ays says ers in the roaastead in tbe face of congressional conventions, the 13 dev lest regret of the death of Colo xttachment to arrest Genera) Hoist by Tne>r Own Petard. ski reports that the night of tbe lXw having the highest number of votes nel E. D. Boyd, one of the ablest anu ■ommanding the troops in San Mig -he destruction of the battleships ha» the Jap fleet, the battleship retro- 13 —Grand a suspicious Looking boat approach St Petersburg. April Pensacola. Fla . April 14 —Four or to be the state delegation, and the most faithful democrats of our state lel county, and Captain W ells, for produced an Intense depression at , pavioek < arrytag tbe flag of Com Duke Vladlmer. father of Grand ed tbe mouth of the river Laohoe. five officers and nine men were kill ontempt of court In not producing i P „ n Arthur Russian superstition mander Makaroff, capsized after aa remainder to be the congressional be it ed by an explosion in tne turret of Duke Cyril, received a dispatch from After several shots were fired it put "‘resident Moyer'9 body In Judge taken the event as a sign that explosion delegation. Irand Duke Boris stating that Cyril a out its lights and retired. At the be- Resolved, That we. as the repre tievens’ court here yesterday, was God lg against them, and it U believ- The torpedo boat Vestrashni was the battleship Missouri during tar wound is slight. No mention is made * ginning of the cannonade seven The following delegates were nom- sentatives of the democratic party ot Their names are re* Sheriff Corbett that only the j -sence of the czar i »enl out yesterday with others on a get practice inated: A. D. Stillman. A. S. Pear this county, do extend our sympathy ssued this morning fused by the nary officials. The .0 the telegram of the loss of the junks put out from the right bank ot son, Joe Scott. T. J Tweedy, Will to his relative» in this their hour of s undecided when he will go to Tel-(at Port Arthur will revive the mar | night expedition, and was Missouri is commanded by Captain crew. The cause of the disaster is i the river, but when fired at retired. »ride to attempt to get service on tial spirit of the populace. Cecil led by the enemy's torpedo M. Peterson. Wm. Atchison. sorrow and .or his untlme tell and Welle. Cowles. President Roosevelt's broth- retorted to be contact with a Rus 'sank while fighting Ftve Wade. T G. Hailey. F.W Matlock. R sian mine not a Jap torpedo ly end as the departure of a most er-in law. More Rumian Lo—ee General Bell thi» morning declared Eight Hundred Lives Last. M. Powers, Fred Laatz, L. B. Plants, ♦ saved. estimable citizen and a staunch and vlth great anger that if any force Tok to April 13—A Wiju dispatch After the sinking of the Pet roper • W. D. Hansford. J. Ji. Raley. G. A. true democrat, devoted to our partj St. Petersburg. April 14-—Grand Russian Battleship Destroys«. was attempted by Sheriff Corbett to I Duke Boris has been ordered to j tovsk I took over temporarily the state« that a company of Russian Names of the Killed. Hartman, sr., W. a*. Pierce, R N. and its principles. 3ke either him or Wells out of San Berlin. April 13.—From St. Peters troops attempted to croa» the Yalu ; command of the fleet. Stanfield, Dr. W. R. Campbell, Wil navy br>n« bis brother Cyril to St Peter»- Washington. April 1*.—The T. J. TWEED i, Miguel county. , that ___ ______ there ______ would ___ be burg M gzJOO M tJ><> wotln4e<j While surrounded by the enemy's deportment gives the names of the burg today a semi-official telegram we»t of town this morning A com liam Blakeley, Dr. Stone. M. A. Ra ROY CONKLIN. ilenty of work for the coroner to do. j able to undergo the journey squadron ’he battleship Probieda ran dead in the Pensacola accident to be received here states that the R'l» pany ot Japs drove them back tier, W. D. Chamberlain, T. F. How J. N. B. GERKING. Bell • also stated that a warrant arci, J. B. Saylor, O- G. Chamberlain A definite list of the dead shows Into a mine which struck her star Ideu'enant Davidson. Ensign Wech- «tan bat'Jeship Petropavlovsk has Twenty Russens are known to have Resolution Commending Hailey. vould be sworn out against Judge! 41 officers and 750 men lost their 1 board side »midship They belonged to th« The Prob leda ert. Ueutenant Gridley. Midshipmen been sunk off Port Arthur. Four of l>een killed and William McBride. The committee on platform pre ttevens. but refused to say what the live« on the Petropavlovsk succeeded in making the harbor Ward and Neumann, and nine sail ficers. including the Grand Duke 12th regiment of sharpshooter*. Sev Chairman Smith, then announced ! without aid. an no one aboard was ora his committees when the convention sented tbe following resolution com ^attire of the charge would be. Gridley was a son of Captain Cyril, the csar's cousin, were wound eral other Russian partiea have been The threat to arrest Judge Stevens repulsed in attempts to eroee the mending the official acts of T. G | hurt adjourned until 1:30. Dynamite at St. Petersburg. Gridley, who commanded the Olym ed Another private mesMge from Port rivar. Hailey as district attorney and rec s taken as a retaliation, and is gen pia at the battle of Manila, and Committee on Credentials. London. April 14. — Tne Central ommending him for the congression erally ridiculed by the conservative News correspondent at bt. Peters Ward was a son nf Brigadier Gener Arthur adds that two other ships Aliexeff in Command. M. J. Stillman. Robert Hager, Chas. al nomination. element. were seriously damaged The Pe Russian» Confident. al Ward burg wires that a dynamite outrage f* Paris. April 14—The Echo Loeffler. L<ark Osborn, Henry Lloyd. tropavlovsk was reported destroyed We, the undersigned, members ot London. April 1*.—LAbourebere m at the Hotel Nord today wrecked the Paris St. Petersburg correspondent Robert Morrison, A. B. Stone, Louis the committee on resolutions and AFTER FRANCHISES. by a torpedo All aboard are said to the newspaper Tn. -h. today quotas a More Name» of Dead. room in which the son of General states that Admiral Aliexeff has been Bolus. R. E Thom. haie been tost with the exception ot platform, separate and apart from Kzarkoff was lying, and the young ordered to proceed to Port Arthur to Pensacola. Fla. April 14.—Tbe foi- .'our officers, including Grand Duke Russian friend as stating the '.mpres Order of Business. the regularly appointed committee, James Galloway Interviews Milton man was killed The papers contain ‘ion it Russia is that the war with assume command of the squadron, lowlag names of dead in addition to Cyril, and they were wounded and Freewater Councils. H. J. Taylor, Dr. Campbell, James wish to, and do most heartily, com Japan will be ended tbe comity sum irg the new* bad gone to press when pending tbe appointment of Maks those already published, have been R. Means. S. G. Lightfoot. Andy mend and approve the official acts of Walla Walla. April 13.—James Gal- they were warned not to publish It roff's successor mer This friend is further quoted The viceroy leave» ascertained: Seamen J E Knight. Peebler, James Laing. William Mc- Hon. Thomas G. Hailey as district oway returned this morning from I is stated the police have documenta Reported Capture of Makaroff. as saying a fight with England over tonight. J. T Donnelly and O B Moe Chief Cormack. Tom Milarkey, Jr., Robert attorney of tbe 6th judicial district Milton and Freewater where be had I incriminating tbe responsible miscre London. April 13.—A rumor origi-I Tibet is not considered an impoasi Grand Duke Cyril telegraphed he Gunners' Mate J F Kennedy Two of the state o» Oregon, and we rec H-cn in the interest of the proposed ants Endicott. nating in Paris, has It that Admiral) bility. is suffering from burns on the neck, more seamen died this morning ognize in him one of the ablest, most electric line. Platform. Marakoff commanaing the Russian i and contusions on the knee» efficient officials in the state, a dem He went over the proposed route sea forces at Port Arthur, has been T. G. Hailey, Will M. Peterson, ___ ------------- Victima. ---------- Only two minute* elapsed between Fie« i ng From Conacnpt. Numerous Thirty-eight Caekets Ordered. ocrat who knows no political party ltd last night appeared before tbe captured by Japs, but it is not con Clark Wood, Cecil Wade, Victor or creed in the fulfilment of the London. April 14 —A dispatch from '«b* explosion and sinking ot th« Berlin. April 13.—Five head red Pensacola. Fla April 14.—Captain firmed. •Ity councils of both Milton and Chastain. Robert Stanfield. H. C. Poles, fleeing from Russian conscript Cowlee. of the Mieeouri. this morning duties appertaining to his office, Zreewater with a request for a fran- Paris says the version of the dyna- sblp Willi». J. T. Lieuallen and J. s. have arrived at Posen mite explosion at tbe Hotel Nord, in 100 messages received more than Further, that we believe that were chise. Cherry. St. Petersburg Stunned. Jap» Satisfied. from relatives of sailors making in he nominated and elected to repre "I was assured by the council of St. Petersburg, which has reached House Committee. _____ ... __________ St Petersburg. April IS.—The capi- ! quiries He replied to all personal 14—The ____ first ____ sent the people of Oregon in the na- ■xith those places that there would the French capital, states that the Tokio. April Battle in Pre greet tai is stunned by the reported disas Lee Teutsch, William McBride, tional house of representatives from be no trouble in securing a franchise victims were numerous and include the'staking" of ¿he Petropavolvsk ly. St. Petersburg. April 13—Tbe tat members of the state council ter to the battleship Petropavtosk Later reports from the ship indi Stanfield Fred Laatz, Robert and the second congressional district of or tne proposed electric road." said received by private telegram While ■Mt oflictal dispatches state that a cate the truth is not yet known re and tbe death ot Makaroff Oregon, he would make a congress Mr. Galloway today. , morning. The officials expressed Jake Hod gins. battle still continues off Pon Arthur. Wrapped in Snow and Gloom. ¡»faction, though they regretted gardlng the explosion. Thirty-eight the officials of the department keep man who would look after our gener "The farmers along the proposed Afternoon Session. silence, adding greatly to the uncer caskets were ordered in Pensacola the gallant Makaroff al welfare to a degree highly com St. Petersburg. ,.pril 14 — The cap- death of route are very enthusiastic over the strains of tne Pen- To the inspiring _ After an All Day Battie. tainty as to just what has happened this forenoon. dleion band, the democratic county mendable, and acquit himself as one -irojoeitlon and I do not anticipate St Petersburg April 13— Aa offic at Port Arthur, confirmation of the A story of a self-sacrificing man to of the ablest representatives in iny difficulty in securing a complete convention assembled at 1:30. I save the ship is told of a sailor nam 'earful catastrophe comes through iai diepatch this evening states that right of way if 1 can secure the fran The report on credentials was America. As the the Japanese fleet after a battle with ed Bogourd. Seeing the burning sources of high standing We therefore recommend him to chises from Walla Walla, Milton and immediately presented and adopted, news percolates slowly the people K'issian fort» and ships all day. bus powder charge, the mar grappled it. the kindly consideration of the peo Freewater. ” showing« there to be 219 delegatee gelber in knots and discuss it in, retKt*d and is now stationed at Ua- darted through the turret and leap- ple of tbi »congressional district. entitled to seats in the convention. tifchan. to the south of Port Arthur. ed overboard Tbe act saved the whispers Respectfully submitted, DEWEY A CANDIDATE. The committee on order of busi MakarofTs Loos an Awful Blow. ship from total destruction as had WILL M PETERSON, Chairman, ness and permanent organization, London. April 13—The toes of Ma Funeral of Commander H irose. the charge Ignited it would have C1*ARK WOOD. recommended that the temporary or Tells Emmett People That He a in karoff is a blow that can hardly be reached the magazine and blown Tokio. April 13—The last rites |e t.mated. He was the very heart of ROBERT N. STANFiaLD, ganization be made permanent. the Race. the battleship in twain. H. C. WILLIS, over the body of Commander Hirose, The committee recommended the the Russian aggression at Port Ar Nampa, ^fipril 14.—During the visit who was killed March 27 in the sec VICTOR H CHASTAIN, following order of business for the thur. Up to the time of his assum Money for Next of Kin. TWO CONGRESSIONAL J. T. LIEL'ALLri... ond attempt to bottle Port Arthur. I to Emmett last week of E. H. Dewey STATE SCHOOL FUND convention, which was unanimously ing direction, tbe Russian warships C. R WADE. a son of Colonel Dewey, and Fred Washington. April 14.—Tbe pres!- were held today, Throng« of people crouched and shivering under tbe adopted: First, the nomination of FAVORITES NOMINATED. IB BEING DEPLETED. Barnes, the former, in discussing po dent has contributed 3100, and the uncovered as the cortege passed. The gun» of Port Arthur waiting for a county judge, commissioner, sheriff, Nominations fur Judge, secretary of the navy a like sum as coffin was borne on a gun carriage renewal of the Japaneoe intermittent clerk, recorder, treasurer, assessor, The nomination for county judge litical matters with friends, was very school superintendent, coroner, two being the first order of business frank in admitting his candidacy for Neither Moody's Nor Harris* Nam» Applications for Loan» at 5 Par Csnt a nucleus of a fund for the relief with a full military and naval guard attacks, and when they came, splut af the dependent and next of kin of The medals of the dead hero were tered back in a blind way. In place representatives to the legislature and under nominations, Judge G. A. Hart the nomination for governor on the Was Presented—James A. Fee, of Very Numerous— Board Decidas to the enlisted men who lost their lives arried on a silken poliow. was republican ticket, and Indeed be has the election of 13 delegates to state man. the present incumbent', of this. Makaroff actually aat med Pendleton, Chairman of Second Hsncsforth, from tne explosion on the Missouri. Refus« Applications and congressional conventions. All unanimously nominated amid a burst many friends here who would like to the offensive. Capture of Makaroff. Probable Congreeeionai District Convention see him there? Secretary Moody sent dispatches Until Fund Is Somewhat Increased vacancies to be Oiled by appoint of applause. The night of March 10 he sent six to the widow of Lieutenant Davidson London. April 13.—In naval circles torpedo boats to sea to look for Jap ment by the central committee. —Outward Harmony Prevail»—Cat —34 Applications Now on Hand. For Commissioner. and the next of kin of tbe others WATER MAIN8 BURST. is pointed out there la considera Platform. Nominations for county commls- anese warships These met the en- tlemen Are Opposed to Leasing of killed. A telegram of condolence *>le possibility in the reported cap- emy and maintained a hot fight each The fol- We, the representatives of the sioner were then ms de. Public Domain. from the president himself was also Salem, April 14.—There Is consid ure of Admiral Makaroff at Port Ar- »id« losing a torpedo boat. Obwrv democracy of Umatilla county, Ore- lowing gentlemen were nominated: Great Damage Done by Water in hur. Recent reports stated that tng his torpedo boat foundering Ma- be- J. F. Kilgore, of Meaton; gon, in convention assembled, William Salt Lake City. erable more of a demand for the dispatched to Admiral Barker, com mandlng the North Atlantic fleet, vlakaroff has twn making sorties karoff went out with two cruiser» to _ in the rule of tbe people, Lloyd, North Miiton; Julius Hude- lieving Portland, April 14 — The republican loan of school money and the Irre San Ijtke, April 14.—The junction conveying uis deepest sympathy. from the port in small boats, doing face the entire Japanese fleet but and the moat economical administra mann, Fulton, and Frank Spike, of of nine water mains at the head of congressional convention of the aec- ducible school fund Is becoming rap- »coat duty. It Is a possibility that waa too late to be of «— How It All Happened. tion of government consistent witn Echo. It was decided that it should .Main street, burst this morning, lift the public welfare, heartily indorse require a majority of ail the votes ing the street car tracks and pave on.l district yesterday nominated J. , idly depleted. The applications on The bureau of naval affairs makes the Japs allowed the admiral to grow such action wa« a perfect Index of iver-confldent and have intercepted bls work of infusing new life lcto th» the efficient management of county cast to nominate. On the first ballot N. Williamson for congress without hand are so numerous that, if grant- the following statement: ments and flooding the business dis affairs by our present democratic Lloyd received 69, Spike 8, Hudeman , ed. would leave no surplus, and the “It la learned from unofficial In him. Makaroff being the hero ol the dry bones of the port. opposition. trict, and und>-rm.ning such historic county officials, and commend them 78 and Kilgore 61. No candidate A full representation from the dis state land board has decided that no formation. that prior to the accident as diligent, conscientious and fear having a majority, another ballot was landmarks as the monument to Brig WALL STREET FOR PARKER. PRELIMNIARY HEARING. ham Young aril the Pioneers ’ monu trict wan present Judge James A. more money will lie loaned out at to the gun aboard the Missouri, less officers whose efforts have re ordered, Spike withdrew from the i the minimum rate of Interest qnder there had been no flame blown back Fee, of Pendleton, wan unanimously ment. The damage in sight amounts sulted in a careful and economical race and the second ballot resulted Secret Cabal Headed by Auguet Bel- Mrs. Botkin Charged With Commit- elected chairman of the convention. ; the law, 5 per cent, and accordingly whatever, that tne rapidity of ser administration of county affairs, and in 88 votes for Hudeman, 78 for to several thousand dollars. ■ made an order yesterday afternoon vice of the Missouri's guns had been .. ..... —. —_ . ! Another Murder. The name of Malcolm A. Moody a reduction of tbe county debt; and Lloyd and 45 for Kilgore. Kilgore that the rate of interest In the future relatively very slow; in fact, only New ^ork. April 12—The Evening, was not presented to the convention St. Patrick's Day Won. we pledge all nominees of this con withdrew and the third ballot re until further notice, would be rained half as rapid as that of the Albany, Mail will print tonight an expose of s<n F'rencisco. Cal.. April 13 — Newmarket, April »4.—Croker's St. and outwardly the business wan con to 6 per cent per annum. vention to the speediest further re sulted In the choice of Mr. Lloyd by The turret roof was not injured, but a secret visit by August Belmont to Th<* preliminary hearing of Mra. Bot- the biennial ducted with perfect harmony. duction of our county debt consis a vote of 102 against 97 for Mr Patrick’s Day won The school districts of the sute, one man was blown overboard from Alton B Parker to carry the latter kln on charge of murdering Mr». Resolutions were adopted con stakes of 500 sovereigns. tent with the proper conduct of coun Hudeman. however, desiring to borrow money the turret. •Comfort from Wall street.' ........... — ' *' ------ -------- *“ -------------- “ “* Deane, was again postponed * • thia demning the actions of President ty business and the public welfare. and Issue bonds or warrants therefor morning The attorney for the de Nomination for Sheriff. Mall says: Roosevelt and the Oregon delegation Nezt in importance to the proper will not be required, until further or- ••••••••••••a fense urged a continuance on th» T. G. Hailey, in a neat speech, "August Belmont, banker a in congress. A resolution presented der of the board, to first make ten- a management of county affairs, we re nominated T. D. Taylor for sheriff, a a railroad man. with elaborate ground that be wished time to pre by the cattlemen's organization, op Persecuted in Hie Name. gard the development of the re who was made the unanimous choice Gigantic Strike Probeble. tempts to conceal his destination, I pare a motion for a new trial In the posed to leasing oi tbe public do der thereof to the board before sell- sources of our county and state, and of the convention. made, a pilgrimage Saturday to the Dwmiing case main, was discussed at length, but Ing them, as otherwise provided by we pledge our party and its candi Berlin, April 13.—Fifty Jew law' : Tbe order of tbe board follows: a This motion will be argued Satur Washington. April 13.—The a house of Chief Judge Alton E. Park For County Clerk. the convention adjourned before ac- . a ish families, numbering 400 . tion was taken upon the resolution. dates to the cause of irrigation as The court set the preliminary machinist strike er at Esopits. The schedules of the day nereas. with l the applications a expected When the nomination for county persons, who fled from Lom- •l The cattlemen will the most vital step now possible for present ' 7h»lnow "" on h hand «"*< for loans anfl amount a over the Santa Fe system, will a West Shore railroad were upset to hearing for Thursday clerk was reached a buzz of interest the material and social welfare of palanka, Bulgaria, as a result democratic n«w«ary to be refunded to purchaa- • probably be ordered before prevent Mr. Belmont’s departure for of tbe anti-Semite outbreak, e same resolution to the our people; and we urge the adop and enthusiasm went through the I erg of indemnity school land where To Evade th» Eddy Tax Law. May 1. according to the offic • Esopus becoming known in this city convention. The name of J. 8. Cher e congressional convention. I the title to the state has failed, will a ials of the International Asso a and the financier put himself to no have sought refuge at Wldin. tion of all laws necessary to hasten Baker City. April 18—The Black Hermann Is Nominated. the speedy reclamation of our irri ry was presented by J. T. Lieuallen, Driven out, they wandered to ' so reduce the Irreducible school fund a ciation here. The principal a little inconvenience. so that the Butte Mining Company owning tbe and T. J. Tweedy nominated W. D. a Kalafat, Roumanla There they Salem, April 14.—Binger Hermann that there will be no surplus not a lodges are all but unanimous a Tammany opponents of the judge rich Black Butte group of mines tn gable lands and the proper control Chamberlain, who made a neat and were again ordered away, and was renominated for congreaa by ac loaned in accordance with the pro • in their declalon to go out. a should not get wind of the confer- Grant county, has pulled out of Ore of the waters of our state. touching speech, declining the nomi are now bivouacking on the a clamation, in the congressional con visions of law, it Is therefor We heartily commend the Lewis a President O'Connel will leave a ence. . gon. In order to evade payment of nation and thanking tbe convemion Roumanian bank of tbe Dan a vention of the first district yesterday and Clark Centennial Exposition of "Ordered, that tbe rate of Intereat a for the West this week to ar "Ex Senator David B Hill's candi- the Eddy tai. and has been re-incor and the democrats of Umatilla coun a ube. in a pitiable state, bor a afternoon. 1905 as a deserved celebration of from this date on bonds or warrants a range detai.s with tbe local date drove to the little railroad Hi porated unuer laws of tbe »late ot ty for having twice honored him with dering cn famine, While Harris, of Eugene, was hope of any school dlatrict of All these a one of the greatest events in our na Oregon a officers. He says the aaaocla- a tion to personally welcome Mr Bel Maine. The formal transfer of the the office of county clerk. J. S. a unfortunates ful for the nomination, until the other than applications now on file, a tlon Is In the best financial a mont. and sat in a driving rain in a property of tbe company, which «»"- tion’s history, and point with pride regard America Cherry was declared the unanimous as tbe only land where rellg- hour of opening the convention, it be and it la hereby fixed at six per to the fact that Thomas Jefferson, condition In its history, and Victoria awaiting his guest’s arrival. flat» of two groups of patented nominee for the office. a ious liberty and civil rights developed that he did not have suf cent per annum and hereafter no the father of democracy and his prepared for every contingen The two drove off together to Rose claims and 173 acres of land, was For Recorder. are possible for them. ficient votes to nominate and he de tenders of bonds or warrants of lemocratic friends, Lewis and Clark, a mont, where the Wall street man filed in Grant county last week cy likely to arise. A nominated Harry Fowler was clined to permit his name to be pre school districts will be considered onceived and executed the plan a was the guest of the chief judge of (>atent was also issued to the new • e • e e a sented. vhich made the Oregon country unanimously for the office of county a • ••••••a • bearing a lean rat» than 6 per cant. a.a aaaaaaaaaaaaaa a the court of app»ala." I company to the Black Butte group. 4 5I0IIS KILLED INTEREST RITE • ••••••••••••• I