Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ ♦ WEEKLY EDITION. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Th« East Oregonian of Pen ♦ dleton. Oregon, la published la ♦ the heart erf the wonderful In ♦ You will find ♦ land Empire. that H ia readable, reliable ♦ and progressive, and will give 4 you the news reliably, accur ♦ ately and fully. Unswaye d by fear, unin fluenced by favor, the East Oregonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about county, state and national affairs, is fair, absolutely fair, those who differ from views, as well as to friends. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•• *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ VOL III PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO..OREGON. FRIDAY, APRILI. 1904 PROHIBITIONISTS NOMINATE. State Convention in Session at Port land Puts Ticket in the Field. Portland, March 31.—The state prohibition convention which has been in session here for two days, nominated the following state and congressional ticket last night: Justice of the supreme court, C. J. Bright, of Sherman county; dairy and food commissioner. Ira W. Ber ry. Milton; representative to con /■».., r» . n ' gress from the first district, R W second district, H. W. Stone, of Multnomah; joint senator Multnomah, Columbia I and Washington counties, F. Mc- ’ Kercher. Multnomah. Presidential electors: T. H. Ames POLITICAL PRISONERS Multnomah; W. P. Elmore. Linn; REFUbE TO ENTER ARMY. Leslie Butler. Wasco; and T. S. Me Daniel, Multnomah. Trying to Develop an Entente Cordiale Between Russia Keisay. of Yamhiu county; and England. CLEVELAND TRUST ASSIGNS. Were Offered Pardons as the Price of Voluntary Enlistment* — Small j Cause, a pox Rages in Irkutsk Province— Defalcation for an known Amount. Un- i Cleveland. O.. March 1 31 — The federal Trust Company i assigned Chong Ju—Immense Quantities of this morning. It has deposits English Coal Going to Japan—Dis amounting to *800,000. An assign ment was decided because • Secre cipline at Port Arthur. tary-Treasurer Cleweil is out of the city and the officers are unable to locate him or understand his ab 31.—The sence. St. Petersburg. March Novosti today graphically describes Due to Defalcation. Port Arthur as a place markedly Cleveland, March 31.—It has been changed. Trains from the city are ascertained that me missing official tilled with fugitives and the military of the Federal Trust Company Is a are almost the only persons left at defaulter, but the amount is not the port, which resembles a city of given. the dead. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT General Stoessel has ordered an shops to remain open during the Everett Buckingham Will Succeed bombardment. E. E. Calvin on the Oregon Short The newspapers ot Russia con Line. tinue to praise England and attack Salt Lake. March 31—It is official America, taking statements of wit nesses of the Chemulpo battle as a ly announced as effective tomorrow su perin text. The British captain threaten that Everett Buckingham, ed to fire if the Japanese pursued tendent of transportation of the the sinking Russian vessels for the Union Pacific, has been appointed purpose of destroying them in the general superintendent of the Ore inner harbor. The American ship gon Short Line, succeeding [ E. E Vicksburg alone refused to act the Calvin, and the office of assistant humane part due from a commander manager will be abolished. of sound mind and morals. More Damaging Testimony. San Francisco. March 29.—John Do Not Want Clemency. Dunning was on the stand this Berlin, March 31.—The Vossische morning. He admitted that during Zeitung reports that the offer of u»a January and March. 1898. when not czar to pardon any political prison at work, be spent most of his time er who would volunteer, has not be?n with Mrs. BotMn. He said he told accepted in a single instance. Mrs. Botkin bis wife liked candy, and identified a number of anony- Smallpox at Irkutsk. mous letter* received by hi* wife in London, March 31.—An eastern Dover. Del., as having, in his opin correspondent of the Gazette, reports ion, been written by Mrs. Botkin. an increase .of smallpox epidemic in Kansas Social!eta. the province of Irkutsk, Thirty per cent of the population of Matchae Wichita, Kas., March 31.—The so is infected. cialists of Kansas assembled in con vention here today with delegates Russian* Fled Hastily. present from many parts of the A correspondent of the Central state, The convention will nomi- News at Rome telegraphs that Seoul nate a ful] state ticket and perfect advices state tnat General Miscb- plans for waging an active cam- enka. the Russian commander in the paign. Chong Ju fight, narrowly escape! N«w District Attorney. capture by the Japanese. The Rus sians left many sabres and rifles be Washington, March 31.—It ba« hind in their flight. been decided to appoint Cyrl Baxter of Omaha, United States district at torney of Nebraska, vice Summers. English Coal to Japan. Liverpool, March 31.—It is repon ed that an English firm is sending 100.000 tone of coal, ostensibly to China, but really to Japan, at 23 shillings per ton. Russian* Fled Precipitately From PRINCIPAL OBJECT ECONOMY BAKER COUNTY POLITICS. IN BUYING. Selling Prices Will Be Agreed to Only ae to a Few Staples—The Officers Were Selected From Diff erent Points Throughout the Coun ty—Every Dealer In th« County Expected to Join. Representatives of the grocery- Jrms of the entire cout ty met last aight in the office of Hailey A Low- el) and perfected a grxx ers' organ!- cation. Men from Weston, Athena. Milton and Echo were nt the meet ing last night, besides the Pendleton representation, and a permanent or sanitation was effected. J. B. Des pain was elected president, Charles Rohrman vice-president, D. P Smythe secretary, and Sim Cully, c Weston, treasurer A committee was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws 'or the organization, which will be sent to the different parties throughout the county, who have signified th.»ir intention of joining the order, for their signatures. The purposes of the order are mu- tual advantage and profit. They will io their buying on a large scale and will thus be able to secure discounts which a single buyer could not get On baking powder, for Instance, by ordering a 50-barrel shipment he company will allow a 17 per cent discount, This will not of necessity be of any advantage to the consum- er, though it may be. The prices the buyer will not be regulated ty the association unless in a few cases and on staple goods. Slav Author Openly Advocates an Anglo-Russian Alliance to Checkmate the influence of the United States. Japanese Coaster Bunk by Russian«—Russian« Were Repulsed at Chong Ju—Another Russian Battleship Damaged During Harbor / vers—One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Japanese in and Immens« Quantities of Equipment—Providing Backfire Mansu- Korea, Against Japanese Invasion of Vladivostok District Dr. E. B. McDaniel for Representa tive and George Jett for Assessor. Baker City. March 29—A careful interview of leading democrats in the city reveals the fact that it Is the general opinion that Dr. E B Mc Daniel will make an ideal represen tative In the legislature from this county, and that he should be noml nated in the forthcoming conven- tlon. If he is nominated it Is said that he can easily be elected, It has not yet been developed that there Is any opposition in the democratic ranks to McDaniel as representative. In Sumpter there is but one idea, McDaniel for representative and Jett for assessor The Sumpter demo crats say they are not looking for •onora this year and will unite with Baker City on any ticket put up. The committee meeting this after noon will decide the time and place of holding the primaries and the county convention and then every body will go to work on a first-class elate and be prepared to put It through when the time comes HEINZE FINED. Was in Contempt of Court for Violat ing an Injunction. Butte, Mon., March 30.—F. Heinze was fined *20.000 and Frank and J. H. Trerise «LOX» each for contempt of court by Judge Beatty this morning The fln s will be paid by 11 o'clock Thursday. The second contempt case is under ad- vlsement. The fine* were Imposed for viola tion of an Injunction. The prosacie lion claim* the defendants removed I *1.100.000 worth of ore from the J Michael Davit mine, violating Judge' BaJicy's injunction. AN Over ABUNDANCE OF Scheme of the Government to Build Monster Dam at Head of Wallowa River. MOISTURE. GOVERNMENT WOvLO LOAN Four Inches of Rain Pell in Twenty-nine Day« FROM RECLAMATION FUND. Walla Walia. March *0 —Over four People of Wallowa Valley Wie* to inches of rain has fallen this month Raise Level of the Lake to Cover with two days yet to hear from The record 1* now safely above that j Vast Tracts of Foothill Land Be of any previous year 19 the history I >ng Above Present Ditch Systems of the local weather office. Observer Newman yesterday re —Will Require About *75.000 to ported an excess of precipitation of Build Dam. Which Sum Those Re 3.53 inches eInce January 1, with x total rainfall of 4.10 inches for ceiving th« Benefit Would Be Re March, which is the greatest precip quired to Repsy the Government— itation for this month ever recorded at the local weather bureau The Scneme Depends on Secretary of nearest approach to thia figure was tne Interior. in 1894. when 3 75 inches fell during the month. St. Petersburg. March 30.—The . Vesuri district are drilled by Ruv ARRIVEO FROM GERMANY. Russian government has Issued a «Ian sub-officers and are armed with declaration that after the recent old guns. Will Be Tried at San Francisco for Japanese proceedings Korean port* can no longer be regarded by Rus Japanese Loss«« at Chong Ju. Embezzlement. sia as neutral. The declaration if St Petersburg. March 30—Genera! New York March 28—Edward T precipitated by the fact that a Jap Kouropatkln reports that according anese advance guard occupied Hal)u, to the townspeople, the Japanese Masterson, wanted In San Francisco to answer a charge of embezzlement a seaport southwest of Anju, March lost 40 killed and 100 wounded tn of SMMjMO preferred by th-- Conti 27. ' the Chong Ju fight. Twenty-eigat nental Building and Loan Associa A special to the Oregonian from M. Sauvorine, writing in the No- MORE OCEAN FREIGHTERS were wounded and were conveyed to tion. arrived from Germany this Washington says that F. H Newell voe Vremyla today, proposes an An . Anju by Koreans The Japanese morning on the ste«m<-r Von Moltke. glo-Russian alliance, contending Will Be for Benefit of Canadian-New ha* consented to advance a ions of lost a large number of horses. Kou- money out of the reclamation fund England is less dangerous to Ku’’ ropstkin further reports that Cap- He was arrested at Kiel some time I Zealand Trade ago sia than America, which is an ®*° tain 8tepanoff. wounded, la dead I ;or the purpose of bu.iding a dam Vancouver. B C., Marco 29—T. at the head ot the Wallowa river, ¡ent parvenu stretching bl* legs _____ Schriver, the Canadian Manufactur-1 to raise the water in Wallowa lake under the tables of Asiatic politics, Moyer Still a Prisoner. Japs in Korea. -n' Association agent at New Zeal for the purjose of irrigating the it is time that Europe realized Amer Telluride. Col.. March 29—Presi «ano1 is Rome March 30.—A Seoul dis- dent Moyer, of the Western Federa ind s'atee that arrangement* have rarming land*, under the ica as ber enemy. --------- patch states the Japanese made a tion of Miner*, is still a prisoner in '»een made to put on a line of big lltch system* now having their Japanese Coaster Sunk. determined attempt to land at Niu j*ll. No effort is being made to re 'retghter* between Vancouver and source at the head of the river. LOG DRIVE STOPPED. The amount recommended will be Chee Foo. March 30,-The capum Japanesejraw- cure bondsmen. Attorney Murphy. I New Zeataad as a result of the 'a-, rease In trade owing to the prefer-j »bout J75XW0. or al-at *1 per acre Perry Lumber Company Forced to ind a sailor and one passenger • t ports yesterday landed a large num -f Denver, arrived last night to de Postpone Spr.nq Drive on Account he Japanese coaster. Hanyen. have ber of troops and 60 guns, and enur fend Moyer. He was immediately nt lai tariff in favor of Canada' .or all the land that will be urlgai- .-d by this plan The promise of trrived at Let chan. They report mous supplies at Chitamppo. There waited upon by a number of men •zalnst the United States. of Low Water. The steamer Mermaid struck a! .his loan is founded on the und?r are now 125.000 Jr.p troops in Kora and warned to leave the dietrict .hat a Russian fleet sank the Han While the creeks and river In Murphy aprea’ed to Generrl Bel! for, <k at Jarvis Inlet and went to the landing that the people to receive Umatilla county are full to over sel near Mian Island, the 25th ttom. The passenger* and crew t benefit from s„ch irrigation are to Another Battleship Damaged. -ro'ertlon ard is now escorted by a : .»eventeen of the crew and passen- flowing. the water tn Grand Ronde ear a portion ot the expense an-1 » caped. «quad of soldier*. were taken prisoners. SL Petersburg. March 30.—A pri river is so low that the Perry Lum- repay the government for its o«V Five deported unionists who at- vate dispatch received today states >er Company has been forced to *y. The setuers ot Wallowa nave Union County Pioneer Dies. Russian Repulse at Chong Ju. that during maneuver* in the inner •erupted to return to Telluride, were ‘ postpone their annua] log drive un nade a request tor th.* assistance, arrested by the military at Ophir La Grande. March 29. — Charie* harbor at Port Arthur, the Russian London. March 30.—The Japaneee til a few warm days In the high loop and thrown into the bullpen • -Clure. one of the oldest pioneers »ad Mr. Newell has found the plan mountains, starts the snow to melt- lega-.ion has issued the following sc battleship Petropavlosk collided with f Union county, died last night at easible and will present it to ’he count of the Russian repulse at and seriously damaged the bat!l-> •ng. ret ary of the intenor for con- 1« home in this city with cancer of [ Washington Experiment Station. ship Sebastlpo. The department nas A large force of men had been Jhong Ju March 28: «deration. he face, from which ne hzs suffered j to confirmation. Walla Wall*. Mnrch 29 — Durinr n- "A portion of our cavalry and sent to Starkey Prairie and Camp The ,,.an •be past week arrangement« ha-e >r a number of year*. He wa* an -am across Carson, to begin the monster drive. (entry occupied Chong Ju alter Je- time miner freighter, packer and ; d •»»en completed for the establfsh- Amer.can Flag at Niu Chwang. about 20.000.000 feet of logs having .eating the enemy tn the outskirts. •m km an and was well knowr. ae Wallowa river, stere it breaks been banked out, but the entire The enemy numbered 600 an«, re Niu Chwang. March 30.—A vigor- ■"•e^t of a gorornmert experiment hroughout the Inland Empire. trough the rocky wall to form the crew is idle, waiting for a rise in the treated tn the direction of x-iju ous protest by United State* Consul -’•Mop at Rft-vi’l«- the project to be ,n.y onUet ot Wallowa lake, and .y ■nder ibe supervision of the Unite* casualties were river, before it will carry any portion jur lieutenant yij-.ey. hM resulted in the Russians bis means raises the level ot the Got Twc Year*. nd agreeing to a tentative reatoratloi ’•ate« arrirultnral départirent, and Xanoa and four other* killed. of the drive. ake from lv to hi ieeu in order *> with Baker City. March 29.—William «ecure higher level* for d.tch *y»- Captain Kuronkawa and U other* of the United States flag on build •o be corducted In connection Potatoes Go East. wounded No casualties (tnong the ing* from which It was recently or •he state agricultural college at Pull- Schull. who robbed the Palmer jew ems. which can then be built 1 -lry store of about *>O worth of »round the brows of the surrounding man The heaviest shipments of pota- infantry. The enemy must have sus- lered k-wered. knive* and razors, two weeks ago -ill* in the Prairie creek. Cr>w toes that have been made to Min- «ained equal casualties." Five merchantmen were docked | was sentenced to two year* in the .reek. Whiskey creek country and Diphtheria at La Grande. nesota In a number of years have today. They report seeing the Rus La Grande. March 29—The 6 year ! -icritentiary by Judge Eakin. las’ Middle W aJowi Valley. Backfire Against Japanese. gone forward from Washington dur sian fleet off Port Arthur Sunday. old «on of E L. Eckley, editor of the ' evening. .ng the past few months, and withal There are several thousand acres St. Petersburg. March 30—The tn- ixing range* for the »bore fort* 1 a Grande Chronicle, has a severe the price has not been greatly In habitant* of the islands near Vla>U-1 of tillable land on these foothills, Heavy Railroad Loans. case of diphtheria, and the home is creased. Scores of carloads of spuds vostok have been ordered that in the Voted War Tax. above any present ditch system, quarantined now from the Walla Walla valley and event ot the Japanese attempting to New York. March 29.—It f* cur which can be reclaimed by this plan. March 30 — The diet finish- Tok Io. from the irrigated districts of Yaki xnd to kill their cattle and deer to ed its special session last night, pertly stated that two loans of *5 All this land 1* highly productive Sentence Postponed. 000.000 and »7.000.000. have 1 beer .nder irrigation, and w:th.n the last ma county, have found ready mar :event the Invader* obtaining sup- passing all governmental war tax Louis. March — 29— Stnator ------- Bur I made by well known railroad mag (our year*, six private ditch system* St. L^ —-________ ------------- ket In St Paul and Minneapolis. The lies. measures The >ount to be raised market pries at the Twin Cities now reclaiming reduced from 1 ’nn appeared in court thia morriña 1 nstes. the collateral for which is have been constructed, for annually has been Volut teer* have been called Wed- j Union Pacific stock. The purpose is from« to 15,900 acres of rich ranges near *1.15 per bushel, whole rom among the Russian peasants. *34.000.000 to *31.000.000. The salt I but was instructed to report need ay for sentence. not divulged sale—Walla Walla Union. land. inhabitants in the monopoly was voted down. The Korean ■ ■■■ ■ -iI The Wallowa lake is one mile wide by five miles long, and is fed by numerous mountain streams which come from the snowy ranges lying between Wallows and Union counties and the Wallowa river is 4 the only outlet. The lake 1* of Shoot to Kili. enormous depth, and ia one of the St. Petersburg, March 31.—Gener clearest and most beautiful lakes in I al Stoessel, commander at Port Ar I the West thur. has ordered sentinels to shoot The Wallowa river run* very low to kill all unauthorized persons ap at the dry season and this dam THE INQUIRY WILL BE QUESTION OF PROBATING LEWIS AND CLARK FAll^ proaching the fortifications and bat THIRTY-ONE WERE MORE could easily be built, if the govern CHARGE AGAIN6T HIM MOB REINFORCEMENTS teries. DROPPED AT THIS POINT. meat decided to finally comple e SEALED LETTER AS A WILL APPROPRIATION NOT SURE OR LESS BADLY INJURED. “FLAG DESECRATION.' FOR SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. Admiral Makaroff's reply to con this plan, and the three Wallow* val gratulations by the commander of leys—lower, middle and upper val the Black Sea fleet, states that Lieu Illustrates Difficulty of ley—could be made to support four Dangerous and Thrsatsning Fire Is Bill Has Been Cut Down, Amended, Berlin Police Compelled to Escort Officers Are Searching for ths Sec Bryan Takes the Position That the Incident tenant Krinlske, commander of the Maneuvering Complicated Battle times their present population, un Letter Contained a Gift Outright, Squeezed Out and Buffeted Owing Now Raging—Cause of Fire Prob retary-Treasurer of the Seme Or Troop« to th« Railway Stations— torpedo boat destroyer Stilni. is he ships — Question of Authority Be der thorough systems of irrigation and That Its Content* Should Not to Lack of Harmony Between ably Friction of Machinery—Near real hero to be honored for re pell ng ganization, Who Is Supposed to Mob D««troy«d Railway Property There is very little vacant land tween Secretary of Interior and Be Subjected to the Procese of the Japanese attack. Between President and Oregon ly All the Victim«, Both Kilk that would come under any ditch Be Hiding In Denver—Moyer's At —Indicates General Discontent Probating—Jury Readily Selected. I the Statutes—Relating to the Diet- system originating at the lake, as The ice breaker Ermack has ar- Delegation—Will Now Come Up and Injured, Are Girls—Immense torneys Have Left Telluride—Des Among the Working Class««. rived at Kronistadt. rich Impeachment Case the Que«- the foothills are now owned by stock for Passage on Monday Under Quantities of Explosives and perate Effort In Chicago by In X -- men and farmers who use them for t on It One of Procedure Code Suspension. New Haven. Conn . March 29.— Other Property In Danger. junction to Stop Picketing by the pasture, and within the past 10 years Habeas Corpus for Marx. Berlin, March 30.—The departure The trial of the appeal of William J. Labor Unions. every creek bottom, high up into the Chicago, March 31.—Judge Cby- of 300 reinforcements for German Bryan from the decision requiring Washington, March 29.—The sec hills and timbered mountains has traus this morning issued a writ of Owing to the lack of Influence of Southwest Africa today occasioned the probating of a sealed letter rotary of the navy today approved been settled upon. Scranton, Pa., March 31.—Twenty- habeas corpus returnable Monday, in five girls lost their lives this morn the Oregon delegation in congress, Denver. March 30—The sheriff of giving him *50.000 of the estate of the recommendation of the court of Any land to be irrigated under this serious rioting. the case of Marx, the carbaraer. ing by an explosion and fire in Dix- the Lewis and Clark fair bill has Telluride arrived tula morning with Philo Bennett, was begun before inquiry in the matter of the recent proposition would have to be bought His counsel allege error in sentenc son's squib factory, at An anarchist mob 1,000 strong, Gager, of the court. superior Judge Perceburg, been cut down, squeezed out, amend collision of the battleship Illinois of private owner*, and for this rea warrants for W. D. Haywood, secre ing the bandits, as the date conflicts four miles from this city, Two ed. postponed and buffeted through stoned the soldiers while passing in tary treasurer of the Western Fed at 10 this morning. and Missouri, and there will be no son some arrangement would ha.-e with the statutes, being two days bodies were found two blocks from congress, until there are now grave Town. Beside Bryan sat Charles the streets. The police were sum eration of the Miner*' Union, but further proceedings. to be made whereby the government over the time allowed, and also er- the scene and dozens of girl« were double about i’ even in :ts Henry Newton and Harrison Hewitt, The court finds that Captain Brad would be repaid for its outlay in moned to escort the troops to the could not locate him. rors in the clerk’s records. A big badly wounded. present amended form, carrying but his counsel. Mrs. Grace Bennett, ford. ot the Illinois, acted with building the proposed dam to Mail advices from Telluride legal fight is on. *45<’COO instead of over *1,000 000. station. The officers were compell Ridgeway state that President Moy the widow, sat among the score of consummate seamanship, bat does witnesses, and there were many as presented in the senate. ed ;o charge the mob. slashing with List of Fatalities. not fird that Captain Cowles, the er. charged with flag desecration, Troops for Canada. IRRIGATION AT BEND. women spectators. It will now come up for final con s word«, before order was restored, obtained a bond last night president's brother-in-law displayed Scranton, Pa., March 31.—Six per whLh military Halifax. March 31—The The jury was readily selected, •he proper signals to avoid a collis- sons were killed and five injured, sideration In the house on Monday, The mob reformed and made a wa« signed by County Judge Ward •vhen the clerk of the prohate court Proportion Under the Carey Act «* 10 authorities are expecting that some fatally, in the terrific explosion having been laid over from Wednes rush for the Lehrter station. The law, and Moyer was rebased. H* Produced the will ard sealed letter ion. In Tiew of the fact. however. i regiments of the line will next Pro greeting Nicely. hat the Missouri is a new ship and in the Dickson Squ > Company s day on account of a light attend by « and identified them, repulsed wa» Imrredivtely rearrested The counsel ber officers end crew were nnaccns month be stationed in Canada in i the factory at Priceburg at 11 this morn ance at the session. Under the rules . olice again charged and Arlington. March 29.—Additional disturbers tore squad of soldiers and hull-penn-x ’ 'or Mrs. Bernett objected to the in •om«'d to her mechanism, the court forces of men have been added to event of certain developments •n ing. Five of the dead are girls, the It will come up for hearing under the rabble, but the His three attorneys arrived at Ridge down the barriers and reached an •nodnetlon of a sealed letter. the Far East. ind Ad'-ira! Dewey recommended ro the present large crew at work <* other a boy. All the bodies were suspension, when it will be neces- other part of the station, where they way this morning under military Recess till 1 p. m. further action. the Deschutes Irrigation Company's removed from the ruins, which sary to muster a two-thirds major- destroyed the signa) box. tore up guard. they Not stated whether Trust Company Failure. canal lines and more will be put to ity to pass IL afterwards took fire. the rails and maltreated the railway were ordered to leave camp, or went Hold-up Artist Caught. Boston, March 31.—The United Question of Jurisdiction. work this week. The lower ditch The dead are Laura Matthews, A sptcla) from Washington says officials. The police finally drove of their own volition. Baker City. March 29 —W . J. Pos Trust Company closed its doors this Bessie Lewis, Uzzle Mahon, Lizzie tnat the general disagreement and W.ishirgton. March 29—The sec crew is at work nine miles north of them away after wounding many the un on accused of holding morning. Capital, *100,000; depos Bray, Mary Callahan. The cause ft frit lien between the Oreeon delega-1 •etsry of the Interior Informed •he Bend and construction is progress- and arresting a nut ber. Ready for Civil War. Wright restaurant In this city last enste today in reply to a recent 'ng rapidly from the mouth of its, *1.500.000. It is a state institu the explosion is unknown, but is *e- ticn and the president is working The riot has create1’ apprehension in Reno —«niutlor of inqu'ry tn’o his reason Telluride. Col., March 30—Gener- week, has been arrested tion. flume to the towusite of Bend, lieved to have been Ignition Of ox- against the bill, as against all other as an indication of widespread dis- I Bell has ordered al) troops to '»e Nev., and Sheriff Brown will bring •-«r a pension order. The secretary irg the past week work on the ca plosives from friction. iegt«)ntlon intended to help Oregon. lontent among the Berlin proletariat him back this week to stand trial. pre; ared to move on 20 minutes' no MELLMAN IS BLUFFING. ’«o’d« his order was clearly within nals has been carried on below the At this hour. 1:30, the fire depart- There has been little headway classes. tice. and special trains are engaged executive authoritv ard In conform Pend and the old county road has ment and a large force of volun- made for any Oregon legislation in EARLY FRUIT IN BLOOM. Presumption Is that their deatlnati in Electric Road Promoter is Making a teers is engaged in preventing a the house during this session of con <’v with the e-isting hw and the *»een vacated. WAR PREPARATIONS. Is Ouray ard Sail Juan counties, —»••■cd’ bcrotoforo vreva'llng. Play to Sell Hie Water Righ.s to spread of the flames to the storage gress. owing to the election of Mr. The ditch line occupies the natrow Miltrn Acrlcot Orchards Are Cloth, In the house today the service •'«ss for two miles north of Bend and cellars and towers of the works, Williamson, who is a new member Nicarag.a Geri ng Ready for a Fuss which are union strongholds. Electric Light Company. ed In Mantles of Blossoms. «•-«ion order prometed Bourke •he road has now been swung over where 18 tons of powuer, 12 tons of With Her Ne.ghbor*. “Mellman will never build his elec- dynamite and upwards of 90 tons of and out of touch with the legislation Insurrettlon Postponed. Ta««ie Stewart. the well known ',o--‘Tsn. democrat of New York, »n ‘o the e«st side of the ditch The fiat his been under progress for the _ric road from Pendleton to Dayton." manufactured products Havana. Ma ch 30.—Nicaraguan Sofia. March 29.—«..eneral Sarafoff •armer of Milton. was In the citv “’roAi’ce a reso’u’ion directing the lower esmn is near Long Butte. are kept. pest lout years. said a prominent business man from transports are here loading 20,000 'oday stated that the Macedonian In 'aat evening en route to the state -omniittee on judiciary to report on where considerable rock work Is be- Should their efforts not be success Milton to the East Oregonian today. which will •he secretary's authority to tssue an Ing done. rifles at d a million rounds of ammu surgents have decided not to raise ■rohi’'itinn convertion. ful, the entire town of Priceburg and EXAMINATIONS PROGRESSING. nition and general commissary sup "He is just running a bluff, in much valuable railroad property is •executive order. a rebellion this spring. The delay •-e held to-^orro-v a-d Wednesday. it is expected that within i a few nopes of selling bis water rights on in danger. Mr Stewart savs the early apricot plies, and will sail tonight. Cap- is for the purpose of giving the weeks 10 miles of the ditch will have O. R. A N. Employes Are Taking the Tukanon and the Walla Walia Relating to Impeachment Cases. Freewater lain Al.ianlz. formerly «of the Span powers an opportunity to carry out •re«« In the Milton Later—Thirty-one persons, most of been completed, making a continu rivers to the Northwestern Gas A Physical Tests Very 8lowly. districts are now In full bloom and Washington. March 29.—Hoar, ous canal from the nd of the flume ish navy, says the munitions have proposed reforms, whom were girls, were more or less Electric Company of Walla Waila five promise of bearing a heavv -halrnian of the judiciary, has re but are simply ! injured. to a point some distance below the The physical examination of em no significance, and Pendleton. This company is now crop. Although several Bevere frost* -ured unanimous consent of the señ Butte. North of the latter point the Cor', eft Roasts Graney. ploye« on the O- R- A N. is progress preparatory to a Nicaraguan defense | making arrangements for the instal have visited that section recently, ate to sit during the sessions. vround is such as will permit of ing slowly. It being new system in the event of the attempt of the Heavy Snow in Mountains. Chicago. March 30.—Besides roast- no damage has been done. lation of ore of the biggest and the easy and rapid construction. It has under consideration Most everyone who comes In from the employes are slow to urderstan«! other states to force that country Ing Referee Graney. Young Corbett, This early crop of apricots will most complete electric light and ol he mountains has the same story its meaning ard extent. Many of to join the Central American union. on arrival here this morning, Over 200 telephone poles have de ripen in July, fully four weeks earli Dietrich case and a resolution power plants in the Nortnwest on meeting It to report whether the een- been cut for the line which will be •o relate concerning the depth of them think it Is a plan to rid the nied stories lhat he is broke, and er than the crop In Grand Ronde the Walla Walla river, and Mellman mow. proceed - ate can try impeachment Parker Indorsed. William Ketchum, whose service of objectionable men and erected along the canals and the Raid he had cleaned up *30.000 in valley. hopes by making a stir in his elec place Is situated at the head of Mo Ink* in the same manner as the Ene Others think it a system that wll Oneida, N. T., March 29.—The the ’Frisco track. He will meet Mr. Stewart sent some “Hood llsh house of lords, and a bill pro- work of delivering them began this tric road scheme at this time, to sier creek, says last year at this gradually replace the old employee Madison county democratic conven Tommy Mowatt 8at”rday night. River" strawberry plants from his hlbitlng the sale between states and week. force the Northwestern people to date he made the trip up in a wag with younger men. An order has t^en placed for 27 tion met today and chose delegates Milton orchard to his brother at Pa territories, or shipment to or from buy bis water rights, or pay him a on. A little over a week ago he So far as the examinations have to the state convention at Albany. Clothing Firm Faile. clfic Grove. Cal., last December, and a foreign country of salmon fish in- miles of wire, and it is expected bonus to shut up. went up and found six feet of old progressed, no one in this city, La A resolution was unanimously adopt that telephone communication will Pittsburg, March 30.—The firm of a recent letter from his brother nays tended for food was taken up "No; there is no prospect of rid snow and still coming. Farmers on Grande or Huntington has been be established between the working ing in electric cars from Millon to Dutch Flat also tel) of several feet found deficient. The company is an ed Indorsing the candidacy of Judge J. M. Gusky, for many year* promi these plants will produce ripe fruit points along the canal In a few weeks nent clothiers, was placed in the sev- Parker for the presidency. within the next few days, being Pendleton this fall.” Professor A. B. Arnold is dead at up that way.—The Dalles Chronicle. xious to retain every old employe :n time hands of a receiver this morning eral weeks earlier tnan any of the San Francisco. He was author of the service and any discharges that A postal order treaty between the No statement Is give... native California varieties several surgical treatises was and A terrible scourge of “the white A proposition is now on foot to may be made will be strictly in the United States and Cuba Is being ne who General William H Payne, The fruit crop tn the Milton dis one of the world's first authorities man’s curse," as the Indians call build a line of elect- .c railroad from Interest of public safety, and not un gotiated. It will be nearly identi Smoot Hearing* Postponed- trict promises to be excellent tilla on ancient Hebraic Arabic writ commanded the famous Black ■MM ths smallpox, is now ravaging the Rosalia, Wash., to Spokane, with til after repeated examinations have cal with those In operation between Washington, March 30.—The year and the people are In hopes a Cavalry. Confederate, at the battle ings and histories. He was 86 years British Columbia tribes bordering feeder* all through the Palouse been made and the employe found the United States and Canada, New Smoot hearings have again of Bull Run. la dead at Washington, been cannery will be established in time old. Hudson Bay. country. deficient In a pronounced degree. to handle the crop this season. postponed til April *0. aged 73 year*. foundland and the Philippines. SIX WERE KILLED BI AN EXPLOSION I BE-ÄHRESTED