Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Unswaye d by fear, unin ♦ ♦ ♦ fluenced by favor, the East * * Oregonian will tell the truth, ♦ ♦ the whole truth, and nothing ♦ ♦ but the truth, about county, ♦ ♦ state and national affairs, it ♦ to ♦ is fair, absolutely fair, ♦ those who differ from Ita ♦ views, as well as to its ♦ ♦ ♦ friends. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ äs V I s Well and Laborer—Was 17 and Had Kept Farmer Years Company Charles Wall, to Whom dressed a Nots and Old With' She Ad Letter, One Telling of Her Great Love for Him the Other Pronouncing a Curse on Him. eeaeeeeaeeeoeaoea • • o “When I am dead, send this e • letter to ChaHey Wall with • • my curse and hate for him, a • who has made me what I am. a • Good-bye for the last time, a • Tente.” • • • PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO..OKEGON FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1<.M>4 Complete Transfer of the Said to Have Been Destroyed Canal Zone Will Be Ef During an Engagement on fected Without a Hitch. March 18. WASTE OF GAS. pho Open to the Commerce of the Matter of Great Concern to People of West Virginia. World—Firemen Are Being Ship Clarksburg. W Va. March 24 — ped Into Port Arthur From Odessa Business men and others represent to Fight Fires Resulting From ing the gas producing counties of West Virginia met here today in re Bombardments — Captain Ivkoff aponse to call and discussed the sit Accused of Seiling Secrets to uation with regard to the supply of natural gas and its possible exhaus Japan. tion. The urgent need of measures to prevent the waste of the natural gas Berlin. March 24.—The Schles- product of West Virginia Is now gen sisebe Zeitung announces that it erally recognized and steps will be was not the Russian torpedo boat de taken to bring the matter before the stroyer Short that was blown up by state legislature with a view to hav ing the necessary legislation to prop a floating topedo in Pon Arthur har erly regulate the production and bor March 16, but the armored cruis transportation of the gas er Bay an. Almost the entire crew of ROBBER'S RICH HAUL. 700 was killed. SUMPTER TIRES OF BRAZEN VICE Port Yongampho Opened. Washington, March 24.—Minister Mountain Town Now Flooded With the Worst Class of Tinhorns Ever Allen, at Seoul, cables that Port Yongampbo will be opened to the Seen There—Open Gambling and trade of the world b/ the Korean Immorality "Causes Law-Abiding government Thousands of Russians Element to Revolt—District Attor have moved south to the Anju river, ney Sam White Now Investigating. but floating ice makes crossing diffi cult There have been a few en counters but with slight casualties. Sumpter. March 23.—The citIsens of this city, tiring of the terrible in- Attack on Port Arthur. Tokio, March 24.—Admiral Togo's rease of crime and immorality, have report of the Port Arthur attack of oetitioned the district attorney to the 22d has been received. He says suppress gambling and close the the combined fleet acted according <leiis of vice now running openly and to a plan, while the destroyers were brazenly on some of the business mder are. but sustained no damage. streets. Since the closing of gambling joints The battleships Fuji and Yasbimi •vere directed to make an indirect 'n Washington towns and Pendleton »omberdment against the inner side 'his city has been flooded with the >f the port. During this the enemy’s worst class of tinhorns and suspi ieet came out to draw us nearer cious characters ever seen here. Pet their forts. Many of their shells fell ty crime, attempted holdups and open tear the Fuji, but the ships sustain gambling in ever saloon, and other 'orms of Immorality have increased ed no damage. fifty-fold within the past three months, and the law-abiding citizens MAIL CARRIER’S THEFTS. are weary of tbs sight. District Attorney Sam White of Walla Walla Boy Confesses to Keep Baker City, is now In conference ing Money Entrusted to Him. with Mayor McCullough, with a view Walla Walla, March 24.—On a to closing all the gambling houses, charge of failing to turn over post- and making a raid on the tenderloin office funds entrusted to his care. district, in hopes of ridding the town Ray York, mail carrier on rural of the worst element, at least. route No. 5, was arrested late yes The strike of the E. A E. mine has terday afternoon by Postoffice In brought over a hundred miners to spector Clark. The arrest was the the city, and for the past 10 days the outcome of an investigation made by city has been on a rampage of drink Inspector Clark on reports from pa ing and gambling. trons of route No. 6, that moneys en trusted to young York’s care had Deny Having Yellow Fever. never reached their proper destina Austin. Texas, March 24.--Tbe tion. The young man was called into health officers have received from Postmaster Brunton's private office the governor of Nuovo I.eon. Mexico, yesterday afternoon after be had a denial of the report that yellow fe came off bis route and confronted ver exists there. with a mass of evidence accumulat ed. Chicago Grain. Instead of denying that anything Chicago, March 24.—May wheat was wrong the young man immedi opened 83 and closed 94; old July ately owned up that be had taken opened 87 and closed 88; new open money entrusted to him and made a ed 86 and closed 87. July corn -omplete confession. When Inform opened 49%, closed 49%. ed that he must be turned over to the United 8tates authorities for tri Will Buy New Fire Engine. al, York nearly collapsed. Late last Walla Walla, March 24—The city evening be was taken before Cour council last night decided to pur Commissioner Strong and bound over chase a new chemical fire eng'ne ai to await the action of the gran.1 a cost of $1,950 and 1,000 feet of new jury in the sum of $500. The amount hose. taken will not exceed $40. No Sunday Closing. Walla Walla, March 24—The city council has passed up the 8unday ■losing question presented by a Ilfat of petitioners last week, as not hav ing sufficient backing to warrant ac tion. $38497.60 for a Leg. Los Angeles, March 24.—Anita Kelly, a New York society girl, was awarded $38,397.60 damages against the Hotel Potter company, at Santa Firs at La Grande. Barbara, for the loss of a leg in an La Grande, March 21.—Fire broke elevator accident. out at midnight tn the office of A. Concussion of the Brain. G. Enlow, city water superintend ent, destroying all the records of the Kansas City, March 24.—A. V. office. Mr. Enslow worked all day Merrill, a spectator, may dis from yesterday cn his annual report, which concussion of the brain as a result was destroyed. An investigation has of * stream of water striking him been ordered. PHILIPPINE IND DOSSI! LOSES PANAMA AFFAIRS I BATTLESHIP 8tate Convention of the Order at Ev erett. Wash. Everett. Wash., March 24.—A hearty welcome was accorded today to the delegates who assembled here from all parts of Washington for the state convention of the I Ad les of the Maccabees. The gathering was for mally opened tn Fraternal hall with Mrs. Martha E. Stewart of Port An geles presiding. The roll call showed a full attendance of delegates from all the local branches of the order throughout the strte. The convention, which will be In session several days, will be address ed by Mrs. Lillian M. Hollister of SEVEN HUNDRED MEN Detroit, supreme commander, and FIRST SESSION OF THE KOREANS ENLISTING other prominent officers of the or PANAMA COMMISSION. ABOARD WERE DROWNED. IN RUSSIAN SERVICE der. Spokane Home Ransacked of Over Firemen to Port Arthur. $500 In Money and Jewelry. Odessa. March 24.—Twenty fire Tenie Viola Williamson, the 17- Spokane. March 24—Burglars last men have been dispatched to Port year-old daughter of W. P. William Arthur to deal with fires started by night secured jewelry and money ag gregating more than $S00 in value son, of South Star street, committee the Japanese bombardments. from the home of David R. McClure, suicide this morning by taking a ful. one of the proprietors ot the Crystal bottle of M-chloride tablets. Russians Not Defeated. steam laundry. Taking advantage of the absence She mixed the tablets, 100 In num St. Petersburg, March 24 —Gene ber, in a glass of water and dranx ral Pfiugg telegraphs from Mukden of the family, who were attending the mixture but the pain from the today stating that there is no truth services at the Centenary church, burning corrosive sublimate was so in the report that Japanese have the thieves, some time between the great that the girl immediately be crossed Tatung Pe Soa pass, or bad hours of 6 and 10:45 p. m . ransacked gan screaming and when her parents any engagement with the Russians. the residence. rushed into the room she was writh The same applies to an alleged en ing on the bed in mortal agony. HUNG HIMSELF. gagement at Port Arthur March 19. Drs. Cole and Garfield were sum in which 600 Russians are alleged to moned and did ail in their power, have been kiled and wounded. Son of Prominent Politician Was but with no avail as the corroding A Uo Yang dispatch states the: Under Sentence of Death. liquid and so burned the lining oi .¿urapotkin is welcomed to the trans Birmingham, March 21.—Ralph the throat that the membrane slough Baikal territory by Linevitch. in a ed off and choked her, and she diec telegram saying the troops are thirst Armstrong, son of the late Colonel Armstrong, minister to Brazil under in great agony a short time after the ing for revenge. Cleveland, and under sentence of doctors reached the house. Southern Manchuria and Southern death for the murder of bls cousin. Before dying, the girl stated to Korea are reported quiet. Miss Alice Armstrong, hanged him the doctors that she had tired ot self In a cell a* Tuskogee today. life, and wished to end It. She stat Will Be Court-martiatod. ed that she had taken a whole bo,, St. Petersburg. March 24.—it is of tie of the tableu. The short note quoted above was ficially denied that Captain Ivkoff, in an envelope and addressed to commissariatt of the department and Charley Wall and was found on the accused of being a Japanese spy. table in the room occupied by the was shot as stated. He has been re girl when she took the poison. An moved from the service and Is now other letter was -found in the room under arrest awaiting court-martial which had been written on Friday, .'or selling information. The work of rushing troops to the February 26 and which had been ad frontier proceeds regularly. The dressed to “Dear Sweetheart.” last of the railway equipment for the It stated that when the letter CITIZENS HAVE PETITIONED reached the one for whom it was lines of Manchuria passed Lake Bai kal today. FOR CLOSE OF GAMES. intended that she would be far away and would never be beard of again. It related the love she bore for the one to whom the letter was address ed and told him that she was about to go away for the best of al) con cerned. It said, "O, kid, you will never know bow much I love you. 1 can hardly see to write for the tears, but I am doing this for the best and I hope that some time you will find some good, pure girl who will make you happy God help me for no one else can. Mamma thinks I am going to Aberdeen, bur I guess it Is best. No one will ever know where I am. Oh, how I wish I could see you now. Good bye for the last time for I will never see you again Tenie.” It seems that the girl left her home shortly after that though the note was not sent. She was found and brought back home by her pa rents last night, but ended It all this morning at 10 o'clock. The dead girl la a light-haired lit tie girl of 17 years, and has been working at various places around the city for some time. From re ports she has been keeping compa ny with Wall for some time, but had had trouble with him and in a fit oi despondency took the poison. Her father Is a farmer and labor er well known In the city where he has lived for some time. No Inquest will be held, at the cause of death is patent and there are no circumstances which would require such a proceeding. No ar rangements have yet been made for the funeral. Just Returned From Missoula. From Marshal Carney it is learn ed that the Williamson girl, in com puny with Bert Montgome y, a grain handler who has been in the city for some time, and Ollie Maurer, the girl who had her father, Ed Maurer, ar rested some months ago for assault ing his wife, went three weeks ago to Sumpter, Weiser and Missoula. From the latter place a telegram was re ceived by the marshal a week ago. stating that the two girls were In Missoula and stranded, and that the Williamson girl admitted having taken $85 from her father tn this city. Carney went to the father, who was willing to send for the girl and offered to telegraph her a ticket, but she refused to return unless a ticket was sent for the Maurer girl as well. Williamson refused to do this, stating that as'the Maurer girl was the cause of her trouble she could leave her behind or stay with her. His daughter then consented to come home, and the ticket was sent. She arrived last night on the Hunt train. The Maurer girl, it ap pears, is still in Missoula. It is stated that the girl left a let ter for Bert Montgomery, in which she accused him of wrecking her life and cursed him for his share in her trouble. The Bast Oregonian of Pea- ♦ dieton, Oregon, u published la ♦ the heart of the weaderfaj la- ♦ land Empire Tee will find ♦ that it la readable, reliable ♦ and progressive, and will give d you the news reliably, socar- ♦ etely and-folly. « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•• »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ VOL. XXVIII THE Known ♦ ~—C Was the Daughstr of William P. Wil Korea Undertakes to Keep Yongam- liamson, a !♦ ♦ Pendleton Girl Drinks Acid Blown Up by a Floating Mine Solution and Dies Horrible That Was Derelict in Port Arthur Harbor. Death. FORMER LOVER. ♦ ♦ ♦ TENIE WILLIMSON DIES 81 POISON HER : ♦ ♦ LADY MACCABEES. LEFT A BITTER NOTE TO WEEKLY EDITION j that was Intended for a firs. Commissioners Sall for March 29—Major Isthmus on Russian Engineers Killed While Re Gonerai Davis Will Be the Resident Governor of tho Canal Zone—Secretary Taft pairing the Retv inn — ice Is Breaking in the Yslu—Japan Has a Distinct Purpose in Hoping That Nrgea Government A>d for Capital, China Will Else it Will Not Invest In ths Phil anese ippines. Suppressed. Remain Neutral—Jap Editor Arrested and Paper Washington, March S3-Attorney- London. March 23 —A Tokio dis General Knox announced after the patch says a report is received there from Moji. on the coast, that a Rus cabinet meeting -this afternoon that sian battleship was destroyed in a there will be no hitch in tho progress Japanese attack on Port Arthur of arrangement for the transfer of March 18. and the city bombarded tho Panama property to the United Naval authorities are not advised. States; that Assistant Attorney-Gen Russians Lose a Warship. eral Jay J. Russell will leave for London. March 23—A Mojt dis Paris tomorrow to complete the de patch after the Japanese had thrown tails. The newly organized Panama com a number of shells into the city, the Russian fleet engag-d them outside mission met last evening for th« first i of the harbor, the Russians losing ume. sil the members being present. one warship. The Japanese casual Alter a business session, at which ties are placed st seven No men was only a general discussion of tion is made of Injury to the Japan plans, ths commissioners adjourned eee fleet to the White House, where they were - entertained by the president at Public Houses «Cios«d. luncheon. They sail for ths Isthmus Port Arthur. March U—Genera! March 29. Stose). commandant has closed al Resident Governor on Strip. public houses as a result of ths tn Washington, March 23.—Major- creased drunkenness. General Davis was today »elected oy Word is received that 100 Koreans the president to be resident governor at Poisaan Bay. have volunteered fo- jc the canal strip. the Russian army. Two engineers were killed by an explosion while Government Aid for Capital. repairing the battleship Retvizan Washington. March 23.—Secretary Taft is before the house committee Ice Breaking Up. on Insular affairs, discussing the St. Petersburg. March 23.—New Cooper bill authorizing the Philip Chwang dispatches state that the pine commissioners to issue bonus last firing at Yir.kow was due to gun ;or improvements Unless there be practice at the forts The ice In the sums government aid. capital will river is breaking rapidly. not go into the islands for the con struction of railroads. , Italians Working for Japan. He concurred in the view that elec Rome. March 23—The Japanese tric roads should be Included and all built by native laborers. This will government has arranged for a part- be more expensive, perhaps, but hav of Italian nival ergineers and worl ing ths advantage ot creating good men to go to Japanese dockyard end assist in work there. .eeling. Of 1,000 miles of railroad needed, Accused of Being a Spy. one-third would prove a paying ven ture. and would not call tor payment Tokio. March 23.—Tiesuke Aki of a guaranty. vara a member of parliament ant* publisher of a newspaper here, is tr be investigaied by a committee o Kill and Capture Insurgents. Manila. March 23—Macario Sakay, pariiamert He H accused of being ..resident oi the --Filipino repabli , a spy. having attacked the govern with 16 followers, were kilted and ment, his paper charging it with the remainder of ths band captured forcing capitalists to subscribe to by Captain Dewitt's constabulary the war bonds The paper has beet and Lieutenant Pitney's scouts. No suppressed casua.tiee to the Americans Strict Censorship. Washington. March 23—Minister FOR FRATERNAL BUILDING. Allen, of Seoul. cables today: State Convention of the Maccabees "Specie caravan bound for the miner by Japanese forces Indorse the Plan of Oregon Fater. was stopped south of Anju and the miners were ni ties. i not aliowed to proceed further In Portland, March 23 —The most im that direction. portant business transacted by the Newspaper corresfvndents hare state convention of the Maccabees teen called from Northern Korea to yesterday, was the adoption of the Seoul. Tbs ceneorsh.p is strict. plan of Oregon fraternal societies to After bard marches the Japanese build a fraternal hall for the Lewis troops are arriving at Pinyang. and Clark fair. A resolution was unanimously Want China to Remain Neutral. adopted authorizing the expenditure Vienna. March 23—The Nen Erie- of $50.000 for this purpose. veresz learns that Japan has inti mated to China she earnestly desires Central Tea:3 Floods. that China's neutrality be strictly Fort Worth, Texas. March 23.— maintained in the Far East, fearing terrible ball and windstorms in Cen i that Chinese participation will sari tral Texas washed out the bridges ously affect ber foreign trade and and tracks of the Santa Fe for many possibly cause a boxer uprising, thus miles. H. Burger, in Yell county, leading to intervention by the pow was killed in the debris of a barn. era. Crops have been vastly damaged. On tbs Brazos, In Palo Pinto county, Kuropatkin Arrived. the loss of stock is tremendous. Irkutsk, March 22—General Kuro- patkfn arrived last night and left for ' Lake Baikal this morning Troops Arriving Dally. Harbin, March 22.—In the last 40 days about 20,000 troops have arriv ed. Twelve thousand were dispatch ed to New Chwang, Port Arthur and Mukden, and two thousand to Vladi vostok. The greater part of the re mainder are in hospital. Of 33 military trains arriving since the outbreak but half brought muni tions and provisions. It is hoped j that next week troops will arrive at I the rate of 1,000 dally. There is still I great disorder at Harbin Junction, where fortifications are being made. NO. 33 RDRAL CARREERS LOST LEET ARM WILL DE AGENTS UNDE« WHEELS Proposal to Authorize Them Laboring Man Was Crippled to Do Business for the for Life Yesterday at Thorn Newspapers. Hollow. Port Arthur Fallen T T t London. March 22.—A sensational PRESIDENT ADVISES Tokio report to the effect that Port PINE RIDGE INDIANS. Arthur has been taken, -is given no credence today. The ice around I J» Tung peninsula has not broken up, hence It would be Impossible for the Continued Hearings in ths Postel Japanese to land a force there suf Frauds Cases. Before ths House ficlent to provt a serious menace in Committee — General Tendency to Port Arthur's rear Without this land attack It 1s impossible to re-1 Whitewash Members of Congress dues the fort. Is Noted—Senator Gibson Intro Graft in Japan. duces a Bill to Repeal the Desert Tokio. March 22 —The proposal Land Art. for ths government to create a to bacco monopoly la creating a politi cal stir It is alleged certain mem bers of the diet agreed to support Washington. March 23.—Newspa the movement to increase compensa- per publishers appeared before the •ion to be paid manufacturers for a senate committee on poetoffice« this share it the increase secured morning to urge that rural free de livery carriers be permitted by Jaw PROGRESS OF BOTKIN CASE. to act as agents for newspapers and periodicals in the collection of sub- State Presents Bom« Damaging Tes si ripUona, the newspapers to pay the carriers for such services. timony. Although no vote was taken, it was Pan Francisco, March 23 —The rourt room was again crowded with made evident that the committee The women when tho Botkin trial was will favor the proposition. resumed this morning Long before newspapers delegation had previous 'be doors opened a great mob of wo ly elected M. A. McRae as chairman men congregated in the corridors and delegated him to make the prin As soon as the doors were throwr cipal address. Roosevelt Advises the Ind.«ns. open they made a rush to get inside nockitg down the policeman guard President Roosevelt preached a ng ths entrance« homely sermon to a delegation of In dia» from Pine Ridge this morning, Candy Box Identified. Leila Dunn, daughter of one of the urging them to sell half their ponies The govern ictims. was the first witness She; snd get more cattle. artnok of the poisoned candy, be- j ment will help you all it can. but it ~ame quite III, but soon recovered I cannot help men who can work and She Identified a candy box shown t won't." The bucks noted their ap ler as the one received by Mrs prove! "Pinning When the box was exbJbit- *d Mrs Botkin was agitated. She Postal Frauds Hearing. whispered excitedly to her attoraev» Washington. March 23—Tie house She soon quieted, however, and re postal irregularities committee this ’umed ter customary stolid detnea morning heard First Assistant Port- w. •naster-G» reral Wynne Dr A G Bishop, the family phy- His frst knowledge of the dlscon- ician. followed and told of the eymp- j iruance of allowance* 900 tn all, oms of the death of Mrs Dunning, am« to the bouse postoffice commit ind said arsenical paisoting was re ee through Waters. January 11. He «porslble He became badly mixed' ■aid Waters was addressing the •hen asked regarding the d ff erecce' ■mmittee on the appropriations between arsenical and ptomaine bill. oieoning symptoms. The next he heard was when the ostmister-genera! banded him. Jan- a«y 15 a letter from Chairman ">verstreet. asking for that list. He 'ent for Waters and directed him to ring it. He recalled attention to he fact that it contained names of members of congress He and the ostmaster-generaJ agreed the names □ ht not to be coupled with Beaver* vnd Machen because they bad done Mhirg wrong. Mero Indictments. MERGER DEC S;ON HAS Secretary Hitchcock received word UNEXPECTED EFFECTS oday that seven more indictments n land fraud cases have been re- umed tn Oregon General Rate War May Be To Repeal Desert Land Art. tated by the Hill Interests—Cap In the senate Gibson introduced a ture of Hill Interests by ths Har bill providteg for tee repeal of the riman Combination Is Looked for 1e*ert land act and gave notice that by Some—Santa Fe May Enter a he would addreee the senate tomor- General Merger of Pacific Inter rom. ests. CHAUNCEY DEWEY ACQUITTED. VAST RAILROAD DEALS IN SIGHT New York. March 23—Wall street is filled this afternoon with rumors regard Ing a rise tn Union Pacific and the stocks of the subsidiary compa nies of the Northern Securities as well. The Union experienced tre mendous dealings and rose to eeven points. Southern to three One story is that the war of three years ago which culminated in the panic of 1901. has been renewed by the Hill Harriman interests The theory la that Union Pacific will control Northern Pacific on the dis solution of the Northern Securities and force the return of the merged stocks. To offset this, street gossip has it that Hill interests have bought heavily into Union and Southern. Still another story is that Uniop is by harmonious agreement to be made the dominating interest in the Northern Pacific and Great North ern. Other stories have it that the 8anta Fe is to be made a member of the family of Pacific roads. DEMOCRATIE; CONVENTION APRIL 12 HIS WAY ON RAILROAD. Was Out of Money and Trying to Get to Baker City—A Man of Good Ad dress and Appearance No Had Intention of Beating His Way Un. til a Slow Train Came Along Vto- tim Is at 8L Anthony's With Only a Slim Chanc« for Recovering. J O Bk>t>che.’, a laboring man, was run over by an O. R A N. freight train yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Thorn HoBow. and to In 8t ALtbony*e hospital, with but lit tle < Lance for hla life After tho accident be was brought here, arriv ing about midnight. He was greatly weakened from loea of blood, and this morning the surgeons in charge bad but little hopes »hs- he could recover. In attempting to catch the train be slipped, and his left arm waa ground to pulp from the shoulder to tho hand. Though very weak from loss of blood and in great pain, the man cor*ented to tell hla story this morn ing He said: “My name to J O. Bioocber and I in 32 years of age I came from Bto'-kbnrn. Oklahoma, and hare been tn this country for some time. I have been working at Ione for quite a while, but ran out of work end some of the people told me that I perhaps could get something to do on the farms in this section, so I "ame across country looking flor work I did not fird ft and was to- tending to go to Baker City. "At Thom Hollow I was walking »tong the tr-srk when the train came along and it seemed to be going «lowly. I did not know how to board It, for this wss my first attempt at "■«sting my way. It is about the first Mme I was ever broke when I had to travel and I did not know how to ret abnard. "I tried to catch tlie end ladder of a car. but the sand gave way under my feet, or else I was not active »rourh and I fell between the ends of two cars. As I struck I thought I was dear under and gave up; hr* the next instant I was thrown to one side of the track, with just my •rm torn off. and I was never so tickled in my Mfe I ata pretty weak, bat thtak when the doctors gat too Ived cn that 1 will be an right tn a ittle white." Bloecher was operated on this morning god hto arm was taken off st the shoulder joteL and at last re ports he was resting easily, though it to doubtful If be will recover from the shock of the operation, owing to the tons of blood and hto weakened state. The man to not a tramp, aa eaa ba seen from his general appearance and his dress. He was clean, both in person and in clothing, and is one of those unfortunates wbo are com pelled to take chancea by the irony End of a Desperate Cattlemen's Feud of fate. in Western Kansas. Norton. Kan . .March 22—Chauncey FALLA ON TAXPAYERS. Dewey and hie two cowboys. Clyde Wilson and William J. McBride were Malheur County Must Dig Up S1A0OO acquitted tonight of the charge of in Cash for Cancelled Warrants. murdering Burchard Berry by a jury which bad considered the case 28 hours. Chauncey Dewey, a young million aire ranchman, went to Cheyenne county Karsas. early in 1900. to man age the Dewey ranch. He became involved in trouble with the Berry family, who were also prominent cattlemen. The trivial misunder standing* grew into serious differ cnees, which culminated tn the kil' ing of Burchard Berry tn June. 1903 at the home of Alpheus Berry during a ficht in which Dewey and 10 of his cowboys were pitted against all of the Berrys. Dewev and his cowboy* went to the Berry ranch to get a tank that Dewey had bought in at sheriff’s sale When the Deweys started to >ake the tank sway the Berry boys rode up and a battle took place be MARTIAL LAW. tween the two faction* in which Colorado Again on ths Verge of Civil Burchsrd. Daniel and Alpheus Berry were killed. “Washington. D C-. March 22— dow. and still further back towards War. Postmaster Pendleton. Oregon:— the rear, will be the general dellv Trinidad. Col.. March 23—Four EASTERN EARTHQUAKES. Hotel proposal to renew lease from ery window. hundred troops, infantry, cavalry and April first was accepted yesterday. [ The main room will be In about artillery, arrived this morning in See instructions in letter. J. J. the same place that it now occupies. command of Major Hill, who will be Fslt From Mas«s-husetts Into Cana dian Provinces. Hawley, acting first assistant post- with the exception that the walls military ruler in Las Animas county Bancor. Me.. March 22—Profes master-general.** . will be straightened and run on par- during the martial law declared by sor Knigbt, the widely known scien- Tbe foregoing telegram was re- allel lines with the walls of the the governor. •ist. says there were vine distinct ceived last night by Postmaster Llv- building, making the inside nearly Following the Telluride precedent 'hocks of earthquake this morning, ermroe and settles the mooted ques- square. a strict press censorship will be rovering a period of two hour*. The tlon of the location of the poetoffice. Inside of this room new and lm- maintained. ■everest lasted 25 seconds. for the time at least | proved facilities for the handling of The special miners' convention tn Work will begin at once on the in- mall will be placed. Lockers w 1’ district 16. called for last Thursday Seas'ck From Earthquake. terior of the and it will be en- be provided along the south wall for which promised to result in a set couth Farmincton. Mass.. March tirely remodeled. The space occu- the postoffice supplies, and more tlement of the strike, now may prove *—The feature of this morning's nie<l by the news stand conducted by room for the use of the employe« abortive because of the presence o »■'rthquake shock was the seasick- R. E. Baum tn the left-hand corner will be male In every manner pos < roops. •“«« felt bv neonle for an hour after is you enter the door, will be remov- sible. he tremors had passed. ed and gll that side of the bouse The boxes and Interior in general Finding Wrecksge. will be enclosed with a partition ex- will be freshly painted and varnished Victoria. R C.. March 23—More Earth Quakes In Canada. tending into the main room about and the entire building put in a wreckage from the lost Lamorna in Thirteen Men Killed. 14 feet. shape that will be as good as new Montreal. March 22.—A slight dicates she was probably wrecks'1 Immediately as you enter the The owners of the place will com Berlin, March 24.—The Flora vari three days ago on the Starlight reef -hock of earthquake was felt in the ety theater, being demolished, col building and to the left will be found mence the work of renovating at off Uclet Ray. There is but little rovirce of Quebec, and also In New lapsed today and 13 workmen were the private office of the postmaster, once, and in a short time Pendleton doubt that all on board were 'Brunswick this morning. after the alterations are made. Next will practically have a new postof killed. drowned. to this will be the money order win- flee. FOR “RE8T" ROOM. Thrilling Debates in Grand Rcnde. Bubonic Plague in Africa. omen of La Grande Remember the The Chronicle of last Saturday, In Pretoria. March 23.—One death Farmers In Practical Mannar. reporting the Orange Hall literary, .rom bubonic plague here today. The The women of La Grande have stated that Mr. W. F. Grider was authorities believe it originated at started a movement to establish a forced to pay a fine of 15 cents for Johannesburg, where it has been "rest” room, for the use of farmers going to sleep while acting as judge raging. They are unsuccessful in is «nd country people when in town at one of the debates. The democrate county central com Tuesday, April 12 at tne court house olstlng It , and it Is feared it will The room will be filled up with pleas Mr. Grider wishes us to state that spread through South Africa. ant seats, reading material, drinking he is not guilty of the misdemeanor, mittee met this afternoon at 2 o’clock In this city. water, and tables on which lunches The basis of representation was but that Mr. George Robison, another In the circuit court room at the determined from the vote cast in Lake Shore Wreck. can be eaten. judge went to sleep, having previ Erie. Pa.. March 23.—A Lake Shore The women's clubs are back of the ously made the request that Grider court house and selected the time 1902 for Colonel J. M. Raley for at wake him up when John McAlister for holding the primaries and the torney-general, the ratio being fixed A Pittsburg express ran into an open movement, and it will be pushed to at one delegate for» every 10 votes switch northeast of her this morn completion, in order to be ready for had finished speaking. All of which county convention. ing. Two trainmen were fatally use by the time spring comes and The date for the primaries was set cast, and one delegate at large. proves that “music bath charms to This will place the membership of hurt and passengers badly shaken. ths farmers begin to transact busi soothe the savage ear.”—La Grande for Thursday, April 7, while the The train left the track. ness in the city, day by day. county convention will be held on the convantion at 216. Chronicle. PENDLETON POSTOFFICE WILL REMAIN IN PRESENT QUARTERS FIRST ATTEMPT TO CEAT Baker City. March 28—Malheur county will now have to dig up, ac cording to the findings of the cir cuit court ax Vale last Saturday. The county court cancelled 816A00 worth of county warrants last year aa bring illegal and the warrant hold ers took the matter Into the circuit court and won out Saturday. Everett Hicks, of the firm of Hicks A Davis, lawyers at Canyon City, re- -urned from Vai« last evening where he had been in attendance upon the circuit court in behalf of the warrant holders, and in which case be won out for his clients. The case will rrobably be taken to the supreme court, but Mr. Hicks says he to con- Went he will win in the end. This increase of indebtedness will fall heavily upon the taxpayers of the "Calamity” county, which has had *o much trouble over her county seat tffairs tn the past two years. PORTLAND« SHERIFF FURIOUS- Nineteen Are Discharged by W. A. Storey Through Hie Dteap- pcintment. Portland. March 23.—Nlnataea deputies in the sheriff's office are to 'ose their heads over the failure ot W A. Storey to secure s renomina- -lon for the office of sheriff The opposition to Mr. Storey waa ended by the Jack Matthews fac to n. After Mr. Storey failed to sa tire tbs regular republican nomine- ion he began feeling of the santi- nent of his deputies on hto candL lacy on an independent ticket, and fourd that they were practically all igalnst his plan. He at once posted notices dto- harglng 17 men. and two more ot he chief deputies are to be discharg 'd in a few days. Gives Birth to Five Boys. David Swope, a workman oa the Wabash bridge, waa handed a mee- -sge from liis home at Pittsburg ast Friday, which read; "Annie <»ve birth to five boys today. Coase •opie at orce Annie and the bovs -re doing wall." Swope naked tor is pay and said be was going right iome He said: "Annie might have tven me a housekeeper, but to band ne five bridge workers is a pretty "isrd jolt. One thing la certain. I ».«1 name one of them after prom- uent men or a politician." Ha toft immediately for Fulton county, where hie wife liree oa a fam with he* father.